Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Bryan Brothers
May Both Run for
Seats iii Senate
W illiam Jrtiningi Willing H
Florid Democrat Demand
-Chatles W. Thinking
Matter Over.
Miami Fla, Feb. !S.-William
Tenning lirn, mpondinf to many
ttuminci at tj whether he would be
t ahdidate for the democratic nomi
nation for United Statea aenator
fr.iu Florida. t4lrfy iiurj a state
went in which he :iSJ:
"I have hreri actively engaged In
politic (or uw e than 30 ycari. With
the exception of ! than icven
jrart my work ha hern done a
j.rivatc fitiicn, and I prctrr to con
tinue trt irrvc the public without the
carei of ntfire. If the democrats of
Florida felt that a a nitor 1 could
render a aeivicc & the atate and to
the prty n the nation mtfkient t
justify them In callinir upon me t
jqireicnt tlurn at U"ahiniton. I
would eonaider the matter from the
i tandpomt of dutjr and in connection
with other claims upon me, but I
l ave not thought ot entering into a
contest the ofltce.
"I am looting forward to congenial
aisoriatinn here with Florida demo
crats who have been my eolahorers
for a quarter of a century I am
sure that our relations will be pleas
ant so Inn ir as my plans do not con
flict with the atuhitions of others or
with their personal preferences."
Charles W.'s Comment.
Lincoln, Nb., Feb. IS. (Special.)
-"I'll let that sink into my bones a
while," was the only comment of
fered by Charles W. Bryan today
hta told that certain newspapers
were forecastinn his candidacy for
the democratic nomination for United
State Kunator in Nebraska at the
same time that his brother. William
J. Bryan, seeks the senatorship from
Men close to Bryan characterized
the story as "pure bunk." If Bryan
runs for any ofhee they expect it to
be that of governor.
Custer County Farmers
Interested in Farm Bureau
Broken Bow, Neb., Feb. IS. (Spe
cial.) Great interest was manifested
in the farm bureau meeting held in
this city. J. N. Norton of Polk,
president of the state organization,
was present and in his talk among
other important things assured his
listeners that it was his candid
opinion that the prices on farm pro
dues had reached the bottom and
from now on would continue to go
up. The membership drive for Cus
ter county will start February 20 and
vyill be in charge of J. H. Linder of
Briken Bow. The membership fee
has been reduced from $10 to $7, four
of which will go to the state organ
ization and the balance remain for
county work. ' ' -
Omnlia Man Wants Law to
Govern Sale of Horse Meat
Lincoln. Feb. IS. (Special Tele
gram.) F. L. Kurd, Omaha, has
written Governor McKelvie to urge
the next legislature to pass a law
demanding that all restaurants serv
ing horse or mule meat advertise the
fact in big placards on uom win
dows, -i ,
"I ..,n,14 oftuioo a ripnaltv of five
, A ' ' - I J
vears and one day, no. pardons or
paroles, for violation of same," Hurd
said. "
.The governor is anxious for infor
mation as to where such meat is sold
in Omaha. Hurd fails to specify in
his letter. -
Ninth District Doctors
Meet at Grand Island
Grand Island, Neb., Feb. 15.
(Special Telegram.) The annual
meeting of the Ninth district Ne
braska Medical association was at
tended by 30 members from Hall and
'adjacent counties. Dr. Bryson. of
Callaway spoke on medical education;
Dr. Brown of Omaha on operations
and treatment for gall bladder, and
Dr. Stearns on certain surgical
operations. Plans were laid for the
next district convention of Kearney.
Drs. Boydcn and Watson, Ihis city,
closed the program with interesting
papers. -
Beatrice Store Manager .
Is Arrested in Lincoln
Beatrice, Neb., Feb. IS. (Special
Te'eeram.) Isadore Gelsin, who has
beenm charge of an army and navy
store in Beatrice the past few weeks
and who. with his wife, occupied
apartments at the home of Mrs.
Elizabeth Hoover, was arrested in
Lincoln charged with taking some ot
the household coods belonging to
Mrs. Hoover. When arraigned m
countv court he pleaded not guilty
and his case' was set for hearing
March 1. '
Two Butler County Men
Fined for Moonshining
David City, Neb.. Feb. lS.-(Spe-cial.V-James
Rotkovec and James
Cerny pleaded guilty in district court
of Butler county on the charge of
making tmoxicauug n" .
were fined $500 each and sentenced
to 30 days in jail Albert Ratkovec,
father of James, who claimed, to
ave known"' nothing of the liquor
being maoe ; on i"
acquitted. ' .
xtutnarv at Trenton.
- vr-'u ck 1 s Sneeial.)
MCCOOK. iNCl'., '-" '
Dr P B Donnelly, missionary
operating from the McCook mission
ary headquarters, wills lecture, in
Trenton au nwi wn. .. - ".-
topics. The doctor is. conducting
' missions over maw.v
Tl,rp Nvw Citizens.
David Gty, Neh., Feb. 15.-(SPe-
rial.) Three persons we ",""-;
McMeeken of Rising City, Charles
Lang of Ulysses and Charles Houdek
of Valparaiso. "
Mnrria Trial at Trenton.
Feb. IS. (Special.)
Sheriff George McClam went to
Trenton with George Morris, who is
to be tried in Hitchcock county for
the mnrder of -Pearl ; P.-lurner, nis
brother-in-law. - '
Rickenbacker Hops
, Plane Here for Frisco
FdJi JliclenbaiUr, American ace.
toppf4 long fituugh in Umaha yr
terdy la prtsko of a couidt of
doughnut and a tup of ciu- be
fore htpping intg th null ptt an
air mad plane bound for Si 1 ran.
tin hurrr is ta arrive in Frisco
tonight in time to attend the opening
of the aumul auto show there.
With Jack Knight at the tontrot,
Rickmhueker hopped olT the air mail
field at 7:25 yesterday morning A. K.
Duniihy, aupermtrndeiit ci the
Omalu-Slt City division. b.
Isined the content of Carl K. lge,
head tf air mail service, by wfrths.
Kirlienbacker arrived in Omahi by
ttain yeiierday mornina from Man
ias City.
Fremont Police
Prevent Robbery
Burglar Escape Through Sky
light When Building Is Sur
Toundol Two Nahhed.
Fremont, Neh., Feb. IS. (Special
Telegram.) Police broke up . a
wholesale robbery at the Docrinn
Hardware company here when thry
scared awav the invader and pre
vrniKil itu Liu of ahout S1.5U0 mrr-
ehandise whiilt wa deserted by the
ibursliu-s in their flight. The night
patrolmen discovered the burglars in
the biiililinit wlien tnev neara me
pounding at the combination of the
afe. Police surrounded the build
ing, but the thieves became alarmed
and fled to the upper floors ef the
building. They escaped through the
skylight, through which they had
entered, and clambered to the scaf
folding of a building ttmkr construc
tion, three stores north. They es
caped in the darkness.
Police found baskets and boxes
filled with gun, ammunition, cutlery
and other merchandise. The safe
eombination was badly battered.
There was about $200.iii the safe.
Ray Sanders. 19. and Ray Hill, 18,
who claim Sioux City as their home,
were taken off a Northwestern
freight train at Arlington. Sheriff
Condit states that two new pen
knives wer.e found on the suspects
and that two new revolvers were
buried in the coat, pile of their jail
cell at Arlington, where they were
held captive until the Fremont au
thorities arrived
C. E. District Meeting
Is Held at Fairbury
Fairbury, Neb.. Feb. 15. (Special.)
M. D wight Higbee, state field sec
retary of the Christian Endeavor so
ciety, spoke at the Presbyterian
church of Fairbury. The occasion
was a meeting of the district No. 5
organization, comprising Jefferson
county territory. One hundred dele
gates were present.
Ogallala Teachers Are
Re-EIecled at Old Salaries
Ogallala, Neb., Feb. 15.-Spe-cial.)
The board of education . of
Ogallala re-elected all teachers at the
same salary received this year. Roy
O. Vounir. superintendent. was
elected for two years, to receive the
same salary the first year, but an
increase for the second year.
At the first
sign of skin
trouble apply
5oothinq and He&Iinq
Delay in pjroperly
treating skin trouHe
is dangerousYou make
no mistake when you
adopt Resinol
Broken Out Skin and Itching
Eczema Helped Over Night
For unsightly skin eruptions, rash
or blotches on face, neck, arms or
body, you do not have to wait for re
lief trora torture or embarrassment.
declares a noted skin specialist. Ap
ply a little Mentho-Sulphur and in
provement shows next day.
Because of its germ destroying
properties, nothing has ever been
found to .take the place of this sul
phur preparation. The moment you
apply it healing begins. Only those
who have had unsightly skin troubles
can know the delight this Mentho
Sulphur brings. 'Even fiery, itching
eczema is dried right up.
Get a small ' jar from any good
druggist and use it Iike-cold cream.
Clogged Air Passages Open at
Once Nostrils Cleared.
If your nostrils are clogged and
your head stuffed because of catarrh
or a cold, get Ely's Cream Balm at
any drug store. Apply a little of
this pure, antiseptic, germ destroying
cream into your nostrils and let it
penetrate through every air passage
of your head and membranes. In
stant relief.
How good it feels. Your head is
clear. Your nostrils are open. You
breathe freely. No more hawking or
snummg. Head colds and catarrh
yield like magic. Don't stay stuffed
up. .choked and miserable. Relief is
McKelvie Not
to Hun for Third
w if m
lenii, ne uaiius
Deoirt Humor He Srtka to
Protect Codo Earl Cline
nd J H. Kemp
Lincoln. Feb. IS. ( Special.)
Governor McKelvie will not be a
und.djtc for a third term.
Keport published locally, intimat
ing that the governor might seek re
election to preserve the administra
tive code tim which he lias spon
sored, were characterised by liiiu to
day as filly in the extreme.
Minuluneotjly, there was renewed
talk about, the state house favorable
to the candidacy either of F.arl M.
Cline of Nebraska City or J. II.
Kemp of 1'ullerton. Cline is a
lormrr commander of the American
Legion in Nebraska ami, before the
war, was a candidate for state super
intendent of public instruction.
Kemp was a'state senator for sev
eral terms, president pro tciu of the
senate in 191J-IV14 and an unsuccess
ful cindidate for the republican nom
ination for governor in V). Re
cently lie lias been active in fighting
telephone rate increases.
Canaday May File. 1
J. S. Canaday of Alinden, recently
touted as a possible democratic can
didate for governor, now is reported
to be considering candidacy for con
gress in the Fifth district on the new
third party ticket.
Friends of the present state ad
ministration are not enthusiastic
over the candidacies of either Adam
McMullen of Beatrice or A. H. By
rum of Bloomington for jOA'cmor,
both having been listed as anti-administration
men. They would pre
fer to have some candidate in the
field who will continue the adminis
tration code and other projects un
dertaken in the last three years.
Denies Small Attendance.
J. H. Edmisten, third party chair
man, .indignantly denied small af
tendance reported at the Fifth dis
trict convention at Iloldrege. He
said there was approximately 200
The third party will hold its
Fourth congressional district conven
tion at York tomorrow.
Harry D. Sands of Seward an
nounced his candidacy for university
regent in the Fourth district today.
Under the law regent candidates are
on nonpartisan ballot.
Buy Second Fire Truck. ,
Fairbury, Neb., Feb. IS. (Spe
cial.) The city council of Fairbury
has purchased a second fire truck
to use in case of emergencies.
Livestock Values I Her Mother and
Show Big Decrease
VWiiugton, Feb. 15. Value of
livestock en farms and ranges of the
llnitt States showed a decrease of
$.l.W5.2J7.WO, tr 41! per cent on
January I, this year, as compared
with that date two yrars ago, the
Department of Agriculture an
nounced today in its annual livestock
Totat value of farm animals at
the beginning of this year was $4.
7"'W7,UOO, w hile on January 1, JO.'O,
the value of such animals was f-V
ilorst numbered n.tW.IHK) and
were valued at $l..M(U54,0yO.
Mules, .MJO.tKH); valued at ?479,-
Mdk eow, 24,0:8,000; value, $1,
2.'4.767.0a. Other rattle, , 41,324,000: value,
Sheep, J6.048.000; value, ?17J,-
157 (H)0
I logs, 56.996.000; value, $573,405,
000. Homer State Hank Closed
ly State Trade Secretary
Lincoln, Feb. 15. (Special.) The
Home Jstatc banak, Homer, Neb.,
was closed today by J. If. Hart, sec
retary of the state department of
trade and commerce. Excessive loans
on (arms and failure of farmers to
pay, with decrease in deposits is re
sponsible for the failure.
Several months ago the depart
ment put Koy Swanson, son of Dan
Swanson, state land commissioner, in
charge, . in an effort to liquidate
"frozen" securities, but the effort
failtjd. Officers are C J. O'Connor,
president; W. H. Clapp, vice presi
dent; R. 15. Small, cashier. "
Cambridge Community Club
Iloldii Annual Mixer
Cambridge, Neb., Feb. 15, (Spe
cial.) The Cambridge Community
club gave their annual mixer for the
men of the community. Several 10
minute wrestling matches were put
on by local boys and impromptu box
ing matches by persons in attend
ance added interest to the program.
B. F. Butler held a mock trial and
Ray Black as an . Egyptian dancer
was exceptionally good. William
Kambeau presided at the piano and
kept the meeting "pepped" with
solos and also by leading in com
munity singingv
Bakeries at Fairbury
Reduce Price of Bread
Fairbury, Neb., Feb. 15. (Spe
cial.) Fairbury bakeries have drop
ped the price of 15 cent loaves of
bread to 13 cents apd the 10-cent loaf
to 9 cents.
Bee Want Ads Bring Results.
Sister Located
After 12 Years
Omalm Woman, Wbo Left
Home Iong Ago, Soon to
Be Reunited With Rela.
tivci in Went.
Added to the Joy cl finding her
mother alter 12 years' separation.
Mrs. Koy Dcmp.scy, 1JJ2 1'ark ave
nue, is rejoicing in the rediicovrry
of her sister, now living in Sao
A sunn as Mr. Demnsey, who
was Virginia Eurkett of Falls Cily.
Neh., was reunited with her aged
mother. Mrs. N. T. Burkctt of Or
wille, Wash., two weeks ago, the
mother wrote to her other da u en
ter in the west and notified her that
the long-lost sister hud been located
in Omaha. , '
A tetter came as soon as the mails
cculd deliver it.
Mrs. Dempsey plans to leave for
the west the end of March to dap
her mother and sbtcr in her arms
again for the first time in a dozen
years. She left home when a young
Rirl because of her father's cruelty,
she explained. Later her parents sep-
AVOID the misery of racking
pain. Sloan 'a gete right down
to the aching spot and relieves
your paia and you wonder why you
did not use Sloan's first. Haw a
bottle of Sloan's Liniment handy and
apply when you first feel pain.
Use freely and don't ntb, as it
penetrates and yon will be surprised
to find how quickly it eases the pa'n
nnd sends a feeling of warmth through
the aching part.
Fine, too. ' rneumatism, neuralgia,
BciatitA, sprains, aches, pains, over
worked muscles, lame back.
For torty years Sloan's has been the
stand-by as a liniment in thousands of
families. Ask your neighbor.
At all druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40.
l Our YourComrlerlooof ptmKlas,
B tens and other facial diafiffurement.
Uaa freely Dr. Hobaon a Eczema Oint
ment Good for eczema, Itcmns aKm, i
and other skin troublea, Una ot Ut. !
Hobnon'i Family Remedies.
Eczema Ointment
ijf Juicy Fruit, Peppermint and
I Spearmint are certainly three
IC delightful flavors to choose from.
(jf And n'RIGLEY'S'. P-K the new
sugar-coated peppermint gum, is a
If ' great treat for your sweet tooth
JyXr i All from the Wrigley factories
m ' : ' : where perfection rules.
PrC?p rr
, . P
ated; the mother sought work in
the west, and coiineftion brUren th
twi was but.
Hrld for Wife5 IWrtion.
Peutncr, Nh Feb, 15- (SpeWa!
Telegram,) Albert llower of th'
city, chanted with wife dr.ertion,
W4 armted at PoVwalier and
brought here and lodged in )'!
Value-Giving Sale
Another Large
Consisting of several
Jacobean Oak
Bos 5t
Dining Chairs
(Exactly LUta Cut)
Which are offered dur
ing our Clean- Si. 95
at 1 ,
Sweep Sale
These chairs have Spanish
mole scats, are well made,
strong and ' beautifully fin
ished. If you need dining
chairs then buy during our
big sale..
: Vanity Dressers
.. . - ...- . . -
In walnut finish; pier mirror
in 'center with two swinging
side mirrors; four convenient
drawers two on either side.
Was $85.00, tOQ Efl
now P5aOU
Walnut or Mahogany
Dressing Tables
Former price $45.00,
now $25.00
Former price $52.50,
now 32.50
Former price $65.00,
now $39.75
Former price $75.00,
now $42.50
At Sweeping Price
Reductions During Our
Clean-Sweep Sale
Oak Buffet Made of quarter-sawed
oak, 48-inch plank
top, mirrored back, plenty of
drawer room for linen and sil
ver. Former price $87.50.
IScTZ5:1.: $39.50
Oak Buffeti - Of quarter
sawed oak, 54-inch plank top,
mirrored back. Former price
$95.00. Febru- CfAQ Efl
ary Sale price, P'xO.iJU
Oak Buffet Large roomy
space for dishes and two small
drawers. ' Former price $69.
February Sale
Price . . .
Oak Dining Tablet In quar-ter-sawed
oak; 48-ineh top;
$85.00 values, QK
Oak Dining Tablet In quar-ter-sawed
oak; 54-inch top;
$95.00 values, . . ,
Oak Serving Table Massive
in des'gn and' construction; .
$75 values,
It pay to read Bowen'a '
small adi. ,
Vowen (6
Howard St, Betwmn IStb and 16tb.
Clean Clothes Wear
hen elraned fcjr a real Cleaner,
t.l aunUnl a a.lbf K
J.J.Cameron Credit Service
U. aa4 Vaia Ik ( py
rnslr p a.iuf ibi
Tl..a PO taa Ttto
5j its
n in
Tweed Suits
Take their colors
Jrom the rainbow
DAME FASHION has been chasing
rainbows, and having caught
their delicate colors of rose, orchid,
henna green, blue and sunny shades
of yellow, placed them in the twerd
suits for spring, causing them to out
rival allt rivals and become the ac
cepted mode for Madame.
We have a complete line of these
popular tweed suits made of the new
Bonnie Doone tweed, full(
radium silk lined, sizes 1G
to 44. Priced as low as..
Suit Shop Third Floor
Taffeta Frocks
That forecast the
coming of Spring
AS the calendar turns to Spring, so
the trend of fashion turns to taf
feta frocks.
That each woman may decide which'
is most becoming to herself, two dis
tinct silhouettes are put jforth for
her approval the long waisted,
clinging Grecian effect and the bouf
fant skirts which demand tiny hoops
to hold them out.
Thursday we are featuring a
handsome group
of taffeta gowns
Dress Shop Third Floor
Ira Store of Specialty Shops.
1417 Douglas Street
Offering for Thursday
Cleverest of New
at the Ridiculous Price of
And such stunning dresses as they are
" lively styles, just the thing for street or
business wear, and at $8.00 you'll want
two or three, .
Serges , Jerseys Tricotines Silks
, Only Two Hundred Dresses in the lot;
all sizes are included. We advise that
. you be here early. .
Remember. Your Credit Is Good
Buy these wonder value Dresses on the
easiest sort of terms. y