THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15. 1022. Financial 3. i fcBy ALEXANDER DANA NOYES, 4l4 U Uu4 Mir. Nfw York. Feb. M. Mtwmtnl tf rrirn (or tutl and tondt wt eiin iuu turpatr in inirrr.t Itiiiay by the action l f.iffijjn cubai'iie and wheat. uch expectation at lrn fnti-rtin( lt k that tl.e ric in tlitt two m'Ui had run in count uat rmiiiily uirt im t'Jjy'i rumitiii ( tunk. Merlin; exchange, wmIi hid IMeu (rum $4 JK J.4 to J4 3I J on thf three Ut d.i ol the past week, r lrupt!y to fliu 1-2- Whejt (or May dclimy which oll at tl-i? prr bultr f 1 han a wrrk a, and which rloed at f 1 3J on Saturday, advanced in eMreiiirly rxotrd market at I hiiaRO today to f I.J I..'. It i the holiest v'i F'J 'n present cfip except ,cf two or three lav in the early autumn: it com-t-"l with $1 07 1-2 in January ami $ I U 1-4 in November. The char iirter of the lUy'a wheat market rharly indicated that the tpecutative strain trade hail suddenly awakened to a realirnfr i.ene of iti erroncuut ettmiatet of tlie want few mouth re RinliiiR the worid't balance of tup tilv irnl requirement. v f ( 1 m tilv irnl requirement, The stork market whnh hm hn l.wing with utt..iii.. the imiimr finini'i r me -aoiniar wnm phi l.hlftnn appear"! today IO mora ILve.1 SI tha abandonment of lha etk transfer la plan . tht fluttering ! m-n than illnurlMid lha obstinate re turn to tnlk of a f vernment bond iue. Utterly bund held up rather urprl.lnsiy pnesibly Ikhuh of leil" lhal Hi I" rain f drawing Ihit prwligloue awn front tha treasury in'l ha .ioiei and vernlna of Me p.v. rnm.itia- iman.-i.i nlllrer gatim Inlrt nlllill hltll oul. in drfrat unavolilapla. All tnh'r Eunpit fhana raira r with aiarllnic. fran.i In twrllriilar Marly a. hint ln lh !' Pun ei ia vaak. Aa ft M;tM n th want aiiraorm. rnr rmov-r or ai-rllnar n.'nuti ma ropurl of thia rouniry'a f"rin ira1 in January aui.plf nirnia Hatunlar'a umllar m.m.nt far Orrat Hrlialn. Whuriwl .rmlan(t aurjilua of Imporla ovr piria waa barrly on-Uilr. hat II In January, our own aurplui of npuria )lii not rh on-avnlh of Uat yi-arn flyurr for lha month. Kprl It tha ruaiumaiy ay, laat tiionlh'a Lalprra ai mora favoianl to Knln'l tnan thai r.f nnv month ina 1813. hut lt-n favotl. to tha Lnltfd Btal.'a than any infnth aim' JU. Kuropa'a purrhaura ft our malarlalt of manuUrtura ran har.lly b kapt t lhair praarnt luvr Irvoi In taaa of any European trarta rvlvl. l.ul lha puri-haara ar llkaly to ba rnndurtrfl raullnualy wllh ft vlaw to tha furaitn atghanim. and to rrarh noimal iimanltuila only tn Kurnpc riporta are Imraaafd aiulvalanlly. It la with South Amrira ami that rv viva) In eye port trad ought to urgln. a f VTruat f A New York Quotations Rano of prlcra of tha lfadln atni-ka furnl.hfrt hy lim & Bryan, ia t'ttera bulldlni: rtaiuniHj II 1Kb Low Ctoao Cloia BAILUOADS. 9. T 7 7 T'A 7',i Jlalt. & C'hlo .8 55 ' 3!" Cannillun 1291 127 129H N. V. Central 1U 75 71)' i I'hea. Ohio (HV, ;t. North. , 75'4 llllnola Central K. C. Bouth.. l.fhigh Valley ... Mo. Pan. N. T. N. H North. Pno. ...... fhloaKO N. TV Pennsylvania Jty. itoadlng C. K. 1. A P South I'ac Houlh. Ky Chi., Mil. & St. r. Union Taclfio ... (; M4 SS'i 74' 70S 1S 102 105 101 v, HH 24 st 6 a isvt lSa 80 74 'i 83i' 191 69 US 67 S4i 73V, 34 'i 82 :o 24 '4 ft 19 1 M , 741, 35S 83 20i 1.11S 130 STKELS. Am. Cut Foundry. .US 146 U 14S Allla-Chalmera .... 45 "i 45 45 S Am I.ocomotlva ,.107T 10V4 l'1i Baldwin Loco 104 Vi loi 1" Hethlehcra Steel... 4S 3 Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 2S J'1 4'ruclhle 62 V 62 .ackawanna 8tecl..4S'4 47 Mldvale Steel 80S 29Ti Presaecl Steal Car Rep. Ste-ol & Iron 63 '4 Ry. Steel Springs... 7 SIOM-Schefrield ... 40Mi United Statea Steel n Vanadium 36 H Anaconda 47 Am S. & Ref. Co.. 45S C'erro Da Pco Chill 68 'i i7i 79 'i 64 35 734 S3'. 82 19 an 131H 129i 147H 45 108 102 63 64 'i 26S 62 S 32i 68 Chlno Innplratlna ... Kennecott ... Miami Nevada Con.. Ray Con ..... Seneca Utah flpneral Asphalt ,('oeden Cal. Petroleum.. I. land Oil Invincible Oil .. Wex. Petroleum. Mlddlo Statea .. Paolflo Oil Pan-American .. Phillips Pierce Oil Pure Oil Royal Dutch ... Sinclair Oil 33 . 14 ,. 26 l-i . 38 i . 27 . 2 ! . 14 . 13 . 154 . 61S OIL3. . 62 . S5t, . 60 . 2Vt . 14' .120 119 12H 1214 62 7 40 as- 34 47 46 33 15 26 37S 96 25 13 13 12V tl 61 34 4? 2 14S 634 97 40 89 35 47 45 33 16 26 KB'i 27 26 13i 13 13 61 61 47 29 66 62 87S 34 47 45 83 16 26 S7S 27 26 13 13S 16 61 46 64 31 34 60 20 44 63 31 8 34 49 19 177 44 S 19 8 34 49 2 14 120 117 12 12S 60 34?. 49 2 Standard OH. N. J.179 Texas Co 45 Union Oil 20 White Oil 9 MOTORS. Chandler 65 64 Oen. Motors 8 8 Willys-Overland .. 6 6 Plerce-Arrow 14 14 White Motor 89 37 Studebaker 84 93 46 64 31'i 8 34 60 19 17 44 19 9 6 6 14 89 93 RTTnBER AND TIRES. Flsk 12 12 12 Goodrich 37 37 37 Kelley-Sprlngfield 37 Su, 3i Keystone Tira .... 18 15 16 Ajax 16 16 16 U. S. Rubber 65 64 66 INDUSTRIALS. 32 32 9 9 18 18 101 103 I) A.. O. & W. 1 21 26 m. Int. Corp 4Z 1 a m. Sumatra .a Am. Tele. lis in Am. Can 39 87 Central Leather ..32 Cuba Cane 9 Cuban-Am. Sug. .. 18 Corn Prod 103 Famous Players ...82 General Electric. ..147 Great Northern Ore 86 Int. Harvester 84 Am. H. & Lr pfd 65 V. S. Ind. Alcohol 44 Int. Paper j Jnt. M. M., pfd.... 70 Am. Sugar Ref..... 67 Sears-Roebuck. .... 63 Stromberg 39 Tobacco Products.. 63 Worthlngton Pump 46 Wllso Co 36 Wettern Union..... 91 Westh'se F.lectrlo.. 53 American Woolen.. 83 MISCELLANEOUS. Am. Cotton Oil.... 31 SO Am. Agrl. Chemical 84 American Linseed.. 32 Union Bag, pfd Boech Magneto Brooklyn Rap. Tr.. 11 Contlnetal Can 66 California Packing 73 Col. Oas & Electric 69 Columbia Graph... 1 1-nited Drug 68 N-f lOnamel 42 United Fruit 137 134 Nat Lead 88 Phil. Co. S4 27 42 24 118 117 87 ( 46 62 31 9 34 60 19 44 19 8 64 8 6 14 37 93 12 36 16 16 64 26 42 24 80 14S 35 84 64 44 47 69 6 6S S9 62 46 34 90 62 82 33 31 82 147 35 84 65 44 48 70 67 63 39 63 46 36 l 53 82 21 34 31 11 65 72 69 1 68 41 32 9 1S 101 80 146 86 83 64 44 49 70 66 62 88 62 47 34 90 62 82 21 ' 34 69 35 11 52 72 69 1 67 40 11 66 73 69 1 65 42 137 134 88 88 33 S4 83 Vllmn 118'i 116 lie lit)1 Punta Al. Sugar.. 87 37 87 86 Retail Stores .... 64 64S 54 64 S. U 8. Fran.. 14 13 S4S S3 Vlr. Car Chem 31 30 81 .... Total sales, (70,700. Money Close, a per cent. Marks Close, .0051; Saturday closa, .0051. Franca Closa. .0175. Sterling Close, 14.36; Saturday close. I4.S3. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 14. Flour Unchanged to 65o higher; in carload lots fancy patents quoted at 17.90 8.60 a bar. ral in 98-pound cotton sacks. Minneapolis, Feb. 14. Wheat Receipts, (05 cars compared with i!( cars ft year go. Cash No. 1 northern, ll.4f 1.64; Jtay. 11.40; July. 81.31. f Corn No. I yellow, 45e. Oats No. S whit. S536c Barley 45857c Rve No. J. 798c. Flax No. 1. !i52.62. THE GUMPS ik tr ts loioaa I Til It at MH HtK WAITING AT THE CHURCH Drawn for The Be by Sidney Smith I'uf-rrujftl till, fkiesg T'ltxto Cef y$fl , fp t A WAUSHC t8CAM IT V4t to eAJAL 1 COAt t- CHWCU BVILJ RrV)l40' lU5 TH IATT il Ml rtL HAT 1UMMH, taAAAllFct I 60 TO BtP AttoMT wU. CAT HA4Vt4. C , 1 II" iriai I04AO it 7- K . ' V'SV. NkoHTMAaafy fits "?i4 v i y silk 1 1 n vrr m &.r m m m m t i-r- W V JW. I F i m I i i1 i - 0 NeVtf f MT FfcTV-fw MVT irrr)4Mt mmcneta awctk aau frm waut but h Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Live Stock fleretpta wara- Official V.h.l'.y ,T.'l fc: imat iu...ij .. t. ; Too data this .k rlama il.ita Ual wrek l'J.7; riaitio it;ia 'i w'a a i&.e. Matua ilnya I H a a o 16.11 Salt. tla iar a" 1 1.ZttJ Outalie. Kob. It. rattle. Hoss hp i:."u :i.,"4 S7.1:( ;l.)a II. Ml" 1 .'' ;o ;u 91.414 ;i ;:,ii4 C.itlU lleripia, , (no head. Pematul for fal t'altlx aa good today and won Jui ft llimlrral kitpvly on suIm tho llturket aitive attil lnuhr all around, Merra a.. Id i an advama of loijjrs., in, Ue.t h-i' rai. Inn H onrjllu. Cows and htif.'ix r uiiiaily :c higher. St'Hkara and feednr offvrlnaa w-rv talh-r light and llio market w.ia ac'tve and firm. Wuotati'ina on attiH: Oood to choice beevra, 7 lllfi DO; (air l ""d bc'Vea, M.40ff7ii"; toniiiHin to fmr leaves, S 76 t 35; fair to good yearlings, fi.6i ft 7.7:.; common lo fair yearlimia. I otr tif; good .t rhobo h'lfrn. rt nou ( 7:,; fair lo good h.'If.TH, 14(116.00 choice lo prime o. '. floti 6 (6; good lo ch'H. e cwa; fair lo good mm. 14 "U tl 4 60; common lo fair cows, $2.60'u 3, 7..; good to i hone f-eclr. t'i.'iji 7 .4; lair to good f.'edeiK. t 1 . i t.6i; common to fair fenders. .". 4'ii 6, 1". flood to chul'-e locker. III. .'. 7 6"; f.ilr to good -era. in 2H4.7i; romnion t fair stoi kera, 1606-ir,; aim k hetfere. 4 . u Hlork cua, t3 6od4(il. Stock rnlien. 15.0097.60; v-.'tl calves, ti.OUUS.iO; bulls. stnKS. etc. :i:S4 4."5 Hogs Hi-ceiius, 12.009 hesd. Trading was active today largely on a liaale of 1" 15o higher. Shipper demand was broad with fair proportion of thu receipts par. tlrularly the light weights finding thia outlet. T.lght hogs sold mostly from t.35tfl(0 with a top of $9.70 Mixed loads and butcher weights, $1.10i 9.36 with packing grades at H.n0'g00 and ex. treme hcavloa mostly around 17.60. llulk of sales was 19 ltl 9.60. flh,ep Receipts. 11.600 head Fst Intnl. this morning were In good demand with shippers active bidder and with good competition prices ruled mostly Uj2c hlKhrr. Sales were mostly within the range of 13. 5013 85 with best lots quoted st 114. .i0. No feeders were reporfd In today. Sheep were fully steady with several lots of fair quality light ewe selling at $7.60. Quotations oil Sheep and I.amr rat lambs, good to choice, tn.60jrl4.iM: fut Inmbs. fair to good, fl3 0(i' 13.75: t -der lambs, good to choice. 13.U0(& 13.25: feed er lambs, fair to good, tl2.60(SM3.00; cull lam..., til 60121'' fat yearlings. Il'-hr. ooin.O0; fat yearlings, heavy. t9.50ei 10.50; fat welhnrs. t7.00&8.00: fat ewes, light, s. 757-60; fat ewes, heavy, to.bOliii 6 76; feeder ewes. t4.00 ji 6.00. 21 6,625 Turpentine nnd Kosln. Savannah, lla.. Fell. 1 4. Turpentine Firm; 85c: sales. 33 Mils. ; mn hhis.: shipments. 63 bbls.; stock, bhRosin Firm: sales. 851 casks: receipts. t nos casks; shipments, 607 casus; aiocn, 73.014 casks .. . .,,. Ouoti? U. I. K.. r, ii. ti, j.. J4 45; M.. 15.10; N., t3.35: WO $5.6j; WW., to.95. St. Iml Grain. st. Louis, mo.. . vhrM,r,N?-..v'! red winter, $1.4091.43; No. S tl.Jl.,S. l-nrn No. 2 white. 64iu55c; No. J. Slf 52C. Oats No. 380. I S white, 5Sc; No. 3, 36 'tf Kansns City Gruin. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 14 Wheat (?!ose. Mav, 11.37 ; July, $116. Corn May, 64c: July. 67c. Unseed Oil. Puluth. Minn.. Feb. 14. Linseed On track, 2.692.62c; arrive, 2.692.61c. Omaha Produce Furnished by state of Nebraska, de partment of agriculture, bureau of mar kets and marketing: LIVE POULTRY. Wholesale Wholesale Buying Pr. Belling Pr. LIVE POULTRY. Stags t0.18$0.20 $0.23?$0.25 Spring 30 .24 .54 .27 Hens (light ' .18W .21 .23 .25 Hens (heavy) .21 '24 -;l Cocks 14 .17 .16 .17 Ducks IS -l -SOW -H Geese IHW ! -M Turkeys 25 .35 .36 .40 DRESSED POULTRY Stags 57 Springs 2 Hens -30 Cocks 20 .21 Ducks 2 -3 Geese 26S .28 Turkeys 46 .60 EOG3. Select "5 -3S No. 1 .35 .36 No. 2 32 .84 Cracks 30 -32 Casa count, case. 8.70 9.25 BUTTER. Creamery, prints , 38 .40 Creamery, tub... 34 .32 Country, best 20 .54 .26 Country, com 16 .17 .20 .22 Butterfat, S. Pr. .28 HAY Prairie No. 1 upland $10.aO11.00 No. 2 upland 8.50lO.OO No. 3 upland 7.00 8.00 No. 1 midland '. 10.00 10.60 No. 2 midland 8.60 9 5.0 No. 3 midland 7.00 8.00 No. 1 lowland 8.00 9.00 No. 2 lowland 8.00 9.00 Alfalfa, choice 18.6019.50 No. 1 16.5018.60 Standard 14.0016.0O Nq. 2 11.5013.O0 No. 3 10.000)11.00 Ost straw 8.00 9.00 Wheat straw 7.00 8.00 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Fruits Bananas. 78o It. Orange, size 216 and larger, o.0iHij5.;,'J; size 260, $5. 004,6.55; sixe 88. S4.506.00; slse, 354, $4.005.25 box. Lemons, $6.007.50 box. Grapefruit, $4.505.00 crats. Apples, ac cording to grade size: Jonathans, $3.00 8,25; Delicious, $3.605.00; Roma Beau ties, $2.7503.25; Stamen Wlnesap. $3.00 3.25; Common Wlnesap, $2.004.00; Win ter Pearmalns. $2.763.00: Spitzenburg. 3.504.00; Black Twig. $2.753.00; Yel low Newton Pippins , j2.6u.'.io; ten Davi and Gano, t2.501.75. Oregon Eat ing Pears, $4.00 bu. baskets. Figs, 24 pkg. t oz., $3.1 6 iff 2.25 : 13 pkgs. 10 or.. $1.50; tC pkgs. g oz., $3.2504.50. Dates: Dromedary, 36 pkgs. box, $6.506.7s: Fard, S325o lb.; Hallow!!. 1314o lb. Vegetables Potatoes: Nebraska Early Ohios, No. 1, $2.002.15; Nebraska Irian Cobblers. No. 1. $2 02.16; Red River Ohios. No. 1, $2.10 2.60; Colorado Brown Beauties, $2.60 per cut Sweet potatoes, $3.002.60 bu. Celery, $1.251.75 doz. Head lettuce, $5.50 66.00 crate. Leaf let luce. 60e60o doz. Red onions, dry, lOo lb. Yellow onions, dry, 9c lb. Span ish onions, regular size, $3.60 4.60 crate. Cauliflower. $2.50175 crate. Cucum bers, hot house, $2.50S.OO doz. Carrots, ipsvts in. Turnips, 3c3c lb. Parsnip. 3fr3o lo. Cabbage. 3OSo lb. Young sodthern radishes, 7690c Young south ern carrot. 90c, Young aouthern beets, 90c$1.00. Brussell sprouts. 25c lb. Shallotts, 65c doz. Green peppers, 2535e lb. Young southern onlona, 90o box. Par sley, 65$76o per doz. bunchea Wholesale prices of beef cut are as follows: No. 1 ribs, S2c; No. 3 ribs. 12c. No. 3 ribs, 13c; No. 1 loins, 25c; No. 2 loins, 13c; No. 1 loins. 16c; No. 1 rounds, 14c; No. .3 rounds. 13c; No. S rounds. llc; No. 1 chucks, 9c; No. t chucks. 9c: No. 3 .ehucks, 7o; - No. 1 plate, tc; No. t plate, 6c; No. i plate, 4c New York Bonds Slr. loo Mb 3'is J mi I Lin l.t 4s.. 1144 I 'll 2l.d 4'.... I ' Mil .. ;r i.iu sid 41.. 10 I. Hi r-J tr."4 l ilt 4h 4U.. til I'lO 4 7 lo nsd :7 iu 3 I4. I.llierly H"n.l. ingii Low. C'loe. 114. 04 :.o . St. 40 14. :i 94,34 . i,-:'i u .)( , 95.91 6. . 07.31 07.10 7.1'4 . 07.IMI 7.00 07.00 . OH, 64 9;.M .44 .inn. II ni).0 100.12 tun, no ,.,( luo.on 100.09 0V.9I 'J.S I erel-n t.overnm'-nls. 3 Argntine 6 4 1 4s.. 4 Helgimi "'. 81 Heisian (... I Hersen sa,... 17 llTlie ks ... ;t Uracil ss.... II llorile.iux (a 33 Canada 6s of 1050 01 14 Canada 6s of 19(6.. 97 7'l 7 .I'm in 1ii .107 107 17', . OK 09 09 .Ion 1" I'm .109 1'I9 lot .11 103 1"3 si ss sz 9 HI'S 07 07 1 Canada of 131.... 07 t 0( 42 Chile of m;o....1"o Ion inn 7 Chile of 1941 lill', iniva 101 3 chile or toiti I'll 101 101 11 Chinese It 41 44 4ha J Christiana kh ion lmi no C Copenhagen 6',s.... M K7 87 7 Clllia 6a of 11"4... 69 88 81 I'D Cuba 6s of 1934.... 83 85 S2 ! Danish 8a A I07'l 107 107 I Danish 8 K 107 107 107 43 Denmark 6a 94 94 94 11 Denmark s lo inn 108 11 Domnir:.n 6s 68 88 68 M DutfhKlint Indie 6 94 94 04 60 French 8s 101 101 loi 138 French 7.... 40 Jap lxt 4s... 73 Jun Snda 4 .lap 4s 13 Lyons fls 7 Marseilles 6 .. S3 Mx Is 51 Mex 4 43 Norway 8 12 tjueensland 7a., 8 4 tjueensland 4s. . 36 Kin De Jsn 8s 50 RinGninde De Sul 8s 99 Siene 7s 90 14 Sweden 6s 1 1 Swls Kh 10 Hsn Psulo Ss.. S Tnkio 6s 2 I rnruiiy 8s .. 9 .. H .. 61 .. 74 .. 83 .. 83 .. 6 .. 45 im ..107 1 .. 97 ..1011 100 100 99 99 90 9" 96 81 87 1 73 82 63 66 45 10 lo 97 0 8.1 87 74 82 83 5. 45 110 106 97 7 97 07 ...114 114 114 ...101 101 101 ... 70 70 70 ..10.1 103 103V, 0S4 Vnih'gd Ssofl952 l4 103 104 655 I'nlKingdom of 1922 104 103 1(14 217 UnlKlr.gdom of 1937 9'J 98 98 13 Zurich 8s 109 108 100 Ioret,0. JO NYC 4s of 1867 104 104 104 8 Anm Aer 7s 101 loo loon 8 Allin Smelter 6s.. 88 88 88 30 Amn Sug 6s 98 97 97 25 Amn Tel Cv 6 110 110 110 .'I Amn Tel Col 6s.... sr. ?n 64 Amn Tel Col 4s.... SS 88 0 Armour 4s 83 83 12 A T ft S K Gen 4s 88 88 8 AT&Sf adj 4s stl. 80 80 10 Atl Coast Line 7s loe 1"S 1 Atl Coast Line 5s.. 93 95 3 AtlC.wsf Line 1st 4s 87 87 AtlCoaslLlne It-N4s 28 28 9 Atlantic Fruit 7s.. 28 3 Atl Refg Deb 6s..504 14 B & O 0 6 Tl tk O refg Rs 10 B & O conv 43 . 7 H & O gold 10 14 O PghJAYMa 88 10 FSO Pgh I, KW 4s 7f. 10 B & O T ft C 4s.... 04 4 Hell Tl or Pa 7s 3 Beth Stel 104 91 78 76 76 88 75 64 .108 108 108 . 88 88 88 91 71 70 77 88 63 68 80 100 05 87 58 28 104 9614 71 70 76 88 75 64 6 Brooklvn Vdisnn 7s. 107 107 107 25 Bronklvn 1U 7s ctfB of do stamped... 62 02 621 1 Bush Term ....... 89 89 80 5 Can Sou 6s 94 04 04 13 Can Nor Rv 7s 110 1097s 110 13 Can Nor Rv 6s...lo lo 108 81 Con Pno deb 4b.... 78 77 77 5 Cent Dist Tel 5s.... 98 98 98 3 Cent Vew Kng 4s... 6? 61 68 14 Cent Pac 4s 83 82 82 20 Out Pac 3R 87 86 87 5 Cent R R N J 6S...106 105 lOHa 6 Cerro de Pasco 8s.. Ill 111 111 94 65 83 83 65 39 97 88 71 60 50 62 81 63 67 73 66 86 .105 106 106i 76 75 70 70 82 82 7 77 94 85 83 83 65 39 97 88 71 60 60 04 81 63 58 73 56 66 94 85 83 8 3',i 65 39 Ml 97 81 71 60 60 64 81 H 63 67 '4 73 66 Gr 3 C & O cv 6s 63 C & O CV 5k , 16 C & O cv 4s , 4 C & O gen 4s. .., 23 C & A refg 3s , 4 C & A 3s 141 C B Q Fs , 6 C B Q Ills 4s 133 C R I 6s of 1961... 7 C G W 4s , 4 CIS L 6s , 6 C M St P Conv 6s.. 3 Gen 4s R Gen cv 4s 34 Gen rfg 4s 6 Gen gen 4s 4 Gen deb 4n 13 Gen 4s M & Pgt S 1 C N W 7s 1 C N W 33 7 Ch Ry 6s 4 C R I & P Gen 4s 24 C R I & P rfg 4s. 2 C St P M & O 6s... 105 106 2 Ch Un Stn 6s 112 113 0 Ch 4s 90 90 2 Ch & W Ind 7s fs...l01 101 3 Chile Copper 7s. . 20 Chile Copper 6s. . 14 CCC St L rfg 6s. 1 C C C St L 48.. 9 Colo & Sou 43. . 6 Colo & Sou 1st 4s 4 Col Gas 6s 4 Cnl Gas stamped.. 28 Con Gas 7s 6 Cuba Cane, Sugar con deb 8s 74 74 74t4 7 Cuba Cane Sgr db 7s 77 77 77 2 Cuba R R 73 101 100 100V, 1 Cuba R R 5s 78 78 78 15 Cuba Amn Sg Col Ssl03 103 10S 5 Cumberland Tel 6s. 89 89 89 1 Del & Hudson Cn 6s 91 91 01 8 Denver Imp .5s 87 87 87 2 Denver Imp rfg 5s.. 44 43 43 3 Denver Imp con 4s. 74 73 73 15 Det EdlBon 1st rft 6s B 100 100 100 3 Det Col 6s of 1933.. 94 94 94 8 Det Unl Rwy 4s. 65 66 65 9 Dia Match 7s,...107 107 107 3 Dist 5s 35 35 SS 10 Du Pont 7s 103 103 103 16 Duquene Llgllt OS. .103 liu i". 16 Erie Prior lien 4s.. 69 69 69 7 Erie Gen lien 4s.... 45 44 24 Erie cv 4s A 17 Erie B 24 Erie D 70 82 77 105 112 90 101 14 .100 100 100 86 86 86 84 85 90 90 90 97', 84 85 91 90 97 84 85 90V4 90 90 .103 103 103 40 39 43 3S 38 42 45 40 30',t 42 2 Gen E!eo deb 6s. ..105 105 105 3 Gen Elec deb 5s... 99 99 9914 45 Goody'r Tire 8s, '31 98 97 98 57 Goody'r Tire 8s."'41.112 112 112 67 Grand Trunk 7. ..110 109 109 27 Grand Trunk 6s... 101 101 102 43 Ot Nor 7s 107 107 107 77 Gt Nor 6s 96 96 96 1 Granny I 17 t7 17 53 tlr-.n Hay W iltb l' I 21 11.1. n A Man Rfg 6a 78 71 74 II )l..n Man Ino 6a tl M M I Ills Cent ( $o lS 00 1 III tent rfg 4a.... 81 t4 MS 4 Ills Cent 4. 61... 71 7n 7i It C St I. ft No Jt ts. 4 04 94 4 It'll Steel a 00 01 S3 lnt Met 4. It I t0 It lnt M-l rlfa of dtp U 16 15 67 Inl HI rfg t t 03 It lnt Marine 95 03 02 4 lnt Paper Rfr 6.. ! 83 84 H Invincible Oil ts... 17 S7 87 2 lo Cent 4a , 30 36 3'i 15 K 0 Ft H AV M 4.. 76 76 7 6 K C Term 4 79 70 70 0 K C Sou 6s lb i 86 15 K I.' S'.U 3 64 64 44 10 Kelly Spxfld 6a l"l l".l 13 1 Lack Steel ta, M0.. 85 i i 1 Lake Shore 4a, '28.. 02 95 05 22 Lake Shore 4a. '31.. 00 00 10 t l.fhh Val Cv 4. 87 87 87 3 Lorlllard 6 03 03 03 1 L ft N 7s 107 107 l')7 20 L ft N ts lot lot 101 1 I. t N Unl 4s to 69 so 2 L & N 8 Ry "t 4. 77 77 77 1 .Man Ry 4s 63 61 M 6 M K T Ry Col 4.. 9.1 03 01 30 MKT Ry 1st con 6 83 62 85 40 M'X Pete 8 D'l 11 1"! 2 Ml.'h St Tel 6s 97 97 07 4 Mldvale Steel 6... 87 66 67 27 Minn St L 4s... 34 84 34 2 MStPftSSM .101 I'll 101 39 M St L rfg 6s.. 35 34 36 2 MKTSF 4 fs ct dep 64 64 64 101 MKTSF pr Hen 6s. 77 77 77S 81 MKTSF pr lieu 6a. 92 01 01 27 MKTSF 1st 74 74 74S 3 MKTSF 2nd 4s.... 61 61 61 20 MKTSF clfs of dep 16 16 16 1 MKTSF rfg '... . 75 75 75 13 Mo Pae gen 4 61 61 01 10 M & O 6 101 101 MIS 1 Mont Power 6.... 85 95 05 87 Mannssau Elec 4.. 33 82 83 8 N Y C Col 7a 10 106 105 $0 N Y C deb 6s 99 99 80 4 N Y C rfg 4.... 86 86 86 6 N Y C 4s, '34 66 86 86 3 N Y C con 4s 79 79 70 1 N Y C rfg 3 75 75 76 2 NYC & St I. deb 4a 83 83 83 8 NYC St L 4s.. 73 73 7:1 2 NYCiStL MC 3s. 71 71 71H 36 N Y Kdlson s A. 106 105 106 24 N Y N H H os.. 68 67 68, 7 NYNH & H 4s, '56 49, 47 48 7 NYNH & H 4s, '66. 49 47 48 4 NYNH A H v. '66. 49 48 40 3 NYNH & H 4. '67. 43 43 43 9 N Y Rys adj 6s.... 9 0 0 9 N Y Rys rfg 6.... 32 32 32 64 N Y T 6a 1941 ....103 102 102 11 N Y T 6s 1041 ...10S 102 103 34 N Y T 43 90 00 80 45 N Y W & 13 4 40 39 41) 2 Nfk Sou 5a 68 58 68ft 6 Nfk Sou 6s 106 105 4 1' 1 Nfk Sou con 4s... 87 8V 87 Vi 33 Nfk Sou J & C 48 84 84 8 7 Nor Pao 6 106 108 1064 20 Nor Pac 3 61 60 60 45 Gt Nor jt 6.. ..106 106 108 4 Ntn Sta Four 6a.. 68 88 81 2 Ntn Sta Pow 6 .. 90 99 99 29 N W B T 7 ....107 111? lid 17 Ogn Ry & N 4s .. 86 86 65 6 Ogn B L gtd 5s... 97 07 07 6 O S L gtd 4s .... 88 88 88 67 O W R R & N 4s.. 78 78 7SS 6 Pac Gas 6 66 66 60 3 Packard 8s 99 90 1 Pan-Amer Pe 7a .. 96 06 00 7 Pa 7s of 1930 ....106 106 lUtj 3 Gold Cs 105 106 105 3 t.0id 6a 96 95 95 3 Gold con 4s .... 96 86 96 16 Gold gen 4 .... 87 86 86 5 Peo Gas 6s ...... 86 86 SS 2 Philip By 4s 44 44 44 5 Pierce OH 8 100 100 100 24 Pgh CCS L 6s .. 92 92 02 . P S of N J 6 .... 76 76 76 1 Reading gen 4 .. 82 82 82 1 Rio G col 4s 63 63 63 1 RiotG 1st 4a 74 74 74 5 S L I Mt 6a 95 96 95 6 S L I Mt 4a 83 82 83 6 S L R & G D 4s.. 76 Vi 76 76Vi 5 S h S F gen 6s ..101 101 101 Vi 30 8 L S F gen 4s... 68 68 68 3 S L SF gen 6s ... 82 82 82 23 S L S F gen 6s ... 96 96 86. 47 S L 8 F adj 6s... 76 76 75 63 8 L S F ino 6s... 60 69 6S H S L S W T 6 73 73 73 6SP&KCSL 4 77 77 77 3 S Ant & A P 4s.. 71 71 71 49 Se Boa con 6s ... 61 49 40 C3 Sea Boa adj 5s... 21 20 20 3 Sea Boa stam 4s.. 64 64 54 165 Sea Boa rfg 4s.... 38 37 37 3 Shar St Hoop 8s.. 95 94 05 62 gin cons cv 7s..l00 100 100 1 So Bell Tel 6s.... 94 84 4 6 So A C 4 88 68 88 15 So A C rfg 4 84 84 84 3 So A C col 4 .... 80 79 80 35 S F Term 4s .... 80 80 80 31 So Ry gen ... 94 94 94 48So Ry gen 6s .... 90 89 00 45 So Ry gen 4a .... 62 61 61 5 So Ry 4a B L D.. 76 76 76 1 Stan Gas 6s 92 92 92 13 So Cal 7s 106 106 105 10 Steel & Tube 7s.. 98 88 98 3 Tex Pao 2nd 5s.. 60 60 60 33 Third Ave adj 6s . 67 67 67 7 Third Ave rfg 4s.. 61 61 61 2 Toledo S L W 4S.. 60 60 . . t, 3 Toledo P Li 3s .. 86 86 86 2 Ulster Del 6 89 89 80 1 U P 6s 102 102 102 37 U P 1st 4a 91 91 01 3 U P cv 4s 1 91 91 3 U P rfg 4S 84 84 84 6 Unl Drug 8 106 106 106 30 U R I 6s P I ... 80 79 79 1 Unl Tank Car 7s. .103 103 103 4 U S Rub 7s 1030.104 104 104 irj S Rubber 7s. ...101 100 101 6 U 8 Rubber 6 87 86 86 (US Smelting 6s... 97 97 97 S3 U S Steel SF 5s. ..100 100 100 24 Caro Chem deb 7s 92 03 92 1 Caro Chem 8s .... 93 93 93 10 Caro Chem 6s .... 05 95 95 3 Van Rwy ts 90 90 90 12 West Maryland 4s. 61 61 61 13 West Shore 4 80 79 70 lOWest Shore regd... 77 77 77 4 West Pao 6s 85 84 86 3 W U 6a 108 107 108 3 W U 6s 94 94 94 0 Westlnghouse El 7s 106 105 106 4 Wiokwire fs 7s.... 97 97 . 07 3 Wllkesbarre East 6a 65 . 65 . 65 1 Wilson 1st 6s 95 05 95 8 Wilson CV 6s 85 85 85 7 Wilson 7s temp.. 96 98 96 3 Wis Cent 4s 75 76 75 Total sales, tl4.897.000. Chicago Grain ! Omaha Grain St. Ixmls Livestock. East St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 14. Cattle Receipts, 2.000 head: beef steers, light yearlings and she stock, market strong to 15o higher; top yearlings, $7.76; bulk beef steers, (6.25 7.25; quality common to me dium, bulls, slow to 25c lower; veal calves, 25 to 50c lower; stockers, strong. Hogs Receipts, 12,500 head; market closed with early advance lost; early top, $10.40; closing, $10.00 10.15 on 140 to 190 pound averages; 200 to 260-pound weights, $9.7510.00; pigs about steady; bulk de sirables, $1.7530.76; packer sows, steady. Sheep Receipts. 2,500 head; lambs, 26 to 60 cents higher; top, $14.75 paid for double 'choice Colorado 78-pound lamb to packers; bulk good lambs, $14. 0014. to; mediums, $13.25613.75; medium grades of heavy yearlings, $11.25; ewes, $6.60 & 7.00. Sioux City Lire Stock. Sioux City, la., Feb. 14. Cattle Re ceipts, 3.600 head; market steady to strong: fed steers and yearlings. $7,004? 0.00; warmed ops. $4 000.75; fat cows nd heifers, $4.006.75; canners, $3,000 3.75; veals, S4.00I00; feeders, $5.00 7.00; caives. $4.507.25: feeding cows and belfers. $3.60T5.25; stockers. $5 007.OO. Hogs Receipts. 10.000 head; market, 10 (j ire higher: butchers, $9.10 9.40; light, tt.tOSt.tO; mixed, $3.2509.00; heavy packers,, 87.25ffi7.50; western pigs, $10.25; bulk ot sales, $9.1009.50. Sheep Receipts, 2.000 head; market 25c higher; ted western lambs, $14.00. Chicago Livestock. Chicago, Feb. 14. Cattle Receipts, , 000 head; boef steer active; mostly 15c higher; spots up more; top, $9.00 on year lings and heavy steers; bulk bee4 steer, $7.0098.00; fat he-stocK and bull steady to strong; bulk fat cows and heifers, $4.256.75; canners and cutter easy; mostly $3 006 3 75; veal calves steady; bulk vealera, $10.00 610.75; stockers and feeders strong to 15c higher;. bulk. $6.36 7.00. , . Hog Receipts. 36.000 head; active; mostly 10 to 16c higher than Monday's average; close strong: shippers bought about 10,000; holdover moderately liberal; top, $10.25 on 140 to 180-pound averages; bulk, $0.7010.10; pigs slow; it to 60c lower; bulk 110 pounds and down, $S.2t $8.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 10.000; best fat lambs 26 to too higher; others and sheep strong to 25c. higher; fat lambs, tap, $15.30; bulk, $14 60615.00; top fat yearlings. $13.26; wethers. $915: ewes, $7.75; hulk fat ewe. $7.0007.60; no feed er here. i By CHARLES MICHAELS. Omaha lire lawd Mire. Cliicaao. Feb. 14. StrciiKth iu foreign markets over the holiday, when Chicago was closed, resulted in a general rush of huyinn here at the ojiening. May deliveries of al! grain told at a new high on the present upturn. The July was in new ground for the season. Iiiiiiiciim: profit taking on the bule made a good setback, but the close was stroiiK on all grains with net pains of 3J-4(!i.5 l-2c on wheat, 1 S-8H.1 3-4c on corn, l-2(i5-8c un oats ami 3 1-4(53 l-2c on rye. Execution of stop-loss orders, in large volume, advanced wheat as much as 6 l-2c over Saturday's tin ish, with May leading. $1.39 1-2 be ing touched. The bulge brought profit taking- from all classes of traders with houses, usually acting for leading New York interests, per sistent sellers in large quantities at $1.38 and over. This selling contin ued for several hours, but finally was absorbed. The close was at $1.38 1-2. It was easier to trace the selling than the buying. At the Inst, the local ele ment were well evened up. July showed considerable activity. After selling at $1.33. on the opening bulge, It reacted to $1.20. only to close at $1.21. The May July spread widened out to 16o at the last, against 16c at the finish Sat urday. Winnipeg showed more strength than Chicago, and was up 6c from Sat urday, while Kansas City July was 4c higher. Big Export Business. A hipf export business was under way in wheat, with antes reported aa high as 1.000.000 bushels nnd messages from the seaboard indicated thut In some In stances hedges against this grain hail not been removed. Liverpool waa up 4 U6e from Saturday and Buenos Aire lfi higher as compared" with Monday. A good flour business was put through at Minneapolis and the milling demand generally showed Improvement with sales of 100.000 bushels at Omnha. Premium on spring wheat on spot wore 3(fj'10c lower with the poorer kinds leading. Strong commission houses were in the buying side of corn and while there was a sharp reaction after the early bulge due to receipts of 2,067 cars here and a break of j lc in the basis" as com pared with the May, a swift upturn came toward the last on reports that the grain corporation would buy 26.000 tons of corn grits, equal to around 1,600.000 bushels grain. It was understood there were large export orders In the market while liberal sales wore made abroad over the holiday. Country offerings were not large despite the advance. Chicago handlers sold 675.000 bushels to the seaboard. Oats were affected by the action of other grains and ranged higher. Houses with northwestern connections bought May and sold July. Basis in the sample mar ket was about c lower as compared with May with receipts 344 cars. Pit Notes. , Discounts on cash corn were widened about Is, which about offset the advance In futures in tha local market. The tablos were full of corn while the demand was Insufficient to take care of the offerings except at reduced prices. Travelers for grain firms say there is no Indication as yet of a falling off In the movement. The amount of wheat on ocesn passage showed an increase of 5.104.000 bushels for the week. The increased shipments from Australia and Argentina will make large world's shipments for the next few weeks. Australian wheat shipments for the week were 3,400.000 fiushels, of which 1,272.000 bushels was shipped to nonEuropean countries. One reason for the strength at Buenns Aires and Liverpool was ascribed to the unfavorable production reports from the Pampas district, comprising about 2.000. 000 acres of wheat. Small yields In that district were said to have been duo to earlier drouth conditions. Grain men back from the southwest say that wheat is showing well above ground tb about 60 miles west or Pratt. Kan., but that west of that line the drouth effect Is shown. Much wheat has not germinated, put it is still possible for it to do so with good rains. Kansas City wired Le- lann mat crop conditions in the south west show no change over the holidays. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co. DO. 2657. Feb. 14, Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Sat. Wht. II May 1.37 1.30 1.36 1.38 1.33 1.39 1.38 1.33 July 1.22 1.23 1.20 1.21 1.18 123 1.21 1.17 Rye, May 1.00 1.07 1.04 1.05 1.02 1.07 July .95 97 .95 .96 93 Corn May .69 .60 .49 .60 .69 .60 60 .59 July .62 .63 .61 .60 .61 Oats. 62 May .41 .41 .40 .41 .40 41 41 .40 July .43 .43 .42 -42 .42 Pork. -42 42 May 19.37 19.40 19.37 19.40 19.10 Lard. May 10.90 11.05 10.90 11.02 10 82 July 11,18 11 25 11.12 11.25 11.05 Ribs. May 10.45 10.60 10.45 10.57 10. SO July 110.50 10 67 10.60 110.65 10.37 New York Cotton. liew iorK, eD. 14. The trend con tinued upward in the cotton market to day with increased support. A gain-of aoout c a pound was scored In the first two hours under buying of Wall street shorts and for Liverpool and Japanese account The advance, promoted largely on the firmness of Livernonl snH helneri by the continued betterment of exchange ana securities, gamed strength as the ses sion progressed and by early afternoon the maraer was up 30 to 40 points over Satur day's final prices. Western Interests lent support in the afternoon. Stop loss orders were reached In the last hour, when all options were up c a pound over Saturday and final prices were close to the day best. Spot cotton steady, 65 points advance lor middling upland. Southern spot markets: Galveston, 17.40e, 60 points advance; New Orleans, 16.60c, 25 points advance: Savannah. 16.75c. 87 points advance; Augusta. 16.81c, 65 points aavance; Mempnts. lie, zo points advance; Houston, 17.25c, 60 points advance; Little Rock, 17c, 26 points advance. CMcigo Produce. Chicago, Feb. 14. Butter Higher: creamery extras, 26c: firsts. 810354c: seconds, 2830c: standards, 34c. Eggs- unsettled; receipts. 14.824 esses; firsts, 35c; ordinary firsts, 35 03c; miscel laneous, 3434c Y. Poultry. New York. Feb. 14 Live Poultry Ir regular. Broilers, 3440c; chickens, 25.9 26c; fowls, 25628c; roosters, 16c; turkeys. 45c. Dressed Poultry Steady. Western chick ens. 25J 46e; fowl. 196 30c; old rooster, ls&:4c: turkey. 48 Sole Omaha, February 14. The run of wheat over the three day holiday continued heavy at all points. Omaha received 15S cars, as compared with 71 cars last year. Corn receipts were 221 cars, as against 102 cart, a year ago. Oats were rather light, only 31 cart of that cereal being reported in, as against 18 cars lat year. Shipments were light, the total of all grains being 182 cars. Wheat in the future market opened very strong, 6c to 7c higher than Saturday's close, being influenced by the strength in Winnipeg and Liver pool Monday and this morning. Winnipeg closed yesterday 55c to 6Jec up, while Liverpool at our opening time this morning was about 7!Jd higher than Saturday's close. Corn cables were also higher. The strength of the future market was reflected in a higher range of values in our cash markets. A good demand prevailed for 6pot wheat at prices ranging from 3c to Sc higher. Corn was a ready sale at 'Ac to Ic higher, the market was generally up. Oats went at about unchanged values. Rye was quoted 3c higher, while barley was generally un changed. WHEAT. No. 2 dark hard: 1 car, $1.33; 3 cr (smutty), tl-32. . No. 3 dark hard: 1 ar (very mutty), tl.26; 1 car (amutty), $1.29. No. 1 hard winter: 1 car, tl,25; 3 car. $1.26: 1 car. $1.27. No. t hard winter: 1 car (near dark!. $1.31; 1 car (near dark), $1.30; 4 crs. $1.25; 5 cars, $1.14; 1 car (smutty. eml darkl, $1.28; 3 cars (semi-dark), $1 26: 3 cars (semi-dark), $157; 1 car (smutty). $1.25: 2 cars (smutty), $1.24; 1 car (smutty), $1 23 No 3 hard winter: 1 car (near dark). $1.32; 1 car. $1.22; 2 cars, $1.21; 1 car. $1.20: 1 car (smutty, emi-aarKi, 1 car (smutty, .03 per cent heat aged 1. $1.24; 3 cars (smutty), $1.22; (smutty, semi-dark), $1.26; 1 car smutty), $1.23. No. 4 hard winter: 1 ear (4 Per cent rye), $1.19: 1 car (1 per cent heat dam aged), $1.15; 1 car, $1.19; 1 car (.02 Per cent heat damaged, amutty), $1.17; 1 car, (.09 per cent beat damaged, smutty), $1.20. , No. 5 hard winter: 1 car (near dark), $1.24; 1 car, $1.03. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, $t.23; 13 cars, 31.22. No. 3 yellow hard: 7 cars. $1.21. No. 5 yellow hard: 1 car. $1.03. Sample yellow: 1 car, $1.16. No. 2 mixed: 1 car (durum), $1.09; 3-5 ear (durum). tl.Og. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $1.23; 1 car (smut ty), $1.08; car (smutty, durum), $1.07: 1 car (durum), $1.10. No. 4 mixed: 1 car (durum), tl.08.. CORN. No. 1 white: 1 car. 48c. No. 2 white: 5 cars, 48c; 17 cars, 47c; 3 cars, (shipper wts.), 47c. No. 3 white: 2 cars, 47c. No. 1 yellow: 2 cars, 48c. No. 2 yellow: 11 cars, 48c; 1 car, 47c; 3 ears, (shipper wts.), 48c. No, 3 yellow: 1 car, (special billing), 48c; 10 cars, 47c; 6 cars, 47c. No. 1 mixed: 2 cars, 47c; 1 car, 47c No. 2 mixed: 3 cars, (special billing), 47c; 2 cars, 47c; 2 cars, 47c; 11 cars, 3 mixed: 1 car (special billing), 4 cars, 47c; 1 car (near white), dam 1 car (very 47c. No. 47c; 47c. Sample mixed 1 car, 45c. OATH K. t while: I ear (ahipprwt ), $4e; I car, t4o; 7 cars. 14C t car (heavy billing), ltd. Nu, 4 while; I cars, 34c. No. I mixed: 1 rar. Ho. ItVK. No. t: I J-t rar. tiu. No. I; t car. :; I fit, tie, HAIlLtl. No. 4: I ear, tie. Nu, 1 feed: 1 rar, tic. OMAHA IIKCKIPT8 AND SHIPMENTS. Week Tear Receipts Today, Ag. Am. Wheat U 40 71 Cum Iti P5 lit Data 31 1 1 live II 4 t Hurley 3 4 t Week Year Shipment Today. A. Ago. Wheat 30 33 Cunt 02 74 70 Out 17 1 to Harley t 4 S PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipt Today. Wheat 2.473.OU0 Corn 3.O.I9.0OO Ost 1,201,000 t Bushels I W'eeK Ago. ".'. 11O 2.540.000 C94.000 Week Ago. 479.OO0 1.676.000 394.000 Tr Ago. 771.000 1,211.000 621.000 Year Ago. (!6,000 070,000 610,000 Shipments Today. Wheat 616,000 Corn 1.801,000 Oat 663,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Bushel Today. Tr. ago. Wheat and Flour .... 626.000 853.000 Corn 1,022.000 43,000 Oat 20.000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Csrlot Today Wit, Ago Tr. Ago Wheat 23 7( 24 Corn 631 1,0S 490 Oat 105 203 l KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Carlot Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat 733 162 341 Corn 15 60 107 Oat 48 10 27 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Carlot Today Wk, Ago Tr. Ago Wheat 227 40 270 Corn 4i 70 163 Oats Ill 30 122 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPT3. Carlots Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Minneapolis 606 249 274 Duluth 22 12 74 Winnipeg 276 387 631 Bushels Today. Wk. Ago. Wheat Corn . Oats .. Rye Barley ... Bushels Wheat ... Corn Oats Kye Barley ... ..42,117,000 ..34.470,000 . .68,669.000 .. 7.110,000 .. 2.244.000 42.210,000 80.778.OOO 61.010,000 7.097,000 2.466.000 at a aaaa I II y U4ak. k'tiiui 1 in. f 14 aula IkMelrM, I J . h4, tf sis, m4 4 ' tonal tup. 6. at.a, .l i It sher; bast k.ifa, ) ! (Heal '', ,,,. ,, 1 m,, ltTtvtsi imaat n4 f.4t alriM.; earlr fa4are, Oll, ,. t, t a t v I ; ail aia4r 4 taf RiuallS It : alS.f iitw '! iti'.-l (anaaia ava4 41 It; raiieift, 14 trail It, ts ihdii, IMntf I o(e4atpie, lite k.4, r,n i It hisnsi. I"ii later aalaa, ll(4 raaie fciah'f than aiat4a, .!, a .tta a '.. I .. buk atll.e. ,,v,l laia trJlt f"aJ.ra, 0; .erar lap, , ,e; buik f.4 n4 eftalr af)i(. a4 (bie. IIMttt, bulk of him. ,Utt, moat e.ii. , I'll I 1,; aln.1, il(a up la II 44. khMB K.ayia. t e kM4l V'llmg laee. U4o .-.iita k'ahari . tit": Ural., lilt; (.'.I'" lamba, o$ll h.giiar; kai. I'. 11. keatfc M. I'aol II ftiaa-k. kmk feiil rk. 14 atUa e,'pi. I oo, fcetiar eflaimia of "f tod kuirher stork at ran le :t lusher; alher al'Slr la (Iran; law 14 baaf aia, bar iiuiay, lit: " lead ( medium 'da. is, bum l beef ataera, it"ll, buirher ' and haifara. m.Mii Uttiftlt: belief odannra of .Hiag . anil hsifer. Itltt ar rusher; rannata n4 cull,, thii..n I 'ilia, 11 It lit. u,. Ha. eli'K, 1 1, 0 b4t market live, 04 lie hither than Moada; raga; lo. l bulk, MlCfftli, feo4 liisa. moatlr l hkerg. and l.ainh ft 'Ipte, 104) h4i markfl t.narally atroi'f 10 Ita hihr: fat lamb. Ill 01014 0; 'at . H.OOty kl. Joseph Uf Mark. '. Jneoph, Mo.. Teh. 14 HeterU. e.ipls, I "04 head: I ta !0 hltnstj lop, l at; bulk. II 40411 10. faille Hee.ipia. I0 It It) II" highari aiarra lltorfltl; h.if.ra. ltolt; ralvea. it loot 00. Mhean Itaralpta. 4.00 head; It la ram higher; lantbe, III.7I9III0; . It net. 11. South Sioux City, Nebraska, Direct Obligation Intersection Paving Bond Du. Ssri.lly Auf. 1, 12 to Aiif. 1, 1941. Noj-cHdU. Priced to Yield 9.50 Circular upon request. J Company U Omaha Kansas City H. E. Harris, Re. Mgr. 701 Peters Trull BMf. DO Ml OMAHA STOCKS. Today. ....2.096,000 ....1.278,000 ....2,858.000 .... 647,000 .... 36.000 Tr. Ago. 29.662.000 24,378,000 34,036.000 2.167.000 2,794.000 Tr. Ago 818,000 1.228.000 1,268.000 I 42.000 1 29.000 Kansas City Hay. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 14. Hay Un-changed. $10,000 Wilsonville, Neb. 6 Semi-Annual Interest Electric Light Bonds Assessed valuation ..$1,200,000 Bonded indebtedness 25,000 Denomination $1,000 Due 1931-41 Par and Interest to yield full 6. C. E. Johnson MUNICIPAL BONDS 211 Keeline Bldg. Jsckson 1720 a (x( litii Is tHTJBHAl CWT ABU Kansas City Gas Company lit Mortgage 6 Gold Bond Non-callable Due 1942 Property value four time the amount of the, First Mortgage Bonds, the only debt of fhe Company. Net earnings over six time Bond Interest charges. Price yielding about 620 Circular on Bequest. The National City Company Omha First National Bank BMf Telephone 3S1S Douglas Modern Servants Every Twentieth Century machine has its part in serving man in a better way than he was served before. But if you had to do without all but one of the modern inventions, which one would you keep? To realize the value of the telephone to all of us in our every day business and social life, we have only to glance back a comparatively few years and recall what we did when there were no telephones. Of all modern conveniences, the telephone is per haps without an equal in the service provided, which is many times greater than the price charged. Northwestern B ephone Company