Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE FKr.: ujiama. num'i, mAmn o, imz.
1. & 0. Leader Coiuulti Willi
Supreme Kxrcutivri lJcre
Mr. and Mi. George E. Tobty ef
Chicago ar lauding Sundijr In
Ouuhe. Vr. Tobry it chairman oi
the board of trtattfe ! le educa
tional uiJ g ihi 1. lw O. bitter
hoo.L is In tpent some tune jremrtUy
at Ihi execulire oAkci in consulta
tion iih Mm. Peril CUik llughci,
pioijfut of the Supreme, chapter, auj
Mri. Lulb T. Andrews, eecutive
lecrtUry, A luncheon In her Lcmor
W4i given ytKerdsy noon in the
lrnJrit tc room, Mr. nd Mri.
ti. J 1 tin 1 1 enierUiued it dinner
4it evening in honor of Mr. and Mr,
lobejr, who expett la leave (or their
home early in the Meek,
Orj'lirum Sur to Tell of
Hunting With Ilootcvelt
Cot. IIo!nin Jimei, letter Inowa
by Ml itage name, Fred I4nday,
who hunted with Theodore Rooievelt
In Y.'t Africa, will be in Omaha
nt week, tie will aJJreu the
Chamber of Commerce at noon Mon
day and the Kotary club at noon
VditfJ.iy and s!e make other
aJJrei.ri on AhkIo-Sijioii unity. ,
lie will be one e-f the feature! I
the Orpheum bill.
Me will tefj In Mi apeechre of
banting aJventutei with Roosevelt,
experience! among the buahmrn of
Autra!ia and in the IWr war, ai
well ai In the world war.
Iowa 1'rofmor to Gie
Lecture Courte iu Omaha
Dr. I'ntr.t Horn of the Univeralty
of loa. nnder the antpkei of the
educational committee oi the Omaha
ichool forum, will give courte of
professional tecturei at the burgeii
S'ih auditorium. Credit for the lee.
turet, endorsed by Superintendent J.
II. l!everiilg will be applied to
ward degree at thi Unlveniiy of
Lecture! will te given at 4 on
March 10 and 17, April 21 and 2ft.
and at 1 on Xlarch 11 and 18, and
April 22 and
Firemen to Give Ball.
The fr department will hold it!
12th annual ball in the Auditorium
on Thurtdty night, March 2J. Ttiia
will be under the autpicca oi the 1'ire.
nicn'i Kelief gkuxutioii and the fol
lowing committee will arrange the
deuilti Robert W. Oliver, William
O'llara, Earnest Ncwhoute, William
A. Wagner, Charlea L'oe, Thomai
Shandy. Emit Novak.
Bee Builneu Boosters Are Bus!-neii-Gettere.
Retailer Decide to Hold I
Regular Credit Meeting
The board of director! of the Al
locked Retailer! hai decided to bold
credit meeting! every Tuesday night
except th eecond Tueiday of each
month. On the aecnnd l'uciday night
there will be dinner with promi
neat ipeakera from out of the cay.
An Extra Special Selling of
Canton Crepe
40 Inch, width, our gwoj heavy quality of all-silk Canton
crepe, with an even pebbly weave is offered in a com.
rlcto ranee of street shades. For this O QC
special selling, priced per yard,
Soft Swiss Satin
40-iiu'H width, Swiss back charnicuso satin ot a soft
drapry quality in blacks, blues and browns good for
practical wear and service. -This is a spoeial purchase
of several hundred yards at an extremely low price and
eannot bo duplicated anywhere In town at sucli O 50
an attractive prise. "Would sell regularly at 3.50.
36-incU width; this now material, which the uamo de
scribes so well, is forceast as a high favorite for Spring
and Summer. It is a heavy yet pliable art silk inndc
expressly for one-pieco dresses and sport wear. The
colors aro especially delightful and include Cardinal do
la Farce, Cornflower, wood brown, black, white, brown
do Negro, Mohawk and other shades. Eft
, Specially priced for this selling, per yard,
Printed Radiums.
40 inches wide, figured patterns with stamped, printed
and woven colorings in a splendid qualify of radium
which is very much on the pussy willow order. A good '
assortment of blues, blacks and bright colors come in
small and largo patterns suitable for dresses, coat and
jacket linings or house dresses. This would sell in an
ordinary way for 3.50 per yard, but for this 1 "7Q
on the baTgain square, per yard, . U
Sport Satin
36-inch width, splendid range of colors in staple and
high sport shades in this high luster sport satin. "We
are featuring this particular sport satin ' 1 1 Q
at almost cost price when we sell it at, per yard, A u
Main Floor Center
Dress Goods
Very Specially Priced for
Monday Selling
All Wool Dress Goods wiilth, desirable for the new Spring wraps, suits
and dresses, consisting of all the most wanted weaves
and Colorings velour checks, homespuns, tweeds, ve
lours, etc., all grouped for Monday's selling 1 QC
on the bargain suuare, per yard,
.All Wool French Serge
54-inch width, an extra fine quality for suits, wraps and ,
dresses, in navy blue, black and brown; 1 39
priced for Monday's selling, per yard, ' ' ' . JU
All Wool Tricotine
And Poirct Twill A splendid quality of these handsome
twilled ' fabrics, the season's most wanted fabric for
; tailored suits and wraps in navy blue only, 54 inches
wide. Very specially priced for Monday, O fiQ
per yard, , (
All Wool Homespun
40-inch width, the fashionable material for your Spring
wrap or tailored suit in navy blue, staple , .1 AO
and sport shades; special price, per yard,'
All Wool Flannels ' '
54-inch width, in all wanted sport shades ; 195
specially priced for Monday selling, per yard, '
Main Floor Center
An Extraordinary Sale of New
Less Than Regular Prices
Afternoon Gowns Dinner Dresses
Sport Costumes
Tlirougli a skillful bit of merchandising in purcliasing a
collection of sample Dresses, neiv Spring Dresses, and
having some of these same dresses in our regular stock,
priced from 55.00 to 135.00, we are able to place the com
bined lot on sale at One-Third Less than regular prices.
Sale Prices
$37 to
SilkFailk, CrepeRomain
Canton Crepe ,
Crepe Knit Rodier Crepe
New Styles
and Coldrs
New Prices
Are among tHe materials used to de
velop these distinctly hjgh-class
gowns. The majority of the colors are
navy, black, brown and gray with
some of the dymer gowns and sport
styles in high shades. ' .Original prices
55.00 to 135.00
Sale Price y3 Of f
Second Floor West
Jaunty New Styles, in the
-Spring Top Coats-
For Women and Misses
Priced at 25.00 to 59.00
Another shipment of these attractive coats attest to their popularity this
spriug, This group includes double faced and plaid backed materials and polo
cloth in light and heavy weights. '
'Circular Capes Priced at 20.00 and 25.00
These smart Capes also come in the double faced and plaid, backed materials
! Second Floor Weit
A Sale of :
Inolnd4 re women's Ap-1
rons. Towels, Pillow Cases,
Napkins, Doilies, Luncheon
Sets, Scarfs, Silver Cases,
Bath Towels, Combing
Jackets, Crib Sheet tnd .
other pieces. The regular
ralue of theee range from
50c to 1.75, but they are til "
slightly tolled or imperfect
and therefore reduced to
25c each
Jhlri Floer Wttt.
Continuing Our Sak of
'". " ''
Women's Low
"The Caprice" In patent leather and
black satin, Spanish heel. , "
"The Flapper" In tan calf, patent leather
or combination gray and patent leather;
llat low beel.
"The Cadet" Brown kid or patent leath
erj military heel. '
"The Audrey" Brown calf,; or patent
leather; flat low heel. " .
Sizes 2'4 to 8, AA to C.
, Per Pair, $8.45 ' '
" ' ' ' - ' ;.. ' ' "
Patent Oxforde Military heel and low
heel. ; .. "
Brown Kid Oxforde Military or low heel.
Jaii Oxforde Military teel.
Brawn Oxforde Military or low heel.
Patent Pumpe Louie heel or low heel.
Tan Calf Pumpe.
' - v Siaei :iH to , A to O
Per Pair, $5.85 '
- Third Floer Eaet
Monday A Sale of
900 Women's
Jersey Silk
Irregulars ot 4.00
and 5.00 Values
These bloomert Vere purchased from a New
York manufacturer at t very great bargain,
which price advantage we take pleasure in
passing on to our customers.- t
They are well made with elastic cuff finish tt
. the, bottom and, properly - reinforced to give
good wear, in all the wanted sbadea including
taupe, emerald, navy, black, orchid, peacock
and henna.
These bloomers are known as run of the mill,
many are perfect, but iome have slight irregu
larities. .
Third Floer Center.
Just Rite Suiting '
88 inches wide in a rainbow of plain shades; one of
the favored wash fabrics for early Spring , 9Q
wear tery specially priced, per yard,
Fancy Printed Batista
40 inches wide; in the popular rose bud pattern
and other attractive designs; special, per yard,
Holland Percale
These percales are a good standard quality in light
grounds, neat shirting styles in assorted pat. 1 f)lot
term; an exceptional value ; per yard, A v. 4
Peggy Cloth
32 inches wide; assorted plain eolors in use 1 ftlAr
ful mill lengths j special price, per yard, 1 v
Zephyr Ginghan;
Serviceable mill remnants in a varied assortment of
checks, plaids and stripes; 32 inches wide; . OQ
regular 48o value ; specialty priced, per yard,
Shirting Madraa
36 inches wide; a splendid assortment of pretty 9Qr
patterns and colorings ; 2 to 10-yard lengths, at
9-4 81-inch Bleached Sheeting
In a good quality; an exceptional value, ' 49 C
for Monday only, per yard,
Fast Black Sateen
So much in demand for aprons, rompers, 29 C
linings, etc. ; a good value for, per yard,
Mill Remnants
Finest quality of percale ; all light grounds ; 1 S C
beautiful shirting styles ; while 5,000 yards last, w
Indian Head
Linen finish; 36 inches wide; regularly 35c; 29 C
specially priced for this selling, per yard,
72x90 Bleached Sheets
A standard Eastern make, seamless sheet of 1 1Q
exceptional quality ; limited quantity ; each, A 9
Baaement North
Linen Specials
Elaborately Embroidered Luncheon Sets
13-pleoe set consisting ot el 6 Inch doillet, six s-mch dollies
and one 24-Jnch center piece. Imported by us, which O AO
makes possible this exceptionally low price, per set,
All Linen Hemstitched Towels
Large size Towels of fine linen huclc with damask
border and monogram space; 1.50 ralue for.
All Linen Breakfast Napkins
Juit a few doeen of theee Napklna in the 19-inch
site (.60 values t special price, per dozen,
Directly imported by us and very special values
Linen Towels
Guest sis Towels
Specially priced, each,
LaTge size Towele
Specially priced; each,
39 c
Pure Linen Cloths
An odd lot of pure linen cloths, bleached and silver o QQ
bleached, In varying sizesi all at one price, OeO7
Pure Irish Flax Table Cloths 72x72 inches;
.specially priced for this telling,
Napkins to match; 22 inches square ;'
specially priced for this celling, per dozen, .
All Linen Lunch Napkins
Hemstitched Napkins with satin band, spot or itriped C QQ
designs; 14 Inches square; 9.60 value; per dozen, DtOtJ
Madeira Scarfs
7.50 valuee, but slightly mussed from display,
therefore they are reduced to the very low price of
All Linen Glass Toweling
100 pieces of pink and blue check Toweling;
ic quality; specially priced for this selling, yard,
Limit of 20 yards to a customer.
Main Floor Wett
New Arrivals for the
Wee Folks
Tom Boy
A One-Plece Combination ef Drees and
Bloomer Tom Boy Togs are made in one
piece with regulation bloomers reaching up
to the waist line no fasteners required
made with drop seat and comfortable
for every purpose.
They can be bad In sturdy ginghams and
ensmbrars' trimmed and embroidered In
contrasting eolors. For little girls S to
Priced. 2.49 and 2.69
Third Floor Eaet
98c yd.
Chinese, French and
Italian hand made
Irish laces, insertions,
edges and galloon ef
fects, up to 8 inches
Main Floor Center
The Brandeis
Business Men's Lunch in
the Men's Grill
Tenth Fleer.