Yi : THE. GUMPS r:v.fwS: a vice with reverse English Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith lCiirri,Mi (!! r1 ( i f tetit hovJ- Vvt lt TVAT KINO CP M (IV II ) NOV "111 0VT? V 10) l A CHM- n ki ih or n. ksst Nov) too-iWd for? Vou Wttlt "W 61T Mktfttt tON"T HOOT NOV rWT l Uvt c INC it vs now USWN- IF K00 WA CiiRt AtXIT "0VR OWN AUfc TQVJ w Vittrtkl AMD T1 6CM VM CAME ON ttMjALLV- II II s m.i i "V ill j a - i i o i t . .j i"v r. n mini i i j ' Y ' ' YflUl Uvtt W0ULI BE 0 ntttCXlH MOUtPtl "WAT1 TOl'P nA'TT TOOtTMtR- DVT NOvu- Pot? A Vie'H AOOUY VOtR A6t WCO 6ob ra Vnu wHICUtH- ANp VOU CAN'T 6t"T CWt Or TXOtt KIND TO CH A NT A.U AV TMil WO? ON A TIOOSY WD 60 TO SltLP- Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Financial j Omaha Grain By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Omaha Utmmtd W ir,, Xew York, Feb. 16 In several reipccts today was interesting (or the financial markets. The present year's first ofticial signal of con tinued reduction in the cost of money was sounded by the Bank of Eng land. The weekly statements of our federal reserve showed the rise in re serve percentage to have been re sumed, for the first time in nearly a month. While the cotton market reacted downward, grain markets went to a still higher level; wheat in particular, at $1.424 Pcr bushel, reaching the best price quoted at any time on the present crop. The Bank of England's reduction of its rate to 4j per cent has the interest which arises from actual re turn to a prewar quotation. The 5 per cent maintained since last No vember and until today was the rate which prevailed during most of the war in the whole of 1915 and 1918. for instance but no 'rate as low as 4'4 has been fixed since July 30, 1914. That rate' was quoted at the bank in such normal years as 1909, 1910 and 1911, when 5 per cent would have been considered a tight money signal. Cannot Ward Off Pungor. It n pretty well known that both bank and itovernment at London have reached th. rnniintnn -tfcut In tha existing fleiiree-1 alon of trade there la no dancer to bej warded ort Dy a ntun nan w nu -definite chanca of helping inauere by a low one. Insofar . the lowering of the L.niann . bank rate caused aurprlae. It wan probably because in the three prevlou reductions the Hank of England nan ronoweo i lead of the New York reserve bank. In the first reduction from the T Pur cent rate of last ipdns, bowaver, London took Ktinn full wk before New York. The equel may possibly be almllar on thl oc-i raalon, though open market money ri'caj on Wall street are "till tar aoove i"e current London quotations nd ere, In fact, even with merchants' paper, at present above the Msejva bank redis count rate. ... . . Movement Incertuin. Tha day'a uncertain movement on the atock exchange ned to indicate nothing except the shifting- attitude of half a doaen professional "pools," some of wn'rh were bidding up their own stocks, whllo others were evidently trying to realize speculative profits. Purine; part of the flay the railway haree displayed very considerable strength and although moat of the early advance was lost before the close, 'here was at leaat some ground for increased eneerful ness in the weekly report on Ireleht 1;J for transportation. The iigures of the first week in February repeated rather emphatically the Improvement of the four preceding -weeks; number of cara loa(lel not onlv reaching the largest total elnoo the middle of November, but running 5-.-000 above the c.orresnondlng woek In and 61.000 above 1919. New York Quotations Range of prices of the leading stocks furnished by Logan- & Bryan. 24S Peters Trust building: - We(J RAILROADS.!; i ' High. I-ow; Closo. Closa T. ft S. F..... SH 9714 U : Haiti. & Ohio.... 36 H ' . jj i Canadian Pac. v..KUVi 1S M - K. Y. Central . ... 77 7H 76N, 764 Ches. Ohio 68 Vs 6- 68 V BSS, Oreat Northern ... 76 75i,i 75V4 7oT4 Illinois Cen 103 103 1 102 Kan. City South.. 24'4 2 24 Lehigh Valley.... 60 69 GOV 69 Vj Wo. racific i 19 HH'.H t N. Y. & N. H,... UVk'-ll 17T4 li No. Pacific ...... S04 .7.7H 1t 1 Chi. & N. Vf..-,,.. 8H ,7 67 68', Fenn. R, R. . . . , . . S4-A S41i 84 5 84 Reading TfrVi -. H . 74'4 T4i C, R. I. & P 86 . So 86H ti So. Pacific S4H : Fo Railway ...... 19 ' 18 19 19 Chi.. Mil. ft 8. P. i VS '20 20 Vnion raciflc ,...131 130h 131, STEKL8. Am. Car Foundry..l47 14? .147 - 147'i Allis-Chalmers .... 44 44S 45Vj Am. Locomotive.. .101 107 , t07Vi IO8V4 Baldwin Locomo'a 106 104 fl04 104 Bethlehem Steel..-, 5H ; Colo. Fuel Iron J7 . 27 -. . 27 ' Crucible 2H - 60. 61'4 61 Am. SteeV Foundry1 3?Vi ' S2 ., ' 33V, 82V4 Lackawanna Steel., 4 4S 48V, 484 Jlldvale Steel S0i 30 30 30 Pressed Steel Car.. 651, 63V 64 65V4 Reoublie Steel & I. 63V 12 62 Va Sloss-Schef field ,. 41 40 41 I-nlted States Steel 91 90 91H 90 Vanadium 35 34 84 SoV, COPPKR3. Anaconda 48 T, 48 H 48 Jt 48 Am. S. ft Ref. Co., 4 46 45 464 Cerro De Pasco..., 33 S3 33 84 Chill 17l 16 16 16 China 26 U 26 MJ Inspiration il J Kennecott , 27' 27 27 27 Jliaml 26 26 2 JJ Nev. Con.,.. i 13 13 18 13 Ray Consolidated... 14 13 13 14 Seneea 13"4 12 13 13 Vth 62 61 2 63 OI1.3. General Asphalt... 2 61 1 62 Cosden SSH,VS4H 34 34 California Peterol.. 49 4S 48 49 Island Oil. 2: 2 ' tM Invir.clhla oil...... 14 14 14 14 Jlesicaa Peterol. ..126 123 125 123 Jllddle .etates.-,,.-.-lS -1J'4 ,13 13 Pacific Oil........ 47 4Vi'4f 4 Pan-American 6 J5 66 (5 Phillips ........... ! t 82 81 Pierce Oil 7" 8 Pure Oil 24 SS 84 83 Royal Dutch...... 60 60 60 60 Sinclair Oil 1 : , '9 Standard Oil. N. J. 10 lT Texa, Co 4" 44 46 45 Vnion Oil , 13 IJ 19 19 White Oil 10 V4 9 . MOTORS. Chandler 64'- 62 62 64 Oeneral Motors ..St 8 Wlllya-Overland .. S 4 4 5 Plerce-Arrow IS 16 15 1S White Motor ... 89 Studebaker 16 94 94 94 RUBBER AND TIRES. J-lsk 12 12 1! 124 Goodrich 87 37 87 87 Kelley-Springfield 87 86 87 87 Keystone Tira ... 16 15 15 1S Eft? C ,A Ilk IS V. SL Robbir""" 65 63 3 14 I TVntTSTB T1T.II I Am. Beet Sugar.. 3 35 85 II At., Onlf ft W. L. 29 JT 27 Am. Inter. Corp... 43 41 48 43 Am. eSumatra ,. 25 24 24 J Am. Tele. 11 H8 11 118 American Can ..- 38 39 39 Cen. Leather 33 3 33 83 Cuba Cana ; 9 9 9 9 Cuban-Am. Sugar. 18 18 11 18 Corn Products ....103 101 12 103 Famous Plavers .. 81 91 81 82 Oeneral Electric ..161 147 149 147 Ot. Korth. Ore.... 85 14 45 Si Omaha, Feb. 16. Receipts of wheat today were 67 ears, against 63 cars last week and i cars a year a no. Corn arrivals 43 cars,' as compared with 85 ears last week and 4' cars last year. 1 he feature of the shipments was the the departure of 83 cars. Shipments of other crams were IiKht. Higher foreign cables caused a strong feeling in the Chicago future market in the early session and prices reached a high level for all options, with the exception of May wheat, which sold at Alt the same level reached last September. On the ad vance, however, the market met prof it taking sales and values reacted sharolv. Our cash market oresented a very good undertone generally. Floor of- ferinre. of wheat were taken wen ai prices ranging from unchanged tc 2 rents lower ouotations. corn soiu at unchanged to a half cent higher nr ees. Oats, however, were araggy Sales were made at to Yk cents lower. Rye and barley generally unchanged. WHEAT. Car lota: , . . , No. 1 hard winter: 1 car (shippers weights). 31.33 (near dark); 1 car, !. (near dork): 4 cars. Sl.ZS. No hard winter: cars, II 80 (semi dark); 4 cars. 11. 29; 4 cars. 11.38; 1 car. 81.26; 1 car. ! 26: 1 car. 11.27; 1 car. 3 te? cent damaged). 11.26: 1 car 7 I...... II nor nt dark). 81.21. No. S hard winter: 1 car. $1.81 (near dark); 1 car. 01. n; i car. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. 81.28; 1 car. "no. 5 hard winter: 1 car (8 per cent heat damaged), Sl.l 4- , No. 2 yellow hard: 3 cars. 11.27; ! cars, "no! S yellow hard: S cars. 81.24. No. 2 spring: 1 car (dark, northern), SI Si i car (dark,- northern, smutty), No. 1 mixed: 1 car (smutty). 81.40; 80 per cent spring, 20 per cent winter). No. 2 mixed; 1 car (durum, smutty), "no! I mixed! 1 car (durum, smutty), $1 12 No. 4 mixed: 3-6 car (smutty). $1.22. No. 8 mixed: 1 car (durum). $1.11; 1 car (1 per cent heat damaged), $1.14. ' . CORN. ' ' No. S white: 3 cara. 60c: cars, 50e. No. 2 vellow: 7 cara, 60c; 4 cars, 60c; 1 car (special billing shippers' weights). 60, No. S yellow: t cars, 60c; 1 car, 60c. No. 2 mixed: 2 cara, 60c; 1 car, 60c; 1-6 cars, 49o. No. S mixed: 1 car. 49c; 1 car, 49c; 1 car (special billing), 49 c OATS. No. 3 white: 3 care (shippers' weights), 36c; 3 cars. 35c. . No. 4 white: 6 cars. 8E0. Sample: 1 car (30 par cent barley), 34e. RYE). No. 2: 1 car (special billing), 94e. BARLEY. Sample: 1 car, 65o. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND 8HIPMENT8. (Carlota.) Receipts Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. Wheat 67 63 40 Corn 48 85 it Oata J I 4 Ry I Barley 1 1 Shipments Wheal 3 4:( com 5 m 39 Oat. 18 I 12 Rye J Barleys. 1 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Bushela.) Receipts Today. Wk. Ago. yr. Ago. Wheat ' 826,000 874,(100 ' 694,0ll Corn .......2,069,000 2.044,000 772,000 Oats 472.000 660,000 356,000 Shipments " Wheat ...... 629,000 449,000 691,000 Corn. ...2,164,000 1,987,000 654,000 Oats . ..... 710,000 611.000 346,00 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Bushels Today. Yr. Ago. Wheat and Flour ......181,000 S67.00O Corn , 276.000 25,000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Week Year Carlots : Today Ago. Ago. Wheat 26 18 13 Corn 763 578 15S Oats 151 74 40 - . Chicago Livestock. ' Chicago, Feb. l.--Cattle Receipts, 12, 000 head; market, fairly active; beef steers, mostly steady to Strong; spots higher; top, $9.16, weight, 1,378 pounds; bulk beef steers, $7.00.2o; fat she stock, calves, atockers and " feeders, steady; canners and cutters, weak to low er; beef bulls, strong to higher; bolog nas, unchanged; bulk fat she stock, $4.85 5.75; stockers and foeders, $6.257.0O. Hogs Recetpts. 31.000 head; 1016o higher-than Wednesdays average; lights closed strong; others, slow; shippers bought about 5.000; holdover liberal, as Mg packers purchased sparingly; top, $10.40 on 150 to 180-pound averages; bulk, $9.9019.30; pigs. 20 60c higher; bulk, desirables, loo to 120-pounders. $9.oo9.25; soma stronger weights, $9.60 10.00. flheep and Lambs Receipts, 10,090 head; killing classes, unevenly strong to 35o higher; - feeders, steady; fat lamb top, $15.60; bulk. 14.74016.50; good clip pers, $13.00; fall - shorn Texas wethers. $8.50; bulk fat cwas, $7.008.0O; top ewes, $8.35. Int. Harvester .... 95 83 (5 84 Am. Hlde-Leath. . 67 66 67 66J c. o. xnu. Aicunoi. o 'X . Int, Paper 48 .48 48 48 Int. M. M. pfd 78 71 71 71 Am. Sug. Ref 7 66 66 67 Sears-Roebuck .... (4 63 64 Stromsberg 39 Tobacco Products . 63 62 62 62 Worthlngton P'mp. 47 47 47 47 Wilson Co S7 17 87 38 Western Union .... 90 90 90 90 Westlnghousa Elec 64 58 64 53 Am. Woolen $3 83 83 83 MISCELLANEOUS. Am. Cotton Oil.... 22 21 21 22 Am. Ag. Chem..... 16 35 35 35 Am. Linseed 33 82 31 32 Union Bag. pfd.... 68 66 68 67 Bosch Magneto ... 35 35 36 36 Brooklyn Rap. Tr. 11 10 10 11 ConL Can .... 66 Cal. Packing 73 7S 73 73 Columbia Oaa-Elec, 74 70 73 70 Columbia Graph. .2 1 3 1 United Drug 68 National Enamel... 43 42 43 42 United Fruit 138 137 133 137 National Lead 90 89 90 .... Philadelphia Co.... 34 34 34 34 Pullman 118 116 116 117 Puma Alegre Sugar 17 36 3( 37 South Porto R. Su'r 13 52 63 .... Retail Stores 64 (4 64 64 St. L. San Fran.. 24 24 34 24 Virginia Car Chem. 31 31 31 31 Total sales, J64.00O. - Money Cloee. 4 per cent; Wednesday's close, 4 per cent. Marks Close, .O0M; Wednesday's cloee, .9050. Francs Close, .0369; Wednesday cine, .ensg. Sterling Close, $4.S5; Wednesday's clow. $4.16. New York Bonds Liberty Honda, . 9 9 , 97 30 , 97 t , 97.HO , 9X.70 . 97.90 . 97 60 9.U 97.00 94 90 94.70 96.60 97.40 97,14 97.03 loo 14 99,94 100.00 Bales I.lh.rly 3s... 10 First 4 324 Mb 1st 4.. 164 1 Lilt Sti.l 4S . 11 Lib r- 18CJ Mb $, 4 We . 3V6T Lib 4th 4V.S. 36 Lib re 4s .. 97.14 414 Mb 4s 100 24 30 Mb res 4a...lo0.0D 4 Lib 3s 100. 00 Foreign liuvernments. Sales 1 1 1Kb Low 1 Argentine la 77 77 14 Helimn 104 li'o 36 llelm.n 7s 1"7 117 1 Human 6s 99 99 3 Heine 9 li 1114 61 Brasll lu 13 15 Hurdeaux s 84 13 190 Can 6s 1923 .... c 94 35 Can 6s 1926 97 Cen 6s 1931 96 9 I Chile as 1JJ6 ......100 Juo Chile as 1941 ,...11 11 18 Chile 8s 194S 101 101 S Chinese 6s , 48 48 1 Copenhagen 6s .. 88 88 1 Danish ks A 107 107 84 Denmark 6s 94 94 10 Denmark 8s ...,..15 108. 3 Domlman 6s 88 87 34 Dut Eas In 6s ... 94 94 60 French 8a I3 lm 366 French 7s 96 96 5 Jap lt 4s FS .... 88 88 66 Jap 2nd 4s FS .... 87 87 21 Jap 2nd 4s 74 73 17 Lyons 6s 84 83 16 Marseilles 6s 63 83 t Mexican 6s 67 67 5 Mex 6s largo .... 63 53 118 Mrx 4S 45 43 6 Norway 8s 110 109 4 Queensland 7s ....107 106 125 Queeneland 6a .... 97 97 10 Rio Do Jan 8s ....100 100 4 Rio Ora D 9 tl ... 99 99 14 Seine 7s 90 90 66 Sweden 6s 97 96 7 Swiss 8s 114 114 3 San of Paulo 8a ,.101 101 67 Uruguay 8s 104 104 540 Unl Kin 6a 1922.105 104 626 Unl Kin 6s 1922. lOi 104 Domestic. IIS T C 4a 196i..l04 104 10 N Y C of 1967 ....104 104 3 N Y C 4 Vis 1969 .. 98 98 21 Alaska uold 6s ... 7 17 Amn Agr 7 ....100 5 Amn Agr cv 6s ... 95 16 Amn Hmel 6s .... 88 60 Amn Sug 6s 98 60 Amn Tel cv 6s ...111 13 Amn Tol col 6s.... 96 1 Amn Tel cv 4s .... 82 63 Amn Tel col 4s ..88 13 Amn Writ Pap 7s. 82 8 Armour 4 Vis 88 9 A T ft 8 F gen 4s. 88 3 A T ft 8 F adj 4s . 80 1 Atl Co--it Line 7.106 106 4 Atl Coast Line 6s. 95 95 2 Atl Co Li 1st 4s .. 87 87 1 Atl Co LI 4s FS .. 87 87 13 Atl ref deb 6s..l04 104 1 Baldwin 6s 100 100 33 B ft O 6s 96' 96 21 B & O ref 6s 78 2 B & O ov 4 Vis ,...76 7 B ft O (lold 4s.... 77 10 BS-OPrlor Hen 3s 90 11B&OPGLE4S 74 1 B ft O SW 3s.. 87 'S B ft O T A S 4s.. 64 S Bell Tel of Pen 7s 108 108 S Beth Steel PM 5s.. 88 88 1 Braden Copper 6s.. 95 96 S Bklyn Ed 7s 107 107 16 Bklyn Ed 8s D 100 100 1 Blyn K T 7s etfs ot dep 66 1 Bklyn Un Elev 6s.. 82 3 Bush Term 6s.... 89 2 Calif Gas 6s 94 10 Can Nor Rwy 7s.. 110 1 Can Nor Rwy 6S.108 100 95 88 97 110 95 82 87 82 88 87 80 78 76 77 90 74 87 64 16 Can Pao deb 4s. 6 Cent Fdy 6s 11 Cent Ga ,6s...... 1 Cent Ga con 6s.. 1 Cent Lea 6s 4 Cent New Eng 4s 7 Cent Pac 4s 82 10 Cent Pao Sht LI 4s.. 79 6 Cent K K N J 6a 78 70 96 92 94 68 66 82 89 94 109 108 77 70 92 94 68 82 79 106 105 11 Cerro De Pasco 8s. 111 111 2 C ft O Con 6s.... 96 3 C ft O cv 6s 85 7 C ft O gen 5s.... 83 7 C ft O gen 4Vs.... 83 72 CI) ft Eastern Ills. 5s of '61 71 14 Ch GW 4s 61 3 C M St P cv 5a.... 63 1 C M St P gen 4s 81 12 C M St P cv 4s.. 62 29 C M Ct P rfg 4s 67 4 C M St P gen 4s.. 73 32 C M St P 4s of '25 72 iCMBtf CMftP 66 96 85 83 83 71 ' 60 63 81 62 66 73 71 66 ..106 105 Ch NW 6s 106 108 11 Ch Ry 6s 70 .10 7 CRIP Gen 4s 83 83 -. 67 CRIP rfg 4s 77 77 1 Ch Tel 6s 98 98 5 Ch Up Stn 6s..ll3 112 11 Ch West Ind 7s 101 100 6 Ch Wests Ind 4s.. 70 70 4 Chile Copper 7s. .. .100. 100 13 Chile Copper 6s.... 86 86 30 C C C St L Rfg 6s 96 3 C C C St L gen 5s 93 6 C C C St L 4s.. 86 CCCStP Cairo diva 83 24 Ch NW 7s.. 96 93 . 8S " 83 84 91 90 89 103 76 76 101 77 16 Col Sou 4 Vis 83 1 Col Sou 1st 4s.... 91 6 Col Gas 6s Stamp.. 90 1 Comp Tab 6s, ... 89 19 Colo Gas 4s 104 S Cuba Ca Su deb 8a 75 3 Cuba Ca Su deb' 7s 76 3 Cuba RR 7 Vis 101 3 Cuba RR 6s 77 3 Cuba Amn Sug 8s.. 104 104 1 cumneriana Tel 5s 90 90 3 Del ft Hud Va 107 10T 5 Del ft Hud CV 6s.. 91 91 SS Denver Imp 6s.... 79 79 24 Denver rfg 5s 43 43 8 Denver con 4s 74 74 1 DetEdlst rfg 6s B 100 100 1 Det Edison col 6s.. 96 96 Det Uni Ry 4s.. 66 66 .3 Dla Mat Deb 7s 1"8 108 13 Dupont fs 104 103 13 Duquense Lhts 6s.. 102 101 3-Erie prior Hen 4s.. 58 58 35 Erie gen lien 4s... 45 44 49 Erie con 4s 42 42 11 Erie gen ry 6s 82 82 Erie ft Jersey 6s.... 84 84 21 Flak Rubber 8s 101 101 3 Gen Eleo deb 6s.... 105 104 5 Gen Eleo deb 6s.... 93 99 10 Georgia Mid 6s 63 60 45 Goodyear Ss of 1931 97 97 63 Goodyear of 1941. ..112 112 6 Grand Trunk Sy 7s. 109 109 11 Grand Trunk 6a. ...101 101 Cln.e 86 4 I7.00 97.04 6.70 94.70 97.60 97.40 97 14 )0 33 lou.nt IvO.VO Cltmo 77 lo 107 99 J 09 D3 84 98 4 96 100 101 1"1 48 (8 107 94 1" 87 94 1"1 96 88 87 74 84 83 67 63 44 110 ! 97 100 99 90 97 114 101 1"4 105 105 104 104 98 7 100 95 88 97 111 95 82 87 82 88 87 80 106 95 87 '87 104 100 96 78 76 77 90 74 87 64 108 8S 95 107 100 66 8 2 1,4 89 94 109 108 77 70 96 92 94 68 82 79 105 111 . 96 85 83 83 ,' 71 61 63 81 63 67 73 72 65 105 106 70 83 77 98 112 100 70 100 86 96 ; 93 '. 86 83 85 91 90 89 103 75 76 101 77 104 90 107 91, 79 43 74 . 100 96 66 108 103 102 68 44 42 83 84 101 .10 4 99 60 97 112 109 101 (4 Ot Nor 7a 107 107 107 l4 (It Nr 6 96 94 94 27 lit Nor 4V 18 18 ii 34 Or'nbay ft W deb 8a 9 4', 6 Havana Elecs 6s... 94 84 96 16 HiirtiinftM Itfg 6s. 7 77 78 64 II 11. 1. m. SI an Ino is. 69 98 69 3 III Cent 6s FS 109 109 109 U ill em i III Cent 4a of 1P02.. 81 M 81 1 111 Cetlt Of 1963.... 78 78 78 3 Ind Meet ts 99 99 99 . 4 Int Met 4s FS 16 104 04 68 lilt Met rtfs Ot dep. 16 16 16 64 Int Ffg 6s CI t4 94 in Int ft it Nor 7s 94 98 98 29 Int Marino Sa 92 92 92 11 Int Pap 6s 93 83 8.1 3 l.iwa Cent 4s. 38 87 S8 7 K C Ft S ft St 4... 76 75 73 3 K I' Sou 6a 65 94 84 1 K 17 SOU SS t4 S4 B4 24 K C term 4s... 80 79 80 24 Kellcy Sprfld 8n....l03 ln3 103 10 Lack Steel 6s uf '23 96 96 96 1 Mg ft M 6a 93 93 93V, Lehigh Valley s..,10l 101 101 3 Lehigh V of Pa 4s. 79 78 78 2 Leed ft Kastn 6s.... 95 95 95 3 Llg ft M 7a 115 116 115 3 Long Island Unl 4s. 73 7.1 7.1 10 Long Island K 4s. 99 99 99 3 Lvrrllard 6s 92 93 93 H 1, ft N 6s 101 101 101 16 I. ft N Unl 4a 89 89 89 1 L ft N Sou Ry Jt 4s 77 77 77 3 M K T St Ry .... 93 93 93 25 M K T St Ry 1st 6s. 83 83 83 11 Marland Oil Ss 90 90 90 15 Mex Pets 8s 103 101 101 1 Mich Cent 3s 78 78 78 1 Mich Stste Tel 6s... 97 97 97 37 Mldvale Cs 86 86 86 3 Mln ft St. L Rfg 6s 34 36 36 103 Mln ft St. L 4s 37 36 36 1 M St P ft 8 S M S101 101 101 90 M K ft T 6s notes.. 63 63 63 37 New Haven 6s 71 70 70 30 New H deb 4s of '51 50 60 60 3 New Haven of 1957. 45 45 43 1 New H deb 3 1964 89 39 39 2 New H deb 3s '47 44 46 46 2 N Y Rys adj 6s.... 9 9 2 N Y etfs 6 6 6 15 N Y Hyt refs 4s... 21 81 31 5 N Y rtfs 29 29 29 25 N YTel 6s Of 1941.102- 101 102 35 N Y Tel 6s of 1941.12 101 102 6 N YTel 4s 90 90 90 115 NYW C P Boat 4S 45 41 43 2 Norfolk Sou 6s A... 66 55 66 11 Norfolk West cv 6s. 105 105 105 4 Norfolk con 4s 86- 86 86 7 Nor States Pow 5s A 89 88 88 4 Nor Pac 6s 106 106 106 1 Nor Pao 4s 87 87 87 8 Nor Pac 4 84 84 84 3 Nor Pae 3s 60 60 60 63 Nor Pae Gt N 6s.l06 106 106 13 N W Bell Tel 7s. ..107 107 107 2 Ontario Pow 6a 91 91 91 113 Ore 8 Line gtd 6s temp ctfs 98 97 98 1 Ore S Line 4s 88 88 88 93 Ore Wash Ry N 4s.. 78 78 78 10 Otis Steel 8s 97 97 97 2 Pac Gas Eleo 6s.... 88 87 88 16 Packard 8s temp... 99 99 99 13 Pan Pot 7s .. 96 96 96 9 Penna 7s of 1980. ..106 108 106 8 Penna gold 6s....l06 106 105 7 Penna 6s of 1968... 95 95 95 13 Penna gen 4s.... 87 86 87 7 Pere Marq 5s 89 89 89 1 Peoria ft E Ino 4s.. 25 25 25 16 Pierce Oil 8s 100 100 100 10 TortRyL T H W7sl03 103 103 1 Port Ry 6s of 1930. 83 83 83 3 Pub Svc N J 6s.... 77 77 77 2 Reading Gen 4s.... 82 82 82 1 Rio G W 1st 4s 74 74 74 1 Rio col 4 63 63 63 7 I Ark L 4s 77 77 77 3 St L I M S 4s 82 82 82 24 Rt L S F 4s A 68 68 68 23 St L 8 F 5s B 8! 82 " 82 27 St L S F 6s C 96 96 96 35 St L 8 F adj 6s.,.. 75 75 75 65 RtLSF ino 63.... 69 69 69 3 St L S W term 63.. ,74 74 74 4 St L S W 1st 4s.... 75 75 75 1 St L S W con 4s... 72 72 72 1 San Antone A P 4s. 79 79 79 9 Seaboard con s 6s... 60 49 49 33 Seaboard adj 6a.... 20 20 20 73 Seaboard rfg 4s.... S7 36 S6 8 Seaboard 4s atamped 53 63 63 6 Sharon Hoop 1st Ss 94 94 94 107 Sinclair cv 7s 100 100 100 68 So"P cv fls 88 87 88 28 So P rfg 4s 84 84 84 6 So P con 4s 79 79 79 It So P San F term 4s 80 S0 80 42 So Ry gen 6s.... 94 94 94 64 So Ry 6s 90 90 90 24 So Ry 4 61 61 61 3 Stand MiHg 6s 96 96 96 19 So Calif 7s 105 105 10S 4 Steel Tube 7s 98 98 98 3 Term K R Bt L 4a 92 92 92 10 Tex Pao La 6s 89 85 89 23 Third Adj 6 66 66 5 1 Third rfg 4 61 61 61 2 Tidewater 6s, In terim ctfs 101 101 101 13 Tob Prod 7s 9S 98 98 3 U P 1st 4 91 91 91 14 U P CV 4s 91 91 91 6 U P rfg 4s 84 84 84 4 Un Tank Car 7s. ...103 103 103 5 Unl Drug 8s 106 106 106 14 Unl Ry Inv 6s Putts Issue 83 83 83 .6 U 8 Realty 6s 94 94 94 17 U S Rub 7S 1930. .104 104 104 17 V B Rub 5s 86 86 86 69 U 8 Steel S F 6s... 100 100 100 7 Va Caro C deb 7a 91 91 91 5 Virginian Ry 6s.... 90 90 90 4 Wab 1st 6s 94 94 94 7 Ween El 6s 99 99 99 11 Western Maryl'd 4 61 61 61 10 West Pao 6s 85 85 85 7 W V 6s..... 107 107 107 1 W U 4a 93 93 93 3 Wesfghouse E 7s.. 106 105 105 1 Wlrkwire 1st 7s.... 98 98 98 18 Wilson 7s temp.. 96 94 96 9 Wilson 1st 6s 95- 95 95 2 Wilson CV 6s 86 84 85 . 469 MKT New adj 6s A 47 47 47 65 M K T prior 5a A.. 77 77 77 27 M K T prior 4s B.. 65 64 65 146 M K T 6s C. 92 92 92 1 M K T SF 4s Ctfs 67 67 67 2 M K T 1st 4s 74 7.4 74 7 M K T 2d 4s ctfs.. 53 63 63 ' 1 M ft St Ij cv 6s.,.. 72 73. 72 27 MoP 5s Of '23.... 99 99 99 1 Mo P of '26 93 93 93 3 Mo P of '65 89 88 88 It Mo P gen 4s 61 61 61 3 Mo P 3rd ext 4s.. 77 77 77 10 Mont Tram 5s 84 84 84 2 Nassau Elec 4 34 34 34 2 Not & M 5s 64 64 64 5 NO Term 43 71 71 71 33 N Y C Col 7a. ...106 106 105 80 N Y C deb 6s.... 99 99 99 10 N Y C rfg 4S.... 88 88 se N T C 4s of '34.... 74 79 79 31 N Y C con 4s 79 79 79 5 N Y C rfg 8s 75 76 75 3 N Y G E L HP 5s 95 95 95 3 N Y O E L H&PM4S 78 78 78 153 N Y Ed 1st 6s A. 105 105 106 Total sales $16,871,000. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo.. Feb. 16. Cattle Re ceipts, 3,000 head; market steady to strong: steers, $6.508.50; cows and heif ers. $3.5098.36; calves. $5.5041.50. Hogs Receipts. 6.000 head; market un even; generally steady; top, $10.10; bulk ot sales. $9.6010.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 3.500 head; market strong; lambs, $14.00$ 14.65; cwas, $7.2501.75. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah. Ga., Feb. 16. Turpentine Firm, 84 c; sales. 30 barrels; receipts, 108 barrels; shipments, 242 barrels; stock, 6.279 barrels. Rosin Firm, sales. (93 eaiks: receipts, 1.14: casks; shipments, 3,173 casks; stock, 73.814 casks. ' Quote: B. D. K. F. O. H. t, $4,112: fC. $4 40; M-. $515; N, $5.15; W. O., $5.70; W. W, $5.95. . Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis. Minn.. Feb. 18. Wheat- Receipts. 120 cars compared vith 228 cars a year ago; casn fo. 1 nortnern, i.e0 1.56; May. $1.42: July. $1.32. Corn No. S yellow, 6206!c - Oats No. 3 white, 3637c. Barley 45 57c. Rye No. i, 9899e. Flax No. 1. $2.612.6S. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis. Feb. 16. Wheat Mar. $1 35; July, $1.19. Corn May, lc: July. 3c Oats May, 43c; July. 44c . Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 16. Close Wheat, May. $1.18; July. $1.17. Corn May, 67c; July. 8c Bar ffllTer. 'New York. Feb. H. Foreign Bar BilverJ Chicago Grain . Live Stock By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Omalia Ilea Leuari! H ire. Chicago, Feb. 16. Longs in all grains were heavy sellers for profit, today, following an early advance to a new high for July wheat and all deliveries of corn. Selling of wheat ' was headed by houses with eastern connections. While there was a fair rally from the inside prices, net Iofscs were 6i.Hc on wheat, J(!4c on oats and 1(o2kC 011 rvc while com was strong and closed unchanged to ?4c higher. An advance of 3lif.3-)H in Liver pool was responsible for the early buying. That carried May up l;4c to $1.42J4, equaling the outside figure on the crop, while July touched $1.24. There was a general hesi tancy on the part of the pit element to follow the advance. Strong coin mission houses were active sellers, especially above $1.42 for May. The outside demand was not stiffi.-ic"tly broad to absorb the offerings. A break of iti4c from the high followed, many stop loss orders be ing caught on the way down, al though the greater part of them were simply to prevent profits getting away. - Dullish News Ignored. Strength in foreign markets and bullish news of all kinds were Ignored after prices started downward, a heavily ovdr bcught condition being disclosed. There was nothing In the situation except the technical position to cause bulls any uneasiness. Sentiment remains decidedly favorable to a higher range. Drouth continues In the southwest and with the advent of growing weather, a flood of crop complaints is expected from that section. The trade already shows a tendency to get out of the May and into the July. Cash wheat was slow and unchanged to 6c lower here, as com pared with the May. Export demand was in evidence for Manitnbas, with sales of 450,000 bushels, and Russia will buy 600,000 bushels Canadian seed wheat Sat urday, while Portugal cancelled 600,000 tushels at the seaboard. Receipts con tinue to be liberal, materially In excess of last year. Corn Averages Higher. Corn showed stubborn resistance to selling pressure throughout tha day and averaged higher, despite the break in wheat, although the decline In the lat ter carried prices off 11c from the early high. At that point all deliv. eries were in new ground for the season. Some of the local bulls sold out on the early advance and reinstated on the de cline, helping to make the closing ad vance. Purchases of 12,500 ton3 of corn grits for Russian relief with 26.000 tons more to be bought tomorrow, equal to 2,000,000 bushels of grain all told, had some effect. Export tmlcs at the sea board aggregated 200,000 bushels. Cash and commission houses sold oats freely and an early advance with corn was lost later. Shipping demand only fair. A letup In the seaboard demand and the break in other grains bad a depress ing effect on rye. Seaboard bids were re duced c, with a small lot sold from an outside market. Pit Uotes, Russell's of New York wired: "Small wheat sales made. United Kingdom de mand slow. Portugal cancelled 600,000 bushels wheat, Russian relief will tuy 600.000 bushels wheat tomorrow and Is asking for 25,000 tons of corn grits to morrow, and will buy 500,000 bushels seed corn Saturday." Minneapolis wired Stein, Alsteln ft Co "People who have been handling winter wheat from Kansas pay the movement from Kansas City is letting ud sharply. as our market is now out of line." A Minneapolis message said: "We hear of some further sales of Canadian whea- lor export this morning and millers re porting a broader Inquiry for flour if the market will hold steady." Message from the Pacific coast to Tom O'Brien of Clement, Curtis & Co. says: "Milling grades of wheat are practicall; exhausted here and the limited stocks are held so high now they cannot be touched with the flour market at the present levels" E. W. Dennis, with Thomson and Mc Kinnon, says: "The government report on livestock gives almost the saniA numhe. of horses and mules on the farms as in i anu isii, wnue nogs are given as 67,000,000 head, against 66,000,000 in 1921." London cable says: "Roumanian grain exports have been prohibited pending fur. ther returns of the quantity of cereals available. The wheat crop In Houmanla last year was estimated at 97,200.001 bushels, against 70,300,000 tha previous year, and rye, 10,500,000 bushels against ll,200,i)0o the previous vear." Receipt were Orrirliil Monday .., "'filial Tuesday .., Official Wednesday., h'atimat Thursday., Four days (his week Ham days lust week aiiia days 3 w's au Sm days 3 w's a'o Sam days year ago Omaha, Feb. II. Caul. Hogs, btirep, 8.7.-1 .'H (,tlM '- 13,v.t 13.(11 4.17H 13,961 11.782 14. mo 49.341 (6.835 44.441 3.74 67,4-5 6.604 38.394 38.467 24.164 26.74 4 20.416 12.70(1 41.811 41,934 35,106 39.974 34.004 Caltte Receipts 1,500 hud Ths liberal Thursday's run of cuttle was made up largely of beef and ss the demand was less urgent than II has been tha market reacted, steers selling I0:so lower than yesterday, and rows weak to 25o lower. Uuttllty uf the col He was not as good as yeaterday. Best steers here brought $8.00. Heal good and choice kinds of stockers and feeders were steady, but others were weak to H4l6o lower and very slow. Compared with a week ago steers and cows are still molly 16925c higher, and stockers and feedera look generally steady. Quotations on rattle: Good (o choice beeves. $7,400) 10; fulr to good brrvee. $6.6(1(1 7 35; common to fair beeves. S6.SS4 60: fair to good yearlings. $.75i 7.75; common to fair yearlings. $6.00'iif.6.75; good to. rholce heifers. $4 106.76: fair to good hoifers. $4 i6jf6 00; choice to prime cows. $5.25?6.76; good to choice cows, $4.7605.25; fair to good cows. $4,264 4.75; common to fair ci4s. :t.OOW4 16; good to choice feeders. $6.7697 411; fair to good feeders. $8 16(06.65; common to fair feeders, $5.40(3 6.10; good to choice stock, ers, $6 85(97.60; fair to good stockers. $6.25ft6.76: common to fair stor-kers. .-.60(S.25: stock heifers, $4.60f6 86: stock cows. $3.76i7p4 86: stock reives. $5.00 W7.50; veal calves. $6.00 9,60; bulls, stsgs, etc.. 13 26 4.75. liog Receipts, 14,500 hesd. Trsdlng was active today with the open.ng 10(9 15c higher and strength gained us the renslon advanced, many hons moving 169 8"c higher. Light bngn acid mostly from 9.r.69 85 with a top -f $J.9r,; mixed loads and butcher wUbt.. $9 4089.66 with packing grades S4.ti044ts and ex treme heavies. $7.608.26. Bulk of sales was $9.40(R9.85. Sheep Receipts, 12,500 head. The lamb market was slow to open today with early sales mostly steady to strong. Shipper buyers were active bidders and Willi packers anxious for supplies the market developed some strength and was quotable as steady to 25c higher. Bulk of iambs moved from $14.00il4.25 with best handy weights nuoted at $14.60. Feeders were strong 66-pound weights going out at $13.50. Ewes wore mostly steady, selling from $7.60r7.66. Quotations on Sheep: Fat lambs, good to .I...U. II, AAAIi RA. e-t- ... good. $13.606114.60; shearing lambs, 313.60 to 13.70; ieeuer lamDs. good to cnoiee, 313. 00813. 60; feeder lambs, fair to good, $11.60612.00; cull lambs. $9.0010.00; fat yearlings, light, $1 2.50fl 1 3.00; fat year lings, heavy, $9.50(9110.60; fat wethers, $7.008.00; fat ewes, light, $7.007.76; fat ewes, heavy, $5.506.75; feeder ewes, $4.O05.O0. $50,000 WESTON COUNTY, WYO. - - ' 6 General Obligation Gold Bonds. . Exempt from Federal Income Tax. Price: 102.80 to yield 5s to option, and full 6 thereafter C. E. JOHNSON . - Municipal Bonds 211 Keeline Bldg. Ja. 1720 sm (Uf lit ta. Sissji I. , 3-vaj. u- .tii .ft ! I tee knl; market, steady ta alraast led siwere tl !. !e4flfti aierM4 It tale, - 4 ttii.,a, 4 Melee, ra.-, teal I I e t eu ; t. ,. i, , a i , : i I :i, iwim f sh4 ". Ilttt . Ii'r.4, lt se-He-ail la, 4 kJ; market s 4 1, ji.w: (Mi. tune, II ), liable ntl, II. ri'tni, ti6lfllt tvia, ( Mix, liol i". Cti.-si saS t l-e.ipla, I lit head; mi. ve la l !-, 14 Urn a. !4 4", lent 1171, r4 I'Mda. Id, l It - a"" H li a..a, ait, .i..i(i i4t; an t1 ..(I iMuiy, li', Iws !( l.,a ftreits heal; maiaet, ri....- ib;- alitor, tK I", buia, ( tl sw4 ". lie !( -ik .a la uuu4 his ! lJ, t it. snubs id It hifkr; e.k. e mil. SH4 I ks kei "' f li . It kRr Mriet keal! 14 rb.i. liirna llf !M kiskxi litis 4 r sfcair I.pva4 ft4 atatera Ual l pa. sets. We Own and Offer $150,000 Sarpy County, Nebraska 5 Court House Bonds Maturinf serially 1924 to 1937 ' AMeMcd Valuation of Taxjible Properly $20,982,555 Totnl Uondcd Debt (Including this Issue) 170,000 ToUl Debt Less Than .of 1 of Assossed Vslustion ropultition, estimated, 10,000 The above bonds, Issued for the purpose of bulltling a Court House1, are a direct gcnrrnl obligation of the entire Count. PRICE ON APPLICATION Wachob-KIauser Company MUNICIPAL BONDS 212 South 17th Street, Omaha mi si jsy-kkkkka mom What 1$ Your Money Doing? It'a not what we earn, but what we do with it that counts. Shrewd investors realizo that dividends compounded quarterly are the ideal returns when the security is absolute. Wt solicit your Inquiries. sLe n d . r i i . .. VJ UUIDLNIALUUJLDINdUiLUXNASSUtlAllUN Corner Harney (... j.. li 11 Omaha National Bank Building Ponzi and Bischof f and their kind promise much and perform little. It costs money to learn the "Safety First" principle of investment in their school. To those who wisely learr from the experience ol others we offer The Omaha Trust Company's Moderr Investment Plan a saff and sure means of gettin ahead. Ask Vs About the Plan. i ;mana irust i ,ompany 2U CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain .'o. DO. 2627. Feb. If Art. Open. I Hish. Low. I Close. Teat. Wlit. May, 1.45 1.4234 1.38H .St 1.41 1-41 1.39V4 1.41V, July 1.24 1.24 1.21 1.224, 1.23V. 1-2H4 1.22J4 l,23Vi Rye no Way 1.07H 1.04 1.05 1.06 LOT July .98fc .99 .964 86. .98V Corn, May .63J4 .63 .62U .t3 ;iV 63 July .65 .65 .64 .65 .4ft 66H 64 Oats. ' May .42 .4J .42 .42 .42 43 .43 .42 42 .42V July .44 .44 .43 .43 .43 , 43V, Pork. May 20.00 21.00 20.00 21.00 19.70 f.ard May 11. 30 11. SO 11. SO 11.4S 11.11 , July 11.60 11.85 11.60 11.66 11.40 , Ribs. May 10.90 11. 25 10 90 11.85 10.6S July 11.00 11.13 10.95 11.05 10 75 Kunitas City live Stock. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 16. Cattle Re eelpts, 3,500 head; market beef steers slow and steady; best held at $8.00; earl sales, IS. 0007. 60; she stock and calves, steady to strong; good and choice vealers $9.00310.00; better grade cows. $S.00 6.60; heifers, mostly $ii.S096.25; other classes steady; good feeders, $6.606.86, most stockers early $5.50G6.60; bulls generally $3.6094.26; good canners, $2.76; better grades cutters around $3.75. Hogs Receipts, 6.000 head; bulk lights and mediums early around 10 cents high er than yesterday's average; top, $10.10. 170 and 300-rntind generally $9.95910.06. packer top, $9.95; closing slow and bare!) steady; mostly on weiKhter kinds; hold over fairly liberal: bulk of sales, $9. 106 9.95; stock pigs steady; best, $9 50. 8heep and Lambs Receipts. 3.000 hesd . market steady to strong; best ewes, $7.60 lambs, generally 25c hlsher; 11-pound Colorsdo Ismbs. $14.75; 75-pnund weight - snorn lamns. 113. is; 72-pound shearing lambs, $13.7. Chirag Poultry. ' Chlcaao. Feb. IS. Poultry Alive, lower; fowls, iioi springs. lie; roosters, 14o. HOME BUILDERS, Inc. FINANCIAL STATEMENT January 1, 1922 ASSETS . Real Estate Mortgages .$1,054,815.44 Real Estate Contracts . . Loans on Home Builders Shares Accounts Receivable Construction and Office Equipment . Stocks and Bonds , Building Contracts (Uncompleted) Deferred Expense Accounts , Cash on Hand, in Banks and With Agents. 6,497.20 88.006.00 9,966.67 30,822.51 ' 3 410.00 168,266.47 165.30 83,519.21 Total Assets $1,445,468.80 LIABILITIES Capital Stock , , . . $1,333,257.00 Surplus '., 28,739.64 Accounts Payable (Including Construction) 37,092 95 . Cash Dividends Payable : 43,454.51 Contract Payments on Real Estate Mortgage-Sinking Funds 2.924.70 Total Liabilities . .$1,445,468.80 We hereby certify that we have audited the books and accounts of the Home Builders, Inc., for the six months ending December 31st, 1921. All assets and liabilities were carefully examined and found to be in accordance with the above statement Signed this 25th day of January, 1922. DWORAK AUDIT COMPANY By (Signed) E. A. Dworak, Certified Public Accountant : Comparative Statement RESOURCES January 1, 1912 $ 17,127.65 January 1, 1914 - 85,303.39 January 1, 1916 .227,57882 January 1, 1918 887,794.52 January 1, 1920.. 1,423,608.81 January 1, 1922 1,445,468.80 Authorized Capital Stock, $1,500,000 00 Home Builders, Inc., builds and finances part of the cost of construction and ' takes mortgage on the new prop erty as security for money ad vanced and receives a build er's profit. Home Builders mortgage se curities yield 6 and 7, payable semi-annually. G. A. Rohrbough, Sec'y INCORPORATED Omaha, Nebraska C. C Shimer, Prei.