Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1922, Page 11, Image 11

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Uve Stock I
Omaha, Ja. II. list,
riI wf . flit! Ho. HM
fjffieial Ma4r 1M II. II lilt
Kaiimai Uwi),. l.ltl l,t ll"!
i thi u.j.i tt '.a :i
4, li 114 JS9 SI t1
nt w ka .., It It i )!
Nrntikmaki t(Mlli JT 444 HIM
.r kao ( tint II 04
Re!pl and dieuitka f livestock t
ih L'nia mvmnu, Uiiisb. Ne., far
J4 Mar lading ( . tu, January i.
REcetrr ap
Cam lleta hieo
-usa n. n t i ,,
MiMaorl -tr II y, . 4
Lalo fiifie K. H . I 4 1!
4 . ft N, W. tty, I , 4
', V. W. H) , ( 41 4) :
,, , P.M. o..,. : ir
H, 4 Q Id ,, , U 14
H U H,,, 14 II
'., K, I I', ri... I i
. M. I. 4 r , m II 3
Mlii.iil Central Hji,,,
w, u, w, ity t j
Tbltl r.-elpi lt4 4l
blil'OilTlO HCAD
Armour Co.,.,.., 74 , .T
t reeking Co. Ill
J '-Id r-ki( Co ... 171
Morel Parkini C.. 14
Itwrfl I. 1.414
.t. W. Murphy
kwart A o ....
I In.ulfi Parking Co, 71
Wilson Packing Co, II J
l'aoklng Ca
mcauta racking Co, 14
Huffman OHoa. ,
Mayerowlrh A Vail,
Miiti recking Co.
f. o i
otnaha racking Co,
J hn Roth A
f-. nmaba rkg. Co.
.1, II. Ilulla
It l llurrto ft Co, 3 "4
W. II. I'llMk t4
l'rnn'l A rranel4... II
Ktli A Co. 31 Hurvry 411
nuiu:in-r A Oliver lot
T, J. Iinhram......
r. a, Kriuxf
luel t.ununt'D
Kreb , .
r. r. l.'la
IVu.-Kan. C, A C...
.1, B Knot Co
(.-.niocU llros. ,.
Niilllvau Brna
nt A Co.... Ik
W'thsimer A l'H4n !l
Otnar buyer
1 141
i !i
Tout 4,591 10,760 1,17
Caitlo nclpt. 7.500 hal. l't eatll
prkM rnialnft atnidy at Monday' ad
iinrt, althouali . tha dmnd aom
what rtrlcuil and tradm comparatively
alow. I1k( alra ennalltutud a larga pr
anlat of tha offrlnn and all claaaaa o(
buyar acm to favor th handy-wclfht
aiavra. a that It' waa alo lolnf oa th
vary heavy caitlo. aa wall a on th tin
flnlah4d klnda. . Cow and hclfcr war
In In rtlv demand at atroniar prlrr
and for Ilia moat part alockara and fd
ii movod frealy it fully ateady iura.
Quoiationa on cattla: Good to choir
haavra. 17.004100: fair to rood bav,
lj.044; l.f d; commAn to fair bcva, 2644
4.00: fair to good yearllnn, 14.1007.10;
tommon to tir yearllnia. IS.I64f4.50;
ood to choir Tiilfr, I6.00C4.JO; fair
to rood helfara, It.lOtfi.i.; sholc to
prlmo cow. t4.tS9t.40; (ood to c holed
11.1194.74; fair to sood cowa. ll.Sfltj)
4 10: common to fair cowa. 13.0081.40;
lood to choir facdara. M. 501(7.10;. fair
to snod f4dr. I4.0O4SI.5O; common to
tock-ri. 46.3f.fr7.40; fair to good atock
an. 4.!Sri.;5; common to fair atorkera,
A.10; atork heifara, 14.150 5.10;
lork cow. 3.t54.40; stock calva, (5.0ft
7 10; veal ralvc. ti.0099.50; bulla,
lltia, etc.. l3.S;g4.50.
No, . Av. Pr. No, Av." Pr.
li 1081 ' 6 E5 5 117 6 50
1 927 65 . IS. .....1145 6 75
21 1091 I n 34 Uti 4 5
J 1 1 J t' 2 7 00- 20 1142 7 15
SO 134.1 7 40 8. 1083 7 "6
11...... 120 C 75
urn 4 as 4 inn 4 eo
1210 5 on .lilt I 10
li...,,. Ill i 65 t S70 G 75
1 1130 t 75 1 1500 5
S Un 4 00 - 1 1770 4 10
1 ,14; 4 3i-
I'.-..'...' 417 ' 15 ' 11.. 317 t 23
30,.:... 743 5 50 S5 tilt 00
38 ., 778 7-0 42:'.'.i.1120 7 10
Hog Recelpta, 10,700 head. Th mar
ket opened today 15S5e higher but with
'trading alow on thia basis. Buyera were
apparently anxious tn fill orders and sel
lers were asking fully a quarter higher.
The market was dull and slow with some
weakening at th close. Light hogs sold
mostly from tS.sSOD.OO with top of 19.10.
Mixed loads and butcher weights 8.50
Is. 86. and packing grades 7.00Q8.00. Bulk
f sales waa S.659.oo.
No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Ar. Sh. Pr.
r,5..24S ...-"ISO:; 67. .256 ... 8 70
JO. ... , 8 75 , (in..!32 .... 8 80
hi. .249 .. 8 85 31. .218 .. 8 90
59. It9 ... 9 09 82. .181 ... 9 10
Shoe;) Receipts, 8,600 head. The fat
lamba market was mostly 1013c higher,
with bulk of lambs moving from fl2.7.i
12.90. with best lambs quoted i't $13.00.
No feeder lainba were received today.
Kwes were mostly steady with fnir quali
ty light ewes telling at 17.50 and some
stronger weights at 17.25.
Quotations on sheep and lambs; Fat
Iambs, good to choice, 112. 50913.00; fat
lambs, fair to good, $12,00012.50; feeder
lambs, good to choice, J 11.00 12.00;
fender lamb, fair to good, $10.00J1.00;
run lambs. $9.00010.00; fat yearlings,
light, $11.00011.00: fat yearlings, heavy,
$9.50010.50; fat withers. $7.0908.00; fat
ewea light, $7.0007.76; fat ewes, heavy,
$5.5006.75; feeder ewes. $4.0005.00.
No. Av. Pr.
216 fed.. 81 12 80
tl fed.. Ill . 7 !5
t.B ir in foiom
Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith
Orrlaal. Mil, thlca frlbun Ceapr
I JVtt VaWtlKt MM N.r ftUMbM
ttUjrtl TWO MC iTr WTH1H6 TMtf.
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HAN$ mu vo iM -
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Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day
iSbc JJ-jrk Eitnej0.
Omaha Be La4 Wlr.
Xfw York, Jan. 31. Although
iterling did not today retch the
highest rate of the day before, the
rtiction on Monday's later hours
vi not continued; the rate held all
day at a level above the Monday
closing, and meantime French, Ital
ian and Spanish exchange went above
the year' previous highest (jura
tion, the French in particular reach
ing the highest since last May.
The day's stock market was neg
ligible; transactions were not large,
even where groups of previous
manipulators continued to stir tip
dust. Generally, the tendency of
prices was downward, .but most
changes were slight. The bond mar
ket repeated its familiar irregularity
of movement.
As a group, th railway hari were
practically urn-hanged. Th long liet of
railway earnings for December, published
today, mad a distinctly unfavorable
showing of groaa aarnlnga, but. on the
whole, no worso than had bean fore
shadowed and xpected. Orota earnings,
a compared with December, 1920. show
decreaao running for many of tho prin
cipal lines tn 15 and 20 per cent. Prac
tically all of them report much smaller
gross recepits than in November: yet
a remarkably larg proportion of the
companies found It possible, even so, to
cut expenses far enough to reduce auh
stantlally .larger net results than in the
last month of th preceding year. The
new year has aa yet brought no visible
change in volume of traffic carried;
weekly gross receipt during January, so
far as reported by 'Individual companies,
have again averaged 15 to 20 pet- cent
less than a year ago.
Net earntnga for the December Quar
ter, as reported by th United State
Steel corporation today, were close to ex
pectations. It was not, however, the $19.
600,000 earnings for the quarter, an in
crease of $700,000 over th preceding
months, which chiefly Interested finan
cial markets. Some such increase for the
period had been indicated by the early
autumn' great Increase in active mill
capacity over th very low midsummer
record and, r.s a matter of fact, the
company' October earnings were much
larger than in any of the seven preced
ing months. Thi reflected accurately the
trade recovery visll:le In that month. Tn
today's statement, it was the progressive
shrinkage of earnings after October which
drew particular attention.
That also reflects the course of events
in general trade. From the $8,204,000 of
October, net earntnga decreased to $6,
440,000 in November and 14.987,000 In De
cember; tho last named figure being not
only $217,000 less than the meager show
ing of last July, tho low ebb in produc
tion, but tha smallest monthly earnings
since February, 19X6. Tha common stock
dividend again has. for the most part, to
be provided from accumulated surplus, e.n
It was in the six preceding months. For
tunately, the company's prudent policy
in distributing profits from Its immense
earnings of wartime makes this possible.
New York Quotations
Kansal City Lire Stock.
Kansas City, Mo.. Jan. 81. (U. S. Bu
reau of Markets.) Cattle Receipt, 12,
600 head; calves, steady to weak; better
grade vealers, $9.00010.00; many com
mon and medium calves, $6.0007.00;
heifers, steady' to 25c , lower; better
grades weakest, all other classes around
steady; best cows, $4.7505.00; most oth
ers, $3.7504.25; tanners. $2.50: good cut
ters largely around $3.50; heavy steers
and best yearlings, $8.25; early sales
atockers, $5.00B.25: good feeders, $6.35;
most bulls. $3.7604.25.
Hogs Receipts, 10,000 ' head; market
generally 25 to 40c higher than yester
day' average; bulk, good to choice. 160
190-pounders to . shippers, $8.9609.05;
200 and 240 pounders, weights mostly to
packers. $8.4009.00; packer top, $9.00:
bulk of sales. $S.G0fP9.00; bulk throwout
sows, $7.0007.50; looks 25c higher; stock
pigs, steady to 15c higher; . few up to
Sheep and T.ambs Receipts, IS, 000
head; market steady; wethers, $7.90;
lambs, steady to 10c higher: best Colo
rados. $13.00; most feeding lambs, $11.45
011.60. , . ,.,
' Chicago Livestock.
Chicago, Jan. 31. Cattie Receipts, 10,
000 head; beef steer uneven: mostly
strong to 15c higher; top yearlings, $9.25;
ton heavies. $9.1: bulk beef steers, $6.75
7.7S; she stock steady to strong; calves
steady to 25c higher; bulls weak to low
er: atockers and feeders steady..
Hogs Receipts, S5.0OO head; opened 15
t- 25c higher than Monday's average;
closed fairly active and most 10c lower
than .early: shippers bought about 6,000:
holdover liberal; top. $9.60; one sho toad
ISO-nound average; practical limit early,
19.60: late. $9.40: bulk. $8.9009.25; pigs.
15 to 25c higher; bulk. desirable, $9.25
Sheep and T.ambs Receipts, 1 5.000
bead; best fat lambs strong to 25c high
er: others and sheep ateady to strong:
' practical fat lambs, top, $13.85; one load
to city butchers. $14.00; bulk, $13.35
13.85: yearling top, $11.75; fat ewe top,
$7.60: feeder lambs steady. $i;.9O012.6O;
shearers, 112.75. -
St. teal livestock.
East St. Iuis, 111.. Jan. St. Cattle
Receipts. 4.000: beef steer, strong, to 25c
higher: bulk. $6.0007.00; fat cowa. steady
' :o strong: bulla, stockera and canner cows(
steady; light yearlings, rery dull; veal
calves. !5c to KOo higher; bulk. S1O.5O0
11.00; top, $11.60.
Hogs Receipts, 12.000; closing slow.
10c to 25c lower than early: top, 19.50;
bclk lights and medium weighta. $9,150
a so- huiv henvv. S9 oosiS !5: Darker ow.
i:.05Oc higher. 8.757.50; pig, :5 0 50c
hirher. Is. 00 ti 9 00: clearance .fair.
Sheep and Umbs Receipt. 1.900; clos
ing active with good clearance; rai lamos,
in, t. 15c hiaher? others and sheep.
teariv: lamb ton to shippers, $13.65: to
n.-b.r. ll I 50; hulk heat lambs. $13.0049
010.00; ewea, 15.5006.75;' heavies at bot
St. Jowph live Stock. f
reipts, 2.000 head; market steady to
atrong; steers. $ s.vv v a- ' " - " aim
rs. $3.i(rt.2i; calves. $5 1009.19.
v Hog Receipt. 7.500 head : market S5c
to 40c higher; top. $9.40; bulk. 18.100
SkM. ml l.mlM Receipts. 5.009 head.
market strong to tie higher; lambs,
iir.ii:3.:i: . i.ti9..oo.
Range of prices of the leading storks
furnished by Logan & Bryan, 248 Peters
Trust building:
High Low Close Close
A., T. S. V 95H 96Vi 95T4 97
Baltimore & Ohio S4 33W - 33 33-S
Canadian Pacific. .123 12SV4 123-12414
New YorK central 74 73. (4 it
Ones.- A Ohio 65'4 66Vi 65U
Great Northern.... 7;lVi 72? 7214 72
Illinois Central ..100", 100 100 100
Kan. City Southern 22H 22H 22'4 24-,
Lehigh Valley .... 67. 57 57H 58
Missouri Pacific 16 ' 16 16 111-s
N. y. & N. H 16 ir,4 164 15
Northern Pacific. 77V 7ii?4 76a 76
Chicago & N. "Wr.. 6214 62 62,4 624
Penn. R. R 34 34 34 S4
Reading 72V4 71 71i 71
C. R. I. & P Sl
Southern Pacific. 80 80 . 80 80
Southern Railway.. 18 17 17 17
Chi., M. & St. P.. 18 17 18 18
Union Pacific 127 ' 126 126 127
Amer. Car Founry 14-4 144 144i ....
Allis-Chalmers .... 4314 42 43V', 41
American Loco. .105 104 105 105
Baldwin Loco 95 94 95 94T4
Bethlehem Steel . 60 59 60 59
Crucible 60 69 60 59
Ame. Steel Found. 31 31 31 31
Lackawanna Steel 43 45, 45 45
Midvaie Steel .... 29 28 29 29
Pres. Steel Car ... 63. 63 .63 ....
Rep. Steel A Iron 60 60 50 E0
Rail. Steel Spring 95 96 95 95
SloM-Scheffield ... 39
U. S. Steel 86 85 .86 86
Vanadium 33 32 33 J3
Anaconda 47S 47 47 47
A. 8. & Re. Co. ... 45 44 45 46
Cerro De Pasco ... 30 : 30 30
Chllk ., 16 16 16 36T4
Chino v 6
Calu. & Arizona .. 69 59 69 ....
Green Canifnea ... 26 26 26
Inspiration 38- .18 S9 38
Ken'necott 28 27 27 -Si !8
Miami 27 27 27 27
Nevada Con. 14 14 14
Seneca 17 17 17 17
Utah 62 62 62 62
Gen'l Asphalt .... 66 55 56 65
Cosden 84 33 33 34
Cat. Peterol 45 46 45 45
Island Oil 2 2 2 2
Invincible Oil 74 13 14 14
Mex. Peterol-. 111 109 111 110
Middle States .... 12 11 12 11
Paciilc Oil 45 45 45 45
Pan-American .... 51 60 61 60
Phillips ..... 29 29 29 28
Pierce Oil 9 9 9 9
Pure Oil 33 33 3S S3
Royal Dutch ..... 48 47 48 47
Sinclair Oil 19 18 19 19
Standard Oil. N. J.173 173 173 173
Texas Co 44 43 44 44
Union Oil ........ 18 184 18 18
White Oil 77i 7 7 7
Chandler .-. 59 58 58 69
General Motor ... 8 . 8 8 . 8
Wlllya-Overland .. 5 6 6 6
Plerce-Arrow 15 15 15 16
White Motor. 37 37 17 37
Studebaker 88 874 88 88
Fisk 12 12 12
Kelley-Springfield.. 36 36 36 36
Keystone Tire..... 16 15 16 16
AJax 14 14 14 14
U. 8. Rubber &3 62 63 63
Am, Beet Sugar.. 84 34 34 36
A., G. A W. I.... 25 24 25 25
Am. Int. Corp.... 41 49 40 40
Am. Sumatra 29 28 28 28
Am. Telephone. ...117 116 117 117
American Can 36 36 36 36
Central Leather .. 31 31 11 31
Cuba Cane 9 9 9 9
Cuban-Am. Sugar.. 19 18 1 11
Corn Products ....103 102 102 101
Famous Player .. 77 76 77 77
Gen'l Electric ....142 143 142 142
Gt. Nor. Ore 31 31 11 11
Am. Hide A L pfd 40
U. a Ind. Alcohol. 43 43 43 43
Int'l Paper 48 46 4 48
Ut'l M. M. Pfd... 49 (1 11 47
Omaha Grain
Omaha, Jan. 31.
Arrivals at Omaha were on a more
moderate scale thi niornintr. Re
ceipts of wheat were 56 car, as
against p9 cars yesterday and 47 last
year. Corn receipts amounted to 84
cars, as compared with 201 cars yes
terday and 81 cars a year ago. Re
ceipts of other grains were light.
The out movement was comnara
lively small, with the exception of
corn, shipments of that cereal being
placed at ili cars.
The undertone of the cash wheat
market was somewhat easier and the
floor offerings went at unchanged to
2c lower prices. Corn was steady and
unchanged to 'Ac lower, Oats was
quoted 'iC lower. Rye sales were,
at about unchanged prices, while
barley was unchanged, quality con
sidered. '
Car loll:
No. 1 hard: 1 car, $1.20; 1 car, $1 !t.
No. 1 dark hard: 1 car ("muUy ).-$i:i9.
No. 1 dark hard: 1 car. $1.20.
No. 1 hard winter: 1 car. $1.11; 1 car,
$1.11: 1 car, $1.15; 1 car, $1.13.
No, 1 hard winter: 1 car (near dark!,
$1.19: 1 car (near dark), $1.17; 1 car
(semi dark), $1.11.
No, 3 hard winter: 1 car, $.09; 1 car
(smutty), $1.12 eml dark); 1 car (smut
ty), $1.11 (semi dark); 1 car (smutty),
$1.14 (semi dark).
No. 1 yellow hard: I cr. $1.1!.
No. 1 yellow hard: 1 car, $1.10; 1 1-i
tar. $1.09.
No. 3 yellow hard: $ car. $1.08.
arapl yellow hard: 2-5 car. 12c.
No. 1 spring: 1 car (northern), $1.30.
No. 1 spring: 1 car (northern). $1.21.
No. 2 mixed: X car (durum), 98c
No. 1 white: 1 car (old billing), 41c;
cars, 42c. -; ,
No. 2 white: 1 cars, (shipper wts.).
42Hc: 1 car, 42c; 1 car, 42c; 1 car,
(old billing), 41 c.
No. 4 white: 1 car, 42c.
No. 1 yellow: 1 car. 42'ie.
No. 2 yellow: 7 cars, 43.
No, 3 yellow: ! car, 42c,
No. 1 mixed: 1 car, 42tjc; 1 car,
(n. w.) 42ic; 1 car. (high color), 42c.
No. 2 mixed: 5 cars, 42c: 1 car (no bill),
41c: 1 car (old billing), 41 c. j
No, 3 mixed: 3 cars, 4lc.
' OATS. .
No. t white: 1 car (shipper. wt.),
34-c; 1 3-5 cars. 34V4C
No. 3 white: 4 cars. 33c. ...
No. 4 white: 4 car. S3c.
No. 4 mixed: 1 car. (33 per cent black),
32 Sc.
No. J. 1 car. 77c.
No. 4: 2 car, 76c.
No. 4: 1 car, 65c; 1 car, 64c; 1 cir,
EJe. '
No. 1 feed: 1 car. 50r. .
2-6 car barley and wheat mixed? $l.a
Receipt Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago
Wheat 66 2
Corn 84 41 " 81
Oats 15 23 ...
Rye 4 3 ; 6
Barley 4 . 6
Shipments Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago
Wheat 30 21 ... 51
Corn , 195 l- 2S
Oat 20 . 10 6
Ry 6 0 7
Barley t ,, 17
Bushels Today Tr. Ago
Wheat and Flour ....360,000 . 491,000
Corn .........716,000 069,000-
Bushels Today Tear Ago
Wheat 109.518.000 141,073,000
Corn 30,388,000 16.977..000
Oats 92,310,000 57,299,000
Week Tear
Carlots Today. Ago. Ago.
Wheat 51 -II . '
Corn 1072 1168 609
Oats 261 ' 209 98
Wheat 166 . 170 90
Corn 57 64 . 18
Oat " 4. . - . -1
Wheat 66 61 J 114
Corn 105 96 73
Oats . 39 71 47
Minneapolis 324 160 281
Duluth .. 32 44 61
Winnipeg 524 622 695
Receipts. Shipment.
Wheat 936,000 434,000
Corn 3,143.000 1,286,000
Oats 660.000 616,000
- . Week Ago
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat 672,000 422,000
Corn 2,321,000 1,619,000
Oats . 769.000 603,000
- Tear Ago
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat 777.000 66$,000
Corn ....1,408,000 761,000
Oat 629,000 640,000
Sioux City Live Stock.
Sioux City, la., Jan.' 31. Cattle Re
ceipts, 2,100 head; market strong, 15c
higher; fed steer and yearlings, $7.00
9.00; warmed upa, $4.5006.75; fat cows
and heifers, $3.7506.75; canners, $1,750
3.75; veais, $4.5008.50; feeders, $5.00(2
6.75; calves, $4.0007.00; feeding cows and
heifers, $3.5005.25; stockers, $5.0006.75.
Hogs Receipts, 9,000 head; market.
10 to 15c higher; light. $3.8508.90;
mixed, $7.7508.50; iheavy packers, $6.75
07.50; native pigs, $9.5009.75; bulk of
Sales, $8.70 08.85.
Sheep Receipts, 600 head; market 15
to 25c higher: light butchers, $8.65
8.85; lambs, $13.00.
Am. Sugar Ref.... 65 63 65 64
Sears-Roebuck .... 62 61 61' 62
Stromsberg .... 37
Tobacco Products. 61 61- 61--63
Worth'ton Pump.. 47 46 46 .....
Wilson. Co 31, 31 31 38
Western Union 91
West'house Elec. . 61 50 51 51
Am. Woolen 81 30 , 80 81
Am. Cotton Oil.,.. 19 19 .19 19
Am. Ag'l Chem... 12 32 .-11 32
Am. Linseed .... 31
Bosch Magneto... 32 31 32 34
Brooklyn R. T.... 10 9 19 ....
Continental Can... 53 53 ' 63 61
Cai. Packing 69 68 49 49
Columbia G. & E.. 66 66 66 67
Columbia Graph... 1 1 1 ' 2
United Drug 79
National Enamel . 36 35 36 38
United Fruit 128 128 128 128
Lorlliard Tobacco .148 147 148 ....
National Lead ... 90 88 90 68
Philadelphia Co... 32 32 32 32
Pullman 110 110 110 112
Punta Alegre So. . 36 36 36 -36
South P. R. Sugar 49
Retail Store ..... 63 63 63 (2
8uperlor Steel .... 30 89 39 l
St. L. A San. F. 21 21 21 21
Vlr. Car. Chem. ... 39 39 J9 29
Total Sales 402,909.
Money Close, 5 per cent; Monday 'close,
i 14 per cent
Mark Close. .069e.
Franc Close, .0425 4c; Monday close,
.6126 t.
Bterllnf Close. $4.21; Monday clore.
New York Bonds
Ntw Tork, Jan, SI. Bond lM tout
ing ll.7,ll,94 wer mad en lh itsck
chng today, lialnit tlt.13T.Ooo yes.
trdiy, $13,194,090 a week uio. ID.tiO,
000 year f, and S14.S47.000 two yesr
go. Mile from January $ le dit are
tt4t.OI6.OHi. against iJIO.IilOO a yeajr
aga and $3II.4M0 two years ago, fol
lowing are th sales today of ch se
curity with th high, tow nd closing
(In 11 OOO.)
Sale Mature High T.ow Clo
114 t'KI 3 'li-47.. IS 44 15.40 11.8
17 I'HU 1 r '31-47 91.50 9S 12 95 SI
1 I'M. I't 4 f '32-47 91.10 9114 M4
10 CHI, Id 4 r '27-41 41.04 95 60 9i.ll
97 LSI. 1st '32-47 96 91 94.04 94.40
1 I'M, 1st 4 -r '81-47 96.00 91 04 94.00
I I'RI.I-td 4 'It-IT 11.10 41.90 91 90
144 I'W, Id 4 '17-41 96.14 91.74 94.41
I I'HI, Id 4 '37-41 99 90 99 41 95.10
114 V81. ?d 4(t 'it.. 97 14 - 91 81 97.10
1 VSU Id 4' r '21.. 97.03 94.71 9 14
3239 VrU, 4th 4V '19 91 24 95 14 94.14
S I NI, 4th 4W '31 94.14 9i.$9 94.10
1450 VSV 4M '21-21. .100.24 100.14 100.21
27 t'SV in '82-23.. 100.11 100.04 100 04
214 U 8 V 4 4f '33-23 100.28 100.20 100. !8
24 K (if Belg 7V,. 41.. 10714 106 104
11 ft of Belg a 41. .106 305 106
17 K of Belg 4 Si.. 96 9itj 9i
24 Chines G R i 61 . 4514 46 45
2 O of Bern Is 4i.lo 108 104
1 C of Rord 6s 34.. 82 12 11
12 C of Chrlstl I 45.10744 107 107
4 C of Lyon la 24. 12 stft t
14 C of Maraell 6s 34.. 82 82U, 82
16 C of R d Jan I 46. 99 99 99
20 r of Zurich 8 46.108 108 ' 108
5 Danish M 8 A 46.107 107 107
19 Danish M Is B 46.10714 107 107
(2 Dutch East lit 6s.. 94 H '94 '4 94"
6 Do Repub 5s '68.. 88 88 88
27 Csnada, i ntea '21 98 9 99
5 Canada is , '36.... 97 97 97
3 Cansda ts '31 96 4 96 91 U
23 French Gov 9 '58. .100 100 100
96 French Gov 7 '41 94 96 94
13 Im Jap 1st 4W '25 87 87 87
172 Japan 2d 44s '25 86 84 96
i Jap star In 4s '31.. 73 73 73
14 K- of Den 8 '43. .108 10S1 108
86 K of Den Is ctfs., 94 94 94
9 K of Nrway 8 40.110 109 110
30 K of Sweden 6s 39. 96 96 96
29 R of Chile 8 !4.,.,100 100 loo
32 R of Chile 8a 41. ...101 100 101
28 R of Chile 8 46. ..100 100a 100
10 R of Cuba 6s 04.. 86 86 66
11 Rep of Urug 8a '46.103 103 10S(i
41 S of R de J 8 ctfs 994 99 99
23 St or Queens is '41.106 106 106
11 Swls Gov 8s '45. .114(4 313 114
60 S of Sao P 8 '36.1O0V4 1001 1004
3 33 ITKGB4I i '22 100 100 6-14 100
72 UKCB&I 6H '20.101 140 101
38 X'KGBil 64 '37.. 98 98 98
39 U K G B4I 6 39.103 103 103
58 V S of Mex 5s 45.. 66 56 66
87 V S of Mex 4s 64.. 42ft 42V4 42
20 A Agr Ch 7Vjs 41.101 1004; 100
149 Am Bug ft R 6s 31. "98 97'4 97
78 Am Smelt 6 47.. 88 87 87
6 A T & T cvt 6 '28110, 110 110
.48 A T & T 0 tr 5s 46. 95 95 95
1 A T & T cvt 4s '36, 814 81 81
10 A T & T col 4 '29. 884 86 88k
5 A W P I s '39. 82 83 83
13 Ar & Co r e 4 '39 88'4 88 88
33 A P & S F g 4s '95. 88 97 87
20 ACLL4K43 '52. 78 77Vi 77
5 At Fr cvt 7 '34., 29 29(4 2914
12 At Refln 6U '31 ,.104H 104 104
1 Atlas P 714 '36 ,.104 103 103
2 Baldwin Lo 5s '40 ..100 100 100
13 B & O 6s 29 96 96 96
15 B & O-ref 5s '95.. 78 77 77
34 B & O cvt 4V- '38. 76 76 75
11 B & O gold 4s '48.. 78 77. 77
69 B & O p 1 3s '35. 90 90 90
5 B & O 3Ws '41.. 74 73 73
2 B & O 4.1 '69 04 63 64
. 28 B & O SWs S D '25 87 87 87
9 Bell T of Pa 7a '45.109 108 108
19 Beth St 1st ext 5 '26 95 95 95
2 Beth Steel ref 6s '43 93 hi 92 93
12 Beth S p m 5 '36 88 88 88
15 Brook R' T 7 .... 62 61 . 62
6 B R T 7 T Co '21.. 63 63 63
9 B R T 7 Tc c a '21 58 U 58 58)4
17 Brook V E 1st 5 at 78 77 78
. 2 Bu R & P 4 '67.. 89 89 89
4 Bush T Bldg 6 '60.. 88 85 SS1.-.
2 Call Gaa & E Ea '87. 93 93 93
21 Can Pa 73 '40 110 110 110
6 Canada South 63 '62 96'4 94 96
24 C North dch 6 '46.1094 109 109
. 26 Can Pa d 4s '4?.... 78 78 78
1 Cent of Ga By is '29 95 95 96
13 C of Ga Ry c 5s 45 92 92 92
1 C Leath gen 6s '25 95 95 95
1 C Pac gtd 4s '49.. 83 '83 83
1C Pac S L 4s '54.. 80 SO 80
11 O R S of N J Is 87.305 106 105
15 C d Pasco cv 31.112 112 112
59 C & O cvt 63 '40.. 85 86 86
8 C ft O gen 4s 92. 82 82 82
- 21 C A O cvt 4s 30. 83 82 82
5 C&O R&A 1st 4s 89 82 82 82
9 C A Al rfg 3s 49.. 65, 66 56
' 3 C ft Al 3s 50 38 38 38
11 C B & Q 4s III d 49 88 88 88
11 C B&Q 4sNeb d 27 95 94 94
01 C B t Q jt 6 58.107 106 107
387 C B ft Q ref 6s 71.. 97 97 97
15 C Gt W 4a 59.... 60 60 60
1 C Ind ft Lv 6s 47.. 89 89 89
6 CM&SP cv 5a B 14 62 62 62
1 C M ft S P gn 4a 89 73 73 73
12 CM48P cvt 4 82. 60 60 60
14 CM&SP rf 4V.S 2014 65 54 54
10 CMASP6C&MRD 26 94 94 94
6 C ft N W 6 36.. 107 107 . 107
39 C Rys-CO 6s 27.. 70 69 70
. 21 CRI ft P rf 4s 34.. 76 76 76
2 C U S 4a S A 63 90 90 90
11 Chi Un Sta 614 93.113 113 113
16C&WI 7s 36. .101 100 1Q0
8 C ft W I 4s 62 .. 73 72 2
13 Chile Cop cvt 7 23.101 101 101
77 Chile Cop c tr 6s 33 86 86 86
2 CCC&SL G M 4h 93, 78 77 78
4 CCC&SL 6 29 97 96 96
IV Colo & 8 rfg 4VjS 35 84 84 84
33 C G ft E 6s 37.... 90 89 89
46 Con Gas cvt 7- 25.103 103 103
2 Cuba C S 7s 30. . 72 71 71
10 Cuban Am S 83 31.103 103 103
t Cuban R.llrd ( 1. 77 77
1 Del ft Hud cvt 4 li 91 91
IT DAKU Im la 21..,. 79 77
IT l'H'l rrg I II.... 44 '4 43
10 I'KO con 4s II.,.. 74 73
I Mlfcr-b 4 31 IT 37
4 lt Kdl rill 40.100 100
4 I'olrmt Kdi 1 '44.. 93 II
T I'et V R 4 '32. i 14
11 Dia M deb 7 'i ! lot
li Ihi a N T '31.103 101
I Dup 1, ft P I '49.101 101
it Pup L P 1 '14. 97 97
7 Krl f In 4 '94 ... 40 40
5 Krl pi In 4 '94 ... 64 64
li Krl cvt 4 A, '51., li 15
4 Krl cvt 4 B '(3... li $i
4 Krl ft Jer la 'ii.. 11 19
24 Kl.k Rub Co I '41.101 104
1 rWaVDC 1st la '21.101 101
I Uen KIIC deb C '40 104 104
t (len Kite deb l '62 97 97
34 O T ft R Co 9 '41 113 111
14 lr T of Can 1 '40 110 110
tl a T of Can '30 102 101 .
68 lit North 7 '$4 ...107 107
3 Gt N 4 41 9 19
13 II V 1st con 4s '99 13 83
II HM ref i A "17. 79 71
li HAM adj Inc is '67 54 13
G III Cen 6 'il ... 91 98
I ICftVSLAN Jt ia A. 91 91
111 Cen 4 '62 91 91
27 lit Cen 4s '53 78 71
27 lnt-ilet 4 '6 .. 15 15.,
45 1-M 4 t o ctfs '64 13 lti
US Int R T ref 6 '6 43 3
11 lnt Pap b rtf .... 84 14
8 Int M M f 6a '41 . 92 91 Vt
1 Iowa Cen rfg 4 '61 31 32
1 K C Ft .M 4 '! 74 74 1
3 K C SOU 6 '60 .... 34 94
4 K C South 1st Is '50 64 14
10 K C Tm 1st 4a '60 80 80
12 Kelly-H Tire 8 '31.02 101
1 Lack Stl 6 23 .... 98 9
5 L ShAMS db 4s '28 92 92
1 LeVofPa o 4 2003 78 78
3 I.e Valley 6a 'lit. .101 100
1 Llgg ft My 7 '44.115 115
105 I, ft N 6a 103 lli
4 Man Ry c 4 t.e '90 40 60
4 Market 8t Ry o "24.. 81 81
4 Marland O 8 r '31 99 99
17 Mexican Pet S '36.100 99
17 Michigan 8 T 6 '34 97 97
5 Mldvale S c 6 '36 tn 84
1 Minn St L O 6 '84 69 69
3 Minn St L 7s '49 101 101 .
7 Minn & St L 1st r l 31 10
44 MS P PSM 6 '31.101 19' i
21 M K ft T 1st 4 '90. 74 74
29 M K ft T 4S . B '90. 44 64
6 M K ft T 2d 4s '90. 60 60 4
33 M K ft T 6 . A '04. 77 77 ,4
13 M K & T adj S 04. 44 44
10 M K ft T 4s '36. 52 62
21 M K ft T 6a C. 91 91.4
3 M P rfg is '26.... 92 93
13 M P gen 4s '75... 60 60
27 M P Coiis " A '43. 95 9a
11 M.r ft Co 4s '39 . 88 8
29 Na Tube 6s '62.... 96 96
30 NTCftHR 'd s '35 99 98
4 NtC&HRr&14 '13 85. 85
6 NYCSStL deb 4s '31 81 81
2 NTGK&LH&P 6 '43 94 94
2 N Y N H&HrSs'56 ti 41
44 N Y N H ft H '4. 8 6b
10 NYNH&H 6s '55... 40 40
15 NYNH&Hdeb 4s "66 4. 47
15 Sy.NH&K d 4s 57 76 76
14 N Y Ry ref 4s 42 28 27
22 NYRyref 4s t r ct'42 28 .7
11 NYRy a5sTCct'42 4 4
J N Y Tel deb 6s '49.102 102
I NY Tel gen 4. ;39 90 90
48 NYW&Bos '"',,,
42 NYEdiCo r 6s '41.106 105
8 N ft S 6 S A '61.... 68 68
I No? ft W c 4s '96 86 86
6 Nor ft W cvt 6 '29.105 104
17 N P p 1 4 '97 84 84
6 Norths P g 3 104760 60
13 Northw B T 7. '41.108 107
3 O S L g S '46 98 97
1 O B L con 6 '46.... 96 .4 96
J2 Ore S L r 4 '26.... 8J 88
.2 Otis Steel 8s '46.... 97 97
4-Pa G & F. 6 '42.... 87 A 87
6 Packard Mo Is '31. .100 99
S.Pan A P & T 7 '30 94 95
18 Penn R R 7s '30. ...106 106
17 Penn R R 6 '68.... 9b ,96
11 Pierre Oil Ss...... 00 100
15 Pa R 8 '36.. 106 105
5 P R R G M 43 '65 87 87
11 PCO ft 8L, 5 '70.. 93 92
5 P S of N J 6s '69 78 1.
. 3 P & R 8 '67 100 100
14 Read gen 4s '97 82 82
4 R I ft S 6s '40.... 93 93
; 40 S B T B 6s '61.... 71 ll
24 S I. ft S F p 1 4s '60 68 68
6 SI. ASF 6s sb ',50 82 83
62 S L & S F ad 6s 65 72 71
73 S L ft S F in 6s 60 64 . 64
9-S L S 1st 4, '89.. 75 75
12 8 L S con 4s 32.. 71 J
7 S L S Term 6s 62.. 71 71
7 Sea A L G st 4s 60 49 49
16 Seab A L ad 6s 49 16 16
6 Seab Ae L cn 6s. 45 44 43
43 Slncl O cv 7s 25.. 100 99
6 Sharon 8 H 8s 41.. 97 96
16 8 Pao cvt 4s 29.... 87
29 8 Pac c tr 4s 49.. 84 84
5 Pac S F tm 4s 50 80 80
22 S Ry geu 4s 56.... 61 61
84 S Ry gen 6s 96.. 94 94
8 S Ry S L d 4a 61.. 77 77
11 O of Cal d 7 '31.. 106 10o
66 Third Ave ad $ '60 63 63
6 T A of St L 5 '44 94 94
9 Tide O C 6 '31. .101 101
2 Un Pa 6s '28 91 91
' 7 Un Pa 1st 4s '47.. 91 91
4 Un Pa cvt 4s 27.. 91 91
14 Un Tank Car 7s '30.102 102
6 United Drug 8s 106 306
16 U S r & i 6s '24. 95 94
8 U S Rub 6s '47.... 86 86
47 U S Steel s f 6s '63.101 100
6 Vir-Car C 7s '32 94 93
4 Vlr Ry 5s '23 91 90
,T Wabash 1st 6s '39.. 95 95
2 Western Elec 6s '32 99 99
3 West U r e 6s '36.107 107
30 Westhse Elec 7 '31.108 105
2 W ft L K 1st 6s ':T6 93 931,
2 Wickw Sp S 7s '35.. 99 ' 98
16 Wll & Co 1st 6s '41 95 94
. 8 Wil & Co cvt 6s '28 86 . 84
45 Wil ft Co 7s '60.. 96 9i
' 94
, 98
87 4
. 49
77 .
. 94
91 .
106 T4
. 95
Chicago Grain
New York Coffee.
New York, Jan. 31 Attcr opening two
points higher to two points lower coffee
futures steadied up slightly on same buy
ing by March shorts or buying in of
hedges against small spot sales. Other
wise there was no demand, however, and
after selling at 8 -62c March eased off
to 8.47o under scattered realizing. The
close was net 1 point higher to five
point lower. Sales were estimated at
about 11.000 bags. March. 8.49: May, 8.39:
July, 8.32; September, 8.29; October, 8.26;
December. 8.27.
Spot coffee dull,- Rio 7s, 8 L'to 9s;
Santo 4s, 11 -to 13c.
New York Sngar,
New York. Jan. 31. The raw sugar
market was firmer and prices were 1-1-6
ctnts higher to the basis, of 2c for
Cubas, cost and freight, equal to 8.7:tc
for centrifugal, with sales of about 07.000
bags to operators and refiner tor Febru
ary, early March Bhipment.
Raw sugar future closed unchanged to
two points net higher, with March at
1.39c; May, 2.47c; July, 2.67c; September,
2.79c. ,. .
Turpentine and Rosin...
. Savannah. Ga., Jan. 31. Turpentine
Firm; 87ic: sales, 69 bbls.; receipts, 73
bbls.; shipments, 174 bbls.; stock, 11,019
Rosin Firm: sale. 498 rssks: receipts,
173 casks; shipments, -1,558; stock, 83.
495 bbl.
Quote B. X. E. F. G. H. 7.. $4.05; K.,
14.55; M 15.05: N., $5.35; W O,, $5.81;
WW., $5.65. .
84. Loai Grain.
St. Louis, Jan. 31. Wheat May.
$1.15; July, 11.01.
Corn May. S30Ble; July, 54c.
1 Oat May. 40c: July. 40c
Minneapolis. Grain.
Minneapolis. Minn., Jan. 31. Wheat
Receipts, 324 cars, compared with 231 cars
a year ago; cash. No. 1 northern, $1.33tt0
1.37 : January, $1.28; May, $1.25;
July. $1.17.
Corn No. 3 yellow. 4!?4(t42c,
Oats No. 3 white. 33V032c.
Barley 41054c.
Rye No. 1, 7980c.
Flax No. 1, $1.1801.24.
Chicago Produce. " '
Chicago, Jan. 31. Butter Higher;
creamery, extras, 17c; firsts. 30036c sec
onds, 27 0 29c; standards, 34c.
Eggs Higher; receipt. 10,697 Cases:
firsts, 38c; ordinary firsts, 32034c; mis
cellaneous, 36037c; refrigerator firsts, 23
Poultry Alive. higher; fowl, 15c;
springs, 25c; rooster. 18c. '
Visible Grain Supply.
New Tork, Jan. 30. The visible supply
of American grain shows th following
' Wheat increased 51.000 bushels.
Corn increased 656,000 bushels.
Oat increased 846.000 bushels.
Bye Increased 353,000 bushels.
Barley decreased 83,000 bushel.
Minneapolis Flour.'
Minneapolis. Minn., Jan. 31. Flour
Market unchanged to 10c higher; in car
load lota, family patents quoted at $7.25
07.60 a barrel, in 98-pound cotton lacks.
Bran $20.00021.00.
New York Produce.
Nw Tork, Jan. 31. Buttei Irregular:
cramery, higher than extras, 8914040c;
creamery, extras, 38 039c
Eggs Steady. J
Chaeao-s'Stcadr. i
Omaha Br Leased Wire.
Chicago, Jan. 31. Realizing sales
of wheat by leading local profession
als mere than offset the effect of buy.
in by commission housei. With the
failure of foreign markets to allow
the advance in Chicago, the market
here developed an caiv undertone. It
closed 1(1 l-'4c lower with July lead
ing, being 14 3-4c under May at the
last, the widest discount so far. Corn
and oats were alfected by the- action
of wheat, corn closing J-8rl-2c and
oats l-4(g3-8c lower, while rye was
off 7-8c.
At no time were wheat prices
higher than the previous day's close.
Considerable change in sentiment
was noted among the local element
A majority of the recent buyers were
disposed to take profits. While lead
ing commission houses were Rood
buyers, at times, the long grain came
out freely; offerings were heavy un
til the last. Fluctuations in- foreign
exchange are erected to a great ex
tent in prices in "European and Ar
gentine markets. The local traders
are bothered thereby. Buenos Aires
opened 2(&-te lower, due to a decline
in pesos, while Liverpool quoted un
changed in English money, was l-2c
higher in American after being off
l-il-4d early.
Export Are Large.
Considerable export busim-ss ha been
put through in tho last few days. It
probably waa close to 1.000,000 bushels.
Including the Greek order for 1,304,000
bushel. tha bulk being Man'v Das.
Premiums at the gulf, however, were
easier at 4 64 over May.
Milling demand fr cash - wheat wa
alow in all markets with tho exception
of St. Louis. There prices were 10 So
higher. Red winter at Chicago was lo
lower compared with May, No. 2. selling
4c over that future. Local milling
sale were 5,000 bushels with receipts 11
car. Heavier receipt are expected In
Ihe northwest, although private report
on farm reserves and total holding in
that section continue to present a very
bullish situation, '
No-purchases of corn for Russian re
lief will be mad by the grain cor
poration tomorrow, but offers of 5,000
ton of grits have been aaked for. Corn
and oats fulurea showed a heavy under
tone with trade mainly of a local char
acter and -the finish wa about the bot
tom. Country offerings of corn wcr
fair, although a good part of the grain
taken In going direct to the seaboard
tor export. Low grades in the sample
marlvt were 0c lower as compared
with the May. Receipt were 603 cars
corn and 78 car oats. - ,
In two days primary arrivals of corn
have been 6.685.000 bushels, and unless
th unexpected happen the receipt for
the week are 'expected to set a. new
Rye was dull and easier. While there
have been persistent reports of a liberal
export demand no sales have , beon
claimed. -
rit Note.
Thera waa om selling of wheat on
increased receipts. Both Minneapolis
and Kansas City had a liberal run, and
the inference is that stronger premium
wer Immediately effective In stimulat
ing country marketing. Sam rwtlvera
ar of th opinion that (hi run will
not taut long. .
Export broker wet not unanimous In
regard to the corn ilrmand. Hoine sea
board reports Indicated a lull In foreign
buying and om broker her laid they
offered corn Monday on a relatively
lower baai and wor unable lo effort
ale. On the other hand liberal sale
were reported elsewhere.
ale of Wlltkhire cut ot met '
bean mad for export at ptU-ex whli h
would allow for paylnr "n mor than
th current price for hog with big
allowance for labor.
Minneapolis wired Bartlett Frailer:
"Congressman Knuton I quoted a
aylng omethlng definite mut be don
to relieve nor hwest farm ltuatlon In
order to prevent a reduced iprlng wheat
acreage this year."
The Minneapolia manager for Bennett
ft Co. wired:
"The following; Information h been
gathered from several of th bt posted
peopl in Minneapolis. Publto stocks of
wheat at Mlnneapoll are 4.000,000
bushels; private slocks. 7,000,000 bushels;
country elevator stocks, 14.000.000
bushel. In farmer' hand to market,
1,2000,000 bushel."
By Updike Grain Co., DO. 2627. Jan. 31.
ATtTToenTTlIigh. I Low. Close . Yes.
May '
I .1 1
1.19 1.19
I 1.19
I 1.04 1.05
10i i
.1 . .1
.80 '
"64 !
.39 4 I
.89! .
.40 HI
.40 li
I 9.37
I 9.45
9 65
.7, 1
I .
.38 -4 j'
1.04 l
.78 1
I ...
I 1.19
I 9.97
(' 9.37
l' .39
I 9 92
l' 9.23
I 9.43 -
Kansas City Produce.
Kansas City. Mo., Jan. 31. Eggs lc
higher, firsts, 35r.
Butter and Poultry Unchanged. .... '
' Linseed Oil.
Duluth. Minn.. Jan. 31. Linseed on
track and to arrive, $2.22 S.
Kansas City Grain.
Kansas City, Mo.. Jan. 31. Wheat
May, $1.09: July, 98Hc
Corn May, 47c; July. 49ic .
Nov York Poultry.
New York, Jan. 30. Poultry Live,
steady and unchanged; dressed, quiet;
fowls. 19 31c. -
Omaha Produce
lit t Nbrik, tans f akariit.
Pull aar4a
UV fOrt-TRT,
rVReei Wk'H'l
Huiig .Hi;
r'.. fit,
u imiTtT.
visa Klo Id II ;)( II
Mru(s ,,, ,4 ,? .11 ,.'
(Un.. Iiiij ,,,. ,u .11 ..I
II. i., h.Af .... . It ,,-44) ..i
WM 1I4 .11 , .14
I'U.k ... .14) .11 .Hi .11
tUrmt U4V .11 ,II4 .
Itirkljl , 114 .1 ..Its ,J4
Mai I4
Hrin4 .,. .,,,. ,r-
lien ..'i'w
Cork ,, , ,, ,lk .71
Cork ,,,, ,)
. 4
1349 II
,ll ,10
,31 9
l.nsftllex .31
ruin-) ,. .....
Ptct ,,,,,,, ,,
Nk I
No. $
I 'rat- ,
i'r ("sum, rase
riotii , ,..
Creamery, print
Creamery, u.,
Ciuniry, heel 114 .29
Country, common .U .11
(tr rise .,
UuliOr 11, ia. pri....
Fruit tlansnse, 70le lb. Orange,
l ill and larger. $5 1104; ) :,
ll.f60l.Ti; ! til. I4l0tl9l ll 911.
I4.004ili, I,mon. $i.uo0l.i box.
Grapefruit, 11.110 i 00 crate. Apples,
according to grade. Jonathans, 13 l) It;
IXHrlou , II 001.09: Rom rleaulle.
It.iOfflli; fiuniea Wlnusp, 11,710119;
Common Wlneeap. II 0)I TI; Winter
1'Mrmaini. tl tiSLTi: Vpitunbarg, 11 1
01.71; Hlarklwig, IMOtfllDi TUw
N.wlnn, IM0; Uen Davis and Oeno, It 10
per box, Klefer Pear. II lo; Oregon Eat
ing Pear. 11.00 per bushal baikst. Fig.
14 pkgs. 1 os., t3.U0l.lii II pkga, 10
os., 11.10; to pkga. 4 os.. 11.110119.
Dates. Dromedary, II pkgs.. 14110174
per bog; I'lid, 11011a lb.; Hallewll. 110
16o lb.
V $ t ab V Pelatoes Nbrslia
Karly Ohio. No. 1, 11.4002. 51; No. 1.
tl. 900 2.00; Nebraska Irish Cobblers, Ne.
I. 11.14; Red River Ohio, Ne. I, I
Colorado Brown Butie. II 16 per ewt.
Sweet Fntaloe. 11.1003 10 per bu. Celery.
Jumbo, tl.i0Hl,7i per do. Leaf Lttce.
59060c par dot. Heed Lettuce. II.I0O4.21
per crate. Red Onion, 1490 per lb.
Yillow Onion. 70lo per In. 8pnlh
Oniune, rmtia regular. 13 1901 II. Car
rot. I03o per Ik. Turnip. I01 per
lb. Parsnip, !03o per lb. Cabbage,
t0io par lb. Cucumbers, hot house.
13. 1001.00 per 'crate. Young
Kiaiine. 7i0eo per ooa. loung rouin
ern Carrot. 11.00 01. II pr dot Young
Southern beets, 11.00 per do. Brusll
Sprout. 26o per lb, Bhallotta, 71010 per
(ioi. Grain Peppers, noiOo per lb.
Young Southern Onion. 10c par do.
Hides and Wool Beef Hid'! Green
sited, No. 1, tat tak off, 607c; No. t,
i0los green. No. 1, 1st tk off, 40lr;
No, 1, S04o; green salted, eld atork,
305c; gren salted bull hide, No. 1, 4c;
No. 1, 3c; green bull hide. !o per lb.
Hors Hide, larg, 13.10: medium, 11.50:
mall, $3.00 each. Poney and Oluei, 750
1.50. Sheep Pelt, green sailed, to all
and wool, 6901.21 each. Snorting, green
sited, a to lis and wool. 10 20 each.
Wool: Choir fin and blood, 18013o;
medium and blood. 110 He; low
blood, 12014a per lb. Burry Wool, to per
lb. less.
Wholesale prices ot beef eut re
follow: No. 1 ribs, llc; No. 3 rlb.
22c; No. 1 rib. 15c; No. 1 loins, 2ic;
No. 1 loins. tlc; No. 1 loin, 17c; No. 1
rounds, 14e; No. 1 rounds, 13a; No. .1
rounds, 11c; No. 1 chuck, 9o; No. 2
chuck, 9c; No. 1 chucks. 7o: No. 1
plates, lc; No. 1 plate, tc; No. 1 plates,
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