0 G TUB PEE: OMAHA. WE PNESDAW FEBRUARY S. Clasi!!:d Mial'tUt tales Hi per (' count r4 U lie t r ll V' , . r in, ., i iMwaim IK V-r l'e mat . It Meetiu ai Ne Un fe tee baa 4 i.iel 4- Um apeir nlief ue piiy ar aWay .a. All e4erllera.i.le SPfe-r la Mk ari.le a .ii.g a" iv id mills tvM n r tm . W 4i ai ik olllf af fieeei IdAl trriCB.,,.Tlh "mam ', rouik k.J. 4i. Itouia Ink i. 1 auan ttiuff ,.l ktt '. WANT Af HK-'UVtt' at l-MOMS ATI. AN flO I1M TIIH HEU nl 4 ie.aas.siH far ftr ihe an meorreet tierOt af an advarlaeutiit i gated ft "! ins lima. ' HUft fOR WANT AM. enio Mittun. ...... II I A, W. Ileralsg Mllloa ....,.., P, M. uadty M.lto..., I. M. kelurdty DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. Al T"M A tl! seeling reticiei kurlei ulta. HfMmuin44 M foe eei by all leedina und-rlaeai. Wter. proof, no !! In ru. wd lo a. ray,, mnai upon ma altumaiih bH.AI.ISlI VAI UT (l.nul..lgn4 r iim.ha loeciet liurlal ull C. . HI. CARD OP THANKS"" U tVtMJ t tra our iit'-r thy tfuritif it m knrjt nii-1 tl.tti f hriMii. JohhtHin t4 family. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Burreesnr I i lt falconer lVAUA HKHT. Tir.nrn A TIT W 1 1 T . A MP FKnvir Trurfe-lhlrd and Fartum. "Ifulse & Riepen riosrxn ri.'NrnAi. iiiie:to".. ranu.rly at 71 S. 14th !., have lliovrdle :- Cumin HI, J. II:. 1IEAFEY"& IlEAFEY" l'h4.rl.'ai nl Hinh.imtr. ThiHi II A. 4K itftlc till rarnam. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON WATSX at it with rixjwKim ritoM hkS A I WO HOI A. 141 rARNAM tiTBK.ST. I. M.mtiTaiin. l'J Karn.m. J.ckaao IIIV j'ixiM HATH. 1io4 rrn.m. J.rkaun llo'" CEMETERIES. Forest Lawn Th tarvat n4 mo.t b.iulltul cm tery In Nebmka; SCO icrea, ju.t norlta of city limit. A mutual c.mtr ll rvDur d for lmiT0.m.nH and prrtl car. Offlr at tntranc to ramettry. City office, 1: Brandela Thratar Bulldlnf. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Illrt ha. .l.ilm and I uclli Iioolfy, I jOS South Tiv.iuy.llilnl alifot. buy. I'lillili aud P.tlirl Halt, hnapltnl. (irl. (illlrt ami Jlolfii Cuse, 29(1) south Kilrlitpoiith aircl. Klrl. IUkiIiI ind ilay WlUon, 37 Orand nu, (irl. Fred and Tn4 Pcter.pn, Rout No. i. South Sidf, Unialia, (Irl. Paul and Ma S.'hmidleivKky, Evnty Ulitli and l.akr atreota. (Irl, or and Jalo Maniell, (07 North Korly-fliat avenue, bnv. Drat ha. B. W. Mnrah, 73 rnr, hopltl. Trddy L'ru.e. 1, 70S South Ulghteen'.h Ireet. .Mia. Marl Ttoutln. 41, hoapltal. l.ula Mae Rlohardanu, SI, hoapttal. John 8. Carroll, 61, !H9 Kori. Sixty fouilih atrpct. I.ola A.lfla Mad. Infaot, 2907 South Six tfanlh atrttt. Jliina H. Ktortnbri, 10. Flprenoo. Neb. Margaret Ferrle, Infant, S28 South Iweu-ly-flrat atreet. Bell A. Burt, 64, 4004 North Twmity alxth street. Pedir Johnaon, 70, 2710 RuituU-a itrcet. Carrl ulaon, (3, 4115 North Twenty, secnml atrcet. Krank S. Piivln; 13. hospital. Wllina V. Har(ia. &. hoipltal. 1 Jlabv ritcracn, infant, Ii. F, D. So. i, r.lith Side. , MARRIAGE LICENSES.. Mlrh.l V. Morrlasey, 21. Omaha, and (tcrtvude C. O'Shpa, 20. Onikha. Dan I). Tlmperley. 53, Trvlnfton, Neb., and Chritla M. Steinert, 22, Irvinglon, Neb. Snm Welnsteln, 2S. Columbus, Neb., and Ros Bordy, 26, Columbus, Neb. Tienjnmln S. Slaushter. 30. Omaha, nd Auli-ne Jefferaon, over SI, Omnlia. Frank B. Frederick, 84. Omaha, and Jnn 0. Noursce, 28, SU Loul", Jlo. Mark McCroy. 2H. Omaha, and Dealie Thoinpaou. 28, (.imaha, Alfred H. Utterback. 61, Omaha, and Dolly Butheiford, 60, Omaha. Sam Penrose. 45, Omaha, and Rebecca Golden. 30, Omaha. Cheater C. Biahm. 31. Omaha, and Cecil Brown, 17, Kansas City, ilo. , .lohn H. Shelly. 32, Omaha, and Mar garet Kemmltt. 30, Omaha. Ouy C. Whit, over 21. Plattsinouth, Neb., and Clara I,ee Young, over 21, Mur lay,' Neb, 1 v Frank Manruao. 24. Omaha, and Ma tilda Hynek, 21. Omaha. - . LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST Female Airedale pup, collar, no tag, answers to name Betty, Call Wal nut 1043. 4249 Harney. PERSONALS. THT3 SALVATION Army Induitrlal hom solicits your old clothinir, furniture, magazines. W collect. W distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 poaee St. BRINGING UP FATHER Htu44 I, a. faual Itffu HFf JICCS ASO MAbMI IN fVIL lAuC tr tOlOaa V llit. U-lA lit. Drawn for The Bee by McMadui Ci'Vinakl, l;l, aUraiH S. " f IMUiTCO (UTPOeH.j tOS J n VCVRDAU,HTJ & 1 J THAT o!T N !? ZPtt ' ANNOUNCEMENTS. Drlcctivci. lir.TKi'llM.a ih.l 'l raauli. -. Ian blix-k J A. !!. H(, 71f, Kodak FJUhm. LM-AllllLaltMa. ull rulofln davrlufll., Iirlnlin. Ku pludla. Ill Nni Hi. i I I lia IiKVtl.il f 'rJU' R k i; Tb kaann C., oT Hoa.id Wt Printinf. KMr hrmliPt Co. J l . IaM4I liHITT'riwliaar"c'o.. I V.Ik' Hid(. Muct'.I.nenu Announcemtnia. Ill tval tirir B'th orivliraa lo buy bach at am II profn. UMCbH JKWll.liy C, .ha, Kb., 4uJ N. ill Ht. Tl-l'hona k. ui. diamonds r,; P.,nn I'll. A. N.. Chiiupiaulvr. 3 Vyarisun pmu n. k. at. mt. Offii hours, II a. m. to .3 p, m. riAlti(r.ALfcK"alir.lir,l. ail stellar. !( doubi !. 4io dna. Mall uiuer ao llclted. 1'in.ba HharoJ'o., loj NJil. UMAIIA J'ILI.oW COMfANY. Maiir.a mail over In nw I irk at Ual pric 01 hw beds. ll I'nniinc, J A, 211. I'R. A. I". 8AB1.N. PltOCTfllWlHT. Bull 810 Arthur Hide 810 a llih SI. Prescription carefully coinnoundad l lh Sherman ii:Connil l'rt iore. t'VI.L drea and tuaadu for renL John Feldman. o N. Ith St. Jackaoa IK. Ilaaor blaea ahariMud. 2-p dna. if a Ii order aolMled, Ma yera. 4l N. 21 Av. NRW and rebuilt lerlrtrat apparatua. I.enron Klocirlr. Ill X. I2th8l.uinah. FOR SAT E. Furniture and Household Goodi Hiil'8KIIj,l cmMla, ImMudiiK hatidaoni uuki.vi niu hi. .iiiiif.a aim irai auit.-a; l-pter titah"Htiy parlor ault. braaa bed. havelin china klulied Ulu- Miia. aiu n. v 1-1., ni'i, n, lIOl'SKIUibn k"Ml, Induing lianiaiiii (lu-lav Stlrklpy (lining and library Ulica, fl.piia niH ll.'Hitiijr f.nur "wir, bras bed. haulm rhlna hltchn Ulen- iln mil 8. 30 St.. Apt. 17. HELP WANTED FEMALE IFOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Profeiaion" and Tridea. tult p-r.,nl i,a(rutin In ahaithaad, prilmi, kikktvit bkli. m rail Ho(ia 7114. Saleswomen and Solicitora. V'l'Ni) lady la ! rily la uiuaia Mi. f'.rntatlttn eiily. Malary, tit l ament. HELP WANTED. Mala and Female. 'ANTs.1 Haa, ladli 4 pal I laarfl barter trade: bt( damandl oaga while learnlnc dri'lly maderp Call or rii 11 lod Si. tn-:n Haiber Call. EDUCATI ONAU i'AV si'iiiMii.M.iiir i'ii'i. I'atiiplrta raurae In eoutiieai'y. ma rhtne tHHikkefpitig. rampioitieiry, ahntt liaml and Ivnearilm'. railroad and train mlrgrepliy, rinl rna n4 all V.iidub and rommeri'ial branch'. Wriia, rail or phan J. kon l,d for laig Ittualrslol raial". Addret Boylcs College, tVivlea lllil , Omaha. Nea, . Van Sent S haa of Buaineaa. I'ay and Evening honia CO limihi National haoa Bldg. fwiiflae 414. BUSINESS CHANCES. Unfurnikhed. 1. 1. lull AI'AkfilKMK it pauin I. Ill Ate., fuur room apart. Iiianl Hh five . Mia a' ainni'Klali ina. All nealy 4rari4. Ilental I,', lm liiatllai p.arfci,,a, UaTIMia A IIBTt'KV. Ull llaraer t, AT, . IH',TMI ACANIMKNTH. Hit Jur hi,, ihrtw.raum atorlnirnt, flve.raani ac.oiniiioUallotia, linniedial paaaaeaien. IIAKTIM1S HCVr-KV. 1414 IlafMay HI, AT 0"4. I of KAHNAM 4-rvuin apartiiionl, com. pllly inadein, cullabl far jfflMe. aiudiua, dantal r dteniakin( r.aine, i., f'.r tenant lahiii noma adluin lg. T. r. Hall, 434 Hallway Cut-hang, I'nuaU 714. HAMILTON IfivrKl, r-AUNAM AT SITU Tour fin raom nh IH-.I balh. Just lit apariinanl fur email laaiily. 1'rira.l ai Ii lr month. Aia glad to show jou. FARM LANDS. Minneaota LAAda. tyl ll'r I.aii4":.hana. i.l'ul, Mian. Nebraaka Lands. WNItK M. A. La'aun, Central City, Ne rr Mldrr auaut iru.k raising oppor. FINANCIAL. Real Eiut Loana. WM ha raeb so band lo loaa eg Otnab tealdearaa, ki. If f.Ol'OICR. INC, l Kalma Hid UMAIIA li'Ml- KAST NKH. FAKMS U KKKKkl ItKAI. KMTATK CO, laieOm Nat. Hk,ti4g, Jarkaon t71l il"e TO IIMOO mad pion.pllv. r. D. Wead and boerman Cm. U'l Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. Trt KN rv.l.lilll l It ST., Ilea hu M. room flat, lmidnoil finiah. In beaj of ronilllloo, fur rem, will leaa. Ken. wood Sill or Atlsntio ll. It. P. 7lantllton. Jr. 1444 NO, I a T 1 1 ST. 4-rooin. all matlern arapt beat; linmediat puMcaalon; key n.ai giKif. HASTINGS IIETDKV. 1BI4 Harney. AT. . HH.K steel range, perfect conditlou. Coil 023 Uoilge. II A. 4l. Pianos and Musical Instruments. TKAbU our uaed piano on a new play er piano, Halawe as low as iv per month. A. HOSPU CO., J51J Iouglaa. OKO. A. SMITH Dealer In drunu. nylo- phones, etc : Inalrurtlon. repairing: 2.81 I'.venport St. Phone Harney 2947. WILKINSON MUSIC SHOP Band and orchestra Inatrumetits, accesorle and music 211 Arthur Bldg. DO. 1)11. JOHN TAFF aixonbone hop. repairing and supplies. 204 l.eflang Bldg. DO. I7q BIO bar. in phonogram's, records; SHLAbS PHONOOKAPH . 144 IJOUK". LPRK1HT piano reonHble. MA. 0734. Clothing and Furs. DVNDfcbl WOOLKN MILLS, For sale, a fete ut'.clalmed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, rnap. alteration free. Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney St. FL'ItS remodeled, rellnrd and cleaned. ' KNEKTKR ALASKA FUll CO., , 201 S. 15th S! DO. 7281. Typewriters and Supnlies. typewriters addikgTiaciiixes. All MAKES bouuht. aold. rented and repaired. Sole ascnts for the CORONA. Get our prices befor you buy, JBvory machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. ,7 A.- 412. 1813 Farnam. GUARANTIED typewriters, 812.60 and up. Midland Office Supply Co., 14m uoqge. Miscellaneous Articles. WB buy, sell safe, make desks, show cases, etc, umana fixture & supply jo., 8. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas, JA. 1724. EXPERT sewing machine .epalrlng. MICKELS, 15th and Harney. BO. 1971. FOR SALE One new Protectograph check writer. 837.50. Address Box 1-17V9, Omaha Bee. SECONDHAND bricks for sale. HA. 2105. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, uaed desk bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. DO 414 WANTED SITUATIONS. IF George W, Talmer, former husband of .Tesslo I.alee Onke will write- Reseda O. Mack, Peabody, Kan., at first ob servation of this item, he will learn something extremely valuable to hi In terest. ' - KATHRYN L. RILET Skin and scalp specialist. Residence work solicited. Appointment. JA. 3288. Theatrical hiatorlcal masque costumes, for plays and partle. at Lleben's. Oman. MAGNETIC baths; Violet Ray treatment with massage. 614 S. 19th. DO. 9381. SULPHUR baths. Swedish massage, chl ropody. Evening to 8. 209 So. 20th St. RENT vacuum cleaners, 75c. HA. 1071. FLECTRIC bathe. Swed. mass. WE. 2811. EXPERT MASSAGE. DOUGLAS , 954. EXPERT massage. 210 North 11th St. EXPERT massage. 404 No. 18. Apt 4. ELECTRIC therapy treat. 318 Neville Blk. ANNOUNCEMENTS. . Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered button, all styles; hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button & Pleating Co., 308 Brown tlock, Omaha, Neb. Telephone J A. 1936. NEBR. PLEATING tons. 1808 Farnam. 2d Floor. DO. 6670. Contractors. PAINTING, papering and plastering. J. Nau. WA. 4567. Patent Attorneys. J. W. MARTIN, patent attorney, lflS Dodge. Omaha, also Washington, D. C W help eell patents, models mad. Dancing Academies IV V TP'Q! 1818 Farnam. Douglas 8440. XVXLiXJJT O classes Monday. Wednes day and Friday, 8:15 p. m. Private les sons by appointment. Sure methods. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' Dressmaking. Furs, aults, dressea, rem'd, relln'd. Ha 6804 DRESSMAKING Price reas. HA. 6017. Dentists X-Ray MOUTH Hygiena and Pyorrhea. Dr. E. B. McQuillan. Dentist. 1100 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. J A. 0484. DENTAL X-RATS, 60c EACH. 13 a full set. 603 Securltiea Bldg. Detectives. Western National Detectlv Agency. Licensed and bonded. 407 Brardei Tn. BUlg. Lady operators. AT. 2543. Independent Detective Bureau. 304 Neville Ii:k. AT. 6501: night. WA. 4045; KE. 4S .';!, B1.E Detet tiv Bureau. Rnllway - Ex. Bldg.. J A. 106. Night. KB. 3813. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Evidence cured la all case. Atlantis. 1136. Female. NURSE-EXPERT for serious cases. No benefit, no pay. Health Bureau, Madrid, la. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. YOUNG men, over 17, desiring govern ment positions, $130 monthly, write for free list of positions now open. J. Leon ard, (former Civil Service examiner), 909 Equitable Bldg, Washington, D. C. Professions and Trades. DO you want to Increase your Income? Write the National Auto School, 2814 No. 20th St., Omaha, for catalog. MOI.ER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Writ for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. Master Salesmen Wanted. We desire to secure salesmen of proven ability to handle the .American lin of gasoline and lubricating oil equipment; salesmen who are experi , enced In the selling of such outfits. Sufficient exclusive territory will be allotted to nrovide onDortunity for building a large and profitable business with unusual future possibilities; other salesmen on same basis that we are pre pared to offer aro earning 11,000 per month and more. The line Includes a visible pump of the highest merit for garages and fill ing stations, wntcn iias proven verv successful and popular, and for which there Is an exceptional demand. Business is good. This is an excellent aenann of the vear to get started. Correspondence is invited froni parties who are looking lor a nign ciass proposi tion. The American Oil Pump & Tank Co., Findlay and Dalton Cincinnati. Ohio. WANTED Men who can sell road trac tor and who have the ability to finance themselves. No advances, but an In teresting commission and rare opportu nity la offered by old, reliable manu facturer. Summarize your experience . and give references, please. Addreaa Box T-1784, Omaha Bee. SALESMAN to sell as side line to dealer only old established line Farm Imple ments. Commission basis. No samples to carry. Omaha Western Sales Co., Omaha. Neb. EXPERIENCED retail automobile tales man wanted. See sales manager, WILLYS-OVERLAND. INC., 2S62 FARNAM ST. WANTED ompetent glove salesman for western Rocky Mountain section. The Stedman Gluve Co., Berlin, Wis. Going to Build? To ili.ite hn Intend lo build any thing, now I the' Urn to buy, W ar uulltlng busltie.a. Closing out everything. Com make b a bid on all or any part of our hard war, lumber, fixture, building and alt. Must Be Sold. Don't phone, font over nd look over our stock. C. Hafer Lumber Co., 133 West Broadway. Council Bluffs, la. :oi N. 14TK sr. six raom and, bath; rage; l.n. io. 4434. liEO. F. JONES I OM PANT. 14 q room modern apta. the ,.,- DRAKE RENTAL AOENCT. 171 Howard St. AT. 7o. J A. fl'il. J.RlkiM apartment with eteam heated garage. Iienbow Court. 41th and Podg. I'hoi.e Walnut 4083. Peters Trust Company, WHERB OMAHA RENTS. ST. Cl.Alll 4-ROO.M APARTMENT, HARNEY 47. 141 Hurdelte 3 4-rm. apt. Web. 2446. FOR RENT Business Property. FINANCE HLlMJ,. 409 PLEASANT OF- Kit KS r f K KENT IN r I.NA.NCti ULDU. WENT VERY REASONABLE. 2037 FARNAM NT 12,000 square fe.L ALFRED THOMAS A RON CO. MERCANTILE! STORAOE AND WARS HOUSE CO.. lite and Jones St H. M. Chrl.tle. warehouse track'ge prop. F 1. WEAD AND BOWMAN CO. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked room for household good and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. BEK1NS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE, 8"S South 16th. DO. 4161. ESTIMATES furnlahed o! storage and moving. Contract taken by Job or br. Glob Van & Btorage Co., J A. 4338.' AT. 0230. 6:0-24 North ISth St P.AILWAY eating house for rale, .lean heat, Ice. coal, water furnished free rent 810 a month. 42d and 11 streets. Phone MARKET 2639. KGK SALE good restaurant doing good bualness, only eating hous in town. S. C. Lyon, Ilarrold, S. D. 1'CiR SALE Urocery and 7 rooms, all full, maklru; money. Leaving city, must cll, HTm. 0.0 nium mn Ave. SALE cheap, elegantly fur. 4-r. apt. Clow vu .,.... 1 1 . i'i.inA Tin aan SALE Good grocery store. 702 N. 27 Ave, FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ' Hotel Flatiron Is the best moderate priced hotel In Omaha for permanent guests. All street front rooms with plenty of sunshine. Hotel thoroughly equipped, including circulating ice water, and with -excellent cafe In connection. We have a few desirable rooms, with or without bath, single and en suite, at attractive rates. Located one block from street car and Omaha's great shopping: district You will be "at home' in Hotel Flatiron Harry L. Keen, Proprietor, Also Operating Hotel Keen, Omaha GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di. rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms In all parts of the city. A service that benefit both advertiser end room seeker. 1TURN. rain with prlv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prices reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton, AT 4701. THE LANDON 611 S. 24th. Modern sleeping rooms, 31 a day up. Special weekly rates. Douglas 7110. 12-RM., newly decorated, new furniture, rugs, steam heat. 809 S. 19th, St. Owner. ST. MARYS AVE., 2006 Very pleasant rooms, walking distance, reasonable. 2211 ST. MARYS AVE. Call and see these rooms; pleasant, modern. AT. 6026. Cl.AREMONT INN Comfortable and rea sonable rooms at weekly rates. DO. 273b. 613 N. 22D ST. Attractive, large front room for 2. $5 week. AT. 9803. ONE large front room and 2 single rooms, 410 Sweetwood Ave. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping room I the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies In all parts of the city TWENTY-THIRD St.. S818 S., mod. front room with kitchenette. Market 4192. 2-ROOM suite, reasonable. HA. 2505. Board and. Rooms. WE SPECIALIZE; in meals you can really enjoy, comfortable room, MERRIAM HOTEL, The Home for Business Men. 23th and Dodge Sts. Doug. 2078. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. 6-ROOM COTTAGE, HARNEY 0647. 1711 JACKSON. FOR RENT-APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. LARGE close-in apartment to party buy ing furniture. Living room, dining - room, bedroom and kitchenware. Includ ing Bet of Haviland china, 3500 complete. NORTHWALL & JOHNSON, Douglas 7487. 504 Electric Bldg. TWO attractive well furnished steam heat ed rail, close in. Inquire 220V No. 23d. Unfurnished. The New Mildred in Dundee . 1 just beinj completed, 6 rooms, liv ing room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; two good bedrooms and bath on second; very conveni ently located at 49th and Bodge streets. Let us show you. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents'' Atlantic 044., 17th and Farnam Sts. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenings, $1.26 per 100. A. w. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. JA, 1112. HATCHING eges. Wy. Yards. KB. 039. COLLI B PUPS for sale. Kenwjcil 2040. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORDS! FORDS! New and Used. Cash and Term W have them all prices all models. Be sure to see us before you buy. McCaffrey motor co. "The Handy Ford Service Station." Authorized Ford Dealers. 10th and Jackson Sts. Douglas 3500. Open Sunday from 9 to 11. Visit Our Used Car Sale. 0. N. Bonney Motor Co. Open Evenings. 2550 Farnam St. HA. 0676 . 50 REAL USED CAR BARGAINS Cash or Tim. Buy or Sell, , Fords from 850 and up. Dodge, Bulck and others, $100 and up. Ford bodies, winter top. GOLDSTOM AUTO SALES CO., 7318 Harney St. Central Garg. SOME bargains In used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. McCaffrey motor co., Th Handy Ford Servic Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. 'DO. 3600. THE GREATEST VALUES IN USED CARS WTTjI. BE FOUND AT THE NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE CO. HOWARD AT 18TH. TERMS 40 PER CENT DOWN BALANCE IN 13 MONTHS. Visit Our Used Car Sale. 0. N. Bonhey Motor Co. Open Evenings. 2550 Farnam St. HA. 0676 Visit Our Used Car Sale. 0. N. Bonney Motor Co. Open Evenings. 2550 Farnam St. HA. 0676 LIGHT six with Continental motor, like new. $475.00. Will take Ford or cheaper car in trade and give terms on balance. Mr. Norria, 2562 Farnam St. NEARLY NEW 6-PASSENGEA JORDAN TOURING CAR. TERMS TO RESPON SIBLE PARTIES. CALL HARNEY 5459. USED radiators, all make for sale. Green ough. Radiator Repair. 3039 Farnam. - BUY A GUY U SMITH USED CAR, A Safe Investment, 56th and Farnain Sts. Phono Douglas 1970. REAR radiusTod, $1.00; drive shaft hous ing. $4.00; spider and gears, 50c Neb. Auto Paris Co., 1016 Harney St. DODGE touring, $375.00. Will take Ford s part payment and terms on balance. Mr. Glass, 2562 Farnam St. WILLYS-KNIGHT roadster, $360.00. One third cash. Dalancs monthly. Mr. Hollcroft, 25C3 Farnam St. AVERY truck, 6-ton, $500; worth more; good condition, Stroud & Co., 20th and Ames. USED cars bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 2210 Farnam St. WWTTF!T V Repairs Radiators If UlXlilil 320 south 13th '6 St. HOLLY.- expert auto trimmer. 812 S. 24tn. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. FOR SALE Dairy ranch. 280 acres, 1st and 2d bottom land, 5 miles county aeat; $11,200. Terms. Also 6.000 acres cattle ranch, $8 acre. Improved, on creek. Burgess, Agate, Colo. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOOY Free special number just . out, containing many facts of clover land In Marinette county. Wisconsin. If for a home or an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands where farm ers grow rich, send at one for this spe cial number of Landology. It Is free on request. Address Skidmore-Riehle Land Co., 4T3 Skidmore-Riehle Bldg., Mari nette, Wla. AN ttra.tn five-year loan of $1.00 hearing T per ten! sn a faim valued l $14 oeo, no prepayment option. KLUKK INVEhTMKNT COMPANY, 4li Oman National Hank. L1HKHTT bond (nd atacka bought and old. IU7JT. C. liRUESr.DOW A CO, MO Omaha National Bank Building. LIBERTY BONDS bought and olA,A?. I44. Mack Bond Houae. 1421 11 Nat HITMEN pay moat far L1HKR1T HX DM. :t CHy Naft. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Wanted Wa have buyer for 2 4. I, .reom house who hai the caah for lh first payment. If you man to sell your horn at one com and r ua W toliclt your rental property. Chas. W. iounr & Son, !( City Nafl Bk., Atlantic ts. Eveiiln(s, Harney 6051 tr Atlantic I960. Grove-Hibbard Co. 2T Kwurttles Bldg. AT. 43. REAL ESTATE I MPROVED Weit " Best Buv IM CLAIR MONT I'lHTWCT Kin l"t koa I and only I, blink from canine, linos i o .at old, Kull eamriiied beeenteiit. floor drntl three tat raom and unr.Min on lb f.rat Mauri three fine bedioume and bath upstair ink floor throughout, nak and niin-l finish. Kren h door. I.ut of built. in f. a i urea Prtred at Ivu0 Oarag and h'd. tvanuig. rail 4Vli ;ua or WA. 1144 I. I CLARK t'OMI'AST. Itealtnra. Af. a jt. 42I-3 Heurlle Hlilf. MONTVI.AIIt Al'MTHIN. " SF.n COMMERCIAL IIIOII Si'HOOL lite. room strictly modern bungalow. (r(e, 1 1, block 10 Harney ear. -eh. hal Ilk rem. Call Jackson 2:2. BEM'lS PARK Ij7hMi77t Na i-routn bungalow, .! dam lot, lo block 10 rr. i() g.i.f or JA 4251 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South. North. 24th and Saratoga Owner of thla t-ronin slrlrtly modern bungalow decided lo leave the illy and go on lh farm and has offered hi" p'e for Mle at earn lie figure. I rooms and bath l on the flrt floor llh a good beinnt completed and a good attic, anil a nice lot. Paved at reel, paving ail paid: one-half block lo the r line. Prlc at $4.6oo and ran b t tluced if buyer ha the caah. Payne Investment Co., (37 Omaha Nnt'l Hank Bldg. fiouglaa 1 70. Near Omaha University BRAND NEW BUNOALOW Nk neighborhood urroundcd by nw homes. Five room, first floor. Oak floor and finish. Ilookraai.. cupboard", attic, cement baament. South front lot. In th bailer reawl-nr pail of ti'. Omaha, Tina house la a lae.etory equal del. a at rooms, ttrittly hiiulein. vn a paved street, nil paving U paid, vt raiiaider it an .(client buy fur II has a fin tot kl. Might h'Hidla on u in II mi iaah, i'a'1 Mr Wrrmaii. Allantle 1431, or ffU op. a In n, nt, Amos Grant Co., Realtors, 1 71 S.i, 14th Oreiine: Floor. Acreage. I. At it KM pear Ak'-Har-ilen I iTd7"lMuT Walnut 41.7. Vacant Property. Large Lot, $250. $5 Down, $5 Monthly Huy till lot now, build a temporary home by tpiing and stop paying tint. Lccate.l near runthell boulevard. Byron Reed Co., Il! Fsroatu Ik. "7. "VK" sell LOTS nd'"UTS of LOTS. Call rOKBES. AT. 4:24, or II. 8. MANV1LLE. Realtor. AT. 24"1. ile Peter Trust Bldg. 1.1 iT4 On 8. aid of Larlinor Av. between f 4th and 27in Streets. Will aril on essy prjinents or will build to your onles. AT. 3540. WANT offer, comer lot, Leavenworth Height, block m er. M.HROEDEK INVESTMENT CO., Jackaon 3241. TWO cholca rant front lota. l.'.tiOO for Dot u. t u si., north of Imdga Home to pleaae. To buv or al Omaha Real Estate FOWLER & M'DONALD 1121 City Nafl Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1428. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, Rental. Insurance, !t02 l.'lly Nat. Bk. AT. 1618. GRTIENTfr K",lty Co Ll,t u VJIhU-CilMU tnr quick reaults. 1418 1st Nsfl Blc. Bldg. Jackson 1868 RTPiVTcTT R eX I uiiUliJl x Sells. 350 Peter Trust Bldg. ESTATE Rents, Insures. J A. 0433. HAVE Inquiries for homes -do you want to sell your property? List It with C. A. Orlmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D. ROY WOODWARD. Investments and Insurance. J A. 3236. 702 Peter Trust Bldg. LIST your hoSie with NORTHWALL ft JOHNSON. Douglas 7487. 504 Electric Bldg. NOW Is th time lo list that house with ua Prompt Inspection and results. Phone Tebben Co., JA. 2183. Paving paid. Immediate nnaai-.iin. Easy i lerme. ravening, cell vt A. 1714. It. V. I'LAKK COMPANY. Realtors, AT3321. 621-S Securities Bldg. TIIH'IIOMK EXCLI'KIVH." 7f you want to buy Vinii !.uh' moH beautiful home, seo this 7 rooms. Oak finish throughout. Stationary tubs In basement. Kuilt-ln buffet and book oaees and a real Roman fireplace. Eur", it has a garage. You nut nee this with price rut to 18,500. $1,500 get you possession. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO. JA. 1282. Or Partsch, DO. 7210. I. V. SHOI.ES I'd.. JA. 0041. BRAND NEW MINNE LUSA BUNOALOW W have just completed this very Isrga 6-room home; living room 13x16: built-in bookcases; everything built-in In kitchen except stov. such as ironing board, etc. It will surprise you at th saving, fall Mr. Toiilver at RASP. BHiiS., KE. 106, AT. 0721. E. H. BENNEIt COMPANY. Insurance. Call Edward Perley, Douglas 8401. N. P. DODGE CO., quick sales. Do. 08:5. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WESTERN LAND. Will exchange 170 acres western Ne braska, 5 miles from county seat town. Part under new government ditch, all usable land, on county road; value $i0 per acre; mtg.. $2,600. Will trade sub toct to mtg, for clear house I can bor row $2,200 on. Address B. A. Doty, Sidney, Neb. . HAVE a client who has three fine lots In Minne Lusa addition, that he will trade for a house between Cuming and Lake atreets, 22d to 24th. prefer all modern. Gallagher & Nelson, 653 Peters Trust Bldg. J A. 33S2. WE can exchange your income property for the thing you want. BROWNE & TRACT, 543 Securltiea Bldg. At. 3350. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. $350 CASH 4 BIG rooms and a bath. Newly decorated throughout. Bulit-in kitchen cabinet. Full dirt' basement having a furnace. Choice corner lot faces east. Big barn and chicken yard. Price only $2,850, 8HOPEN & CO., Jackson 4228. Dundee. Dundee Home, $12,500 Brick and hollow tile construction; oak and white enamel finish. Garage; cement drive. Beautiful lawn and shrub bery. Lot 60x135 ft. A well built at tractive home in excellent condition, at a low price; reasonable terms. Fowler & McDonald, Jackson 1406. Realtors. 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dundee Ob California St. near car and school; rooms, 2 baths, newly decorated; 2 car garage; $7,000; terms. One of the best homea on South 60th Ave., 10 rooms. 2 baths, fireplace, sun room and sleeping porch, $17,000 n terms; worth more money. , Chas. W. Young & Son, 1602 City Nat'l Bk.. Atlantic 8668. Evenings, Harney 6051 or Atlantic 9950. Florence NETHAWAY sells and trades. KE. 14.18. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. Bungalow Home, $5,000. High and Sightly. ; Northwest part of city, 6 rooms, one floor; modern throughout; garage; south front lot, 60x130; shrubbery and small fruit, garden fenced: too small for pres ent owner; a good well located home; paved street; paid. Reasonable terms. Glover & Spain, Realtors. 918 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. 2850. Bemis Park District Two full story frame house, consisting of 8 large rooms; finished In oak 1st floor: hard pine 2nd floor; newly deco rated; hot water heat; garage for three cars; large chicken house: two lots. i Plenty of fruit and shsde trees; suf- 1 tAAn .1 . 1 1 ground fos children: one block to two car lines. Priced $8,500. Terms. Geo - & Co., Realtors. Atlantlo 3024. CHOICE EST BUNGALOW. Pretty six-room Cralgxton bungalow: all oak and white enamel: oak floors throughout; good attic: full basement; fine lot: convenient to both Farnam sar lines. Jl.ono cash will hnndle. Just th place you hsve been looking for. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2283. 3217 OHIO ST. In a fine Danish nelghborhoul you will find one of the cleanest 6roum homes in Omaha: fine place for chick ens, etc: house is fully .modern. Owner leaving city. Call Mr. Tolliver at RASP BROS.. 212 Keellne Bldg. AT. 0721. CHOICE MILLER PARK HOME. Seven rooms; all th built-in features: tiled bath; garave. $1,500 cash will handle. Balance like rent. Let us show you a renl home priced right. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2282. A REAL HOME NEAR AMES, PRICED RIGHT. 5-r. oak finished bungalow, modern in every way. Has 44x120 ft lot with gar age. $4,900 buys it wtth $000 down. To see this, call Osborne Realty Co., JA. 2283. or Purtsch, DO. 7210. NEW 5-r. modern bungalow, ready to oc cupy; east front on blvd.: oak floors and fit)iub:- full basement; terms. WA. 6704. NINE rooms furnished, full basement; large lot. on car line. $4,850; reasonable terms. Harney 4415 or Douglas 9685. 2827 Soward St.. 4-rootn modern bungalow. Immediate possession; $200 cash; $35 per month. Crelgh, 608 Bee. J A. 0200. Miscellaneous. ci.OSK-IN'pROPKRTY Seven looms with oak floors finish. Fireplace. Large lot, 60x125. rage, I'rice and term right. H. 8. MANTILLE. Realtor. AT. 2403. 515 Peter Trust Bldg. Dl'l; BUILDINll ORGANIZATION la at your service. W can 'juiH anJ finaiicf yuur new home. Let u figui your plans. HASTINGS 4k HEYDEN 1I4 Harney St. DON'T BE A See Flke ROAM KR MB A HOME OWNER. Prlc. J A. 24l. Acreage. Acreage in Town Don't fail to be shown the piece of ground which we have which is 64x311; divided about one-third In th lot for the lionet. bout one-third In orchard and the balance In rich garden land. House has 6 rooms with electric lights. Cement sidewalks alt the way to the car and school. Phone Sir. Hanson, Walnut 119 or office open to 9 p. m. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, Doug. 830 210 So. 18th Ground Floor. 5 ACRES on mile north of Benson, good seven-room house, barn, hog house, chicken house, half sere grapes, plenty small ftult. horse, cow and chickens go vlth place. If sold at once. Easy terms." Gallagher & Nelson, . 652 Peters Trust Bldg. J A. 3382. 2867 M ANDERSON. $500 CASH. 5-r. partly mod., paved street. BEST & OKSTRING. DO. 6135. JTJf' syTe on easy'terms. WE 7192. D. E. BUCK & CO. buy and sell homea South. 2011 SO. 8TH ST., $400 CASH. And balance like rent. Only $3,650 for this modern 6-room home. Near car and close to St. Joseph hoapltal. Ask for Mr. Oarse at Doug. 7142 days, At, 3501 evenings. Rolofnn T.oto00 up Small pay- uuioment down: payments. Phone Stewart, Ralston, easy 10-W. 7 Consignments of Furniture and others coming in will be sold to the highest bidder at our Auction Wed., Feb. 81:30 P. M. Frank B. Stephenson AUCTIONEER 1509 Capitol Ave. AT 5265 628 South 19th Avenue "A Money Maker Right Downtown" ' Strictly modern bungalow, divided in one fl-room and bath apartment and one 2-room and bath apartment and extra large room in rear. Separate entrances to all apartments. Rented for $100 per month Ground alone is worth more than price asked for house. Lot 60x69. $6,260. Will sell furniture with house al very low price; $1,500 down, balance lonsf time. Call owner, James Collins, AT 5011. or Berks & Musil. Peters Trust Bldg. Must be sold this week to close estate. ionoaoaonononoDj uunutt BAKU A I IN D Pretty Corner Bungalow, S Brand New, Old u e D o D o D o D o D o o n oi Ivory Finish Very cozy, with five rooms; located on one of the choice corners in Liunaee; oak tioors throughout; very ej attractive plumbing fixtures: built- U in kitchen cabinet; stove , canopy; beautifully decorated, with attractive lighting fixtures; full cemented base ment; high-grade heating plant; floor drain, hot and cold water. Com plete in every way and ready to move right in. Located at 801 No, 49lh Ave. Price $6,600. $1,600 cash. Call us for appointment. Payne & Carnaby Co. 616 Omaha Nat. Bldg. 3onononono o a 0 D o a o a o a onoac Plenty of Money' for Obligations of Big Companies Great Iti!utr!iil iml Fiuaunal Corporation I.i.ulJate IMU Many Month. I.rforc Maturity, By HOLLAND, Ttie Cnier f;wt a.eWUiion lake - rrr,nry IJ. by rH ia)nil'll, S?.lllXI,000 III lllllcl wltM-h ire nut itue 'until Frliriury 15 et nrvt year. 'I he 'Ir i-omiieny will rrtlrflll , rath 0i Mjrdi I. J.Vooooo (tf nol.; Mule r.r in advance of lie lime rt (ur lite y inrni of these noire. Of coiir.e lli print'iiul reason for ilee advanced lay menu j la lie found in I lie fact tfut interest umii these ttlilmati'mi crate, Iml there i anoilirr reason. Th managers of me f ear great ree. (..ration, are af Ilia ilm. that if lh p..' ih funds by ahull .aiiea inritia ran b made II le fur In aeifa'a of l lie rmmry l hai tin be dene, ltunir (retail In ine unancial uie'rci .wai ti'kietinehl of uihef rorpo. iti.". ale r-o'e onieiiiplkttii , aovan.e . payment uy in of (hair ubligatlona 41 oner fleet If nl. Jl.mey new o plentiful lhl the r lie'ing of ao many iiillllou al Hie lime i.ol ,t l fully advaniageoua a .u!d hv been Ih raae had H b-en pnaat year ago la make dieitee pal nietit". 7hi cion, however, deinon.irai ! a eitln e.ieni lb fundamental healtti h'h now rhar't'le I lie limed Htiea, I' the t opper F.prl aaeffriatlon I ! i lie la uav l?.ee . .ear In dvn. of i he l iu,e n payment la due, it inu.t hrv auiti copper In laf smounla. pur upsity in Or, mam. alter copper le mii'l needed, and he rwicd rah paineni. Ii ii the Teaae rutiipanv tnu.i na" v. 1 1 rienc.l profitable ear. oilieiwl" Mild no have found II p'lil! in re. d em in ia.li IM'iO.eo in note wh'e.l are not due for another year, Iter. Iltee la ihe oil industry repreaented by on of th largest of the corporation engaged In that industry and th copper Induat-y l,lih re now ble lo make yremtur POnirtila greglltig I I3.0un.ou0. I'll " c I per are lo of the fundamental In duetrie of th United Slate. World-W Id Steel Trad. On fh other hnd Ih teel Hdtialr. hil on th mend, ha been com pel uu I Icroimii Ih fact that awn of Hi r.'r rnreilona occupied with thla Industry hava reported a ileflcil. A careful coinnu. lun which ha been made by a compe te t authority aaaor-laled with W, J. Wjile l.irn. haa compared th aleel Industry it WW In 113 with th ettuatlon II ail th fall of 1921. Th trad In steel ta not wholly domestic. It le world-wide. In lh year preceding lh beginning of lb rnronean war the United Statee rxpo-tel tol product In Ih aggregate f 41,009 tons. Thla of itself a rnnslderablw In dia. oer export of tri i years earlier. But Ureat Britain In 1911 oi to th rest of the world 414.009 ton aa4 C rmany nearly 410.000 ton. . Oermaay Was Pre-Kmlaent. nd Cermany had gained, theiefoi. pre. G. I eminence in the manuraetur ana expon or steel and risked and men ioi mm Pre-eminence when war was doclaiid. Seven years later lh Unittd States a exporting steel product amounting la . Marly 400.000 tons, while Cirest Britain eiport w hardly one-hif her exporti in 1913 and Germany had dropped to .'5,000 ton. In 1921, however, Hermans was found to be rapidly regaining her earlier pre-eminence. For In th fall of list year the Oerman export of t'vl were mora than those of th United States and Oreat Britain combined. Therein I tn be found a demonstration of th fact that Germany Is manufacturing l loir traduction and selling cost than any 'o. th other tel-produclng ntons of Ih rorld. Nevertheless, the leaders of tho American steel Industry ar confident Ihet b-for January 1, 192$, American stcei will have regained no small Prt of i world irade. Charles M. Schwab's cor poration Is about to ventur $26,000,001) I-; the belief that the Industry ia soon to re cover and greatly increase. Feeding th World. But If exports of steel and other manu factured commodities hav fallen off measured in dollar and probably in quan tities, nevertheless, on the other hand, th United States continues to furnish food lu very large Quantities to people of i.ther nations. The Department of Commerce at Washington has recently reported by di rection of Secretary Hoover, th quantity of food th United States exported in Ihe year between October. 1020, and October. 1921. These offlclsl figure how that we sent abroad in that period foods'uf.'s far In excess of the amount exported in 10 month of each year from 1910 to 1914. The needy nations aeros th ea may tit be able to buy as many American manu factured products because of inability to pay for them as they bought ofoie the war, but they are finding the money to pay for food.' In four months from July 1 to November 1 of last year, we sold and sent across the sea lt:2.000,000 bushels of wheat. That was 18,000.000 bush-sl more than wo sold and oxported In like period of 192U, and It was 100.000,000 bushels' more than w sold In the four months be tween July 1 and November 1 in the five year period before the war. Europe Can Buy. Europe has found th means' to buy and pay for wheat and corn greater in amount than 'was ever bought by Europe before. The gold that has come and is coming to the United State represents payments for food and cotton. Europe haa been able to buy cotton in enormous amounts and pay for it. The German manufacturers of cotton cloths wcr shrewd when Great Britain seemed to b stupid, for Germany bought very heavily of American cotton when the market prlc for it was low, whereas the English man ufacturers refrained. Germany has holped our export trade, as American agriculture on the whole has helped it .to such an extent that it almost balances the falling off in our exports of msnufactured ar ticles. For tnstance. Germsny in 1921 took 1.275.000 bales of cotton, and that was nearly 800,000 bales mor than sh took in the previous year. Wheras. on the other hand. Secretary Hoover's statistics show that Oreat Britain took 10,090 bales less than Germany did in 1921 and 700.000 bales less than Germany took In 1920. For the present it Is apparent that the United States must rely In great measure upon Us exports of food if further falling off in our exports is to be prevented. JA 1016 Aberdeen Apartments 25th and St. Mary's Avenue " - -Jf..f". J :. M .-.'- si . .a IT "aTal iW- '"1 a!1 i iliTf ,PI.. " , Qri'ar " LOWEST RENT That We Know of in this City for a Complete Apartment A few at $37.50 per month A few at $40.00 per month These Rpartments are modern, fireproof and sanitary. They are located only a short walk from downtown and handy to car lines. The Apartments consist of nice cozy living room, kitchen, bath and clothes closet with wall bed. Only a small amoun of furniture needed to make these apartments comfortable homes! DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY 1702 Howard Street AT lantic 9708 or JA ckton 2805 National American Insurance Company Declares Dividend Dividend of 6 per cent for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1921, was declared by the directors of the Na tional American Fire Insurance com pany at the annual meeting of the stockholders yesterday, at which time the treasurer's report showed an in crease of over $115,000 in assets. W. H. Ahmanson was re-elected president; W. L. Wilcox, vice presi dent: W. A. Smith, vice president, and James E. Foster, secretary-treasurer. The following directors were re-elected: W. H. Ahmanson, W. L. Wilcox, James K. Foster., II. H. Jones, X. H. Trson of Omaha; E. R. Goodman, North Platte; F. C. Achtemcier, Jansen; Dr. Frank Barta and Frank Misko of Ord; G. C. Hucftle and J. K Smith, Eustis; D. J. Poynter, Albion; G. J. Harrison, beward; C. L. Brmkerhoff, Superior; Alfred J. Johnson, Axtell; C. la Dunham, 'Arcadia, Cal., and W. A Smith, California, Iowa. S. S. PoK ski of Ashton was the only new d rector elected. Barn Destroyed by Fire Lemmon, S. D., Feb. 7. (Special.J Fire of undetermined origin di stroyed a large barn on the Em I Salszieder place near Lemmon, ths entire contents being lost. Loss is estimated at several thousand dol lars. Besides the destroying of much hay and feed, eight head of cattle, three horses, 12 sheep and 20 chickens were killed. Plan Church Association Fairbury, Neb., Feb. 7. (Special.) Steps are being taken in Fairbury to organize an interstate church asso ciation. Those in charge of the plans are: James G. McFarlane, Methodist; W. A. Ried, Presbyterian; H. L. Foes. Eaptist, and William Van Mar ter, Christian, .)! . ; CI JCiT,--.. JtH. a. imbiLa