Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    Watson Charges
Mellon Holding
Office Illegally
tary of Trra.ury I Sub
jrt tiij.rrrt or In.
imt luufiit Any Time.
i i
Vliiugio, Frb. 15. SfcrrUry
Mellon u holding the ofiirc o(
twrtery t.f the treasury in vbUtion
of the anJ can l rrctetl for
ri Liiiiiiig l'ie 'l4c if any our rr
fit to w out a warrant charging
liiiu with the offend, SrnaMr
Walton, dt'iiiiHratCirorKis, declare J
in the rnate lite toilay.
'1 he law whirji Mr. Mellon U
tofitDR, Sfiiaior Watson ail. tro
liihiu the cirfiary of thr treasury
frum fntiJkinitf in any kiixl of tusi
iir or ruiiiMicrcf.
Senator Watoii t"ll the nenate
that Mr. Mellon rouM he imtuSi lirl
"auv time we m-e tit"itl re td the
M iiate the irvNtoii of (.nlioii I
of the tatiitei vhi. tl lie df.
rUir.l furhidt Mr. Mellon
tu if lain in U-r. He drtlarrd that
.y ftUyinir in office, the ffrretarv
k vmUimc (lie law, aJ'Img ilut it
Hat genrraily Ittiovti that Mr. M'U
ton Hit one ui the wealthitt in
iVilu! in thi eomitry,
Ihe asirrtiont ty the Grorgia
lenator were made in connection
with ewral iprrdie on the ac
Cf mplihmrnt nt the two major
njitiiiil par i ir i. He Informed the
senate, in the course of hit temark.
that the law, now listed a aeciion
.Ml, wa passed in the sriute ff the
I'nited' htatfi and that during the
administration of I'rrsidrnt l'r"
the name pf A, T. Stewart had been
withdrawn at a nominee as srrrcury
of the treasury whrn attention wa
called to irnvikm of the act.
Smaii. r Watson akrd Senator
1 Iff lin. democrat. .Manama, for the
opinion on "what the people will
think of the way our Kovrrnmrnt i
tiring run when a criminal, uneon
virted hut disobeying- the penalty
openly and notoriously committing a
crime, m left in charge of our na
tional funds and the refunding of
dchta of flLiaHMHXMai."
Senator Ifefliu said that Senator
Watson had hown that Secretary
Mcldiu was violating the law and
that it was time for senators to peak
Employment Hill
of Big Business
Strong; Opposition Pftrlopt
tr Measure Introilnml !y
Senator Kfnyon Fate
Wasliington. I'eb. 15. Expected
bipartisan opposition developed in
the irnate today, to the bill in
troduced by Senator Kenyon, re
publican, Jowa, to aid the unemploy
ment problem by empowering gov
ernment official to prei public
worki during lack tinin and re
tard them during period of pros
perity. After Senator Kenyon, who is to
retire ahortly to go on the federal
bench, had obtained consideration of
the bill and explained il provision,
republican and democrat Jaunchcd
an attack on it with the result that
leader declared the fate of the bill,
which went over until tomorrow, was
i:i doubt.
Senator Kenyon. chairman of the
labor committee, said lie wa press
ing (lie bill mainly in the lutrre.t of
labor. It bad tjie endorsement of
tht Amcriran l e.luain.ii t Ijlior.
the I'nited State Ihambrr of Com
nutce and other orgaiiuaikm, lie
addcl. a
Senator rirtchcr. democrat, l'lor
Ida, laid he feared the bill con
ferred to great pourii on execu
tive official over government work,
while Senator Sterling, republican,
South Dakota, declared it uii pater
nalistic in ipin't and wa backed by
"big busiiic-."
Most of the witnessej before the
senate bihor committee who (poke
for the bill, Senator Sterling aid,
represented large buines interests.
It appeared, he added, that bushiest
concern desired its pasjge not only
for thr,profit they might make out
of government woik during time of
depression, but alo in order that
they might keep their working force
together in such period.
KoriniT Jsi'ttator 111.
Denver, Feb. 15. John F. Mia
froilt, j7, fomrcr I'nited States sen
ator from Colorado, is dangerously
ill at his home brie, lie contracted
a cold several day ago while on a
visit to Colorado Spring'. I.ate yes
terday, aerordiitg to physician, the
senator suffered a severe heart attaek
and a slight h mori'lnnc of the
Alabama Concern
Rival of l ord for
Muscle Shoals
VtYrlvi lApi'dml to IMhtr
i Offer tu (!otij;rrs--(!tini-iiiiuce
to (!otisiIt r Plain
Washington, Feb, 13. Entry of
the Albania 1'ower company today in
the list of private bidder for the
government's properties at Musrle
Shoals, .Ma , wa regarded by offi
cials a ottering formidable rivalry
to Henry l ord proposal now be
fore emigres for linal decision.
Secretary Week probably will ex
pedite delivery of the new offer to
congres so that consideration of the
Alabama and Ford proposals ran be
undertaken simultaneously and their
respective merit discussed before action is taken on the Musrle
Shoal question.
The' Alabama company oflcr i for
the purchase of the Warrior power
plant and traiiuiisiou line and lease
for 5(1 years, the other properties un
der provision of the fedeia! water
power act.
Member of the ltoue ntiliiaty
rommitUf iuvrstigdiing the l ord
oiler I.Mrned wiih mteiest of the
Alabama fomiMiiy't proposal, but
said they would not delay action on
that already before ihein pending re
ceipt froni the war secretary ot the
other, Chairman Kahn explained that
it wa the duty of the committee
acting in behalf of the government'
Interest to make a carrful study of
alt otfrrs shke in an eiloit to de
termine which wa the best from the
government's point of view.
Secretary Week did not personally
receive the proposal today, a be wa
confined to his home by a slight cold.
It was delivered to Ms private secre
tary by Tliotua W. Martin, president
of the company and held for Mr,
Weeks' attention when he returned
to the department, which, it was ex
plained, would be tomorrow.
Chairman Kahn wa uncertain how
loiitr the military committee would
continue the hearing on Mr. Ford's
oticr. Witnesses yet to h( heard in
clude a number of the most import
ant on the docket, such a Hugh
Cooper, consulting engineer for the
government on the construction of
the Murle Shoal project, aflor
neys for the Air Nitrate corporation
and the Alabama I'ower company,
both, of which claim optional privi
lege for proimtie at Musrle Shoal
whiih they hav declared their inten
tion tii ese'-oe befoif the govern
ment decided upon a dipnal of (hrrti
lo private inieiests, and Throdoie
Swami tf Anniston, ,Ma. and en
gineer on the Muscle Shoal con
strurtiou work, Ader they are heard,
Mr. Kahn ,aid, the committee will
lace ii tak of reporting to the
house the result of it deliberation
on the Ford oflrr.
It appcaird prohabl? in view of
these tireuuist,(iiec. said the ihair
nun, that the roinniitire would be en.
gaged tor another two weeks before
it would be able to refer the proposal
bark to the house. In the event Mr.
Week submit the Alabama com
pany's proposal within that time, the
two (titer would be simultaneously
in the hands of Ihe same house committee.
Sure Relief
6 Bill an s
Hot water
Sure Relief
Zit and 7J Pch Cveyws'
Ho r lick's
the Original
Avoid Imitations
Tar Intuits, Invalids tnd Orewfn ChUdrm I Rich m'lk, ssdrH train ritrsct In Povdrr
Ttss Orlsmsl Food .Drink for AD Ar No Cookloi Nottrishlng Dl(.tlbl
f cr 'jajfj-
Sale Begins
Thursday, 9 a. m.
Watch Daily Ads
for New Bargains
Chance of the .Year!
Men 's Shirts Men 's Ties Men 's Socks
Men's Underwear Men's Gloves Men 's Sweaters
m .a pbssssssb " " "" mmmmmmmmmm
Men's Night Shirts Men 's Hats Men's Pajamas
Thursday We Place on Sale the Entire Stock of the
e Shirt
Bought at a Fraction of Its Worth, on Sale Thursday
Men's Shirts
,We cannot go into detail over each item, but wish in a brief .
way to mention savings such as these:
Men's Shirts that were 1.50 to 2.00, while they last, 98c
Men's Shirts that were 2.25 to 3.00, while they last, 1.48
Men's Shirts that were 3.50 to 4.00, while they last, 2.28
Men's Silk Shirts, values up to 7.50, while they last, 3.88
Arrow Full Dress and Tuxedo Shirts 'jUg
Worth 3.00, 3.50, 4 and 4.50 Each j
Men's Knit Ties
Values 75c, 1.00,4.50 and 2.00
Saturday at 44c, 63c, 89c and 1.13
We have doubled our present space for men's furnishings to
take care of the crowds of buyers. We will have plenty of
sales people, x wrappers and cashiers to give prompt service.
at about
Regular Selling Price !
, The Washington Shirt Company was well known
to men of Omaha as handling goods of standard
makers, such as Stetson hats, Arrow shirts and collars,
Lewis underwear, Artcraft ties, and dozens of other
well known makers whose goods you will readily recog
nize, at y2 and less than their regular prices.
I Men's
Their Entire Collar Stock 4 for
Values 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c
Men's Blanket Robes
Worth $3
to 4,50
res Choice oi
Ten's Lined and Unlined Gloves Choice of
several hundred nairs,
worth up to 3.00,
per pair.
fersey or Wool Gloyes and Mitts Choice
of hundreds of pairs, N gmt
worth up to
1.00, per pair, lUv
Men's Socks
In Three Lots
Lot 1, 15c
Lot 2, 35c
Lot 3, 55c
Silk Ties
In Three Lots
Lot 1,
Lot 2,
Lot 3,
Men Sweaters
At Exactly Price
Finest Wool Sweaters Ranging in price
from 2.50 to 15.00, at V2 these marked prices.
All the wanted colors, including school and
college combinations? Slip-on and coat
Winter Union Suits
All Winter Union Suits in 3 Lots
Lot 1 Worth to 2,00 - 98c
Lot 2 Worth to 3.00, 1.48
Lot 3 Worth to 6.50, - 1.98
Flannelette flight Shirts Values
1.50 and 2.25, Saturday 1 1Q
at 88c and 1 O
Flannelette Pajamas Values 1.75:
and 2.50. Saturday "I
it 1.08 and LiO
Fiber and Silk Pajamas O QQ
Values 4.95, Saturday at . Lt00
On Our
Fourth Floor
All of These Men's Soft Hats, Derby Hats, Stetson Hats, Mossant 1 the Regular ThlirQirlA V
Hats and Schoble Hats Will be Sold Thursday at Exactly- 2 Price luuiauay
All of These Men's Caps, Values From 1.50 to 2.50, Will 1)e Sold Thursday, at (J5c
-On Our-
Fourth Floor