Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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ToWcdMr. Block
Tb fttMiKg cl Mu Augut
Krut r4 Cadirty ixUtg took
f Uit mrrl.y tltrrniMiQ at Iht
KounUg UcmurUI ehurth, tb Pe,
(. 1), luiuly o&cutiiig. Mut
knit nr whit crept tic rlu'nc rm
troultrol in r4 pearl and urrte4
oti in a horr. Hr nui4 ot
lienor 4 Uii Mri blaar, ho
wort pink rrrpc d chine an4 carrir4
I'frnarr fOr. Arthur I-yoni ii
l.r.i nun, lr. Sfbrru it cif RncW
ItUnd, Jll, but the nrly mirric4
rouplt Mill rule ihrir home in
Tht nurrune of Mi Gladyl
Kloke, tfougtitrr of Mr. and Mri.
(rank Kloke, to (Jr. W.IUce Andrr.
m Gttti lixik pUce Saturday ail
rrnoon, The rmmony w prr.
(umied by Iht Bur. Frank i. Smith
lr(ire the immdiie Umilirt, and
there were no attendant. After an
raotrrn wedding trio Dr. and Mr,
(icrrif will be at home March (.
Mi Klokr. a graduate of the State
nnivertity, i a Drlu Gamma Delta
mid won I'll I Beta Kappa donor.
Ir. Grrne ii aUo a graduate of the
I'niverkity of Nrhraka and ia a
memher of Alpha Sigma fhl and
l'hi ChL
Maiuea Ball Sponsors.
The American Legion auxiliary
manque bull to be given Saturday
evening at the BurgcM-N'ash tea
room hat no more enthiiiatic pon
ort tlin the overieaa nurse in the
rity. Knowing tt well what the
legion boy did in the great war.
lliey are inclined to lend their aid to
an affair which will benefit the needy
families ct ex-toldirr.
The overrai nuret of Omaha
are MUe Sarah Orr, Anna Col
lin. Lxie Nichau. Anna Brinker,
Molly O'Malley, Elizabeth Bradley.
Grace Bradley, Florence Chamber,
Jojcphine Chamherlin and Esther
Lundberg. Thete nurses have the
honor of belonging to the American
Legion proper. Mis Chamberlain
i a member of the executive com
nii'.tee. Organist Entertained.
The committee in charge of the
organ recital to be given by Richard
Key Eigg of New York Tueday
evening at the ' First Unitarian
church entertained at dinner last
evening at the University club in
honor of Mr. Bigg, who arrived in
Omaha this morning. Cover will be
placed for Messrs. and Mesdames
George Sumner, N. P. Dodge, O. W.
Eldridge, Conrad Young, Dr. and
Mrs. Robert Hollister, Mrs. Douglas
Welpton, Mrs. R. B. Howell. Miss
"Eloise West, Miss Leta Holdrege,
Mr. Charles Lyttle and Mr, Biggs.
Mrs. George Joslyn entertained at
tea at her home Monday afternoon
complimentary to Mr. Biggs.
Visitor! Entertained.
In honor of Mrs. Harry Street of
Chicago Mrs. George Taylor gave a
luncheon Monday noon. Last night
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kennedy gave
a dinner party for Mr. and Mrs.
Street, who are their house guests,
and who leave for the Pacific coast
Ak-Sar-Ben Dinner Cancelled.
The dinner for Major General
Hnndy which was to be given Fri
day, evening by the Governors and
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben has been
Riven up, as General Bundy is no
very well and is unable to accept th!
J. F. W. Club. . '
The J. F. W. club will meet for
luncheon Thursday, 1 o'clock, at the
home of Mrs. Carl ' Wilson, 2446
Evans street. Mrs, Robert Wilson
will have charge of the program.
Dinner for Miss Rosevear.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Young en
tertained six guests at dinner at the
Athletic club Saturday evening, when
Miss Mary Rosevear was the honor
guest. -, -
Old Time Dance.
The Holy Angels Parish will give
a:i old time dance Tuesday evening
at their hall at Twenty-eighth and
Fowler streets.
Jolly Seniors.
The Jolly Seniors will give their
regular dance at Crounse Hall Tues
day evening. Mrs. J. A. Yost is in
charge of the arrangements.
I -. s
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tl 1
Miti Florence Jdza!.
The engagement of Mis Florence
Idzal of Chicago, III., to Sam block
of Omaha is announced today by
Mr. Pauline Idaal. mother of the
bride-to-be. No date ha been et
for the wedding.
Federated Club Note.
The Georgia Federation of Wom
en' Clubs will present the name of
their ttafe president, Mrs. James E.
Hay of Montezuma, Ga., for re
cording secretary of the General
Federation at the biennial conven
tion at Chautauqua, N. Y., in June.
The Nebraska Federation suggest
ed the name of Mrs. M. D. Cameron
of Omaha as a candidate for this
office, but Mrs. Cameron withdrew
when it was understood that Mis
souri, which is in the district with
Nebraska, had already announced
the name of Mrs. J. A. Still of
Kirksville for the office. Mrs. Still
is director for Missouri in the Gen
eral Federation.
The Alliance Woman's club had as
their guests Friday, February 3, Mrs.
Edgar B. Penny of Fullerton, state
president of the federation; Mrs.
George Frater of North Platte, sixth
district president; also the Heming
ford and Antroch clubs; the Wom
an's Rural club and the East Side
Progressive club.
Mrs. S. W. Thompson, president
of the Alliance clnb, presided. The
program included talks by Mrs.
Penny and other club presidents, in
terspersed with musical selections
provided by Mrs. W. H. La Mon,
chairman of the music department
Mrs. A. H. Robbins, chairman of
home economics, headed the hostess
Golf Club Valentine Party.
The women's golf club of the
Prettiest Mile club will be enter
tained at a valentine party Tuesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fred
Larkin, 5114 Webster street. Vocal
solos by Mrs. L. E. Poe and a read
ing by Mrs. Otho Johnson will be
features of the acair. Mesdames L.
Mortensen, C. B. Roberts. E. C
Shoemaker and M. Wonder will as
sist the hostess.
Fashion Dictates
Black and White
laliml hmtic Maff mit m !.
New York, Feb, f Unlei dula
torial dme, fiikle fathion, change
her mood within the month thi (ity'f
spring ttiwn will prtM-ht to the
world a tantsi;inj pmomlity ia
central tt black and white with
more than oera.nmal plahrt of
(lame rotors like (irt ray ol ihe sun
on thadow and white tarred dawn.
Gowns, halt, klipper. even coal.,
which hav sprung into vUihility in
thop and talon here within the
pat few day are black and white.
Or at leatt aeven-lenth of thrni are.
Two-tenth run through the varrying
hcde of red all the way from deep
pini to "bonfire." each ihade being
of equal desirability wiih each other
khade, if only it be vivid enough.
The remaining tenth portion of all
display i devoted to caring for the
taste of those strange creature who
insikt upon blue or brown or perhap
green ior their wardrobe. One may
venture to add that thi tenth i
drauued forth and exhibited only
under measure. To the mind id
tyle creator here it i negligible a
last year a bargain sales.
Shriners' Circus Opens
The Tangier circu opens today
at the Auditorium under the aus
pices of the Shriners. Tangier tem
ple had a their guests tht afternoon
200 pupil from the School for the
Deaf and the boy from the Masonic
Boy' home. F'riday they will en
tertain 1.'5 boy from Father Flana
gan' home.
There will be a number of parties
his evening, including Governor
McKclvic't party of six from Lin
coln. One Dutch treat party will in
clude Messrs. and Mesdames J. E.
Davidson, Joseph Barker, W. A. G
Johnson, W. H. Wheeler, George
rrinz, C. T. Konntze, A. L. Reed,
Henry Doorly, Mrs. F. A. Nash,
Mrs. W. J. Foye, Frank Judson and
C. W. Hull.
The circus comes here from Min
neapolis and is a collection of all the
best acts from the summer shows
which are now in winter quarters. A
dirt ring has been built on the stage
of the Auditorium and besides equcs-
tnen stunts there are high school
horses, aerio acts, trained elephants
and eight internationally known
College Club Meeting Changed.
The meeting of the Omaha Col
lege club drama section Wednesday
afternoon at 4 o'clock will be held at
the home of Mrs. Henry McDonald,
5101 Nicholas street, instead of with
Mrs. William Locke as announced.
The meeting has been changed on
account of illness in the Locke
W. R. C. Notes.
George Crook Woman's Relief
corps will meet Friday, 2 p. m., in
Memorial hall, court house.
Cream Bread Pudding.
Toast four slices of bread till
dried throughout and light brown.
Spread with butter, cut into inch
squares. Place the squares in bak
ing dish,' scatter over Vi cup seeded
raisins. Beat 3 egg yolks, add 1 tea
spoon salt, 1-3 cup sugar and beat
again; add 4 cups milk, mix and
pour slowly over bread.
Bake in slow oven until firm in
center. Beat 3 egg whites very
light, . beat in , cup sugar and
spread over pudding. Cook in mod
erate oven about 12 minutes. Garn
ish with bits of jelly.
Marriage Problems
AdaW Garrison's New Ptaw of
What Mother Graham Did When
Sh Hd About Ku.
I put down Katie' futiiul Inter of
farrwdt and looked at Lillian
blankly, Inert f other cata
trophe. av tragedy or tvknr tit
one' immediate I amity i b com
pared, in a woman' mind, with the
tuddrn elimination from (irr dadv
horizon of a faithful mtid. And with
my mind rt brye 4 front the drra4 of
something rriou having happened
to her, 1 quaked at the prospect in
tor fur me without her.
"She gone!" I tai4 at lat, with
the banal reiteration with whivli one
a oitrn meet d':uter.
"So it apt'tar," Lillian rrp4 ah.
tently. and i saw that her brain was
already buxy with whatever compU
cation Katie' uncrremonioii de
parture might bring to the mysteri
ous tirohlriii khe kit laems.
With- a tudden i!ah of hope I
looked at my writ watch.
"We can get that tra'n t we
hurry I" I exclaimed. "Katie, of
coure, didn't expect that we'd be tip
so early, or she wouldn't have named
her train. But we can catch her."
I started for the door, but Lillian'
restraining hand wat on my arm be
fore I had reached it.
"Sorry, dear cirl." she said re trret
fully, "but I mut ask you to let her
go, ana come wnn me inticaa to get
hold of Dr. 1'ettit. You do not know,
and I cannot now tell you, just why
that mat in the hospital miit be
watched until 1 ran make suitable ar
rangements for his guarding. Katie
is worth nothing to me now at far
a thi work i concerned, for her
lips are sealed by that oath she took.
Mother Graham Appear.
"And if you'll top to think a min
ute." Lillian went on swiftly, "she
will be worth nothing minus a con
siderable quantity to you, until she
get over thi brain-storm about
Jim. Just imagine what you would
be up against with Katie, morbid,
weepy and tempery, lined up against
your mother-in-law's moods. Nay,
now, child! Subsidize the gifted
Mrs. Ticcr, if you have to pay her
double for the heavy work, and you
and I will pitch in and do housework
for a little spell. We'll make every
body help, including Dicky, and pic
nic for awhile."
As she talked we had tacitly
walked away from Katie's room, Lil
lian closing the door after us. And
when she finished, we were back in
the 'spotless kitchen, which seemed
to my disappointed eyes a dreary
enough place without the accustomed
cheery presence of my tempera
mental but faithful little maid.
"I shall enjoy seeing you put
Dicky to work in the kitchen," I said
slyly, "especially with his mother in
the offing."
"It promises to. be interesting,"
she smiled. "No," with decision, as
I reached for the coffee percolator,
"we haven't time now. We'll have to
wait for our coffee until we get back.
Do you suppose your mo.ther-in-Iaw
will sleep until we return?"
"You little know her," I retorted.
"Why she hasn't been here long be
fore this is a mystery to me. She
must be unusually tired, for she al
ways comes down to the kitchen a
full hour before breakfast time, and
grti a kperial cup of coffee, Ah, I
thought au! I hear her lri
VI her Graham sptxartd at the
Lilt hen d'Ktr, stilt, potuively majestic.
in a ktannrti iimrmng gown nt ru
tlrd at every step,
"Stir Your Stump.
"What do tin meanr" khe asked
frownwKly. "Where I Katie.'
I btuked appeal. ;ly at Lillian,
meaningly leaving the explanation to
to tier. Ami in a lew crop, succinct
sentence she explained Katie' ab
sence, adroitly referring to lh "go.
eminent www." whan would ttccet
titate our immediate departure for
town, thus setting my irtother-in-law
in kiirh a romantic cmliutiastic flut
ter that she considered the question
of Katie with far lex irritation than
I had feared.
"Jut what you might expect from
that ape,'' she said contempiuounly.
"After all we've done for her, too.
But then there isn't one of 'rut that
ba a tit of gratitude or decency,
anyway, so it' no use expecting any
thing ele."
With which unjust but eminently
characteristic tirade she banished
Katie Irom her horizon and turned
practically to a consideration of what
wa next to be done.
"You have to go right away, with
out waiting for breakfant.' She ad
dressed Lillian, but 1 answered.
"Ye. but, mother, there' no need
for you to do anything about break
fast. You know, neither Dicky nor
Elizabeth will be down for a couple
of hour, and we'll be bark in time
for me to get it. Then I'll go for
Mr. Ticer."
"When 1 need your help or any
body' in getting up a breakfast.
Margaret," she said tartly, "I'll let
you know about it. Have Mrs. Ticcr
come over later in the morning. I
can't be bothered with her around
my feet this morning. And now stir
your stumps, both of you, and get
out of my road."
The California Manufacturers' as
sociation has asked the state to re
duce the womens' weekly minimum
wage from $16 a week to $12.59.
Why yoy
ioolhinq &nd HaJirk
Because its
' Invaluable for
Burns Chafing
Scalds Rashes
. Cufs Cold Sons
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
A daughter was born at the Stew
art hospital February 5 to Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson W. Buchanan.
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bergman
announce the birth of a daughter at
the Stewart hospital February 6.
Miss Pearl Klingbeil has returned
from Lincoln where she was the
puest of her sister, Mrs. Bruce
Mrs. Roland Sturtevant has ' re
turned to her home in Kansas City
fter a visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Duval.
Mrs. Shaji Osato and her little
daughter left Sunday for Holly
wood, Cal., where they will be the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sessue Ha
yakawa. Mr. and Mrs. .William Newton,
who left the middle of January for
the Orient, will reach Manila today.
.They plan to spend a month and a
half there, as they have many friends
living in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harding left
Saturday night for New York. They
sail for the Mediterranean trip Feb
ruary 11. Miss Edith Tobit and Miss
Jessie McDonald, who sail on- the
same boat, will leave Omaha Wed
nesday evening. -
Miss Helen Howe left Sunday for
Baltimore, Md., where she will study
at Johns Hopkins for the rest of the
winter and spring. She has been
doing work with the defective chil-
rfrn in the nntilir schools here and
will study clinical methods of classi-
lying aeiecuves. (
Mrs. Frank Judson and Mrs. W.
i T. Hvnes are soendine this week in
, Atlantic City. They will meet Miss
Dorothy Judson in New York next
week after the Dartmouth winter
carnival. Miss Judson left last eve
ning for Dorthmouth with Mrs.
Luther Kcuntie and Miss Gertrude
He Likes Sunflowers.
Dear Miss Fairfax: As you have
given good adviee to others, I am
askinff your adviee on several ques
tions that have been in my mind for
the past week.
1. What does a fellow mean when
he says (if you say you don't like
a thing), well, anyway, I like sun
flowers and dandelions?
2. Last summer several girls and
myself put our names in a bottle and
threw It in the river. Shortly after
that I received a letter from a boy
that found our names. We have
kept up a correspondence since
then. He wrote and told me that
he would be in town next month. I
want to know if it would be all right
to have a date with him when he
3. Why is it that a boy always in
sists that a girl sit on his lap when
in a car?
Please publish these questions
and the answer in the paper, as it
is the only way I will get to see the
answers. Very truly yours,
' 1. The remark about sunflowers
and dandelions is a mere flippancy,
possibly intimating that It is a little
difficult to suit you.
2. The bottle episode would not
be sanctioned as good taste in the
first place. If your correspondence
with the young man has indicated
him to be honest, "upright and
worthy it might be all right for you
to see him. Owing to the irregular
method of making, his acquaintance,
I would advise you to take particu
lar pains to put yourself in the right
Pyramid Dispels
Fear of Piles
The Relief from Pain, Discomfort
and Distress Has Made Pyramid '
Pits Suppositories Famous
Perhaps you are struggling with
the pain and distress of itching,
bleeding, protruding piles or hem
orrhoids. If so, ask any druggist
for a 60 cent box of Pyramid Pile
Suppositories. Take no substitute.
Relief should come so quickly you
will wondar why anyone should con
tinue to suffer the pain of such a
distressing condition. For a free
trial package, send name and ad
dress to Pjiramid Drug Co., US Pyr
amid Bids Marshall, Micb,
light. Have him come to your home
and meet your parents. Tell your
parents how the friendship began
and let him know that they under
stand. If you and the young man
are really nice young people there
is no reason why the friendship may
not be a pleasant one. Girls should
not do such things as a rule, how
ever, because it puts them in a posi
tion of proving themselves.
3. I didn't know they always did.
Dolly: The red nose Isn't so funny
if you happen to be carrying it on
your own "physiog," is it? Poor
circulation is the usual cause of it.
I had to laugh at your idea of exer
cising the nose only. The average
nose will not respond to many turns
and twists, will it? No, you will
have to exercise all the rest of you
that a better circulation may reach
the prominent proboscis.
Margie and Dorothy: I think you
are trifling with me. I do not be
lieve girls could do the things you
say and still keep the respect of
their boy friends.
Fashion: Flame and bonfire are
the new reds. Canary and Mimosa
attractive yellows. The burnt orange
and coppery tones of the wild tiger
lily and the canna are cleverly de
picted. Long Beach and seaside are
the latest sand shades.
I Need Vi When In doubt, don't
marry. If you truly loved and were
willing to make any sacrifice, you
would know it.
Famous Old Recipe
for Cough Syrup
EmU and cheaply made at home,
Dut It heats tiiem au lor
quick results.
Thousands of housewives have
found that they can save two-thirds
of the money usually spent for couch
preparations, by using this well
known old recipe for making cough
syrup. It is simple and cheap but it
has no equal for prompt results. It
takes ripht hold of a cough and gives
immediate relief, usually stopping an
ordinary cough in 24 hours or lees.
Get 2V4 ounces of Pincx from any
druggist, pour it into a pint bottle,
and add plain granulated sugar syrup
to make a full pint. If you prefer,
use clarified molasses, honey, or corn
syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either
way, it tastes good, keeps perfectly,
and lasts a family a long time.
It's truly astonishing how quickly
it acts, penetrating through every air
passage of the throat and lungs
loosens and raises the phlegm,
soothes and heals the membranes, and
gradually but surely the annoying
throat tickle and dreaded cough dis
appear entirely. Nothing better for
bronchitis, spasmodic croup, hoarse
ness or bronchial asthma.
Pinex is a special and highly con
centrated compound of genuine Nor
way pine extract known the world over
for its healing effect on membranes.
Avoid disappointment by asking
your druggist for "2'2 ounces of
Pinex" with full directions and. don't
accept anything else. Guaranteed to
give absolute satisfaction or money
promptly refunded. The Pinex Co.,
Ft. Wayne, Ind.
-Branded in ine tsao
White Houaa Country Set
Active and Healthy
With Luticura
ddrw: Oqtiralboriorig,Dpi.I, UldB,Hius.
700 $600 $495
The Art. and Music Store
1513-15 Douglas Street
will break a Cold. Fever and
Grippe quicker than anything
we know, preventing pneumonia.
Relieves Headache
A little Musterole, rubbed on fore
head and temples, will usually drive
away headache. A clean, white oint
ment, made with oil of mustard,
Musterole is a natural remedy with
none of the evil after-effects so
often caused by "internal medicine."
Get Musterole at your drug store.
35o and 65c, jars and tubes; hos
pital size, 3.
(jfTfiltered water that rivals the ll .
J dearest untainSpnii is used
(A Silly Sond
Jim tWe'f nl.lfit buy at dumb,
so u in KcmhUtr m4. lie couun t
grf arithmetic pr prllui' through bi
ir4, lie ! Km tt Iwoby
prize, e4iiiintin iLy. Hit tracbrr
aid the only thing ka liked tn d)
flsy. o J mi ill.iwrj Hut if
the kid wi bound to be a fool,
there at no ue in tm time in
endin' hint to nhool. S Jim jut
told him to uy borne for be tut
handy there, lie kept all Jim' ma
chinery and tool in good repair, lie
dammed the creek down by the bam
and forced be tieam to flow into
a dingu be had nude and cucd
a wheel to hi. 1U run the grind
stone with the power, and got
circle taw, and rut hp ill the win
ter' wood, and kindling, for hi
paw. Thru one day he packed hi
grip and climbed onto a train and
pearly sevrn month had gone when
I ram bvk am. Some Wlei
. in the my hive boH!t hi loul m.
I hine, a Wt-r luilnnff It i (ailed,
hr hull a miHi'n, tws, tiwd
ta fl hiiii "podge Fivd," but
when he pjrs now, we ay, "theie
Kr Inventor Podge," gild lip Our
b and how.
Wife tif Cui;rMti4tt KraU
Umivrriug From Operation
Wathinntun, Kh. 6 f Special Tel.
fgraiii.) Mr. C. t'rank Ktvi. wife
ol the miiKrrmiun Itom the I irt
Wli(s!i tli.trict, whu underwent 4
iiu)or (iprraiioii a werk ago. i on the
road to cmiplrtc recovery at tiartirld
hpital, this rity, Mr, Kvi :gd to
day it would he a fortnight and per
hap three week before Mr. Jirjv i
could be movrd to her home.
Neb, City Counle Wed t St. Joeph,
M. Jorph, Mo, heli, o ( .Special
Telrgram.) Mim Vrlma llolmr
and Leonard Glen Gardner, both of
Nrhratka fit v, were married hrre
Sunday nih by Kev. K. I. Haird.
Don't Temporize With Constipation!
Drive It Oat 01 Your System!
KeUocg'e Uran, cooked and krum
bled, will giva you permanent relief
from conntlimtlou ,lf It I eaten
reaularly. Kvery uimlr of your
family khouM eat Kelt;a'a Uran
every dny. Th conintint uo f
bran throughout the nation would
eliminate iln-tinthe of all lckmM
which ean be blamvd on combina
tion. Children crow utrnrig and ro
buot through eating KilliiRg'a Ilran
rreulnrly. Kst at l"t two table
spoonfuls daily. Tlironlo aulTerere
should eat much a nocewwry.
1'hyslelana have lone recognized
the wonderful propertiea of bran
and your phynklun will endorse the
use of KtllKK' Urun for conxtlpa
tlnn. We Kuuiantre that It will give
relief to the inont stubborn eases If
It 1 used regularly. Itesulta will
toun1 you! You will alxo And that
Kellogg' Uran will clear pimply
complexion and sweeten dlaugree
atiin hreittlm.
you should know Kelloea'a Uran
a a tiulurt'-foml. It Is one of the
most tlelicitiiie cereal you vr at.
Io not c"tifue U with MrmdH"
urh pill or esthartli'M which
nfver can and rnver will atve per
munent relief front ronmlpatlun.
Kelloeg'a Uran I nature' corrector.
It ariM a a nweeprr. rlfnln and
purlfylnir and r-KUlatlng, whervae
pill ami cnilmrtlr can alv but
temporary union at best. Uran
never Irritate or make you uncom
fortable! KellnKB Uran. rooked and krum
bled. In lined In thuowinda of home
In many kind of rootle a well a
a cereal, ll mnkeitUe bi-st pnn
raki you ever te. A' It In ralln
breed, muffln. macaroon, gravies
or In muny other enticing way.
1'our grocer ha It.
Valuc-Civing Store
of mahogany and walnut at
practically your own price
during our great
Clean-Sweep Sale
It's a chance seldom offered
for one to purchase chairs of
Dinnig Chair William and
Mary period, blue leather
seats, priced formerly at
112.50, now tJJJ
Dining Chair Mahogany,
cane panelled backs, blue
leather seats, priced formerly
at $12.50, now 2 EJQ
Dining Chair Walnut, blue
leather seats, priced formerly
at $10.00, now g gQ
Dining Chair Walnut, well
made and finished, blue
leather seats, priced formerly
at $15.00, now g QQ
Dining Chairs Walnut, cane
panelled backs, blue leather
seats, priced formerly at
'S6:!!'!1.0:..... $9.00.
Dining Chairs Waxed oak.
leather seats, well made,
priced formerly . dQ (JA
at $8.50, now at. . P4.0U
. Dining Chairs Oak, colonial
design, leather seats, priced
formerly at $12.50, now
Golden Oak Buffet Plenty
of drawer rocn for linen and
silver, mirror back, priced
formerly at - l0f Crt
$52.50, now....VW DJ
Don't Forget We
Give Away Free
Thursday, Feb. 16, 8 p. m.
a handsome four-piece
White Ivory Bed
Room Set
' Ask for ticket at Main ,
Aisle Desk.
Take advantage of this sale.
If not convenient to pay now,
then- pay us as you get paid.
0W921 (3'
Howard St.. Between 15th and ISLh
1.10 mrrhnU now uiln the
J.J.Cameron Credit Service)
Save ) and educate the people to pay
promptly by using thlt aervtee.
Telephone DO ula 790
666 is a prescription for Colds,
Fever and LaGnppe. Irs the
most speedy remedy we know.
Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
That is the Joyful cry of thousand
since Dr. Edwunla produced Olive
Tablets, the suhmitute for calomel.
Dr. Edwards, a practicing physi
cian for 17 years and calomel' old
time enemy, discovered the formula
for Olive Tablets while treating pa
tients for chronic constipation and
torpid livers.
Dr. Edwards" Olive Tablets do not
contain calomel, but a healing,
soothing vegetable laxative.,
No priping U the "keynote" of
these little sugar-coated, olive-colored
tablets. They cause the bowels
and liver to act normally. They
never force them to unnatural
If you have a "dark brown
mouth" bad breath a dull, tired
feeling sick headache torpid liver
constipation, you'll find quick,
sure and pleasant- results from one
or two of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tab
lets at bedtime.
Thousands take them every night
Just to keep right. Try them, 16c
and 30c.
Men-tho-eze, a Pleasant Cream
Containing Goose Grease
and Turpentine
Goose groasa and turpentine have
been used fui generations in the re
lief of colds and la
grippe. Men-tho-eze
preserves the valu
able qualities of
these old remedies,
but combines them
with menthol, wln
tergreen, peppermint
and other healing
essences and oils.
Men-tho-eze is doub
ly effective In the
treatment of la gripe, colds, sore
throat, and similar ailments, because
It treats the affection both externally
and internally. Rubbed on chest or
throat, it draws the inflammation.
The fumesv inhaled, act directly on the
Internal passages. Men-tho-ese often
breaks a cold in twenty minutes.
In Oped Jare
aM wm i 'r- a 4j ej --.. Ft i HinT" . I
DruxKiatu civ Ireo sjunuia lor tint) euaiMtn
Works Like
a Clock
Cures Colds in24 Hours
CTANDARD nmedjr world ertr. Tablet
lorm. Uae at Hrel auReatlea e Coli
er ui bnppe in aroM
iflneaa. DeauMI rad bos
Mertaret Jotephina Blair N
. Dressing
for Beauty
The fuiidttriietttal prin
ciples of good Urcaainir
concern type, com
plexlon and the relation
existing between a
woman and her clothes.
Once a woman has
grasped the rudiments ol
(rood dressing; she may
be attractively costumed
in the simplest of in
expensive frocks.
Mrs, Margaret
Josephine Blair
has based her ideas on a
careful study of the fig
ure and its possibilties.
She contends that un
becoming garments are
entirely unnecessary, and
illustrates her principles
from the kitchen apron
to the ballroom gown.
Tuesday afternoon the .
Burgess-Nash Store in
vites all women who are
interested i n dressing
with comfort and econ
, omy to attend this lec
"ture. Burgess-Nash ,
Fifth Floor,
February 7 3 o'clock.
The agony of lumbago, gout, rheuma
tism, neuralgia, neuritis can be quickly
overcome by good old hot
Use it for all Inflammation, congestion
and swelling will not blister 30c
60c yellow box. ,
Dr. Carter's K. & B. Tea
Best For Constipation
Brew Ityoureelf and tike a hot cap bcJen
going to bed. It regulate the whole tyatem and
Is purely vetetabla. Billtouanoa. Sick Head
ache. Children like it Gaww .adtageMc.
For Sale by Five Sherman
& McConnell Drug Stores
aperient, adda
tana and vigor to
the digettive and
elimlnativa tyttem,
Improveo tha appe
tite, reiieree Sick
Headache and Bll
louaneee, corrects
I ii
iTJL. jg?B31sod for mer
..... .
One-third the regular doie.
Made of lame lngrodl
I enta, then candy
' coated. Por children
and adulta.
" & MoConnrll limit Mores
Why Stay Fat?
You Can Reduce
The answer of most fat poole In that
It la too hard, too troublesome and too
rtanprernuK to forr th welKht down.
Marmola Prescription Tablets overcome all
these difficulties. They are absolutely
harmless, entail no dietlnic or exercise.
and have the added advantage of cheap
ne. A case In sold at one dollar by all
druggists the world over, or nend the
price direct to the Marmola Co., 4612
Vnodward -Ave., Detroit, Mich. Now that
you Know tms, you nave no excuse ior
hplnjf fat. but can reduce steadily and
easily without going through Ion ateaes
of tiresome xeMe and starvation diet
or fear of had effects.
Snfferera from epilewr. fits, hlhae nckaexi
tend today for Acoma, the new remedy.
ACOM A ii now lived by thousand to prerrnt
thtM ttli. Not a patent mreiidne. not biba-form-tof,
conaini no bromidei. Acotna easy to take
and bannles. Send f 1.00 for trcattneatordi
narily enoufh for 30 days. Satisfaction rutran--teed.
Money back if trial order fails to rrliere.
Write today for quick relief. State particular!
of your case, send money order or cbeck.
Mail your order today, batte-a your rehef.
Aooma Chemical Co. Dept.B.
CliytoD P O.. ST. LOUIS, MO.
You Can Find H'Id
throush a Bee Went Ad
Fistula-Pay When Cured
A mild ayatem of Ueatmrnt that enrea Pilea. Flatnla aad atke
Itectal Diseasee in ahort time, without a aevera auraical ob-
vration. No Chloroform, Kther or other rencrel aneethetie aied.
A m. ..j,iseii H, ,VCrj caae accepted for tivatment, and no money ia to be paid antil
euwl Write for book on Rectal Dieaee. with namea and testimonial, of Bora tbaa
l.eoe rnnniient ieiple ho have been permanently cured,
j DR. . R. TARRY Sanatoriuaa, Petara Truat BId(. (Bee BMg.) Omaha. Nab.