THE KtK; OMAHA. MONDAY. FLfchUARY 6. lt22. Classified Mvertitisf Ritet 111 Be tin (.-aunt t aje.4 la i I per llae par 4r, I iummh . It t-.r ti per e, t raaaa". fee !' ' W. J euii . N a 4a takaa far la I Sea, 4 total Tin. re'a si ne I th lUr ' be All 4rilm.i ! I fcaia iK'inlxi aum.g (UUr I ' far la ki'i tu.NTKA. r flATr- PM AH-I.ICATI'iN Want til atv.ii.4 at ! 'allaalaf f ftf-aa: maim rrricE....Ui ai rrm $. ill 1.4 alt ' reuarll bluff I MI t. WA.NT Al nK'KIVtP fct I HON IS ATLANTIC TUB 1EI vill not be re.naaelble mar Ikan una wefrct Inaartlua at an. avriieieni rar4 iur wwv ne e "TT)INtl Hrtim FOR WAST APE Ktaning rim.. II A. if. Mamma .anion.,.,... P. SI, usday Miim....I P. U. kaluciay DEATH'S UN R AL N OTI C K AUT'MATI'-' aaalin cunxral burial vaults. Wecmmei4e4 an4 for aal b all leading undertakers Hilir. proof, ae aiaal la ruat. na ee4 la 4a ay. Insiei ip I ha AUTOMATIC Hr.Af.1Nit VAI I.T n.anufa. mra.J by omaha nnrrai Jiurlal Vault Co., lit No, J nil, mi LiHtxr'xjlmiir: taln4 lf vt AU kart Pro., d at srs. t month, :l 4ava, rutin funeral services win i peiq from lha 'acU Funeral Hum, un4y, ti rlora. Interment "HI ! privet. SVeeant Hill remelerr. No flowere. FUNERALJPIRKCTORS F. J. STACK & CO., k accessor I Uleck Falconer OVIAHAS RtbT. rimci" A f pi TT . A MPrrnnci ARROW- Tbirty.thlM and Fa mam. Hulse & Riepen rmvcrn funcral MnccTOfla. Formerly at l"l $. Itlb 81., ha moved In 8814 Cuming . Ja. 118. "IIEAFEY & IiEAFEY I'ndertekerf an4 Bmtialnur. Then II A. :. Offtc Farnan. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON WJWZ SAT IT WITH K LOW ICRS FROM HKH.1 A B WO BOD A. Illl FARNAM STwEUT U Han4araon. 167 Farnam. Jarkaen lit. JOHN BATH. I'i4 Farnam. J ark .on ltd. CEMETERIES. Forest Lawn I Th largest an4 moat beautiful em tary I Nahraaka; Ho arrra, Ju.t north nf city llmlla. A mutual ramatary all tavanuaa tor Improvamanta and n.rpelu.l car. Of fir a antra nr to amalary. CUT offlct, JJ9" Brandela Tltaatcr Bulldlnf. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST I'.iirl nrcklac batwren Klnta boroush ' apartment, S5ih Av. pnd I'oJca St.. and Wenateln'a (rncary. Set tl and 101k, about t p. in., 1'eb. 1. H ward. AT. 4SI3. Kaapaaka. J.i'ST Ladias" walrh, Dniaha or Co. tnuffa, F'h. 6. riwaril. Atlantic ZOil. PERSONALS. PLATTE River auto bridge closed for re- ; pairs at Louisville, Neb. Will close Monday, Feb. 6. 1922. 1KB SALVATION" Army Induatrtal hom anllclla your old clotbinir. furniture, marina. W rollect W dlatrlbut. Phon Dour'an tin and our waion will call. Call and Inspect our Daw home. 1119-1113-1114 Puds St. IK Cleorf W. Palmer, former huaband of .Teaale Lalea Oakea write Keaeda O. Madt, Teabody, Kan., at flrat ob . a.rvttlon cf this Item. h will learn fomothlnf extremely valuable to hla in ter en t. IR. LKIS W. LmVAHDS. th chiropractor a "Keep Svnilink" hs always been tlta Thlropraptlc aloRan." LpST-Buurh of keys, between, Athletic flub und Fonfnelle. Reward. With tag "M. I.." Box A-8S. Omaha Bee LOST Lady'a purse. Reward If returned to prandei. Corset Pept. Miss Carroll. LOST String nf amber beads, 39th Pav ennort Jfc 2Id Jones. Reward. At. 15tS8. FREK FOU FAT FOLKS. All those, people wlshlnif ciuiclt. per manent reduction should write m Im mediately regarding my liberal ' free offer to and one full month's supply cf my Brest new drugless obesity treat ment, absolutely free. Addreis J. K. F.enntt. 40S San Fernando Bids., Los Anfteles, Csl. BRINGING UP FATHER C. . faleal OffU re jiocs and HAuutv in ruiL I ACt Or 4.0LOKS IN iHt HUM) AY tt Drawn for The Be by McMnu Caayrikkl. ICi, at.ttJ haa CO VOU WEVN I ARC NOT CONN tZ AT DUMAS' i PAHTY Tonight? HOW CAN iTint) WCAvK OUT TONiCHT.fMAtliir WOULD OtlAT HC OO tQ I WOULD .NOT 6E ABLE TOCO TO TlH't) PAQTV TOMORH.OW ICHT ? ma- 4V II I , ' - a IT CCRTAtNLV TOU4H TO Mitt) TONIGHT'S gHAKTV DOT IV I CAN'T 6C. HCLP&O I I T T I r1- n :.j WMAT' 1 1 . UVC MffifrT I KNOW eUT TMC NO ONE. i 5v THA.T ACIH I N -MOO WiHTO PCak TO YOO Wire .YOO W)LL HAVE. TO PHONC Ata . CAN'T COrMC OUT" I -.".'a. 1 1 1 I I FOR SALE MiictlUncouti Article. DIAMONDS 'iVSvISS ta bur back at mi profit. ORUt JEWM.RT Cf., Oruahi, Nab 401 . . . -, u w . ... a. L-an SOn r.iton block, at. ;?. Offlra hour. II a. m. in I II J. m. RAZOR KLAbtS barpne4. Inla. Itl doubl . 4 bo 4oa. Mall ardar o- llcltad. omaha aba re Co., I W. m. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANT, Vatlraa made eer In n.w tlrka at Halt price l kar bade. IIOT Cuming. JA. II4T. "PR. A. C. BABTv. PnOCTOIrOlT. Bulla II Arthur Bid-. 21 8. Itih, Bt. praacrlptlon carefully eompoun44 at th t bharmati at wci etuiaii trua aioree. FULL 4raa and tusadu for rant. John Faldman. 101 H. 14th Bt. Jaekeon lltl. Tew and rebuilt leetrUal apparatua. l.aBron riactrlc. Ill o. ot., umni. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. HOI'HKIIOLU aooils, Includlnc handsome Ouatsv stirklay aininf ana iiorary .ultra; t-pior niahoiany parlor aulta, bra. a bed. haveMn china kltchea Ulan alls. HO 8. JO Ht , Apt. 17. J'URNlTURrl, 4 room, as stand, l:0 cash. ltl Mnton. at, NEW Columbia (raphonota, kitchen table. rockln chair; cheap, tut J bi. . LANDT a tor; price, Call Web. alar 1S7. Pianos and Musical Instruments. TRADE your used piano on a new play er piano. Balance a low aa m per month. A. IIOKPB CO., IMSDougl. GEO. A, SMITH Dealer In drum. ylo phones, e(o. I inaiructiona, . repairinai S'tll Pavenport Bt. Phon Harney t67. WILKINSON MUSIC 6HOP Band and orchestra Instruments, accessorial ana muelc. 511 Arthur Bids. DO. lt. JOHN TAFF asxapbone hop, repaliins and aupplle. 0 Leflans B'QS. w. hh BIO bar. In phonograp'a, records. 6HLAKS PHONOORAPH CO. 1104 Dock's. ,'PRIGHT piano reasonnble. MA. 0784. NEW C. Melody Saiophone, $95. Hsr. 683. Clothing and Furs. DL'NDfcB WOOLKN MILLS, For sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations frta. Northwest Cor. th and Harney Bt.-- FL'RS remodeled, rellned and cleaned. KNEBTEB ALASKA JOK W.. JOS B. 16th St. DO. HU. Typswriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADDINGAMACHINES. AU MAKES bought, sold, rented nd repaired. Sole agenta for the CXJRONA, Get our prices befor you buy. Every H..hln. vnara nt erl Central Typewriter Exc. JA. 4150. ' rsrnam. OUARANTEBO typewriters. 18.S0 and up. midland Office wuppiy i.o.. n w. Miscellaneous Articles. VB buy, aell safea. make desk, show case, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co, 8. W. Cor. 11th nd Douglsj. JA. 1784. EXPERT aewlng machine repairing. 15th and Harney. BO. H7S. ; FOR SALE One new Protoctograph check writer, l.ou. Aaaresa dui Omaha Beo, . SECONPHANP bricks for sale. HA. 8106. EPILEPTICS Would you care to learn shout New Rational treatment for im mediate relief of Epllepyy positively stopping all seliurcs from first day's uxe. Information free. "Specialist," Vrawer P-&!8, Lander. Wyoming. LIVER TROHBLK Physli-ian explaina wimple treatment for Inflamed gallblad der and liile ducts sssociated with g"l! stoprs. Booklet f.-ee". Pr. Paddoclt, Box F.;l. Kansas -City. Mo. KATHRVN L. RILEY Skin and scalp specialist. Residence work solicited. Appointment. JA. S268. 'Xheatrlcal historical masque costumes, for plays and parties, at Lleben'a. Omana. JIAONETIC btths; Violet Ray treatment with massages. 614 S. 19th. PO. MM. SULPHUR hatha, Swedish massage, chi ropody. Evenings to d. 809 So. 20th St. RENT vacuum cleaners, 75c. HA. 1071. liLECTRIO baths. Swed. mass. WE. 2911 EXPERT MASSAGE. DOUGLAS 9549. F.XPERT massorte. 210 North 17th St. EXPERT masssge. 404 No. 18. Apt. 4. eXeOTRIC therapy treat. 318 Neville Blk. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Acccrdeon Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all atyles: hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button A Pleating Co., SOS Brown block, Omaha, Nb. Telenhone JA. 19S6. NEBR. PLEATING f: ton.' 1o Farnam. 8d Floor. DO. SS70. Contractors. PAINTING, papering and plastering. J. Nau. WA. 4867. Patent Attorneys. J. W. MARTIN, patent attorney, 1111 Podge, Omaha, also Washington, T. C vt e help sell patents, models made. Dancing Academies VTTIT'P'Q Is' Karnam. Pouglaa 44. IV 1J Li I O Classes Monday, Wednes day and Friday, :1S p. m. Private lea ona by appointment. Sur metb'oda. Fatlsfsctlon guaranteed. Dentists X-Ray AIOUTH Hvglens and Pyorrhea. Dr. E. B. McQulllen, Dentlat. 1100 Flrat Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel: JA. 04S4. DENTAL X-RAYS, 60o EACH. 13 a full set. 03 Securities Bldg. Detectives. Western National Detective .SVency. Licensed snd bonded. 407 Brstdets To. Bldg. Lady operators. AT. 8543. Independent Detective Rureau. 304 Neville Blk. AT. 6801; night. WA. 4045! KB. 046a RELIABLS Detective Bureau. Railway Erx. Bldg-. JA. SOo. Wight, KB. 3813. JAMES ALLAN. 1J Neville Blk. Evidence eecured In all cases. Atlantic ill. DETECTIVES that get results. 409 Fax ton block. J A. 1819. DO t787. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING by the day at home. Web. s3. Furs, suits, dresses, rem'd, reiln'd. Ha 8S04 DRESSMAKING Prices reaa. HA. 6017, Kodak Finiohine- ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, developing, printing. Kas Studio. !1J Neville Blk, FILMS DEVELOPED FREB. Tha Bnelgfr Co., 1807 Howard St. Printing;. PJDDT Printing Co, 113 8. IS Bt. Da H47. BRFTT Printing Co.. 1 Elks Bldg. Miscellaneous Announcements. MR. AND MRS. II. F. Thornton. 1341 8. S7th St., announce the birth of a son, Heroert 1 aimer, (to. i, at s caiir siiak WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desk, used desk bought, (old and traded. J. C. Reed. 1S07 Farnam. PO 14 WANTED SITUATIONS. Female. NURSE-EXPERT for serloue cases. No benefit, no pay. Health Bureau, juaona. Is. '. " ' Laundry and Day Work. WHITE woman want laundry work. DO. 6618. COLORED girl want day work of any kind. WE. 206Z. - - FIRST class colored laundress. Reference. Web. 830S. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. YOUNG men, over 17, desiring govern ment nna lion. 1130 montniy, write ior free list of positions now open. J. Leon- ard, (former Civil service Mammon, 809 Equitable Bldg. Washington, D. C. FIREMEN, brakomen, , beginners IHOf later laiii mommy. w rue Box Y-17S3, Omaha Bee. . Professions and Trades. DO you want to Increase your Income? Writ the National Auto cnoot, No. 80th St., Omaha, for catalogs MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 8. 14th. Write for catalog. Miscellaneous. Cudahy Packing Co. . will resume cutting 1c at Seymour Lake ' MONDAY, . . ' February I,. V'AGES 30C PER HOUR. ' Free Lodging V AT LAKE ' Salesmen and Solicitors. Bond Salesmen Wanted Have a small individu al electric light and power issue in Nebraska to dispose of quick. Call in person, Conant hotel, Saturday, 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. Sunday 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. Fred .H. Murphy. SALESMEN' erperienccd In general mer rhandise with following through Ne braska and Kansas, wanted by one of the leading concerns in the country Excellent opportunity. Commission bssls. New York Merchandise Co., 11 Fifth Avenue, ?.ew Tor. ANY intelligent person, cither sex, may earn 10 to 53"0 monthly correspond ir.g for newspspere; fa to fla per column: all or apare time; experience uiineeeessry; no csnTaseing. Send for particulars. National Fret Bureau, Buffalo, I. , HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN Rallebl laamii la avail duality houeehnld article. rapatr. I furnllur and hardware dealers, all bar in ar mala una; rererenraa, imsrai rommie.lon, , Address . Bos T-UK, i'mah Hr. SALESMAN ta sell ee Sid tine ta dealer nly aid eetabltshsd Una Farm IipdIo. ments. CommiMioa hesi. No mple to carry. Oinab ws.tera Bi c., orr.ahe. Nan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. FOR pereona! Inotructlon In ehortband, typwrlttng, bookkeeping, banalng, ate. call Dougle T774. Saleswomsn and Solicitors. Wanted Several High Class Bond Salesladies Have a small individu al ' electric light and power issue in Nebraska to dispose of quick. Call in person, Conant hotel, Saturday, 1 p. m. to 5 p. m., Sunday 9 a. ra. to 2 p. m. Fred H. Murphy. Household and UomestJc. WANTED competent girl for general nouaeworK. Muet ba sood cook. Itef erencea required. Walnut 1061. WANTED Experienced whit ecand maid, fall Harney 0388. HELP WANTED. Mala and Female. WANTED Men, ladlts and boy to learn barber trade: big demend; wages while learning: strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodg St. Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIOHT SCHOOL. Complete coureee In accountancy, m chln bookkeeping, comptometry, abort hand and typawrltlng, railroad and wlrelees telegraphy, civil eervlce and ll English and commercial brancbe. Write, call or phone Jackson 166S tor larg lluatratcd catalog. Address Boy les. College, Boyes Bldg., Omaha. Nela ' . Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening School. tCO Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6810. BUSINESS CHANCES. RAILWAY esting house for sale, tem.T heat, ice, oal, water furnished free; rent 110 a month. . 42d and B streets. Phone MARKET 8859: ' FOR SALE good restaurant doing good business, . only eating jiousa in -town. S. c. Lyon. Harrold. S. D. I WANTED Someone interested in pstent. one already pending.. Box A-ri8, Fee. FOR SALF Grocery and 7 rooms. full. 81.600. 643 So. 84th' Ave. all Rooming Houses. 12-RM., newly .decorated, new furniture. rugs, steam neat. 8" . lin St. owner. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. GET YOUR ROOM through The Be furnished room di rectory. Call t- office for Hat of choice desirable rooms In all part nf the city. . A ssrvlce that beneflta botb advertiser and room seeker. A SMILE is contagious but the Board of Meaitn aoesn t object to it ana you can wear It anywhere.- See Dr. Lee W. Edwards, the chiropractor, and get a ' Keep Smiling" button", and then smile. FURN., rms with prlv. bstb: warm, com- lortame, cneeriui; pricea reasonaoie, aay or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT 4701. WEST FARNAM. In private home. large, newly furnished room,' adjoining bath. HA. 8144. .'.,- v . - :HE LANDON 611- S. :4th. .Mode sleeping rooms, -ll'a day up. Special weekly rates. Pouglas 7110. BF.AUTIKULLY furnished, warm room. Field club district. For gentlemen. References. Harney 8015. ST. MARYS AVE., 2005 Very pleasant rooms, walking distance, reasonable. SHI'. ST. MARYS AVE Call and ee these rooms: pleasant, modern. AT. 6088. CI.AREMONT INN Comfortable and rea. sonable rooms at-weekly rates. DO. S7SS. COZY room for gentlemen; private home; walking distance; Farnam car. HA. 728. LOOK at this room first, warm, pleas ant. Men only. ... At. .4701. -Apt. 601. NICE front, room In real home; gentlemen preferred; reasohable. AT. , 9896. MODERN front room. suitable for 2. Walking distance. 2810 Dodge. CLEAN, warm, well-furnished room, .loso In. 654 So. 86th Ave. ' At.. 2977. PLEASANT sleeping room. also nic apartment for 3. .1184 Pouglas. - , Housekeeping Rooms THE OU1DE TO - -th better housekeeping room I the directory furnished, to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies In all parts or tn city. DESIRABLE, steam , heated, connecting front room.. Cloa In. Inquire, 820 1-1 No. 88rrt. . , , . IITII ST., 3115 S. Two nice roome, fur nished: private family. AT.. 4106. , 3-ROOM suite, reasonable. HA.: 2505. Board arid Rooms. BOARD and room In steam heated apart ment, home privileges, for two or couple employed; 17.50 each. 2802 N. 21st. WE-SPECIALIZE; In meals you can really enlov, comfortable room. MERRLAM HOTEL. . v The Home for Business Men. r !th and Dodge Sts. Doug. 2078. TEL. WEB 0749 Plessant 2 rooms, sult - able for 3 or 4. 'girls; home privilege. ' Very reasonable.' First else meals. LARGE attractive room with board; home privileges. Hanscom park. I-IA. S16S. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. NICELY furnished front apartment, mod - em; close to car. WOODBINE APARTMENTS. WE. 6946. 2814 Wirt St. 4-ROOM furnished apartment. 3336, call evenings. Harney . Unfurnished. i ROOMS and bath; modern except beat, 8W Vinton Street. 130. Peters Trust Company, "Where. Omaha Rents" AT. 0644. 17th and Farnam St. Fine 4-room apartment with sun room. Cloae in. vry best condition. Im mediate possession. 86?. eo per montn. Also an apartment of room. - SSB per month. J A. 1633. W. T. GRAHAM". 704 Peter Trust Bldg. 6-ROOiI apartment with steam heated garage. Benbow Court, 4ttb and Dodg. Phone Walnut 8088. ' 3 TO 7-ROOM, modern, rents reduced Call Jackson JUL Wsbsttr 1118. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Unturnished. Apartments Available Now i I N. f, Kmiaborougb, till Pedg liraat Ma OO 1 Unrig roam, dining room alcove, kitchen, dressing loom and bath, con venient and pl.aaant arrangement! Id . floor, south, and esat exposure. No. ;i, turner Court, SIOI Podge treat Itl.OO No. lot. Turner Court, tlfl Podte tract 110 0 No. 101, Turner Court, 1101 Podge street 1I..50 All 1-room apartments with l-rom ei-ommodatlons; nicely arranged and very jltsently located oppoill Turner park. Th Mildred. 41th sol Podge IIOO.oo A new building In Dundee, Juat being completed; rooms: each apartment ha two (torle and basement. No. t Elweoil, 41th At, and Pod Slret 11160 A moat attractive l-room apartment; newly decorated, til kltihen; on of Omaba's beat. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0844. 17th and Farnam Bt. 1107 FARNAM i-room apartment, com pletely modern, suitable for office, atudtos, dental or dressmsklng rooms, etc., for tenant wishing hom adjoin ing. T. F. Hall, 434 Hallway Exchange, Dougla 7408. IO Q room modern pt., th t DRAKE! RENTAL AGENCT. 1701 Howard St. AT. 1701. JA. 8808 Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. 5-ROOM apartment, modern, with beat. 6803 North 84th St. FOR RENT Business Property. 8037 FARNAM ST. 12,000 quar fet ALFRED THOMAS & SON CO. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO.. lltb nd Jone 8t AT. 1368 Doceor wishes to sublet part cf beautifully furnished 4-room sulte TEl. ATLANTIC 6894 Stor room lor rent. Elks' Bldg. F D. WEAD AND BOWMAN CO. H. M. Christie, wsrehouse A track'ga prop For Rent 1.000 square feet ground floor apace, with basement, located In Omaha' new Retail Center. Southeast corner 17th and Howard streets. licit furnished. For particulars, call George & Company, Atlantlo 8084. FINANCE BLPrt., 409 PLEASANT OF FICES FOR RENT IN FINANCE BLDG. RENT VERY REASONABLE. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked room for household goods and planoa, moving, packing and shipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16tb. DO. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on storag and moving. Contrsct taken by ob or hr. Globe Van & Storage Co., JA. 4338. AT. 0830. 680-84 North 16th St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenings, $1.83 per 100. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. JA. 1142. PARKS Barred Rock, Wat'ns R. C. Reds, cokercls; also 1 Ancona cock. KE. 3624. HATCHING eggs. Wy. Tsrds. KE. 0389. Thoroughbred cockerels, 17. Kenwood 3891 CANARIES for sale, reasonable, KE. 8663, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Used Trucks, $100 and Up. Writs or call for complete list of our used truck. All makes, alxes, Btylea and prices. Easy terms. W have Reos, Fords, Stewart. Republics. Oldsmoblle, Dodge, Chevrolet and others. All in good condition. Inquiries answered same day received- See ( Jones-Opper Co., 2560 Farnam St. Omaha Phon Harney 063S. 50 REAL USED CAR BARGAINS Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. Fords from $50 and up. Dodge, Butck and others, 1100 and up. Ford bodies, winter top. '" GOLDSTOM AUTO SALES CO., 1S18 Harney St. Central Garage. FORD ROADSTER 1920 MODEL WITH STARTER; ALSO FORD ROADSTETt. WITHOUT STARTER. MANY OTH ERSCASH OR TERMS. MOTOR EXCHANGE CO., 3053 FARNAM ST. DO. 8997. SOME bargain in used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. MCCAFFREY MOTOR CO., Th Handy Ford Sarvic Station. 13th snd Jackson Sts. DO. 35,00. HUDSON SPEEDSTER, LIKE NEW. SIX TfRES. IT'S IN PERFECT CON DITION AND A BEAT., BARGAIN. JIOTOR EXCHANGE CO., 1053 FARNAM ST. DO. 8987. NEARLY NEW 6-PASSENUER JORDAN TOURING CAR. TERMS TO RESPON SIBLE PARTIES. CALL HARNEY 6450. BUT A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Ssf Investment. 26th and Farnam St. Phone Dnuglss 1970. AVERY truck, 5-ton, $500: worth more; good condition. Stroud & Co., 80th and Ames. USED radiators, all make fur sale. Green ough. Radiator Repair. 2039 Farnam. HARLEY DAVIDSON motorcycle, good as new, sell cheap. HA. 6726. WH1TPT V DOES MIS BEST. llllliuui J20 Sou South 13lh St. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 813 S. tt. FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands. EQUITY Land Exchange. St. Paul. Minn. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY Free special number Just out, containing many facts of clover lsndj In Marinette county. Wisconsin. If for a hom or n investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands where farm ers grow rich, send et one for tht spe cial number of Landology. It Is free on request. Address Skldmore-Rlehle Land Co.. 438 Skidmore-Rlebl Bldg., Mari nette, Wis. s. ' PY-TIME TALES . sf IMSS,t .THE TALE OF PONY IEELS "SCO, 3 CHAPTER XIV. Stuck in a Drift. Outside the barn, in the mow-cov-cred farmyard, Johnnie Green mounted TwinkleheeU, and rode him beyond the gate where ht could watch the fun up the road. Yoked to a sort of plough, Bright and Broad, the oxen, tore through the piled up snow and threw it to either side in great ridges. "I'm going ahead to the cross roads," Johnnie Green told his father. That plan pleased Twinklehecls. he plunged out of the broken road and wallowed in bnow up to his neck. He was going to show Bright snd Broad that he could get to the crossroads before they did. "Don't do that I" Farmer Green shouted to Johnnie. lie was too laic. The words were scarcely out of his mouth before Twinklcheels was reaching desper ately for a footing. His toes found nothing firm beneath them nothing but yielding snow. And his frantic struggles only made him sink the deeper. FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. WRITE M. A. Larson, Central City, Neb., for folder about truck raising oppor tunities in acre tracts. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. Wll have casta on band to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUOEE, INC., 638 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EA8T NEB, FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1019 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 8715 1100 TO 110,000 made promptly. F. D. Weed and Bowman Co. Weed Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. AN attractive five-year loan of 14.000 bearing 7 per cent on a firm valued at $16,000. no prepayment option, KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANT, 845 Omaha National Bank. LIBERTY bonds and stocks bought and sold. ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW & OD., 860 Omaha National Bank Building. LIBERTY BONDS bougbt and sold. AT. 8644. Mack' Bond House. 1421 1st Nat. MITHEN pays most for liberty bonds. 981 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or hpU Omaba Real Estate FOWLER & M'DONALD 1180 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1488. Charles W. "Young & Son Real Estate. Rentals, Insurance. 1602 City Nat. Bk. AT. 9668. VIIVUill'HJ.for qUcl( suts. 118 1st Nnt'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1968. LIST your bungalow for sale with H. S. MANVILLE, Realtor, . B15 Peters Trust Bldg. At. 2403 DTPffTJ'TT R E A I.. E STATE DiniY-Cj-L I S(.nSl . Rents. Insure. 850 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 0633. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List lt with C. A. Orimmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bl 1s D. ROY WOODWARD. Investments and Insurance. JA. 8235. 702 Peters Trust Bldg. E. H. BENNER COMPANY, Insurance. Call Edward Perley. Douglass 8406. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence NETHAWAY sells and trades. KE. 14.H REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West BEMIS PARK DISTRICT New 6-room bungalow, east front lot. two blocks to car. DO 8547 or JA'4238. North. Kountze Place Home Can be purchased reasonable, ha four rooms and hal! downatairs, four bedrooms and bath econd, floored attic, full basement. Oak and enamel ffnihv fireplace, built-in bookcases. South front lot, shrubbery, close to car and chool. i Gallagher & Nelson, 653 Peters Trust Bldg. J A. S3S8. A REAL HOME NEAR AMES -PRICED RIGHT. 5-r. oak finished bungalow, modern In every way. Hns 44x120 ft. lot with gar age. $4,900 buys it with $600 down. To see this, call Osborne ' Realty . Co., JA. 8282, or Partwh. DO. 7210. 4464 BEDFORD AVE. 4-room, modern bungalow; terms reasonable. CREIGH. 60S BEE. J A 0200 D. T. BUCK & CO. buy and aell home. South. Ralston Lots ment down: easy payments. Phone Stewart. Ralston. 10-W. .. Acreage. ,. Hi ACRES near Ak-Sar-Ben field, $1,000. Walnut 4187. Vacant Property. LOTS On S. aide of Larimors Avei between 24th and 27th Streets. Will sell on easy payments or will build to j'our order. AT. 3540. ........ W Make Omaha RESIDENCE LOANS Monthly Installment Plan, . Prepayment any tina. "' Also Lfan. on Business Properties Liberal Optional Privileges. . Reasonable Commissions. Johnnie Green slid off Twinkle heels' back and tried to help him. He could do nothing. And lie turned a somewhat frightened face to his father. "We're stuck 1" lie filtered. "I can get out; but Twinklcheels can't. Do ou suppose Bright and Croad could pull him out?'' ' "They could yank 20 of him back &cfore Parmer Green could speak on the road," Farmer Green declared. "But we don't need them, I'll dig the pony out." Seizing a. shovel, Johnnie's father slowly o!g his way to Twinkle heels, who bad stopped struggling Jack and Jill TWinklthaels was ftslinj quits irrportajrt. and was waiting glumly for help. In a few minutes more he had scrambled out of the ditch and gaised the road again, through the path that Farmer Green made for him. "Now," said Farmer Green, ''don't leave the broken read. This pony's too small to handle himself in these drifts. I wouldn't try to put even a full-sized horse through them. It takes oxen in such going. They're slow; but they're strong and .sure footed too. And they can go where horses couldn't do anything but flounder and probably cut themselves with their own feet. That's why we1 always use Bright and Broad to gather sap in the sugarbush." "I'll put Twinklehcels in the barn again," said Johnnie. "Then I'll conic back on foot and help you." So he rode Twinkleheels back and hitched him in hia stall once more. Old Ebenezer wok up as Twinkleheels patterned over the barn floor. "Whatl" cried the old horse. "Back again so soon? Did you race with Bright and Broad?" - "The snow's too deep for a good race." Twinkleheels told him. "Bright and Broad don't mind the snow much, do they?" Ebenezer asked. "Oh. no!" Twinkleheels answered. "They're getting on slowly' up the? road. They take their time, of course." . "Couldn't they beat you to the crossroads if you raced with them todav?" asked old Ebenezer. "Well - yes!" Twinkleheels ad mitted. And he gave . Ebenezer a sharp look. "Who's been talking with you?" he demanded. "Nobody!" said Ebenezer. "I've been dozing here all the morning." "Not even a sparrow?" Twinkle heels asked, "Not Nobody has said a word to me." -"That's strange," Twinkleheels mused. "I was almost sure a little bird had told you something." (Copyright, 1932, by Metropolitan News paper Service.) Common Sense r By J. J. "1UNDY. Are You Hiding Yourself? If you have special ability along some line, do not wait for someone to "discover" you, for you may never be "discovered." If you have special talents and unusual ability and it does not be come known, of what benefit is it to you? Thousands of men arc successes because they are good salesmen for themselves. . - You may be in a menial position because you have not demonstrated Jo anyone what you can do. It is not. enough that you work hard in your present job. If you have that within you which seeks expression or, being expressed would put you in a far better place than you now occupy, it is your fault if you do not make it known nd show what you can do. As long-as you are satisfied where you are none will offer you better. Why should they if you never indicate that you are trying for a higher position. , Get out of the narrow self-contained groove in which you are walking and make a break for some thing better, if ypu are prepared for it. 4 i If you want something better, take the means to become prepared and then let it be known. (Copyright, 1982. Tnternstional Featur Service, Inc.) Alleged Burglar Killed . by Posse of Iowa Officers Blenroe. la.. Feb. 4. Ray Smith, alias "Slim" Smith, alleged burglar and "robber, was shot and killed yes terday near here when he opened fire on a posse. Smith was wanted on a burglary chaise here. "Isn't It shocking that there ire so many divorcci, Jack der?" ukeJ Jill, peeping over his shoulder Ht the first page of the evening piper. "Oh, I don't think so, dear," re. plied her lord and master. "Why Jack!" Jill's pretty eyes opened wide in half bewilderment and semi-disapproval . "I mean exactly what I say, honey," continued Jack, loftily. "If thee wives behaved themselves and weren't cruel and extravagant there would be no divorces. As it is the husbands are better off, and the wiet . get alimony and everybody is happy." "Oh, Jack! I had no idea you were such a hartleis wrechl You have sympathy only for the brutal men and anyway, it's a shame for marriages to end so wretchedly." "Now, honey, of course the men are wrong lots of times, and that's sill the more reason I believe in quick, easy divorce," protested Jack. He was now poring over the scandal column with renewed interest forgetting the baseball news en tirely. "Huh!" he grunted. "Here's a wife who wants $10,000 a month alimony, instead of $5,000. What did I tell you?" "Exactly," sallied Jill. "And her husband's income, according to that same article is a half a million dollars a year. And he's said a lot of horrid things about her, and she has four children" "I didn't think of that," agreed Jack, unwillingly. "He could get along with $60,000 less couldn't he?" He read further along and sudden-, ly gave a low whistle. "My goodness, this man was ar rested for horsewhipping his wife while she was tied to the bedpost." "There now, of e'emrse flie woman was to blame for that." "Jill, dear, you're always looking for a chance to ridicule me. How ccr, that only occasionally happens. Don't 'you -think a divorce is better in this case?" "No, darling, I think a whipping post would bring him to his senses and he might be a very well-behaved husband afterwards." "There goes' the telephone," ex claimed Jack. Jill answered it, and surprised Jack with her half of the dialogue. "Oh, my dear! That's dreadful Of course you can come and spend the night here. . . Yes, we have our guest room. , .Why Darling, don't be frightened! brave Jack will pro tect you!" Jill hung up the receiver, and. turned to Jack with a horrified look. . "Great Scot! What's the trouble?" "Poor Dorothy Wallace. , '.a quarrel with her husband, who swears he will kill her! She's coming here to night, and go to a divorce lawyer tomorrow." ' "There! What did I tell you!" and there was a glint of triumph in Jack's eyes. "I'll go ever and get her luggage, and bring it back dear." "You're so thoushtfull" . ' Jack disappeared instanter, and had not been absent five minutes when Jill's tearful little friend, Dorothy, came running up the steps. She had taken a village taxicab and not even waited for her packing. "He's so jealous!" she wept. "And oh, how he threatened me! And we've only been married three months!" Jill joined sympathetically into her sobbing and they were both in the midst , or a "good cry" when Jack opened the door. Behind him came Bob Wallace, white of face and stammering. "I've found out that it was all a mistake, Jill. Bob wants forgiveness, and is afraid' that Dorothy is on the road to Reno!" He laughed quietly, beckoning to Jill, who followed Miim into the kitchen as the reunited couple clutched each other feverish ly, to avhisper renewed sweet noth ings. z"You wonderful, wise young man," said Jill. "She was just breaking her little heart for fear she would have to go to Reno. Now, don't you admit that you're wrong in ad- j visine divorces?" i "No, darling. . That's what got Bob's goat 1 advised him to beat her there and get the divorce first and he wanted to thrash me and came right over here for fear I had designs myself!" And then they kissed in the kitchen, as romantically as on the night of their betrothal! (Copyright, 1931. Thompson Feature . Service.) My Marriage Problems A ski Carte' N faa) 4 "ReveUtioni of a Wife" tr.MraV a km saan. las. I Explosion in Blovie House Causes Panic Among Patrons New York. Feb. 5. An explosion, followed by fire, spread panic among 500 patrons of the Lyric motion picture theater here today, but all reached the street. The blaze was put out by firemen after it had de stroyed several thousand feet of film and damaged the, operating room. Several persona, were slightly in jured in the crush at the exits. During the last year more than 2.000,000 men and women have been directly or indirectly employed as a result of public .works construction. A Silly Song I Old Bill Karbunkle bought the farm that lays just north of mine. H-e's living on a rented farm, down on the County line. He had a sale yesterday, down on the rented place, pnd furnished every man who came fre.e lunch to feed his fare. I only went to get the lunch and see what I could see. That crier sold a wagon load of useless junk to me, I bought one set of broken tugs, one tongueless walkin' plow,- two sacks of fertilizer and a Poland China sow, two rocking chairs, a frying pan, a load of cobs and chaff, a dozen roupy chickens and a sore eyed sucking calf. My wife looked at the junk I bought and grinned from ear to ear, and said that, from the looks of things. Bill's lunch was pretty deaiv Charge Man Sold Morphine in Capitol Avenue Resort Eugene Golden was arrested late last nifcht in a resort at Eleventh and Capitol avenue by Detectives Ryan rr-d Davis, charged with selling cap si'les of morphine to a man givin the name of Earl Gibbons, 3810 South Sixteenth street. The detectives :M Golden dropped 13 capsules of morphine on the ground when they approacljtfl him. Tha Not That Kri LrfL Lillian was rlo.e behind m I entered the kitchen, and 1 turned to her villi an unreatoiuble feeling o( linli", "Kan'e Isn't liff." I mM Miukly. I'tually Lillian does not shire my forrtnntifigs, but at my wofds win, thing Ir-aped inta her tyr which told me the was In uursay at the girl'l kbeiu'c from the kitchen. "IUt the been here at all?" lha flskfJ. "N'o that's hat worries mr. Ami he never fails to have her fire built by thi time. Hut prrhipi '' ovrr-ilcpi. She probaMy didn't clue Iter ef until Ute," "If you'll aee to the fire. I ll cd nd wake her," Lillian voluntcrird. t here ws a lonMraiurd note in her tuo-f4re lully-cual tone, and I know that ordinarily she would bate volunteered to build tl" fire and Itavt sent me for Katie. The vague un ratinrit I bad felt since entering the kitchen cryjtillirrd into a distinct, horrible fear. "Lillian!" I gasped. "You don't think Hurry! We'll go to her room at once." "Frankly, I don't know what to think. But let me go first. I'll call you if you're needed." I know what she meant. ! am ex reedingty fond of Katie, and if any thing harrowing awaited us in her loom, Lillian wished to shield me al much a possible. "We haven't time to argue." I laid tensely. a I started for the door. "We must hurry." She made no further protest, but quickly as I walked or rather ran to Katie's quarters, Lillian was dose at my heels. And when I knocked at' Katic'a door at first gently and then frantically, when there was no answer she put a comforting, steadying hand on my shoulder and kept it there. "We'll have to get Jerry Ticer to ' break it down," I said wildly. "Suppose we first find out whether it's locked or not," Lillian suggested practically, and adroitly putting her self between me and the door, she turned the knob. "It isn't locked," she wi.ipered, and then pushed it open, and we were in the room, our curious, fearful eyes' scraching in every corner of it. But we soon determined that Katie's bedroom and sitting room were as empty as the kitchen had been. We looked at each other In .imar.cment, which on my part at least was mingled with terror. Had she wandered away to end her un happiness or I moved toward the door with some vague idea of going in search of her. "Look at this" Lillian said sud denly. I turned, to see her holding up a pink envelope which I recognized r.s beloiiRinor to a box of fancy note- jiapcr which Jim had bought. Katie the Christmas before, and which I knew she highly priced. "It's addressed to you. I think," Lillian said, scrutinizing it in a puz zled way. handing it to me. "Mis Gram," evidently as near as Katie could get to the proper spelling of my name, was sprawled in angu lar, childish characters upon the en velope. 1 opened it. finding a sheet of similar scrawled characters, which Lillian and I spent several minutes in deciphering. When we had fin ished the epistle my eyes were wet, .Hid Lillian's face was full of pity. I cannot reproduce Katie's, spell ing. No one who did not know her could make sense of it. But the let ter in her characteristic phraseology ran thus: - "My dear darling Miss Gram: " I lof you, ah, so hard. Please forgive your poor Katie. ' I so sorry to leave you, go away this way, but I no can stand it to stay by dis house veil Jeem gone. Me and .Jeem so happy here, have so much foil. I no can live here if he gone. "He wrile me sooch sorry letter,; I cry me all night. Und I not know vere he go, But I know vit I do. I go me to New York by my cousin's und I get me vork safe all my money, den I go hunt for heem. Maybe he believe me bimeby. "I no like go like dis, sneak away like vun tief, but eef I stay till morn ing, you talk so nice by me I no can. go, so I do eet dis vay I pack vot things I need first in bag,. take with me, walk to Bridgehampton for dot first train.' I leave other things in suit case and trunk. Some time ver I write you vere, maybe you be so kind und send deni to me. "You no forget, I lofe you. . Oh, kiss dat baby boy for me! No let him forget Katie who lofes heem so mooch. Oh, I cry my eyes out for "tiu and heem! i'Good-by. "rom poor Katie, who lofes you so mooch." 1 - 'iVr)s5iV- S - JE:-, . KjVv " .iitaJk " 4ffca