t - - . THE Pfct: UMAHA. SA'l t'lU'Al. MAKCH 4. m Ship Men Favor 'l fog Hill Paragrafs "Ms m m aw I Lbm . Merchant Marine -if P j Plan of Harding .dmiral Hemoii Tell of Ex isting K Ui at Annual Con vrntion of National ' Attoriatioii. . Vkliingtn, Mrch 3. Support of Frriidriit Harding' "lt" far lit American iiicrdui.t marine WH ,01'cM lr IradTi in the hipping world, Cliifrn ljuktr Hid Ktr Admiral William Hciuon, retired, foiwr chiiirnun of the thipping l0irH. it iHr opniiiiR lfion of the annual convention of the Nation! Mnclunt M r i it e awoi-ijition. At ii du.m-r nuiytit Senator cley U Jnnei of Wshiiigton, chairman of tii rnaie coinnierce committee, and J1, It. Kavmond, president of the l lydr Mallory litici and prriidcut of iht Amcriran Steamship Ovinert' nidation, ducuM-cd the general ship liiiiCT ilution. Admiral !ienrn told the several hundred delegate evil were pie venting the proper development of the shipping industry and that the fact mint be faced that a certain por tion "of our (hipping i tainted with foreign intereti." He added that al lowance should be made, however, for foreign interest in American ship ping because tliene foreign interests came to the support of American shipping "when aunport a actually and badly needed." Mr. Lacker de clared that without a well balanced and adequate merchant marine the country could not be properly de veloped. Endorae Views of LaiWer. P. A. S. Franklyn of the Inter national Merchant Marine corpora tion, and Y. A. Harriman of the American Ship and Commerce cor poration, endorsed Mr. Lacker's view ai to the importance of a merchant marine. The proposed shipping bill. Mr. Franklyn. said, was the best that has been before congress in the 30 years he has been identified with (.hipping interests, and he added: "It has a splendid chance to pass and de serves the support of everybody who has the interest of the nation at heart." Mr. Harriman, after discussing the jtrowth of overseas trade, offered to the shipping board suggestions as to the disposition of its fleet and what he ' said was his own opinion that American owners probably would not invest heavily in shipping board ton nage unless advised as to the disposi tion proposed of vessels not purchas ed by the important American coin panics. Attacks England. " Edgar P.' Young, publisher of the Marine Journal of New York, cre ated a stir at the afternoon session by an attack on England and the press of the country, referring to the latter as being "opposed to honest merchant marine policies."- He de clared that "Great Britain has swept us from the seas and now is striving to destroy our coastwise shipping." Senator Joseph E. Ransdcll of Louisiana, president of the associa tion; Representative Frank D. Scott of Michigan; Stevenson Taylor, presi dent of the American" Bureau of Shipping, and Malcomb' Stewart, 'chairman of the Middle Wesf Mer cian' Marine committee, discussed watti'tyay problems and their rela tion to St,'1' shipping industry. An open forl'ni developed . divergent views at the?jvfteroon meeting, most of the speake. however, endorsed the administrAa's stand . for a strong merchants marine. Detroit Asks f or Data on Auto Accidents in Omaha Detroit has 180,000 motor vehicle drivers, 20,000 of whoni are women, according to information received vestcrdav by Police Commissioner H. V. Dunn from the Detroit po lice department.' . The officials of the Michigan city wish to know 'the number of auto m6bile accidents in Omaha, show ing separately the number. of men and women drivers involved. ' McMahon Pleads Not Guilty ; in Waiving First Hearing - William E. McMahon pleaded not guilty to embezzling $2,91875 of dis abled veterani' funds and $553 worth of personal property in police court yesterday. He waived preliminary hearing and was bound. over-to dis trict court .under a $2,500 bond. t . ccording to McMahon's counsel, relatives will pay the embezzled sum. It Common Sense i , t . far: ( V j Bv J. J. MUNDY.V Do You Have a Real Interest m Your Work? Every time the boss asks you a question about something concern ing the business and you cannot give an intelligent answer, you have dropped a notch in your standing with him. ' .' ' - . Your boss wants men in nis em ploy who are 1 really interested in the business and he has a right to expect you to study and become familiar. with everything" irt your de partment, at least. . . - You may think you are sliding through easily with expenditure o, little brain power, and you may con tinue to do so for a time, but there is hound to occur a choice in favor of the better informed W. .. - You have an opportunity in hold ;nr vour job which should bring out a feeling of real interest on your P3lf you are not a success-. in the position you hold you are a greater loser than the man who employes vou, although you may think that your lack of interest is the other tcl lo'v's loss.- . , The state of mind in which you mold yourself in your indifference to-what is-good for your, firm , ts bound to react on your own ability to' do. , ". . .. Besides vour employer can dis charge you," and all you will have to sell when you apply for another job is what yotTknow and what you can d; (Copyright. :. .Two automobiles were among the numerous (rifts presented to Mar shal Foch during his recent visit in this country. By Ctorgt Bingham ' Prosperity Is in Evidence at Leigh City Trfamry n Ctuh to F.ti. large Klrrtric Plant rUa Fair GrounJ. Letfih. Neb,, March 3 (Special) Much fvWence ( alreudy at land which Indicates that Leigh will have an era of prosperity during the p'f entB'ar. Already plan are under, way fur coiderall building aetiv iiy and several pew buine build ing and many improvements are being planned. It. II. Coodge will erect I modern brick btipiinci building at stHiit a the weather permitii. When the new building i cuinpletrd Mr, ioodue will branch out in biuinea by put ting iii a re ti.Si cf furniture In iouiifttmii with lit 9 undTuVinc bu Another jtiiprovemnt i!nnc4 U the iiull4!iii u i an 44toiil Uit erude o I riiji'iie, and aimthrr umi at the nmnuiul riertrir pljut. 1 lie il!age lrj now It, le matter vn der toiuidc rn'ii and it i eviiil that the addniuiul rquipmrnt will be jiutalted in the early niniintr, h" ini4l!j!ion of tnethrr rtigme and dynamo will nfie.iiute building an addition to the poer t'Um. I he village treaury n snftuient money to pay the entire ep'ne of tbi un dertaking without bond U.ue. Another undertAing that will he taunchrd tlu year i euhtihing the ground and buildings far the l otfax County I air aorliioti. I hi cr ganiation was perfected a a penna nent iiutituiion at the cloe of t-t year, (irounds have been weiired ad joining I.righ and oiue of the build tngi will be erected during the com ing summer, o a to be in rradmeot for the f4! tiJtu!, 1Ue llu ivui")' romMiiiVnHr ijt rnade the Irvy 4 hr!i tiiuiue t'ie pioposiiion and the fair will be made a uriiinciu iii.iitunoii. The lirt nnu4l t4ir w held Ut Ul. Ialittlitit(r Ini!li't lo Tuue In" uii Air ConitTl rtiraka lily, Nelt., March 3 (Special.) Karl Nelon ami Arthur Sweet have mulltd a rj'li.. plume on the top tf the I'rr budding in the hope tt "tuning in" on the ronmU of the Kana v'iiy Star. They de clare the receiung apiaraiut will l4ve a tadiut o( al"iit Ml iuiUi. I'ilfi for JuptT ii-ur. RratruY. Xel., March 3, (Spe-cia1.)-A. W. Koch uf Odcll filed a a democratic candidate fr upervifr (rum the Seventh district. Al Moth er of Wvmore lu'f filed u a demu- 'Tratic cmdidate for .henff. Yam Sims had all eyes turned on , him at Bounding Billows Saturday i afternoon, and bids fir to yet bej tome sort of a public man. lie had! gathered up cloe to hear the bra-s band play, and while he waa not no-! ticiug, he Mood too rlote and was! accidentally hit bv the bass drum! mer, who was making a tine run on his Instrument. Yam immediately apologized to him, and no hard feel ings were engendered. It is now freely predicted that Lit tle Fidelity Flinders will some day make his mark in the world, as he was the only one in the school Fri day afternoon that could tell who is the vice president of the United Slates. - Atlas Peck has been wondering all day what has gone with all of the pug dogs. ' He reckons, however, that they must of passed out with whUkert . and free silver. Delco Light Firm Is Fifth in Sales Busiucss iu Nebraska Consid ered Indication of Return ing Prosperity. Another indication of the busi ness boom which is rapidly gaining momentum in Nebraska . is a tele gram received "by Charles E. Wag ner, Inc., from the Dclco Light company of Dayton, O. Mr. Wagner is Nebraska agent for Delco light, which includes farm lighting equipment, washing ma chines and other electrical equip ment for farm use. His chief cus tomer is the farmer, and the prices of his equipment range from $500 to $1,600. - . "The washing machine business is keeping pace with the return of prosperity to the Nebraska farm er,", said Mr. Wagner, who was no tified by the Delco telegram from Dayton that he has attained fifth place in their long list of agents throughout the country for Febru ary sales. "And the prospects for March' look even better' than. Feb ruary." , ;- Rev.: Proper, Ex-Onialian, J ' Called by Death in N. Y. Rev. D. D.' Proper, w ho lived at 2224 Farnam street until last fall, when he was called to New York city, died in New York yesterday. Word was received here by Rev. A. A DeLarme, pastor of the First Baptist church, of which Dr. Proper was an officer. Dr. Proper was secretary of the American Baptist home missions and went to New -York for work at the headquarters office of the Northern Baptist convention. He was 77 and lived in Omaha a number of years. -v"-' " ' I Am Absolutely Free of Rheum atism, Nervousness' and Dyspepsia--Thanks to TANLAC v;; Hit a wonderful mdi ; .' cat, ttatea Mrs. F. E. r Tounatl, 731 Merchant , St., Lo Angeles, Col. Milliont of people all over the U. S., Canada and Mexico have testified to the remarkable reconstruc tive power 9f this wonderful medicine. Get a bottle to day. At all good druggists. ADVKRTISEMENT. ( BAD BREATH Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause, and Remove It Dr. Edwarda' Olive ' Tablets, the substitute for calomel, aot gently nn the bowels and positively do the work.. - ' -' People afflicted with bad breath find- quick relief through Dr. Ed wards' Olive Tablets. The pleasant, sugar-coated tablets are taken for bad bienth by all who know them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gerttjy but firmly on the bowels and liver, stimulating them to natural action, clearing the blood and gently purifying the entire system. They do .that which dangerous calomel does -without any of the bad after effects. ' All the benefits of nasty, sicken ing, griping cathartics are derive! from Dr. Edwards' OUve 'Tablets without griping, pain or any dis agreeable effects, r ; - Dr. F. it. Edwards discovered tha formula after seventeen years of practice among patients afflicted with bowel and liver complaint, with the attendant bad breath. Olive Tablets are purely a vege table compound mixed with olivi Oil; you will know them by their Olive color. Take one or two every night for a week and note the effect lla atia 'an. ' ; , ' i Shaman j 16th and Dodge 16th and Harney 19th and Farnam 24th and Farnam 49th and Dodge Saturday Drug Prices Shavers' A Wonderful $1 Harmony Lilac Vegetal After Sharing Lotion and 30c Rexall Shaving Cream Soften the Toughest Beard Both for . . . . Special Combination ha life $1.00 Both for 69c 50c Tube Pepsodent Tooth Paste 40c Tooth Brush Your Choice of Any 40c Tooth brush in Our Stock Pepsodent (Alone) 39 Tooth Brush (Alone) ....33 Pure Foods Vi lb. Opeka .Tca, black or green 34 1 lb. Opeko Coffee 28 35c Symond's Inn Vanilla Ex tract 24 40c Symond's Inn Lemon Ex tract 34 75c Ballardvale Grape Jam, 39 Vz lb. Symond's Inn Cocoa, 19 Vs-Vo. cake Symond's Inn Baklnjr Chocolate for 19 YARDLEY'S Imported English Toilet Articles and Soaps , YARDLEY'S ENGLISH LAVENDER WATER YARDLEY'S ENGLISH LAVENDER SOAP There are many wonderful items in this splendid line. Bath Salts of Red Roses Freesia and Eau De Cologne Brilliantines Face Powders Talcums Extracts Bath Soaps of Lavender, Verbena, Red Roses, Oatmeal and Almonds Smelling Salts and many others. See our display at Toilet Goods Department. Both for 50c 50c J0NTEEL COLD CREAM Healing, Cleansing, Softening 25c J0NTEEL TALC Dainty, Rerfreshing, Fragrant A Wonderful Combination Try Them We Have a Limited Quantity Only Come Early S3 REDUCED PRICES ON DRUGS, REMEDIES AND TOILET NEEDS 50c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil 39 50c Victor's Benzoin, Almond Cucumber Lotion 33 35c Mary Garden Talcum.. 23 30c Mufti Cleaner 24 30c Eagle Brand Milk J9 25c Hinkle's Tablets 19 30c Resin ol Soap 216 60c Herpicide .44tf 65c Creme Marquise 44 $1.20, Scott's Emulsion 89 $1.35 Piver's LeTrefle, Azurea or Floramye Face Powder.. 746 40c Castoria 24 $1.25 Pinkham's Vegetable Comp 984 $1.25 Bayer's Aspirin Tabs.. 100's R9c 85c .Tad Salts 674 30c Laxative Bromo Quinine, at 23J 30c Phenolax Wafers 184 25c tube Zinc Oxide Ointment, at 194 25c Golden Glint Shampoo, 194 35c Freezone 234 75c Paraffine Oil, 16 oz. (for in ternal use) .494 $1.00 Krank's Lemon Cream, at 734 30c Kolynos Tooth Paste... 194 60c Doan's Kidney Pills... 444 50e Riker's or Phillips' Milk of Magnesia '. 39 2c Mavis Talcum 174 Fairy. Ivory or Wool Soap, , 2 for 154 $1.00 Borden's Malted Milk, 794 25c Qui Sait Talcum 194 $1.00 Lavoris 844 75c "Puretest" Rubbing Alcohol, at 544 $1.50 Bouquet Ramee Toilet Water 984 $1.00 Bouquet Ramee Face Powder , . ... . 794 25c "Puretest" Epsom Salts, at 14 50c Djer Kiss Face Powder, 39 Auto-Strop Razor 7Q Complete with strop lU and extra blades. $1.00 ITALIAN CHOCOLATE CREAMS Rich, heavy chocolate coat ing, hand-dipped, with de licious vanilla fondant cream centers. Full Pound 59c $2.25 HERCULES HOT WATER BOTTLES (Guaranteed for 1 year) $1.19 MURRAY & LANMAN FLORIDA WATER Florida Water MURRAY & LANMAN'S The Good Old Fashioned Kind. Delightfully Refreshing. $1.00 Size 84c 35c Size 23c Ym Cam Afford! ' a Kami You Buy It From Michel's .. Thousands now have . music iu their homes who 'thought they couldn't ailord it. Come in and talk it over with us. We are showing the finest pianos it is possible to buy. Furthermore we offer genuine savings and on easy terms. M1CKEUS 15th and Harney DO 1973 . For the best results read The Bee want ads first.' ' There is Strength in EveryTablet One dose often helpi com mence to enrich your blood and revitalize your worn out exhausted nervei Kuxated Iron it organic iron, like ihe irnn in vnn. bloodand like the iron intpin- acn. it It no prepared that it will not injure the teeth nor .disturb Uiestomach. I tii ready for almmt immediate absorp tion and assimilation by the blood while aome phjaieiani claim metallic iron which peo ple usually takeisnotabtor bed at all. If you are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the following teat: See how Ions: vou can work- nr bnw rar you can walk without be- ofninir tlrmt. Ntt tab fife-grain tablets of Nuxated iron-three timesperday .after meala for two weeks. Then ...i n. a a i u aiuu lee how much you have gained. Your money will be refunded by the manufacturers if you do aot obtain perfectly satisfactory result. At all druggists. tnricht the Wood- Strengthens the Htntt Ufa Y. I SI M -The Wonder Vtluet of ijii." SATURDAY " A STYLK JLl VALLIMSIV1NU PKMONSTKATlUX THAT I LliTIlKR EMPHASIZES THIS STORE'.SsI.EAnKRSIllP. V m t n i l Illrr:i out aii i is r .Madn uf finett nualily Mil It in P lrw, faced with ci ton crept) and trimmed wnn raal french f loworj. ' a n b had in Ti-m-winkle r Ju. Price, flO. Hundreds of Beautiful Distinctive New Spring Hats possessing character, individuality and charm abso-. lutely Omaha's greatest trimmed hat values on sale at $5oo $?5o $10oo The Metropolitan Millinery Shop's fashions are different. Each one personally selected and guaranteed perfect in style and work manship, no matter what price you pay. No matter what style or color you have in mind, no matter how fastidious your taste may be, you will find the hat you want here Saturday at a substantial saving-. , , Gorgeous Pattern Hats From New York's Most Exclusive Milliners 15 18 $20 Distinctive Banded Sailors The West's Largest Showing at Lowest in the City Prices 3 - '542 '- 6i and up Colors Black, Brown, Navy, Sand and Combinations. k Entire Main Floor ctt BolldJn Farnam Street. The New Lower Prices at This Greater SL e Produce Supreme Footwear Values COMPARE NO WORDS can fully convey the full forceNof the lower footwear prices at Greater Nebraska. You must compare, you must see with your own eyes the distinguished looking styles and deliberate, radical underpricing policy that makes such values possible. Nothing like it elsewhere compare. ' NEW Women's black kid one strap French heel pumps like illustra tion; beaded vamp and strap ; hand-turned sole. 0e of the most at tractive styles of the season, at $Qoo NEW Women's tan and pat ent oxfords. The new 11-8 heel. Welt sewed soles. Fine quality footwear that em- t"TfA phasizes the new ? J U lower prices . .' m , " NEW Women's satin strap pumps, black, brown and gray. High Louis and baby French heels. A fine showing of thee popular satin pumps will be ready for Saturday shoppers at $7 50 For Kiddies ' Billikens NEW Women's tan and patent oxfords, also the new two-s trap styles. The new one inch flange heel. You must see theniAeyrft 'o appreciate P J 'he values at m For ' Grown-Ups. y, The only Omaha store for world-famous Bilb'kcn shoes, pumps and oxfords. (lood reason why you find Billikens exclusively here. Here is the conscientious shoe store that knows what service means. ', ... , Billikens For women and grow ing girls, all the new styles at one price..... $500 Billikens For misses, children rn and boys. Prices range uU according to sizes from Jesi to $00 And the Educator Store of Omaha For the Same Season That Billikens Are Here. Greater Shoe Section Main Ploar Xorlk. SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY COMrARE : OUR VALUES ALWAYS -CORRECT APiViREL FOR MEN AND WOME.V- I