TIIK ItKK: OMAHA. TUESDAY. FKHRUAKY SU. 1922. la t I t.i. Ih 4 llth fcd tilth top Mr. lulu Ihut-tlcts. ml (corn 4opl Inn "A fThc , Financial THE GUMPS ZMJXZ MIN'S ENTRY GOES TO THE POST Drawn for The B?e by Sidney Smith iVvpnifM !.; t By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES Unit Imm4 Wlr. New VhI, I ct. .7, la iiuny it Vct nijfkrt f'l iir'fiit (liriuk't. out the llitf loiri.'n rtli"tg riuiVn fnmil'ly iirt iiiof irtiJic tiott nj f vpccluiioin (uifjy tluu on any previous occasion, Having clfJ Ul week t the ht't point ol llifl yrr, mrltug fo neiily rent lnulirr toiUv, la f 4 4i , nl i'4nc, Mhuh wi (arrird nearly to V'i cents tlirrrhy im-"! into ground linjly Imulird time I VII. In i.iull ny oilier new r jiUimIioii prrtiktrnt nc, Weill irrri an'iilinl it to the ttrw of the Ji)-)C4r lifaty of iliirtue lcHi frinte intl l'ji!4iii, kiinmnuril .y ilie picnitrri tm jMm.Jjy. Inaol.r a ilut titiiiotiiicriiiriitt Miconnt lur day's rxcliaiiuf r-ilf-t, it imlicatc re vctnin til imltir iiir limn the rco iioiiuc c oiimiIc iaii.nu which hive re crntly mini the niatkit to the poli tical (-oiiMili-Mtittii whuh !tuint( it it in the e.tly tUyt o( the Washing ton mint iiindrrmc It m iituhiihle tlut even ckH ririucil iiitrriutiun.il bankrrs luve uiulrrratfil the (tower ol political fent in ntovmii the market (or ei cli4tis, precisely a many of litem nthliTiaird the nature of the ecoiiom. ic (.hankie v lite h were viil!r Ust uinnirr. it i often remarked that rise in excliaiiKc Iterative ol political occutrcncej l.tvnrable to a Riven country it a -.I'liiiiueiiUl movement, and that is true. fwnllmenl I'sat-rliil lailor. Wilt II hJ n.it rlnrly ri'0 Ki.l 11 wt'i In b livfor Ih r ihi ri.um.iil dlre.i or rr- th In-i-r-.a'-uiial uvw i'f lMtl Willi h la V.ii.i lai-l'ir III (iiliatiK ria, Iwn Hi... 1.1, 1 i.il;un.'i i.r ilu nature tli'iuld laj.il.ly h imir mai(u now Ihnit ihr Hr win lfnr llll, hfi-aua wnh tKa 1.111111 par ut rk.hanaa rniuvtrl by auittiun ol I )ijim.iii, Ih I'liiil pa'liy la 4 iiiailrr i.f nifr tfuna uik. tt in ih rariy imrl of lJ how l.ruim- loll In fiv vwka from ! ?1 la 1 ! t'n iM-liat lhai rinnUnil would ml Ink tii 1 tii- A nio Kl'ii' h lnaii ut ma ulrny nil. I i.a from 14 H l 14 In Hi nkt wcltf, on Ih newa that th Hrltiah f nti ninr.iit wa airraily irovld inc fr auh ri'ilcmtiiion: t th i:o tioinla NiiK'-t of tlut oiratlon nilKht hav tiKKatid lowrp atirhng rata ba rati It involvcil runilttancra from tir taml. In th firraiMit innianc, H I oul nceaaar to toiil.ir how refuaal of KnaUiid In onailer a luaranta of Kruno a lltlrnl aaMy woulil hav In flurn.d Kronen rrhan through Ih farllnx whlrb It will t hav -rt(J of tnareunty In Ih French poaltlon. cw llllh for Wheat. Th Ha of fmi-lKit eti hang ti not .Ih only noteworthy Inclileut on tmlay't inarkata; prautivally all th atrikinc mnvmatila of laat weik er raumd and rniiliil-i'it. Whrat went to l.t"i per bualwl at I hi. ago and rorn to "UVav; until 111 In week, last Tueaday' 11.47 H and Nat Kitturdy' 6iSo wr th blxheat for th rropa of 19:1, and today' prlrra repnaeiited 111 each eaae, enhancement of niure than 40 per cant In valuea from th low point of Ih aeannn. Similarly, th advance of Inveatnient bond price, notably aaaln In foreign government bondK, went on vlrorualy today. A very ronIUrahl number of then dollar toana of Kuropean alalea and rltlea went today beyond th prevloua high record price aim they were plated In th New York market. In hurt, the atrlklng teat!, mony of luat week'a bond and exchange market to Hi financial cominunttlea' be lief In r.uropean recovery was expreaaed at the opening of thla week. In the aini'k market the rlaa of Inst week did. not conllnue. Rome consid erable a.lvnncea occurred In th early hualnesa and total transaction again ex ceeded l.uao.Onn sharea, reaching in fact, th Urgent, total of the present year to date. Lint' the courae nf prlcee Indicated that a great part of this heavy bualnesa ronslated of realizing sales, probably by th professional operators who had been ( mor fortune! than they had expected In last week's market. The day's net de rcllnea ran to i and 3 points in th In dustrial ahares which wer mort largely dealt iiu New York Quotations Tlang of prices of the leading stocks furnlehed by Logan & Bryan, !48 Peters Trust building: Sat. High. Low. Close. Clos. RAILUUAD3. A., T. ft S. F K7S ! 96'4 P7'4 ... 3' S7- 375 SS'i ...l4(n nan; 13914 js ... -84 "7 77 7S ... 60 SK-i 69i 60', ... ; 75-i 75" 76i . .102 100 100 .... ... :6Ta SSli 2Vi 2 ... tlU 60 60 61 !U(, SI -21 2014 Bal. & Ohio.'. t'anadian 1'ac. N. V. Central . Chas. Cililo... Oreat Northern Illinois Central K. '. Southern. Lehigh Valley . Mo. V-lflo ... N. T. & M. H.. -No. rauiflc .... rhl. & N. W... Pcnn. K. R. ... Reading :., r. 1. p.. Southern Pac . So. Ballway .. 18S 17H 1714 18 .. 81 SO! .. 69 n .. 3514 34H SO 68 41 74" 7 80 "i 68 42l 404 40S, 414 86- 1 H . 8R'4 S5i . 214 20S 20 "4 Oh).. Mil. St. P. 4vt 23 23 24H, Uliion PaclNo ....138 134 'M 1S4V 134 STEELS. Am. Car Foundry. 160 149 149 I50U Allla-Chalmers ... 46 14 45 46 4 45 Am. Locomotive .109"a .107 107'4 108-! Baldwin Loco. ...l9Mi 10414 10474 10 ... 63 63 '4 62 Vi .. on 0114 bo 63T4 Beth. Steel Crucible .. Am. Steel Kd.v S2 Lackawanna Steel 4' 44 45V 434 . Mldvale Steel 301 29 29 30 Pressed Steel Car. 6 Bep. Steel & Iron. 47 Rail. Steel Spars.. 97V Slosa-Scheffleld ir. S. Steel 94 '4 92i it Vanadium 31 31 SI '4 66 66 46V4 464 46 96 96 96 37 94 .... 37 35 S5 36 LUPPGKi. Aanacond 49 48 48 45 A. S. A Ref. Co... 47 46 46 46VI 34 32 32 33 Orro De Pasco. Chili Chino ' Cal. & Ariz Green Cananea, . Inspiration .... Kennecott ..... Miami Nevada Con, . . . Ray Consolidated Seneca Utah 17 16 1614 26 25 26 68 58 58 39 , 38 28 27 39 27'4 26 38 14 27 26 :tt 14i'l 14 13 13 13 13 13 12 11 13 11 61 ' 61 63 L OILS. General Asphalt . 64 62 62 63 56 30 Coed en California Peterol. 64 52 Island Oil Invincible Oil . "dexlcao Peterol Middle States . 1 1 . 16 15 .124 1211 of 62 1 IS 120 Pacific Oil Pan-American . rhinirs Pierce Oil ..'... ." Pur Oil Royal Dutch ., Sinclair Oil .., Stand. Oil, N, Texaa Co Vnion Oil M hlte Oil 13 13 13 50 65 6 54 1 16 122 13 4S 48 48 54 64 32 32 32 8 6 65 32 8 ,.. 35 35 35 35 ... 64 M 53 63 ... 23 22 22 22 J.. 179 179 179 179 ... 46 46 46 46 ... 18 IS 38 I1 ... 9 ,9 9 MOTORS. 69 69 6 6 8 5 8 6 17 16 16 17 39 39 39 38 99 99 100 I MA- I at a ir kail lr 'HQ lasomc fridajr 15 hi 24 40 16 15 55 37 27 tH( HKt WU MV. the rTtoa HvCK OUST TwE Svr '.nut rwe ?AV0RTt M TME etTTlNO 1 llu 11I4J. 1 aMMHMMtHaTW I f V. ,f l.lat lllklft f .1 U D IV IllUMA Tfl X I Vtt VOUTO AHTv?tO WlVCkN; VncittiM-suit WOT A m. l Ut WJ ( H(MlH. W ugov COOK MO.SUtU- i. m tm 11 sv f --- - - - ....... Pt44t) fONl-t-. V U.-kJll faje,v, x 0C 1HXT HttP K HUVtVNO TH0t VINO VtU-i RKKt KOV Twt NAM IvikT CVS Hit t tS Wt .iv'ila-rf Ft aul 't aV fM ihlM IN s 1 f ir keeler hold Chandler General oMtora.. "VVIllys-Overland . Pierre-Arrow ..... White Motor Stitrlehaker . .. 102 RUBBER AND TIKEI". Ftak .: 12'4 12S 12H 12 Goodrich 3, j? Kelley-Sprlngfield. 40 39 40 Keyaton Tir ... 16 15 15 Ajax " 1 U. S. Rubcer 55 55 INDUSTRIALS. Am. Beet Sugar JL. C. A w. 1 27 23 Am. Int. Corp 45 43 43 44 Am. Sumatra .... 2H 2i iH 25 Am. .Telephon ..119 119 119 Am. Can 41 40 4" 40 Central Leather . 33 S2 J3 S Cuh .Cane 1 9 Cuban-Am. Sugar- 194 1 l'1 l'1 Corn Producta....,l3 1H" 1"1 10S-4 Famoua Player... 83 SI SI 81 General Electric ..153 151 15t 15J Great Northern Or 35. -34 34 .35 International Har . Jl l 91 99 Amr. H. A U. pfd 67 66 7 66 TJ. S. Ind. Alcohol.. 46 44 44 45 Int. Paper 49 48 48 49 Int. M. M., prn.... 11 70 79 Amer. Sugar Rf.. 67 6 -eara-Roebucic .... 7 stromsberg 44 Tobacco Products.. 2 n"orthlnaton Tump 46 46 46 46 Wilson Co 41 4" 4" .... western Union 92 ; ; Went. Eelectric 65 64 65 65 American woolen.. s - HIISCELUANEOfS. Am. Cotton Oil 25 is Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Chicago Grain , Omaha Grain By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Oman Ilea I raerd Wire, C'liii.-ik'o. l:rl. .7. Grain value tnovi'tl up early to a new IhkIi on the crop for May wheat, all deliveries if eom, July ami S member oat, and July rje. Heavy and continued prolit lakuiR, however, liroulit about a xhort decline. The fuiihlt wa about the Imlloiii, wheat l-Hc hiRher to lower, com iiiuli.-intid to 3-4c lower, oats unuhaiiKcd to l-8c lower ami rye iiuchaiiKcd to lc higher. An advance ot J 3-4c in Liverpool included early buying of May wheat. 1 hat future advanced ,1c over Satur day's finish to $ A') 7-8 here, while the July was tip 1 1.2c. The market was a broad alfair. Individual oper ations counted for little alid the bears were afraid lo operate freely. On the swells, KtroiiR commission houses sold freely. As fast as one bull sold out, his place was taken by another buyer. For a time it looked as though there would be no checking the advance. On the swell the Icadinc loncs started to sell. While the market took the wheat well for a time, the undertone was easier toward the last. Then the lower prices were made. X lie July lagced from the start. being influenced by further snow and rain in the southwest. At one time it fell 23c under May. the createst discount so far, closing 22 l-8c under. Outside Market Irregular. Outsid wheat niark.li unr. Irrftiriilai. Kansas City and Winnipeg May both gained "c on Chicago, Minneapolis closed e unaer, going to a discount for the first Urn on the crop. Milling and ex port demand waa only fair, with no change shown In th basis here as com pared with th May. HecelDts. 46 car. Counlry offerings were small. Heavy realizing sales of corn checked th advancing tendency In that market. An early bulge of l''j6'lc brought a new high on the cron. May touching 70c Th market was a broad affair? newa ide velopmenta counting for little. The ex treme outside figure for May waa made on reinstating of lines sold out earlier at lower prices by several locol professionals. Toward the laat reports that tha United rtingnom naa cancelled a small amount of corn at the seaboard led to Increased presauro and the decline. Corn Movement Small. Cash com was offered to exoortera on th basia of 7o under May here for No. 3 grades while on apnt it brought 7c un der. Bids of 60o at Iowa points failed to bring out liberal amounls to arrive. The movement has fallen off materially. Re ceipts of 673 cars were the smallest two daya In the laat several month a. Export demand was less active. Oats showed more activity, with con siderable buying induced by the prospect of export business, but reacted with other grains. The seaboard confirmed 160.000 bushels sold abroad and local handlers sold 125.000 bushels to exporters. nousea with seaboard connections were good buyers of rye and prices averaged higher. Sales of 25.000 bushels . were made here to the seaboard and the latter reported a foreign Inquiry for 900,000 bushels. Pit Notes. "I am bullish on the United States and believe that we aro fast getting back to lonnalcy. Europe also Is Improving faster than most people believe," said J. Ogden Armour. He is back from a 10 days trip through, tne east. "The advance In sterling Is a big factor and foreign ex change all is belter. It will bs a great help toward a business recovery. Europe will take all the grain stuffs we have to sell. Prices have recently been too low. Before the top prices are reached they may get too high, as speculation does such things at times. Of late people who have bought have had profits. There will be price reactions at times, but they will not go as far as they have gone. Corn Is worth 31 to feed, based on hogs at ill or better." With an Immense volume of profit tak ing on in all grains, traders were disposed to look for further recessions in values. They want to see how the trade digests the load. That so much grain should be absorbed with so little break in prices of all grains after making new highs for the season on May wheat and corn and for the distant futures of oats waa a surprise, to the trade. It is said that ' foreigners are the largest holders of May wheat in Chicago. That is regarded as the basis for a good part of Its strength. Farm reserves of wheat are estimated at 154.000,000 bushels, corn 1.702.000,000 bushels and oats 564,000,00 bushels, as given by the National dinners association. Revised figures of the government last yar were 217.000,000 bushels wheat, 1,564.800.000 bushels corn and 683,700,000 bushel oats. , For the tlrat time In a long while. Chi cago shipped more, corn than it received today. The excess was 215.000 bushels. A London cable saya consumption of wheat has overtaken production in Eng land. This was the basia for buying and the advance of 3d in wheat futures there today. - . Minneapolis (.rain. Minneapolis. Feb. 27 Wheat Receipts. 373 cars, compared with 218 cars a year ago; cash. No. 1 northern, 1.5341.5i "4 ; May. 3146: July. 31.35. Corn No. 3 yellow, W !614c. Cats No. 3 white, 3637ic. Barley 47 i 59c , .,. Rye 99clf St.DO'i. Flax No. 1. S2.8SjCt.S2-. ';. ' St. Inla Grain. St. Louis, Feb 17. Wheat May, S1.14V4; July. 3150. Corn May. 5c: July. 67T4S68C Oats May. 44c: July. 45c. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City. Feb. 27. Wheat May, 31.34: July, 31.19. Corn May. SISfl July, 44c. 7t 74 66 8 68 41 42 40 6 58 85 2H it Am. Asri. Chemic-1 5 35 35 3it .American L Inset d.. 32 ii it 35 Union Bag. pfd 65 . 6o o 63 Bosch Magneto ... 39 38 j9 .... Brook. Rapid Tran. 10 , 10 10 10 Cont Can 63 - 53 3 ..... Cal. Packing 75 75 75 i4 Col. Gas & Elec. 75 75 75 .76 Col. Graph 2 2 2 2 United Drug 7 66 66 Nat. F,namel 34 33 33 3S United Fruit 141 141 141 140V4 Lorlllard Tob. ...152 152 152 .... National Lead .... 89 89 "9 9 Phil. Co.' S5 S5 35 S5 Pullman 116 116 115 115 Punta Alegre Sua. 38 37 37 37 S. Porto Rico Sug 49 Retail Store 48 44 44 47 S. L. San Fran. 30 29 29 29 Vlr.- Car Chem 33 33 33 3i Total Sales 1,138.901. Money Close. 4 per cnt; Saturday close. 5 per cent. Murks Close ,044; Saturday close, .DO'SV Francs Close, ."922: Saturday close, .096. Sterling Close, S 4:; Saturday close, .41. Omaha. Feb. 27. The run of receipts was not espe cially heavy iut the two day, amounting to 6.1 cars of wheat, Iu7 cars of corn. Total receipt of a!l kinds of Rrain were 13 cars, a com pared with 170 car last year. Total shipments were T-U cars, as against 125 car a year a;o. Liverpool closed iUin.iu "K"cr, iniluencvd by a growing sentiment that there was a world s shortage ol wheat. Kcccnt estimate have re duced the Argentine export surplus sharply and reports lrom that coun try indicate a large proportion of their available lurplus has already been sold. Chicago May wheat was strong and recorded a new high level in the early session this morning Reports of snow in the southwest over Sun day held the July in check. New high levels were reached in corn fu tures. Profits on the advance were tempting and realizing by holders stopped the advance, and May wheat sold ofl about 2Vi e from the top. The strength in the future market was reflected in a better demand and higher prices in our cash markets. V heat was readily taken at prices c to 4c higher. Corn sold up c to 2c, the white and yellow show ing the most advance; mixed was in clined to lag. Oats sold lc to lHc higher. Rye and barley were gen erally lc up. No. 3 dark hard: 1 car (smutty). 31.36: I car (smutty). 31.28; 3 cara ismutty). 31. S4: 1 car (smutty), J1.35. No. 1 hard winter: No. 2 hard winter: dark: i cars. 31.37. 31.86; 1 car. 31.34: 3 31.32: 3 cars (smutty), ty). 3132. No. 3 ham winter: i car, ilji. No. 4 hard winter: 1-3 car. 31.27: 1 car (smutty), 81.30. semi-dark: 1 car. 31-29. Sample nara: aged), 96c. No. 6 hard winter: -3- .. . . No. 3 yeuow nara: cars, 31.29. No. B yellow hard: heat damaced). 31.25. Sample yellow nara: muaty), $1.19. No. 1 spring: 1 car special billing). SI. 60. ' '. ' Sample spring: i car uiuu i.-.-., '''No. 1 mixed: 2 cars (durum). 31.20. No. 2 mixed: 2 cars, J1.20v 1 car (durum smutty). 31.18. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 31.20: 1 car (heavy durum), 31.19. No. 5 mlxeo: 1 car taurumi, '' Sample mixed: 1 car (durum), 31. 15. CORN. No. 1 white: 1 car, 56c. No. 2 while: 10 cars, 66c. No. 3 white: 2 cars, 65 c. No. 1 yellow: cars, bbc No. 2 yellow: 19 cars, cial billing); 56c. No. 3 yellow: l car i special 55ic; 5 cars, 6Bc. No. 1 mixed: l car, oo'jc; i car, cars, 64 c. No. 2 mixed: 2 cars, 65c; 8 cars, 64 c; car (special billing), 55c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 54ic; 2 cars, 64. OAT9. No. ! white: 2 cars. 37c. No. 3 white: 1 car (special billing). 36ic; 2 cars, 36ic No. 4 white: I cars, i 'c: 3 mixed: 1 car, io'u; RYE. 3: 3 cars, 96c. BARLET. 3: 1 car, 68c. 1 feed: 2 cars, 54c. Sample: War (corn mixed), 58c. TOTAL VISIBLE SUPPLY. Last Last Week Year 28,159.000 1 ear, SI. 30. 1 car, 31.38, seml-senit-dark; 2 cars, cars, 31.33; 6 cars, , 31.34: 1 car (smut- 1 car (11 per cent dam- 1 car, 31.25; 1 car, 2 cars, 31.30; 1 2-J 1 car (.05 per cent 1 ear (weevil (dark northern 66; .1 car (spe- bllling). 55c: No. No. No. No. car, 36c car, 36c. Wheat Corn . Oats . . . Rye ... BRrley . OMAHA .,41.278.000 . .40.897.000 ..70,470,000 , . 7,365,000 .. 2.002.000 RECEIPTS 42.092,000 36.924.000 67.857,000 7,273.000 2.182.000 22,333,000 34,142,000 1,978,000 2.517.000 (Carlots.) AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts- Week Tear Today. Ago. Ago. .. 63 116 63 ..107 155 124 ..15 33 10 ..9 14 ' ... .. 58 54 35 ..70 63 77 ..15 29 13 'i Corn Oa ts Rye Shipments Wheat ' Corn Oats ' Rye Barlev PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Today: wn. Ago. ir. Ago. Wheat 1.256.01)0 1.735,000 Corn 2,140,000 3.194.000 Oats 092,000 1,114,000 Shipments Wheat 501.000 666,000 Corn 1,435,000 1.093.000 Oats 496,000 806.000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. (Bushels.) Todav. Wheat and flour 523.000 Corn 857,0u Oats Z3."" CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Week Year Carlots Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat " 13 27 Corn ,...285 360 3ig Oats 82 1SS 9i NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Week Tear Carlots Today. Ago. Ago. Minneapolis 373 435 418 Duluth .15 41 84 OMAHA STOCKS. Bushels Today Yr. Ago. Wheat 2,250,000 958,000 Corn 1,653.000 1.190,000 Oats 3,807,000 1,006,001 Rve 725.000 38.000 Barley 19.000 15,000 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. 1,853,000 2,148,000 817,000 400,000 780,000 365,000 Tr. Ago. 1,437.000 357,000 By Urdlke Grain Co. DO. 2627. Fb. 27. Art. ( Open. High. I Low. J Close I Sat. Wht. I I ( I May 1 1.48 1 1.49T4I 1.4T 1.47 1.47 1.49 1.474 1.46 July 1.26 1.27 1.2S 1.25 1.26 1.27 ! 1.25 1.2S Ry I Mav 1.10 1.1041 1.09 1.09 l.n July 1.00 1.01 I .99"i .934 .984 Corn I I I I I May .69 I .70 .67, .67 . .69 67 .68 July .7H .73 .70 .70 .70 .71 1 .70 .70 Oats llll M.y .43 .44 .42 .42 .42 .44 43 .43 July .43 .4 ,.44 .44 .4 44 .45, -45. -4' Pork I III May (20.70 121.00 120.70 !21.00 I20.III Lard I II I I May Ill.M I1S.07 11.95 I12.0O 111.85 July Ill.lS il3.27 12.13 I12.J0 Il203 I May ltl.40 11.60 11.40 111.50 111. S. July 111. 10 M1.2J 11.10 Ill.lS Ill.M New York Bonds ial.S. ; 1. hi t0 I. Ill lib I, III I I.I li 94 I. Ill 1 I. Ill ",t Lib 2 Liu 4'.!t Lib 21 I. lb 31 Mb 1343 1. 111 S l lll 2 Lib liberty llonda. IUlt 3 reg :nd 4s H.J Lud 4 l.g. lat 4. 2nd 4 ',4 ,. 2nd 4 ... 2nd 4S rcg. .ltd 4' .... 7.74 3nl 4a re.. 7.4 44 rrg .... 7.2'j 41,, I0II.2S 4 r. ....l"'U3 a, loo.oo 91. "J 4.tll tin. 90 6 34 7 : 9n.li 11 i.0U Low tint . 70 fin. Ill ; 14 an, 00 .U S4.70 97.1.0 97.50 7.'10 ion 24 jno. 13 10'J.OO 4'loa 4.94 94 10 94 1 97 14 00 -.'- ii.7tl 97.78 7.52 97.20 I"'!." loo 12 100.00 foreign (overnnirnls. 41 s 75 I 41 3S ; 15 4 k 25 2.15 31 41 4 if 7 244 82 21 170 175 419 10 40 38 SO 41 41 25 24 8 27 127 13 17 25 48 40 16 10 21 770 83 58 23 1 1 16 15 20 IS 7 IS 10 61 15 14 8 5 3 7 7 46 13 3 1 5 25 17 17 8 11 7 18 43 12 37 7 113 11 21 7 21 21 25 1 111 16 2 14 8 4 10 25 166 , 2 2 1 10 2 39 6 1 1 1 7 9S 6 ft 3 2 1 15 6.1 8 2 3 1 10 1 3 Argta f. S' , ItHglull J 107 10.1 ll.-lKll.IUI 7 ....lo I" llelglail 102 101 '4 Bergen s ,.,l"s lnH Il..rn Ss 111 HI1! llrasil 1"4 103 Hurdeaux ( Si" k can ts 1929 loo 09 Can b 19: 98 (an mi H hll as 192 1l M Chlla 1941 ...1"3 l.t Clill 184U ....101 10m Chilli- S ' " Copenhagen 6s... 90 Vi 90 Cuba 5 9 liatilsh Ss A 1" lianlsh Ss B lnH ''7'i Danish Ss A 1" l"' Denmark 6 7 "' Denmark as "S!V Denmark M Rep 6s 89 88 Dutch East Did 6s 94 4 French Ss .104 104 .1(10 100 . 93 93 French 7s Italians 6s Jap 1st 4s 89' , Jap 2nd 4S .... 89 881 Jap 4 7 75 I.vons 6s 85 SS Marseilles s 85 84 Mcx 5 3 6i,a Mex 4s 444 44 Norway Ss 110 109 Queensland 7 107H 107 Queensland 's .... 99 98 Rio De Jan Ss 101 100 Rio Grsndo D s 8s 100 100 Seine 7s 92 92 Sweden 6s 99 .98 Swiss Ss 11 114 San Paulo 8s 102 101 Tnklos 6s 72 72 Uruguay Ss 107 105 Uni King 6s 1923 105 105 Unl King 6s 1929 105 105 tint 'King 5S 1937 99 99 Zurich 8s 111 111 Domestic. Adams Kxn 4s .... 75 75 Alaska U M. 6s A. 10 Am Agr dim 7sl00 80 97 954 S3 Amn Smelt 6s .... SO Ann Sug 6s 97 ATT lO 6s 112 ATT col 4s 88 ATT Col 6s 9S ATT 4S 89 Am Writ Paper' 7s. Sl Ann Arbor 4s 61 Armour co 4s.... 88 ATSF Gen 4s. 87i ATSK adj 4s stmpd 80 ATtfl cv 4s of 11155 78 A.C Line 7s 104 A C 1st cv 4s 87 ATL FrultCo 7s tcm 29 ATL deb 6s 104 Atlas Power 7s..U)3 A.1ax Rub 8 tnt ctf 99 BO 6s 96 BO ref 6s 79 BO cv 4s 77 BO Gold 4s 78 ! BO 6s 92 BO PGH LEW. 4s.. 74 BO Pgh JM div 3S 88 BOSW 3s 88 BOTC 4s 65 Bell Tel Pa 7 107 Beth Steel PM 5s.. 88 Brnden Cop 6s 95 Bkly Ed Co 6A 1949 94 Bkly Kd (IN 6B 101 Bkly Kd GN 7s D..107 BRT 7s 71 F.RT ctfs Dep 72 Hush Tcr Bldg 6s.. 89 i BushTerBIdg con 6s 88 CanNorRy S G L 7s 109 Can Nor Ry 6s..l08 Can Fac dob 4s... Can Pao Sht L 4s. Cent of Ga Ry 6s. Cent Lea 5s Cent Gtd 4s CerroDePasco cv 8s 111 COGN 4s S3 CO Cv 4s 83 Chgo Alt 3 S 39 CBQ 5s 97 CBQ Ills 4s 88 CEI 6s 1951 new.. 73 CGW 4s 61 CMSTP Cv 6 B.... 65 C.MSTP gen 4s.. 81 CMSTP cv 4s.... 65 CMSTP CV 4S.,.. 65 CMSTP ref 4s.... 69 CMSTP gen 4s A.. 72 C.MSTP 4s of 1925.. 75 CSTV-P deb 48 1934 59 CMSTP 3V4s 64 CMSTP 4s CMPuget 654 CNW 6s 107 CNW 6s of 1933.... 97 CNW 3s 74 Chgo Ry 6s 77 CRIP ref 4s. 78 Chgo TH 6s.. 80 Chgo Vn Stn 4s A 90 Chgo W I 7s....l01 Chgo W I 4s...... 70 Chile Cop 7s .100 Chile Cop 6s 85 CCCSTL ref 6s A.. 97 Colo Sou 4s 86 Col G and E 6s stm 91 Con Reo 6s 91 CN Coal of M 5s.. 86 Cons Gas 7s H"4 Cuba C S cv deb 8s 76 Cuba Ry 7s 102 Cuba Ry 5s. ....... 79 CubaAmnSug Col Ssl04 Cumb 6s 89 Dt and Hud 7s.... 107 Dt & Hud cv 5s 91 Den & R G Imp 6s. 79 Den & R a refit 6s. 46 T & R n con 4s.... 74 D & R G 4s 77 Det Ed 1st ref 6s.. 101 Det Ed refg 6s.... 92 Det Unl Rys 4s... 67 Dia Match deb 7s.l07 .. 36 ..103 ..102 .. 45 .. 39 .. 39 .. 42 .. 86 .101 . 98 . 87 .112 Distillers 6s Dupont 7s 2 LiUQUesne ts 10 Erie gen 4s 42 Erie cv 4s A 10 Erie cv 4s 12 Erie D 5 Erie gen refg 6s... S Flsk Rub Ss 3 Gen Eleo deb 6s.. SO Goodyesr Ss 1931.. 27 Goodyear 1941 .... 16 Grand Trunk SF 7s. 109 69 Grand Trunk 6s. ...101 46 Great Nor 7s A 107 113 Great Nor 6s 96 2 Hav Eleo 5s 87 8 Hock Val 4s S3i 7 Hud & M refg 6s.. 78 Ills Cent s 108 3 Ills Cent Ss 99 7 Ills Cent refg 4s.... 85 1 Ind Steel 5s 98 6 Int M CT 4 .8.... 16 66 Int W CT ctfs....... 13 105 I R T Refg 6s 63 S Int Apr 6s 74 3 Int L & Gf N . 97 11 Int Mer Msr s 9.1 1 Int Paper refg 6s A 5 3 Int Paper B S3 . 26 Invincible Oil 8a... S9 2 low Cent 4s 38 7 Kan City Son 6s.... 84 1 Kan City 3s 4 X K O Term 4s 80 35 Kel Sprg Is 101 1 Lack Steel Ss , 86 10 100 88 97 112 S3 96 SO SI 74 61 88 87 80 78 Vi 104 87 28 104 101 99 96 78 76 78 91 74 88 87 64 107 83 95 94 101 107 69 71 '4 89 S3 109 T4 108 77 SO 96 95 83 110 S3 83 38 97 88 71 60 64 81 64 64 68 72 73 69 64 65 106 97 74 75 78 SO 90 101 7054 100 S5 974 86 91 91 - 86 ' 105 75 101 78 104 89 107 91 79 44 74 77 100 92 67 107 36 103 102 44 39 39 41 85 101 91 97 112 10 . 101 107 96 87 83 77 108 98 84 98 16 13 63 74 7 85 83 S8 28 84 64 7 10 Si' S 107 !" DI2 1S4 111 10J 86 99 98 96 101 1"1 103 66 90 90 J" 1M 1118 96 lon 88 94 4 100 93 S9 88 76 85 86 65 44 110 107 98 101 100 92 98 114 101 72 107 10S 105 99 111 10 100 88 97 112'4 88 96 89 81T4 61 88 87 80 78 104 87 28 104 103 99 954 79 77 7S 92 74 88 87 65 107 88 95 04 301 107 71 72 89 54 88 109 108 77 80 97 95 83 111 S3 83 39 97 88 73 60 64 81 65 65 68 72 74 69 64 65 106 97 74 77 78 80 90 101 70 100 85 97 86 91 91 86 106 75 102 78 104 89 107 91 7-9 44 74 77 101 92 67 107 36 103 102 44 39 39 41 85 101 93 97 112 109 101 107 96 S7 834 77-J 108 8 84 98 18 13 63 74 . 'Vi 93 S54 83 99 38 4 64 SO 105 J I .h Val t 0lj I I.IK A M.-yrr ta... l 1 l...n Nland ilrh ' I I ..hi Island 6 117 74 1 U.rllUt.ln 7 114 I UinlUida i I I, .V 7 0i.it :i 1. n (, i3 ! I. Ac N ri.l os llll.. 14 I, Ar N uni 4s , 1 UN NilMOU els l"2 Man Kv 4a tax -pt 64 1 Mutk-t St !( cul k i 41 Market Ht Ity 1st run 5a M 4 Mnrl a 9 1 Mi-x I'. ln del ... I"! 3 .Mli h Stato Tel 6s.. 97 2 Mid Vnlo s S7 4 Milwuukc Gas 4a,. S9 3 M t I. ref la n 6 M St l'H H M 6s.ul 2 M St I1 4 H S M 6 97 I M St 1' AV ti a M 4a. S7 SO MKT N new adj 6s 60 JO MKT N d notea. ... 3 MKT N K 4 SI i 78 MKT V prior 4a 11. 4 23 MKT N t 4.! 93 M KT . . lid 4s. ... 76 5 MKT N 2d 4 cifs.. 1.7 19 Mu Pau 6a 1923.... 91 '4 73 Mo lien 4a bi 1 Moll and I) 6s 101 13 Muni power 6s 94 2 Montreal Tram 6s., S3 1 Murrls 4s : f Nashiiuu kiec 4s... so 101 a Din's l"i ! S9 1"1 .l ti 65 105 . 99 . 86 . 99 . 79 . 77 .106 . 95 . 78 t 6 Not Mi-x 6s 10 NY C Col 7s 40 N Y deh 6s .. 1 N Y refg 4 ., 4 N V 4a 1934 ... 4 N Y con 4s 5 N Y refg 3s ,., 36 N Y Kd 1st ta A, 1 N Y Gas dec 6s , 1 N Y V M 4s .... 1 N Y N H H 6s ., 2 NYNH1I d 4a 1955 61 6 N Y Hy adj 6a .. 6 12 N Y Rvs relg 4S .. 31 2 N Y ctfs 4s 30 3 N Y States Con 4s.. 65 52 N Y Tel 6s 1941,...102 17 N Y Tel 1949 103 14 N Y Tl 4S 90 3 N Y W and B 4s 4t 3 Niagara Falls P 5s 97 Nor liou 6 1 Nor Duu con 4s 10 Nor Pao 4s .., 23 Nor Pao 3s .... 1 Nor Pao refg ., 61 NPGN Jet 6s 10 Nor State Pow 6s A 89 26 N W Bell Tel 7s ..107 2 Ont Pow 6s 92 4 Ore S U 6 97 S7 Ore S L Gtd 6s.... 98 5 Ore S L 4s 89 29 Ore W R R ir N 4s 78. 12 Pac Gas and E 6s.. 88 1 Pac Pow and L 5s.. 88 12 Pao T and T 6s.... 93 9 Packard 8s 99 15 Pan Peto 7s 97 .1 Pa 7s 106 15 Pa 5s 1988 ..... 26 Pa gen 4s 1st 2 Pa real est 4s , 2 Pa 4s , 30 Pere Mar 6s .... 196 Phil Rys 4s ... 9 Piorco Oil Ss .., 1 C C S T L 6s A 2 Prt Rys L & P 7s.l04 20 Reading Gen 4s ... 82i Rio G W 4 76 9 R I A R K LA 4s 78 3 R W T & O c 6s 99 1 STLSIMS Bs 95 11 STLSIMS 4s R & G 77 70 STLSF 4S A 13 STLSh 6s B 146 STLSF fldj 6x .., 1 STLSt 6s C 63 STLSIMS inc 6s .. 3 STLSW 1st 4s ... 6 STLSW con 4s ... 6 STLSW Terra 6s., 2 STPKSL 4s .... 4 San Ant & Elp 4s. 172 Seaboard Con 6s.. J6 Seaboard adj 5s.., )1 Seaboard 4s Stmpd. 64 '4 42 Seaboard refg 4s.. 37 1 Sharon H 1st Ss A 94 393 Sin Cv 7s 100 li 1 Sou Bell T & T 6s 94 3 Sou Pao cv 4s 88 83 Sou Pao refg 4s.... 8474 15 Sou Pao Col 4s 79 22 Sou Pac sf term 4s 81 30 Sou Porto sug 7s.. 95 16 So Rys 63 90 33 So Rys 4s 62 2 So Rys 4s STL 7.. 77 21 So Cal 7s 105 4 Steel and Tube 7s 98 21 Third Ave adj 5s.. 66 9 Third Ave refg 4s.. 62 27 Trl City Ry & L 5s 99 1 Un Pao 6s 103 2 Un Pac 1st 4s.... 91 11 Un Pac cv 4s 914 3 Union Tank Car 7s 103 13 Uni Drug 8 107 1 U S ReHlty be.... 94 . 8 USRubber 7s 1930 103 2 U S Rubber 7s. ...100 58 U S Rubber 5s 87 26 U S Steel 6:. . ... .100 1 U S Steel regd.... 99 36 VaCarChen deb 7s 91 M 14 Va Rys 6s 90 3 Wab 2nd 6s 86 8 West Elcc 6 99 1 West Pao 6s 84 9 West Pac 6s 84 9 Wrst Pac- s B....100 5 West Union 4s 1st.. 93 21 West'houso 7s ...406 5 Wheeling & Le 4s 58 14 2 Wlckwire 1st 7s.... 98 11 Wilson 7s 96 It Wilson 1st 6s 95 25 Wilson cv 6s 87 1 Wilson Cent 4s 75 Total Sales. 315.849.000. mm 7, 114 91 !" )'i !' 9 J2 At ti .i'i 95 99 99 l'U'i J"l 97 97 1,6 hl, St 9 34 34 l"l 1'I 97 97 S7 87 49 60 S3 1-8 tit 61 M 9.1 91 76 76 57 67 99 99 : 62 11 D'l 94 94 84 85 83 S3 86 86 65 65 105 H,5 99 99 80 99 79 15 86 99 79 75 106 106 95 95 78 78 69 69 51 64 :n 61 574 30 59 87 84 0 60 .1064 96 87 98 87 . 90 44 98 70 82 77 96 62 77 72 75. 77 73 62 18 30 30 65 65 102 103 103 103 90 90 41 41 97 97 69 87 69 87 84 84 60 60"i 60 60 . 106 1I 89 89 107 107 91 92 97 97 97 97 89 89 . 77 74 77 87 .88 88 8S 93 93 99 99 97 97 106 106 96 96 87 87 98 98 87 87 S9 74 89 44 44 98 98 92 92 "i 103 104 82 82 75 75 77 78 99 i 99 96 95 77 77 69 69 82 76 96 62 SI 75 77 72 60 18 62 35 94 100 94 88 84 79 80 95 90 62 77 106 55 61 99 103 91 91 103 1064 94 103 100 86 100 99 91 90 86 99 84 84 100 93 105 68 , 97 95 87 54 75 82 76 96 62 77 724 75 77 73 61 18 64 37 94 100 94 S8 84 79 SI 95 90 62 77 105 98 65 61 99 103 91 91 103 1064 94 103 100 86 100 99 1 '4 90 86 99 74 84 84 100 93 106 6S 97 96 95 87 75 Kansas City Live Slock Kansas City, Feb. 27. Cattle Receipts, 14,0)0 head; the stock and beef steers 1025o higher; S8.6O paid for medium weight steers; other sales S6.60ig)8.40; g'ood heifers, $fi.507.0O; better gradts cows, S-5.60P6.00; plain and Tnediifm kinds, I4.50i85.00; calves steady; best vealers, S10.0010.60; stockers and feed ers steady to 15c higher; several loads feeders, 37.60 7.75; best stockers. 37.50; other classes strong; spots higher; can ners. S3.003.25; cutters generally S4.00 4.25: most bulls, S3.764.60. Hogs Receipts. 10,000 head; few early sales 1025c higher; later sales on close active to both packers and shippers; most ly 25 35c higher: spots more; few lights up to 310.S5; bulk 1906250-pound weight S10.6510.7S: good and choice 2"Og300 pounds. S10.50; bulk of sales S10.3010.76; packing sow and pigs, 25c higher; packer top. S10.80: choice stock pigs up to S10.40. Sheep Receipts, 11.000 head; steady; best light ewes, 18.25: Isnrbs generally 10S26o lower: top 315.60; bulk better grade S15.00 15.40. Slonx City T.lve' Stock. Sioux City. la., Feb. 27. Cattle Re ceipts, 2.600 head; market, stockers. steady to trong; killers, strong. 25c higher: fed steers and yearlings, 37.25(9 8.50: warmed up steers and yearlings, .".007.00; fat cows and heifers, S4.00 7.00; canners, S3.50f4.oo; veals. J.'.OOffl 9.60; feeders, S5.O0ei7.25; calves, 3t.80( 7.26; feeding cows and heifers, 13.2531 5.60; stockers, (5.00 7.15. Hogs Receipts. 3,600 head : -market IS 25c higher: butchers. SlO.lOffl 10.40; lights. S10.503 10 65: mix-d, 39.7510.25; heavy packers. 88.23(5 8.75: native pigs, li.00; bulk of sales, $10.25 510.60. St. Joseph I.lve (stork. St. Jos-ph, Mo. Feb. 27. Hogs Re ceipts. 9.000 head: 269 60c higher; top S10.90: bulk S10.40910.75. Cattle Receipts, 2.700 head; strong to 15c higher: steers, 6. 5008-76: rows and heifers, S4.90) 8 50; calves, 35.60 ft 10.00 Ph-ep Receipts. 3.500 head: steady; lambs, I14.75S15.50; ewes, S7.0St.:. live Stock Omaha Produce Receipts wr Monday rstimal ... .! dam day lax k,. ." Sama day S oka. so 1.7:1 Mam day 3 ka. ago 9 i'4 Ham day )ar tgu.. .49 Omaha. FrU ST. Catll llc Mhep 7u I :i 9 "4 .M4 l'i.J.4 .CHIQ .!. 7,04 li.'VO !!... lpt and disposition f livestock al th 1 nlun Ml... k Yards, Omaha, N'H . for i Iiiiuib, ending t 1 V. in.. J-cbiu-ary :?, Jli:.'. ItECflPTK i"Al!!. 4 at 1 lu lli.ga Shi-cp M M. .. M. Ut. 1. Uy.. 3 Mo. Par. Ity 4 I lllnir I'li.-lfio II. R. 61 :l 14 1 f. N. W, Hy., e.i I I I'. N. W, Hy., west 51 Hi (', l-U P., l. As l . M li .. 1 I. 14. A: 6. Ity., east 3 O, 14. At (-. It., west 74 16 9 1 C, It. I. A: P., tlM. 15 ". It. 1. P. weal Ulln.ns Central Ity, K 1 ,. . C, G. W. Ity .1 Total receipt .,274 o 23 DlbPimlTlON H KAI). I'attlo ll-iga Slie-11 Armour A i'o 711 !1"3 l"1 Cudahy I'm king Co.. M- l- list tiold racking Co.... '-'37 5M Morn Packing Co. 9"2 6.' 103 Hwlft & Co. 910 1:7 1235 J. W. Murphy IjMI .... Swart A i'o 71 Wilson Packing Co.... 110 HlgKlns Packing Co. 5 .... .... Hoffman Bros 22 Mayerowlrh At Vail. 10 Mllwest packing Co. 25 .... P. O'Uca i Omaha Packing Co. 11 .... .... John Koth y sons.. 47 Benton Ac Van Saut. 10 .... .... J. II. Bulla 31 R. M. Jlurrus & Co. 84 W, H. 4'heek 42 .... K. U. Christie & Son ." Dennis & Kruncls. . . 7.1 Kills A Co. 25 John Harvey 801 Huntzlnger A Oliver 30 .... .... T. J. Inghram 7 K. 41. Kellogg 122 F. P. Lewi so Mo-Kan. C. A C. Co. 21 .... Rothschild 103 J. B. Root A Co. ... 40 Roaenstock Bros. . . 257 Sullivan Bros 7 W. B. Van Sant Co. 169 Werthelnier A Dcgen 466 Smiley 99 Other buyers 1064 Total 7206 8010 349 1707 Cattle Receipts. 6,800 head. With light er receipts than on most recent Mondays, both' here and at Chicago, and a broad demand for fat rattle, the steer market this morning was active end fully 10ft! 25o higher, while cows and heifers ad vanced a full 25c. Steers sold pretty large ly at S7.268.O0. with the best hero up to S8.60, a new top for the year to date. Heavy shipping cows reached a top of 36.25. Stockers and feeders were also gen erally strong to-as much as 103l5c high er, yearling stockers reaching a new high mark of 17.65. Quotations on Cattle Good to choice beeves. S7.638.60; fair to good beeves, Srt.90(Ji7.60; common to fair beeves. $6.25 6.90 ; good to choice yearlings, $7.76 8.75; fair to good yearlings, S7.00fi7.65; common to fair yearlings, S6.507.00; good to choice heifers, $6.407.25; fair to good heifers, S5.O06.35; choice to prime cows, 35.656.26; good to choice cows, S6.O0ffi5.6O; fair to good cows, S4.50 6.00; common to fair cows, S3.004.35; good to choice feeders, SO. 858)7. 50; fair to good feeders, S6.156.75; common to fair feeders, $5.40fa6.10; good to choice stockers, S6. 85 7.65; fair to good stock ers. SS.2.i6.75; common to fair Btockers, S6.506.25; stock heifers, $4.506.0O; stock-cows. S4.00i5.00; stock calves, S5.00 7.76;. veal calves, S6.009.75; bulls, stage, etc., J3. Soft 6.25. BEEF STEERS. No. 65., 11.. 19.. 25.. Av. Pr. No. Av. ,.,.1167 S 6 85 20 1037 I ..,.1176 7 15 15 1110 ,...1197 7 75 24 1403 ....1410 8 60 STEERS AND HEIFERS. Pr. 7 00 7 25 8 25 760 565 ,.1123 ..1006 ..1007 ..1158 5.. 7.. 38.. 12.. li.. 12., 20.. .1134 698 6 85 10.. 7 2a 2a.,.. , COWS. 4 10 11... . 6 00 7.... 6 35 12 6 25 HEIFERS. 5 20 13.... 60 924 .1012 .1178 . 967 .120 810 5 60 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 583 721 952 866 993 00 6 65 6 90 7 20 7 60 23. 27.. 62.. 39.. 30.. S41 . 696 .1065 . 523 . 653 1... 1... .1450 .1310 150 BULLS. 3 75 1 1500 3 80 4 50 1 500 5 20 CALVES. , 9 60 Hogs Receipts, 7.500 head. Opening trade today was mostly 1015c higher with strength gained later and hulk of hogs moving at 1520c higher. Shippers and packers were both active bidders. Light hogs gold mostly from S10.3010.46 with a top of $10.50; mixed loads and butcher weights S10.10(f))10.30, and pack ing grades S9.0010.00 with extreme heavies $8.609.00. Bulk of sales was S10.1610.40. HOGS, No. Av. Sh. Tr. 40. .260 70 $10 00 69. .250 140 10 20 55. .243 ... 10 30 54. .ISO ... 10 40 Nos Av. bo. .in 72. .247 70.. 236 60..228 Pr. $10 15 10 25 10 35 10 45 The mar- Sh. 70 Sheen ReceiDts. 6.000 head ket was fairly active today with a good demand for fat lambs, prices ruling most ly 10()15c higher. Bulk of lambs moved within a range of S15.251S.75, the latter price top for the day. Feeders and shear ing lambs were fully steady, some good quality Oregon lambs going out at $14.60 Sheep were strong to 25c higher, $6,25 paid for good quality light ewes. Quotations on sheep: Fat lambs, good to choice, S16.25iiri5.76; fat lambs, fair to good, S14.601S.26; shearing lambs, $14.0014.50; feeder lambs, S13.00igil3.85; cull lambs, S10.0012.00; fat yearlings, light, S12.5013.00; fat yearlings, heavy, JH.60i3ilO.60; fat wethers, $7.75 3 9.00; fat ewes, light, $7.6008.36: fat ewes, heavy, $5.60t37.v0; leader awe. $4.006.50. , Chicago livestock. Chicago. Feb. . 27. Cattle Receipt. It. 000 bead; beef steers closing with early- advance partly lost: market gen erally ' steady to 15c higher; top beef steers, $9.40, weight. 1,426 pounds; top S-arllngs, $9.00; bulk, beef steers, $7.50 8 35; fat cows and heifers, 15o to 25c higher; bulk, $4.60 5.15c; canners and cutters, lOo to 15o higher: largely, $3.00 193.76: bulls, strong: bologna mostly $4.254.40; veal, calves uneven; mostly steady; bulk vealers to packers, $10.60 if 11.00; stockers and feeders, steady. Hogs Receipts, 68.000 head; mostly 10q to Oo higher than Saturday's aver age: close, strong: shipper bought about 10.000; holdover liberal, mostly off mar ket; top, $11.26; bulk, S10.7t$il.i5; pigs, 25o to 40c higher; bulk desirable, too to 1 20-ponndets, $10.00g 10.50; some strong weights, up to $10.75 auid $10.85. Sheep1 and Lamb Receipts. 21,000 h-ad: fat and shearing lambs, 15c to 25c lower: sheep, steady: fat lamh top, $16.00; bulk desirable kinds. $i5.5fl3 15.75; top shorn lambs, $13-25: ton. w-ooled ' yearlings, $14 oo; ewes. $8.60: shorn ewes, $7.7i; desirable shearing i lambs. $14.25. j Bar fMlTeT. I New York, Feb. 27. Bar Silver For- 1 eign. 6"c , - llexican Dollars 15 "c . Vornlihtd hf tat Pf Nebraska, de partment nf ssrl.-ullur. buru ot mar ket and tn.rk. nng : L1VB Ptit'LTnr. VVhnleeal riuym I'r. u in. In ;o wiaao ptiiis; lien Use lit . . Iln (heavy) i'nrka I nick li-es 'lurkey inn I7w : u AZM' .11 :i 21 .1.1 .14 S3 DUL.-.4KD Put. I.TItY. Whntrsat felling I'r 0 JtfflO 14 .:t it : .Mi .:'. .Ill i .2' 1$ .Vl' it) Man Kpntigs Hen lock Duck Geo 1 urkey , . . Select So. I No. 2 Crack tuo count tUllM. , . . a iiitft 6 30 HUTTKn. Creamery print ('reamer, ml' Country, b-at ... ,l"s .22 Country, common -lW HUTTKKKAT. glnllon price .... ... HAV Pralrl No 1 upland No. 2 upland 1 No. 3 upland. .. 1 mldinnd 2 midland. -, 3 midland I lowland 3 lowland choice .flltf .:: .;(v .raw .?6' .2 4'. .249 .3t .I'Oul .26'i .22 V )xli I oil -a. 9,1 Vit., .l .. I'll... M . 4-( k it I IH l"l"t ...ll-l" U'kl ..11. r .i,-.1 n.ai, (ml t.i.$ r !- ti . lit. Hi mui- i t '(- pal" h. '.J. . I..l. )l, A fair -illi'tf ( .11. ...aa in ,-.uih ail fil'- i. W.. u-i.a ts- i-.it'4 h lh- n I ..!.( .a Wait alt! u. JaH. l.n.1,.1. i-.... a tii A-m twif fl in l,a taa I-. I ..Ji 1'il l.M'i.n I -t Hiiiaiaaii .. ta.liy n.m.a 1 I .l ,l(.(raa.-a . II fliwl plica lllf (ail laata ! a a.a I imiioi. H..( nai(, 4 puiui d-.li.ia, t ! f' pi .1.111.1- upland. ...... lit. mi ai-i iiiarVrl ret (M.mIuii t I p..illl aj1in aw Oilana. $ r - - II 1 -..in -ttn.-, la(4iinn. US'.', pui haased ' A'ISm!, 1(4.', r-'nl iix im. tlaiiil-l.ia f tm. ttn th.l...1. U-)lt, i CV, VlhllSdi Lull l.u-W. 111., MB. h-i'sad, hi. 1 1'" l-ltniix li. V.t Rl l-"ula. I-ell, J, ('atll .. rt.i-, l ""Oj t,-. f Slevi h4 haaf (" i. ..anv 1'i.tlV iii.'rj i"il I aO-WUd Harii'9 aiai fa ;5; li.p tilad Var n -a. 4u; bblk a'-.ra, al11: ,4i.irr roas, ItslK t.r1iiisa, bulk talae nd al.krt n-lly l-lyt llMlk ! , l .11 1 -10, . p. ltl. llax rlpl. Im', ptualltf It f:.i li.lirr. I.... Ill Sf (nf una l"d; Mln, U'l lu J. 4 pe.lll.l e(g-, ll uuPIM'. bulk 2 in as-i-puund wvigtiia, $I.!V II lA; pai-k-r "iaa. sirong I I&0 ' 14l b.ii.n. siump-I $; pita, Ml', l -. I ta. Pll. a-p n. I aniba Itecelpl. 14.01 r-i(.ta) tiiuly n lliinuslt Milling ; market Bltwtily; wti da. k .-d ta chnli IQ.p.iuf'1 il,,,-. Uml-a, ll..ii luedlltm rl n-iima, mm Turiatiillii and lUoln, Hj.iin4h, 4U. tub. ! J f urpnlln ft a-.) '. ( I aalaa, 44 barrels; reralpla, .iri.la; alllpinollla, II haflalc; (locka 3 914 bati-la tt.,u, t-11 rrt r le lJ !: rclpla. 31J iSa, aniplnciH, -in la.aa, nova, tS I9 rk v Quo4 liliKKilllf. Sl.6l; K, S (I I t'l M. -.U4ji.lj N, I'.K, Wt.. j.5; WW, S 10. New rk rrodtlc. Naw Ycik Keb. 31 Hultr rirw! ri-aui-ry li'iher than extra, iltUI't"-; eieamriv rfctrMa, aa'attlatTi'l cremry lir.ia. "ISvl'c: r' king ttxk currant liiak N. 1. !(! )s(a Weak: Ir-ah ra'hereit txtia fliala, 31c; ditto firala, SSffSOc. Ch a liedyi wholn milk flat frah ap-ciala. :n(-:lr: aiai whol milk fratt twin aptvlala, ;Q(t:oo. I hlrags I'rudura, rhlcag.i, Feb. 27 11 u 1 1 r Hnhr( rr-am-iy rural, 3r.o; first', 310 vcotnla, 2 vine; standard, 3Sr. K Luaer rcelfi. 21.647 caaaa: firala. :i..; ordinary f I rats. Sujilc; mi. Cllaneoiia, 2:J3o Poultry Alive, uni longed; fowls, c; prmga, 21c; tooaters, tc. .60 .24 No. No. No. No. No. Alfalfa. No. 1 Standard .. No 2 No. Oat straw.. Wheat straw... Slft-tOlJII 00 8.60010 01 7.00W 8 00 10.llOtlitO.60 9.60ft 9.60 7 Oily I 00 , S oot 4 00 ( 00 ji 9 00 18. 60 (if 19.60 16.6041118 60 14 004)116 00 11.60aiS 00 10.00 4)11 00 S.OOlrD 9.00 7 0(1j 1. 00. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Fruits Psnanas. 74TSo per lb. Or angea. sire 216 and larger. $5.5o8.60; sl;:a 250, .V50ft6 2j; size 2S8. $. 256 00; size 324, $5.006.00. Lemon. $5 6007.50 box. Grapefruit. $4.2550O crat. Apple, according to grado and lr.e: Jonathans. $3.25iti3.7S; Delicious, $3.5O5.0O; Rom Beauties, 1.11)03 25: Slamon wtnessp, $3O03 25; Common Wlnesap. $2.0O3.75; Winter IVarmalns. $2.753.00: Spltien burg. $3.25-4.00; Blacktwig. $3.0004 00; Ben Davis and Gano, $2.6O3.00: Ortley, $2.50. Peara, Oregon eating. $4.00 bu. bnskets. Figs, 24 packages, 8 ounce, $2.16 9i2.25: 12 packages, 10 ounce. $1.60. Dates, Dromedary. 36 package per box, $6.75; Hallowll, 1410o per lb. Vegetahlca: Potatoea. per cwt.: Neb. Early Ohlos, No. 1, $2.25: Neb. Irish. Cob blers. 32.25; Red River Ohlos. No. 1. $2.25 P2.60; Colo. Brown Beauties. $S2.602.76. Sweet Potatoes. $1,7512 60 per bu. Celery, $1.2502.00 doz. Head Lettuce, $5.506.00 crate. L-af Lettuce. 60 60c dot. Red Onions, t10c lb. Yellow Onions, 9o lb. Spanish Onions. S3.EO4.60 crate. Cauli flower, S2.60ifii2.75 crate. Cucumbers, hot house, $2. 50". 00 doz. Carrots, 2c43c lb. Turnips, 23c lb. Parsnips, 3j"3e lb. Cabbage. 2Vj(5c lb. Young Southern Kadlshes. 7590o. Young Southern Car rots. 90c. Young Southern Beets. 90c $1.00. Brussclls Sprouts, 2 So lb. Shallotts. 65c doz. Green Peppers, 2535o lb. Young Southern Onions, 90o dos. Parsley, 45 75c doz. hunches. Wholesale prices of leef cuts are as follows: No. 1 Ribs, 23c: No. 2 ribs, 22c; No. 3 ribs, 17c. No, 1 loins. 26c; No. 2 loins, 24c; No. 3 loins, 19c. No. 1 rounds, 16c; No. 2 rounds. 6c; No. 3 rounds, 12c. No. 1 chucks, 10c; No. 2 chucks, 9c; No, 3 chucks, 8c. No. 1 plates, 6c; No. 2 plates, 6c; No. 3 plates, 4c. Unseed OIL Duluth, Minn.. Feb. 27. Linseed On track, $2.602.63; arrive, $2.6002.62. Kanaa ( Ity I'mdtire. Kama. City. Feb. 27. Eggs lo owr; flisle. 21c Iiuiier Unchanged; creamery. ISci parking, I .v. Poultry Hon um hanged, ::c; aptlnis. 2o higher, 27c. Kauaii- I lly liny. Kansas City. Mo., Kel-. ST. Hay Steady 10 $l ii higher; cholc lflfa, l:2.002300; No. 1 prliie, SIO40(ll.o; No. 1 tlmothv. $13. bo-r 14.50; clover, mixed, light, $1X0014.00. Investment Opportunities and Our Twenty Payuent Plot Tbea pnMieatlens lefl f -oa4 (. Biaal staioJu. wkic e-aa 4 ss-taiijaaal a small -arntaU xoding o-a-r pana4 of twenty mnatha. Tbla pa, waa riiaa(4 by a 1 IsuL YftQ aa wobi baattiwa. Wrife foe 17-OB Investment Secxxrititt 40 Exchange PUc, New Yotrfc Write Fr On FREE IO0KS 0 lHrK, MUNN 8t-CO. Tower Bui din a. CHICAGO. ILL Scientific Atnihrui HMjr., WASHINGTON. T. C WoolworUi Building. NEW YOBK Hobtrt Bldf., SAN IBA1NCI8C0. CAL. Clerornen wont caaka m fiomdally nM" 4 pendant. But lyitusatie Mrinff un in- A worken, araw mm pmi miww,w joy the moit luxurtes, nv u moat peace 01 mina. wwn mw to itnrt tsj HDQing ior urv tins AtMM." ft nauemmy knowo cory or rewr Fffrkio. Tear trus aa 4 -Btlth nnr amtam m. kuarw n mar-. If 1 a 1 KRIEBEL & CO. itmmttmtnt SmevriltM Dept. an 1)7 S. U Salte SUChititt anaCltf ladiU9olis MiiwaukM Mthrf Chict-io Mreit Citvalind St. laeil ftalltl Why Not Invest in Full Paid Stock? First Homo Mortgage at Securities. Dividend Declared Quarterly. Checks Mailed Promptly. Invest With Us. ASSETS $9,378,000.00 RESERVE FUND 401,375.00 N Occidental Building & Loan Assn. Comer 18th and Harney 33 Year in Omaha GRAIN WE solicit your consignments of all kinds of grain to the Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kansas - City and Sioux City markets.- We Offer You the Services of Our Offices Located al Omaha. Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska Hastings, Nebraska Chicago, Illinois Sioux City, Iowa Holdrege, Nebraska' Geneva, Nebraska Dea Moines, Iowa Milwaukee, Wis. ' Hamburg, Iowa -Kansas City, Mo. Get in touch with one of theia branch office! with your next grain thipment. The Updike Grain Company "The Reliable Consignment pusc"