o 11 THE Bt:K: OMAHA. WKD.NKSDAY. FKHKUAUY f. 1022. Drive to Search Out Tax Dodgers MavBeUuimlied Asks Annulment of O.liornc Call Meeting of A f i.ixri to Dxi!iu Change in Law I.e)ing on Intangible' . Lincoln, Y. 7. (Special.) A drive Kmt Nrbratka Ux dodijct II nrai. V. II. 0ttnrni, Mate tax rnmmi- tionrr, nnounrrtt (oilay thai a arrirs of nirrtinK win. lax ror in V4Nu. tail ll the stale will be hdil a rUui the wurking of trnaie I'lr f-S. tfie revenue bill ia.cj at the lt regular "im, which drcomct operative in The chiif aim ( that hill ta to roax out intansihle aetn, nuiney, taxable honH and other IioMwk hnh tlie o!'l Uw failed to reach. "The truth of the matter is that in pant rr we haven't hern atile to l-t ce.twfl(ih the t'eponiu in hank haed on their annual report,' On lioriie aiil. "Am! that dm-m't in clude money and taxable value trrked away in nifty !potit vault and familv mockinp." Senate file dS provides that the tax cn intangible 'i;ill be onc-lil'ih of the tax on real and pmonal properly. In past yrr the tax on iiitanK'btei: h been the name at that on tantri- i lie property and the state ci allairj Mentioned above by Oborne wai the result. The theory tinder which the one-f-fth proportion was passed wa that owner of intangible would lit their holding under the amallrr tax. 'Highwaymen Gunning by Mail for Meeting Marriage to Diva ) . km 5 . Lincoln. Feb. 7. "lliRhwaynien ihfir hrothtn and neighbors, and members of the Nebraska Good Road association, are the prry o invitation bcinc sent out by the as. nociation for its annual meeting here February U. The state department of public works will join forces witn the highwaymen. Point vour 011ns for more and better roads" is the slogan of the meeting. Charles II. Roper of Lincoln, secretary-treasurer, states the program 'a1rpal is loaded with dynamite, and all that needs to be done is for "some highwayman to snoot ott mc spark.". . it U tli fourth mectiiie of tlie as- enrint inn. kenorts of officers will nminv fhe morning session, accord- in to the nroeram. New legisla tion affecting the state highway sys tem will be discussed bv George E. Johnson, secretary of the state de partment, in the afternoon, a f ihr l.rrnt lav on C"c' a a substitute for a direct tax for road building will be led by . .v. Irtrtrrrn nf T .incoln. Cnmniittci! rrrort elcrtion of new officers and a banquet will close the meeting. . , The fifth annual meeting of the Nebraska Good Roads institute, scheduled for February 13-17. has bf-m postponed., .The two organiza tions hn.d planned to hold a joint con- vention. - Says Country Schools , Superior to City Kind Lincoln,' Feb. 7. (Spccial.That the country school is superior u the town school was the statement todav by F. Ju Voghance. superin tendent of schools in Colfax coun ty, at the opening of the state meet ing of county superintendents.. "Independent thought corno to the child in the country school, he said. "In the city school every one is held down to what the average pupil can acquire. Continuing, he scored the present salary schedule for teachers. "The truth is that teachers with second grade certificates are doing better work than those with first grade certificates," he said. Vogltance also threw, a little dy namite at the mental tests imposed on children these days. "My only mental test is the eighth grade examination," he said. "Four teen years is the normal age of a bov going out of the eighth grade and if he passes, it is certain he is normal." : Take Piece From Man's Shin for Grafting Fractured Arm Columbus, Neb., Feb. 7. (Spe cial.) An unusual operation . was . performed at the Evans hospital here on Mahlon Bonner. Two years ago Bonner was struck by a Union Pacific passenger train wiiile in an automobile, and received a compound fracture of his right forearm, the bones protruding through the flesh. The ends of the "bones failed to knit. Finally it was decided to attempt to correct the condition by grafting a piece of bone in it. A piece of . bone was taken from his right shin, the ends of 'e useless bone in the arm trimmed back and the' new bone inserted. Mr. Bonner sued the railroad com pany for damages at the time, but the case was decided against him. Asks Examination Date for Poslermastership at Henry Washington. Feb. 7. (Special Telegram.) The postmaster general has requested the civil commission to set a date for the examination of presidential postmasters at Henry, Neb., and Cushing, la. Film Cured In to 14 Dam. Dmjtilit. refund money if I'AZO OINTMENT fttn to cure ItcJiing. Blind, Bleedinf or Protrudim Piles. . IntUstlr nlleiM ltehinj Piles. 60c. Ad. t'luVago, Feb. 7. Luigi Cnrcl, di vorced husband of Mine. Amelita (ialii-Curri, the Chicago and Metro politan Oncra company star, has petitioned the papal tribunal at Rome to annul his marriage to the diva, according to word received here. Mme. Galli-Cnrci, who divorced her first hus'iand here two years ago, is now the wife of Homer Samuels of Minneapolis, litr pi.mUt. Ctirci married Mis Tirindrlli of Cincinnati on July 2 of laxt year. Progressive Party Organizes in Custer (Continued Prom !': Orir.) Bryan delegate to the last democratic national convention. Mr. Beat announced today he would accept the filing of his name for the primary election. Petitions for him were started this afternoon. The congressional district con vention was guided by Virgil Allen of Custer, as chairman, and II. J. Stewart of ScottsblulT. secretary. A committee was named to select a chairman of the congressional district campaign committee. Taylor Injects Zest. V. J. Taylor of Mcrna injected zest into the morning session by ureincr acceptance. of the Opinion of Secretary of State Amsberry and At torney -General Davis, who advised that the law does not require attend ance of 100 when organizing a new political party in a county or a con gressional district, in case such party already has a state organization. State Chairman Edmisten asserted that this opinion may be correct, but that the party should take no chances. "There is nothing to be gained and much to Dc lost Dy disagreeing mi these officials." said Taylor. "The other parties are not putting obstacles in our wav. Thev have found out that persecutions promote the suc cess of their opponents." "The old parties will resort to any thing to obtain success," retorted H. G. Stewart of Mitchell. Mr. Edmisten proposed a friend ly suit to settle the matter. Bigelow for Senate? The selection of the new party's candidate for United States senator is attracting much interest. Those mentioned today were: A. H. Bige low of Omaha, A. G. Wray of York, Edgar Howard of Columbus, for- mer senator vv. v. Alien oi iviaai son and Republican National Com mitteeman R. B. Howell of Oma ha. Petitions were circulated for Mr. Bigelow, who has many supporters in Custer county.' "Endorse W. v. Allen," was the message ot Jidgar iiowara in a letter in which he expressed confit dence that Allen will make a declara tion of principles satisfactory to the progressives. ' - I, too, am for Allen, said lay- lor. "I could get 2oO signatures in Custer county for Allen if he would subscribe to our party." t'R. B. Howell cannot be a can didate on the progressive ticket un less he renounces his allegiance to the republican party and resigns as republican national committeeman," said B. Is Ballard, chairman of the Douglas county central committee. Edmisten declared that no man could tell whether there will be one or many candidates for each of the various offices in the new party's primary. ' The populist .party killed itselt by fusion and w;e want to avoid that," said, C. W. Beal ,of Broken Bow, chairman of the morning .ses sion. It .Howell wants the nomina tion he can have it only if he comes over into our party." - May Be Party Contest. F. L. Bollcu said that if the move ment favoring. Wray for senator and A. Aorton of Polk county lor governor could be put through, Wray would have no opposition in the primary. Otherwise,' he said, there may be a senatorial contest. t-dgar i Howard is seewng the senatorial nomination notwithstand- ng his declaration to the contiary last December," said Bollen. "The trouble wijh Howell is he has made no declaration of principles and I don t believe any progressive will sign his petition unless he does." b. A. Dean and J. U. Ream of Broken Bow, E. S. Coats of Ord and H. F. Ballard of Umaha are circu lating petitions for. the following: Senator, A. H. Bigelow; governor, A. G. Wray; attorney general, F. L. Bollen; lieutenant governor, T. J. tllsberry of Grand Island; secretary of state, L. A. Larson of Wellflcet. King Witnesses ' Repeat Stories of Other Trial: Xfw Tr alimony Aaiu Char tlrr Dfjmsition to Be? Offrrfil ty l)fffue in fljimlit Farm TragfJy. The thrne-repeated stuiici of it neMft in the Lva king murder te roiuunird the enure d4V eterd in luitue Whertrr'i division of the Council Blutli ditrict court. There m no variation from the ietmiony trrented at previous trial. 'ihe lte ha enly one or two timre wilnme to offer in direct ex amination, and will rct early today, it was taid. Attorney Ilf will prreiit tub lUniially the ame tetiuiony for he lrlene that caiuca tne jury in inc previous hearing ta Hand eight lor acquittal and four (or iiuiutaughtrr. 1 he feature cl the detent-e will ne id ad'.itivit of men and women in ItoUe. Idaho, and in Loa Angel.'. who have trtihed to the moral tnar acter of the youn woman during the many year they were personal ly acquainted with her. The state will attack thene witnesses by present ing witnesses in rebuttal, making it certain that the new features of the cae will not be reached until the last. "Dirty Joe" Sought in. Taylor Murder Case C'Mitlnu4 From I'M Oi.) coming to Loi Angelcsto attend the burial. It may have belonged to any one of many beautiful women. The handkerchief, so far as the police can learn, has nothing to do with the murder. But then, they say, neither has the missing pink silk nighty, for which they arc still searching. . , ' The mystery of the nighty dis appearance simply adds to the my terv of the case. The disappearance of Mabel Normand's Utters, however, is believed by the potior to have a sinister significance. They have not yet been found. It was reported that the new county grand jury may be given this case within a few days. Sands it Keystone. '"We are progressing with the case," said Capt. Adams, "even if only by the process of elimination. We have not yet made any arrests, or taken any one on suspicion, nut we are gradually getting out of -all the false trails that have been hiding the real path. I believe it all rests with Sands. Once we have him, we'll have everything." The angle eliminated today was the theory that the New York brok er, who came here ostensibly to marry Miss Mary. Miles Mintcr. might have slain the director out of jealousy. It was well known tnat Taylor idolized the girl. It was learned today, however, that the fftiiner man did not flee the city the a-,.. ur the murder from any ap prehensions. The management of the hotel at which he was a guest had requested him to leave. The broker brought a film actor and two extra girls into his room. It is declared that the quartet was noisy and that people in nearby rooms summoned the hotel detective. The latter declares the broker and the actor were entertaining their fair companions in a rather uncon ventional manner, and that there was much drink in th place. He declares further that when he asked the women to leave the men assaulted him. Coal In Storage for 41 Iaj. Washington, Feb. 1. Bituminous coal In storage throughout the country at the be ginning of the year was sufficient to la?t about 41 flays If perfectly Jistrib-itea. ac cording to a Joint survey by the -census bureau and the geological survey made public last night by Secretary Hoover. Would Ship Surplus Corn to Europe's Needy Lincoln, Ftb. 7, , suKsekiion that the federal government purchase ISO, imuuu woiih et corn from the west ft it tarmm at pnee equal or I Mile fcbuve the coi ul production, wind would he Kiit to the needy of l u rope, thus rdirtiug the farmers tluir fretnt ktrititfrnry, saving the bves tit many people am receiving their gratitude, which iii turn would bring their attention to American products when they were prepare to purchase in the maiVft of the world, is contained in letter of J. L. Kennedy, a Jefferson county Uriucr. to a (oral Urm publication, ilr. Kennedy, in hi letter. rafes the question of what permanent good or advantage the avrrage farmer or small stork raiser will have from the Kovernmrnt loan to him. 1 he relief is for one year, he says, and unless biitinesf revive and farm products advance In price, he inquires how much better off the borrower will be at the end of the year. "If the farmer is going to the wall he had better go now than a jear hence." states Mr. Kennedy, who closed with the foregoing sugges tion. Mayor Lets Ikggarn Ak Aim I Day Month You remember Ben Franklin and his key. The lightning helped him invent electricityl A lucky strike for himl LUCKY STRIKE.' When we discovered the toasting process six years ago, it was a Lucky Strike for us. Why? Because now millions of smokers prefer the special flavor of the Lucky Strike Cigarette because , ' . It's Toasted which aeaa in tht delieiout Burley fltvor And also because it's n Guaranteed tgr lUirlton, Pa., Feb, 7. Because of numerous complaints against beggar. Mayor Harvey ha issued an otder limiting mmdicanta to one day month. They will be licensed (or the day and will be arrested if they ak aim at any oiner ome. That to make good pastry the in grrqicm must be ue com. 'Bowcn't- I'aluc-Civing Store Used and Sample Beds apvaBssiV CO. WATCH US ADVANCE COAL Burn ' Eclipse Lump Coal. $9.25 per ton A Good Free Burning Illinois Coal Lamar's Furnace Egg or Nut, Franklin County, Illinois $11.00 per ton ADVANCE COAL CO. Office, 1704 Howard St. Yard, 2011 No. 13th St. Phones: Office, AT 1813 Yard, WE 2090 U JLlLil J. at big discounts during the progress of our February Clean-Sweep Sale Each and every one Is a value you should not overlook. Come select the ones you want, ai they won't last long at the prices here quoted: 83.75 81.00 84.25 .84.65 84.85 84.95 85.50 86.75 87.25 87.95 88.50 Don't Forget We Give Away Free Thursday, Feb. 16, 8 p. m., a handsome four-piece White Ivory Bed Room Set Ask for ticket at Main Aisle Desk. Take advantage of this sale. If not convenient to pay now, then pay us as you get paid. j Howard St.. Between 15th and 16th ADVERTISEMENT. Almost Choked Last Night with gas around my heart. Couldn't breathe, many people Bay. No such choking or anxiety if you will taka Baalmann's Gas-Tablets, which are prepared distinctly nd especially for Stomach Gas, and particularly for all the bad effects from gas pressure against your most vital or&an your heart. That empty, Ron and gnawing feel inc? at the pit of your stomach wilf disappear, that anxious, nervous feeling, with heart palpitation, will vanish, and you will once more be able to take a deep breath, so often prevented by Gas pressing against your heart and lungs. These unique Tab lets are sold by Sherman & McConnell and all reliable druggists. Be careful and insist on the genuine Baalmann's Gas-Tablets in a yellow pack age, price one dollar. J. Baalmann, Chemiat, San Francisco. S 5 s s s 1 1 William Holzman Do You Know? rat a IF NOT Sm rU Aasnsw at tW S Nrt Waefc Th Atmgphjr 'off a Bank wywfflflffluaSiii . m m. m . The World-Herald buildinf as seen through a window of The Cora Exchange National Bank. SOMETHING tangible, the presence of which characterizes every banking institution. For many years the Corn ' Exchange National Bank has endeavored to reflect a cordial spirit in every relationship. This desire has domi nated the thought of each individual and de partment in the bank. A willing, generous service,' cheer ful in spirit helpful by strength, and conservative when necessary to maintain that strength! IT IS our .purpose to render a service that will demonstrate our sincere interest in the financial welfare of our custom ers and other friends. The inquiries of manufacturers, merchants and in dividuals most welcome. The Com:Exdiange National Baiulk The Bank with an Interest in You 1503 FARNAM STREET i V v Wednesday, Unusual Sale of , Bed Spreads 400 Satin Marseilles Bed Spreads A Kf Satin finish; double bed size; hemmed ends; fajji assorted designs; reg. 7.50 val.; special, each 300 Crochet Bed Spreads 11 59 lnree-iounns bea size; hemmed ends; neat designs; 2.39 value Main Floor East 10 Bars White Q Naptha OV&p Borax No c. o. d:$ -No Deliveries No Mail or Phone Orders Fifth FloorSouth . . 19 5,000 Yards Best Quality Cambric and Swiss 1 Embroidery Worth 19c to 29c Per Yard Fast Edges 3 to 6 inches Wide Main Floor Center Clever Styles Combine With Taffeta in New Spring Frocks I it raw1 In this group of handsome spring frocks a dark brown taffeta is outstanding for its particularly successful style features. Overblouse and sash skirt are smartly pin tucked, while long, bouffant panels on either side cleverly simulate thVimeven hem line, but permit the comfort of the short skirt, which women are loathe to give up. A bit of old ivory lace relieves the neck and sleeves. Other Gowns of character and distinction are found in this group. Priced at 49.00 Second Floor West The Very Lovely and Always Correct Tailored Silk Blouses "More power to the tailor-made," is the Spring slogan of the Blouses. And when they are made of beautiful white pussy willow or closely woven crepe de chine with the smart narrow shoulder line and close-fitting cuffs, you're always glad you're wearing a tailor-made.' Pleats, tucks, frills, Peter Pan or cape collars all the variations of the tailor-made Blouse are found in this good-looking group. Sizes 34-44. j Priced at 10.00 Second Floor South n New Spring Styles in Misses' Sport Goats 2922 Here's proof that coats can combine smartness and moderate prices. Belted or flaring from the shoulders, with raglan sleeves ami leather but tons, they have a jaunty, mannish air that par ticularly endears them to the feminine heart. Chinchilla and the new double-faced fabrics aid the designer of these practical top coats in pro viding a good-looking wrap for springtime in fact, for all times. Second Floor West i v V V s