It THE EF.Rj OMAHA, SATURDAY. MARCH 4. 192. Finandal Sbc ft? 2 orkCi in ti. By ALEXANDER DANA NO YES. Umak Ilea Wire. New York, March J In xiint t( activity kii4 lrtniii!i the Hot: mare krt mj Iho lni market divided in. irt today. Transaction in nock llruiictl the nulliun liaic nurk iid an unusually Utxt number l separate lurci were cJfelt in, m tilt many advaiicft r4ntiiiiK from 1 to i points. Thcte wiurr4 in llie in dustrial altarr; the tailwayi frt (rartu aWy imuionlcM. 'I lie upward movement wa under the usiul professional ampicr; it wat another in tlir rrirt oi rxptrU inrnti planned with view of tct it'K the outside public' attitude. Hiut far, the experiment have ninny found the tpeculative puhlic unwilling to buy at any conmder- able advance and the investing puhlic unwilling to tell. The Hoik market had no atimutua in the day't general news but it took no interest in it. Transaction in bond were not far from the largest of the year and v .lie advance in price general, lor eiga government bond were par tii ularly strong, notably the Scan. I dinavian loan, aome of which, along with the United Kingdom eon lettable 5 1-2 reached new high (round. I4III Interest Shown. New of the fin department' Inilma tlnil Hint It wished to b kept Informed of negotiation for luan to fureign cnuntrlee had nturlljf no bearing on outatendlng bond n( that nature. To Ida ettant that any aui'h eiipervlaloii ahoulil discriminate agalnat fulura credits la countries which ara making no serloua affurt In balance Ihelr budgets It would ha clearly in tha Interest of lha general Investment atluallon, Beyond that fact, tha announcement interested Wall street rhtcfly aa official recognition of tha place whiih Inveatmenl of American rapllal In L'urop haa aaaumad. A decline In alerting and French ex. change, lu ratal below any rearheil thia wwk or laat week wea no unexpected re action aflrr tha prolonged anil extensive use. There wm aoma dlapnaitlon by lha market, which prefer lomret rauara. to aarrlb It to Lloyd George thraat of resignation. That avant would certainly throw at leaat aoma temporary confusion Into tha Kuropean negotiatlona on which tha Hue In exchange haa been partly based. Further incline In tha German mark to .39 of a cant reached a low level aur paused only In tha three weeka of laat November, when tha rata hovered around .33c. Banka Strengthen THE GUMPS k ir m tutu I tut H.NPAV Ht C A FOOL AND HIS MONEY ARE SOON PARTED Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith it,piiMi Loot iiMf taaTeYtrT I ?OWH BOK O CMtY) 1 ,1 J vr,rwuT J 'li Irsr 0 ewiu (H SJttow- wt Do oo tviiNK or Tt o. tKu..a f e ihm- look vt t 60 - AND TwC CI6B0N lHt tT OUT M CrOOO tN tjkS- ) r n r n f lit U16 WM tot K K AW HAT wlTi 1rlt RM0M TWIT Htvt HM eV OU' Of CAHPT VWl TMAT. IN. tMcLVIVLfc I r I II f .7 I li I I kwtarv kaUSi WOW Mot monit nt v roott OOT wt Vtttt eUtlHO CANDT UWt MV I'M CO,vtMCt- Vtt'fc tiTTtt Vkv IT TOO- V dinm r-KtTTT At. if AjmT 0 IMX TO M t IV MONET M .m, K)t- Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day IWJxe) Mawt, Kuataa, Mar h I 1 t ainmaii-lal put an 11 umaiiw n a- i ll.a liual wmuI aa. iumi kld by adteriauei keia tttitaay a ka fibe ut ! atiauiiui- 'I tea laaieto inaikeia alharaia t". ! lwl ! raU..r on tha ra ' " " i. ll.a Huh, uh ii.- far t- i c rbl Ui, a rumpalrd nh tka l.ra aalra, alio.., kualatar, lk' ! mJ IlilHa ailrtiam in Iba uot aiiMi'" aim. Hi a '""I a n.ara ki aad Hia tiuihia markai aia anil in altera ramiaal wita) lb aui''l In le llialatlal. , In Ilia ! tittHnaT ennlii'W'e l 'B. f..a.a bum. H-" '' "f talua n.l lha rfai.ia a e rf it iiay lb hib 'i-a hnh lb nxra kai baa riaan M'l "1 'I ha I'tmili.. trial liuliani liuini.h iil 1'iina a I Chicago Grain 1 1 Omaha Grain TtMiltloni. Detll of the rrv statements nxatn rail sttention to the rapid string thenlnif of the batik I na poaitton In the "froan credit" districts west and south. Re serve ratio roae i Pallas to 6H per cent, anal nut 67.1 In the week prevedlnf and at the end of January. This week's 70 per cent reported by Atlanta compares with 69 & and fm at the two earlier dates the 71 at Minneapolis with 70 and 64V These notable advances dur ing February have coincided with decrease In tha mm me period at all th eastern re serve banks; tha Minneapolis percentage is actually higher than that of Ronton. in every caaa the week a stronger position of tha banks referred to Is a consequence of reduction In outstanding loans, fairly clear evldenc that settlement of deferred indebtedness Is proceeding satisfactorily. Testimony of the week and mercantile reviews Is considerably more positive to day, regarding change for tha better In the course of trade, than they have been at any time thla year. Recovery Is slow; sometimes the hopeful judgment seems to be based rather on merchants' predic tions than on merchants orders; but the trend aeema to have defined itself and it must be remembered that we are etlll a good distance away from the tradition ally active period, even of the spring season. New York Quotations Range of prices of tha leading stocks, furnished hy Logan & Bryan, 248 Peters Trust building: RAILROADS. Thurs. High. Low. Close Close. . 97'i 96 96 97 . 87'ii 17 37H 37 .137 136H 1364 . 79H 78 78?i . 60 59 4 69', 60 . 75T4 75 75i 75',4 . 25's . S9i . 17 A. , T. A S. F. B. & O Can. Pacific . N. T. Central. i 'ties. & Ohio .... tlreat Northern .. K. C. Southern... J.ehlgh Valley ... Mo. Paclflo New Haven Nor. Paclflo a & N. W Pennsylvania Reading R. I. P Southern Pacific Southern Ry C, M. Bt. P.... Union Facifts 75 25',i 594 22 17 79 68 85 734 40 84 20. 22 Am. Car Fdry.. Allts-Chalmera , Am. Loco Baldwin Loco. . Bethlehem Steel ., Cola Fuel Iron. Crucible Am. StI. Fdry Lackawanna Stl. .. Mtdvale Stl Pressed Stl. Car... Republlo Stl.-Iron Ry. Stl. Sprgs. Sloss-Schefficld ... 17. S. Stl Vanadium 68 S5 74 41 85 21 23 ..132 131 STEELS. ..161 160 150 ... 46i 46 46 ..111 1095i 111. ..107 106 106 106 85 69 22 17 79 68 35 73 40 S4 20 23 131 69 23 17 79 67 35 74 40 84 21 23 131 151 45 109 64 27 68 33 46 30 65 49 STVa ::7 9o 37 64 25 56 33 46 30 65 48 97 36 94 6 COPPERS. Anaconda ......... 49 48 Am. Smlt Rer. Co. 48 Cerro Da Pasco Chill rhino Oraen Cananea. Inspiration Kennecott Miami Nevada Con Bay Con........ Baneca Utah General Asphalt.. Cosden California Pet... Island Oil- Invincible Oil .. Mexican Pet.... Middle State . Pacifto Oil Pan-American Phillips Pierce Oil Pure OH ....... Royal Dutch ... Sinclair Oil .... Stan. Oil, N. Teiaa Co L-nion Oil . "White Oil ... 35 . 17 . 26 .. 26 ., 89 .. 28 . 27 . 14 . 33 . 14 . 63 OILS. . 64' .. 36' . 62 47 34 16 26 26 .38 . 27 27 14 134 13 62 (3 ' 33 61 -1 16 48 66 S3', 7 St S2 22 181 45 17 3 8 6 16 39 TIRES. .... 17 127 ... 13 .... 49 .... 67 ....34 7 4 .... 63 22 J. .181 .... 45 .... 17 .... '4 XiOTORS. Chandler . . '4 Oeneral Motors .. 8 Willys-Overland .. 6 Pierce-Arrow ..... 17 White Motor 39 Studebaker 100 RUBBER AND Flsk 13 Goodrich 38 Kelley-Sprlngfield 43 Keystona Tiro .... 16 AJax 15H 17. S. Rubber 59 IN DU ST It 1 A 1.0. 'Am. Beet Sugar.. 59 37 A.. Q. & W. I.... 87 25 Am. Int. Corp.... 44- 44 Am. Sumatra .... 28 Am. Telephone ..120 American Can .... 42 Central Leathar .. S5 Cuba Cans 10 Cuban-Am. Sugar. 21 Corn Producta ... Famous Playera.. Gen. Electric ... at. Nor. Ore.... Int, Harvester .. Am. H. & L. pfd U. a Ind. Alcohol 44 Int. Paper 48 Int. M. M. pfd... 71 Am. Sugar Ret... 74 feara-Roeback .... 69 Strom, berr Tobacco Prod..... Worth. Pump...., Wilson Co Western Union.... Weat. Electric... Americas Woolen. 64 27 57 33 46 30 65 49 97 S7 94 06 49 48 35 17 26 26 39 28 27 14 13 14 634 3. 35 61 1T4 16 123 125 13 13 48 57 33 7 54 53 , 22 181 46 17 8 6 "-6 39 64 25 66 33 45 30 65 48 97 35 95 37 4S 47 34 16 26 38 28 27 14 13 13 62 63 15 6t 1 17 124 13 48 66 33 7 S4 53 ' 22 181 46 ni 7414 8 6 17 39 98 100 .104 84 13 37 41 15 15 68 8 119 41 34 10 SI 102 82 13 38 43 16 15 69 39 26 44 28 120 41 85 10 21 13 37 41 16 15 58 37 . 25 44 28 119 4-.H 34 10 1 103 102 4 83 163 153 153 152 15 35 15 70 44 68 46 49 4 69 IS 70 44 47 70 72 6 44 7 46 46 (3 65 5 MISCELLANEOUS, 70 44 48 71 H 68 44 68 46 40 4 65 tl 90 69 44 48 . 71 72 68 43 68 Jf Am. Cotton Oil... 24 24 Z4 Am, Agr. Chem.. 35 S5 36 Am! Linked S3 324 Union Bag. pfd... ! Bosch Magneto .. 38 S8 Brooklyn R. T-... Continental Can... 69 61 69 IM, Packing T 7S 7 Colombia Ga-Elec. 77 76 i7 Colombia Graph. .. 1 5 United Drug 2 t 61 National Enamel .. 34 4 '4 TJnlted rmlt . 141 141 141 LerUlard Tobacco. 151 li li i if l "-aiitnil Lead. ,. -''a 35 i"i J' s 66 73 77 1 4 141 ii" By CHARLES D. MICHAELS, Omaha Hew lauMd W Ira. Chicago, March 3. Grain prices were highest at the opening and low et toward the close. While the in- ftitle figure were not maintained, the finish was at net losses of J-RfVt) 3-4c on wheat, l-4(fl-2 on corn, 3-8 (a.l-2 on oats and unchanged to o ne liialicr on rye. Local sentiment was bullish early on wheat. The strength in Liver pool, which was up 3 l-4c and Bue nos Aires up 3 cents, induced con siderable buying but on the bulges there was heavy selling by strong commission houses, mainly in the way of profit taking, and a decline of 3(f3 3-8c followed. Trices fluc tuated rapidly with minprrous bulges, a closing rally being due to local short covering. The greater part of the news af fecting the cash situation was bull ish. A liberal export business was under way, with sales in all positions over 1,000.000 bushels, including 345. 000 bushels hard winter via the gulf. The seaboard" was after hard winter here and at Omaha and the milling demand showed signs of broadening materially in the immediate future. However, long grain came out freely on all bulges here and at Kansas City and the weakness in the latter market had some effect here and it went to 14 l-4c under Chicago at the last. Minneapolis Market Strong. Northwestern markets showed more strength than Chicago, Minneapolis clos ing lo over, gaining o for the day while Winnipeg was up e. -Movement in the southwest is falling off sharply and primary arrivals are less than a year ago. Crop reports from the south west continue to suggent a much better condition for the new winter wheat crop. The May-July spread narrowed to 2c at the last, while the July-September dif ference waa wider at 7Uc after being 8c at one time. Soiling by commission houses that were the largest buyers of the previous day brought about a break of 12C In corn after an early ouigo ot inn Scattered liquidation was In eviaence on tho way down and the technical position counted heavily against a maintenance of values. County Ofiermgj small. Country offerings are small and ar rivals gradually decreasing. The export demand is good and local handlers- sold 364,000 bushelB the seaboard. Receipts 292 cars, with sample values c lower. I Unfavorable crop reports are coming from Argentine with Buenos Aires lc ntgner early. Oals reflected the action of corn and closed lower after a small bulge early. The big visible and relatively slow demand continues to have a depressing effect. Re ceipts, 94 cars, with sample values un-1 changed to o lower. Buying by nouses witn seaooara ana North American connections to remove hedpes against export sales held rye firm in the face 6t the break in other grains. Seaboard messages indicated that the Norwegian order for 1,000.000 bushels was being filled. Pit Notes. New York wired that It received a ca ble from London that Russians were buy- Ins large quantities of rye. Australian wheat arriving at European ports Is be ing transshipped to the Baltic 'ports. No. i yellow corn sold at 7 cents under May or 61c at the time of the sale, A Berlin cable said food waa becoming scarce In Germany and the brean prices would be Increased 40 per cent In the near future. New York wired: "It was difficult to confirm the volume of wheat business over night. Confirma-1 tlon on the sale of 500, 000 bushels Mani tohas late yesterday afternoon was lack ing, but from what Intimations there were this morning there was easily 200, 000 to 300,000 bushels of wheat worked, mainly Manitobas, but partly hard winters. some corn sales were claimed, Dut no figures given. A full cargo of corn. New Orleans to Denmark, sunk in the Atlantic ocean. A local factor reported sales 350, 000 bushels oats for export oarnight." Beginning next Monday. Board of Trade quotations will be distributed by radio phone every half hour during market ses sions. The distribution will cover a radiui of about 500 miles from Chicago. The Modern Miller says: "Cro'p prospects over the winter wheat belt are more favorable as a result of recent snow. Farmers have very little wheat in soft winter states . and their stocks are light." "In a poll of our offices covering thfl corn and oats producing sections of the country on the coarse grain situation, the renorts show that the country is very bullish on these grains; that the urgent liquidation is over and farmers are hold ing for as high as 75r a bushel." said J. E. Bennett & Co. "The demand Is good end feeders are naying 60c for what corn they can get. The planting season is now at hand and our advices Indicate that there will be very little sold from tht farms until after the crops are in unless we have a very substantial advance In prices." Omaha, .March 3, 1922. Liverpool market was itronir dur ing the entire e!ioii and closed at the top 3 1-4 d higher than yester day. Uueno Aires opened 2 1-2 up. On the strength of these foreign catiies ihicago luture prices were sharply higher early. On the advance commission house selling to secure profit was in evi dence and continued through most of the session. The selling of a prom inent trader who bought yesterday was said to be the cause of most of the weakness. While the greater cart of the news was bullish the under tone as a whole was not particularly strong and final prices arc somewhat under yesterday's. Keceipts at Omaha todav con sisted mainly of wheat and corn, 40 cars of wheat and 108 cars corn be ing reported in out of a total run of 163 cars. lotal shipments were light aggregating 115 'cars of all grains. J here was a Eood brisk demand for the wheat and floor offerings were readily taken at unchanged to 1 cent higher. Corn and oats sold at about unchanged prices. There was a good demand for rye at 2 to 3c higher; white barley was un changed, quality considered. WHEAT. No. ! dark hard: S cars, SI. 36. No. 3 dark hard: 2 cars (smutty), 11.31. No. 1 hard winter: 1 car, $1.31. No. 1 hard winter: 2 cars (semi-dark). 11.33; 2 cars (semi-dark), 11.32: 2 cars. $1.31; 4 cars, $1.81; 3 cars, $1.30; 1 car (.02 per cent heat damaged), $1.30; 1 car (smutty, semi-dark). $1.33: 1 car (smut ty), $1.29; 1 car (very smutty, 70 per cent dark), $1.28. No. 3 hard winter: 1 car, $1.29; 1 car (smutty, semi-dark), $1.32, No. 4 hard winter: 1 car (heavy, semi- dark), $1.32. No. a hard winter: 1 car (2.4 per cent heat damaged), $1.16. Sample hard winter: 1-5 car (fire burnt), 85c. No. 2 yellow hard: 1 car, $1.30. No. 3 yellow hard: 2 cars, $1.29. No. 4 yellow hard: 1 car (3.8 per cent rye), $1.27; 1 car, $1.56. No. 2 mixed: 1 car ("mutty). spring) $1.29; 1 car (durum), $1.17. No. a mixed: 3-i car (smutty), No. S mixed: 1 car (durum), $1.15. CORN. No. 1 white: 3 cars, 54c.' No. 2 white: 10 cars, 64c. No. 3 white: 1 car, 63 c. No, 1 yellow: 1 car, 64c; 3 cars, 64c. No. 2 yellow: 23 cars, 64c. No. S yellow: 10 cars, 63 c; 1 car. (special billing), 64c. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, (near yellow), 63c: Hears, 62c: 1 car, (near white), 63c. No. 3 mixed: 2 cars, 61 c. OATS. No. 3 white: 2 care. 36c; 1 car, 55c. RYE. No. 3: 1 2-5 cars, 94e. No. 4: 4-5 car, 92c. Sample; 1 car, 93c. 1 car, not wheat, 12 per cent rye. smutty. $1.20. No. 8: 1 car, 60c. 1 car, not oats, 84 per cent barley. 34c. OMAHA RECEIPTS AXD SHIPMENTS. (CAR LOTS.) New York Bonds Live Stock Omaha Produce Liberty Jlunila. Siiln. High. Low. Dim. 4i Liberty 2s 7 o 97. "0 ;. T t 10 :i4 t too 2 1490 12 395 2 Receipts- Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley Shipments- Wheat Corn Oats Barley . Today. ... 40 ...108 ... 11 ... 4 8!) 47 26 3 Week Ago. 46 69 12 4 1 St"" 116 16 ' 1 Year Ago. 85 115 39 5 44 28 32 35 84 116 115 39 6 44 28 33 39 44 29 28 32 cent; Thursday Philadelphia Co. .. 25 Kullman 117 Punta Alegre Sug. 40 South Porto Rico.. 5 Retail Stnrs 45 Superior Stl. , St. Louis-San Fran. 29 Virginia Car Chem. 34 Total sales. 915.400. Money Close. 4 per close. 4 per cent. Marks Close, ,0039c; Thursday close, ,0041c. Francs Close, .0912c: Thursday close, ,0912c. Sterling Close, $4.43; Thursday close, $4.42. w York Cotton. New York. March 2. Prices held steady in featureless trading In the cotton mar ket today until the last hour when sell ing for spot house account promoted a allgbt reaction. The opening was fol lowed ly a slight recession, but the mar ket came back quickly to a few points above laat night's close. Trading was fea tureless well into the afternoon, the trend, as on Thursday, being narrowly Irregular. The list dropped 618 points under yesterday's close, with near posi tions relatively easy in the late trading. Last prices were a little up from the low. but 6913 points under yesterday's close. Spot cotton was quiet. 15 points decline, 18.55c for middling upland. Southern spot markets: Galveston. 17.Sac. unchanged: Savannah, 17.63e. un changed ; New Orleans. 17c. unchanged; Augusta, 17.25r, 12 points decline; Mem phis. 17.60c, unchanged; Houston. 17.75c. unchanged; Little Rock, 17c. unchanged. Xew York Dried Fmlts. Nw York. March 2. Evaporated Apples Few offered Prunes Firm. A pricota Scarce. Peachea Firmer Raisins Quiet. PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (BUSHELS.) Receipts Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. Wheat, 666,000 691,000 707,000 Corn 1,389,000 2,471,000 1,590,000 Oat 549,000 723,000 700,000 Shipments. Wheat 432.000 620,000 620,000 Corn 1,069,000 1,249,000 1,050,000 Oats 712,000 545,000 319,000 CHICAGO Carlots Wheat .... Corn Oats . .... Wheat Corn , Oats . RECEIPTS. Week Today. Ago. 25 34 801 972 98 249 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS, 81 177 43 116 6 14 RECEIPTS. - ST. LOUIS Wheat Corn Oats NORTHWESTERN Minneapolis Duluth Winnipeg 68 . 95 . 49 WHEAT .176 . 29 .243 Year Ago. 31 . 477 . 123 172 64 18 99 105 62 116 106 43 .RECEIPTS. S3 137 84 118 161 327 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co. DO. 2627. March 8. Art. I Open. High. Low. Close. Yest. Wht. May July Rye. May July Corn, May July Oats. May July Pork May Lard, May July Ribs, May July .1 48 47 24 24 09 09Hrfr. .97 .67 .68 .70 .70 .42 .42 .41 .44!. 1.48 :'.24 1.09 '.97 .68 '.70 .42 .44 1.44 Viiii I 1.06 "t5 .66 ".68 .41 ".43 1.46 1.45 1.22 1.22 1.06 ".95 .66 .66 .69 .09 41 I- .43 46 46 2 2 I 1.06 '.95' .67 .67 .69 .69 .4! .43 21.15 J21.25 21.16 12.20 112.25 15.13 12.40 12.40 12.30 11.60 11.69 :l.4S 11.25 111. 25 ll. 05 21.25 121.10 112.12 15. 12.30 12. 1.62 1.00 Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn., March 3. Wheat Receipts. 176 cars, compared with 192 cars a year ago. Cash No. 1 northern, $1.53eei.57; May. $1.46 ; July, $1.34. Corn No. 2 yellow, 64j55c. Oats No. 3 white. 3536c. Barley 62 63c. Rye No. 2, 9899c. Flax No. 1, $2.603.66. St. louls Grain. St. Louis, March 3. Wheat May. $1.38; July. $1.18. Corn May, 64 c; July. Oata May. 4!c; July. 6CJ$SC. 43C Kansas City Grain. Kansas City. March 3. Wheat May, $1.31; July, $1.14. Corn May. 69c: July. 2c .Minneapolis Flour. Minneapolis, Minn., March 8 Flour Unchanged la. tie higher; $5.466 8 50. Bran -Unchanged. Un r,sd. In Int 4a ,. dn 2d 4a .. do lat 4a. II i regit do M 4', a do regit ., do 3rd 4s do rJ ,, do 4 Wi 4 ..... do rrgil ......... 782 Vli tury 4s.. a da read . 100 U. 96.24 96.24 96.24 7 H) S7.I0 97 10 95.96 H5.96 95 96 97.64 7.3 97.4 7. 7. 97.1 97.20 97.06 97.116 97.l 98.33 VI 14 9 2) ... 9H.U.1 97.96 98.03 ... 97. 6 97.40 97. eO .... 97.30 97.31) 97.30 . I HO .10 ll0.20 IHU-38 .100.16 lnil 16 Kin. n S. Victory 3i. 100.03 100.02 100.02 Foreign Government. 3 Argentine 5a M 91 81 26 Belgian 1" 107 17 17 Do 7s 108 108 18 108 do lis 10 102 102 3 Bergen 8s 1" 109 19 36 Hrasll Ss 104 104 104 99 llordiaus Ka K6 5 86 40 Canada 6s of 1929.100 99 loo 100 ill) 6s lit 1926... 98 98 98 S do 6s Of 193 43 Chile ss of 192 18 do of 1941. 13 do of 1946.. 14 Chinese 5s ... 6 Christiana 8a 8 City Sao Paulo 8s..ll .. 96 96 96 ..101 101 lul ..104 104 14 ..103 14 103 .. 64 65 ..19 1H9 mi 90 It 9 79 103 66 1119 11'4' 98 ...110 6s 95 ...104 ... 93 ... 90 ... 89 ....76 ... 86 ... 85 55 43 94 9 SI 110 9.-, 103 93 90 89 75 85 85 64 43 94 .110 109 110 107 107 107 79 109 109 98 110. 96 103 93 90 69 75 66 85 55 43 94 13 Copenhagen 6s .. 90 ' 4 Cuba 5a of 1924.... 89 2 Cuba 4s 79 13 Danish 8a A 109 109 28 do R 1H9 108 254 Denmark as 1 Denmark 8s .. 233 Dutch Kast Ind 43 French 8s 1 Italian 6s .. 2 Japan 1st 4a , 17 do 2d 4s .. 65 do 4s 67 Lyons 6s 37 Marseilles 6s 27 Mexican 6a ... 4 dn 4s 130 Netherland 6s . 4 Norway 8s ..... 4 Queensland 7a , so do 6s ss vsft us 16 Rio De Jan. 8s 101 101 101 18 Rio Grde do sul 8s. 100 100 100 141 Seine 7s 93 92 92 113 Swedens 6a 100 99 100 30 Swiss 8 115 114 115 83 Sao Paulo 8s ......102 101 101 2 Toklos 6s 15 76 75 2 Urguary 8 106 T06 105 209 U K 6s Of 1932. .106 105 105 233 do 6s of 1929. .106 105 105 63 do 5a 1st Of 1937.. 100 99 100 13 Zurich 8s Ill 110 110 DomeMUv 1 S T City 4s 1966.105 10 do of intii.. I 1 Ala Mid 1st 6s 11 Am Agr Chem 7a.l.00 6 Am Colo 5s 4 104 5 04 ..104 104 304 98 S SK"i 100 100 84 84 8S 88 98 98 112 112 96 ti 89 . 9 .8 .112 17 Am Smelt 6 177 Am Sug refg 6s 93 Am Tel cv 6s ... 97 An f'nl 6a 3 do Col 4s 88 88 88 9 Ah W P SF 7s 82 81 S3 2 Ann Arbor 4s 02 63 J2 7 Armour 4s 87 87 87 6 do adj 4s stamped 80 80H 80 . 3 ACL 4S 8 88 88 i 3 do 7s 1"5 10' l"41 12 A C L 1st con 4s.. 87 86 86 2 A C L LN 4s 78 78 78 14 Atl Fruit 7s 34 33 - 3o 2 Atlas Pow 7s....l03 103 103 15 B O 6s 97 97 97 6 B O ref 5s 79 79 79 a? locv 4i::::::.. 77 76 9 B O Gold 4s 7814 ' 1 BO PL 3V.B 72 73 " 6 BO PLEW 4s 75 i 16 10 BO PJM Divn 3s 89 S8 88 7 BO T & C 4s 65 64 64 6 Bell T of Penns 7s 108 107 108 9 Beth Steol PM 5s.. 88. 88 88 3 Beth Steel 6s 92 92 92 5 Braden Cop 6s 96 9o 96 1 Bklyn Ed 5s A 94 92 92 A 2 Brlyn gen C 104 104 104 1 Brklyn 7s 107 107 107 10 BRT ctfs stamped.. 71 il 71 1 Bush Bldg 6s...... 89 89 89 2 Buff R&P 4s 89 89 89 1 CanXorRy SFgold7sl09 109 109 9 Can Nor 6s. . : . . . .109 109 109 87 Can Pac deb 4s WI 78 77 7 1 11 Can So 6s 9G 96 96 21 Cen Pac 4s.. 83 83 83 .1 Cen Pac 3s 87 87 8? 1 Cen RR NJ 6s 105 105 105 21 CerroDePasco SF slll 11114 11114 1! K C Fl 8 ( M 4s.. 74 7 76 ' 1 Kss I lly b"U 4 (4 64 4'l z i n. i; j rnt as su aa sv . 4 Kelly hpr gold la.,lm 1J Joj 4'led- lias lat aa. ss as 28 Lake Hhnra 4a 192. 92 92 91 3 Luks'Hhor 3a.... 71 17 77 S l-elilgn al ta 101 1"! 4 Lehigh Vul rgd...!o 1"0 1 Lehigh Val con 4a k 2 1-chlKh Val of Pa 4s 71 3 & Myera 6 96 IS Irfind Is 6a I:i7.... 71 1 Long Is d. h 6 88 19 Irfing Is ref 4s.... 74 , 2 l-ornllard 6a 96 2 1. ft N 7a 107 45 L N 6) A 1H2 t L ft N UNI 4a 89 1 Manhattan Ky 4a... 4 7 .Man Ky Laclede 4s. 61 1 Van Ry 2nd 4s 67 7 Market St Ky col 6a 91 1 Mk St Ry 1st run 6a 87 7s 95 71 98 ' 94 107 101 9 64 61 67 93 87 let 100 IK '? 9a 71 8 14 107 101 H-i 61 63 67 94 7V It Max l'ele af cv 8a.loi 101 l'il 67 CH State Tel 5s.. 27 Mldvale 6s 4 Mil Klc 4 7 MSTL Hefg 6S.. I MM I I, 4s 97 86 4 39 38 3 MKT!' a S SM 6S.10I 346 M KT New 6a A. 61 64 M & KT prior 6a A. 81 6 M A KT prior 4s U. 67 32 M ft KT prior 6a C. 93 22 MKT 1st 4a 76 6 MKT 2nd 4s clfl .. 69 1 MKT ref 4s 78 98 MOI'ac gen 4s ... 63 1 Jill Pac 5s 196 .. 88 2 MOB ft O 4s .... 68 8 Mont Pow 6s .... 94 1 Mont Tram is ... 35 4 Nassau Kl 4s ... 26 3 NOT ft M Cs 66 - 1 N Y Air B 6a .... 9s 20 N Y O col 7s ....106 CO N Y C dob 6s .... 99 1 N Y C ref 43 ... 87 45 N Y C cun 4s .... 79 10 N Y C ref 4s ... 76 3 N Y Do 4s l 97 96 $4 39 101 61 60 67 93 76 o9 78 62 81 68 94 85 35 66 98 105 99 87 76 76 78 97 6 84 89 39 101 61 "4 81 67 93 76", 69 78 S3 1-8 68 94 85 36 96 98 106 99 67 79 75 78 39 N Y Ed 1st 6s a. 106 106 106 6 NYGE HP pm 4a 79 4 NY NH ft H 6s... 7 NYO & W 1st 4s.. 26 Peo & E Ino 4s.. 12 P M 6s 21 Philippine Kl 4s .. 11 Pierce Oil 8s .... 3 Pub Svc NJ 6 11 Reading gen 4s .. 5 Rio G W 1st 4s .. 6 St. L I M S 4s 2 ST L I M R & G 4s 78 69 18 91 47 95 76 82 75 81 St L & S F 4s' 16 St L & S F 6s... 14 St L & S F 6s .... 14 St L & S F adj 6s. 98 St L & S F 6s ... 8 S L &SW c 4s. 11 S L&S W con 5s.. 3 8 P & K C BL 4s 1 San Antonio A ... 24 N Y R adj 6s r 10 N Y R ref 4s .. 16 N Y R ctfs .... 5 N Y 8 R c 4s fs. 19 N Y T 6s 1941... 3 N Y T 6s 1949.. 56 N Y T 4 'As 26 N Y W & B 414s.. 42 31 No ft W CV 6s ....105 3 N & W BCOCVtC 6s 84 33 Nor Pao 4s 85 4 Nor Pao 3s 60 13 N G T Jt 6S ...106 6 Nor Sta fo as A.. 9 68 69 k 27 91 46 96 76 82 75 88 78 69 83 96 78 62 72 76 77 78 7 36 33 66 66 .102 102 102 104 103 103 91 SH 103 84 85 60 69 83 96 78 62. 72 76 78 73 8 35 34 66 79 68 69 27 91 47 95 76 82 75 83 78 68 83 96 78 62 72 76 78 73 7 35 33 91 41 105 84 60 106 106 89 89 4 N W B T 7s ....107 107 107 6s 99 89 80 ... 98 ... 83 ... 89 ... 98 ... 99 ... 97 ...107 14 C O E 6s.. 86 11 C O E con 97 11 C O E cv 4s FS.... 83 1 C O E gen 4s..,. 83 2 CH Alton ref 3s.... 56 32 CH Alton ref 3.. 41 12 CBQ 6s 9714 - 1 CBQ gen 4s 87 2 Ch B II! con 6s. 76 CH E 111 Ss 1951 new 75 1 CH G W 414s 60 15 CMSTP Cx 6s b.'... 65 1 CMSTP gen 4s.... 81 14 CMSTP cv 6s 65 8 CMSTP CV 4S..... 59 7 CMSTP gen 4s A... 73 6 CMSTP deb 4s 1934 60 14 CMSTP 4s CMPSd6s 66 6 CNW 6s 2 CNW gen 5s....... 5 CNW 6 1933 4 Dominican 5s 6 CH Ry 5s -15 C'RTP gen 4s S3 CRIP ref 4s 1 C STP MO 5s 44Ch Un S 4s A... 1 Ch Un S 6s C... 44 Ch West Ind 4s... 10 Chile Cop 7s 19 Chile Cop 6s ... 8 CCO StL ref Cs A. 86 97 83 83 56 41 86 97 83 83 66 41 97 87 V 60 65 81 64 59 73 60 871. 103 103 103 74 II 60 65 81 64 68 73 60 66 66 '4 106 106 106 102 J02 lliz 97 83 774 81 78 92 91 112 70 1A 83 7S 81 78 6 CCC StL gen 4s.... 7 17 Col G St F. 5s stmp Rl 2 Col Industrial 5s.. 77 18 Col & Sou 4s... 8 Col & Sou 1st 4s. 1 Comp Tab 6s 2 Com Cahle 4s 14 Con Coal 6s 75 Con Gas 7s 70 Cuba Cane 8s 19 Cuba Cane deb 7s. 12 Cuba RR 7s..... 6 Cuba RR 6s 4 Dal Waco 5s 23 Det Wud cvCs.. 5 Dot Hud ref Ts... 107 D R O Ref 6s. .. , 4 D R G ctf.. 66 D R G con 4s. . .. 12 Det Ed 1st 6 B. . 9 Dt Ry 4s. 2 Dla Match 78.. 9 Distillers 5s 6 Duluth Ironton 5s.. 9 !9 Dupont De M 7s.104 . 91 .1124 . 70 .ino ion . 85 85', 98 98 77 80 77 86 90 91 45 . 38 38 MtlJ 86 12 Duquense L 6s 7 Erie PL 4 25 Erie PL gen L 4s. 1 Erie cv 4s A 4 Erie cv 4s B 9 Erie D 1 Erie Jersey 6s.... 9 Flsk Rub 8 101 101 101 15 Gen Elec deb 6s... 98 95 98 544 Goodyear af 8s 1931 99 97 98 23 Goodyear 1941 113 112 113 11 Grsnd Trunk 7s. ...109 108 109 13 Grand Trunk sf 6s.. 102 101 i 101 111 Gt Nor 7s A 107 107 107 97 83 77 81 78 92 91 112 70 100 85 98 77 81 77 86 86 86 0 90 90 91 91 91 73 73 73 86 86 86 10674 106 106 78 77 78 79 79 102 102 77 78 78 78 91 91 3 $3 . . 46 46 64 64 74 ' 74 .100 100 100 74 74 74 108 10 41 43 95 95 10.1 io:: mis; 102 6S 5S I 44 38 38 41 86 79 .102 . 79 . 83 91 83 . 47 . 64 73 108 43 .102 . 58 . 45 . 38 . 39 . 41 . 86 .101 12 Or S L gtd 18 O S L 4s 30 O W R R & N 4s 5 Otis Steel 8s .... 10 Pac O & E 6s ... 1 P P & L 5s 1 P T & T 6s 4 Packard 8s 9 Pan Pete H . 7 Penna 7s . . , . 7 Penna gold 6s 17 Penna 6s 1968.... 96 3 Penna gen 4s ... 87 1 Penna gen 4s 1906 87 3 Penna R E 4s .... 98 8t Seaboard AL con 6s 60 8 Seaboard AL adj 6a 19 19 Seaboard AL adj 4s 64 34 Seaboard AL ref 4s 37 4 Sharon Hoop ss.. 819 Sincl con cv 7s 1 So Bell Tel E 17 SO P cv 4s 22 S P ref 4s 6 S P col 4s 6 SO Porto Rl NJ 7 847 So Ry gen 6s... 21 So Ry gen 6s 87 So Ry gen 4s... 4 SO Calif. 7s.... 10 Steel Tubes 7s.. 2 Tex Pac 94 T Ave adj 6s... 11 T Ave ref 4s... 3 Tide Oil 6s... 3 Tob Prod 7s.... 15 Trl City R&L Es 1 Un Bag 6s 1 Un Pac 6s 10 Un Pac 1st 4s.. 3 Un Cao cv 4s... 4 Un Pac ref 4s. 1 Un Tank cars 6 Uni Drug 8s.. 22 Un Ry inv 6s. 2 U S Realty 6s 1 Un Rub 7s 4 U. S. Rub 7s 6 U S Rub 6s.. 1 U S Smelt 6s. 49 IT S Steel SF 61 Va Ca Ch deb 7s 91 5 .Va Ca Chem det) 6S di 99 89 77 99 89 78 98 83 89 98 98 97 107 83 89 98 98 97 107 fs.105 105 106 95 87 87 98 49 19 64 87 87 98 49 19 64 . 86 93 94 102 102 102 93 93 93fc 88 85 79 95 94 90 62 88 85 79i 95 95 91 63 106 106 98 98 13 13 49 50 61 61 101 103 99 99 99 . 99 89 89 102 102 102 ... 89 ... 85 ... 79 7s 95 ... 95 ... 91 ... 63 ! ...106 ... 98 ... 14 ... 60 ... 61 ...102 ... 99 99 89 91 92 84 7s..103 .107 91 91 91 92 84 84 4 103 103 106 106 30 82 -93 104 100 1004 100 86 86 Bt: 97', .. 93V4 ,104 82 93 104 97 5s.. 100 100 91 96 64 Vlrginlana rs 6s 1 Wab 6s 2 Wab 2nd Es 13 West'house El 6s 4 West Md 4s 1 5 West Pac 6s B , . . 10 West Pac 5s. . 12 IV est Un 6s 7 West Un 4s 21 West'house El 92 95 86 100 . ... 62 ... 98 ... 85 ...107 107 ... 92 92 106 97'i 100 91 96 91 95 86 99 62 984 85 107 92 105 105 68 6814 91 95 86 99 61 98 85 97 96 95 89 35 Gt Nor 5s... 1 Hock Val 4s.. 24 Hud E ref 6s.., 22 Hud E lnc 68.. 10 111 Cent 6s...... 14 111 Pent 6s. 96 ... 83 ... 78 ... 68 ...109 98 111 Cent STCL 6s... 93 4 III Cent refg 4s.... S5 1 III Cent 4s 1952.... 8t 1 III Cent 1st 3s... 79 t Ind Steel 6s 99 i III Steel 4s 89 136 I R T Rfg 6s 3 i Int Mer Mar 6s 94 1 Int Arr 6s 74 6 Int Pao refg 6a A.. 854 7 Int Pap B 83 28 Invincible Oil 8s... 92 1 Iowa Cent Es 71 t Iowa Cent is...... 31 96 83 78 57 108 98 93 85 81 79 89 63 93 74 95 83 91 714 3s I 96 83 78 67 108 98 93 86 81 79 99 99 1 91 74 85 83 92 ' 3$ . 1 -Uheellnir T. K (U,l 68A i Tripwire St lat 7s 9711 97 47 Wilson Temp 7s 96 96 8 Wilson Temp 1st 6s 95 9s 47 Wilson Temp cv 6s 90 89 Total sales, $21,013,000. St. Louis Livestock. East St. Louis, 111., March 3. Cattle Receipts. 500 head; generally steady; top. $7 65 paid for mixed 700900-pound steers and heifers and for mixed grades "teers. Hogs Receipts. 9.000 head; opened 10 to 15c higher: closed weak or 6 to 10c higher; top. $11.65 for one load: bulk 150 to 210-pound averages. $11.30ifS 1 1.4a: bulk 220 to 280-pound weights. 1 1 .00 (ff 1 1 .30 ; packers sows steady to strong: bulk, $9.40 fi'9.50: pigs strong to 25c higher; bulk derirables. $9.75iff1 0.75. ... . . Shep and Lambs Receipts., 800 head; steady to 25n lower on few odd bunches; medium grade natives. $14.00; few heavy ewes, $6.75; 105-pound wethers, $9.00. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah. Ga.. March 3. Tupentlne Firm. 79c: sales. 64 bbls.; receipts. 12 bbls.; shipments, 399 bbls.; stock, 3.380 bbls Rosin Firm: sales, 326 casks: receipts 1.062 casks: shipments, 1,830 casks; stock, 71.439 casks. Quote B. D. F,., $4.034.10: F. O.. $4.10; H 14.1084.13; I., $4 10;. K., $4.35: M.. $5.05; N $5.35; WO., $5.86; WW., $6.10. Kew York rroduee. New York, March 3. Butter Barely ateady; creamery, extras, 87 0 38c. Eggs Weak: fresh gathered extra firsts, !5'e;0c; firsts, 27029c. Cheese Firm: state whole milk flats, fresh average run, 20c: state whole milk, fresh twins specials. 20 c, Chicago Frodar. Chicago, " March . Butter Easy; creamery extras, $6027c: firsts, 22436c; seconds. 294931c; standards. 25c. Ergs Lower: receipts, 14.675 cases; firsts. 23c: ordinary firsts, 20ff31c; mis cellaneous, 22 U 23a f Omaha, March 3. Receipts ware Cattle Huge tlhrep Crucial Monday .... 7.646 .ln 6, 9:9 official Tuesday i.SH il.iat 7.626 Official. Wadneaday.. .07 12.663 .s;4 Official Thursday..,, 4.116 9.766 1.714 Katimate rrlday l.tflft 9.4C0 1.7O0 Five daya thla eek.$4.9(i S4.29I 26.021 Same last weak 29.71 $9,291 39.453 Kama S wka. ago, .. .29.2H (1.209 60..107 Ham 2 ka. ago....3A.I9 65.62 69.67 Same tear afi......2l,6Vt 64.617 48.43 Receipts and disposition of livestock at the Union atorkyarda, Omaha. Nab., for 24 houra ending at p. tn. March 3, 1922. RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle Hogs i-.. at. ft st. p. ny..,. Missouri Pacific Ky... Union Pacific R. R..., C A N. W. Ry., asst. t ft N. W. Ry., weal C, Bt. P., Jt. O. Ry. C, H. It Q. Ry east. C, B. ft Q. Ry., west. C, R. I. ft P., east... C. R. I. ft P.. weal... Illinois Central Ry.... Total recalnts DISPOSITION H E A D. Cattle Hogs Sheep t 4 .... 1 I .... 33 .... T "ii S 17 .... 1 3 .... 10 10 31 4 1 .... .... 2 62 "Til Armour ft Co.. Curia bp Packing Co. Dold Packing Co.... Morris Packing Co. Swift A Co J. W. Murphy Swart 1 & Co Lincoln Parking Co. Ogden Packing Co.. Krey Packing Co.... Hoffman Broa Midwest Pkg Co.... P. O Dea Omaha Packing Co.. J. H. Bulla R. M. Burrusa & Co, E. O. Christie ft Son Dennis ft Francis... Bills ft Co John Harvey Huntzlnger ft Oliver T. J. Inghram F. P. Lewis Mo-Kan. C.&C. Co. J. B. Root ft Co. ... . Van Sant ft Co W'theimer A Degen Other buyers ' Totals ..... 282 361 76 201 333 15 12 3 1 10 30 31 7 I 104 10 1 3 6 24 46 17 2S 2.344 3.096 260 1.041 1,949 237 243 '"60 1,082 Sheep 36 753 '726 17 .1.892 11,601 1,747 Cattle Receipts 1.200 head. A fair de mand for good fat cattle developed today and as desirable kinds of cows and steers were scarce the market was fairly active and fully steady to In aome esses strong er. While the market la not aa high ss It was Tuesday steer prices are still strong to 26c above a week ago, cows are fully a quarter higher ana the good Kinds or heifers have advanced 26 50c Stockers and feeders were a little slow today, but mostly steady at the week's advance of fully 25c. Quotations on cattle: Good to cnotce beeves, $7.858.60; fair to good beeves, $7.007.76; common to fair beeves, $6.50 53) 7.00; good to choice yearlings, J8.009.00; fair to good yearlings, $7.267.85; com mon to fair yearlings, $6.6007.25; good to choice heifers, $ 5.75 ig 7.60 ; fair to good heifers, $5. 2606.75;. choice to prime cows, $5.9O6.40; good to choice cows, $6.253 6.75; fair to good cows, $4.755.36; com mon to fair cows, $3.00 9 4. 60; good to choice feeders. $7.10 7.16; fair to good feeders, $6.367.00; common to fair feed ers, $5.756.26; good to choice stockers. $7.258.00; fair to good stockers, J 6. 60 4 7.25; common to fair stockers. $6.00(9 60: stock heifers, $4.506.25: stock cows, $4.2505.50; stock calves. $5.507.75; veal calves, $6.00g)10.76; bulls, stags, etc., $3.60Q5.50. BEEF STp;EKS. Furnlahed by flale of Nebraska, da. parlmant of agriculture, bureau at mar ket! and marketing: LI VIS POULTRY. Wnoieaaie Buying I'r, Siege $0.MO0.: Spring ..... liana (light., liana (heavy) Cock Duck Ureae . Turkey! ,:n0 .174 .20t .129 .It .Una 25 .21 .21 .13 .23 .16 .33 Slag , Spring Han , Clicks , I luc k a Oeee . Turkey PRLUSED POULTRY, EOG8. Select No. I No. 2 Crack Case count....... ."" .3o BUTT LUC. Creamery, print Creamery, tub Country, beat 19fl) Country, com.... .17 Butter fat, 8. I'r. .i!7 H JtY Prairie No. 1 upland $10.60 11.00 WMuleaale Selling I'r $u.23tt $ 21 .26 4 .3 ,:itt .:ir .27 .iau .11 .25T .2 .:o .21 .30 tf .a r. .25 9 .21 .:, o .29 .10 it .23 .29W 2i .26W .30 .41. .60 .55 .57 .:4y ,26 .124 .24 .22 0 .24 .59 9 .53 .21 .24 .26 .301 .23 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 3 upland S upland 1 midland ... 2 inldlaud...... I midland. 1 lowland. 2 lowland. c Dolce Alfalfa, No. 1 . . Standard No 2 No. t Oat straw Wheat atraw I.60ttlv.0l 7.0U4 00 10.ou4fI0.60 t.bUHt 9.60 7 00 00 I.OOjji .U0 1. 001(9 9.00 18.6UO19.60 16.6018.60 14.00ii!16.OO 11.60013.00 10.00ll.r0 8.00 9.00 7.004 t.00 No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 6 1181 $7 00 6...... 816 $7 16 6 850 7 25 13..... .1041 7 30 25 996 7 35 9 1095 7 40 6. .....1124 7 60 12 1043 7 65 6 1175 7 75 6 1225 7 $5 19 1096 8 00 20 1276 8 10 18 13S3 8 25 8 1071 8 35 COWS. 8......:il0 6 60 6 1040 S 70 11 1214 6 85 6 1171 6 10 HEIFERS. 11 758 6 00 4 696 7 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 6 681 7 00 10 1093 7 25 BULLS. 1 1100 4 10 . : 1150 4 85 1 1080 .4 65 CALVES. S...... 400 , 6 10 Hogs Receipts. 9.400 head. The hog market was very slow today opening bids being sharply lower. Some little trading was done early at lOo lower with the bulk of hogs moving at steady to 10c lower. Light hogs sold mostly from $10.76 10.85, with a top price of $10.90. Mixed loads and butcher weights. $10.60 10.75. and packing grades, $9.7510.60, with extreme heavies mostly around sales, $10.6010.80. HOGS. $9.60. Bulk of No. Av. 39. .315 63. .302 63. .279 62. .258 81. .177 Sh. Pr. .. $10 60 .. 10 60 .. 10 70 ... 10 80 10 90 NO. Av. 38. .300 66.. S0t 74.. 238 71. .246 Sh. Pr. ' .. $10 55 ' .. 10 65 .. 10 75 .. 10 85 Sheep and Lambs Receints. 1.700 hearl There was a very moderate run of lambs today the few Iota offered eolnir ot nH Steady to strong, selling at $14.75SS14.80. Ewes sold at $8.60 and feeders were quoted as fully steady. wuotauons on sneep: rat lambs, good to choice, $14.6014.86: fat lambs, fair to good. $14.00(S14.60: shearing lamhs $14.00014.50; feeder lambs, $13.0013.86: cull lambs. $10.0912.00; fat yearlings, light, S12.6013.00; fat yearlings, heavy, S9.6010.E0; fat wethers, $7.759.00; fat ewes, light, $7.E08.60; fat ewes, heavy, $5.EO7.00; feeder ewes, $4.0O5.60. FAT LAMBS. No. ' ..., . Av. Pr 193 fed 94 $14 80 182 fed 92 14 80 186 fed 80 It 75 FAT EWES. 126 fed 105 8 60 FEEDING LAMBS. 61 189 fed 13 75 Chicago Livestock. Chicago, March 3. Cattle Receipts, 4,600; veal calves, steady to weak; other classes, steady; bulk, vcalers, $9.6010.60 to packers; top, beef steers, $8.90, weight, 1.452 pounds; good yearlings. $8.85; bulk, buef steers. $7.408.26; bulk, fat she stock, 14.7tig6.26; bulk, stockers and feed ers, $6.76 7 35. Hogs Receipts, ' 23.000; mostly 1015c higher than yesterday's . average; close lights, strong; others, 'weakr shippers bought about 3.500; holdover moderately liberal; top, $11.40 on sorted 170-pound averages: bulk, $11.00011.25; pigs, alow, 2540c lower; bulk, desirable 100 to 120 poundera, $9.7510.00. Sheep Receipts, 6.000; fat lambs, 25 50c higher; top, $15.75; bulk, desirable kinds, 115.25 15-60; Montana clippers, $12.25; fsll shorn Texas yearlings and twos, $12.00; no sheeps In load lot ar rived; few odd awe fully steady at $8.50 down. Siong City Live Stocks Sioux City, la., March 3. Cattle Re ceipts, 809 head; market strong and ac tive; fed steers and yearlings not quoted; 1,600 to 1.666-pound steers, $8.60; warmed up fed steers and yearlings. $5.0087.00; fat cows and heifers, $4.07.OO; csnners, $2,7544.00; veals, $5.00r 10.00 ; feeders. $5.007.25; calvea, $4.6007.60; feedtng cows and heifers, $3.605.60; stockers, $5.007.00. Hogs Receipts, 11.000 head: market av erage steady; butchers, $10.60 10.76: lights, $10.7610.90; heavy mixed, $10.35 10.60; heavy, packers, $9.609.6Q; west ern pigs, $11.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. S0 head; market higher; bulk of laics, $14.60 J 10.89. . I FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Fruits Bananas, 7 So lb. Oranges, size 216 and larger, $5.507.00; alts 250, $5.607.00; size 288, $5.756.60; size 324, $5.6008.00. Lemons. $6.007.60 box. Grapefruit, $3.605.00 crate. Apples, acc to grade and slae: Delicious, $3.004.75; Rome Beauties, $3.003.60; Stamen Wine sap, $3.253.76: Common Wlnesap, $2.75 it4.00; Spltzenberg. $3.254.00; Black, Twig. $3.004.00: Ben Davis, $3.00: Ort ley, $2.603.25. Figs, 24 pkgs. 8 oz.. $2.25; 12 pkgs. 10 oi.. $1.60. Dstes, 36 pkgs. per box, $6.75; Hallowli, 1416o par lb; Ex celsior, 36 pkgs., $3.00. Vegetables Potatoes, per cwt.t neti. Early Ohio No. 1, $2.002.15; Neb. Irian Cobbler No. 1, $2.002.15; Red River Ohio No. 1, $2.252.60; Colo. Brown Beau ties, $2.60; Idaho Rural, $2.50. Sweet Po tatoes, $1.752.60 per bu. Celery, $1.26 2.00 doz. Head Lettuce, $5.266.50 crate. Leaf Lettuce. 5575c doz. Red Onions, 9 10c per lb. Yellow Onions, 910o per lb. Spanish Onions, $4.264.60 crate. Cauli flower, $2.50 2.75 crate. Cucumbers, hot house, 3.oo(3.vo per aoz. varrots. aiji 3c lb. Turnips, 23o lb. Parsnips, 3 3c lb. Beets, 23c lb. Csbbage, 3 4c lb. Young Southern Radishes, 75 90c Young Southern Carrots, 90c. Young Southern Beets, .9041.00. Brussella Sprouts, 25c lb. Shallots, 6570c doz. Green Peppers, 30 35c lb. Young Southern Onions, 90o doz. bunches. Parsley, 45 65o do bunches. Nuts Black Walnuts, 5Gc lb. English Walnuts, 304?. 35c lb. Brazil, large, washed, 16;8c lb. Brazil, medium washed, 14 16c lb. Pecans, large, 2230c. Almonds, sack lots, 28c lb. Peanuts, Jumbo raw, 1213c; Jumbo roasted, 1415c: hand picked, raw, 910c; hand-picked, roast ed. 11 13c. Honey (In case), 21 frames to case, $5.7 5 6. 00 per case HIDES AND WOOL. . Beef hides: Green salted. No. 1 (late take off), per lb., 66c; green salted. No. 2 (late, take oft), per lb., 45c; green hides. No. 1 (late take off), per lb., 3 4c; green hides, No. 2 (late take off), per lb., 23c; green salted (old stock), per ib., 24c; green salted bull hides, No. 1, per lb., 3c; green salted bull bides. No. 2, per lb., 2c. Horse hides: Large, each, $3.50; me dium, each, $2.00: small, each, $1.60; pony and giues, 75c$1.00. Sheep pelts: Green salted, as to size and wool, each, 60c $1.00: shearlings, green salted, as to size and wool each, 6c 20c. Wool Choice fine and blood, per lb., 2026c; medium or blood, per lb., 1821c; low and blood per lb., 15 17c: burry wool, per lb., 8c. Wholesale prices of teef cutr are as follows: No. 1 Ribs, 23c; No. 2 ribs, !2cj No. ribs, 17c. No. 1 loins, 26o; No. 2 loins. 24c; No. 3 loins, 19c No. 1 rounds, 16c; No. '2 rounds, 16c; No. 3 rounds, 12c. No. 1 chucks, 10c; No. 2 chucks, 9 c; No. 8 chucks, 8c. No. 1 plates, 6c; No. 2 plates, Ec: No. 2 plates, 4c. 1 atriiitr and Weekly bank clearings, $7,I9S.H..'!. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrllis. Clarence and T.eota Randall, 2412 Tem pleton avenue, boy. Verner and Anna Sorensen, 1334 South Twenty-fourth street, girl, Roy snd Grace Palintag, 4858 South Sev enteenth atreet, boy. Gaetano end Lucia Caniglla, 1454 South Thirteenth street, boy. John and Pauline DoMato. 1539 North Sixteenth street, boy. Swan and Hilmn Carlson, hosnltal, boy. Harry and Myrtle Garner, 6726 South Thirty-third street, girl. Harry and Opal Swanson, 2010 I street, sin. George ana i.awrcno Merry, vt oouin Twenty-sixth street, girl. Mnrtin and Lucretia TJepkes, Fifty-fifth and U streets, girl. . . , . . Deaths. Mrs. Klenora Khort, 6S, 5220 Twenty-second street. Robert M. Jackson, 63, hospital. Mrs. Anna Amnions. 66, hospltMi Mrs. Anna Bohac. 88, K. r . D. Hugh E. Baugbman, infant;!!! Fifty-sixth street. LeRoy Sapp, 20, 216 North Nineteenth street. Baby John . Radanoylih, Infant, 2E24 South Twelfth street. Cole Pennlman, 67. fc527 Ilascall street. Mary S. Peacock. 73, 6632 Miami street. Mrs. Laura Burgess. 29, hospital. Baby Thompson, Infant, hospital. Mrs. Coloyea Marino. 67. 2643 Z street. Mrs. Marie Misck, 78, 824 Soutn Thirty fifth street. Baby Shuput, Infant. 2920 R street. Oliver Leonard, 60, 2016 Cuming street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following couples have been Issued licenses to wed: Emil Nelson, over 21, Omaha, and Eda Sandeberg, over 21, Omaha. Robert E. Lee, 22. Council Bluffs, la., and Zelma Collins, 21, Council Bluffs, la. Harry Gross. 29. Omaha, and Freda . Werkmelster. 32, Omaha. Thomas W. Rasmussen, 27, Neb., and Rose M. Petersen, Neb. William H. Shattuclc, 42. Omaha, Alta Allen, 38, Sprlngview, Neb. August L. Schmldke, 23. Chicago Heights, 111., and Lorrlne Holdcrness, 25, Omaha.' Bennington, 20, Bensun, and Swift & Company Union Stock Yard. Chicago Dividend No. 145 Dividend of TWO DOLLARS ($2.00) per share on the capital stock of Swift & Company, will be paid en April L 1922, to stockholders of record, March 10. 1922. as shown on tb books of tha Company. (J - PEACOCK, Secretary GRAIN WE solicit your consignments of all kinds of grain to the Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kansas City and Sioux City markets. We Offer You the Services of Our Offices Located al ' Omaha, Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska .' . Hastings, Nebraska Chicago, Illinois . Sioux City, Iowa Holdrege, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska Des Moines, Iowa . Milwaukee, Wis. Hamburg, Iowa Kansas City, Mo. The Get in touch with one of the branch offices with your nest (rain shipment. Updike Grain Company "The Reliable Consignment House" l.,HiulU a 111 lliia . bl.n1. beat HlMrihhlH lialf M-"l. JT f, .tiwl, siiis, 1 monllia, fine iii.iiillia. ti; . ..HI...,.., ,N...ih.r, H5I.I: Hilda du $!.; .uuih-tii, '''" rra.Mii t-aal-ie) I apt". I li I ma and lina rwliuin (inking, I J fie:,; aaal.rn (lolhmg, 0ui IIr .rt I, tuwlar T-irliort, rtn aiapla rlmb 81 W I IS; oii.-t-atf lim . ni..l iii $l.''! ''""'" eighth bl"l riiiiiii". lneM'j ena.fuutiB t,l.M.,l rmiiNltg, Sad ! . I illleil Iwlalil. f t 64 I . $1 an; A ille. . M.disira combliig. S9J-ci carding, jiy -' tlradalftvt'a Trail llk-w. tit-w r, Mann 3 Hrdlr'l'! ni.Ti.iW iii ai ... 'iMiabilunrnia if the wmk la Irena and n.luali ha le mainly fiuorabie ami IHie deanlla n.iriiw iu.i'"g (! area Willi sever ri.i.l, amiw and elael or havy raitia, which liae i.rtei in fen. rler iiiumry roa-la ln,ia.abl and realrb-i-r. builng In all but Mthrer rrl4 Un- ! narrow pniiMirilmia, ri r batia lha tiioat linportatil feature haa ber he .leriiiiix breaking of lha a"Uiliaiein lr..ulh. Ihle belli- -rumpallled. Iioweter. I I.V relll"n III III" OU'I lll"eiiien, 1 ahe.l alter May d-livee bad raaibcd jul ' . t ..a a I In Viher Billable rvrnla have been a furlh. rr eliuht Kain H" In bli-aala and Jobbing line, lha bulk of thia -im-fined In eurtilue arain and rattle growing a (uttbir rpannin In mn and aleel buying and .rdi linn, railroad pro. b-ln lha chief feature, with fair amount of ateadineaa In crude forine. but further weakiieaa In flninhul iro-lui-l; a .nntlnuani of lha rl" In foreign e. ihans-e rate Into new h'h ground, the highest. In fact. m.a 1919, alien ne1' waa wltlliirawn: Tiiir airenam e- anil reaellona HI thai atiM-k marsei tim a id dive imml insrset. Kanaaa Illy Lite Mock. Kanaaa City. Mo. March J. battle Receipts. 1.100 bead; nuallty plain: all claa-e around steady; beat steer. $7 JS; good cows, $i.26e 60 j good heifer. l-7i good vealers. $10 00. tlot;a Heeelpia. J.OOf) hd: market e tlve. lotion hlaher: 190 to 22i-p"undera. $11 notJU.16: I80.rjounilera to packers. $11 20; mixed. $l 5J 1 90; bulk. $0.76 11.16; packing sows. $9 25r 9 7- elock plga. up to $10 76: bulk. 1 1 0. 604? 1 1 '. Sheep and Umls Herein!, 4."00 head: market strong to JEo hlgb'r: l"2-pounl awes, $8.35; lamia ateady; best, ln.00. St. Joseph IJve Stock. St. Joseph. Mo., March 3. Cattle ne. relpts. 600 head; market 'w,,''j '.'? $r..7ift8.75: rows and heifers, $l.008.60; calves. $5 50i 10.00. Hogs Receipts. 4.000 hesd: market opening intU5o higher; top, $11.10; built, I. , , ..... ... Sheep and Lsmha Receipts. S.EOO bd. msrket steady In 25e higher; lambs, tl4.- 15.00; ewes. $?.2itf 8-60. Kanaaa Cltf Trodure. Kansas City. March 3. Eggs le lower; firsts. 20c. Butter Unchanged; creamery, 40; packing, 15c. Poultry Unchanged; hens, 23c; springs, 29c. Southa jtn. 6. i.