I 10 THK KLU: OMAHA. WLD.M&UAY. FfcBUUAUV 1, W af cuuilM Mmtiijat mBRINGING UP FATHER- ) per line itaiinl aida la lin I 4a. I ' CO la par III. par dv, I iMUxruu H a.ee ltt per da, f ceneiwwKv u He par (in per o'er, rancaaullte aai lekeu far lata than a lotal r 1. "! inn gaulr e.ibar Iha Daily a uanar All aavertieemente appear i Ui h Kuiinli'i and etsniM Oa.iy papar lor ma ea rtiiit CONTNAi'V RATE OM AI'Pl.irATIx.V Want Ida tcrepttd (l lb folljaf af fl'M' Mai " iC,...i;ib et reream aula) Hid ! Saul :4th. al. aim. II Hlliffa la ! r WANT At UK "IVED MT I'HOMS ATLANTIC 44 THK Kf.K will raapsnaibla far mat than ana inform! Ineeriin af an advertieamenl entered far mar IBa ana I una. i I. OKI N1 IIOl'PI Fon WAST AD rianmc Milton.,,., ,.ll'44 A, M. Morning Kniuun,,, ........... I o I'. M, n.iu.lay Mlliu. P. M, Maiuiday DEATH 4 FUNERAL NOTICES. XTniMik-n l.u.r Jane, naaead an Me.i lay. January 30, lJ. al h lioma ef .er ..n K, A. Dlrlnior, 2$a Hallmat Ave. Mra Hirlntrr la survival by per huabalt'l. Hlrlni'r; 4 aore. .1. J . irini!r, t'lmago. III.: Fred II Hirlnc-r, oun. il Bluffs, I : K. A. airiiigur an4 I.. K. Htringer ef Omaha; a dialer and ona brother. funeral rne Wadnaadav. Kelirn y I. I:3. at 3 p. in. fmm iha noma of bar ii. Interment riiraat I.a"n i .yei.r D'rrU'M.En. Dr. Augiiflua K, on of Iha l.ia Mr. ana Mrs. J narion iaiwui-r, .I'.il January !. lb of 43 )ara. In in. mi In, : dese. Survived by If-. Innavlate. anj la alalara, Mra. .Paul W, kuhna anl Mra Frank N Clarke. Funeral eerviiee frmn tha family real iltno, 401 llarnev !., Wednesday, al 3 l. m. Interment al Proepei I Hill nilry, (family kindly rubral no f nwara I Iliivr 41reemlll I'. paaa an at Mo ilia, I'll. Hutur.laj.'. January it. I:3. yrari. Mr. Ilayil I aurv.vod by hia lf. 1 aulia, Orora It. Ilo; 4 ut Omaha. J. Iluyil of Modaaia. (.'al. Tunvral aarvlcra from i'roaby Kunarnl M.ima. Zlth anil Wirt Hia.. dlr liy. Frbruary I, at S.JO P. m. Inta.-. niant family lot Korrat I.-o tnn-iry. THOMAS William M Mnenln apla. Jan. SO. at 4 yrara. Parraaad la aur vlvad by Ihra ajiial vra. Mra. Ella iltllh. Maillaon. Wla.; Mr, alary J. Owana, and Mr, alantarat tllh.on. flanray. Wla. ' runaral arrviix from lloflmann Ku naral Mom Wrdnamlav at 1 p. m. In larmcnl III lot, Minaourt Valley, )a., Wodnaaday. BRRAKIKR Waalay t... aun of .Mr. and Mr. Wcalay l)ralar, paaard on at Imal hoapllal Hunday, January :. JJ::, 'd 4 yrara. Kunaral aarvlcaa January S'. l5S. fi-oin .'roaby Kunrral Horn. !4ih and Wirt St., at 4 p. m, lntermant Harlan, la. Hite4 I, t, falaal Oflu Ml JllaO ASO MAUUIt IN FULL I AUt Of COLORS IN !HK bUNOAV Btt Drawn for The Bee by McManui (apynaat, :i, IKtaraaiwaal t HrM Nat;tC CH3IN4 NCJ AN' T A INQ InlN4' Al , "V l Vr" -aUi-t-UiJ, W . ! III II oh:oh: phone FOR THC DOCTOR I THINK MY ANKIX BROKEN HELLO 'WILL 00 HURRY OVtR-OOCTORl mm 4U LlililJ) iJziu vour wn: it all I I cc oo I t Rt.HT:HEt ANKLE IhAftC Jk NO Wl ltMOT tHOUREO -J MMUTCS? AROUNQ- "1 bUtlUCiEUBlii I ... ' O IMMrtetO AFE.W NiNUTtt) T3 f ' I , OJ: r-L iV iNT t TtaTUaif SCRVICC, INC. "J jj.Jf ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordcon Pletirg. AOCuHDIoN. aid, knlfa. tioi pirating. covered builona, all aiyiaa; pamaiiichlna lulionhola. Writ Mal Hulton A I'Iwiiim Co., IH llrown bloik, Omaba, T-I".h.ma JA II a NEBR. PLEATING :rruf: ion, lint I'arnim. id Hoor. to. H71. Contrictori. I'AINTI.Nci, papering and plaiarin. ivau. wa. 46;. J. TAKK advantage of low prKaa In paint m ana papernanainir. Kophn, WH 14:6. Dancinx Academies k'FPP'Q farnam. ou(taa 144. J-'1-' J t 'laaart tlandtr. Wdna. dae and Frdlay. 1:15 p. m Private lea- on by appointment, sura metLooa. Hn'efectinn auarnnterd Denfitt X-Ray MOUTH H'llrn and rorrhea. Ur. V. ii. Aicuuiiiea. Dentiau nvv rim nail Bank Dldir. Tel. JA. 04N4, MCNTAU X-BYS. aoo EACH. II a full art. ni Kerurltlea Bid-. Detectives. CHAMBERS-Thnmae U, afd il yrara, died January 30. 1)23. Funeral aarvlcea Wtdneday, f"bni- ary 1, at I o'rlock at Korrat Lawn i hapel. Body will be at Haynea Mortu ary until 12:10 Wedneaday. AUTOMAT If RKALINO UONCRETB BURIAl. VAULTS. Recommended and for aala by all leading undertakers. Waterproof, no ateel to ruat, no wood to decay. Inslat upon tha AUTOMATIC HEALINO VAtTI.T. mfKd. by OMAHA fOX I'RRTK BURIAL VAULT CO., H10 N. 301b, St. CARD OF THANKS. ITS wlah to thank our many frienda for their presenia and beautiful flower at th funeral of our beloved on and brother. C'harle K. 8traer. Sltned, Mr. and Mr. Mukhllns and Family. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., Succenor to Stack & Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. ARltOW AMBULANCEh m?" Thirty-third and Farnairu Hulse & Ri?pen PIONEER FUNERAr, DIRECTORS. Formerly at 701 8. 16tb St., hav moved to ;524 Cumins St. Ja. 126. "HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertaken and Bmbalmera. Phono HA. 26i. Office 2(11 Farnam. FLORISTS. LEE LARMQN 1814 Douglia Ph. DO. 8244 SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HKSS A SWOBODA. HIS FARNAM STRKICT 1.. Handorsont 1507 Farnam. Jackaon M JOHN BATH. 1S04 Farnam. Jackaon 10. CEMETERIES. Forest Lawn The larsrest and most beautiful ceme tery In Nebraska; 320 acre, just north of city limits. A mutual cemetery all revenues used for Improveinenta and perpetual care. Office at entrance to cemetery. City office, 720 Brandela Theater Bulldlnt. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. . Btrtha. Lawrence and Clam .Tasperdon 4111 f i rth Twenlr-ftrst street, boy. Krnest and Stella Carlson, 1708 Clark treat, boy. Valentine and Josephine Mojkowska, Forty-fifth and I streets, girl. Achlel and Mary Dyek, 6028 South Thirty-eighth atreet, boy. George and Lola Hawman, 4511 South Twenty-seventh street, girl. Wilbur and Marie Harrison, hospital, bov. . HaVold and Florence Jones, hospital, girl, --- Joseph and Grare Rogers, 33.' 1 South Thirty-first street, girl. : Deaths. - John J. ' Barnes, 68, 3U7 North Seven teenth atreet. Frank Orvill Boall,'42, 6004 Burt street. Mr.a. Grace E. Higbin,' 2, SS05 South Twenty-thtrd street.' Mrs. Anna Grant, 69. hospital. - ', Susan D. McEvoy. 40, Omaha. Neb. Jasper Clinton Booth, 1,. 32H5 South Twenty-eighth avenue. Francis MulUa, Infant, hospital. Western National (ctei Aaency. Licensed and bonded. 40T Rrax'ei To. Illdir. Lady operators. AT. 2543. Independent Dalectlv Ruau. 304 Neville Blk. AT. 4501; night. WA. 4045; KB. 0143 RKLIAHl.U !eti:tlv Bureau. Hallway Ex. Bldg., J A. 3051, Night, KB. 3813. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville ink. Evldene cured in sll case. Atlantic 1136. UK.TECTlVL!" tbet get results. 40ai- ton block. J A. 18l. DO 4767. Dressmaking. M. Finegold, Tailor Expert ladle tailor and furrier. Fan cy work and dressmaking a specialty. Spring line now ready. Price reasonable. Tel. AT. 6601 for appointment. AM open for business cation. 2421 So. LUh. Timme. dressmaking; specialty. at my new In AT 4871. - Pearl spring coala a Fura, suits, dresses, rem'd, relln'd. Ha 6804 Kodak FinihitUT. ENLAROKMKNTS. oil coloring, developing. printing. Ksae Studio. 313 Neville B;k. FILMS DKVELOPBD FRKE. Th Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St. Patent Attorneys, t. W. MARTIN, patent attorney, U1S Dodge. Omaha, also Washington, D. C W help sell patents, models made. Printing. EDDY Printing Co.. 312 S. 13 St. Do. 4647. BRITT Printing Co., 7 Elka Bldg. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS price with privilege to buy bsck at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha, Neb.. 402 N. 16th St. Telephone DO. 6049. Povlenn DR- N- Chiropractor. 308 VJttI 1SUII paxton block. AT. 3747. Office hours, II a. m. to 6:30 p. m. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single. 35c; double edge. 45c doz. Mail orders so licited. Omaha Sharp Co., 103 N. 16th. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses made over in new ticks at half price of new beds. 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. CLOCK repairing rightly done. Natstedt, 609 Brown Bllt., 16tb and Douglas. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permit to wed have been issued to the following: ' John E. Frosh, 2S. Omaha, and Minnie Oeta, 23, Deshler, Neb. i Godfrey B. E. Seaberg. over 51, Omaha, and Augusta Mary Kruse. over 21, Omaha. John Hannon. 28. Chicago, 111., and Virginia Garrison, 24, Peru, Neb Hubert McLone, 22, ' Omaha, and Ilene Wheeler, 19, Lincoln, Neb. Frank .T. Stehno. 22. Omaha, and Stacia Kucirek, 21, Omaha. Emit Lind, 36. Claries. Neb., and Nellio Corkerton, 28, t'larks. Neb. Merton M. Wynri, 26, Omaha, and Lil lian V. Millard, 20. Omaha. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST -Tuesday morning, wYist watch. gold, open face; either at corner of 14th and Cam or at 20th and Farnam, or from 20th to 21st on Dodge, near high school, or 20th and Lake to 19th, or on Dodge and Harney car, north from Farnam. Reward. Walnut 2390, evening. WILL party who found lady's wrist watch, vicinity 19th and Webster and Cuming to 3571 Dodge St.. evening November 28 and noon 29, pleas notify Mrs. Bv Fralssinet. DO. 5722 and receive reward. LOST OR 8TRAYED Irish spaniel pup. dark brown and curly; also red Irish ,1 setter pup. both about 6 month old. Lot near Hanscom Park. Phone Har- ney 4323 for reward. LOST Sunday. Pearl necklace, between 501 Burt St. and 60th and Underwood Ave. Reward. Tel. Walnut 3574. PERSONALS. THK SALVATION Army Industrial home aolicits your old . clothing, furniture, maraaine. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 arid, our wagon will caiL Call and Inspect our new horn. 1114-1112-1114 Dodge St. KATHRYN L. RILEY Skin .and scalp specialist. Residence work solicited. Appointment. JA. 3268. Theatrical historical masque costumes, for plays and parties, at Lleben'a. Oman. MAONKTIC baths; Violet Ray treatment with' massages. 614 S. lth. DO. 3381. SULPHUR bath. Swedish massage, chi ropody. Evening to 4. 204 So. 20th St. ELECTRIC therapy treatment villa Block. ' 318 Ne- ELECTRIC baths. Swed. mass. WE. 2911 RENT Hoover vacuum. 31.26 HA 1471 EXPERT MASSAGE. DOUGLAS 3549. EXPERT massage. 434 No. 16. Apt. , Prescriptions carefully compounded at the 6 Sherman ft MeConnell Drug stores. FULL die and tuxedos tor rent. John Feldman, 109 N. 16tli St. Jackson 3128. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LeBron Electric, 318 S. 13th St., Omaha, HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitor. STATU MAl.KNMANAOKH COR N'K brasaa and Kanaaa wauled. ' Xlanufat turar drairaa man rapabla ef ireni Ittg ana taking rumplaie haraa of nd dietribuiiun af eirlliM hltH, be. raua of Ms nature, eelia io,bantere and Urg vommafTiat ronrerne an tight, la patented and liaa large ) In ierri tMa whr It ha baen introduced. Ill doraad by trading banker. Th.s a high-elsea pruuoaitloa and will require Inveatmeni of l for tnarbince. , lionet Tim C'ontputur Co., Falrmout, Minn. t. KAI.KhMA.V WA.STKI) A large New York houa ha opening In lhair sale droartnieui for two llvewlra aaleeman, Jur mm are earning real money. For Interview call before Is a. m., after P. m. 3U4 Halrd Bldg. SALESMAN lu all aa am Una to dealer only old eatab laheil in Farm Imp!. meiila. Comnilaaion baala. No samples lo carry. Omaha iern sales Co. timaha. Neb. 8A1.K.HM A.N Two young men to travel Nebraaka. Kipenae advanced, rt-rrr rncr and bond. Call 10 11. i to I, Hotel Loyal. Ak for Mr. Wauaner, TWO young man lo travel In Nebraska towns, expense cdvanced. Referanc and bond. Call from 4 to 11 or I to 4, Floinar hotel. Ask for R. F. Jones. Miscellaneous. A MAN lo rut wood and work 011 farm for board and small wagea until spring. Frank Muail. Bladen. Neu. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. FUR peraonal Instruction, In shorthand typewriting. nnokKeepinf, nankins, eio call Douglas 7174. Household and Domestic. WANTED An elderly Isdy lo exchange light housework lor a comfortable home. AT 4871. WANTED White girl for general house work. Good wages. Walnut 2456. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wagea while learning: atrlctly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-City Barber College. Miscellaneous. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON, either sex, may earn 4100 to 1200 monthly cor. responding for newspapera; 15 to J15 per column'i all or spars time; exTie rlenc unnecessary; no canvassing. 8ejd lor particulars. National Press Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL, Complete couise In accountancy, ma china bookkeeping, comptome'y, abort hand and typewriting. railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1566 for large 1 lustra ted catalog. Adaresa Boyles College, Boyes Bldg.. Omaha. Nb Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6840. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE; Cash mercantile business; monthlv sale over f:t,600; stock carried about 33.600; 14.000. to 16,600 cash will handle.. No trades. J, W. Box 126, Osage, Wyo. RAILWAY eating house for sale, steam neat, Ice, coal, water furnlshea free; rent 310 a month. 42d and B streets. Phone MARKET 2639. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods, ATTENTION! 2.000 yards of curtains, drapevy 'ma terials. :tu a yard; 250 table and pillow 1 covers, 6 each; 50 window shades, 20c each. Other furniture floor covers, stoves, rugs, electric washers, etc. de duced prices. VAKS FURNITURE STORE. 6011 So. 24th St. Market 2370. Pianos and Musical Instruments. TRADE your used piano on a new play er piano. Balance as low as 310 per month. A. HOSPE CO.. 1613 Douglas. GEO. A. SMITH Dealer In drums, xylo phones, etc; Instructions, repairing: 2761 Davenport St. Phone Harney 2967. WILKINSON MUSIC SHOP Band and orchestra Instruments, accessories and music. 211 Arthur Bldg. DO. 8123. JOHN TAFF saxophone ahop, repairing and supplies. 206 Leflang Bldg. DO. 8476 Clothing and Furs. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, chap. alterations free. Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. FURS remodeled, rellned and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO., 203 S. 15th St. DO. 7288. ... Typewriters and Suonlies. . TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. - Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. . Central Typewriter Exc. J A. 4120. ' 1912 Farnam. GUARANTEED typewriters, 112.60 and up. Midland Office and Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous Articles. GAS .ENGINE FOR . - SALE P. Cooke. Co., Stationary, 10 H. P. . J. Omaha, WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., S. W. Cur. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. EXPERT aewlng mnchln .epalring. ' MICKELS. 15th and Harney. - BO. 1471. WILL sacrifice for cash set of unused Harvard Classic". At. 1444. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desk bought, old and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. DO 6144 WANTED SITUATIONS. Laundry and Day Work. REFINED young woman wishes employ ment a companion to elderly person or as nurse to small child; two years' hos pital training. Telephone AT. 6606. Lucille Dtsbrow. help Ranted maleT Store's and Offices. Young men. over 17, desiring government position. 3130 monthly, write for free list position now ope. J. Leonard (former civil service examiner). 909 Equitable Bldg., Washington, D. C. Professions and Trades. DO yon want to increase your income? Write the National Auto School. 2614 No. 20th SL, Omaha, for catalog. MOLER BARBBR c'OLI.EUfc. 114 a. Ittb. Writ for catalog. WANTED to buy, good store In a good town, stock consisting of general mer chandise. Write to S. Bordy, Columbus, Neb. HOTEL for aale. The only hotel in city. Modern, building and the fixtures. J. F. Tieskolter, Crofton, Nob. FOR SALE good restaurant doing good business, only eating house In town. S. C. Lyon, Harroid, S. D. FOR SALE Grocery and 7 rooms, full, 41,600. 645 So. 24th Ave. FOR RENT-ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room dl rectory Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms In all carts of the c ty, A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. GLOBE HOTEL 1107 Dougla. New man agement, respectable, first-class, t-ewly decorated, home-like rooms; 60c, 75c, 31 per day. Special weekly rates. LOOK at thl room first, warm, pleas ant. Men only. , At. 4701. Apt, 601. PLEASANT large front room for two, walk dist. board if desired. HA. 6749. 2703 CUMING Beaut, fur. rm.: new. mod. nrivate homo. 3 50 week. FIA. 6969. 1517 S. 29TH, nicely fur. ro6m. Ha. 6998. A-l. well-heated rooms, cheap. KE. 4610. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping room Is the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for tree copy containing desirable vacancies In all part of the city. TEL. WA. 2005. 2 COMPLETELY FUR NISHED ROOMS FOR H.OUSEKEEP- ' ING. ' EXCELLENT HEAT, SOUTH EXPOSURE, 136. TWO neat warm rooms for housekeeping, private home, for 1 or 2 persons em ployed. 3070 Mason. HA. 3116. Board and Rooms. WE SPECIALIZE; in meals you really enjoy, comfortable rooms. . MERRIAM HOTEL, The Home for Business Men. 26th and Dodge Sts, Doug. 2076. Pleasant room in private home; cooking. Harney 7126. . FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. HAMILTON ST. 3101 Beautiful 7-room furnished house; refernces. Ha. 1818. Unfurnished. 2602 N. 16TH ST. Six rooms and bath; garage: 3C0. DO. 6635. GEO. F. JONES COMPANY. 6-ROOM COTTAGE, HARNEY 0647. 1711 . JACKSON. 3120 LEAVENWORTH ST., five rooms, all modern house. 35.00. HA. 1739. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. NICELY furnished front apartment, mod ern; close to car, . WOODBINE APARTMENTS, WE-6946. 2514 Wirt St. Unfurnished. THREE rooms and bath with rive-room accommodation. Undine Court; 355 sum mer. 365 winter. TRAVER BROS., Douglas 4886. 813 First Nafl Bank. THE THORVALD 4-room apartment, 375 Per month. Reference required. Call Harney 6S10. 19 foom modern apt., the DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. 1702 Howard 8t. AT. 470S. J A. 2804. Peters; Trust Company, nacas omaua rents. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. I Unfurnished. CHOICE APARTMENT The Hillcrest R. W, c.irn.r I4lh and Jonaa. I K, Apt o, 4, All large ruoma, beautifully dcro ratea, built-in Murphy bed. and rhlf'o, filar In llraaalng clneet, Clua in, ti summer. Itl.la winter. I K, Apl. No. I. I.arga room, all beautiful new nroratlna; bail room and tra Uurhpy bed and ureaaer built off dining room. summer, f;s.t( winter. tta our compleit rental list before ranting. Payne & Carnaby Co.. "Omaha's Rental Men" 4l4Oiftha Nafl Hank Bldg. AT. HIS, 1 ROOMS), heat and bath. 311 No, lath, FOR RENT Business Property. 1437 FARNAM ST 12.000 auuar fart. AUIIKU THOMAS a) KO.lt ('O, llllltTIKTIl HI., 1 blu.-k. ouirt of Far nam: rial. AT. 40 or WE. 3368. MERCANTILE STORAGE) AND WARtC nwuK in., litre ana jone hi H. M. Chrlsiie. warehouse A track's prop. K. V. WEAD AND BOWMAN CO. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUHE Separata locked rooma for houMhold good and piano, moving, packing and enipping. BEKI.NH OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE.. on south tilth. DO. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on atorago and moving, contract taken by Job or hr. moo an storage 10.. ja. 4338. AT. U.-3Q. e:o-:4 North mth St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. Thoroughbred cockerels, 17. Kenwood 3li!)i HATCHING EGGS. Wy. Tarda. KE. 0334 WILL glv good home lo puppy. Ha. 3045. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORDS ! FORDS ! New and Used. Cash and Terma. W' hav. them all prltea all models. Be ur and see us before you buy. McCaffrey motor company, "Th Handy -Ford Service Station." Authorized Ford Dea1tra. lath and Jackson Sia. DO. SS00. V ( Open Sunday From to 11. THOUSANDS of dollars worth of , new Urea of all sixes and varloun other automobile accessories will he sold for one-half of cost price for Immediate removal. This Is , the entire stock of our previous distributor and we' will not con tinue to handle accessories of any kind and need this spare badly. so hurry and take advantage of . thin troinendous sacrifice. Tires will be on display in our window at 2562 Farnam St. Willys-Overland, Inc., Good Used Fords Adkins Motor Co. 4911 S. '24th St. . NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE ; THE BEST Itf l:SED CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES v NEBRASKA OLDSMOBTLE CO., HOWARD AT 18TH. 60 REAL USED CAR BARGAINS Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. Fords from 350 and up. Dodge, Bulcka and others, 3100 and up. Ford bodies, winter top. GOLDSTOM AUTO. SALES CO., 1818 Harney St. Central Garage. SELECT your car for the coming season now and benefit by the exceptionally low midwinter prices. By paying a small pay ment down we will hold any car i until spring without storage charge. Twenty-five cars to ell from 150.00 to' 1400.00. Some practically new. All inaks. , DODGJSS, FORDS. OVERLANDS, CHEVROLET.5!, MAXWELLS. One-third cash, balance monthly. Willys-Overland, Inc., 2562 Farnam St. SOME 'bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. MCCAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station. 16th and Jackson Sts. DO. 8500. LATE MODEL HUDSON SPEEDSTER, 6 CORD TIRES, PERFECT CONDITION, A SPLENDID BUY. YOU CAN SEE IT AT 2062 FARNAM ST., OR PHONE DO. 8987. N WILLYS-KNIGHT Roadster. 1360; one- third cash, balance monthly. This car Is In the very best of condition and all good tires. Mr, Hollcroft, 2562 Far nam St. 20 BUICK ROADSTER, FIVE CORD TIRES, PERFECT CONDITION. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS CAR AT 2C62 FARNAM ST., OR CALL DO. 89S7. LIGHT-SIX five-passenger touring, with Red Heal continental Motor, like new. Must sell, first 3250 take it Mr. Morris, 2562 Farnam St. 1919 OAKLAND TOURING; NEW TIRES. PERFECT CONDITION; CASH OR TERMS. 2052 FARNAM STREET, DO. 8987. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment. 6th and Fnrnam Sts. Phone Douglas 1970. FIVE-PASSENGER Touring,- like new; 3375. One-third cash, balance monthly. Mr. Glass.' 2564 Farnam St. FORD rear radius rod. 31;, drive shaft housing, 34; spider and gears. 81. Ne braska Auto Parts Co., 1016 Harney St. STEARNS In splendid condition; new corus. paint good, winter curtnins; a bargain. WA. 2452. AVERY truck, 6-ton; 1600, worth more; gooa condition, siituuu ft uu.MfAisy. 20TH AND AMES. USED cars bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam St. WHITELY 3?oOEsou,HhI8i3fhESst: USED radiators, all make for sale. Green- ough. Radiator Repair 2039 Farnam. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 S. 2tn. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. POOR health. Must sell 160 acre im proved 2' miles north or strabburg. Coin. 110 broke, 65 in wheat. Real farm. Bargain. J. D. Jeffries, Slroa CaVS. Ceis. FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands. 1(4 Al.KI.H richest blank I'wiii. yellow clay aub. oil, no rorka, lavel, naluial drainage, II under eultivalliini comfortable twnt houaa. good barn for 13 h0, lanary, poultry hou. hughmia, i.ia 'Mine ehe,!. vurnerlb, good well of pure Malar; i imlea from Karniuuton, Minn., ! inil-s aouih of St. I'anl. rlua to Lincoln an J Jrftaraon paved Highway: wunh l-'vO an t,r, but (read to aarrilira al one end li:i a ra lake It; ID, (to or 4 6,0 no ca.h, baianr irnii. A genuine bar.'alu; Immediate poaae.Hlnn. a A. I- r'LLLLH. OWNER. 404 Globe rid Hi. Paul, Minn. EgUITT LndK'-hange, t, Paul, Minn. Nebraska Lands, WHITE M. A. Laraun, Central City, Neb for fuldir about irurk raisins oppor tunity in a. r iraita. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOU Y. FREE, SPECIAL NUMBER Just out. containing many fact of clover land In Marinette county. 7.1a eonam. If for a home or an Invest ment you are thlnklna of buvlna anori farm land, where farmer grow rich: end at once for thl aproial number ol I.ANDOLOOY. It I frea on request. A-lilr.aa Skldmore-Rlehl Lnd Co.. 433 SIMdninre-Itlehie Bldg.. Marinette. Wis. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. WEST FARNAM HAIIUAIN 411 Farnam, 7 rooma and bath, all modem; garage and paved street; near rar una: atroat la paved, j,340; lerma, Make offer. P. J. TKHBEN'H CO.. 46! Omaha Nat. Ilk. Phone JA. tit:. FIELD t'Lfll llt'NOALOW. Oaner off-re brand new bungalow with oak floor, throughout, built-in feature. You'll gal value plua here et i 7ko with convenient tnn. Call Kdman, J A. 2213 or evening KE. 1021. North. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand lo loan on Omaha realdencr. hi. II I.OUGEE. INC.. 638 Keellne Bldg OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFU REAL ESTATE CO.. 1014 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackaon 2711. 1100 TO llO.ono made promotly. F. D. weaa and Bowman Ce. Wad Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. LIBERTY bonds and stock bought and aold. ROUT. C. DRUKHEDOW A CO.. 360 Omaha National Bank Building. AN attractive five-year loan of 34.000 oaring i per cent on a farm valued at 116.000, no prepayment option. KLOKB INVESTMENT COMPANY. 845 Omaha National Bank. LIBERTY BONDS bought and aold. AT. 4. Slack Bond Houee. 1421 let Nat. Acreage in Town i Right on a cement ti.lowsik, we ire offering a 4-ronm house, not one of Iheae aharke. but a very nice place with ground 44x211, Thl Slave baa an or . chard th tlx of a city lt and an Ideal piece of garden land. Call Mr. Mitchell, KE. 4713, for particular or to 4 p, m.. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, DO. 8310. ' 210 8. 14th, Ground Floor. . North Side Allien. lid bungalow of five large rooms. Excellent condition throughout. Large attic. Dandy basement. White oak fin ish and floor In living room and dining room. Large lot with Iota of shrubbery. Garage. To rcaponalbln parly will make easy terms. Price. 14,704. Charles W. Martin & Co., Realtors,' 737 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. AT. 0187. t'LAIRMON'T LOT KSst front on 45th avenue near Clif ton Hill achool. Paving paid. One of the finest lots in Omaha. Call Atlantic 4224 thl evening. H. 8. MANVILI.E. Realtor. AT. 2403. 615 Peters Trust BUlg. 6-room nearly modern home, near car and school. Large tot and outbuilding. Only 33.000, with 1760 down. You can't beat tt. wa. 5704. - Wanted To Borrow. WANTED to borrow on an 80-acre Im proved rann 14 miles west of Omaha Dodge St. 13,500. Box A-S9. Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED. SELLING HOMES Is our business. We do not employ a hit and miss system. When you list your home with us we do not wait for the customers to call us; we go after them. This la done with a method un like any other real estate office in Omaha. If you want results, call us. NORTH WALL JOHNSON, DO. 7487. 504 Electric Bldg. We Have Buyers For good property priced right. Call us up and we will be glad to go Into details with you for the sale of your jMiiyeriy. D. V. Sholes Company, JA. 0046. . 915 City Nat'l Bk. Bid. FIVE ROOMS, modern except heat. 22d and Manderson, 32.600 Tm mo. payment. BEST ft OESTRINO, DO. 6136. BEM1S PARK DISTRICT New 6-room bungalow, east front lot, two block to car. DO 4547 or JA 4221. 4464 BEDFORD AVE. 4-room. modern bungalow; terms reasonable. , CRE1GH, 008 BEE. JA 0200. ' D. E. BUCK ft CO. buy and sell homea. South. , BUNGALOW NEAR FIELD CLUB. I'nlnflated, unadulterated value. Can't be beat. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, den downstairs; French doors; interior of unusual beauty; garage, full oricK Dasement. cut ii.uoo to in.suo with 12.600 down. Evenings call Har ney 0-'22; dave. SCHROEDER INVESTMENT CO.. Jackson 3261. Will Pay Cash For your home. Price must be right. Olve house number. deacriDtlon and price In first letter. Box A-82. Omaha upe. Charles W. Young & Son neai vstaie. Rentals, insurance. 1602 City Nat. Bk. AT. 9668. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see J'UWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426. GRUENIG ?0?' "'f 1418 1st Nnt'l Bk. Bids. Jackson 1966. RTRTZtprprpREAL ESTATE J-AAbX.Ji A A Sella. Rents. Insures. 350 Peters Trust Bldg. T A ncn ' V"' HAVE Inquiries for homes do you wnnt to sell your property? List It with C. A. Grlmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bl-lg. .TA. D. ROY WOODWARD. Investments and Insurance. 32.15. 702 Peters Trust Bldg. E. H. BENNER COMPANY, Insurance. Call Edward Perley, Douglas 6406. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WE -CAN exchange your income property ror the thing you want. BROWNE & TRACY, 642 Securities Bid. AT. 3350. - REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. NEW DUNDEE HOME. 6 rooms, three up and three down; oak throughout. Large living room across front with fireplace; kitchen all built-in features; large closets in bed rooms In fact a real home from top to bottom. -Can make . exceptionally good terms. GLOVER & MORELfc, 08 Keeline Bldg. AT. 3S23. DUNDEE HOMES Six rooms; oak finish, first floor; white enamel, second; sleeping porch; garage; 39,250, terms. Others from $7,500 on up. ATLANTIC Tl7T M A T WALNUT 6250. uiJUiUiiil, 1248. 723 Peters Trust Bldg. Florence NETHAWAY sells and trades. KE. 14.19. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Located West a Near 41st and Howard. A good sized bungalow with 7 rooms, den and aleep Ing porch. Oak and white enamel finish.- Street Is paved. Price. 37,500. about 31.000 down. Call Mr. Weyerman, AT. 1451 or to 9 p. m., . .-', j. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, 8380. . 210 S. 18th. Ground Floor. RalstOn LotS ment UPdownU eae payment. Phone Stewart. Ralston. 10-W. Vacant Property. : Minne Lusa Lots. Last week we advertised two lots facing Miller Park on Redlck aven'je Just west of 24th Street. One ha been sold. The other one is still for sale for 11,000 cash. Why do you sit around and pass up this chance ' when we actually know that this lot is worth 11.500 to 41,800 of anybody's money? First offer made will be submitted. Payne Investment Co., . 637 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. D. 17S0. Sunday call Kenwood 3227. Cheapest Lot in Dundee Full east front lot. near 63d and Far nam. Priced for quick sale at 11.650. We know this is cheap and so do you. BUY NOW! Glover & Spain, Realtors, TA. 2850. 918-20 City National. Montclair Bargain. On 32nd close to boulevard. Want to ell and will sell right: Phone owner. Harney 3923. LOTS ... On S. side of Larimore Ave. between 24th and 27th Streets. Will sell on easy payments or will build to 'your order. AT. 3540. ' - HANS'M PK. lot. 4900; pav. pd. HA. 2297. Miscellaneous. WILL BUILD TO ORDER NEW COLONIAL BUNGALOW FOR 34,000. - ' Five rooms on one floor. Oak and white enamel throughout.- Strictly mod ern. Very classy exterior. Let .us show you this plan. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. - . -.' AT. 0030. Field Club Bungalow , Five rooms on first floor. All newly papered and painted. Full bRsement, brand new furnace. Nice east front lot, paving paid. Close to car tine and school. Priced right on easy terms. Evenings, WA. 1744. or WE. 6206. R. D. CLARK COMPANY. Realtor. T. 3631. 621-3 Securities Bldg . COUNTRY CLUB LOCATION. And a real beauty too. Just built; Large sunny living room, dining room adjoining; both with south windows. Enamel kitchen, built-in pantry - and kitchenette sink: large bedroom with closet and adjoining a bathroom. Oak floors throughout. lively fixtures. Full basement; pipe furnace: ? block to paving. Price. 13,500; 3500 cash; bal ance monthly. SHOPEN ft O.. JA. 4228. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. 6 large rooms, modern, seml-bun-galow: oak floors and finish down: full basement. Garnge. 6 years old. $5,000. with $300 to $500 down. GLOVER ft MORELL, 08 Keeline Bldg. AT. 8623. 33.500 1750 CASH CLIFTON HILL. 5 room, full mod.; one block to car; full cement basement and I real bar gain. Call Mr. Tolllver. AT. 0721. RASP BROS. 144 Can Invest j $20,000 or More I With Services j Am seeking a business con- nection in Omaha, partnership or corporation. , Successful I experience in manufacturing, banking a n d merchandise. J Can invest $20,000 with 1 services. If you desire to I strengthen or enlarge your field, let's talk it over. I Address , - I Box A-85, Omaha Bee I FURNITURE at LOWEST PRICES Nearly new and used furniture and household furnishings can be bought at our sales at a frac tion of their real worth. , Wednesday, ' Feb. 1, we have our usual large assortment, and, with goods coming in from all parts of the city, there is certain to be something unusual. STEPHENSON AUCTIONEER 1509 Capitol Ave. Phone At. 5265. Farmers Given Aid by County Agents (lanllnueil from !'; Oael , Ltlie calf aii'I pin clubs he ha dune a lot toward holding niy boy away from the cilv." From ajl sidrj it is heard that buM nm is growing steadily, better in Hastings. There are a number of manufacturing plant here, ome large, some kinall, and this has given it an advantaRC over many other iowiis in Nebraska which nroilm-r .nctliinu. but act solely as distribut ing points, i he largest harness l.e- tory in the stale is here, and boastj of not having turned off one em ploye during the Icpre.sion. One citizen has invented a nort of rack for automobiles and with the aid of two cr three men in his own home, or barn, is turning out quantities of the device, which are sold in every part of the United State. Much building i. expected in the spring, and the brickyards expect heavy orders. More Confidence. Although, as one larmer put it, "the principal crop for a long time has been hope," there is a new at mosphere cf confidence. The .dry weather has held back the growth of the new wheat, but evidence is good that it is still full of life and only awaiting moisture to produce a fair crop. There will not be much corn planted if the wheat makes good. Sudan grass for pasture and alfalfa for hay and more live stock appears to be a general aim. The county agent also is advocating more clover and barley, also for live stock feeding. He states that nine out of every ten questions received from out in the county, and he receives a heavy mail, deal with live stock prob lems. The fact that ho"gs are bring ing excellent prices and provide a profitable way in which to market corn is doing a great deal to re mold the system of agriculture in' this fertile section. Hastings has, by the way, the sales pavilion of H. Gaudrault, next to the largest pure bred Hereford breeder in the state. Burning Some Corn. An immense reserve of corn is be ing held here for higher prices. Some is being burned for fuel, more ap parently than in any other part of the state thus far visited. W. H. Fisher, who has the reputation of being as conservative a farmer as any, de clares he has not bought any coal this winter, but has relied cn corn and. cobs, and that many of his neighbors have done likewise. ' "I took a look at the pile of corn ,outside the door this morning," he said, and I don t believe 1 have burned more than 40 bushels. At 30 cents a bushel that would amount to $12. I couldn't buy a ton of coal for that." Mr. Fisher, makes a claim which has not been corroborated by any scientific test, that he gets more heat out of corn than out of coal. "I can put in 12 ears of corn, open the draft and soon have the room overheated," he asserts. "With a coal bucket full of ear corn placed on a solid bed; of ashes, with the drafts shut, I can keep a fire all night in my heating stove." Divide on Opinion.. Other farmers who were present divided about equally for and against burning roal, and it was ad mitted unanimously that if corn went to 50 cents, or even 40, no one would think of burning it. , One thing that impresses itself on a visitor in Hastings is the common cause that , is being made by the town and country people. Mer chants who don't "own an. acre of ground,, workingmen likewise, and, of course, the bankers, watch the state of the market and realize that their own . fortunes are inextricably enmeshed in whether it goes up or down. Meanwhile business, im-' proves and the banks are even en couraging farmers to make new loans providing they are not already in debt. . Deposits in a representa tive bank are off only 9 per cent from last year, while loans have de creased $38.000, or. 25 per .cent. Naval Treaties to Be Presented liIUcly Today Frnu-h and HritUli Drlfgatfi to Arm Conference Ap'n Clli Ovfr Submarine Iur, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. ' .ONLY $300 CASH. If you have $500 and would like to live In an attractive location, I will build you a neat 6:room strictly modern bungalow. Select your plan and let ma furnish the lot and money to build for you. Call DO. 7412 days and ask for Mr. Carse. AT. 3501 evenings. EXCELLENT 5-room home; hot water heat; beautiful lot. on paved street and car line. Price, 34.300. CHAS. W. YOUNG & SON, 602 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. AT. 9668. Eve: A. B. Casey, AT. 9960, or HA. 6061, Rr Tke Aaaawlalael P'". Washington. Jan, Jl. Preparations tn prnrnt publicly the five-power natal and submarine treaties at to morrow'! oprn 4'iiinn nf thr armi conference vtere completed in com nn l Ire today alter Hriluh and French drlrifalrs again had iinliiltffd in harp exchange over the submarine ik nr. l)epiie the Rritinh-Frriuh tilt tin naval committee of the whole quir'a ly approved the fwo treaties by whuh the power agree to limit their ca pacity ship ra power and to impo certain restriction on their ue of submarines. At the public trsnion iha trraiirt are to be read into the record and rai h delegation head is to deliver in address expreuiPB hi government's acceptance. Until the lat minute it bad been undecided whether the submarine declaration and the accompanying retolution condemning ue of poiaon gas in warfare should be put into a formal treaty, or left in the form of a protocol, not requiring preliminary ratification. Expreiaions at the com. mittee meetings, however, are aid r have revealed a preponderance of ' opinion in favor of the latter courie. , Flareup Unexpected. The sudden flareup over the reten tion of submarine in naviet came as an unexpected feature of today's naval committee session, and led to a debate between the French and the British which approached in in tensity of feeling the exchange which took place when the question first came before the conference. Ambassador Jusserand took the lead for the French and Lord Lee for the British, the former bringing the subject to the fore by announc ing he had received information from France to refute Lord Lee's previous charges that a naval article by Capt. Castex of the French navy seemed " to indicate a French policy of unre stricted submarine warfare. M. Jusserand declared Lord Lee had omitted to say that Captain Castex concluded his argument on submarines by the words, "The Ger mans argue in this way." Therefore, the ambassador contended, the ar ticle had been cited in a manner not quite fair to France. Moreover, he added, the subtitle, "character of the German submarine warfare," had been omitted when the article was referred to. He asserted Castex was only a lecturer at the staff or ganization school, while the real views of France on submarine war fare had been clearly expressed by responsible men like Commander Vincent, opposed to German meth ods. Replies to Balfour. Arthur J. Balfour, be continued, had said Great Britain won the fight, against submarines and that if war came again the burden would be on Great Britain, which ha'd,676 anti submarine craft during the war. In reply to that M, Jusserand pointed out that from the beginning of the war many French marines had been mobilized to fight in Flanders and Alsace, but when submarine war fare was declared by Germany, France had turned her attention to the submarine danger. As a matter of fact, the ambassador said, the French mobilized as many as 1,300 anti-submarine craft and not 257, as Mr. Balfour had said. Lord Lee replied by saying he was not prepared to enter into a new discussion, but thought he could support the view that the gen eral meaning of the Castex article w-as as he had originally described it. Furthermore, he recalled that the British effort to abolish submarines ; had been opposed by France and x that this was to bring upon Great Britain a heavy burden. He did not wish to make a controversial reply, but declared with some feeling that . ' Great Britain, had shown good faith. She had offered France a treaty as a guarantee of the situation in Eu rope, he said, and he suggested that no further word be uttered that might make the situation worse. He believed it better to go forward tor gether as friends and a'lies in the reconstruction of the -world. Lee's Words Please. In a rejoinder, the' ambassador said he was glad of the last words of Lord Lee, which he was certain would create - a widespread impres sion, fjut was not in accord with ihe British spokesman's declaration that " France was imoosino- a burden of submarines upon the world. All the nations except Great Britain, he de clared, wanted to maintain subma rines, a fact, he said, which should be remembered . in connection with the general tendency to misjudge France often during the debate. Delegates said tonight that it was planned to hold only -one plenary session tomorrow morning and then resume committee work tomorrow afternoon. ocIUrU MLoansge V V Omaha Nart Nw B.nk Bldg. k 9 n HAMILTON APARTMENT , HOTEL Centrally located, Farnam at 24th. Apartments' and rooms with bath. Reasonable rates. For permanent or transient' guests. But 190 Licenses to Wed Issued Here in January What's wrong with Cupid? Has he lost his supply of arrows, or was it the cold weather that kept him from equaling his 1921 record for January? Herbert Stubbcndorf, marriage li cense clerk for County Judge Craw ford, claims Cupid's victims have cold feet. During January for 1921 "Stub bie" checked up 229 licenses. But the month of January this year will only total 190. The 100.000 employes of the Krupp works at Essen, Germany, have been offered preferred stock in the company at 110. Deaths and Funerals Funeral service will be held at S to- day at th Forest Lawn chapel for Thomaa Iawrenre Chamber. 37. who died Mnndav '. the Swedish Mission hospital following an Illness of eight days. H wa th on of James K. Chanibera. Pallbearer at th funeral of Mra. Wini fred Baumer will be W. C Fraaer. Hugh ,M.7,(,',,,f' Franola Whal-n. Charles Duff. V llliaro Dleslng, John O'Brien. Hugh Mc Manua and Carl Swanson. The funeral r ill be at the residence t :S this morn .'.'"S ln 8U Mr Magd.len church at . Burial will be lo St, Mary Magda len a cemetery, 4 ) 1