Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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V Omaha Kolary
' 1 111 1
Jxiys nans ior
Boy Scout Drive
Harry Korli, TrJ liurgrei.
Harry WVIW ami John
WYMi HfaJ Cam.
jiaipn (Jrouj.
I'lant for lh diive of SJH.OOO to
carry on Wojr Scout work in Umahi
the coming y?r were perfected it
the rrguUr luncheon of the Koury
i-luh it lite Kotne hotel yesterday.
Marry koiit. rtl M. liurxcM,
Jlirry K Wcllrr and John W. Welch
ere in durge of the four group ot
! vorkr who Mill matte the ranvai
for. funi. Kurh group will he cum
por4 of fuor team, headed by cap
tain. The diive will he nude next
week entirrly under direction of the
1 Kotary club, punor of the Doy
Scout movement. In former yean
the mmu-y to carry on the Hoy Jcmit
work wa entirely itiliwrrihed hy Ro
tariani, but the amount needed be
came n large that it wji found
iterrjry to ak the (teneral public
to help, it w raid.
Dr. ("rank G. Smith, pastor of the
Tiot Central Congregational church,
wa the principal peakrr on ycsler
dav'a program.
" f)r. Smith hoe at li tuhject
''Kotariant. in Deed and in Truth, at
Vu II as in Name," and in an eloquent
talk emphasised the great need of
Kotariant living tip to the principle
of the Kotary club, the 'principles of
service and fellowship.
Dr. Smith invited the member of
the Kotary club to attend tpecial Ro
tary services at hit church at 11 Sun
day, February 19.
Club sinning, led by Charles Gard
ner, featured the luncheon.
Woman Worker Among Blind
Sentenced to Year for, Theft
Milwaukee, Feb. 8. Mi.s Alice
liurnham Fellows, 49, widely
known at a worker for the blind,
was sentenced to a year in the house
of correction by Municipal Judge
Baktis for the larccncy of clothing,
dress goods, hat trimmings and
trinkets valued at nearly $S(X) from
the home of Mrs. Wilhenuma Mc
Narmara. Miss Fellows at one time taught at
the school for the blind, at Janes
ville, and formerly lived at the Mc
N.irmara home. Two semi-blind
children were adopted by Miss Fel
lows and are under the 1 care of
Girl Severely Burned
Playing With Toy Stove
Helen Whitney, 4, was severely
burned Tuesday afternoon while
playing doll house with her little
friend, Marian Wagcn, 4, 1102
North Twenty-second street. .
Both girls were scratching
matches to light a little stove
stuffed with paper when a
lighted match fell on Helen's dress
and set jt aflame. She was discov
ered a few minutes later by Marian's
aunt. Mrs. Jean Jenkins, who threw
a rug about the burning form. Helen
was taken to the Ford hospital and
is in a critical, condition. ,
Foshiera Will Occupy
Callfas Home During Trip
The borne of Dr. V. F. Callfas
and his wife, Dr. Jennie Callfas will
be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Fo'hier during a trip abroad of the
They will sail from New York
February 14 on the steamer Geprge
Washington and will return about
the first of June.- Angiers, Egypt,
Greece, Turkey and the countries of
western Europe are on their itinerary1.
Dr. W F. Callfas will do research
work in Germany and London.
Order Closing One-Time
Solf Drink Place Revoked
On- the Independent Realty com
pany's showing that Louis Lasero
witz would conduct a mercantile es
tablishment at 308 "North Sixteenth
street, Federal Judge Woodrough
yesterday revoked his ruling which
closed the place for one year. Joe
Failla was found guilty of selling
liquor in a soft drink parlor there.
Home of Taxi Official
Looted of Silverware
The home of C. C. Nieman, vice
president of the Yellow Taxicab &
Transfer company, 5024 Izard street,
was broken into while the family
was absent for a few days attending
a funeral, and $700 worth of silver
ware was stolen.
Dunn Would Have Closer
Watch Kept on Cabarets
Police Commissioner H. W. Dunn
declared emphatically yesterday that
the cabarets of ; the city need a
stricter supervision. He said he had
no definite plan, but wanted greater
co-operation from the proprietors of
the dance halls.
Summer School for Blind
The School for the Blind will hold
a summer session of eight weeks
beginning June '9. This is a new
departure in Nebraska. The school
will be for adults and will be largely
for giving industrial education. Be
sides various trades there will be an
opportunity for all to take up Braille,
the tactile writing that has been
standardized for the whole world.
N. C. Abbott is the superintendent.
Appeal Time Extended
Smith Hems and John Moore were
given additional time, .Until March
14, by Federal Judge Woodrough, in
w hich to file appeals with the circuit
court of appeals for new trials on
"dope" and liquor charges. -
Two Women Seek
Right to Name
and Love of Man
Mother of Young Baly nI
Divorced Wife Appear in
Court at Hearing of
Walter CiM-lcrill.
Two women who profe love for
one man, met fare to face in District
Judge Sear' court yesterday fcfter
iiooii. One carried a 3-week old baby,
of which khe declare the man 1
father. The oilier was there to de
fend him.
The nun, Walter Cocke rill, wa ar
reted on the complaint of France
Konik, ,'7, Dougla treet. Mic
Koik, through the county attorney'
oflice, charged huh with failure to
support her baby.
Love It Revived,
Mildred C'ockerill, who obtained a
divorce from Cockerill la.-t tpring,
declared a reconciliation between her
elf and Cockerill hat been effected.
"I love him,M ulie aid. "and I don't
ee why I hould give him tip.''
"Ye, but think of the baby," (aid
Mi Kosik, "I call her Betty Cock
erill." Lived in Beatrice.
, During the arraignment of Cock
erill before Judge Sears, Betty lay
on a table in the courtroom. Cock
erill gave the baby scarcely a glance.
He admitted that Betty' mother and
he had lived together in Beatrice.
Cockerill wat taken back to the
county jail, where he wat being held
on a $1,000 bond. The two women
talked in low tones together before
leaving the courtroom.
4 at the Price of 3
That Fit All Playera
Death and Funerals
The funeral of Marian" Barnsll, 1.
struck by an automobile driven by George
H. Crihson has teen postponed until 8 this
afternoon. -
Funeral services for Thomas Ryan, &.
veteran employe of the city street de
partment, found dead in hit noma at
121 Jackson street Tuesday, will taka
place this morning; at 8:30 at John A.
Gentleman chapel and at -fit. Fhilomena,
church at .
Jack Nielsen. 3. died yesterday In the
shack at 808 South Seventh street, Her
man Hansen, who has been living; there
for a few weeks, told police he went for
a doctor when Nielsen was taken- sick
eil when ha returned ha found Nielsen
Hcnlsmin Reinschreiber, 5, 708 South
Twenty-ninth street, who died of pneu
monia at a hospital Tuesday night, will
be buried in Fisher Hill cemetery this
inorninf ,
The coupon below entitles you to
a player piano roll FREE, on the
purchase of three of your own se
lection We have hundreds of the latest
music, classical and ragtime, in
player roll form.
We will be glad to play them for
you .when you make your selections.
Fill out and bring in the coupon
below and receive 4 at the price
of 3. .
Schmoller & Mueller
Dour. 1623
Ps. M. Free Coupon Good for
Player Piano Roll FREE with
Purchase ot Three Others.
j Address
Doctor Ordered
Woman Obeyed
Took Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
and is Now Well ,
Chicago, Illinois. "You surely
gave women one good medicine when
you put tiyaia u.
ttnkham a Vege
table Compound
on the market.
After I had my
baby I was all run
down and so ner
vous it kept me
from gaining, my
doctor did every
thing he could to
build me up, then
he ordered me to
take Lydia .
Pinkham's - Vegetable Compound
with his medicine and I am now a .
new woman. ' I have had three chil
dren and they are all Lydia E. Fink
ham babies. I have recommended
your medicine to several friends and
they speak highly of it. You are cer
tainly floing good work in this world."
Mrs. AdrithTomshbck.10557 Wa
bash Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
Thereisnothingverystrange about
the doctor directing Mrs. Tomsheck
to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. There are many
physicians who do recommend it and
highly appreciate its value.
Women who are nervous, run down,
and suffering from women's ailments
should give this well-known root and
herb medicine a trial. Mrs. Tom
sheck's experience should guide you
towards health.
Mr 1 m
When you have a cold and
neglect it you are in great
danger of grip or pneumonia.
The pure food elements in
Father John's Medicine build
energy to resist cold and grip
The gentle laxative effect of
Father John's Medicine helps
to drive out impurities.
Father John's Medietas; soothes
and heals the lining of the breathing-
passages. ' ,
Yob are safe when you take
Father John's Medicine because it
is guaranteed free from alcohol or
dangerous drugs in any form. Sixty
five years in use.
The Brandeis
Luncheon 75?
Tenth Floor
ii!::lr!:;.;i..;t i w. m;
rwyaiEJai sit n
.1 .grjii ,lpLHiXP
A V.
PI' ' I 3i lii:i,,Ll lMisOTiiiraKi'
U ' "h 1 1 1 ti UN I ' " I 1. . Ill -H, i
(Pjiji i-
Our February Sale
Brandeis Masterniade
Now Going On
Thursday, Featured by Great
ValueGfamg Sales, ThirdFloor
For Stout Women Nemo Model 444, with
scientific reducing and reshaping features so
important to the stout woman. Of a superior
quality which retains its shnpe when (riven
hard wear; low top and long skirt. A fifi
Sizes 24 to 3(5. Sale price
Circlet More than a brassiere, this is a self
adjusting, well-fitting brassiere which will
do for the stout woman above the waist line
what a serf-reducing corset does below.
Thry should be worn, together. f(
Sizes 3G to 43. Sale price 'AaUU
Gotham Negligee Girdles Plain and fancy
materials with 4 and 6 pairs of strong hose
supporters. A most practical garment for
the occasions w hen a woman doesn't want to
wear a corset. Small, mediujn and OK-
large sizes. Reduced to HtJC
Sanitary Belts Of good quality sof,t clastic
web, pins attached to tabs. Small, "j
medium and large sizes. Trice AtlC
Third Floor North
Muslin Undergarments
Gowns, envelopes and' chemises
somewhat elaborately trimmed.
Dainty and serviceable undergar
ments. For Thursday, all in one price
Muslin Gowns, Chemise,Envelopes
Both tailored and lace and embroidery
trimmed, kimono and set-in sleeves,
square and round necks, made of a good , ,
quality of muslin, all' grouped at one
price Thursday ' '
Third FloorCenter
Infants' Cashmere Hose
With and without mercerized heel and toe; some are seconds,
but defects so slight will not injure the wearing quality;
sizes i to b'o years, special, per pair
Third Floor East
House Dresses
For Work or Play ,
Serviceable House Dresses, yet so attractive
that one 'feels quite comfortable in one of
them in the midst 'of unexpected guests as
well as when doing the housework. These'
are made of ginghain and chambray, either
in plain colors, checks or stripes with white
pique collars, cuffs and vestees.. "1 (1Q
All grouped at one price . 3LMU
Japanese Crepe
Also Breakfast Coats Hand embroidered in
attractive Jap designs. Also flannelette ki
monos in this group, a big variety " JQ
of colors and designs. Price J-eVf t
Third Floor South
Sale of 484 Pairs Women's
Low Shoes
Formerly $5 to $8
Black kid or calf oxfords, brown kid pumps, black kid,
pumps. Every pair is a genuine bargain. Come early!
Number Fairs in Each Size and Width
, in the Entire Lot.
Widthsii2i3ji2i 4 jV2 5 i2 6 l2 7 ji
51 18jl8il5il710 3,2
A 4j 8;20l3i;3529j22jl7 3,1
B 2 113 1518 29 19 11, 9llj 81
10 - 1! 6 7il7il613!14! 81 5 i;i
Third Floor East
Li iFmTMiiin
Infants' Wear
Dresses for Kiddies Cute frocks of checked
ginghams, in assorted colors; some are em
broidered in wool; with LloomcVs to inntch;
easily laundered; narrow Mack velvet rib
bons add a quaint touch; sizes 2 1 f(
to 6 years; sole price, each XUi
Novelty Crepe Dresses In the newest de
signs; trimmed in colored rickrack braid and
hand worked in colored flowers; all becom
ing styles; sale price, O 1 Q '
each 0LV
Girls' Sweater Coats With tarn to match;
brushed wool collar and cuffs; bolted ef
fects; sizes 2 to 6 years; f QO
sale price, per set U70
Children's All Wool Sweaters Large assort
ment in coat and .slip-on styles; in assorted
colors and trimmings; for both boys and
.girls; there are exceptional values; in sizes
2 to 4 years; sale price, t Q A Q
each sW.IO
Infants' Shirts Discontinued numbers of
Kuben, Teenie Weenie and Madison; cotton,
cotton and wool, silk and wool mixed; double
breasted and button front; medium weiRht;
sizes 1 to 5 years; ( ' - QQtf
special, at lJUK
Baby Blankets Nursery designs in assort
ed colors; scalloped and plain edge; for
either wrapping or crib use. r7Qn
a j .
Third Floor East
Sale price
Jersey Silk
Jersey Silk Vests An excellent
quality in i'lesh and orchid, bodice
tops with straps of ribbon. Some
are slightly imperfect. 1 JO
Jersey Silk Bloomers Of heavy
silk, well made and properly rein
forced; in flesh and orchid. O 9Q
Per garment u.UJ
Third Floor Center
35,000 Yards of Cotton Fabrics
its and
Domes tics, Whi te Goods, White
and Colored Wash Goods
6,800 yds. 36-in. Fancy
White Madras.
4,200 yds. 36-in. Indigo
Dresden Percale.
2,800 yds. 36-in. Amer
ican Cambric Percale.
4,500 yds. 36-in. . Fancy
Printed Penang Shirting.
2,700 yds, 40-in. White
Batiste and Nainsook.
2,000 yds. 36-in. White
Dress Poplin.
2,000 yds. 36-in. Paja
ma Checks. f
10,000 yds. Genuine Ev
erett Cheviot Shirting.
The values are indeed exceptional; and, while classed as sec
onds, in most instances the imperfections are so, slight they are
perfectly satisfactory for practical purposes. On sale Thursday
or while the quantities given last. v
- i -
1 " Basement North.
Newer for .
Miss 1922 :
Than This
The gorgeous shawl of a Span
ish Carmen is the source of in
spiration for this captivating
spring wrap. The 1922 adapta
tion takes form in black faille
crepe lined with American
beauty duvetyne, while the deep
ribbon fringe makes it wholly
and irresistibly. Spanish.
Priced 65.00
Second Floor West
Beaded Afternoon Gowns
Crepes are booked for a star role in the Spring Fash
ion Pageant Romain, Paulette Crepe, Georgette and
Canton all are represented in this group of afternoon
and street gowns.- '
One beautiful model of Sand Canton Crepe wins
favor in the new low waistline and Bateaux neck, as well
as iirits decorations of quaint clusters'of beaded flowers
in pastel shades of blue and pink.'
Others, varying in color and line, but none varying
irom a high standard of charm and quality, are here for
your selection in this group.
Priced 65.00 to 79.00. .
Second Floor West
. : II
II 111 ' ' " 1 ' 1 ' I . I ' II
..,. r -in -- - ii. i . . i i -r.-j