Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1922, SOCIETY, Image 10

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    2 R
Society "Jolly Musketeer" Players
JUyl Johnson.
'II. ttct.Lit uf llltt MtiH
lohnwo Hui;)l lis rs. both (
Prniton, U, iook put ?4iuruy
jtfifiiwkMi in Ouul t lh f
ill Bride's ailtlt. Ml JU'lHtl I..
ih lie, laihrr Mc
tVlhy (tiiftajinf. JultnMl i
the dottier of M'. D. O. Hi",
wIlO Wilt 't OlH Ol "! t
wf.Mii'B. "'t Mr. Il'f i
f t Mr. M'. J II. Hm, l'0
Upf ill Diiuti (nr tle trr.
......v Mi l.iliiuoit and lirr b i'lr
' Mi, l.urill Johnwis. both
wore Mark csnton cm iirnu
Hif minified witli s'rel lt and
firrifd pmk l'r"
M dtiuiirv of ! Mu'nn '
wan, 1 lie litur dl
!. mil ro, 1 ridav ce
Mr. Mitlc w hjic l
f4Miily dwnrr ir me wm n"";
Mr, luyr wiiliriii 'viw-.'"..
Mr. Am' IVwiiu niuuiicr Ut
II I'urt'Mi. t llwrd R. boicourt.
I.oih of lh rity. whuh w solemn
ic.l Vr.lnr.4jr. I'rUruarjf 15.
Mist Motrin furpcr tftrd a Mr. 0. L. NaUcr wa
,r man.
Mr. nl Mr. Iluianiit will Jf at
lio'ne t Huntrr
Estrt Park Dinner Party.
Mr. suid Mrs. K. V. VoUU rittrr
uinrd t letHif"IW iprtiiirl
nrr at their Imnie Friday cvrninij 1r
Onulia fiiriid Ih were m Ki'
taik iueilier Ut innmrr. 1 nr
Utile wa drroratrd with t'i'ik ror
nd frrsia. ( overs were laid for 16.
The ueM were the Mesr. and
Medamr Henry Wytnan. Milton
Harlow. Mr. Charles OtTutt. Mr.
Warren Kosrr. Mr. Victor (aid
well. Mr. F. I., ncveraux. Mi
Helen Hil.hard. Mi Mildred Rott
er. Mi Margaret Raum. Mi Ma
Sharpe, Mis Mattie Sharpe and
Henry Clarke '
For Mr. and Mr. Fitigarald.
Several aTair were k''" I3'
Meek for Mr. and Mr. Freeman
l-itzgrrald. who lat't Saturday for
Milwaukee, where they will reside.
Dr. and Mr. J. F. Schall enter
tained at dinner Tuesday evening in
honor of.. Mr. and Mrs. l-itzijerald.
and Mr. and Mrs. l'aul I-.. Wash
Kve a dinner for them edneday
evening at their home followed by a
dancing party at the Athletic club.
Miss Katheiinc EiiRlish enter
tincd at . luncheon at the Brandets
restaurant Tuesday for Mrs. l-ita-Kerald
and Mr. Jarne h. l-.nglish
save an Orphruui party lollwmK
the luncheon. Mrs. Fitzgerald was
imnnr iruest at a luncheon Wednes
day by Mrs. Fay DcHart and Mrs.
Whiitakrr at the home ot
Mrs. DcHart.
AlMlU rb r":
Didot Blanc, proprietor of the
'Cafe Richelieu." Marcus T. Niel
sen (center), displays considerable
anxiety throughout the comic opera.
"The Jolly Musketeer." as to the
future of his beautiful daughter,
Yvette.'.Miss Beryl Burtcn (left),
and his likewise attractive and vi
vacious, nierc. verve Helen Rahn
Nielsen (right).
Didot Blanc s ambition is of course
to obtain for both his daughter and
niece a very hiuh title and while the
desire is paramount in the case of
his daughter, should he fail there he
would reserve the title -for his' niece.
Just how successful Didct Blanc is
in his ambition will be very clearly
brought out in the production of
"The Jolly Musketeer," at the Bran
dei theater, February 24 and 25,
under Ak-Sar-Ben auspices.
Mr. Nielsen lias been seen in a
number of musical productions in
Omaha in the past two year, but
he is said to be at his best in the
role of Didot Blanc in "The Jolly
Mi i Burton as Vvcttc has a very
sympathetic voice and a very pleas
ing personality. Mrs. Nielsen as
Verve carries well the soubrcttc role.
Her voire has a remarkable range
and her interpretation of this rather
prominent part is very pleasing.
National "Y" Worker to Speak.
Mrs. Joseph Strong of St. I aui,
Minn., one of the national ''fid com
mittee members for the . W. U
will be in Omaha Monday and lucs
di'.y to explain the finance policy ot
the association for the next two
year, so that the finance committee
"will have a clear understanding ot
the subject when it is brought up at
the general conference to be held m
Hot Springs." Ark., in. April.
Mrs. Strong will - speak at tne
membership supper Monday evening
at tlie-Y. W. C. A. and at the con
ference and luncheon Tuesday morn
ing. . '
Reception for Bishop Cailor.
. The Omaha branches ot . the
Woman's auxiliary will hold a re
ception at the Blackstone Wednes
day afternoon from 2 to 5 in honor
of Bishop Thomas F. Gailor presi
dent ot the council of the Episcopal
ehurch in the United States. Bishop
(iailor, whose home is m Memphis,
Tcnn.; arrives Tuesday to be honor
guest and speaker at a dinner t?iven
bv the Men's clubs of the Episcopal
churches of the city Tuesday eve
ning and will be the house guest
of Bishop and Mrs. E. V. Shaylcr
during his stay here.
Tea for Mrs. Flothow.
Mrs. Max Flothow was honor
guest at a tea given Saturday after
noon bv Mrs. Charles Pickens and
Mrs. Kenneth Paterson at the home
of the former. The house was at
tractively decorated with spring flow
ers. ' Mrs. Flothow, who is Mr.
Pickens' niece, is a new comer in
Omaha, and she and Mr. Flothow
will make their home here. Assist
ing at the tea were the Mesdames
Frank Keogh, Taul Gallagher, Jon
Caldwell, John McCague, Jack Sum
mers Ben Wood. Wilson Austin,
Ralph . Peters and Miss Gladys
Peters. ' 1
Mardi Gras Dance.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baldrige have
iued invitations for a large Mardi
Gras dance to be held Tuesday eve
. ring February 28, at the Blackstone
ball room. About'200 guests will be
present, and there will be unusually
Cay favors. This party will be the
last ' of the pre-Lenten festivities.
Among the guests will be the mem
bers of the. former . dinner-dance
club, which was for several seasons
such a success. . . . - ; r
Miss Almarine Campbell to . Return.
Mrs. J. YV. Campbell has left for
New York : to meet her daughter.
Miss Almarine Campbell, who will
land Monday on the steamer Orduna.
Miss Campbell, who' sailed from
Cherbourg last week, has been
abroad for a year, has traveled on
the continent and in the British isles,
and has been this winter .in. Paris
with her aunt. Mrs. E. J. Preston.
Party at University Hospital.
The February meeting of the
Woman's Faculty , club of the Um
v,ersitv of Nebraska college of medi
cine will be a Washington's birthday
party at . the University hospital
Wednesday evening, February . 22.
The men of the faculty will be the
guests of the club. Dinner will be
served at 7, and there will be stunts,
music and dancing.
Luncheon for Vachel Lindsay.
The board of the Fine Art society
and all committee members will be
present at a luncheon Tuesday at
the Fontenelle hotel in honor of
Vachel Lindsay, the poet, who will
speak that afternoon before the Fine
Art society.
' At Subscription Dance.
The subscription dance at the
Brandeis grill last evenine was a
gala affair. Small tables for four or
six were, placed about the Brandeis
grill, and dinner was served. The
Brandeis orchestra furnished the mu
sic, l nere were no large parties,
people preferring to go in small
groups, but there were about nity
couples present.
Honoring Mrs. Watson.
Miss Mary 'Munrhhoff and Miss
Corinne Paulson will entertain at tea
this afternoon at the home of the for
mer, when the honor guest will be
Mrs. Frances Nash-Watson. About
150 of Omaha's musical set will be
present. The house will be deco
rated with pink snapdragons and
spring flowers.
v - Church Dinner.
The Hanscom Park Methodist
church will give a patriotic dinner in
the church parlors, Wednesday,
February 22 at 7 o'clock. 'Mr. John
R. Webster will give a Washington
address. A musical program will be
given by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dale.
Reservations must be made by Mon
day evening, February 20, with Mrs.
Arthur Fetters.
Missionary Federation. '
The Woman's Missionary .Federa
tion will hold its annual all-day
meeting at the First Central Congre
gational church, Tuesday, Feb. 28.
The annual day of prayer for mis
sions will be observed that day. Dr.
C. C. Drummond of Lincoln, returned
medical missionary to India, will
give the principal address at 2 p. m.
' ' L. O. E. Club. '
The L. O. E. club will, give a card
party at 2 p. m. Tuesday afternoon
at the Elks' lodge rooms. February
27, the club will give a benefit card
party at 2 o'clock at the Elk lodge
roorps. Tickets will be 35 cents,
and reservations can be made with
Mrs. Charles Marshall or Mrs. Ray
mond Goodrowe.
Old Fashioned Dance. ,
The young ladies of St. Patrick's
parish will give an old-fashioned
dancing party in the church hall,
Fourteenth and Castelar streets. Fri
day evening, February' 24. There
will be old-fashioned music, old
fashioned dancing and a good old
fashioned time for all.
, Omaha ns Honored.
Dr. and Mrs. Newell Jones who
are guests of Dr. and Mrs. F. P.
Gengenbach of Denver, will be honor
guests at a Washington birthday
dance at the Denver Country club.
Mrs. Lafayette Hughes of Denver
will share honors with Mr. and Mrs.
Jones for the occasion.
O. L. L. Club.
O. L. L. club of our Lady of
Lourdcs parish will hold the last pre
Lenten card party on Thursday eve
ning, February 23. Bridge and high
five are the games to be played, and
a door prize of $5.00 is offered. The
playing begins at 8 in the parish hall,
Thirty-second and Francis streets.
Maple Leaf Dance.
Maple Leaf chapter O. E. S., will
give a colonial - dance Tuesday eve-'
ning at the Shrine auditorium.
There will be a vaudeville act by
the Misner School of the Spoken
Word. R. YV. Barrett is chairman.
Slumber Party.
Dorothy Graham, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Will T. Graham, enter
tained 'at a slumber party Friday
evening in honor of her 11th birth
day anniversary. The guests were
Evelyn Pierpont, Priscilla Noyes and
Dorothy McCague.
Social at St. Andrews.
Members and friends of St. An
drews Episcopal church will be
given a social evening at the church
parlors Friday, February 24. The
Woman's guild, Mrs. C. W. Rogers,
chairman, will be 'in charge of the
Masque Ball.
A masque ball and card party will
be given at the Scottish Rite cathe
dral Friday evening. The social
meeting of the Scottish Rite Wo
man's club planned for Friday after
noon will be omitted.
Benefit for St. Philip Neri.
There will be a benefit card party
for St. Philip Neris church Monday
evening, February 20, to be given in
Siert hall. Mrs. H. Leary and Mrs.
F. B. Ahlquist are in charge.
Kensington Club.
Fontenelle Kensington club will
be entertained Tuesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. J. E. HaaTmann,
1324 South Thirty-fifth avenue, with
Mrs. John W. Barth as chairman.
Bridge Party.
Mrs. J. M. Metcalf entertained at
her home Friday ' afternoon at a
bridce nartv-, Twentv-fonr enpsts
'Vere present. .
A Still Greater
Phoenix S er vice
' of the. family may select from a complete assort
ment of Phoenix Hosiery. The Hosiery require
ments of the little tots and the school children may
be fulfilled with the same ease and convenience
as are those of the grownups.
Phoenix Economy involves no sacri
fice the initial investment consid- '
ered.' Buy your Phoenix at
where no "other" brands of hosiery
. are carried.
Two Stores
1908 Farnam Street
508 South 16th Street
9 Men
A ion w born Fchriwry 17 it
the Stewart lioipiul to Mr. in4 Mrs,
Vernon fcclilrh.
A diuiihter w born February 14
to Mr. nj Mr., v. I.. Mater at tne
Mewart hopiul.
Mr. an.! Mrs. Jv OTI)P re
turned Thursday frym ' niunth
in New Orltant.
Mr. and Mr. Will F. Noble an
nounce the birth of a Uutiter.
Sarah Prnudiil, 1-tbruary 17, it the
NirhoUi Semi hopitt.
Dr. and Mr. I". E. Coulter ne on
a ntomh'f trip through Arizona and
Sew Mexico, They ill return by
way of southern California.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Krue an
nounce the birth of a daughter. Mary
Irene, at the Methodiit hopiial Feb
ruary II. rM. Krue wa formerly
Mi Lola
Mri. Herman Kounte of New
York City U the Rtiet of Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Baldrige. She ex
pecti to be in Omaha until Monday.
Mr, md Mr. Julim Furth of Chi
cago who were wintering in Cali
fornia, are the suei of Mr. and Mr.
Carl Furth. .1810 Davenport etrctt.
Mr. and Mn. Iler-ther and their
daughter, v. ho liae been on a trip to
Cuba, are now Mendins a few days
at Miami and Talm Beach. They
will return to Omaha about March I.
Mrs. Terry Allen of New York is
visitinir lirr mother. Mrs. Ruth
Sloane, at the Colonial. Mrs. Allen
was Miss Bertha Moaue of this city
before her marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stor are in
Omaha, called here by the critical
condition of Mr. Stori's mother.
Mrs. Gottlieb Nor, who has been
ill for several months.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bohling ar
rived Saturday morning from St.
Louis. They will stay at the Black
stone until later in the season, when
they will take an apartment.
Mrs. Samuel Meccath and her
daughter, Miss Virginia Megeath, of
New ork. spent rriday in Umaha
with Mrs. C. W. Megeath. who was
hostess at an informal tea m their
honor Friday afternoon
Hflco k'allirrinn fnnrhead nf Sail
Diego, Cat., who has been visiting
her brother. Harley Moorhead, and
Mrs. Moorhead for the past three
weeks, leaves today for a month in
Chicago and Washington.
Mrs. George Trimmer of Tctrolea.
Ontario. Canada, is in Omaha to
spend several weeks with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Judd Jones, Coronado
apartments. From Omaha Mrs.
Primmer goes to California to spend
several months.
Mrs. Wylic Jones and Miss Made
line Jones, who have been the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Brunner,
leave for California today. Miss
Jones has been spending the Winter
Mrs. Lutlovic Crofoot, who has
been in California for several weeks
with her daughter. Mrs. Harold
White, returned Saturday evening.
Mrs. White, who arrived from India
shortly after Christmas, was in poor
health at the time, and, although bet-
Feature of Free
City Concert
War Mothers !' 7 Commandments for Housekeepers
Mary Ly.lia Roe, at "Kcd
Crpi'' angel of merry, v. ill be one
of the ma.iy delightful figure of hif
toric interest iteinted at a free
municipal patriotic concert Turday
evening at the Auditorium, under the
direction of the l ily I'uiicert elub.
The American l.rgiou .Harry Hough,
The American Legion. Harry I lough,
Spanish war clay will be portrayed
by Spanish War ctrraiii, In charge
of It. J. New Ion, romnundcr.
The program will open with a
colonial tea party on the stage.
ter, will remain for a time in Los
Mr. J. 1". (downing returned
Saturday from Si. Paul where she
went to her son l'aul Kiell,
formerly of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs.
Chowning will leave shortly to make
their Jiome in Los Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis will leave
Monday evening for Biloxi, Miss.,
where they will be joined the end of
the week by Mi.-s Elizabeth Davis
and Mr. Tom Davis and her chil
dren. The party will spend several
weeks in the south.
Miss Helen Walker returned from
Denver this morning after a two
weeks' vis:t with a school friend.
Mrs. Herbert Cribble. Beside many
other festivities, there was a large
Oriental ball Friday evening which
Miss Walker attended.
ifrs. F. W. Scott and children
Billy. James and Patricia, formerly
of Chapell. Neb., who has been
spending the past two weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Scott, left Sat
urday to join Dr Scott at Chilli
cothc. Mo., where they will make
their home.
Sunshine Party,
ticorgc A. Custer, Woman's Re
lief corps, will give a sunshine par
ty Tuesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Mary Johnson. 6212 Lake.
Golden Glow Card Party.
Golden Glow club will have a
card party Tuesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. O. W. Johnson, 1302
South Thirty-third street.
Dinner at Club.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell en
tertained at dinner at the Omaha club
Saturday evening.
Mrs. Louis Kaspar entertained 21
guests at luncheon Thursday at her
The Amrnaii War Moihru Hill
gitC 1enri .P'!f rard parly
Monday altiMLHiii, I'tbiuary .V, in
(he l-lk' ilnh imn, Tte Ul
be awarded r Inli
Mr A. II. liurr it thaumau for
the affair.
Children's Theaters
The Junior league of CMtago U
Fpoutormg a thildien't theater. 'I Itrir
irt production U be ".Nine in
Wonderland.'' Nine t!uMt'cu' the,
ters have been inia!M in the chil
dren' ilinie at the t'niverity o( lL
iinrnia, where diU vtor precnt ad-
vftturec The (liiMirn'i theater c-l
ioon opened it Ihifd raon this
fall iih "Mrs. Witfgs the Cab
bage Ta ih,' And ad of the av
from San Antonio, Ten., tonus word
lhat 21 children reieiiily presented
"Alice in Wondeilaud" at the Little
tUater there.
Mi- Marguerite Hciluun i do
irg the pioneering in the rhddren
Ihrater movement in Omaha. She
i niiw (Vtai'liinc. I hmdr (rtifii.t rhif
drrn in a play which Mr. Trteron,
the principal, will promt Mann Jl.
Inciter Parties.
Manv reervatit.,im fur boxes for
"The Jolly Mukeicer" liae been
made for the evening of February
24 and 25 at the Biandrk Included
E Buckingham, party of Ar
thur P. Cuiou, king of Ak-Sar-Bm.
and Mrs, tiuiou, party of six, in
cluding Mi? Claire Iaughrry.
leigning inen of Ak-Sar-Ben: Kan.
dall K. Brown, a party of eight: W.
U. Wood and Mr. Wood will have
Mr. and Mr. Harvey Milltkrii; J.
I. David.-on a party of six: Dr. A
C. Stokes, six; Charles Met and
Mr. Mcta a panv of gixj-Chailes
!i. Black and Mr. Black; Mr. Charles
L. Saunders, two: Mrs. Leo llolf
man, a party of 12. members of the
Monday Musical club.
Celebrates Birthday.
Mrs. John T. Savidgc entertained
eight small guests Thursday after
noon at her home in honor of the
third birthday anniversary of her son,
John T. Savidge. jr.
B. P. O. Does.
The B. P. O. Docs will give a card
and dance party Thursday, February
23, at the Elks' club rooms. Mrs. E.
II. Wilkcuing is the chairman.
Morris Girls' Club.
The Morris Girls' club will give a
dancing and card party at Kclpine's
dancing academy Mondav, Febru
ary 20.
Clan Gordon Dance. i
The ladies' auxiliary to Clan Gor
don No. 63 will give a Martha
Washington social and dance on
Tuesday evening, February 21 at the
Swedish auditorium.
Holy Angels Parish.
The Holy Angels parish will give
an old time dance at their hall on
Tuesday evening.
North Star Lodge.
North Star lodge will give a card
party at the Swedish auditorium
Monday evening.
One of the war's greatest heroines,
Mile. Emilicnc Morcau, the "Hero
ine of Loos," has just been rediscov
ered in her new role of shopkeeper in
the little town of Betluinc.
"hri ate rerun odd and fd
where ry Uvun krrir will gam
niiuli by liaing a regular time in
tilth give ih in .iiiiiiinii, I ri
thn p a ri'!ar ttked lime oiue a
iihkiiIi in m ith the hutitrkrrprr at
tiii. ia (lie iultumni: ihmgk;
u, Go arcuuJ 14 turv rooin.
- tl'ttri nd drtMrr i the uiue, srt
j wlui it uut i( order and what fired
ta le tlnne, and make arrangemmu
a-- to tune and maauerof doing it,
funnul, I timiiie the store rlotett
nj u thne i a proper supply ol
all artit'lc nrrded there.
Third. Uo lhroUi;li the cellar and
see it the tailed provision, ttge.
tablet, puklrt, tinegar and all the
preserve and jellies are all right.
fourth. KMiniue the cloart o(
Alpha Omicron PL
1 be February turning of Alpha
OiiiH,roti 'j alumnae will be with'
Mr. Victor II. Smith on February'
.s lor lumhron. Mis Bets Mitchell
ill aitt.
. For Mist Cooke.
Mis Margaret Haunt will'bc ho.-t-c
at a n a lurday afternoon, com
plimmiarv to Mi I yjia Cike.
who i the gurst of Dr. and Mrs.
Sanford Gitlord.
Church Social.
, Mtmtcrs of the South Sijc Chris
tian hurch will hold a church so
cial Thurtday evening at the home
of Mrs. heeler Grant. 2211 F street.
Valentine Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Johnon
rnierlained at a Valentine party at
their home lat evening. Twenty
Me guests were present.
f.mity and see ht mrd o It
rcp4iir4 ii4 rrnrtted.
I .iih. .See if tliuc i a upp!y if
dit lths, dll lowiU. bag iwlderh,
floor cloths, tlu.t i-loth, rsppiug
j.aprr, lis me an. all antt lrs needed
in kitchen Moik.
Sixth. Count oier the uirn ami
finks and (umwe all the anons
bounhold to see what netds
replacing and what should be re
maned. Seuniti, Hate in a box a luinntrr,
laik., pmerri, gimlet, iiadt, sriews,
strew driver, small saw and t i t
ft tor emergencies when no
regular workman i. at band. Al-o
be prepared to set gla. Lteiy
woman should be able m an emci
geuty la do such thing hrr-elf. S)
iriu in planning tne' woik is moie
than half its accmphhmi lit.
Feminine Foibles
A bit of oiher or guld point will
tiatufoiiu faded (lowers for a spring
Illuminated aquariums for goM
fish are lighted by electricity and
have a top and bottom ot tcakwood.
1'hey are very cluerlul lor the win
ter living room.
A new lamp designed for tvtin
brd has two lightit on one stan
dard so it can be placed on a bed
side table between the two beds and
each side have light.
Plain lavender carpeting is charm
ing for carrying out a lavender col
or scheme in cither the boudoir or
drawing room. Uern't it suggest
gilt furniture and garlands of rose
bud or violet draperies?
"Style Without Extravagance"
ii tsm rafis bbi ism n
Hi Snl ' ?M Inl II ' Inl rrCJ C
s 1519-21 Douglas Street
Announcing for Monday
An Advance
Introduction Sale
Of the Celebrated
Franklin Tub
for women and misses, featuring
the Spring's Newest Modes at the
remarkable low price of
Size! Froin 14 to 44
A one-day event which brings to Omaha
women an opportunity io buy America's smart
est creations in Gingham Dresses far below
their true worth.
Fine Ginghams Tissues Ratnia
Sheer organdie collars and cuffs en
hance every dress.. Novel applique
work unusual vestee effects add
much to the beauty of Franklin
Frocks. . 1 :
Discriminating dressers will grasp this op
portunity to own a dress of extreme beauty at
a most decisive saving.
See these unusual value Dresses in
our display windows and be here early
Monday morning. '
Women's Gingham Dresses Fourth Floor
"The Instrument of the Immortals"
Children love its lulla
bies, so soft, quiet and
Youth delight in it
clear tones and their
promise to them of beauty
to come.
Lovers listen over and
over again to the stories
it tells, and age rests
quietly and peacefully in
its magic beauty of tone
and expression.
-- it is
The Stein way
Music lovers who demand and appreciate the very
best in pianos come to us. We are the exclusive repre
sentatives for the Steinway "The Instrument of the
Immortals" in Nebraska and western Iowa. To play a
Steinway is to become dissatisfied with all other makes.
Uprights in mahogany $875 and up
Grands in mahogany. . .$1,375 and up
Your present piano accepted as part payment; conTtnient
' terms arranged, if desired.
13M-t6-18-Dod&e St.- Omaaa
February Discount Sale
of High Grade Furniture
at lowest possible prices. Our inexpensive location permits us to un
der sell all competition. YOU MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS.
Velour Suite
Cane bark, finished
in maliojrany. Daring
this salf, only
Loos Cushions and
Spring Construction
Walnut Bedroom
former prices, $149.50
Ask About Our "N t PAYMENT DOWN" Approval Order
OUR EXCHANGE OEPT enables you to trade your old furnl.
ture in as a part payment on your new furniture.
Koom. Suite
Walnut period
Oak Dining Room
Suite $64.50
Beautiful Cabinet
Beautiful Floor Lamp
and 25 Records with
each one purchased.
KT D J Formerly 75e
new necoras
ords, at
29c Jfy
Corner 14th and Dodge
Jacksoa 1317