THE I.EK: OMAHA. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 192: CUu.fid A.vertitiBf Bates I if ea in irn.ul ilea) l ft , (Utugn.. It Hi H T oxcullt ) lie Itn da. I MbMrHiit. S a, use (or im. ian luial Tun rata Mpty ubee I Ik Daily a.e Dee, All dtertia.mani tiet I k4k ofr, a4 eit.9 daily aasr f IB ox cuTMAi-r ath ox WM dt ttl4 l IM llouigg' of. tYi OrriCX.,..ITtk 4 rmm Mull n.a ... (Veuta Ills) M, I '4nll (Huff., ,,U Ml Mi. lVAr A I' UtiUXKO br IMONH ATl-AMIC J THB BEE reepeeelbl fa tnar Ik M lectterrt Ineerllea of 4.Mtueuat,l ordered far (uero lk lima, CLAI1N4 HOLM COR WANT IM Cvaaieg ration .....II 4( A. M. Kerning i4lllo, I : f, l, gdy Km., ... f. M, ktrdey DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. JOHSlN-ler.i. paewd a II. ham of krr d..ghir, Mr. Nalli lt. mm. ; Maple Unrt, VI ednea.iav, F.t.rnary r. ;$. as It years. Mia Mr. Nellie Heletrom, of urns be; lo altera. Mr, a, t. iivari. knn or iirnah Mf. Cam Woeuiwig, Buffalo, Funeral a-., Ir. I'ii,t.u v-l........ . . );!, troirt Crosby-Moor funaral ham'. .. s,reie, c aw p, flu internment rroepe. Hill rem.iary. tl A k-,'reu. . Ann. Fehruary it. I SI aar. JJJ N. llh HI. I. resead I aumved by bar mother. Mr. Wary I ..; (w, brnihers. William, amuei. Mainaar ,n. John i.f Omaha, and ilmri of iiaiitrni, i l on . ler, tin (. W Kllla nf lima I.e. Kuar.l urHlr.. a.,,,,.. - ...a. n. from residence, in Holy family t 8 . m. for lanulatti kick maaa. of. ' mant In family' lut c tluly KapuUhor a UTTI.K John M , faawd on at li-al nuapnai naanaaoay, tahruary 11, 1113, I ra. Mr. Tuill la aurnvart by hia faihrr an.t mnthar, Mr. and Mr. J. C. (mart of Omaha: ena llilir, Mia. Jlarry K. llrunnvr of Omaha. Marvlraa Kri.lay, Kabrnary IT. JIJS. ftorn Cruahy.Monr funaral hmn. :uh nd Wirt ma, ai t p. m. Jnlarnmanl t-mwn nitary. KAtHTKN Itidinr.Uuohiar uf "uTk BU alan, raaaa, on at b.. al hoapllal Thura Jay, Kahruary U. H2t. Kunrral aarvlra r0m 'roby-Jlnor funaral horn. !4ih and Wirt alraala. ThuraUay. February , ml. at I p. m. llav. A. r. Haual will offlclata. lmarn tnant Toraat I .awn nrmatary. UIJTO .Vala. acd J yrara, Wa.lnaaday at hi homa, list Q Ht. Funaral Haiurday, I p. m., from Brawar'a Funeral Imma. ilth and K Hia.. Ky. A. K. Walbnrn e(llcltln-. Hurlal Oraraland Park camatary. BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC aaallnc concrat burial vaulta. Karomiuandrd and for aala by all laadlnf un.larlak.ra. Walar. proof, no ataal to ruat, no wnod to da cay. Inalat upon Ih AUTOMATIC SEALINO VAULT manufactured by Omaha Concrat Burial Vault Co- 1310 No. 10th Bt. FUNERAL PI RECTORS. F.J. STACK &C0 8uocaor to Stack A Falronar OMAHA'S BEST. rREAMBULANCE"lRV0 Thirty-third and Farnam, Hulse & Riepen PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Formerly at 701 8. 16th St., hav movad to 1324 Cumln St. J a. 112. HEAFEYXIiEAFEY" Indertakra and ltmbalmar. Phon HA. 2t. Offlc 1611 Farnam. CROSBY-MOORE TAX? BRINGING UP FATHER ttrilalaaad I, I, l alaat tirfu tH JlUat ANU IS HU f AOt Of tOlOBS IN rm VUNDAV lt Drawn for The Bee by McM&nui Phonc tNTY MJT i with Hen . . THERE . .. iHoe taHtooNT , WAKC OP. a' ) tvrTMtNtJ, OK, IB DOO tMyj. r if la ."T V. rtATum SCKVlct, MC. ) .I'VC AOT TO ttn. low a t Ltm Heer T DUAN' 4T t'iMT oCLOch; Ta 111 If 2-J7 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Drettmiking. EDUCATIONAL. Fur, culia, draaaaa. ram'd. ralln'd. Ha till Plaiterim. FaTi'H ilaairin7"tir"ar haiitn, inalii fully ivn; a n,-a fin uf Minplc to t from, WA, Printing. KI'HV Hrintma fo.. Ill . 11 jty Do 'f KlIITT Prlntin? Co.. Klk Bldg. Miic'llanenu Announcements. DIAMONDS pne with privl'aa to buy back at (mail profit. (lRdhn JKWtl.KY CO, Omaha, N.b 4ul N. Iin Mi. Talai'hnn I"). lut. KAXOH lil.AirKH aharptinad Hlniila. tie; daub! dK. 46c iloa. Hall omora llrltad. iimah Sharp Co., Id N. Ktb. OMAHA "iu70W COMPANY. Muttrrae.' mad ovrr In new nrKt at nair rnc oi nawbada. I0? Cumin. JA. 1407, T)R A. C. SARIN. PROCfoi.OtJIBT. Bull 110 Arthur Illd. !1 8. lth St. ProHptlon carafuliy compoundad at th t Bharman a McConnall Irui aiora. NrSW and rabullt alactrlral apparalua. L.IIron Klartrlc, til a I3tn St., Omaha. FOR SAT E. Furniture snd Household Goods, YOU can uaually buy furnllur cheaper at a Rtephenaon Auction tnnn you can ui rect from the owner. Good on auction niUHt he "Old: a- little caeh talk loud. Attend our rat Friday and Saturday, 1:30 p. in., l'.oj Capitol Ave., and con vine youraelf. 30i0 MAHOOA.NY table, good condition. j A. ami. to w o. w. mag. Pianos snd Musical Instruments. VICTROLAS, piano., record and other mUKlral artlrica are to b round at a STEPHIi.NSON AUCTION. 150 Capitol Ave. TRADE your uaed piano on a new play r piano. Balance as low a (10 per month. A. HOSPB CO., 1SH Douglaa. OEO. A SMITH Dtnler In druma. nylo- phonen. etc.; Instruction. rapalr:ne: S761 Davenport St. Phone Harney 27. WILKINSON MUSIC SHOP Band and orchestra Instrument, acceaaorje and music, 211 Arthur Bldg. DO. 8111. JOHN TAFF saxophone hop, repairing and auppllea. 306 Leflang Bldg. DO. M7 ORGAN for aale, nearly new, at 39C0 J St. Tel Market 31135. CEMETERIES. Forest Lawn Th largest and most beautiful ceme tery la Nebraska; 320 acres, jut north of city limit. A mutual cemetery all revtou.a used for Improvement, and perpetual oare. Offlca at entrance to cemetery. City office, 720 Brandela Theater Building. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON W&fft SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 FARNAM STREET t,. Henderson, 1507 Farnam. Jackaon 1263. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. Jackson 106. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST brown leather suitcase oft auto between 22d and 24th on Farnam and North 24th between Farnam and Grant. Return to 2211 Ftrnaai or call Ken wood 4695. Liberal reward. LOST brown leather handbag contain ing money, watch and other content. 1 valuable only to owner. Finder may keep money. 5703 Mayberry Ave. Wal nut biio. FOUND The best place in Omaha to buy furniture, th Auction Sales of the Stephenson Auction -o, LOST Envelop containing papers val uable to owner only. Finder call George iviene, ai. aim im-wi.q LOST In Dundee, Ingersoll Junior watch with broken chain; lathers gltt. Wa. 0329. PERSONALS. Al AROAR1ST Let's attend the Stephen son Auction on Friday and Saturday of this week. They start at 1:30 p. m. .MILDRED told me she han an Interest ing time there last week and bought aeveral things .ihe needed at a real tar gain. Wo don't have to stand up; they provide plenty of seats. (Signed) BELLB. THIt SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magasinee. Wa collect. V distribute. Phone Douglas 4185 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1113-1114 Dodge St. KATHRYN U RILEY Skin and ecalp specialist. -Residence work solicited. Appointment. JA. 1268. ' r'oxlorm DR- N- Chiropractor. S01 ldllbUH paxton block. AT. T47. Office hours, 11 a, m. to 6:30 p. m. 'Iheatrical historical masque costumes, for play nd parties, at Lleben's. Oman. MAGNETIC baths: Violet Ray treatment with massages. 514 S. 19th. DO. 8381. SULPHUR haths. Swedish massage, chi ropody. Evening to 1. 208 So. 2Qth St. ELECTRIC baths and massage. 318 Ne ville Bik. EXPERT massage. 404 No. 16, Apt. 4. RENT vacuum cleaners, 75c, HA. 1071. EXPERT massage. 210 N. 17th St. FLECTRIC baths. Swed. mess. WE. 2tl EXPERT MASSAGE. ATLANTIC 9548. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all atyles; hemstitching, .-, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button Pleating Co., 108 Brown block. Omaha. Neb, Telephone J A. 1188. NEBR. PLEATING SbSE tons. 1808 Farnam: Sd Floor.- DO. 6670. Dentists X-Ray DENTAL X-RAYS, 50c EACH. 13 a full set. (03 Securities Bldg. Dancing Academies VT? r?P'Q 118 Farnam. Douglas 8440. JVAJiJA O ciasaes Monday. Wednes day and Friday, 8:15 p. m. Private les ion by appointment. Sur methods. Satisfaction guaranteed. Contractors. FAINTING, pnr-rlng and plastering. J. Nan. WA, 456T. X Kodak Finihinn. ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, developing, printing. Kaa Studio. 213 Neville Blk. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. -Th Rnalcn Co- 1(07 Howard 8t ' Detectives. Independent Detective Bureau. 104 Neville Blk. AT. 6601: night, WA. 4046; KB. 8445 XELIABLB Dtertlv Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg.. JA. 206(. Night. KB. Mil. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Blk Evidence cured In all case. Atlantic 111. DETECTIVES that get result. 40) Pax ton block. JA. 181. DO. (7(7. Patent Attorneys. . W. MaRTIN. patent attorney, nil Podge, Omsna, also Washington. D C W help u patent, model mad. - . Clothing and Furs. DAY SCHOOL NIUHT SCHOOL. Complete course In accountancy, ma chin bookkeeping, cnmptomeiry. short hand and typewriting, railroad and w irelee telegraphy, civil aervh and all tCngliah and comanerclal brenrho. Write, rail or phon Jackaon lti for large illustrated catalog. Aadrea Boyles College?, Hoyle Bldg., Omaha, Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES. Bids Will Be Received by th Undersigned, until midnight, February II. l-'2, for th purvhas of Jbifteen (lo), iranie Ice Houses and approximately Fifteen Hundred Lineal Feet (1.600 ft. I, of Ice plat forms and galleries, all located at North I'Utle. .NeUruaka, and described, as follows; II houses, esch. 12 ft. wide 111 ft, long: 13 fL to eaves. 1 houses, respectively, 37 ft wide oi it. long. 17 ft. wide 107 ft. long. ' 37 ft, wide 280 ft. long; IT ft. to eave. These house hav On Third (11) pitch, roofs, pi head foundation; lap and a -op aiaing superstructure; Also l rrame mop and engine room. tl. wld 4 ft. long. RIGHT IS RESERVED TO reject any ana an tmi". J. V. Anderson, Suprintndfnt, Union Pacific Railroad, Cheyenne, Wyoming. FOR SALE On of th beet paying grocery atores In th atate. located In a town of 10,000. aale last year over is.ouo per montn. stock and flxturea will Invoice aout 17.000. Don't writ un less you mean business. Address Box Y-1788. Omaha Bee. WANTED Silent partner with 18.000 rash; profit from 100 to 11,600 per montn; lady preferred. Address Box Y-1792. Omaha Bee. RATLWAY eating house for sale, steam neat. Ice. coal, water furnished tree; rent 110 a month. 42d and B street. rnone Market 2639. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alteratlona free. Northwest Cor. 16th and Harney Sts. FUHS remodeled, relined and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO., 208 8. 15th St DO. 1288. Typewriters and Supnlies. TYPEWRITERS ADDINGAMACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sol agents for th CORONA, Get our price before you buy. Every machlnu guaranteed., Central Typewriter Exc. JA.- 4,12. 1913 Farnam. GUARANTEED typewriters. 112 60 and up. Midland Office Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous Articles. MISCELLANEOUS articles of every de scription used In the home are offered at bargain prices during a STEPHEN SON AUCTION. Washing machines, vacuum cleaners, electric appliances, typewriters, desks, garden hose, shovels, dishes, etc., are usually found In our assortments. KINDLING delivered at 13.60 and 14 per load. New and used lumber at low prices. Mlcklin Lumber & Wrecking Co., 24th and Burdette. Webster 6566. WE buy. sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 1724. EXPERT sewing machine .'pairing. MICKELS, 15th and Harney. . DO. 1871. SMALL vlctrola with horn, alro child's sled, In good condition. Webster 4227, WANTED TO BU, DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, old and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. DO 6146 WANT best Ford runabout, 1100. and best Ford chassis,. 160 will buy. Swenson, 507 Paxton. Douglas 7401. . WANTED SITUATIONS. , Male. EXPERIENCED stone cutter desires job In Omaha or Viearby city. Work on tomb stones preferred. Make offer un der letters A. H., care P. F. Luch slnger & Co.. Columbus, Ken. TREE trimming and cutting. Gus Bancs, Atlantlo 6787. Laundry and Day Work. FIRST CLASS laundress with reference. WE bster 2973. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. DO you want to Increase your Income? Write th National Auto School. 2814 No. 20th St., Omaha, for catalog. WANTED At once, registered drug., ex perience not necessary. Address Box Y 1794. Omaha Bee. MOI.ER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Writ for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN wanted to handle quick sell ing necessity to garages and oil deal era on liberal commission basis. Money" maker. Write for particulars, frlce' Pump Company, Qulncy, III. SALESMAN to sell as aide line to dealers only old established line Farm Imple ments. Commission basis. No samples to carry. Omaha Western Sales Co.. Omaha. Neb. SALESMAN wanted to handle Cyclone rat destroyer as a side line. B. B. Reilly, Audubon, la. WANTED A real estate salesman.- R. F. Clary Co., 24th and Ames Ave. KE. 0173. Miscellaneous. WANTED An experienced meatcutter. Table Supply Co. Meat Dept. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED Three young lady barbers at 70 per cent, O. K. Barber Shop. 2SU West 1st St., Casper. Wyo. Household and Domestic WANTED, competent white woman for general house work. Go bom nighta. Call KB. 1624 mornings. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladie and boy to learn barber trade; big demand; wage while lerntng; trictly modern. Call or writ 1401 Dodge 8L Tri-CHy Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. Van Sant School of Buaineas. Day and Evening Schools. 2:0 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6550. GET YOUR ROOM through The Be furnished room dl rectory. Call at offic for 'list of choice desirable rooms In all parts of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. FURN. rm with priv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful: prices reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hsmllton, AT 4701. 204 N 28TH AVE. Lovely room In Pri vate family: all the comforts of home; dinner If desired. Harney (543. ROOM, with or without meals, for 1 or 2 gentlemen or couple employed, 3918 South 24th St. Market 3373. WEB. 6818 Sleeping room, modern home. meals across . St.. gentleman prererred. PLEASANT steam-heated rooms; walking distance. 813 S. 22d St. AT. 1420. DUNDEE Very desirable room in private home: references. Walnut 3703. SWEETWOOD Ave., 410 Good warm rooms In modern brick flat, close in. THIS ROOM IS HIGH CLASS. LOOK AT IT FIRST. AT. 4701-601. MARCY St., 3009 Nice rooms, 14 to 16; also garage. Tel. Harney 4408. NICELY furnished room -tar private mod ern home. AT. 3470. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO th better housekeeping room I the directory furnished to advertiser nd room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing deslrabl vacancies in all parts of the city 1127 S. 31ST ST. 3-rm. suite, main floor; 2-room suite second floor, all modern, empty on or after Feb. 27. HA. 7116. 613 N. 23d St. 2 nicely furnished rooms, for 3 or 4: everything complete. DODGE St., 2709 Three rooms, 1st floor, - 110; two rooms, $6; good heat. E ST., 2308 Two unfurnished housekeep ing rooms. MA. 3979. LIGHT HSKG rooms, reasonable. HA. 2505. Board and Rooms. WE SPECIALIZE; In meal you can really enjoy, comfortable rooms. MERRIAM HOTEL, Th Home for Business Men. 25th and Dodge Sts. Doug. 2076. COZY room, private . family, )iome cooked meals if desired. We. 6242. FOR RENT-HOUSES. Unfurnished. MAPLE ST., 1811 Newly decorated, 4 room heated apartments. in Maple Court, 142.60 winter. Janitor. WK, 4945, 2602 N. 16TH ST. Six room and bath; garage: 160. DO. 6635. GEO. F. JONES COMPANY. TWENTIETH ST., 2225 N. Six-room flat, modern except heat. WE. 2345. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 1711 JACKSON. HARNEY 0647. FOR RENT. 3-rpom house. WA. 5346. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. COMPLETELY furnished three-room apartment, shower bath; steam heat, walking distance. Brown apartments, 508 North 21st St.. DO. 6644. STEAM-HEATED apartment, two rooms and bath, private porch. Inquire, 220ft N. 23d. ' FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Unfurnished. COMFORT all seaauna of ar. ilixo In 1, 4 or I rooin apartment. j:oi N, 13d. FOR RENT Business Property. FOR RENT 3,0Ot suuar faet of ground floor spare, with basement, loralqd III Uma ha' new retail center. Southeast cor ner 17tti and Howard atreata. llrut fur 2& COJ at. jo:. nlvhird. For particulars, rtxtl GEORGE & COMPANY, 1 ItEKCANTILK STIIHAOE ANU WARS HOUSn? CO,, lllC and Jnnea Ht SEK ua for light comfortable nfficea in th hrart of th bumness district, Kent lower than most place. Call room 40. Finance Building. H. M Christie, warehouse A Iraca'g prop f i. wkaiT7nd1ii)w"man CO. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIRF.PROOF WAREHOUSB Separata locked rooms for household good and pianos, moving, packing and snipping. IEKINS OMAHA VAN AND flTORAOB o Routh 11th. DO. 4161. ESTIMATES furnished on atorag and moving. Contract taken by Job or hr. Glob Van & Storage Co..' J A. 4338. AT. 0210. 520-24 North 16th RL HORSES AND VEHICLES. HARNESS AND SADDLES. We make them ourselves and sell them direct to th farmer, you get th beat that can be made at first cost. Harness that sold for 395 last year, 165 now. Write for free catalog. ALFRED CORNISH A CO., 1210 Farnam St. HAY, 310 per ton. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16'h St. Jackson 1142. The Bee Want Ads Are the Best Business Boosters. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. RoKtr r,Vi5flraTwelve leading breeds. DdUy VllllASsend for price list. Independent Baby Chick Co. 1466 So. IClh St. Omaha, Neb. Phone Jackson ::950. HATCHING eggs. Wy. Yards. KE 0,189. 8TR1CTLY fresh eggs, 40c. Wa. 5555. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Visit Our Used Car Sale. 0. N. Bonney Motor Co. Open Evenings. 2550 Farnam St. HA. 0676 Tires Factory Damaged. Bargain Prices. Retail Dept. Sprague Tire Co., 18th and Cuming. HO REAL USED CAR BARGAINS Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. Fords from 150 and up. Dodge, Buick and others. 3100 and UP. Ford bodle. winter top. GOLDSTOM AUTO SALES CO., 1118 Harney St. Central Garage. Visit Our Used Car Sale. 0. N. Bonney Motor Co. Open Evenings. 2550 Farnam St. HA. 0676 FOR SALE or exchange, Reo six auto mobile In good' running order. Want Ford or Dodge sedan or runabout or good city lot Will take or pay dif ference, Swenson, 607 Paxton Bldg. Douglas 7401. WILSON MOTORMETER LOCKS. For Fords will protect your motor meter; sent postpaid for 31.15 each; guar. Wilson Motor Meter Lock Co., Oakland, la. SOME bargains in useis1 Fords; prompt delivery on new fords. McCaffrey motor CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3500. 1916 FORD ROADSTER; RUNNING OR DER; NEW TOP; WILL SELL FOR 350. MOTOR EXCHANGE CO., 2052 FARNAM ST. DO. 8987. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR, A Safe Investment. 26th and Farnam Sts. Phone Douglas 1978 FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands. EQUITY Land Kirhans. St. aul. Mian, Nebraska Lands. WHITr; M. A. Laraon. Central Cliy, Nab., for folder about truck raising oppor tunltla In k'-r trct. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loam. WB hav cash on band to loan on Orosbs residence. E. H I.OUaEB. INC. t (38 Keelin Hldg AVERY TRUCK, 6-TON, 3500; WORTH MORE; GOOD CONDITION, STROUD & CO.. 20TH AND AMES. rSED cars bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 2210 Farnam St. WHTTlVT V Repairs Radiators - ' 820 South 13 13th St. USED radiators, all make for sale. Green- ough. Radiator Repair 2039 Farnam- HOLLY. expert auto trimmer. 812 8. 84tn. REAL ESTATE WANTED. FOR quick action list your home with Northwall & Johnson, Doug. 7487. 604 Electric Bids. 2124 CASS Well-heated, completely fur nished. 3-room apt. Electricity and gas furnished. Unfurnished. Delightful Apartment 4 rooms with 5-room accommodation, In cluding , one bedroom, corner apt., new decorations, bullt-ln bed and dresser, No. 2. Hillcreat Apartments, 355 sum mer and 35 winter.' MODERN FLAT. 609 So. 19th St., 6 rooms and screened porch. 2 bedrooms, close In. Rent, 355. FLAT PARTLY MODERN. 291014" Farnam St.. modern exepet fur nace. Large room, handy to every thing. 320. Payne & Carnaby Co., "OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN." 618 .Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg. JA. 1018 LEIGH "APARTMENTS. 505 8. 26th Ave., four-room apartment with five-room accommodation. All newly decorated. Rental 375. Immediate possession. HASTINGS HEYDEN1. 1S14 Harney St. AT. 0060. S119 PACIFIC 6 large rooms and base ment. Well heated, comfortable. Tenant will surrender leaae expiring October 1 to applicant satisfactory to landlord Will vacate before March 1. 390 per month. . IO O room modern apartments. THE -I "DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. 1701 Howard St. AT. 8708. JA, 1805. NEWPORT AVE.. S740, mod. 7-rm. eml bungalow, Minn Lusa. 375 per month. Will lease for yr. to de. party. KE. 4944 Peters Trust Gempany, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. FIVE 4-room apartment, close in. G. P. Stebblns. 161 Chicago. ST. CLAIR. HARNEY 9647. 4-ROOM APARTMENT. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'i Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426. Charles W. Young & Son Keel Estate, Rental, Insurance, 1602 City Nat. Bk. AT. 36(8. List your home Buy your home BINDER & OTIS, V Real Estate, Loans, Rentals. JA. 261. flRTTTNTn Realty Co. List with ui 1418 1st Nnt'l Bk: Bldg. Jackson 1966 Grove-Hibbard Co. Ho;r. 827 Securities Bldg. AT. 4956. Please. PTP V E"TT R E A L ESTATE DirwXVrj 1 X p,ns. Rents. Insures. 150 Peter Trust Bldg. - J A. 0633. HAVE Inquiries for home do you want to aell your property 7 List It with C A, Grlmmel, Omaha Nafl Bk. BUg. D. ROY WOODWARD. Investments and Insurance. JA, 3235. 702 Peters Trust Bldg. MOVING March 15. Want 6 or 6-room home 34.500. Box X-113, Bee. FARM LANDS. FOR SALE Wonderful 160-acre farm suitable for gardening, feeding pedigreed livestock, hog ranch, dairy. 70 acres alfalfa, pasture and meadow. Two sets Improvements. On paved road six miles out. Account advantageous markets snap this up quick. Room 300, 1817 Douglas. Omaha- Tel. DO. 4743. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY Free special number just out, containing many facts of clover land In Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a home w an Investment you sr. thinking ef buying good farm lands where farm- . r grow rich, send at once for this spe cial number of Lsndolosy. It Is fre on request. Address Skldmore-Rlehl Ijind Co.. 431 Skidmora-Rlebl Bldg., Marl Wl. Farm Loans ":,V.a K loke Investment Co.. 1 4 Orn. Nat J B nk. OMAHA HOMES KA8T NKH. FARMS" O'KEKFB REAL K STATIC CO., irM(im Nat. Bk. Hldg. Jackaon 1713 FIRST mortgage loan mad promptly on Omiiha real ealate. Sliopeo Co., liealtors. J A 4J28. 234 Keellne Bldg. lino TO 310.0(10 mad promptly. F. D. Weed nd Bowman Co Wad Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. LIBERTY BONDU bought and sold AT 1(44. Mick' Bond House, 1421 1st Nst J II. MITHKN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. 821 City Nst'L Bsnk Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. Lot as First Payment Balance Monthly On brand new five-room bungalow: bullt-In features; oak and enamel fin Ish: strictly modern; guaranteed con struction. The Byron Reed Co., DO. 0297. 1613 Farnam St. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED, North." 20th and Spencer $300 Down and $25 a Month. Fue room. modern eirepi heat, rot- age, all on on floor: dandy tin lit tle corner lot. small banemcnl, cement ed; price 33.000. Payne Investment Co., 337 Omaha Nallonat Hank Mldg. Douglaa 1710. ' ON L H I - N 1 1 A T.O v ejri. K FT . (6.760; T Kit MS. All of these home are In Minn on fin tit h fruiit lots; large i-nom bungalows, living room 1JI: frame nd KciUatone construction, finished in finest grade of oak and whit enamel: hull t -1 ti Ironing board, bookcase, cup. board, etc. Wa build our awn hoitii 1 no contracts), and we save you money. Have you seen nur house In thl addi tion for 3S.760T Call Mr. Tlllver t hnwooi ima, RASP BROS. AT. 0711. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South. Ralston Lots'-Tor,;," i:.y; payment. Phon Stewart. Italamn. 1 W Acreage. ll At HKSn.i'r"Ak'."har.Ban field. ll.UvO Walnut 41I Vacant Property. DANDY I.OT. 8i7i Near 4Mb and Maple Mis., toitJO. mater, aar, (as, walk; can you beat 117 TKIWKXg. Realtor, J A. Hit. LOIS On 8. aid of Larimor Av. between 34th. and S t ta Street. Will call on easy pcyiiiani or will build to your order. T. 3411 I'TIl front lot. mirth part Dundee. 3950. ALFRED THOMAS eV SON CO-, ,IA. M4 IT IS cheerful and coxy. All modern bungalow, close to Clairmont add. Price 33 00. (600 cash. Call DO. 136. D. K BUCK aO C1 buy and aell borne South. Will Trade Your Equity In a good houne. moderate price, for 644 acres in Blaine county, eorasKa. Gallagher & Nelson, 653 Peters Trust Bldg. J A, 3383. OWNER living on his Improved and clear 40-acr Iowa farm wants to exchange for merchandise, drugs or good' stock rancli not to exceed 2.000 acres. Ad dress Box Y-1793, Omaha Bee. WE can exchange your Income property xor III minx; you want. BROWNE & TRACY, 643 Securities Bldg. V AT. 3200. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. BRICK FLATS CLOSE IN 310.600. Choice St. Louis with six rooms first floor, seven rooms ,second floor. Income 31,350 per year. Easy terms. 318.000. Dandy brick building having two flats first floor, two flats second floor. Separate furnaces. Income, 32,340 per year. Good terms, HANSEM INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1914-16 Douglass. Atlantic 0063. "REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. Benson Five rooms; high and. sightly; won derful view; brand new; never occu pied; house is strictly modern and beau tifully decorated. Price 34,000; terms name your own. Northwall & Johnson, DO. 7487. 504 Electric Bldg. Florence NETHAWAY sells and trades. KE. 1403 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. TILE bath, base tub, glassed porch, brick foundation; swell Leavonwortn neignts bungalow. Low price and 31,500 down. Call J A. S261. AFTER buying, your home attend a t,rt.E.TtTTMnXT' A TTCTTOM V. VSTV t hin &" used In a home can be bought for a little cash. North. Under Construction We have a house that we are now shingling which when completed will have & rooms, all on one floor, all' oak floors,--many built-in features, real' tile bath and complete with window shades, screens, electric light fixtures, side walks, even gas connections for your stove. ' Our price 34.750. Terms, 8750 cash, 340 per month. Buy now and watch, your own house being built. Phone Mr. Weyerman, AT Iantio 1451, or office, open to 9 p. m. Amos Grant Company, Realtors, Doug. 83S0. 210 S. 18th, Ground Floor. Field Club Home 38.250 buys a good 2-story and attic. 7-room, modern, fram house, located on east front lot In vry renter of Field club district. First floor finished In quartersawed oak except kitchen; 4 crner bedrooms second; stairway to floored attic; full cemented baaement; excellent furnace; brick foundation; house In best of condition; owner trans ferred from city; must be enid; Imme diate possession; key st office; easy terms; homes of this kind difficult to aacure In this district; see us at one if Interested. ' , Fowler & McDonald, REALTORS. JA. 142S. 1120 City Nafl Bsnk Bldg. Parkvale 2 ?1 S. 24th St., 3 rooms, 2 story. 241 S. 34th St., ( room. 3 story. 3010 S. 34th St., 5-rooin bungalow. 3062 S. 34th St., 6-room" bungalow. All of these houses are brand new, some of them are under the course of construction. Finished In oak and white enamel. Built-in features. Close to car. school and stores. Streets and alleys paved Terms. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor, JA. 0635. 212 Brandela Thea. Bldg. NEAR Hanscoin park and handy for Southsider; handsome 7-room square type modern east front residence, fin ished in oak and enamel. Price IG,2&0; term to suit. Call tSCHROEDBR. Itealtorn, JA. 3261. SEVEN'-ROOM house, all modern but hpat and bath; good lot, 5601 South Sin St. Frice $3,000, Easy terms. Louis Cohn, 4823 South Mth St. MA. 01 4S. WANTED Experienced Millinery Salesladies ORKIN BROS. Millinery department now has openings for 10 -exceptional salesladies. Women of ,char icter and personality who have been accustomed to. yearly positions. The salaries paid are unusual' for high Ti'ade women of tact and ability. Those now employed will get immediate considera tion. Applications now being received and personal inter views tomorrow, 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Apply Millinery Department, Second Floor, Orkin Brother Miscellaneous. Six Rooms, All Modern, $4,500 W will build a complete home for 34.6u0. Including oak floor throughout; hadea. wall paper, light ing fixtures, sidewalks. Everything compute. Northwall & Johnson, DOUglaa 7487. t4 KUrtalc Bldg. VK will build to suit you on on of our choice lot In new addition on very reasonable terms, or will build on your own lot for you. Call Mr. Cole, Wal. 6432 evenings, or TEMPLE McFAYDE.N' CO.. J A. 24jj. 1(05 Farnam. 8 Quarterly will be paid by manufacturer who needs a little additional ' capital; 11, years in business, and product used by all man ufacturers and wholesalers in Omaha. Complete details furnished. Address Box 103, Omaha Bee Sim ak (etleMi, flaw Yoik, Frb. la Tha lrei.4 tn I" lal rna eet Urr,larly It,.,, ee ttllae l,iy uuiii. 3 la 13 point ds) frnt lb preceding tl. Nw ue. -In-H rirfceiui ed end ihi lose r ute n.d, but ufi, r ie ii pnini Vl,e in end uf Hie ti'al roupl ,f noma wilier inrraaeed realism Ih !. aaa a. a mix 4 rnidday id th I- hnlil l-oaitu.a. aaer, making Hi riiaiaei amte la i,w pressure, and further teliing aalca In th afierneatn aanl ihe list la luw of S lo 1 paint net !- We.iern In. l-roei ie new to of 33 ta 3 poirii nt h-k. Western Inlereal a ealleia on Ih knre ef grain. Th Cloa . round ih day low, wmh Market oui.t, 31 point declin. II soe fur wiiddling upland. (Southern fiot market rl 7.i. 1 point dea-lin. N'ea or'ean. Iti.Iae, unchanged. kavanii.b, l( 13 M"l'" dailln. Augusta, ii )t, 31 (iuiiiI decline. lui,lna, I Jo, hanged llouaion, 17.13 points itactine. t.Ulle ltok, U', unchanged. New Vurk IMael Fruit a. New York, Fan. i f;vpuili AO !)- Mirnt. I runaa voi.t but l'sdy. Apt l.nla Firm I'.a.hee ftasdy, Haisins 4uiel, "real este.mproved Miscellaneous. IF you want a real .rvm home, foui Ix.autlful lots, splrndid uns-rar garage. Urge rhlrkeii house and ard; at laat Inn etielli-ni beaiiug fruit Ufa ihl.K. ena, plums peai br. apule. currant, aripee. rn-pl-ci lea nd trwlirrlce. wa hlv It. Th cheapest piece nf prnoertu In th city of tiniaha Mday; price, 8. Olio; term Wa have fine lll ' home In all purl of city t right price Chas. W. Young & Spn, 1n; city Nfl Bank. AT. (, Residence, If A, 3031. 0mii -R modern home, ner rr " school. Fin neishbnrhood, 8."n w"h 31,(00 cash Worth the money. WA, 3104, WHY HESITATE? Whan you rn buy this trlrtly mod- rn. five-room bunsalow, oak floor and finish, built-in buffet, bookcases, etc., unroom, double garage, paved treei; escellent nemhl-orhood. una nd on-hlf Idorks J car. for 35.000. Call now, ls yuu f'TTget. Sir. Fotbe. AT. U2(. II. S. MANVII.I.K, Realtor. a AT Jtot. 616 Peters Trust Bldg. WILL nt'ii.n AND FINANCK YOUR NEW HOME. Our material and workmanship of bat quality. Come and look at some of our completed houses. Very reon abl costs. Bring your plan to us for estimates. HASTINGS 4 HBIPE.X, 1614 lUrney St. AT. VWI. Loans V A Om.ii Natl Bank Bldg I want to buy (eyoral usorl wathing- machine. Civ make, reason for selling, and your low est price for cash. Box B-56, Omaha Bee. ''l:'l"l'i:'l:tl.;l"il 'Kountze Park Home EIGHT ROOMS GARAGE , This is a real fine place. Has full cement basement. Four rooms and re ception hall on the first floor; four good sized bedrooms, extra large sleep ing porch and bath on the second floor. Quarter-sawed oak floors and finish. Strictly modern and in excellent condi tion. House equipped with awnings and copper wire screened porch. Located on fine 60 foot south front lot, close to school and car line. Owners are very anxious to sell and will make some one an attractive price on this property. Evenings call Mr. Voorhees, WA InUt 1744. R.D.CLARK COMPANY. Realtors. ATlantlc 3531. 621-2 Securities Bldg. We Are Building Bungalows on Larlmore avenue near 24th street. These are well built, places with five fine rooms, attic and basement. Oak floors throughout, oak finish in living and dining rooms. Large level lots on paved street. Price complete $4,850. Easy terms. For further information call Grant Benson, WA lnut 1580, even ings. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Blok. AT Untie 3540. $2,150 Walking distance to 34th and Ames. This house has 6 rms.. all on one floor and is modern but heat Cheap at the price asked. 3300 cash. 825 per month. Call Mr. Dickason, KEnwood 3342, or office, open to 3 p. m. Amos Grant Company, Realtors, ' i ' Doug. 8380. 210 a 18th. Ground Floor THIS WILL PLEASE. MILLER PARK AND FORT St. location. A real bungalow ll'.te home. Arrangement splendid; f rooms and sleeping porrh; 3 rooms in oak; full basement: grade entrance and floor drain; east front; on car line: all spe cials paid. Price 35.750. Terms, 81,0011 - down. 8HOPEN A CO., JA. 4228. 2lnil!III!!llllt!t!tlMU!lll)lll!l!!!i;l 1 Bungalow , 35th Ave:, near Martha, exception i ally well built bungalow : 5 rooms i and bath on first floor. Oak finish, j 2 rooms finished upstairs. Price i $5,500. Will make reasonable terms. Hanscom Boulevard East front, just south of Hanscon ! i Park, on S2d St., practically new ' A dandy home, having very large ' 1 living room, with fireplace and built 'in bookcases; dining room with , 1 built-in buffet: beam ceilings, sun- j room; kitchen, refrigerator room i etc., on first floor. Oak finish, oa' j I floors all through. 4 fine bedroorm , and bath on 2d floor. Floored attii , Full basement with stationary tubs, , extra toilet, shower bath. Beautiful lighting fixtures. ' Miller Park 5 Owner has left the city. Says sell. 2 Very attractive bungalow style story ? 5 and half stucco house. South front ? i overlooking Miller Park, near Pret- m tiest Mile Club. House has large -m living room, sunroom. dining room " ? and kitchen, beam ceilings and built- ? ?! in buffet. 3 fine bedrooms and tile " bath. Full basement. Garage. Must be sold. Let us show you this home. T Make us an offer. Just east of 30th, in Minne I.u " A A dandy five-room stucco bungalow " with oak and enamel finish and ? foor all through. Built-in buffe' Hot water heat. Garage. 2 lots. 80x120. Price reduced to 38.500 - You can't beat it for this money, s ? Will make good terms. i ID. V. Sholesj I Company j " JA 0O4S 91S City Nat. Bank Bldg 1 'I; 8((i'8l(i3i'(t8.l(l.l(-3' I H - FOR RENT : Z STORES ? . Desirable shops in new World Z . Theater bldg., 15th and Doug- ? 2 las Sts. Also 10,000 sq. ft. of I exceptionally fine space in j ? basement. y 2 2 WAREHOUSE SPACE - 5,800 sq. ft. U. P. Trackage, I 9th and Dodge Sts., $170.00 . per month. 8,700 sq. ft. U. P. Trackage. ' ; 9th and Dodge Sts., $225.00 per month.' 2 We also have for sale a .6- story warehouse, 66x132 feet, ? 2 fine location, trackage both i street and alley. Price $60,- f " '000, easy terms. I I World Realty Co. I DO 5342 Sun Theater Bldg. 2 iisiil!iliiliil4iiiiiji:ii!ii:ii;i;ii,i:iiiirii:iunii:ii:iniiiiiji onononoaoaonoaoQO o RASP BROS, o y want your house for sale, g D RASP BROS. . ' D 212 Keelin Bldg. AT 0721 onoaooononoaonoDO lononcaonononon WE ASK YOU TO TRY US When you have real estate, houses, bun galows, or lots to sell. Prefer those that can be sold on payments. Creigh Sons & Company Established 1S6S 608 Bee Bldg. Jackson 0200 iodoi lonononoa n Q o D o D o a o a o D o D o D o a o D o , D o n o jMMISM " jl '!f J3 jjlj ltJiLji Investment Property We offer this, 8-story and basement modern brick building at 707-9-1 1 So. 16th St, for sale. Ground 66x66 feet. Building alone conservatively worth 336.000. With the new improvement just finished in this district, the value should increase. Income $7,620 per year. Price $60,000, terms. Owner will consider good Omaha residence up to $8,000 as part payment. a,TW. GEORGE & COMPANY "..MX" Have Funds for Loans i On Inside Business Property At Very Attractive Rates Frank H. Binder 823 City Nat'l Bank Bid. Tel. Jackson 2561 t U ( III