Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1922, Page 11, Image 11

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Patience Vital
Quality of
Dum nMhrrltuiHl, !iH it tttrrtil
kit C4rr tin) f c tiht Mr . flute
woiiun ks mraciuf in th tyi
of hr iritp.l i hid le was in the
djvi tclnit her nurriasrr the
tb)fct of a cuntrovmy in the Kan--.
City Star.
Nint girl out vt 10 M ilt tiwr h
the illirnunve nd will iie a itcciii
me hrre a pretty girl became worn
ft n J tired loulinif ly the tune baby
wt 2 or i years old, neglected her
ni pesrante, breamo rimy on current
b'Uirt, (iroiea her Inni'ls and rut
rcwe her hie rinwn to a round id
luby earing, husband feeding and
This i undoubtedly true, e teci!!v
pniotig women tillable to afford a
I cid or nursriiuid. The constanl
locumng of one's thought on baby
alfairi. however dear to a mother t
heart, will crowd out other broaden
ing influence and tend to produce
list diiiitrretedne and that unin
i rmed stale of mind o common tj
jung mother.
Such a condition it oiten avoidable
I ut mote oiii n it i not. The ihyichl
ure of a baby, f I us the homewoik,
h at much a any one woman can
i!o well, and if khe still has time to
be (rob and attractive then the has
unusual strength and nerves or an
musually calm, quiet baby which
moit balnea are not.
Granted that the does become un
attractive and Mali in a tocial tense
to herself and to her husband the
i developing character trait tin.
I'reamed of and a wonder to herielt.
I.'ke the tun'a warmth on a budding
fewer does mother love bring forth
alienee and long guttering The
responsibility of a helpless baby de
velops stability and determination.
1 he cry of a tick child gives birth
to a fervent faith in God's mercy
and a fear of His power.
A baby is the most effective
In Business Office It Is Out of Place Too Liberal
Scenting Is Always Obnoxious and Cheap.
' Many a puu tince Napoleon Ron
'aiurte has had a decided antipathy
! r perfume and has had the melius-
Iwn, it pot the courage, t bani:t
irom hit pretence all ilwe who were
addicted to the habit of tuing tweet
tnt about their persont, Na
roleon, you know, not infrequently
directed one vi hit court attendant
to request even very pretty women
who. were highly perfumed to leave
lit imperial presence becaiie their
tweetnrtt offended hit nottnls. I
know of one or two business men of
ttday who have discharged really
tuti(.irtory typists and stenograph
en all because of a fondness that
these young women possessed for
violrt extract, attar of roc. am
Lergrit or bcrgamot, civet or skunk.
More Used in France, .
With this group of perfume haters
on the one hand and on the other a
group of persons who insist that
the pleasures of the olfactory sente
are much neglected and most refining
in their influence, it is hard to say
whether or not the use of perfumer
u ill bred. In (.pile of Napoleon,
pertuinrt are much more generally
tiSed in France than here, and in
England, too, more perfume is used
among well-bred person.
Ihere mutt be something in the
American atmosphere that make the
rrfect of a very little scent go a tonz
way and makes many pcrm obje u
to the abundant use of secnl. It
would be hard to lind a thorough
going, straight from the shoulder
American man of the present gener.
Mion unlet he had been bred in
Europe who ue perfumes, except
irt the way of slightly scented smji
or toilet powder, l'erfumed hand
kerchief have very little p'ace tn
the pocket of American busmen
Be Careful in Crowd.
Well-bred women ttill use pcr
fimo in their own homes and elc
where when they are not to be in a
crowded, close room where the effect
or the perfume might be oflentiv?.
However, even for a woman to-us?
perfume in a business office is not
n good taste. 1'ven if perfume is
not annoying it is likely to be dis
tacting. To manv men, in fact, tt
it as suggestive of indolence as the
itrains oi soft music all very well
m their place, but not during worK
hours. S'o business man likes to
have the first and most persistent im
pression that an associate has of his
olhce the particular kind of teent his
stenographer usct even if it docs
cost $12 an ounce bottle.
disciplining influence on a young girl
there is, or a young man, for that
matter. A mother must herself learn
self-control before the can control
hir child. She must overcome her
own shortcoming before the can be
an example to lur little ones. She
must be wise in the methods of child
training and firm in her guidance and
Almond Blanc-Mange.
Blanch and pound a cup of al
i:onds. add six cups of rich milk
cream scalded with 10 tablespoons -f
sugar, and a few drops of almond
Wilt racalva phoM order Friday eve
ninf until p. m. All orders Saturday
fur 1 p. m. wilt be dslivared Monday.
Our lone experience in the country
trade and many -year of knowledge in
grocery business in general assure you
Ross Grocery Company
2308-2310 Cumins Street
Tel. Jackaon 1602-1603
, 98c
Beat Granulated Sugar
Per sack '
IT lb. Granulated Sugar....
Blue Bell Flour tS-lb. aack
Victor Flour 48-lb. aack...
Gooch't Beat Flour 48-lb. ack..l.SS
Danish Pioneer Creamery "r
Butter Per lb JvJ'-
Fresh County Egga Dozen 39c
Small alia Sunkiat Orange Dot. 'lfc
Medium site Oranges Dot...... .35c
Large aiie Dill Pickles Dos 29c
Tall can Snider't Tomato Soup.... 10c
Per doien $1.15
t 1.1b. pkg. Tea Sittings 25c
Kamo Syrup Per gal .....38c
Per case of 6 $2.15
Alaska Cbum Salmon 18 ox. can 10c
Per doien . . . . . . . . .S1.10
Cocoa Has the delicious Chocolate
flavor; 2 lbs 2tc
Tali cans Carolene Milk, 4 cans. .33c
Per doien 69c
Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb. 25c
Peaberry Coffee Per lb 23c
lbs. .'. 65c
Fancy blended Layado Coff.ce Lb., 30c
J lbs." ....... 85c
Rosco Special Blend Coffee Lb., 35c
8 lbs i $1.00
Pearl White I-aundry Soap 10 bars 43c
Per case of 80 bars $3.35
P. A. G. Pure White Naptha and
Crystal White Soap. 10 bars.. ..51c
100 bars to box $4.S
Fancy Shredded Cocoanut -Lb 33c
Advo Peanut Butter in bulk; lb... 14c
Fancy Ripe Bananas Nice OC-
and solid Doxen ,v
4-lb. boxes Sunshine Fairy Soda or
Graham Crackers 59c
Big snap Raisins tOXf
Per lb '2C
Large cans of Pears in Syrup.... 24s
24 to the case $5.50
Large No. S site Peaches or Apricots
in heavy syrup Per can 2Be
Per case of 24 $6.65
Potatoes Early Ohios, peck 35c
Per bushel $1.35
Genuine Red River Minnesota Po
tatoes Per pk. 40e; bushel. . .$1.50
Monarch Fork t Beans 8 cans.. .28c
Per doten $1.12
Extra Standard Corn, Peas and
Tomatoes 3 can
Per case of 2 $2.75
Nomle Esrly June Peas t ears.. 40c
24 to case $3.50
Solid Cabbage Per lb 5c
Fancy Jonathan Apples Per dox. 35c
Fancy Celery Well bleached; 2 for 25c
Del-Monte or J. M. Red Alaska Sal
mon 1-lb. can 27c
Pet, Carnation or Wilson Milk
. Per can 11c
' Per case of 43 $45
Strong Broom, G-tie, polished handle
for 39c
Extra heavy atrong and durable
Broom A real $1 value, special. 79c
Ideal Toothpicks 3 pkgs. 10c
Clothes Pins 8 dozen 10c
Hippo Washing; Powder Pkg 5c
Fancy Roman Beauty Apples: gCJ
Per box ....
Arkansas Black Apples Best for
eating, per box ' $3.45
Spitienberg Apples Good for cook
ing and eating, per box $2.65
Extra fancy Winesap ' Apples
Per box $2.75
Fancy large Sweet Potatoes 4 lb. 25c
Large jars Apple Butter and all
flavors Preserves 25c
Pint jars Pure Strained Honey.... 35c
Large rolls Toilet Paper 4 rolls.. 25c
Salt Morton's Table Salt, 2 -lb. boxes
reg. 15c special. 8 for 25c
Olives Qt. jar, reg. 65c sellers, jar 43c
Armour's Prepared Pancake Flour
1-lb. 4-oi.; 8 for. 2Sc
10 lbs. Leaf Lard 99c
Pure Lard 4 lbs. 49c
Sirloin Steak Per lb .16'je
T-Bone Steak Per lb fn'jc
Fresh Cut Hamburger Lb. .... .lO'iC
Pure Pork Sausage Per lb lOVic -
Rib Boiling Beef Per lb 7Vac
Best Steer Shoulder Roast Lb...l3laO
Dold's Lean Breakfast Bacon Per
lb 22'jc
Fancy Rolled Rib Roast Per lb., 19'jc
10 lbs. Leaf Lard.
Fresh Dressed Roasting Chickens . .
Steer Porter House Steak.....'. ...23
Steer Pot Roast .10
Pig Pork Chop .' 17tf
Sugar Cured Breakfast, Bacon . 15 ft
fresh Churned Creamery Butter, lb.. ................... -34c
54 size Florida: Grapefruit,
i 3. for 23; 6 for,. .45
Lipton's Tea, 1 lb., 79;
lb.. 40; lb... 21
Pet and Carnation Milk,
per can ..... . . .... 10
55 oz. Pillsbury Gold Medal
Rolled Oats, pack....23
established 1886
rhonattUloB zwivj jamam
Choice Xoung Pork Loin Koast. per lb.
Fresh Beef Tongues, per' lb. 17
Blue Goose Grapefruit, 6 for 35; P 0'
' Sunkiat Sweet Navel Oranges.
- per dox.. 32); i doz. ...61
. Fancy Iceberg Head Lettuce,
each 10 and 124 t
: New Potatoes. 1 lbs 25
Verv Best Creamery Butter,
, per lb. ..37
Wright's Mayonnaise and Thou
, aand Island Dressing-, larsre
, bottles. 2 for 63
Macaroni and Spaghetti, all
brands. 3 pkgs. for 25s
Extra Fancy Sweet Potatoes.
3 lbs, for 20t
Fresh Mushrooms, lb. ......75)
. Order Early.
"Huco Coffee," the real family
drink, per 3 -lb. can 1.10
, Del Monte Peaches and -Apricots.
No. 1 cans, 3 cans for....62
"Sweet Tooth" Graham Flour.
- per 5-lb. sack 272
Old Fashioned Peppermint and
. Wintergreen Lozenges, lb., 18
2 lbs. for ................35
Large, Soft Gum Drops, strictly
fresh, per lb. 23
Fresh "Pawnee" Rolled Oats,
per 5-lb. sack 25
Sunshine Krispy Crax,
4-lb. caddy 83
Sunshine Graham Crax,
4-lb. caddy 63
Uwyi lv Dura iUi
Friday Orders Meam Early Dellferiea Saturday.
UseSKINNER'S Spaghetti
w a cwiivr:xriM m a wkfvt
1 Af1 r 1. ATlantie 0470 B
ivug ia. - - -
Meat Dept. Under New Management
Quality, Price and Service
extract Atlcl a package of gelatine
which has been soaked and dis
solved, then mould, chill and serve
with whipped cream.
That to make good pastry the in
gredients must be ice cold.
VfiieUbliS molded in gelatine E'lf
a plrssunt variety m tli inrnu and
rr particularly well adaptrd lor u.e
h saUds. thiiken apic and oilier
jillirs nude vkult meal stork are i'i
tritioui cnotikih to (orm ilia nisin
iIi at Iiincjieon or supper, but tr-
ji-llied vegsiables may very suitably
be served in mcjl that include
meat or fish,.
Tomato or beet moldrd in small
individtul form, and served a mUJ
ShowGcx)d Taste in Use of Perfume Vegetable Jcl 1 ics ! S3: riSbf;; riibTol.
for the Winter
wake picny mold lor a sjUd
la he served at the t-be, Jtllcr.
Ur atad should be t lirty tnl; that
i. the proportion t( iuul to r!ime
liiIJ he In ilini it.ual in cUiii.i
recipes. The t'niied Mrfte Drpart.
inriit of Ariutture teroimneiid. the
Molded Peet Salud-Fiuhl smalj
cooked heet et in thin l.rr, I 1-4
eup ttater, 1-J eup vinruar, J.J cup
ikUr, J 1-2 ttltapooti gtUtinr, J
teaspoon salt, J cloves, 2 allP'ce. I
cnixhrd hay leaf,
Sajk the gebiine in rolj iter
about 2 minutes, or until suit. J'ut
the water, vineiur, muar, spices, bay
Here f lomethinz good for Sunday dinner
or afternoon teat It' a joyous taste sensa
tion to tickle "the palate of every lover of
good thingvto eat.
Apricot Melba
Ice Cream
It's the very latest Harding Sunday Special
Ice Cream and is served by Harding dealers
everywhere. Carry some home today 1
h jf and salt in saucepan and Ixid
lor lice niinutrt. Add the fc-rUtine,
.tir until dissolved and snain over
ire thinly slued heels which, have
cem pUicJ in the tmtlJi. When set
tinn out on beds ot lettuce lcce
d serve ith bulled or injsoiiii4i.e
R ce Fntters.
To one fuptul l stcutrd tie add
two cupful ol milk, loot ad adj
euuuali lur to nuke a good (utter
batter, Al4 to tulrponful cl
yeast dissolved in a IhiIc wter, l et
the mixture iie three hours, tlu-n
add a beaten tn by the
l.iillriul on suiulkius; (riildie, Serve
vutli tomato same.
Smart Gloves of Many
Uloves oi all sorts: lhrre are tbf ,
Slip-on or pull-oil glotrs Willi l)taS
gintlits, rrtade ol soiiest kid, sviih a
shirring over an elastic at the riat
These are tsithnui doubt the warm,
ret ol the thin kid gloves, and thry
are ..ft and attractive in appearance.
U ft one need mM hesitate la rar a
heavy glove. 1 here are lur hued and
lltece hunt gl.ives ol kid. and then
Ihere are he hij gloves ol wool ol
all sorts and colors
Jour itt and nine inches is the
average ieii;ht oi the women vi
! 11. JrWM .iisj.r
ClSy JlW & Invalids
mo cooauNQ
The Tcod.DrinV;H for All Ages.
Quick Lunch at Home.Oirice.ao4
Fountains. A t HORUCKS.
wha'A Imitation. 1 Substitutes
i :
1 -1
AT lantic
Frr Urllvrrlra on
Order of S or Over
1814-16-18 Farnam Street.
9 P. M.
Mail Orders Filled.
You'll Enjoy Shopping in This Great Sanitary Market 0
Fresh Dressed Fresh Dressed Fresh Young Fresh Stunned Fresh Young
Spring Roasting Pig Tork Pig Hams, Pig Pork
Chickens, lb., Chickens, lb.', Loin, lb., half or whole, Roast, lb.,
25ttc 20y2c 15c lb. 2V2c 12c
Fresh Pie Hams sliced, lb.. 25
Steer Beef Pot Roast, lb....9Vat
Steer Rib Boil, lb
Steer Round Steak, lb. . ...lBC
Fancy Young Veal Roast, lb.,
at ' 14 Vs c
Fancy Young Veal Steak,
per lb., at 2Se
Fancy Young Veal Stew,
per lb., at SHc)
Pure Rreakfast Sausage, lb., 15
Pure Rendered Lard, lb., 12 lis
Sugar Cured Bacon, lb.... 14 H 4
No. 1 Sugar Cured Skinned Hams.
per 10., at Z5(
Headquarters for Fresh Flak
and Oyster
Best Sunkist Oranges.' Arkansas Black Apple,
per dozen, at ....20 to 59 per bushel, at
Fancy Fruit and Vegetables
of all kinds.
Grocery: ;
Best Cane Sugar, 10 lbs.. ..54
48 lba. Gold Medal Flour.. f 2, 24
48 lbs. Gooch's Best Flour,. 81. 75
20c can Toiletkleen 10
Large cans of Royal Ann Cher
ries for .....35!
3 for ....$1.00
Food Center Special Coffee,
3 lbs. for 98
Our Famous Blend Breakfast
iup orrse, 3 lbs SS
Always She
Same, Fresh
and Sweet
Country Creamery, lb. 30
Danish Pioneer Butter, lb....35
Meadow Gold Butter, lb. ....38
Country Roll Butter, lb 28
Fancy Full Cream Cheese. .. .25
Fancy Brick Cheese 25
Creamed Cottage Cheese ....18
Checked Eggs, limited supply, 30
Do not fail to visit our Butter
milk bar where delicious Butter
milk is served by glass for 5.
Quart container 10
Gallon bucket or bottle 25
Ggars Just Inside the Door
Sleroedes. log value, 2 for
15; box of 50 $3.75
Mozart Imperial. 16c value,
11: box of 25 $2.45
Guard, 10c value. 3 for
25; box of 60 ...,...$4.85
Meditation, 15c value, ,
11c; dox or zt Z.75
box so, i'iis
The Highest Grade
Macaroni Products
IPLa S. gsrfls, jjriNaTO aa- -TZrkJ
I I MrMV m at V I II II ' J T!T
1 rv
w mw a k m WM I j 4 mwm J
Tome Onet and You'll Come Alwayt.'
Phone AT.
1 m u j sr 11 rsw vii -w
iil tK
1VJ 2
Dhont 00.
Important Phone an J Mail Orders Direct Mil mail orders and phone orders to our
Order Department at the Sixteenth and Harney Streets Store. Horn Douglas 1796. Here
we are equipped to give you instant service. Orders of Sj oo or over delivered free to
any part of the city.
Maintaining First Quality every business day of the year is the policy ad
hered to in every department in the Central Markets.
Fancy Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, lb. -7V.c
Steer Pot Boast, per
lb ......10?
Hcst Cut Mcer Miuul.
tlrr KonM, l, per
Prime Rolled Eib
Roast, per lb. 22?
Fancy Young Veal
Roast, per lb... 15?
Fancy Young Veal Urcust, per lb 10? Special Saturday Only
Lean Tic Pork Koast ncr lb 1 iiaa V'.- ,lf n' pf". u. 50-fii nr. Kci
l,iuh ib i uir. iiuusi, jur 1U ls72v I rr. Cocuamit hi.a.a, lien liisvult.
i-rehii uut Jiamourgcr, por lb 12VtQuttrZniir&,
ho Sugar
Extra large size Grapefruit, 1 Fancy Sunkist Oranges, perl
. three for 23? I dozen 29? 'inesaP Apple, box.. $2.75
$ lb. Best Pug-ar 25
Carnation Milk, per can 10
48-lb. sack iooch' Flour. .$ 1.75
48-lb. aack Ulna HhII Flour XI. 75
45-lb. sack I'lllsbury'
Flour $2.25
Llpincoit' Assorted Jam, 3 i Our Central Coffee, JOo grade,
vuiue, per jar 20 3 lbs. tir 88
No. I cun Kxtra Fancy Apricot In
heavy syrup, per can 29
No. 1 can llrokcn Ktlce Pineapple,
per can .....22
No. can l'ancy Tomatoes,
per can itt
No. 2 can Teas, per can....l2tT
Central Extra Quality Creamery
Package Butter, per lb...37u
Kimball County Creamery Park
age Butter, per lb 29
Pre.h rounirv Ri,n. in r,.n- .Fresh Country tgg.
per lb .....301 Pr dox. 36
Itlch Cream and Lellriout Fresh
Cottage Cheese, per lb. ....18
t lbs. for 35C
Guaranteed Cood Checked Egg,
In cartons, per doz 32
t Ortman's Bakery
'" Products
Devil's Food Cake, each ...302
Angel Food Cake, each 30
French Holls, per dor. 202
Cookies, doz., J5S 2 doz.. 252
CIGARS Just Inside
the Door
Mercedes. 10c value, I for
15; box of 00 $3.75
Mozart Imperial, 15c value,
11; box of 25 $2.45
Guard. lOo value. 3 for
. 25: box of iO $4.85
ilwJitation, 15c value,
lie; box of 25 $2.75
McComb's Homemade Chocolates,
60c quality, per lb. ...... 49J
recan Rolls, rich creamy center,
rolled In heavy caramel and
then In Texas Pecans, extra
special, per lb 69$
Omaha's Leading Cash Markets
Highest Quality Meats and Lowest Possible Prices
Mail Orders Filled Promptly
212 N. 16th St. 2408 Cuming St. 4903 S. 24th St.
What kind of'A
Come in and
1 U ..TrV
Specials for Saturday Only
Choicest Small Lean Pork Loins. 2 or whole . 14c
Choicest Lean Boston Butts 14c
Choicest Lean Pork Shoulders. 121c
Choicest Fresh Spareribs . 11c'
Choicest Cut Round Steak 14c
Choicest Cut Beef Chuck Roast .9c
. Bacon
Vi or Whole Size
Native Steer
Rib Boiling
Sugar. Cured
25 c
Strictly '
Fresh Dressed
; Choice Pork Tenderloin 40c
Choice Fresh Side Pork ...17c
Choice Fresh Hams, V2 or whole. 20c
Choice Fresh Neck Bones, 5 lbs . . 25c
Choice Fresh Pig Feet, 4 lbs 25c
Choice Fresh Pig Snouts, 3 lbs . . . 25c
Choice Fresh Pig Tails 11c
Choice Fresh Pig Ears, 4 lbs ..... 25c
Fresh Pig Hearts, 4 lbs .... .25c
Pickled Pig Feet, 3 lbs 25c
Choice Salt Pork 16c
Fresh Made Breakfast Sausage.. 20c
Sugar Cured Picnic Hams. ..... .15c
Fancy Brisket Bacon ........... .15c
Sugar Cured Strip Bacon. ...... ,15c
Fancy Brick Cheese, Full Cream . . 25c
Fancy American Cheese, Full
Cream , ...,25c
Fancy Swiss Cheese . . . . ; . . . . . ,30c
Special American Cheese, sharp. . 20c
Cudahy's Puritan Lard, 10-lb. pail
for ....$1.70
Cudahy's Puritan Lard, 5-lb. pail . . 85c
Choice Leaf Lard 10c
Choice Veal Shoulder Roast 15c
Choice Veal Stew 12V&C
Choice Veal Chops .....18c
Choice Veal Legs, V2 or whole. . ,20c
Evergood Liberty Nut .20c
Evergood Liberty Nut, 5 lbs 95c
Evergood Butterine, 5 lbs. .... .$1.00
Danish Pioneer Creamery,
1-lb. carton ......38c
Fresh Country Butter 29c
Evaporated Milk, tall cans. 10c
Fancy Sweet Corn ,10c
Monarch Pork and Beans, each... 9c
Fancy Early June Peas, 3 for. . . ,40c
White Naptha Laundry Soap,
1-lb. bars, 3 for 25c
Swift's Classic Soap, 10 bars. ... .45c
Monarch Coffee 38c
Kasper's Big Five Coffee.. 35c
Mona Coffee, special at 28c
Stores Open Till 9 P. M. on Saturday