t THE IiF.E: OMAHA. THURSDAY, VEBRUAUY U. 19.' a 11 Financial j By ALEXANDER DANA NOYE1 o ) Hm . win. New York, Feb. lS.-Tb Increaied strength n4 activity on Iht nock eiehinfe today was ascribed to variety cf cautetv Ont was the plain evidence p( eaticr money, for the firit time inr the slight tightening; of tales in iht third week ot January. I hat lit pani.il redistribution ef retervri and credits from the rait to Iht weit and south during the three or four entumg werk hat bet n ntott ly completed, was indicated itv the list weekly slafmentt ef the inter for reserve fcanki. hote ratio ef reterve had increased even in the hanke which lately were under heav ier oreitmr, to prrrmtaifrt ai hih at $ and t Such transfer of fundi it not umiMial fr thit time of year; it completion Irave i the money mar ket subject only to the general In fluencea if trade. Jf the drift of money ra'ei i to be further down, ward duri"ff the present season e ha! pretrntly see more definite if" of it. Thu. far tti fall In New Yth' rail nanr rix (ha 4 Mr ent level, wit J, hi.M, rnt i(hK eirhange the ra rttiri.ni, frm I par rent In 4 Vt i'r Mill In I he 4"'evia.d r-eerve hank' ff:rlal rata, j M restri from leaden r an e.aiar dia-l rou market nil poeaibi. coming 'li, In lh Rank f England rata r' lh preliminary lodlialloaa. FaiorahU Influences. Asld from naiwf rate. tn.Iav's slock rnetkei mi favorably Influenced by Iba eat.lMI or foreign asrhang after Tuea day abrupt recovery, by th. further not able recovery In pnou of whaul, rorn and cotton, an4 by a growing conviction that lb critical moment at 111 "bond rattl" en th treasury wa pal T'uring all Ibla a(ranrtlinrr enianda, flnan-'lal markai bva h.l Hi (mllnc that Ihey war In lha preaen'- r-f an unknown foree: lb ivowil liutifferenr of lha hill rongreaaional piomnter to lha slat i'f public finances aeemrd to portend a kind of legtalatlv rci klaaene.a whose rop. nobody eould measure Beitsr that lha undertaking might b. stonoed and (ha agitation ar It tbarabr deferred until attar lha Korambar elrrllons therefore bound to Influence tha financial anti man t. Today (dvBnre In tha (lack mrket vara Irraauiar, but lhara war many taint of 1 to t points. Railway atoeka had no part In tha advance, however, anit profaaalonal handiwork wa vlalbla again In varlmia Indualrial aharaa. Oraat activ ity with tha uiual Irraaularlty In lh coura or prtraa waa riianlayad In tba markvt for Invaatmaut bond. the gumps r:u,.rs TING-A LING! LING! LING! Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith . favtrifki rkleaa T'lhun Caaapasr W ettvLO- Kte. ttotra. 115 np wto vn to. vuvt no It 'Witt ABOJt CCV.0CK U'R, 60IN6 TO laCl ANl TVtH VsiVtU A tVCHWN . o-ui yViout 6 cowrwil H I JVU V MlfJVTt- LU ail TUi UtTll Y- AJ VOU PW'X 0 Ate AW" O00& WWfN Voj M4t,t TmY CRCK AtOWT Hwctc 0f UAM TO tANCi AVU "TMOtt I MiWlM- I'tU CAl. MIC - V CAH TAVVflTO HE, YOURtUF a : Iff f " 1 Maaaf aw. T II tl. I aalaaaa ftatV f tkat laUr MM aya ttaaa) fw a bar m i4 HMfttat 4 tea foatlkaalf M lai't HI U iy Saat Its. T ar tar riba blt ha aaotkay at r Hmm kVya, TaM 1 1 pa, TWat latt lb alkar 14 f bar kaaaV. t, lbs kar'as llaay aa4 t4 aiar arV. rear anta atari tire. CoU 0rV. f'VST Pti?t0tU1 Kim Should cjsi nui wvwX "IHL ra tJVC JF Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day " ' Live Stock New York Quotations Ranra or piira ot tha trading atoeka rurnlnhad by Logan 4k Bryan, 141 Fatara Truit building: , Tuaaday lliih Loir Cloaa Cloaa HAILROADS. A. T. A 8 T. M IT 4 m IT Halt, ft Ohio...,., 36 J A ' Omaha. Kb. lb. Racalpla wara Catila. iloaa, Hbaap. Orrirlal Monday ..... I. Til M" ',u dttlilal Tu.id.y a. mil ll.on I'j.lll banmal Wadnaaday.. 6.mitt l.u in. 700 Thrta day thla wk...ia4 14.111 J'i.') Rama daa laat wk...;4.4 41.JJ1 41. alb Kama l.)a t wka. ato :i eo !. s m Hum day 1 wka. am 12.U1 41.4H4 li.tail Baina Ua yaar agu. . 41.ul ll,a Rai-alpla and dlapoaltlnn ot llvaitork at Ina l;mon aiotkyarda, Omaha Nab., (r 14 noun, andtn at a p. m. Frhruary 11, is::: R KC tl P TS C AH LOT. Horaaa and Cattla Hoga.ahp.alla. C. M. 4V St. P. Ry.... 4 ... .. Wabaah R H t 1 ... .. rr. ur is a ... .. Union Fa rifle K. It.... in It 11 , C. N. W. Kv.. aaat.... ! ... . C, X. W. Ry . waat.. 41 45 13 1 u., u r., at. o. Ky.. J J is C, B. 4k Q. Ry., aaat.... T 4 ... .. O, H Q. Ry wat.... 41 II I .. C, R. I. at P., aaat.... 4 ... .. '. R. I. 4V P., waat.... 11 t tlllnnla Cantral Ry,... 4 11.. C, a W. Ry S 1 Ttal raralpta 23? 177 Ilil POSITION H BA1. 47 1 Canadian Pan. ....1311, J!U 130 121 N. T. Central 74i 7'i 7Va 71 haa. Ohio l M 6ks t. Northern 7S4 75T, 7S14 lllnoia Central ...101 10 101S4 ! Chaa. Ot Illlnoia K. C. Mouth :4 24 14 Sa :H Lelilari valley .... bVb of lo. PacKlo 1'4 l4 "S 1"H N. T. N. II 18 174 17 1" 'i North. Pac 0H 7ti TtT4 10 Chi. A N. W 8V fk i"i Pannaylvanla. Ry. 11 14 4 14' Reading 74 74 74V 741, C. R. I. P ie 114 3SS abVi South. Pao. 4 13 13 3 Snuth. Railway ... 19H HTa 1 1 Chi.. Mil. A Bt. P.. 10 lOVa t0 IUMi Vnio Paclflo 131Vi 131 131 1311, STEKL8. Amar. Car Fdry. ,.14 1474 1474 14 Allta-Chalmera ... 4SH 44 45i 45H American Loco. ...10IH 107 10"4 107 Baldwin Lora 105 4 104 104 104 Bethlehem Steel ., 65 3 4 64 Colo. Fuel A Iren I lx Cnielbl- 6! 0 1 62 Amer. Steet Fdry. 31 31 32 32 I.arkawanna Steal 4A 411 4", 48 Kldvala Steel ..... 30 30 30 30 Pi-emrd Steel Car . 116 5 61 .... Re. Hlarl A Iron 11 tl 13 13 Rill, filntl Spring ...k .... 7 Sloei-Srhef field t.S 40 V 3. 8teel t0 ,39 10 11 Vanadium 36 14 35 33 COPPKB3. Anaeonda 43 47 48 47 A. Smelt. A R. Co. 4lt 45 44 4S Cerro l)e l'asco .. 84 33 34 83 Chill 17 1B 16 1" Chlno 2S 56 26 56 Inspiration 39 , S3 38 38 Kenneeott ,. 27 27 27 27 Mlml 26 25 26 25 Nev Oon 13 13 13 13 Ray Con ...14 '13 14 11 flenera 14 11 13 13 Utah (3 61 1 OILS. Gen. Asphalt 63 .61 62 62 Coaden 35 34 34 84 Cal. Peterol 49 49 49 49 laland Oil 2 2 2 2 Invln. Oil 14 14 14 14 Mex. Peterol .....123 120 123 120 Middle Stntca .... 13 12 11 12 Paclflo Oil 46 46 46 46 Pan-American .... 65 54 56 64 Phillip 31 31 81 31 Tierce Oil 3 8 8 Pure Oil 34 33 13 84 Roynl Dutch 60S 60 60 60 Sinclnlr Oil 19 19 19 18 Standard Oil, N. J. 180 179 179 17t Tejaa Co 45 45 46 44 Vnlnn OH 19 ' 19 19 19 W'hlta Oil 9 9 MOTORS. Chundler 64 64 61 64 0n. Motora 8 f 8 8 8 WIMya-Overland ... 6 4 6 6 Plarce-Arrow 16 14 15 14 White Motor 39 38 39 39 Studebaker 95 93 94 93 UUBBER AND TIRES. Fisk 12 12 15 12 Good-lch ; 37 87 87 37 Kellev-Springfield 37 36 37 37 Keystone Tire .... 15 15 16 16 AJx 16 16 16 16 U. S. Rubber 65A1 64 64 65 INDUSTRIALS. Am. Beet Sugar. .6 36 36 .... At. Q. A W. 1 27 26 26 27 Am. int. Corp 43 42 43 42 Am. Sumatra 26 23 26 24 Am. Telephone ...118 11 118 11" Am. Can 39 59 39 39 Central Leather .. 33 32 33 82 Cuba Cane 9 9 9 9 Cuban-Am. Sugar 18 18 18 18 Corn Products ....103 10S 108 103 Famous Players .. 85 82 82 82 General F.lectrlo ..148 147 147 147 Oreat North. Ore 35 35 35 85 Inter. Harvester .. 84 84 84 84 V. S. Ind. Alcohol . 45 44 44 44 Interna. Paper ... 48 44 44 48 Inter. M. M.. nfd. 71 69 71 70 Amer. Suffnr Ttef. . 67 66 67 67 Sears-Roebuck 64 63 64 63 Stromsbere ..66... 39 39 39 39 Tobacco Product 63 62 62 63 Worthing. Pump 48 48 47 46 Wilson 0. 38 37 38 36 tVesteni Vnlon .. 90 90 tW 91 Westing. Electrte 63 63 63 63 American Woolen 83 S3 83 82 MISCELLANEOUS. Amer. Cotton Oil . 23 21 82 21 Amer. Ag. Chem. SB 34 35 84 Amer. Linseed ... 83 31 32 Jl Union Pag. pfd. . 6 67 67 ..... Jioscn rtiaajneio .. ot- Brooklyn R. T.... 11 1H4 H1 Con. Can 56 66 56 56 Cal. Packing 73 72 73 71 Col. O. A E 70 69 70 69 Col. Grant! 1 1 1 1 United Drug ...... 68 68 68 S Nat. Eneme .. 43 42 42 41 United Fruit 138 117- 11T 137 National Lead 86 Philadel. Co 34 34 S4 14 Pullman HH 117 117 111 Punta Alegra Sug. 37 17 37 17 Retail Stores 55 64 64 (4 S. L. San Fran.. W 34 14 14 Wlr. Car Chem.. Sl 31 11 31 Total Sales 804.100. Money Cloa 4 per cant; Tuesday cose, 8 per cent. , , Marks Cos. .0050; Tueaday close, .0051. Franca Close, .0856; Tueaday Cloaa, .0875. Sterling Close, 14 36; Tueaday close, 14.36. St. lnla Tlnataek. East St. Louis. 111.. Feb. 15. Cattle Receipts. 3.000 head: beef ateer and eowa trong to 15c higher: spots up more; ton teera, 18.25; light yearlings Blow about ateadv; Teal calvea. bulla and stackers steady: bulk veal calves, 110.506 11.00; practical top. 311.25. Hogs Receipts, 13.609 head: market elosed with e.irller advance loat: practi cal top late. 310.16: hulk 150 to 210-pound averages. I10.00fil0.15; bulk 220 to 250 pound weights. 39.609i9.90; plas weak to J8e lower; nackers" sows steady. - Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 759 head; alow medium grades lambs steady; sheep ateady to atrong: light yearlinga. Ill.CS: fat mostly. 6.5og7.o. Kanaas City Produee. Kansas CUt. M(k, Feb. 11 Ea le lower; nests. SOc. Butter Unchanged. Poultry Han. 1c lower, lc; springs unchanged. Armour A Cs. . . Cudahy Packing Co.. Dold Parkin Co.... Morris Packing Co.. Swift A Cu J. IV. Murphy Swart A i-'o Lincoln Packing Co.. Wilson Parking Co.. M. Olnssburg Hlgglna Parking Co.. Hoffman Bro Maveroa'ich A Vail.. ' Midwest Packing Co. - P. O Dea , Omnha Packing Co.. I John Roth A Sona.. So. Omaha Pkg. Co.. Ogden Packing Co.. Benton A Van Sant J. H. Bulla R. M. Burress A Co. W. H. Cheek I K. O. Christie A Son Dennis A Francla.. Ellis A Co John Harvey HunUlnger A Oliver T. J. Tnghram r. a. Keiiogg Joel Lunripren ...... F. T. Lewis Mo.-Kan. C A C. Co.. J. B. Root A Co.... Rosenstock Bros..... Sullivan Bros W. B. Van Sant A Co. Wertheimer & Degen Kreba Other buyer ...... 609 744 207 877 643 60 69 4 '"ii si a 3 S3 17 11 "S5 20 87 a lit 91 37 607 31 t 19 63 75 40 121 41 31 ( t 29 1.348 2.616 1.143 1.414 (76 741 !.5J I. 411 2.437 3,842 f,87t 157 ""ii , I f It ) ' ) , 4t 'i.w 13.471 11.261 Total , . Cattle Receipt. 6.300 head. Fat rat tle value were uneven today. There was a broad shipping demand and outsme buyers took many of the wood and choice steer early at mostly lt(pl6o higher prices. Local packers, however, 1 were slow about filling their orders and event ually bought their cattle at figures no moro than steady to strong. : Top was 18.85. She stock continues .In good de mand and sold strong to mostly 1015c higher Stockers and feeders were also strong to a little higher, supply being rather small. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves. 37.356i8.25: fair to good teeves, Jf.6ii7.25: common to fair beeves. 15.85 6.60; fair to good yearlings, 6.66(B 7.75; common to fair yearlings, 16.00 6.60; good to choice heifers, 16.10&S.76; fair to good heifers, $4.766.00; choice to primo cows, $5.15(p5.76; good to Choice cows, S4.66p5.10; fair to good cows. 14.15 4.0; common to fair cows. J2.764.00; good to choice feeder. 36.767.40; fair to good feeders. l.15ifj6.65: common to fair feeders, $5.40 6.10; good to- choice stockers. $6.8557.60; fair to good Block ers. 6 26ig6.75; common to fair stockers, la.50tJ6.25; stock heifers.- 34.255.75; stock cows, 13.504) 4.60; stock calves, (6.00 07.50; veal calves. 15.00(5 9.60; bulls, tags, tc. (3.254.75. BEKF S1KBRB, No. Av. 19 1140 18 1249 85 1401 40 1244 18 1326 Pr. 6 65 7 40 7 80 7 16 20 Mo. 8. 19. 19. 7. 11. Av. . 807 .1383 .1310 . 925 .1439 Pr. 6 76 7 60 8 00 7 20 8 25 7.... 14.... 26.. 22.. 35.. .1074 .1238 600 766 910 65 I 16 00 STKERS AND HEIFERS. 620 50 9 808 7 (0 COWS. 4 25 5 1168 4 65 t 85 HEIFERS. 1 I 60 7 892 t 25 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 796 6 50 20 542 t 70 13 1094 7 36 BULLS. 1: 1400 4 60 1 840 3 680 5 50 CALVES. 11 563 7 00 Hogs Receipts. 12,500 head. Trading to day was generally on a 1015c higher ba sis, shippers and packers both being ac tive bidders; some weaknesa was noted during th closing session with prices steady to 10c higher. Light hogs sold mostly from $9.4S9.70 with a top price of (9.80. Mixed loads and butcher weights t9.159.50 and parking grades (8.009 00 with extreme heavies (7.608.00. Bulk' of sales was (9.259.60. HUU5. No. AV. 83. .333 69.. 273 67. .284 78. .241 75..23 82. .203 41. .180 Sh. 140 70 Pr. 7 75 20 I 30 45 9 6s 65 80 No. Av. 72..2"33 SI. .281 69. .253 44. .225 76. .231 46. .222 Sh. 70 Pr. 15 15 9 35 60 I 0 t 76 Sheen Reeelnta. 10.700 head. There was an active demand tor fat. lambs to day and orlcea ruled generally atrong with yesterday's best time. Bulk of lamb moved within a range et (14.006 14.85. th latter pric being top price for tha day. Shearing lambs were (5050c higher, selling at (13.50013.75. Ewea war 10015c higher, telling largely from 17.60 7. 64 with beat handy weights quoted t (7.75. Quotation on Sheep and T --nr. Fat lamb, good to choice. (1S.75?14.15: fat lambs, fair to good, (13.004? 13.75; ahearlng lambs, good to choice. (13.00013.26; feed er lambs, fair to good. 112.60613. 00; cull lamos, (ll.60flH3.no- fat yearlings, lleht Js.ooeio.OO; fat yearling, heavy, (9.50 10.60- fat wethers. (7.008.00: fat wes. light. (7.007.76: fat ewes, heavy, (5.509 6.56; taeder ewes. (.aa no. FAT LAMBS. No. Av. Pr.. No. Av. Pr. 130 fed 87 14 15 ' 174 fed 36 14 15 111 led 84 14 05 331 fed (0 14 15 233 ted tt 14 85 SHEARING LAMBS. 151 fad 0 13 25 FAT EWES- - ' 40 fed 123 T 6 , Chlrag Livestock. Chicago, Feb. 16 Cattl Receipt, (.too head: active: beef steers, atrong to 15c higher: top heavies, li t, weight. 1.536 pounds: part load long yearlings (9.25; bulk, beef steers. (7.008.00; she stock, bulls and stockers and feeders, steady to strong; veal calves, steady; bulk, lookers and feeders. (6.257.00. Hogs Receipts. 17.000 head; fairly ac tive; steady to 10c hl&her than Tuesday'a average; shippers bought about 5,000: holdover moderate; top, (10.25 on 140 to 190-pound averages: bulk. (I.7S10.15; plrs. about steady: bulk, desirable. 100 to 120-pound pigs. (3.50? 8.75. some 19.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 13.000 head; steady to strong: fat lambs top. (16.25; bulk, desirable kinds. (14 a04J16.25: email lot choice, tn-pound yearlings. (13.60; fall aborn Texas yearlings. (11.75; bulk, fat ewea, fT3lf)T.7&: bid .89.26 n one ehoiea handv weivht load: liffht fe!er lambs, 113.008 13.60. shearers. (13.(0 i:.75. New York Bonds l iberty Honda, Sale. High. low, Close. 315 I.IH .0 I4.lt II I! 1 I. lb 2nd 4a.,.. 11.11 .U tl.lt 334 Mb 1st 41a,.,. 7. t.4 I4.lt lait l.lb 2nd 4,a.... .7'l ,tt ti.14 IT Mb 2nd re..,. M il tn.nt t 30 9"4 Mb 3rd 4'te.... 97.44 17.20 17.44 17 Mb 3rd regd.... 07.30 97.00 07.11 2t4 Mb 4th 4a..., 17.10 06.(0 17.04 t Mb 4'h raid.... 04.40 94.40 M H 110 Vlo 4a lno.lt 1oo.ll tnO.M 34 Vlo read loo.no loo. 00 na.o 111 U 8 Vlo 1.. 100.00 .( (t il Foreign, Argentine I 70 71 71 14 Helglan 106 lot lo 11 Helglan 7 107 107 17 12 Belgian la tl II 90 3 Bergen la ....101 108 101 41 Bralll 108 101 101 30 Bordeaux 13 13 II. 34 Canada 5a of III 04 94 1 Canada. 6a of 1911.. 17 17 17 60 Canada 6 of 1931.. 16 18 04 II Chile 8 of 192t,.ino 1oi 100 It Chile 8a of 1141. ...101 lnl 101 13 Chile 81 of 1944. ...101 101 101 10 Chinese 5, 41 41 41 4 Chrlailanla la lot Joi lnl 5 Copenhagen 5a 87 84 Cub 6s of 1104... 0 89 9 Cuba 4 74 14 79 11 Hanish Is A 107 107 107 I Danish Is B 107 107 107 17 Denmsrk 6s 14 14 14 Denmark Is l"t J.01 104 45 Dutrh Esst Ind Is 94 94 14 4 French Is 102 101 101 !!4 French 7a 96 91 94 ! Jap 1st 4a 8 87 17 20 Jsu 2nd 4s 87 87 17 24 Lyons 6s., 3 13 13 27 Marseille ( 13 83 83 31 Max 6s 17 57 67 I Meg 5s large 54 54 64 23 Mex 4a 45 46 46 17 Norwav 8s 110 110 110 4 Queensland Is..;. ..107 100 106 578 Oueensland 6s 99 97 97 3 Rio tie Jan fa. ...100 100 100 in riu Gle L10 Sul a 99 19 99 ( Seine 7s 90 10 90 3 Sweden (a 97 97 97 35 Swiss 116 114 115 San Paulo 8s 101 101 101 10 Tolclo 6s 70 70 70 211 V K 6s fs of 1912.104 104 104 617 TT K 6s fs of 1179.104 104 104 156 17 K 5s fs Of 1927. 99 98 98 Zurich 8s ...100 100 100 Domestic. 20 NT Stale 4s of 1943 100 150 100 10 NVCIty4tts of 1966 104 104 104 25 NYCIty 4s of 1971 104 104 104 16 NVCIty 4s of 1960 8 48 t 4H NVCItyx4Us Of 1964 19 18 09 1 Adams Exp 4s 76 76 75 17 Amn Agr 7.. ..100 100 loo 1 Amn eonv 8s...... 95 , 95 95 3 Amn Cot Oil 6.... 84 . 84 " 84 13 Amn Smelters 5..8H 84, 88 4 Amn Sug 6s 98 97 91 23 Amn Tel Con 4.110 110 110 4 Amn Tel Col 5 97 9 95 4 Amn Tel Col 4s 88 87 87 2 Amn Writ Psner 6s 82 82 83 2 AmnWaterWorks 672 72 72 1 Armour 4V. 88 88 88 05 A T A S F Oen 4s 88 K 88 10 A T A S V ndl 4s.. 80 80 80 X A T 8 F Stamped 80 80 80 6 ATSF cv 4s of '60 97 97 97 1 Amn Const Line 7a 106 108 100 13 Amn T, A N 4s 78 78 78 5 Amn Pfg deb 6s..l04 104 104 10 Atlas Powler 7s ..103 103 103 23 R A O s 04 96 96 9 B A O rfg 5s 79 78 78 11 B A O cv 4US 7 74 76 8 B O gold 4s .... 77 76 16 18 B A O prior Hen 3s 90i 90 10 5 B&O Pgh Lee&W 4s 75 75 75 2 B A O Souwest 3S 88 87 87 9BAOT&C4 64 64 64 ' 19 Bell Tel of Pa 7s ..108 107 108 40 Beth Steel 1st 6s .. 95 94 94 25 Beth Steel rfg 6.. 93 93 93 8 Beth Steel PM 6s.. 88 88 88 3 Brook Ed gen 6s D 100 100 100 3 Brook F,d gen 6s A 90 90 90 7 Brook Rts 7s ctfs of den stamped ... 63 II II 3 Brooklyn Rts 6s ,. 88 37 87 7 Brook ctfs of dep.. 35 36 85 5 Bklyn Un El 6s St 8t 8t ' 81 3 Bush Term 5a .... 89 89 89 3 Can Nor Gold 7s ..110 109 109 20 Can Nor Gd 6s..l08 108 108 50 Can Pao deb 4s .. 79 77 78 1 Cent of Ga Cs .... 65 65 65 1 Cent of Ga con 5s.. 92 92 92 6 Cent New Eng 4s.. 68 68 68 2 Cent Pae4s 83 83 83 10 Short Line 4s 79 79 78 Cant RRNJ 6 105 105 105 3 Cerro de Pasco 8s.. Ill 111 ' 111 4 C & O Rfg 5s 96 94 96 41 C A O cv 6 85 85 85 6 C A O conv 4s.. 83 83 88 9 C A O Gen 4s.... 83 83 83 7 Chgo A Alton !.. 39 . 39 39 90 C B Q 6s 97 97 97 4 C B Q Ills 4s.:.... 89 81 81 1 CAKI gen 6 ctfs of dap 104 104 104 SO C A E I 5s of '51.. 71 71 71 11COW 4s 60 60 60 3 C Ind A L 5s 90 90 90 4 CMSTP cv Is 63 63 63 I CMSTP gen 4.. 81 80 81 10 CMSTP cv 5s 63 63 63 63 CMSTP rfg 4s... 67 56 66 11 CMSTP gen 4s 73 73 73 13 CMSTP 4 Of '26.... 72 71 71 13 CMSTP 4s CMAP.. 66 65 65 4 ChgO N VT 7 106 106 106 8 Chgo N W ... .106 106 106 3 Chgo Rwy 7 70 70 70 , 4 C R I P Gen 4s.... 82 82 2 13 C R I P rfg 4s.... 77 77 77 10 Chgo Un Stn tt..H2 112 112 - 8 Chgo 4s 90 90 90 10 C O 17 Ind 4 TO 70 70 Kansas City live Stock. Kansas City. Mo., Feb. 15. Cattle Re ceipts. 3,000 head; beef steers, mostly ateady; top IS. 25; several loads (7.25 7.75; she stock steady to He higher; good and choice cows 85.00A5.5O: best heifers (6.90. Many lots (5.50SM.50; calves strrne to 60e higher: best vealers (O.tO 10.00; few head $10.50; stockers and feed era steady to strong; good and choir feeders I6.754J7.J5: choice stackers (7.00; other elassea steady; canners (2.5063.00; cutter (3.6063.76; heavy bulls mostly (3.5004.00; light kind (4.26 6 5.00. Hoga ReceiDta. 10,000 head: lighter weights 1015o higher; best 170 to 300 pound weights mostly (1.1509.96; top (10.00; heavier atrong 10c: closing easy, 310 to 300-oounders generally (9.5069.75; packer top (I 90; bulk of sales (9.2369 90; throw outs sows mostly around (7.75; stock pigs up to (9.60. , Sheep Receipts. 4.000 head; killing elassea generally ateady; heat light aws (7.6007.15; Colorado lamb. 114.50. Slonx City Live Stock. .. Siout City, la., Feb. 15. Cattlt Re ceipts. 1. 100 head; market steady to s4 -ong; fed steers and yearlings. (7.000 100: warmed up steers and yearllnga, (4 0001.75; Ut cows and heifers, 14.000 t.75; canners, 12.0061.75; veals, (4.000 6.25; feeders, (5.0097.00; Calves, (4.600 1.16; feeding cows and heifers, (3.500 1.25: stockers. 16.0067.00. Hogs Receipts. 10.000 head: market ateady: butchers. I9.106t.40; lights, (9.M 09.40; mixed. (8.0009.00; heavy packers, 7 1667.16; balk of sales, (MO09.55. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 100 head; market lambs 15o higher; top, 114.16; ewes, 6O0 higher; top, (7.75. St. Joseph LIt Stock. St. Joseph. Ma, Feb. 'a. cattle Re ceipts, 2.000 head: market steady to 15c higher; steers, (6.6006.75; calves, (5.000 (.00. Hogs Receipts, 10.000 head: market 10 erlac higher; top, (10.00; bulk, (9.100 9.95. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 3. 000 head; market opened slow: lambs, (li.i !.; swes. (7 0007.75. r i I 17H to 11 T Chile Copper T....10 oo oo IT Chile Cot-par Is..., sis l' !' v I' v pi it tier .. i wt I 47 C C HI L .... I 94 I C C C l L g.n 4.. 17 T7 II Col (laa I stamp.. 10 to II Col A Sou First 4a.. 10 17 Cnn tie 7a 1l 101 11 I Cub ( ana Hu deb 14-, 76 76 tl Cul Can Ku deb 7 II 74 71 10 Cuba HH 7s 101 100 H 11 Cub Am Sug I. .101 103 101 II Cuba Oil A Tal la.. 10 10 I1114 :i Denver K 0 ret ta.. 43 43 , Ii Denrar R O Imp I 71 It 14 Denvar R O Imp I. 71 7t 1 Denver R O eon 4. 71 73 f D M A Ft D 4 31 31 t Kdleon r.f I ot 'It tl 11 1 Kdlson Col Is It W ui 1 rt River t. II II 4 71 1 71 J, 1 1)1 Match deb 7.10 08 ! 13 103 lot 51 41 0 II 18 103 101 6 44 39 4? 0 II Distillers I 14 I Dupont f 104 I DuQuen Light ts.,.104 3 Krla prior lien 4a... 5 35 Erie gen Man 4s.... 45 3 Krla ronv 4 Series A 39 4 Erie "B" 43 a Krla gn river Is... 10 I Kris Penna Con 4a.. 81 10 Flik Rubber la... .101 101 J01 I Ft W 4k D C ta, ctf of dep 100 100 100 8 Gen Klto deb Is. ..104 104 104 1 Oen 3 71 75 It 30 Uoodyear Is of 1131 II 17 17 20 Goodyear ot 1941. ..112 113 112 t Grandy ( 87 87 17 4 fir Trunk 7s.. 101 109 109 41 tr Trunk 6 101 101 101 1 tit Nor la 107 107 ln7 79 uc rur Bits.. anna a. -a 2,1 O Bay and W Deb B t t 31 Havana Eleo a...! 1 Hocking Vallev 4 13 48 26 Hudson A M Rfg 6a 78 77 47 Hud.iont.Man Ina I 18 68 Ilia Cent !a t' 11 Ills Steel 4s II 1 Ills Cant t Ill 101 1 III ret 4s 14 14 I Int Met 4s U6 lot 47 Int Met ctfs of dep. 16 14 48 Int Rt ref 4s 4 13 18 Int Mar 6s 92 l! 5 Int Paper 6s "A"... 86 It 14 Int Paner "D" S3 13 Invincible Oil Is... 87 17 22 Iowa Cent 4a 97 81 3 Kansaa City Sou 6a. 86 IS 33 Kansaa City Son Ss. 64 44 11 Kas City Term 4s.. 79 78 9 II 83 78 61 98 II 101 4 106 14 64 t: 16 83 87 37 16 64 78 4 Kenny Spgfld 9 103 101 103 5 Kings Co Bleo 4s... 68 ss b 5 Lack 8teel 6. of '60 84 84 84 1 Lehigh Valley 6S...101H 101 101 I Lehigh Val of P. 4s 78 78 78 1 Llg A M 7s 115 116 115 I Lor! ard 5a 93 .101 108 108. 101 101 101 81 ' 6l II 82 99 60 93 83 99 II, IN 7s.... SO L A N 5V.S. ELAN Unified 41.. 89 ELAN Stl 8s 10 3 Mkt St Ry Col 6s.. 12 31 Mkt StRy 1st con 5s 83 14 Marland Oil 6s 19 41 Mex Pete Is 101 ln ini' 14 Mich State Tel 6.. 97 97 97 T Mldvale 3s 86 86 86 30 Minn A St L 4s.... 35 34 36 P M St P&SSM 4s.. 82 83 82 25 M K T 5s notes.... 62 62 62 423 M K T new. sadj 6s. 47 46 46 28 M K T prior lien 6s 77 77 77; 21 MKT prior 4s 64 64 64 50 M K T prior Is 2 92 92 7 M K T S F 4s... 65 65 65 . 6 M K T ctfs of dep.. 66 65 66 3 M K T fs 4s 74 74!4 74 10 M K T 2d 4s ctfs ol dep 61 5 Mo P 6s of 1923.... 98 ' 3 Mo P gen 4s 61 5 Mo P 6s of 1965.... 87 10 Mont Pow 6s .... 96 4 Morris & Ea 8s.. 77 12 Nassau Elec 4 ...34 1 Natl Tube 6s .... 97 19 N T & M Ex 6 .. 64 O Term 4a .... ?i Y A B 6s 89 Y cen col 7s... lots Y Cen deb 6s... 99 7 N 2 N 1 N 33 N 6 N Y Cen ref 4s 86; 1 N Y Cen ref 3s. 75 106 5 70 44 41 N Y Edl fa 6s 1 N Y O E PW 6s 53 New Haven 6s . 3 New Hav 4s 64. 2 New Hav deb 4s 56 51 10 N H deb 4s 1955. 49 4 N H deb 3s 194f 46 . S N Y O W 1st 4s.. 967, 3 N Y Jers 6s 62 2 N Y R adj 6s ... I 2 N Y R ctf 7 61 98 61 87 94 77 33 HI 64 70 99 106 99 86 75 106 106 85 96 6S ' 44 61 49 46 96 62 9 61 98 61 87 94 77 34 91 64 71 99 106 99 86 76 5b 7U 44 61 4 46 96 7 102 102 90 41 97 68 7 97 68 58 ....106 106 106 .... 84 84 14 "...106 1U6 106 7 26 N Y T 6S-1941...108 102 14 N Y T Is U49...103 102 16 N Y T 4a . 0 90 13 N Y-W Ch B 4s .41 40 i 2 Nlag Fa Pow 4 Nfk eo 6S A . . Nfk W cv 6s 1 Nfk P C C 4s 10 No Pao 6s 'Bf 3 No Pao 4 4 4 4 No Pac 3 61 ' 60 61 14 Ot Nor jt 6s 106 105 100 18 No Sta Pw 6s "A" 89 88 88 10 N W B T 7a 107 107 107 13 O 8 Ti O ll t cts. 97 97 97 46 Ore W R R Nv 4s. 78 30 Pac O E 6a . 6 Pac Pw Lt 6s 9 Pan Pet 7 8 Penn 13 Penn 2 Penn 3 Penn con 4s 16 Penn gen 4s 78 87 88 96 78 88 88 96 88 88 96 1930 106 106 106 gold 6 ..105 106 106 reg 6s ...105 mo 105 B61 87 3 Peoria A E 1st 4s. 71 2 Peoria A E lno 4s 25 2 Pere Marq 5s 89 13 Pierce Oil 8s 100 2 Pro ref Is wl wta. 99 3 Pub svs N J 6s... 77 21 Rdg gen 4 .. 4 Rio Grande 1st 2 Rio Gra col 4s.. 6 R I A L 4s .. 4 S X, I M S 4S .. 28 S L 8 V 43 A.. 80 8 I, B F 6s B. . !l 1 1, 8 P (I C. 68 S L S F adj 6s.. 260 8 I, 8 F lno 6s.. 10 S L S W con 4s., 72 t 3 L 8 W term 4s. 74 31 Seaboard con 6a 9 Seaboard adj 6s 15 Bearoard ref 4s .. J 3 103 Sin con cv 7s..l00 82 4s 76 ... 63 ... 77 ... 82 ... 68 ... 82 96 76 69 60 20 96 86 71 26 89 100 99 76 82 75 2 77 82 68 82 96 76 69 72 73 49 20 96 87 71 26 69 100 99 77 82 76 63 77 82 68 ' 82 96 76 69 72 74 4S 20 Hits 87 99 100 96 95 91 85 I 80 Bell T T 5 .. 15 14 8 P ref 4s 84 84 84 I 3 P CV 4s 18 88 88 17 8 P 8 F ter 4s.... 80 80 80 4 So Por Rl 6u 7s .. 84 94 94 29 8 R gen 8 .... 4 94 94 28 8 R gen 5 90 89 90 I So Cal 7 106 10 4 Steel Is., 95 98 'term n n sil, 4 (6 31 Third Av adj 6s.. 66 f Third Ave ref 4s.. 61 It this in ctts 102 I Trt City Rwy 6s... 98 II Un Fuel Gas 60.... 95 g v p 1st 4s ai T u P cv 4s I U P ref 4s.. II Vn Tank Cayr 7s I Unl Drug 8s 41 UnRylnv 6s P I... I V 8 Kealty 5s. V 8 Rub 7s '20. .104 104 104 V B ADD SS. ....... S7 B6 86 1 V 8 Smelters 6s.. 97 97 97 II U 8 Steel 8 F 6s. .100 101 100 4 Utah Pw 6 18 88 88 10 Va Chem Deb 7.. 91 90 91 5 Va Chem Deb 6s.... 95 95 95 I Vlr Rwy 6s....'.... 91 90 .91 3 Vi ab 2nd 6s 15 85 " 85 1 West Eleo Cs 99 99 99 S West Pac 6s 86 85 85 21 'Whouse Elec 7s.. ..lot 105 106 3 West Md 4s 11 61 11 20 West Shore 4s . 10 80 80 Wheeling L B 4s 59 69 69 Wick Spencer 7..,. 94 97 18 29 Wilson 7S 96 96 94 T Wilson 1st Is a 14 15 8 Wilson conv le la 14 IS Total sales. Ill . 98 76 76 66 66 61 61 101 101 98 98 15 95 91 91 114 91 85 85 .103 103 103 .10t 105 106 . 82 81 82 .. 94 94 14 Omaha Grain Chicago Grain Omaha Produce Omaha, Feb. 15. Kcceipta of wheat were 60 car, ai compared with ?J can lait week and 26 car last year. Com arrival were 10J cars, a compared with ,0'J cara last week and 36 can last year. The run of other Rraina was litslit Shipment of all kinds of grain were 10J cars lens than the total receipts. The (trong Chicago future market teneded to create a better feeling in our spot market today. v Cash wheat was in good demand at prices ranging from 3 to 5 cents higher. An active demand was noted for corn and values were 2 to 2'i cents up. Oats told lit to 1J4 cents higher. Rye was nominally 2 cents up, while barley was quoted 1 to 2 cents up. WHEAT. No. t dark hard; 1 ear, (1.36; 1 ear (smutty), 11.(4. No. I hard winter; 1 ear. (1.31. No. 2 hard winter: 1 car laaml-darkl, (1.11; 5 ran, (1 11; 3 cars, (1.24; I car (ami-dark), (110; 1 car (amuttyl. (!.; I ear (amutty). (1.17; (.cars (smutty), (1.21; 1 car (smutty, aeml-dark), (!.. No. hard winter; 1 car, (1.(6; t cr imutty), tl.lt. No. 4 hard winter; 1 car (heavy, . Per cent heat damaged), (1.(4: 1 car (heavy), II. 2d: 1 car (1 per cent . beat damaged), 11.18. No. Z yellow dark: 1 car, 11. II; t cara, II 27. No. a ysllow hard: ctr. 11.54; t ear. 11.35. No, 4 yellow hard: J-5 oar, tl SS. No. i yellow hard: 1-5 car, tl.22; 1 car (S per cent heat damaged), 11.08. No. t mixed: I ear (amutty), (1.11. CORN. No. 1 white: 1 car. 60 c; 1 ear, 50c. No. 3 white: 9 car, 60c; 1 car (special billing), loc; 1 car, 50c; t cars, 50c No. 1 yellowi 1 car, 60 c. No. I yellowi I cara. 60c; 3 cara, (0e; 1 car, 60c. No. 3 yellow: 2 cara, 49e; 1 car, 10c. No. 1 mixed: 1 ear, 4tc No, S mixed: 1 car (near white), 60c; 1 car (near white), 49c; 11 cara, 49o -4 cars, 49 4ie; 1 car (special billing), 60a 1 ear, 60c. ' No. S mixed: 1 car (near whits), 49c ; t cars, 49 c; 1 car, inc. OATS. No. 3 white: t cars. 85 c; S cars, 36c; 1 car (old billing), 34 c. No. 4 whit: 1 car, 86 c; S can, 35o BARLEL. No. 3: 1 car. 60c. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Carlots) Receipts Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat 60 29 6 Corn 101 ' tl , 50 Oat 22 15 1 Rye 2 3 0 Barley 110 Shipments Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat 61 S4 33 Corn 27 71 47 Oats 15 Barley 1 7 1, PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Bushels.) ' Receipts Today Week Ago Year Ago Wheat ........ 111,000 830,000 724,000 Corn 4,786,000 3,240,000 658,000) Oats 1,326,000 131,000 844,000 Shipments Today Week Ago Vear Ago Wheat 648,000 479,000 613,000 Corn ,...1,673,000 1,069,000 ,432,000 Oats 643.000 630,000 299,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Bushels , Today Year Ago Wheat and Flour........ 397,000 150,000 Corn 1,126.000 72,000 Oat 10,000 11,000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Carlots Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat 61 31 18 Corn ...2,067 633 260 Oats 344 106 34 KANSAS CITY P.ECEIPTS. Carlots Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat 121 149 150 Corn 60 23 30 Oats 22 2 7 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Carlots Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat .. 65 71 66 Corn 109 82 37 Oats v 34 60 33 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Carlots. TodRy Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Minneapolis .... 255 244 218 Duluth 35 35 297 Winnipeg 287 229 206 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co., DO. 2657. Feb. 15 Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Test. Wht. May July Rye May July Corn. May July Oats. May July Pork. May Lard May July Ribs. May July 1.3S 1.37 1.20 1.20 1.05 .96 .60 .60 ".68 .41 .40 .42 .42 11.05 11.20 10.65 10.60 1.41 1.36 1.41 141 1.24 1.20 .1.23 1.23 1.07 1.08 1.07 ' .98 .91 .08 .63 .60 M ".62 ".64 64 ,4SU .40 .42 42 .44 .42 .43 19.70 ll.SSj 19.70 It. 10 10.90 U17 11.40 11.16 11.40 . 10.70 10.45 10.85 10.77 10.52 10.75 1.88 1.38 121 1.21 1.05 .66 60 60 .63 .62 .41 41 .42 .42 19.40 11.02 11.25 10.57 10.65 St. Louis Grain. St. Tjouis, Mo., Feb. 15. Wheat May, 11.36; July, (1.20. Corn May, 61c; July, 62c. Oats May, 43c; Tuly. 44c. New York Pooltry. New York, Feb. 15. Poultry Live, lirm, fowls, 2628c: turkeys, 48c;' dressed steady; prices unchanged. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 15. Flour TTnchanged to 20c higher. In carload lots, family patents quoted at J8.164J8.50 barrel In 98-pound cotton sacks, i. Bran (24.0026.00. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 15. Wheat Close, May, (1.59; July. (1.17. Corn May, 56c; July. 59c Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn.. Feb. 15. Wheat Receipts, 255 cars compared with 218 cars a year ago. Cash No. 1 northern (1.611.56; May, (1.42: July, (1.(3 Corn No. 3 yellow, 6262c. Oats No. 3 white, 3617c. Barley 4557c. Rye No. 2, 99 6100c. Flax No. 1, (2M63.!3. New York General. New York, Feb. 15. Flour Firm; spring patents, I7.908.60; spring clear, (5.760 26; soft winter straights. 16 2506.76: bard winter straights, 17.25477.60, Commeal Steady; fine white and yel low granulated, 11.600 1.65. Wheat Spot, firmer: No. 2 red and No, t hard. 11.48: No. 1 Manitoba, 11.58, and No. 3 mixed durum. (1.39, c i. f. track, New York, to arrive. Corn Spot, strong; No. S yellow and No. 3 white. 74 Kc. and No. 3 mixed. 74 c. c 1. f. New York, all rail. Oats Spot, firm; No. S whit. 49 1 50c. . Lard Firmer; jnlddl wort, Ul.tS 11.75. J By CHARLES MICHAELS. Omaha) lie Lraaed Wlr. Chicago, Feb. IS. Rullij.li cnttiu aiasms has spread to coarse grains. While there was an early Itrcik in sympathy with a decline of 2iii i Liverpool wheat, the market de veloped grtzt strength. July wheat all deliveries of torn, and July oats reached new liii;h figures on the crop. May wheat and oats sold at the highest prices during the present up turn. Numerous stop loss orders were caught on the way up. Profit taking made a fair reaction from the top, but at the lat wheat showed an advance of mZ'Ac corn mCii'Ac oats VAQl'ic and rye VA&'Ae. Opening prices for wheat were IfilJc lower, with the tnstde fig ures of the day made at the start Offerings were mainly from local longs but were readily absorbed and prices started upward, reports of a better milling demand for cash grain and liberal flour, sales combined with bullish statistics as to the world's supply and demand and the continued dry weather in the southwest being the strengthening factors. The May acted tight from the start and went to 17-MjC over the July, touching $1.4Hi or within 1 cent of the out side figure on the crop. After valuta stsrtcd upward th weak- naas In Liverpool and the opening decline of 2o In Buenos Aires was ignorea as (rfrrings who smalt and tha market easily Influenced by buying, while profit taking waa quickly absorbed. Sentiment Is de cidedly bullish, although many traders are Inclined to look for a good reaction ana have been for aome days. At tha same time thj surplus la off the market and the fotecast was for generally lair weather in tne soutnwest. Local mUls reported 20,000 barrels flour sold to the domestic trade the past few days, while a Minneapolis mill aold 80,000 barrels over night, Including 11,000 barrels for export. Cash wheat at Kansas City and Minneapolis sold at a new high, but prices at Chicago were 1 to 7c lower as compared with the May, with No. 4 and lower grades leading. Course Grslns Stronger. Coarse grains have caught the bullish enthusiasm which has prevailed in wheat and with a greatly enlarged speculative and outside trsde, tha markets showed Independent strength at. times and sold higher than heretofore this season, with the exception of May oats. Stop loss orders were uncovered on tha way up and while there was little In tha newe that was regarded as bullish, there was no checking the unturn and the finish was strong. Eastern demand for cash grain was rKther slow with Bales of 250,000 bushels corn tor exnort at th seaboard and Chi cago hnndle so'd 24.0011 bushels oats to the seabdaru with 120.000 bushels dis posed of there to foreigners. Country of ferings were not In-ge, considering the advance. Receipts, 7C3 cars corn, and 151 cara oats. Tit Notes. Grain dealers ar 100 per cent bullish on wheat," said a letter to Leland A Co. from Elkhart, Kan. "They are long l)lg lines of May wheat. They are con tracting all the remaining atoftka of grain on the farms at the top prices for spot grain at terminal markets, believing in an ultimately higher range for grain. The farmers are going to dispose of their present grain on account of financial nerd and taxes and within a short thus exist ipg sunplies will be shipped out" Seattle wired: "Two more full cargoes of wheat will be shipoed f-om Portland to the Orient this month, according to an unexpected announcement by the JaDan ese exporters Tuesday." "The heavy feeding of corn to hogs Is attested by the weight of those coming to market," said E. W. Dennis of Thom son McKlnnon. "Last week's estimated average was 231 pounds, the second heav iest since lust October." For the first time in several days tha foreign market 1 showed an easier tone, Liverpool 2d off, while Buenos Aires onened 2s lower, Increased offerings of Australian and Plate wheat were re ported and this probably had Borne effect, although offers were not being made at any particular price recessions. Jlanlto bas were reported held firmly. Argentine cables said the country offer ings of wheat were not pressing, farmers apparently not being desirous to market the surplus grain too rapidly.- Precipitation in the southwest amounted to a few Bnow flurries at scattered points and the official map showed no precipita tion, while conditions wera generally fair and cold. There was more selling of provisions credited to packers and the general de mand was slower. There was a surprising amount of bull ish sentiment on corn, considering the tremendous receipts and the further big Increase In the visible. The latter showed a gain for the week of nearly 4,000,000 bushels. ' Leading cash interests here were credited with buying the May and July corn. New York Sugar. New York, Feb. 15. The raw sugar market was firm and Cubas were estab lished on the basis of S 1-1 6c, cost and freight, equal to S.fi7e for centrifugal, with sales of about 100,000 bags for Febru ary shipment to local and outport re finers at that level. The raw sugar futures market was quite active, and aa orders were pretty evenly divided, prices moved within very narrow limlta. The opening was unchanged to one point net lower under trade selling, but a steadier feeling I prevailed later, owing to the -more settled teeltng in the spot market, and prices rallied, partially on covering and renewed buying by com mission houses. Closing prices were one point lower to one point net higher. March closed 1.15c: May. 2.36c; September, 2.66c. . In refined there was partial decline ef 10 points, with all refiners now listing at S cents for fine granulated. There was no improvement in the domestic demand. Refined futurea were without transac tions, closing prloes were unchanged at 5.50a tor March aud May, and 6.65c tor July. . Cheese Markets Firm. Clilcago, Feb. 15. At the close of te week ending February 11 cheese markets occupied a fairly firm position, according to th weekly review . issued by the United States bureau of marketj today. The marketa were supported by an active demand, especially in primary country markets, and qult generally In whole sals distributing markets. The relatively heavy trading at country polnta In Wis consin occurred despite advances on th two Wisconsin cheese board Monday, February 4, averaging fully c on nearly all atyles, Receipts have held up remarkably well and are already howtng increases at warehouse points. On th other hand, however, is th active buying which Is actually taking place, together with sell ing campaigns on the part of some large distributors which ought to be attended with more or less success tecaus of the relatively lower price at which cheese can be aold aa compared with last year. New York Metnls. New York, Feb 15. Copper easy; elec troylic spot and futures 13c; tin, easier; spot and nearby. 3.05; futures, 30.120 80.25c; iron, steady; prices unchanged; lead, steady; spot, (4 7064.80; line, quiet; East St. Louii spot, (4.6004.55; antimony, spot. (4.40 i Furnished by Hal et Nebraska, tfa. pertinent ef asrlcullur. 1 bureau of mar kets and marketing) LIVE POfl.TRT. Wholesale Wholesale Buying Pr. Killing Pr. LIVE POULTRY. slag (oiteio.io o3to:s Kprlnga toi .24 .2 Me .27 Una (light .21 .230 .25 liana (heavy) ., ,:it .24 .240 ,27 Cock 14 .17 .150 .17 Ducks 110 .21 .200 .25 Ores ,1M .19 .200 .23 Turkey 260 .35 .150 .40 DRESSED TOULTRY Stag 200 17 Spring .210 .10 Hena 30 0 .32 dock , , .100 .11 Duck (10 .10 leas , 269 .21 Turkeys .460 .60 EGOS. Select .250 .31 No. I 360 ,3t No. t 33 0 .34 Crack 300 ,13 Cat count, case, 1.700 9 21 BUTTER. Creamery, prints 38 0 .40 Creamery, tub 340 ,83 Country, best 20 .240 21 Country, com 160 .IT .200 .21 Uuttrrfat, 8. Pr. .21 HAT Prairie No. 1 upland tlO.606U.00 No. 3 upland 1.60010.00 No. t upland T.006 1.00 No. 1 midland 10.00010.60 No. S midland 1.60 0 1.60 No. a midland 7.000 I 00 No. 1 lowland 8.000 1.00 No. 2 lowland 8.000 MO Alfalfa, choice 18.50611.60 No. 1 16.60618 60 Standard 14.00014.00 No 3 11. 60013.00 No. S 10.00611.00 Oat atraw.... 1 00 0 1.00 Wheat straw 1.000 1.00 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES,. ' Fruits Htnsnas, TSo It. Oranges, si to 111 and larger, (6.0006.(0; size 250, (5.0006.25; site 288, (4.606 6.00; alze, (24, (4.0006.25 box. Lemons. (6.0007.60 box. Grapefruit, (4.8006.00 crats. Apples, ac cording to grade slxe: Jonathans, (3.000 3.26; Delicious, J3.6O05.OO; Horn Beau, ties, t2.7603.26; Stamen Wlnesap, (3.000 3.25; Common Wlnesap, t2.OO04.OO; Win ter Pearmatns. (3. 7602.00; Spltienburg. 43.5004. 00; Black Twig. (2.7603.00; Yel low Newton Plpplna , (2.6002 76; Ben Davis and Gano, (2.5002.75. Oregon Eat ing Pears. 14.00 bu. baskets. Figs, 21 pkg. g os., (2.1502.26: 12 pkgs. 10 os.. (1.60: 60 pkgs. 6 01., (3.2504.60. Dates: Dromedary, 31 pkgs. box, (6.5006.75; Fard. 2326o lb.; Hallowlt, 13014a lb. Vegetables Potatoes: NebrasKa Early Ohlos, No. 1, (2.0003.15; Nebraska Irish Cobblers, No. 1, (2.0002.15; Red River Ohlos, No. 1, (2.1002.60; Colorado Brown Beauties, (2.60 .per cwt. Sweet potatoes, I2.002.60 bu. Celery, (1.2601.76 dos. Head letturt, (5.6008.00 crata. Leaf let tuce, 60 060a doz. Red onions, dry, 90 10c lb. Vellow onions, dry, 9a lb. Span ish onions, regular size. (3.5004.60 crate. Cauliflower. (3.505.8.75 crate. Cucum bers, hot house, (2.6003.00 dos. Carrots, 303o lb. Turnips, 303c lb. Parsnips, 83 o lb. Cabbage. 86c lb. Young southern rsdlshes, 75 0 90c. Young south ern csrrots, 90c Young southern beets, 90c(1.00. Brusiells sprouts, 26c lb. Shallotts, 660 dos. Green peppers, 25035o lb. Young southern oniona, 0o box. Par sley. 65075o per dot bunches. Wholesale prices of beef cuts ar as follows: No. 1 ribs, 23c; No. 2 ribs, 22c; No. t ribs, 13o; No. 1 loins, 25c; No. 3 loins, 23c; No. loins, 16c; No. 1 rounds, 14c; No. 1 rounds, 13e; No, 3 rounds, llc; No. 1 chucks, 9c; No. 2 chucks. 9c; No. 3 'bucks. 7c; No. 1 plate, 6c; No. 2 plate, 5c; Nov 3 plate, o. Pierce to Tell Again Story of Fogg Murder Frank l'icrce, "are"' witneis f r the state in the Frank Fogg muc drr caie, will akMin tell the "iunda Hory of the murder" today to 4 Jury trying Walter (Fmgeii Siev ens, alleged pal of Mike lXiiuatu, who wa convicted last week. On l'icce and Hernice Wilrr's evidence. County Attorney Shomnl expects eotivictiuii (( Stcicns, al though several other state viiiieif will testify during the trial. AI Douglas, M. HanUs, I'ulirenitii Martin Jcnirn and AI bairuetioii and Mrs. Fogg gave testimony yet terday afternoon. Another large crowd filled Di trict Judge Leslie's court. New 1 ut k (lln. New York, rb !. Afi.r opening a. ma (ealisinr !r old bi"g reuie4 lb Hal f rolion (utur-s to re ar I l .lsy, but II (laadleil 111 lb asrlv afternoon nd lvk an upward trend In lha lat-r trailing, fim.tmig the aaa.lun 116(1 pulms net higher Tho op.ning wa at an advene if IV It polnta, but m lha vrim hour the Orllne had tarn.. I price dnwq t net loaae ,( 100) point. Altar lb profit taking tha uinlariini Improved, Kunport from trado Iniereaia appeared In lha tail hour and new Mine fr th movamatii war mnwl, Aciiv abort layering; twik Starrtt pa k la lb Ha level un,l at Its high lha inarkrt was II fill points uv,r a,letday an I about e puund up frnm lb day low. Long realising inciaNaeit at the close, but waa fairly wall irhe. fiwl rolion iead, J it point advantr, tl :6e fur niMdiiiia upland. 8'iiitbern spot markets: (lalveainn, )7 4ik', unchanged; New Orleans, Ji.llr, 21 (Mints adlaiiia; havannah. Do, polnta advance; August. 14 4r 9 pain' advance; Memphis, i7c, unchanged; Hous. on, 7 16c, in poi ms aiivaip-a; Hum. Kork, 17c, unchsngrd. Turpentine and Hnaln. Savannah. ., Feb. 16 Turpentine Firm. ka; aalss, (0 barrels; rmelpta, 23 barrels ; shipments, 211 barrels; slock, 4.411 barrels. Hiisln Flint: sales. 741 raska: rerelpta, 1.011 casks; shipments. 1SS casks; stock, 73. sit casks. Quote: H, T. E. F. 0. If. 1107; I. II 07 M. 10; K. 14 46; M, If. My 1.16, N, (6.45; W, O, (5.70; W, W, (5.16. New Jork Dry Goods. New York, Feb. IS. Cotton foods showed a lull steadier on the lower levels todsy snd fair volume of Inquiry wa rejiorted on percalea. Oray good wer steadier, yarn quiet, raw silk wa lightly lower; burlap war ateady. New York Dried Fruit. New York, Feb. 16. Evaporated Appli Firm. Prune Oulat Aprlmta and Peaches Steady. Raialns Quiet. Kansas Cltr liny. Kansas City, Ho., Feb. 15. Hay Unchanged. Investmtnt Opportunities and Oar Twenty Payment Plan Thaaa pablleatloas toil ef good tavaat saent atoeka, waiab aaa b piirabaasd aa mall peynMoU extatMiiag ever period ef twenty raoatoa. This plan waa or aie.la by ua i 10, Vta aa eecara be lb (ras. Write for 17-OB nP'tmnt Securities 40 Exchange Place, New York Idle mosey b eas ily (pent. It earns you nothing. It tempt you to (peculate. Put it to work on the right plan and it will make you financially inde pendent. "Getting Ahead" tell you all about it It a fascinating (tor of how $25.00 a Booth grew to tlO.000.00 in thirteen years. Tear out this ad, write your nun and address in margin, and mail to ut TODAY. KRIEBEL & CO , . lipasfmsnf 5fartjs Dept. 38 117 1 U SALLE ST., CH1CAI0 el M V 1 WL -Mm .aVtaaTaaaTa'' lajataai Uaartn (.aslant eaio A 23 V fV Writ Pet Oar FREE BOOKS 0a MUNN 8. CO. Tower Bulldlnt. CHICAGO, ILL Scientific -aAmerlcin nid.. WASHINGTON. 0. C Woolwortb Building. NEW YORK Hoban Bids., SAN FBANC1SCO, CAL. BUY OMAHA INSURANCE The Bankers Reserve Life Company - Home Office, Omaha 25 YEARS OF SUCCESS ASSETS $12,000,000:00 Business in Force, ,$80,000,000.00 R..L. ROBISON, Preaid.nl W. G. PRESTON, Vice Prei. R. C. WAGNER, Sec.-Treai. OPENINGS FOR EXPERIENCED MEN Paul B. Burleigh, Gen. Agent A. S. Borglum, Associate Your Lien on Building and Lot is your gilt edge security as owner of a 7 First Mortgage Serial Bond TAX-FREE " Your own good judgment will decide how ' many bonds, each $100 to $1,000, to buy, and what maturity dates, 1 year to 5 years, to se- . lect. Interest paid semi-annually. Security Is Our First Consideration Prospectus' giving photographs and full de scription of properties, income, etc., furnished to investors upon request. " American Security Company BROKERS Dodge at ISth Street, Oman. Xrbrsaks, C. C. Shinier, Secy. O. A. Bohrboogh, Pre.