Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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    Plans Made for
Encampment of
tiommittpf on ArrangrnimU
to Wt ,anm! Soon Cm.
RolMftt MrBrtuV to lie
Lincoln, rrb. 24. .Siibcou.iitiittfa
to arrange r the detail of the an
mi.l encampment of the J'rbrk4
department of the Grand .Army of
the Republic, to be lirM here May
t . l It miiiH at the tint ex
I rcutive committee meeting, probably
! early next montn, remain A. liar
low , chairman of publicity, an
nounce. The (,. A. !., the V. R
Ladiei ff the G. A. R, Son c
Vrterann, Son of Veteran Auxil
ury aii'i the Daughters of Veteran
ii join in the encampment this
i ne Headquarters am! hotel com
n.ittee. already appointed, report
nnr retrrtfaimn practically com
; plete. General headquarter of the
encampment, a well a hradquar
tr of the variou unit, will be lo-
i eted in a hotel. The executive
ommittee ii making all it arrange
menu on a ban of I.fXX) visitors,
air. Harro state.
Officer to Be Present.
Gen. Robert M. McBride of In
dianapolis, enior vice commander
in-chirf of the Grand Army of the
Kepublie, lias accepted an inviUtm
to be present and address the re
union, according to Mr. Barrow.
The general will hold the position of
honor in the review of the annual
parade of veteran, which i sched
tiled for May 10.
Clifford Ireland of Illinois, com'
tnander-in-chirf of the Son of Vet
erans, aucceedine Mr. Barrows, ha
partially accepted an invitation to be
Has Double Purpose.
Mr. Margaret Patterson Steph
en, national president of the sons
cf Veterans Auxiliary, is expected to
attend the encampment for a double
purpose. First, to make addresses,
and, second, to aid in organizing the
division of the Nebraska auxiliary.
, A. E. B. Stephens of Ohio, her hus.
band, will come vjith Mr. Stephens,
according to plans. Congressman
Stephens is a former commander-in-
chief of the Sons of Veterans.
i Junior Vice Commander-in-chief
' Don D. Dennan of Iowa also is ex-
I pected.
I Management of the encampment
i this year is in the hands of the Sons
of Veterans.
Dancing Master'
KtftK'fM HI!
Several Brick Buildings
Constructed at Albion
Albion, Neb., Feb. 24.-(SpeciaI.)
This city is experiencing a much
better busincsa outlook than for
tome months.
The new brick building on Fourth
street, erected by S. M. Wilson, is
about completed. The store build
ing on Main street built by J. Hess
j . being occupied this week. The
pop factory constructed by George
Fnttin is ready for the instalment of
equipment. Col. Frank E. Mans
field, a retired farmer, has com
menced excavating for a new store
building on North Main street. All
of these buildings are constructed of
brick and by local capital.
Father and Son Banquet
Is Held in Bloomfield
Bloomfield, Neb., Feb. 24. (Spc
c:al.) Nearly 100 fathers and sons
attended the "Son-Dad" banquet in
the basement of the M. E. church.
Dr. A R. Settell was toastmaster
and the following toasts were
given: "What a Father Expects
From His Son," George Downs;
"It's Great to Be a Dad," H R.
VanAuken; "Pulling Together," G.
H. Liddell; "Here's to the Son's.
May They Succeed," J. C. Hansen.
Rev. E. M. Furman gave the ad
dress of the evening and vocal solos
were given by Miss Angie Funk
and Mrs. Frank Hughes.
IJIohMa rtt, a raualrr U
Vlailllif fcf rll .M.tHa. faa taka haf
ImII. a Inla kMllr " r(
taa a aWaa kawMll frma
lha .avart rlMha III alaar mm(I
ar. Tlx r I li (alkrin
ha fakaa iiimmi art la fal )iu,
aaa In, an mif ta ml aar
t- aaara. iMUahal . ralalUr Oil
a at a an,y Irararr aaa laal
to ax in mil Ilia aiala.
(t'uallaa4 Craai V tarda.)
Elizabeth tat back in her corner.
her throat tiling with indignation,
lur hand clasped to hide their
She va bitterly resentful; .lie did
not believe that there could be any
thing against Pat Royston. She
felt that she hated her aunt and
She had been o happy it bad
been such a wonderful evening! She
had only to cIokc her eye to feel
again a ttrong arm around her and
the found of haunting muic in her
She did not pak another word
till they got home; then she followed
Dolly into her room, instead of part
ing with her on the landing.
"What is there againt Mr. Rov
ston besides his being a dancing
master?" she asked, with courage of
w hich the had never believed hern If
mjiauic. i
Dolly turned round, stifling a
yawn; her blue eye swept Iter
cousin's wistful face amusedly.
I suppose he ha made an im.
pression on you, too, is that it?" she
asked cynically. "My dear, that's
his line with every woman! Tliev
all go mad about him sooner or
later. Some of the girls I know
have made perfect fools of hcm
selves over him." She laughed and
shrugged her shoulders beneath the
diamante straps. "I'm thankful to
say that I am not one of them."
Elizabeth turned away, the sensi
tive color rushing to her face: she
was afraid to admit the warmth of
ber feeling with regard to this man
who had stepped so unexpectedly
into her life. It gave her a qucei
throb of jealousy to hear that she
was not the first woman who haI
found him attractive, even while she
could not believe that he had ever
before been so kind to anyone.
Well he can t help people liking
him," she said, defensively.
Dolly stared at her, then she
laughed unkindly.
Can t help Ul W ell, I suppose he
can t. I don t blame him for bring
attractive nobody can help it if they
are naturally more attractive than
Other people" and she glanced self
consciously in the mirror. hy I
blame him is because he's such a
dreadful flirt, when all the time he's
married man.
"Married 1" Elizabeth echoed the
word faintly, the sensitive color
beating into her face. "Well well,
what does it matter if he is?" she
asked after a moment, with an effort.
Dolly stared at her.
"What does it matter! Really,
Elizabeth's eyes fell.
There was a thrill of disappoint
ment at her heart of which she was
desperately ashamed. How had she
ever been so foolish as to imagine
for one moment that romance had at
ast found its way into her life? She
caught sight of her reflection in a
long mirror on the wall and a little
Forty New Members Added
to Legion Post in Drive
Tecumseh, Neb., Feb. 24. (Spe
cial.) The Kenneth A. Curtis post
of the American Legion put on a
membership drive. Two leaders
were selected who chose sides. Forty
new members were added to the
post and a feed was furnished at
new post headquarters by the losing
Band Concert at York.
York, Neb. Feb. 24. (Special.)
Despite the threatening weather a
capacity house attended the Regi
mental band concert at the opera
house. The band is composed of
43 pieces.
Legion Bazaar and Dance.
Fairbury, Neb., Feb. 24. (Spe
cial.) The American Legion and
the women's auxiliary held a bazar
and dance. About $300 was netted.
This goes to a memorial building
Bond Election.
Callaway, Neb., Feb. -(Special
) A special election will be held
at Comstock to vote on the question
of issuing $19,975 bonds to construct
a water system for the city.
Plan New Bus Line.
Fairbury. Neb., Feb 24 -(Special
) F. Crinklow of this place will
run' a bus line between Marysvtfe,
Kan., and Fairbury, beginning
March 1.
shiver went through her. She lud
forgotten how doudy and unairc
live he wat. Whit nudnoi to
imagine that Koy.ton had been 1.
Audited by anything lave kind!)'
"I dare ay Jti viife is very nkr,"
ih aid with a laugh,
Dolly laughrj cynically.
"I every goo.e a iwan to you?"
he aked. "You'll oon hnd cutvour
mistake if you tay in town long, my
dear, Koytton'. wife it an ftil
perton nobody will know her and
lie's a!umed of her, You never e
them together and he never peaks
about her."
"Ashamed of lier!" Kliiabeth fa!
tered and her rye touch! again the
rtiereilet truth of the mirror and the
reflection of her own lim figure i'l
it loo long frock and country-made
She could not conceive that Roy
tton't wife could be a unmurt a
the Wat! And what, therefore, must
he have thought of her?
"Have you have you ever teen
her?" the faltered.
Dolly began to pull the pin from
her beautifully dret'ed hair. She
nodded, stifling a yawn.
"Yes oh, yes, I've tfen li'T."
"I the i she pretty?" Elizabeth
"Pretty!) Good Lord, im! She
makes up and she's common. Heavea
knows hv he married her. Not that
he's anything very much himself,
but" she broke orT, as Mr. Masoa
came quickly into the room.
She carried a telegram in her hand
and her cold face was disturbed. She
looked at Elizabeth.
"This wire came tonight when we
were out; we had only just left the
house. It is from someone of the
name of Sneath I am sorry, Eliza
beth, hut your uncle died this morn
ing quite suddenly.
Elizabeth had no love for her
uncle, but she turned white beneath
the shock of the bluntly broken
"Dead!" she whispered. It seemed
impossible; the old, cross-grained
man was the only relative she had
ever known; she felt as if the bottom
had suddenly fallen out of the world.
What was to become of her? The
same thought had flashed uncom
fortably into her aunt's tninci.
"Now I suppose I shall haye to
take her to live with me," she was
thinking angrily. "Such r. dow-dy
frump, too! What on earth shall I
do with her? '
But aloud she said, trying to in
fuse something of kindness into her
"It is a shock, of course, but you
must bear up. Elizabeth; we must
all die some day, and he was an old
Elizabeth hardly heard; she was
standing, white-lipped, twisting her
hands nervously together.
After a moment she said, dully:
"So after ali I shall have to go
Mrs. Mason looked at her sharply.
"Go home! Why, certainly vou
will. Surely you owe him a certain
amount of respect and gratitude; he
has brought you up from childhood:
there will be many things to arrange
and to attend to. I suppose I must
come down to the funeral it's un
fortunate! Most unfortunate! Black
is so unbecoming."
"It's absurd to go into black at
all," Dolly said, sharply. "Why. 1
only saw Uncle Robert once in niv
I f; it' bmd t t!: 'k tf ua-
into mourning. If I !,trtl
ia, ,f iiimtf, ji' ,Ff tMii aiUir.
Wrtl. I'm going to be4ta"diulll.
r luattriii Miowed hr u"t "
the landing; the mA tu hr
"Shall -hi 1,.! I luve to
go?" the Ud.
Tliti? i U-i' t Spoilt 9 in the
tManiiiig," XJr. Mafii aitned. )uur ilui'a MiiVt'i and I
will ate thai vou air tailed i'l good
Hii'f, iiuodnia-hi!" She lent (ur
.)ilrih to U brr thrtk, but the
girl nl liiiavrrd,
"Will ou tlsall you be fouling
with me tomorrow?
Mr. i!ioii raif'l her brow.
"With j on tomorrow ? G'od
(rariou, no, it't iiniMiihlc! You
iiiut lit me know whut arrange
menu are made and, I will come
drtwn for the funeral. There tine
to be a mhtitor to attend to every
thing for jkii. l tie whi-le atTjir i
nio.t unfortunate occurring iut
now when wc have to many rngaiic- J
merit." .
(lanllauH In Tha IW Mada, j
Hrtiknt Bow (Iie Play
Broken I!..w, Neb,. Feb. 2l-
play with ch.iraticr from tlt early
history of the I'nitid t'tate .i
the fratiire of an entertainment held
I y the i'ublic Service club here. A
! tianc followed the program, after I
w li ich rrtri-hnicniH were si-rved. A
total of 10 person were pretent.
1 he club hold meeting once a
0llk0l PolllMcr
It ItruiiiHiintftl
thUo.Ii, N.U-, li, ,4-l!e.
I ij! ) l,lltn H I. Halxin, who tiat
trcd tiii,ter at tl'U i-W
for fight )ar. received word tf
I . irai'tMimmfiit Theft ffl
un!y four epplicatint, the ft tit l
ihue lnii.g irpuhlitaiit.
Ivclicf ('orjis (live Dinner.
David City. Nib., Feb. 21. (Spe
cial.) The Woman' ' Relief corp
gave a diitnrr in the t'ommt'rci,il
club room and took in $inl. 'J hi
money v ill be used to defray ex
)fiies on Decoration day.
Road Conditions
(Furnished by Omaha Automoblla Club.)
Lincoln H!hiray. East Roada rough. "
Lincoln Highway, West Roada rough
txeept Central City. Grand Island and
. O, L, D. Highway Rough.
Highland Cuiofr Rough.
SL T. A. Rough. -
Cornhuaker Highway Rough.
Omaha-Topeka Highway Rough. Louia
ville bridge closed.
O Street Road Rough.
King er Trails. Jiortl Rough
' King of Tralle, South Rough.
Ceorga Waahington Highway South.
Black Hills Trail Rough.
Rirer to River Road Rough.
White Pole Road Rough.
I. Oi A. Hhortltne Rough.
Blue Graas Road Rough.
Weather clear at erery point except
liemoot. Columbu and CentMl City.
For years people
have "stood by"
Yucatan. They
like its delicious
minty taste ...
and keep on lik
ing it . . .because
it's always fresh.
'No fancy wrapper
just good gum".
Cheung Cum
Aaarieu Chid Co.
Golden Brown Griddle
Cakes, with syrup. Our
own make Farm Style
Sausages. The Coffee
that has made us fam
ous. Served from Mid
night to 11 A. M. Feb-',
ruary 20th to 26th, in-,
At All
Saturday and Monday Drug Sale
11.10 N'uaHtH him ,....hJ
With lino box Vitmiu
Tablet r'RKK.
$1.10 .S. .S, S Nf)
11.25 I.yko Tonic USc
11,00 put bolilea. 90' Ma
Mtfe Alfuhol ;,
$1.00 (Jrun't Viu-Vim
Tablets GO
Nature 'a Renudy Tablet
t..i7f. :irr uw
liOe Kormamint Tablets. . S'
'2'e U-tloj!en bus Aplrm Tali
lets for 15i
J5e Baton'i Cold Tublfls
fur 11
10e Wanous Shampoo Hus.
4 for ir.t
30e Mentholatum . ...17c
Camels, 2 for ...... .SSc
IVr rarmn 91.H5
Luky Mrike, 2 for. ..35
IVr carton ...... Sf 1 .."
Cheiiterflda, 2 for...35
lOu U .Suramita Command
era, at Tit
ill) Of i Sa!.W)
10c Sell Tampo Coronas,
at ."
! or no 92.50
lOe Krd'nhelm, Ambaa., 5
Bok of f.0 1(2.50
15c Stralcht Mozart, Queens,
at lt
Box of 50 91.50
00e Virginia Dare Wine
$1.15 Swamp Root S5)r
33e Pc Mar's White Pine t'ouh
?yru ic
30e l.aNativi Bromu Qiiuiino
'or 2.Y
b'Oc Bcaton'ii hnuilhion Cocoa
nut Oil for ai?
25c The New Lemon Sosp,
for 10
IVr doun 91.10
16c DcMar's Coconnut Oil
(Jlycerine or' Violet Toilet
Snap, 8 oz. cakes. . . 10
Per doxen 91.10
Hoc Risinol Soup ....2 It
,1tc Cuticura Soap...22t
30c Packer's Tsr Soap. 10t
(illelto Blades ....... 7J0
50c UurliHm Duplex Blades
for ;me
Me Gem Blades :,0
Alarm Clocks Sl.:i
25c Peroxide Hydrogen,
r.Oc Milk of Minrnenia. . . .Hi)?
$1.25 Pinkhum's Vegetable
Compound '. . . flg
$3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk
' for 2.80
The Orifinal and
Reliable One
15 to 50-Watt ...10
0-Watt 5
Fuse Plugs, 10 to 30 am
peres 5c Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic
for 7t
fine La Creole Shampoo, 45?
$1.00 Youtheraft, for the hair,
for 890
35c Cutex Preparations, 23
70c Sal llepatica 43
50c Tooth Brurhea 25t
50c Pepsodent Tooth Taste
for 36
50c Tooth Paste.. 3-i
60c DcMar's Benzoin and
Almond Lotion 12
$1.00 Krunk's Lemon Cresm
for 730
75c Pinaud's Tivoli Fa'ce Pow-
ler iTt
fiOc Sem-pray Jo-ve-nc. . , 4c
rivers Azurea
Trpfle Face Powder
10c Elona Hair Nets, per
dozen 50
15c Venida Hair Nets,
2 for 25
00c lb. Theatrical Cold
Cream. Beaton's, for. .35
60c Herpicide 3a
or I. a
12c Jap Crepe Toilet Taper
for 7t
Per dozen 80
Ter ease of 100..S6.OO
lot? Silken Tissue 10c
Per dozen SI. 10
Per case of 100.. $8.50
$1.50 2-nt. Velvet Red Rubber
Hot Water Bottle. .. .89
$2.00 2-o.t. Velvet Red Rubber
Combination Hot Water Bot
tle and Fountain Syringe
for 91.45
$1.50 2-n.t. Velvet Red Rubber
. Fountain Syringe, at.. 950
All rubber goods are guaran
teed for two years.
Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention
15th and Farnam
" -y-" Jf- -" flrr rfl 'i . jf) rj
The Best Dressed Men and Young Men
in Omaha Today Are Wearing
These Famous Indigo Blue
Sizes for
of Men
00 DOWN AND $2.00 A WEEK
of Proven Quality snappy in every detail x
retaining:. Just the thing; for the man who takes
pride in his appearance.
!sj Single '
jSy Double
( i mmmm n ort of
si RV. c Vv U -V aauV .M a lan.iati .
Uffik : : 1
These are by big odds the most remark
able values we have offered since ,
in fact suits of this quality then sold in
this store at $30.
Come in Saturday for a try
on. You'll be benefited by a
visit to our Suit Section.
16th and Jackson Streets
Saturday Only
Blooming 0 1 n
Hyacinths 1
Just a limited iiuuntity of
theae beautiful spring
tdanU in a -sorted colored
Primrota Planlt, in full bloom,
that will laot for a lout; tune.
Saturday only,
Extra Special!
10-inch Records
29c i
At this si-aaatiottully low prlco
you will find hits by Itert Wil
ilams Marion Harris Irving
Kaiiffman Van and Mienk Art
Hicknuin'a Dance OrHieittra-
Pawl Hii-Ke's lUince Trio
"" others.
Tired of Your Winter Clothes? Our
j Convenient Credit Plan
Is Waiting to Dress You in Smart
VaVty" wvV" at Vtr a
j Spring Apparel
Just what do you look for in your clothes? Smart style,
of course becoming fabrics that will give a satisfac
tory service and right prices.
You Get All These Essential Qualities Here '
And Cheerful Credit As Well.
We might take half a page and still not tell you all the
charms of the new Spring fashions. The youthful,
smart looking styles, the bright colors and new mate
rials will meet with your instant approval.
New Spring Dresses at $19.50 up
New Spring Coats at $14.75 up
New Spring Suits at $29.50 up
New Spring Millinery at $5.95 up
All Winter Suits, Coats and Dresses at J2 Price
A Mighty Clean-Up Sale
at About lr, Price
at . .
Rocker, in mahogany
with cane wings and back
?25.00 for one day
Masive Rocker, comfortably
overstuffed, in genuine leather
worth $17.50 in this sale,
$ 7.50 Oak Rockers $3.75
$15.50 Oak Rockers.... $6.95
$14.50 Walnut Rockers. $9.75
$19.50 Oak Rockers.. $10.95
$18.50 Oak Rockers. ., .$9.75
$21.50 Oak Rockers... $10.95
$22.50 Oak Rocker?... $13.95
$27.50 Mahogany Finished
Rockers at '...$14.75
Scores of Others
in this sale, t
$24.50 j
$27.50 Windsor Rockers,
at $13.95
$34.50 Oak Rockers. .$17.50
$37.50 Oak Rockers.. $18.75
$29.50 Wing Rockers, $18.95
$32.50 Oak Rockers. .$15.75
$57.50 Tapestry Rockers,
at SriT.Srt
Easy-to-Pay Terms.
Quartered Oak Rocker, in fumed
finish, with upholstered tapestry
seat, worth $16.50, 7 QP worth $19.50, for
Mahogany Finithecf Rocker, with
genuine blue leather spring seat.
one day only.
spring seat,
$9.75 J