THE PEEf OMAHA. TUESDAY. JANUARY 3t. 102 3 Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Live Stock Har.ipi, wr I .tlma'a tl.auay , d.r lul ... f : la k 1 lit .ma tti.e a kg aa, . y .f .. t.ilf Omit, Jan. I, ('ill. Hf 1 1 1 I It I I ! II. l U.ll III) IIIM IHJ t.ii lta.iel sad diseiliee ef tllratoce' al ih lai.n en-a tar-ie, tjmfi.. -, fr j "-t 4 Pi a. I. er.4,la4 vH Call! Ii(l II V -. v i. r. nr.. U. fa., ftr , I I man )' id" il, N it ". K. w. Hy , I l. N W Hi , ! '. l. r . W 4 0. H. 34 . H ij H , ...I I ".14 (4 ftr It It. I, A P., M.I II . it. i r . ini i liMnnla i .ni'.y )iy V, O), W. tly 4 tij r.'.ip' sn M.piMlb'a HU. fettle Unit Him. 7 HI if :: it H j ;i .. it I I -, - - , . it it i t I 1 .. I .. ' ., 144 47 " tit MM ITt 1 11 t I!) 1.434 11 ...... .. . Armogr 4 r ,, 11. 'edahr (king C... tt l"ia I'lrklK) I. 4"! lurrt perking It,,,, 7 Hift ta ) J W Murphy wen 4 t o......... tln.aln Perking Co.. :t Wueea r.ckini t o.,., lit lllsains rstkinf CO.. 3 (I Hoffmen Wru.. Jt , Mororowtrh, Vail... T Mid. ..I Packing t .. It f. O (. 1 Omaha ffkmt .. U Daaton Van flenl.. ltT '. M. Bulla , It M. M. Burma ('.., It rnnie 4 Kfanria i;t MM. A Co 147 John llarvay I4 llunr.ii,,., Cllltar.. IS K. O. K.llng g : '"I LunO.r.n : r. p. Lewis 4 Nmll.y J Mo-Kaa. r. 4 r. Co.. II ruahr niou city)..,.-. .. Mot J. b. nAi co...... it Iloxnai.!, ic tiro 7I "ulilvan Uroe T ...... tv. B van ( A Co. 1S , V.rt h.lm.r A D-n 137 ...... Krpr. ., , ...... Other buyrg ........1.414 ...... !, f.J f : New York Bonds 44 ... ... ..... ...... ..... .. ... ...... Toi.l ..T.Kt 10,363 11.73 Cattle wr f.AOS h'ad. Tha parc.nlaga of (iwd tat raid In today raraipia aa raih.r atnall but Iharo mi no iraat urianry lo tho damaml for Iha barf and tha m.rk.t. whlla ai.adjr to In aomo atrong.r. movad rath.r alowly. I'owa and h.lfata vara actlvo and moMtly lftt) Itn hlih.r. Plo.-k.ra and f.dra alH old hlih.r than laat wa.k'a rluaa, halnc Itfjltu, In tpota Sio atova Friday or fully l.ady with tba b.t tlma laat wek. Wuotatlona on rattla: Good to rholro kv, M.TSffJ.IJ; fair to (nod br.v.a. tt.t'trt It: common to fair $5 no; fair to good yaarllnica, t.IO7.4; common to fair yearling', tb.ilfri to, good to rholra brlf.ra, 15.750 .0; fair to good half.ra, M.Jlflk.tO; rbolca tn Prima cowa. M.74ft.2&; good to cho(a fowa. 14.004.10; fair to good rowa. 13.34 O4.0A; common to fair row.. ll.74tft.JS: goo a 10 rnoioa raaoara, ii.iuvi.hi; xair io good foadrra. ILSttfLtO; common to fair f.dra,; good to oholra atock.r. M.7lt7.1l; fair to good ainck rrg. It. 0091.74; rommon to fair atookrra, t5.40j.00; atock h.lfera. ILJiC'S 0: atock rowa, IJ.J5ff4.40; atork ealva, t.04T7.t0i veal ralvaa, fS.40tfO.IO; bulla, lag., ate, 1.:604.4O. BE EC STEERS. No. A. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 33 lilt IS 4 40 U 10l I 10 - ....... 011 4 40 It 1040 4 74 13J2 4 II) S! 37 T 00 II 1243 7 14 7 1110 7 14 II 1807 7 ti :.. 4... 11... 10... i..: , s... 1 40... . 4... STEERS AND HEIFERS. . 470 ... 705 ... 414 ...1164 ..'.1710 ...10:. to COWS. ,.it:i ' 4 oo io. ..1011 4 80 10. .. 401 I 00 It. HEIFER8. .. 701 4 50 BULLS. ..1570 1 74 1. ..1400 4 15 4. .. 410 I 00 CALVES. , -.. SHU 4 75 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. ,. 100 4 25 17 44li .. 444 4 76 Hog. Receipt.. 11.000 head. Tho mar ket waa fairly activa at prlcea ruling ateady to lOo higher, most of tho atrength being noted on lightweight boga with other grade mostly ateady. Shippers and packers both wera anxious for tba light weights and both paid 48.85, tba top price for the day. Light hogs moved mostly mixed loads ana Dutctier I8.35O8.40. and packing 8.00. Bulk of sale waa 4 00 4 !. 4 75 $S.Ofc8.'5. weights from grades. S7.003 48.6091.75. HOGS. 80 No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 45. .391 .... I 10 61. .283 70. .164 8 30 43..S74 6. .240 ... i 65 8S..203 ... 8 60 77. .211 ... 8 Hi 73. .233 70 8 70 It. .147 ... 8 75 86. .201 ... 4 80 43. .145 ,., 45 ' Sheep and l,mts-RoceiptJ. 10,000 head. The market was very alow to open with buyers all bidding aharply lower with early sales looking around 25o lower. Beet lambs moved today at 13. 5012.66. Fleeres wera vary wet which) was a fac tor to take Into consideration. Very few feeders wera received with quotations be ing mostly steady, there being a good In quiry. Sheep also registered a decline of around 25c. Quotations on sheep and lamhs: Fat lambs, good to choice. I12.5013.00; fat lambs, fair to good, 412.00ijj12.60: feeder lambs, good to choice, 411.00(3)12.00; feeder lambs, fair to good, 10.00$11.00; cull lambs. 89.OOflilO.00; fat yearlings, light. -811. 0012.00: fat yearlings, heavy, Sft.6O01O.6O; fat wethers. 47.0068.00; fat ewes light, 7.00ifl7.76: fat ewes, heavy, 83.6008.76; feed or awes. 44.005.00. Kannae City Uve Stork. Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 30. Cattle Re ceipts, 12,600 head; quality .plain: trade, uneven: calves, steady to lower: odd veal ers. 81O.00tf10.60; many calves selling from $5.00 tf 7.00; all other classes, around steady;; top steers, $7.26; good heifers, 86.25; good cows, $4.604.75: most bulls, 43.50tf4.26; canners, largely 45.60; cutters, mostly $3.2503.60; early sales stackers, 45.00tl6.60; feeders, $3.756.25; stock heifars. $5.15. Hogs Receipts, 14,000 head; open to shippers, mostly steady; closed with most sales to packers, 10c higher thsn laBt week's close: bulk 1 40 ($ 175 pounder to shippers, $8.6508.75; 200 to SOO-pounrt weights, to shippers and packers, mostly $8.6008.66: bulk of sales, $8.10j8.65; top, 48.75; packer top, 48.66; most packing sows, $6.7607.10; stock pigs, steady; bulk, 18. 608. 70: best. $8.75. . - Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 11.000 head; sheep, steady to 26c lower; most light ewes, $6.7507.00; few. $7.26; lambs, gen erally 26o lower: best Colorado, $12.90; feedings lambs, $11.00. Chicago livestock. Chicago. Jan. SO. Cattle Receipts, 19, 000; market fairly active: beef steers strong to 15o higher: quality plain; top 48.10, weight 1,663 pounds: bulk beef steers, $6.6007.65; she stock , steady to strong: bulls, calves, stockers and feeders mostly steady. Hogs Receipts. 68,000; opened steady to 10 cents higher: closed 10 to lie higher than Saturday's average; shippers bought about 17,500; holdover moderate: mostly off market; top $9.40 on 140 to lt0-pound average; very few over 49.30; bulk 48.76 99.15; pigs 10 to 25e higher, bulk desira ble, $4.0009.30; few, $40. Sheep Receipts 28,000; best fat lambs 10 to l5o lower; others and sheep steady to 25o lower; feeders about steady; fat lmh inn 112 7&. hnllr. .15 ?5rfSHfl ?R inn yearlings. $13.40; fat ewe top. $7.00: bulk 46.5007.00; feeder lambs, fU.60012.50; shearers, $13.60015.90. ' St. Louis Livestock. East St. Louis. 111., Jan. 30. Cattle Re ceipts. 6,000 head: beef steers, steady to strong: quality plain: bulk. $6.0006.75: bulls about 25c lower; other grades and classes ateady; bulk calves, $10,000 10.50; top. $11.00. . . Hogs Receipts, 21,004 head; closing steady with fair clearance: top, 41.25; bulk, 120 to 180 pounds. $9.1604.26; bulk lights and medium weights, $8.9009.10; heavy. 48.5008.76, with extreme heavies la odd lots down to $8.00; packer sows, strong, 46.5007.00; pigs steady to higher; $7.76 69. 00. Sheep and 1-ambs Receipt. 1.604 head; closing generally steady; Tamb top. $13.45; bulk medium to good lambs. $13.00013.35; good heavy yearlings brought $11.60; other sale steady; clearance good. . St. Joseph LIT a Stork. Sf. Joseph, Jan. ' 10 Cattle Receipt. 8.000 bead; ateady: ateers. 45.7608.25: cows and heifers, $8.(004.00; calvea, $5.50 04.60. Hoge Receipts. 4.000 head: steady to lAo higher; top, $8.44; bulk of sales, $8.33 04.44. ' Shasp and Lamb Rlpt, 7,444 head; 1 i5tf :6c lower; lambs, $12.60018.00; aw It. 1107.01. K. Yarn, J.a, 44 -ratal a. bt Kva-i., Ik v. lurk aiua no lad.y li;:j!4'j r..ii,.r.a M isi;ts ll.itii.iar, l.l a .at , III. Il i.r .at and 114.144 . Sua t.4 Mere " iuiuiwiag ai IHe ..i today af a.i tl -urt, h h, uw VhMlfef PH'. 1 In It lilt 1. 1. a 11-nd. High. I a rinse. 4 ll. I '.a '17.47..., H 41 is l al I M, J',. r -il 47, ' t :i It a I t M, l.l 4a '.Ml.,.. 4 II 14 44 41 I l ei. Id 4e '11-41 ... 4i II II t la 114 I M. I.I 4',. -SI 41 44 14 l 14 II It I M. :, 4S,. 'it II 41 14 s ti ll j4 t XI, (4 1st 11 41 . II 14 l .4 I I'hi. :d 4,. r ':i-u 4 tut n D'l I'Kl. 4'd 4S 'I.. Il1 I4IIIIII 1 I al. I4 4', a II 14 II. . 111 Ik 41 h 4a ! I5.i li.M 8 I M. 4th 4. r '4. . I li $ 4. ! l:i I' H V 4Va '21.21. 104 14 10.11 ion 4 14 l'M'l4a '( :! l-io 14 u o loo u 11 I' M V I a II l II 10" T4 10 :1 I K vf III 7Vt 41. .117-4 J"V l"H I K i,f ll la 4I,,,,I6S l"' l"Ha S K nt H.ig I..., Ilia, lt It's 4 I'hln.w t K 6a II,, 44 II 44 II 1: of Mord 4. 44,... ; : H I a .1 ( uurn ee 11,. il II ntiri l-t 4..l4 !ttt II t' tif l.lwna 14. ... 411 J 13 I L'.l Mtroll It II., II Il Jl O of Ulu da J la 44 4I4 III. 'i I (' fl Zurioh la 41. , Ion ",,' 1 lni.n M It H 44.17' 1"4 1" 11 l K IndlMt a Il'i 4I 44 S 41 ! of van 6S J. 4iS S T II of C 4a ;l.... .'. I7' 'i II l of C I. II liv '. S 4 Krrn-h Oovt la 'Il "0 lio 11 rrium uni ill 11 11 ! 3 ln Jap Ll II11 '11 47V 47, 47 S 1 In Jan Id 4a ':l ll'a H' 47 I J ai.r loan 4a '11 73 7IS 73S I K or ln a '4'.....los Jon, Jim, ll K tif Italy a rif -36 ll'a II 44S 14 K ot N I -4. ...lo loi4 ln, 31 K or Swed 4a '1.. '. 31 Hrp r rhil Is '14 loa leoS 101. 31 R vf Chile '41. .101 1'iO'a 100), II K of 4 hila la 44..nnij j.hjp. joo', I It t.r Cuba 4S '4.. 77 77 77 4 R of I iuuy li '44 ll 11' 1"4 II H of ljlcn 4 '41 lti M4 . 1u4 :4 Kai.a Oov la -41. .114 1 1 3 4 11H 14 8 t 8 P I .100, inn 1, 1004, HO H 1 I IS '22. .1004, loot, 1(10 171 O HA I 44. '29. .101 ' 1001, lot 114 Oil I 4WS '37.. IM, III, H 14 I M nl Hr.HI a '41. ,10414 10! ' 105 34 V H ot M.( 6a '4i.. 66' 64 64 111 V S of Mrs 4S '64 . 4JV, 41 4:!i RAI1.WAV ANI 4IIKCELLAN El'l'S BMM. 4 4 Albany A Su 3a '4 77i 77 H 77 i II Am A 1' I Si r41..1il 101 lt I A A ' let rvt (a '34 7 7 71 IH Am Hug It-f 6.... 4lU 17 44 10 A mr 6a '47. IS liU 13 Am T A T s ':5..1ln'4 110 110 Am T 4 T evi I. '14 ! 95 f'i 23 Am TAT vol 4a '2 II US 1 Am Writ I'a f 6a 41 60 "01, mi', 4 Ar A 'o r a 4Va '31 ll 87 Il 31 At T 8 r g 4a 'r. 14 isi lAtTAS r 4a 'l.i 404, nil, 80H 6 A TASK Tr SL 6a '61 84 t 16 1 AH Krult rvt 7 '34 S4i, S4'4 2H Al Rertll 4 14 UIOII '24. 4 B & O ref 6a '96.. 74 77 1, 77', li W A O evt 4 , '33.. 1h' 1m 34 1 A O gold 4 '4.. 74", 77, 7U 1 B04aPl,K WVd'4l 73t, 734, 73V III R 4 11 3Hs S'wn dlv 47, 174, I7S 9 Hell T of I'm 7a '45 los , loxa l"!" 1 Iieih St ref 6 '42.. tJ 1H i 7 Heth St p m 6s . 48', "I'd 2B IS gen 6. B '30 100T, loo's, 1001, 6 B Kd 6s '40 41 904, 91 IS R T 7s '21 671, 64 67i 4 B R & P 44a '67.. 894 l'4 894 1 Can So 6a '42 94', 9 Hi 9414 t Can No 7a '40 110!, llil 1104 4 Can No deb 44s '44.1094 1094 1094 SI Can Pao deb 4a '49 78 4 714 78 4 1 Cen L gen 6a '26.... 95, ir,', 454 . 10 C da P nvt 4a '31.1124 1124 1124 I Chee A o rvt la st4 ss 3 C A O cvt 44a '30.. 11 3 O A rfg 3s "49.. 64 It' t A tm '50.... 38 I T R I Q Jt 64 '68.1074 41 U B A Q r 6s '71., 974 179 C A K I g 6S '61. 3 CO 4s '68 11 C'M 8 P 5s '14. 10 CM4-SP O 44 "32. I CMASP r 44 1014. 16 CM&SP 4 '25 3 CM&SP d 4s '34... 13 C&NW 44 '36... 16 CRI4P r 4s '14... 19 C & W I 74 '35. 11 C 6 W 1 1 "62... 48 Chile Cop o t s '33 474 6 CCC&BIj 6S 'Z9.... Sli '31. .1044 144 1"44 16 4, 94 ICS S3 83 65 65 37 4 38 1004 107 974 974 . 604 . 614 . 60 . 654 . 70', . S44 .109 77 70' 60 4 63 4 604 654 68 4 644 107 764 704 604 63 60 4 55 684 64 107 764 .101 4 1004 1014 724 73 4 734 S64 864 064 964 1 Co O A Kle 5s '37 89 4 89 4 89 4 6 Col 11 ft K 6 stp.. 89 894 894 33 Con Gas cvt 7s '26 103 4 1034 103 6 Cuba C 8 7s '30.... 74 73 74 14 Cuba Caue S S sta 73 -71, 71 11 Cuban A S 8 '31.. 103 103 103 42 D R Q rfg 5s '55 43 42 424 8 D Ed r 6 S B '40 1004 1004 1004 1 Det Edison 6s '33.. 944 944 944 1 D M deb 74 '35. .1084 1084 1084 23 Du de Ne 7 4 '31.. 1034 103 4 1034 3 Erie Gen lien 4s '96 414 ' 414 414 11 11 ll' 1 '. 64 14 H4 if, li 144 US ?4 4 414 4 14 414 41 "4 4 114 t4 US 444 41 14, II 41't IS :4 14', t:4 44 4 4 4 444 43 4 :, 114 41 11S. 1M4 1 N 14 N 44 V 64 N 3 N 44 N 4 N ST 744 44 4 714 444 414 II 4 44 4 77 44 44 t4'4 114 14 4 7t'a 17 41 47 44 4 7 ?44 40 4 174 44 4 I4 114 SI 4 4 4 17 41 rs 4 44 74', 17 44 47 4"4 It C rv I. f 11 'It 14 64 (14 il t'uk Hubi a. '41 14 l"l' Il4 74 ti lr T K '41 111 III1. I3 1 i u.ty T M l. "Ji. . 4 4 '! I O 7 If I .11 1 '14 II ii II 14 U T r C '14 ...lul'i II til. ..inrn t '5.,ii 14 11 It W d.k H .. 44 . 4 II V IX 44 ' 1'4 '14 II A 44 lf I MA 'IT 14 II II I M ad ln la 'IT 6! 4 t HI C rig 4 II..,, 114 It In Steal la 'Il .... 41 31 Inter. Met 44a 'i . 144 MS 1-44 44 TC r'f 'i 134 4 In mt tr H .... 414 ;4 lul I 4 Ha 'If ... 44 II I M H I f It '41... 414 I U (Vlil rg 4. 'II,, si 4 I K II lou l.l 9 '! . 14 11 I. Sh A MM dak 4 '(I 41V t l.lag A Myara 4 '41 41 1 1 1. A N unlfl.d I '44 I il li I N 4Wl '46.. ..1014 114 103 Mar St Ry on 4 'II 404 444 404 SO MM I'M 4 '14 14 14 Hid bll cvt 4 '94 464 I m mi. ron 4 '34... 114 3 UAHil.l.t rfg 4a '49 3) 7 liml'AMMM 44 l 1"! 14 MXtl'ahfiM 4a '34.. 41 41 k K 4 T lit 4a , 16 4 ii kr :d 4 rt is. t4 il U K I T II 17 4 111 M K A T dl t .. 414 ST M K A T I 14 114 Ma Pan i( 6a 13.. 414 4 Mo I'.o 6 16 444 13 ! I'.O grn 4a 16,. 44 4 H"h i tf l II 17.. 77 II M P to 61 A 41... 4t, 7 Mont Tr col it 41., 11 N R of Met 44 17. 114 74 N V 11111 4 la 44. 44 II NTCAII It d 4a 41. 474 13 NYl'HH R t 4. 41. 74, I NT'iK.LHAP pi 44. 774, HI NVMI a. It 4 46... 47'., 4 NYNH A II d 4a 64. 47 13 NVMI A II 4 4a 41. 44 4 N V R a 4 4 4S. 44 Y T d 4 44 13V 1014 10;, Y T 4? 44 14.. 41 404 41 Y T r 41 1"t4 1034 1014 T WAU 4',s 46. 374 31 314 V P I S3 114 1014 1014 Y Kd r 44 41.104 4 106 4 1044 A H 4 8 A '41.. 64 414 44 14 Nork A W e 4 '44 114 174 8 N A W tvt aa '21. .106 104 7 N P R B I"47.... 107 4 141 17 North I'A p 1 4 '97 44 46 6 North Pa gen 1 1047 61 404 1 North 8 P 1st I '41 144 494 i iMnrtn Men T 7 '41 li 123 O Sit I. ton 6 gtd '44 98 4 7 W.o U R A N 4 '41 74 40 Pa O A K I '43.... 41 13 Packard Motor 4 '31 M 11 I'lorce I'll 4 100 10 Tenn R It 7 '30 I Penn R R 6a '44.. 44 i Penn R R e 4Vi '60 10 4 ri I'rnnHK g 44 '34.104 It Penn It ROM44s'64 47 4 P A l".ast lat 4a '44 71 4 I Pub Hit ot NJ 61 '66 78 11 Reading gen 4s '97 824 4 Rio (14W 1st 4 '34 754 11 R I A A L 44s '34 774 StLASFpr I 4s 4-1964 ex. 6 St LA8K5 B '50... 124 I 8 L 4 8 V It '28.. 164 14 S Ii & S K adj 6s '65 724 38 S L A 8 F lno 6 '60 64', 3 8 Ii So Term 6a '13 11 4 I 8 A li III II '69.. 344 il I A li adj 5s '49.. 16 S3 S A L con 6s '46... 44 4 44 8 O cvt 74 '15. ...1004 13 8 P R 8 N J Is 45 4 So P cvt 5s '3 944 4 So Pao cvt 4 '29... 68 26 So Pae rfg 4s '65.. 44 6 So P 8 F t 4 '50.. 80 15 So Ry gen 4s '66... 624, 18 So Ry 64 144 3 So Ry M A O 4 '88 69 4 18 Stan O of C d 7 '31 106 16 Sto & T O of A 7 '51 48 88 Third Av rfg 4 '60 60 61 Third A ad 5s '60. iZ'i Tld Oil CO 64 '31. .1014 1 1 Tob Prod 7s '23 99 4 11 Tol 8 li & W 34 '25 874 10 Union Pa 6a '28. ...103 16 to Pa 1st 4s '47.... 914 25 Un P cvt 4 '27 9144 4 irn Tank O 7 '30..102, 1024 1024 4 United Drug 8s ....106 105 106 5 U S Rubber 74 '30 105 1044 104 18 U S Rubber 5s '47... 864 864 864 2 U S S R & H 6 '26 464 944 964 36 V a Steel a t 6 "63 100 100 1004 3 Utah P A Ti 5 '44.. 894 894 894 ir-uaro vnem a '23 954 10 Vir-Cro Ch 7 4 '33 44 1 Vlrg Ry 5 '23 91 4 Wabash lnt 6 '39..' 954 3 Western Eleo 6s '22 99 i West Un re 6 '36 107U 107 7 WestlnBhou E 7 '31 1044 106 106 6 tVickw S St 7 '36.. 98 98 15 Wll & Co 1st 6s '41 95 94 4 45 4 W Co cvt 6s '28. 86 844 844 10 W & Co cvt 7s 99 96 4 64 414 104 1014 41 44 14 4 1074 101 474 47 14 474 944 100 ,1064, J06 4 96 4 105 874 714 74 :" 76 77 68 83 46 4 724 64 4 71 84 164 44 74 11 100 104 ISS 46 4 1"64 47 4 714 78 81 764 77 4 64 83 46 4 72 4 V, 71 84 164 44 99 104 95 464 47 84 80 614 4 4 4 93 96 87 84 80 61 4 944 694 1054 106 9. 4 98 4 594 694 53 63 101S 1014 99 99 47', 87 4 1034 1024 914 914 114 91 954 934 91 954 8 ' 954 934 91 ' 954 99 107 FinaLndal By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Omaha Bee) Leased Wire. New York, Jan. 30. The move ment of foremost interest and sig nificance on today's financial markets vas the rise in foreign exchange With stock market transactions prac tically down to the smallest of the year and the bond market repeating its recent uncertain prices, the em phatic advance of 4 cents in sterling exchange attracted particular, atten tion. At $4.23 1-4, the day's rate was 18 cents above the lowest quotation of the present month. It was 4 l-8c above last year's highest rate and 75c above its lowest. No such rates as today's had been touched since the middle of August, 1919. These comparisons indicate evi dently enough the real and great im provement of England's economic position since sterling touched $3.16 in February, 1920, or since it so.ld at $3.55 last July. Skeptics Convinced. Even such people( and there seems tc be plenty of them) who are skeptical as to actual economic recovery admit the sentimental Influence, even on foreign ex change, of tha decline in British labor radicalism and the settlement with Ire land. But what puzzles such observers lu this extraordinary rapid enhancement of sterling values at a time when the two influences were commonly assigned as the Immediate cause for tho rise to $4.24 laBt December.the proposed economic confer ence and tho proposed German morator ium, hava visibly lost power. Neither of these proposals is working out according to tha expectation of that time. Tha most plausible explanation lies In the fact that tho economic recovery which has occurred already points psetty surely to further progress in the same direction. But there is also the tangible evidence of a great change In Europe's foreign trade balance. Tho surplus of our 1921 exports over imports in our trade with England was $608,000,000 less than In 1920, and II, 266.000 less than in 1919. Tho balance against Franco and In our favor on the same account was $4 27,000,000 less last year than the year before. Wheat Climbs. A rise in wheat for May" delivery to a price 13 cents per bushel above the month' low figure today' price was tha highest slnca tho middle of October- sug gested again tha possibility that the rabbis of speculators may have misjudged tho real supply and demand position. On tho other hand, cotton price broke violently. ven from their previous low level, again indicating the attitude of con sumers in tho textile trade, but probably deflecting also sales by speculative hold ers who had bought cotton prematurely on tha department' 1,800.000 balo under estimate of the crop. Today' price of 16.45 cents a pound reached by spot cot ton had not been touched since the end of August. Tba piica was 21.6S cents at th end of September. New York Quotations Range ot prices of the leading stocks furnished by Logan A Bryan, Hi Peters Trust building: RAILROADS. I High I Low I Close 1 Sat. A. , T. A S. F 99 4 97 97 97 B. A 0 33 4 33 4 33 33 Canadian Pacific .1244 1234 1244 tl N. Y. Central.. Ot. Northern ... 111. Central K. C. Southern.. Lehigh Valley .. Mo. Pacific .... N. T. A N. H... No. Paclflo Chicago A N. W. Fa. B, K. 74 734 74 734 . 71 724 72 734 .1004 1004 1004 100 . 244 244 24 68 16 164 76 63 544 67 164 164 76 624 1474 64 164 164 76 614 34Vk 604 10 154 764 63 ',i Reading , 72 C, R. I. T P , 314 So. Pacific 80 So. Railway 18 Chi., M. & St. P.. 18 '1 Union Paclflo 1274 137 STEELS, Am. Car Foundry .... Allls-Chalmers 43 American Loco 106 Baldwin Locomot'a 96 4 Bethlehem Steel.... 604 Crucible 614 Am. Steel Foundry 31 4 Lackawanna Steel., 45 Mldvale Steel .... 80 Rpp. Steel & Iron.. 61 Ry. Steel tjprlngs.. 95 Sloss-Scheffleld .... 39 United States Steel 85 Vanadium 834 COPPERS. Anaconda ......... 48 4 "' Am. a. & lo. Cerro Da Pasco... Chili Chlno Calumet & Arizona Inspiration 46 17 27 714 31 4 80 174 17 414 105 944 694 694 314 46 29 4 60 954 89 854 38 4 45 1'4 2 Kennecott t Miami Nevada Con Ray Con Seneca Utah Gen. Asphalt .... Ccsden Cal. Peterol Island Oil Invincible Oil ... Mexican Peterol 6'dddlo States ... Pacific Oil Pan-American ... Phillips Pierce Oil Pure Oil Royal Dutch .... Sinclair Oil Standard Oil N, J. Texas Co. Union Oil White Oil . 284 . 274 ', 14 . 17 . 6O4 OILS. . 66 4 . 35 . 45 . 2 . 144. .112 . U4 . 45 . 61 . 284 . 94 . 334 . 48 4- 19 884 28 274 144 174 624 654 33 45' 24 134 1104 1104 11 114 71 314 604 174 . 11 1274 41 105 94 694 69 4 314 46 294 60 05 4 89 854 33 4 474 45 164 26 384 28 274 144 174 62 4 684 844 45 2 14 454 60 284 9 33 474 19 464 604 28 94 33 474 19 1734 172 173 Chandler General Motors Willys-Overland Pleroe-Arrow . White Motor .. Studelaker 44 4 44 ... 184 18 7 74 MOTORS. ... 60 4 59 1. 84 . . 6 ', ... 16 ... 381.4 904 8 4 5 164 87 4' 88 4 44 ' 184 74 69 . 8 64 154 374 884 720 80 17 127 146 41 106 4 95 60 61 30 46 30 614 95 40 864 33 47 46 34 17 4 26 69 28 14 144 17 62 66 34 46 2 14 112 U 46 51 29 34 .50 19 178 .44 18 RUBBERS AND TIRES. S6 16 13 63 404 274 364 16 14 63 364 25 40 28 116 117 36 4 ' 36 314 314 04 94 18 184 Kelley-Springfield 87 Keystone Tire ... 16 AJax 164 U. 3. Rubber 634 INDUSTRIALS. Amer. Beet Sugar 364 36 4 At.. Gulf & W. I. . 28 24 Amer. Jn. corp. 414 Amer. Sumatra ..SO 4 Amer. Telephone 117 American Can ... 3R4 Central Leather 31 4 Cuba Cane 9 4 Cuban-Amer. Su. 184 Corn Products ....102 100 101 Famous Players... 78 774 77 Gen'l Electric 142 4 143 142 4 Gt. Nor. Ore w 31 31 31 Int'l Harvester.... Am. H. & L. pfd., 614 U. 8. Ind Alcohol.. 427, Int'l Pare 484 Int'l M. M. pfdr... ,68 4 Am. Sugar Ref.i. 654 Sears-Roebuck .... 624 Rtromsberg 38 Tobacco Products. 63 Wilson Co 32 Western Union ... 91 West'honse Elecl . 61 69 8 ' 6 16 38 89 16 344 63 American Woolen, 81 60 42 484 67 4 644 61 .37 4 63 32 90 60 814 MISCELLANEOUS. 60 424 484 67 644 62 4 37 63 32 91 . 614 81 284 40 29 116 38 31 9 18 1024 78 143 31 82 434 48 66 65 624 39 63 19 34 31 35 19 324 31 S3 194 324 31 34 69 55 68 , 24 , 70 4 354 69 63 67 7 70 35 Am. Cotton Oil. Am. Ag'l Chem., Am. Linseed Bosch Magneto... Brooklyn R. T... California Pacing. Continental Can.. Columbia G. A E. Columbia Graph.. L'nlted Drug National Enamel, United Fruit .... National Lead .. Philadelphia Co.... 334 Pullman 1124 Virginia Car Ch... 284 S. Porto Blco Sugar 49 Retail Stores 64 Superior SJeel. ..... 284 St. Louis S. F... 21 Total sales, 461. boo. Money Close, 5 4 per cent. Marks Saturday's close. .00504. Franca Close, .0825; Saturday'! .0825. sterling Close, $4.29: Saturday's 14.25 4. 69 63 47 :4 70 354 ..1284 127 128', 87 884 324 324 111 1124 23S 294 49 49 624 624 284 284 214- 214 60 Sl 19 15 4 68 644 684 2 127 87 lii" 304 63 21 close, close, Chicago Grain Omaha Grain By CHARLES D. MICHAELS iiiMka Ha Win. Chicago, Jab. 3X My het ! vinced Jo a new liigh dkiure in ovjr two months, the result ol frr buying bv hourt (hat usually ct for t leading local inirrcit an4 for lifdlniard account. While therf were num'ru rearibni, due to realiiina sales, the finish u at net gains ti SH. IMgmii ialfi dad a u'pif ing effect on torn. That grain and cats loit 1-8, while re was 7-8 his'lff. Ncwi generally waa favorable to liiulirr prices, Liverpool ttrne4 3.Aia.l 1-44 liiiiher, and cloed 1-4 hik-her, although at the result of an advance in Sterling exchange the actual gain on the basis of late rallies wis equal to over le per luhfl in American money. Export demand showed improve, ment with sales of hard winter via the gulf and also durum from the seaboard, ill addition to a fair qtian tity of Canadian wheat and lour. The Gret-lc order it expected to be announced tomorrow: Draaght CanHou. Drought rontlnuaa over a good pari af Ih eouth.t and sro temperature aught lb central and wttrn kanaaa rrop without anow protection. Th May July spread widened out la 144 al ha last, th g '!.! dirfaenca " far aa Ilia cull of bujli'a" ( May and citing of July. An Increa.a or 41.404 tiunhrle In lb vl.lbl aupply wan a aurprl. la th trad. era. Th belief prevailed III I II ilu Io Ih antral of Canadian grain at th ..aboard and that frain waa Included In th domeatle flock. A prtvat report as farm raaervra, showing 124,000.1104 bu.h la leaa than laat year, waa regarded a vary bullish. Central llllnni lold mon corn than at any lima on lb crop, aa th result vt oner. I bid of 40 rent net to th pro ducer at Interior point. Hedging agaln.t purrha.ea kept tha futura market undir priweur throughout tha dev. Whlla thri waa ronalderahla May bought agaln.t aalea to tho . board, lb cloaa waa ralhrr heavy, Ksporter took 404, ooq bunhel from here, but New York re ported only 200,000 bushels aold abroad. Inrrea) In Supply. An lnrrea.4 of 413.004 bushels In tha vl.lbl lupply oil aomawhat leaa than expected. Oala wera dull and easy In sympathy with corn. Cereal Interest ware reported a paying equal to 43r, track. for old No. S whit In Indiana. A rar aold her at 42c. Re ceipt of corn were 1,673 cars and of oat 261 cars. Haul on corn wa Uo lower with No. 3 gradea 444n under May, Report that large orders for Russian relief were in tba market led o buying ami a good advanca In rye. New York bought May ry and cold May wheat at 30 cent difference whll th northwest was a fair ellr. nt Note. , Or the .864.000 bushel Australian cleared laat week. 1.612,000 bushels was ahipped So non-European countries. A Minneapolis maaaag aaid ther waa quite a little buying ot Minneapolis May ttheat and selling ot Chicago May at around 6o. The recent advanca In plat wheat price ha brought tha Argentina grain cloaa to a parity with our gulf wheat, if not over tha parity. Thia la probably responsible Tor tn increased interest tsken by United Kingdom houses in wheat. A better export Inquiry for both gulf and durum wheats was indicated, with bid not tar out oi una, with prlcea close to th Argentina basis, there was not so much object in ignoring United States wheat. Wheat stocks In all poaltlona In the united states are 281.000.000 bushel a In dlcated by P. S. Goodman's report for Clement Curtis & Co. Stock on farms aggregate 140,000,000 bushela, or 17.6 per cent of tha crop and Include seed require ments of 30,000,000 bushels. Interior mill and elevator stocks at 95.000.000 bushel and the visible supply 44.000,000 bushels. Last year at thia season farmers' reserves were 264,000,000 bushels and th vlslbio supply 34,000,000 bushels. Government re ports showed mill and elevator stocks on March 1 at 82,000,000 bushels. A decided cut in tha grain acreage In the nocthweat is expected this year unless substantial aid 1 given farmers in thst section by April 1. Light credit condition are responsible, according to a careful can vass mads by the Minneapolis Dally News. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. -" By Updike Grain Co., DO. 2627. Jan. $0. Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Sat. Wht. I I May 1.11 I 1.19( 1-1S4 114 1.18 - 1.18! 1 1.19 1.18 July 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.0541 1.044 1.04 1.06 1.04 Ry May .88 .89 .88 .89 .88 July .81 .81 .80 .80 .81 Corn , May .54 .644 .54 .54V1 .64 , .54 .64 July .564 -56 .56 .564 .40 Cats May .39 .394 .39 ',4 .39 .39 .39 July. .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 Pork Jan. 17.20 ' 17.26 17.20 17.26 17.20 . May 17.30 17.56 17.30 17.66 17.25 Lard Jan. 9.85 9.93 9.86 9.92 4.87 May 10.20 10.30. 10.17 10.25 10.17 Ribs Jan. 4.23 9.22 1.23 9.22 S.07 May 9.35 9.47 9.33 9.43 1.27 Minneapolis Flour. Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. - "0. Flour Market unchanged to 20o higher; In car load lots, family patents quoted at $7.26 7.50 a barrel. In 98-pound cotton sacks. Bran $20.0021.00. Wheat Receipts. 436 ears, compared with 451 cars a year ago. Cash: No. 1 northern, $1.34 1.38 : January, $1.29; May, $1.26; July, $1,194. Corn No. 3 yellow, 42c. .. Oats No. 3 white, 3233c. Barley I256c. , ' Rye No. 2, 798D4c. Flax No. 1, 32.224Q2.274. - Visible Grain Supply. New Tork, Jan. 30. The visible supply of American grain shows the following changes: Wheat Increased 61.000 bushels. Corn Increased 656,000 bushels. Oats Increased 846,000 bushels. Rye Increased 362,000 bushels. Barley deoreased 83.000 bushels. St. Xionla Grain. St. Louis. Jan. 30. Wheat May, $1.17 1.17; July. $1.03. Corn May, 6263c; July, 64e. Oats May, 40 c. Ranau City Grain.' Kansas City. Jan. ' SO. Wheat May, $1.10; July, 994c. Corn May. 48c; July, 60c. Foreign Exchange. New Tork, Jan. 30. Foreign Exchange Strong. Great Btltatn Demand, .0832; cables, .08324. Italy Demand. .0467; cables, .0458., Belgium Demand, .0794 4; cables, .0795. German y Demand, .0050; cables, .0050. Holland Demand, .3692; cables, .3698. Norway Demand. .1680. Sweden Demand, .2525. ' Denmark Demand, .2014. Switzerland Demand, .1953. Spain Demand, .1618. Greece Demand, .0440. Poland Demand, .0003 4. Cxecho-Slovakia Demand, .0192. Argentine Demand. .3676. . Brazil Demand, .1276. Montreal .96 17-33. New York Coffee. New Tork, Jan. 80. The market for coffee futures, opened at an advance of 1 to 2 points on the steadier showing of Brazil, but there was scattering liquida tion and after selling at 8.580 early.- March contracta eased off to 8.60c and July sagged back from 8.38 to 8.84c. Buainesa waa ao quiet that prices responded to very small orders, sales for the day being esti mated at about 6.000 bags. The market closed net unchanged to five point lower. March, 8.19c; May, 8.42c; July 8.34; Octo ber. 8.32; December. S.26. Spot Coffee Steady: Rio 7s, 8 to c; Santo 4s, 11 to 124c Chicago Produce. Chicago, Jan. 30. Butter Market un changed; creamery extras, 384c: firsts, 30035c; seconds, 27029c; standards, S34e. Eggs Market higher: receipt, 14,455 casea; firsts, 164 937c; ordinary tlrsta, 314(33':: miscellaneous. 36086oi refrigar a tor f ists, S3fifa, Jail. 30. There was a lifsivy run of win at in all markets today. Our arrivals c( W can me largr than ekptiied and, 4'uiuparcd iiti 57 cart la.t year. Lorn ret-ripi aggirgatrd DI cart at ak-aiiit "U or lat year, Kirtipis tt all kiiul. nt gum louli J Jti) tars as aiiauut l"d cart at year. Ship ment were rather I ght compara tively, US cart reported out again! 135 tar a-t year. Our Moth of wheat lO.'.WKJ buiheli, corn decreased 1U4. Ou) huiheU, while oats increased 42,000 buolirlt lor the week. Our iiiuks are now: Wheat, l,I57,(l biuhtU asaiiiM 1.204.IKK) bu.hrU; rorn, V.l"") bushela agaiiikt 950,i h), tnd ai. 2.726,1X10 buhel against UJV.imh) busheli lat year. Cah wheat started alow, but later in the session a bt-lter dmiand de veloped and tioor offerings were taken in tome ease at a shade bet ter price. However, the bulk of the trading was done at unchanged quo tations, l orn told readily at about unchanged price. Oat were un changed to !jc lower. Kye and bar ley le up. ' WHEAT. No. t dark hard: I ear, f.muity), $1.14. No. I dark bard! I tar. I.muiiyl, 41.14. No. 4 U.rk hard: t rar. Iiniuityl, $1.14. No. I bird winter: I car 44 r cent dark), 11.14. I car. fi ll. Nn. J hard winter: I rar, 474 pr rant darkl. 81 II: I rar. SI. 14: 1 ear. f 1 11;-1 Car., f I 13: car., (smutty), $1,12. No. 3 Bard winier: rar, ii.ti; i rar, (smutty), $1.1!: 1 rar. No. 4 hard winter: 1 oar, 11. "I. . , No. t hard winter: 1 oar. SI i. , h.mpl bard: 3-4 car, 11.40; t-t car, I OS. No. i yellow bard: t far., II It, No, t yellow hard! 4 rare. SI OS, No. a miaed: t car, 4S per rant durum), $1 oo: I car. (durum). Sic; 1 car, tic; 1 car. ti ll, No. a mixed: 1 car. (durum, imutty), tic; 1 car. i.mutty), 43-v No. 4 mixed: 1 rar, i: per cent apring;, $1 o; rar, 13 percent aprltig), fl 06. No. S durum 1 car, mbir), $1.04. No. 4 durum: I car, (amber), $1 Oil. No. J aprlng: 1 car, (northern, smutty), 11.12. , CORN. : No. 1 White t car, 41 '4c; t car, iblp- per'a weight. 424ft No. 1 White S ran, 4!e; I can. hipper' weight. 434c No. 4 wnite i car, 4:4. No. t While I car. 42c No. I Tnllow 4 car. 42 e. No. 1 Yellow It car. 43 lie; I ear, old billing. 41 e. No. S Yellow 6 carl, 42c; I car, pa clal billing. 42c. No. t Mixed 1! cars, 42UC: 1 'sr. no bill. 41 c: 1 rar, special billing, 424c No. S Mixed 3 ears, 42c; No. Mixed 1 rar. 41 c; 1 car, 41 He. OAT3. No. S White I cars. 34e. No. 4 White J cars. 33 e. RTB. No. I 1 car, special billing, 77c; t can, 76c. TURLEf. No. 41 ear, 61c; 1 car, tie. No. 1 Feed 1 car, 61c. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Oi riots. ) Receipt Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat S 33 67 Corn 201 204 70 Oat 34 43 24 Rye 7 4 3 Barley 4 4 4 Shipment Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat 21 , 44 61 Corn 84 166 60 Corn 27 '14 II Ry 4 14 Barley 1 3 0 PRIMART RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Bushels.) Receipts Today Wk. Ago Wheat 1.642,000 Corn 3,543,000 Oats 1,078,000 Shipments Today Wheat 432,000 Corn ........1,469,000 Oata 641,000 leaned. MV I. lei lake rf. t - I, l, rx. I, Uia lake art, 4 i I I, 44) 4J gniaa mii4, .. ., Iti fwaj ali4 411 kul', Ke. I. 4c; . I. a . '-. awn a Ulu. pr i. .. r. Ilid-a, laie. Il , 11 l u jl. (.!.; .."II. Ill rank, fo.-r and Ulna. )- I I. kbaaa I'.ll. l, Hd, , I .114 4 awl, lll.:l miK. kburliass, (.. ati4, la . and waul, eai'k, Wait t ! Hue 4 I la!. iit;; i HiaJittm and btvud il.: .i , k4, tie) (14 ft Ik. Hurt VkIi ' la I. W aui!a prl.aa of lrf jut. ara a fnlluae: So rib., t-".i'J ,Vi flt-a, JUj N. I rib. I4c; No I luiue, :.; Ka. Ma. 1141 t l ull., Iiu( Nn, I t.un.ia, I4',; fca, t rowan., I J 4c; S t roua-i. Hi , N I rim. ks, (,,., No, t thurka, la: Ne. I rh. k, 74c; .. I fii... tm No, plains, I.; No. !-.., a Iwil I lljf 111 snob. iu. Cur, I , Jan. 44 faille R. ratal. 16.4 b..di mrkl t.dv; lie higtisri lad Imi "! yardage, li 714 4 OS; tainted up. 14 710 4.11; fat run. and h.if.ra, filial 16; Il.?it 5 ilj .,!, Il Inn. to; lud.n, li.i 0v 4 ll relv.e. 4l!v!,uj faediiig euaa and b'Xar. 11.401 4! .lO.k-1.. I l ino I IO. II".. K..ii, 4,t"4 head; market l I ne higher) Iighl. HiOeisk; mud. 17 M Mir.; heavy packing, fl.4eM.t; bulk of Ml-.. Il 4UI I. bhet and laniba Raralpla. 1 144 h.adi market flf Soii lor; butchcM, . )iv 4.64. New Verb Prix) tic. New Tork. Jan. $0 Rull.r Jllrk.t (inn; creamery, higher then eatraa, 111 kc rr.amary aire, l',ci tr.amcty tir.i. tJviitf. Igga Slarket unsettled: fre.h gather ir firaia. 444744a; (Irate. 41 w 43a. t'b.-a Market Irregular) siai whole milk flaia, lrh, atxciele, JUS'S '! bole milk twin, apeclaia. JOfrilHO. t hlcege fplato, Chicago, Jan. J4. Potatore Market weak; racelpla, 73 tiara; total I', M, ellip tic. nla. 3 rare; Wl.,on.n, sacked, round whllaa, f I td t I 40 ewe; Wl.cou.ln, bulk, round while. $1.14 cat.; tlinnasnt. ak Ml. round whllaa. 11.7601 10 rat, ) Waho, sacked, rural. 12 31 cwt.j Colorado, tack d. brown baautlaa, $1.44 eat, London Wool, r.ondon, Jan. JO A smaller (election, mounting In 10.11 bale., waa eflarad at th wool aalea today. Km grada w.ra readily sold at firm Price, but Inferior oris were In .low demand and wire fte nucntly willidiaun.. Kanaaa Clly Hay. Kansas City, Jan. 30. Day Irregular; clinic, alfalfa, i:t-60:6.SO; Nn. 1 prairie. $1.6043 11.60; No. I timothy. 113 604 14.60; light clover mixed. $13.00014.00. Ilnaeed Oil. Duluth. Jan. 30. Linseed On track and rrlve, 2.36c. I h.w York. t'4lM.. ..w ,ai. Jan. n mhih. u "v i aiir in .a tiiiu M,rk.i aM .mt. I lmw.. ll.rvusb la Iha cldM, b.m Ulil ilu iMiitg u.wui.i.i.d fit Ilia ii r Tba iii.ia.i. a. u.iu . a taiiwiiua ul j 1 1 a.akh.wt rmikin.ii a, m afceia liu, m In iii i.( ..iiii 1.299,000 3,088,000 986,000 Wk. Ago 472,000 1,426,000 444,000 Tr. Ago 1,626,000 1,926,000 867,000 ' Yr. Ago 664,000 666,000 667,000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Carlota - Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat .- 26 '6 23 Corn , 601 626 $03 Oata 85 ', ' 92 ' 63 KANSAS CITT RECEIPTS. ' Carlots Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat 395 341. 3S3 Corn 118 148 85 Oat 38 17 IT ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Carlots Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat 134 104 t 237 Corn 226 223 246 Oata 110 106 103 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Carlots Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Minneapolis 435 414 451 Duluth 86 31 27 Winnipeg 217 ; 438 464 V. -S. VISIBLE. Bushels Today Week Ago TearAeo Wheat ....43,871,000 43,822.000 34,212.000 Corn 26,729,000 26,117,000 14,297.000 Oata' 67,423,000 67,078.000 83,633,000 Rye 7,266,000 6,914,000 2,073,000 Barley .... 2,669.000 2,753.000 2,728,000 OMAHA STOCKS. , A Busneis Toaay ir. Ago Wheat '.....1,87,000 1,024,000 Corn 999,000 950,000 Oats 2,726,000 , 1,329,000 Rye 679,000 42,000 Barley - 24,000 19,000 Omiiha Produce State of Nebraska, bureau of markets, Omaha market. LIVE POULTRT. Wh'sale Wh'sale : i Buying Selling Price. Price. LIPE POULTRY. Stags $0.14$0.18 t0.22 $0.34 Springs 21' .23- .24 .26 Hens, light 18 .22 .22 .24 Hens, heavy .... -.21 .22 . .24 -.26 Cocks .12 .15 .14 .16 Duck .18 .22 .28 .24 Geese .18 .22 .22 .24 Turkey, 25 .35 .30 .35 DRESSED POULTRT. , Stags .20 .21 .26 .28 Springs 24 .26 .28 .30 Hens ..- . .22 ffp ,.26 .27 .30 Cocks 15 .17 .18 .21 Ducks .22 .25 .30 .36 Geese 22 .25 ,28 .30 Turkeys 35 .40 .45 .48 EGGS. Select ..- .26 .39 No. 1 .83 .36 No. 2 .......... .80 .34 Cracks ,30 .32 BUTTER. Creamery, print .34 .26 Creamery, tub,. ,31 .33 Country, best 20 .21 .26 .30 Country, comon.. .16 .17 .28 .24 Storage 20 .23 (per case I.0010.00 Fruits Bananas, 78o lb. Oranges, size 216 and larger, $5.256.00; size 260, $4.765.75; size 288, $4.505.50; size 324, $4.005.25. Lemons, $5.006.60 box. Grapefruit, $3.255.00 .crate. Apples, according to grade, Jonathans, $2.608.26; Delicious ; $3.005.00; - Rome Beauties, $2.503.25r Stamen Wlnesap. $2.753.25; Common Wlnesap, $2.003.76; Winter Pearmatns, $2.25 2.75: Spltzenburg, $2.50 3.76; Blacktwig. $z.203.oo; yellow Newton, $2.60; Ben Davis and Geno, $2.60 per box. Klefer Pears, $2.50; Oregon Eat ing Fears, 34.00 per bushel casket, figs. 24 pkgs., 8 oi., $2.152.25; 12 pkgs., 10 or., $1.60; 60 pkgB.. 6 oz., $3.254.50. Dates. Dromedary. 3S pkgs., $6.606.75 per box; Fard, 2325o lb.; Hallowll, 13 16o lb ' V e c t a b le Potatoes. Nebraska Early Ohlos, No. 1, $2.002.25; No. 8, $1.90 2.00: Nebraska Irish Cobblers, No. 1. $2.25: Red River Ohio. No. 1, ; Colorado Brown Beauties, $2.75 per cwt. Sweet Potatoes, tl.602.50 per bu. Celery, Jumbo, $1.50 1.75 per doi. Leaf Lettuce, 6060o per doz. Head Lettuce, $3.504.2S per crate. Red Onions, 74 So par lb. Yellow Onions, 748o per lb. Spanish Onions, crates regular. $3.603.75. Car- rota, !43o per lk. Turnips, 23o psr lb. Parsnips. 23c per lb. Cabbage, S 4 9 6o per lb. . Cucumbers, hot house, $3.503.00 per crate. Young Southern Radishes. 75 90c per do. Young South ern Carrots, $1.001.16 per doz. Young Southern Beets, $1.00 per doz. Brussells Sprouts. 25c per lb. Shallotts. 7690c per doz. Green Peppers, 2530o per lb. Young Southern Onions. 90o. per doz. Nut a Black Walnuts, 5c; English Walnuts, 336c; Brazil, large, washed. 1101 8c; medium, 13 16c: Pecans, large. 320.10c; Almond. 1828c; Peanut. Jumbo, raw, 11913c; roasted, 1414c; hand racked, raw, S4t)16c; roasted, 11 j i ao per in. Hides and Wool Beef Hidci: Grt.n Lra m n pii.a uf 4iiiua m Wail Him shun .iii d. un- it4t puiHia Ih Iha tii.t ruuiila vf l."Uia aad bulla bilrUM In ih lace af . In.iir .atii.a. i.muII!. ..aiini.itt rua. itMu.d g.i.nlaii0 ad .niig h.'i.m4 la I.a I--I I...... iI.a II.. Il-l ... llllll.M 1 Ih. I vain l.l lr Manh, 4. l-lm. uuaar iuid. I'm' tiu.4 a liil.e hii li iba lu., i.i m an lun-r ti iuii. m a. a muiI, 44 r"'"" ' " dt lin. III J fur BildJl OS III' i .iid n uili-m .l"'t, aik.l ait ii.l..lii. IS., t poiii'af .11...... u. . ..-...- I . au.. H.1IHI. A'i .-...i.i. it-:... ka mmiiii. .iim TuhmhiIIm and SUaln. K..niiah, lis, Jan. 34 Turpanlme-. 4'itm: 7c aalra. I barrel.; i..ipi I . barii.i .liiiniiritl.. fll bair'l., b, II 1)4 tttwia fllinl aalea, Jit raaka; rceiii, ill caaka: abipiiieuia, II r-k; llnvk, II 171 i.-kt. ..... Ouoie: i, P. tf. r, 0. fl 44: II. 14 IS; I, tl II; K, fl I: SI, fi.40; K, fi.SIl W, U, fl 44; W, W, SVa. 4' aw York llrlrd frulla. Naw Turk. Jan fciapul.K'd Ari'l" flim: iia. Itvl74'. I'run.a Irrxgular; California, fflfei Oriin. 4 if 14 4c . , Aprn oia f irm; ttiok. tt'i fjm y. It t) He. I'ra.hca Kirin: cholc. 1141 M','l Ira rh.iiia, f.ncr. ll;u'vc llaiaina tjuiel; lo-wa Wu..ll. ll,4P I4',c; rhol. a In fancy seeded, 11 0 16 41! ...uii.a itu.lav.i. 1 luecly IWind Prlcea. NW Tork, Jan. lu Ubariy biiida noun: 34a. Si ali first la. S 4o: aeiond la, 41.40; (ir.t 44. 44 60; aecmtd 4 4a, ... .. 1 ,, - . ..-ii. ac aa -11; Vlvlnry 3. 1I4.:; Victory, 44.. uo J4. Llluirty bond clowdl 14. Ik 4. 414.40; eiond 4. li 10; 'mt 4 4. .4;e; awnnd 44. 196 II; thud '.. . k: foiirlli 44.. $96: b ioiy i.a, tl034; Victory .a, lie.:. Saw 0tk tjl. K.w Tutu, t ie.-Htir firm: i-pi i., p.laau ' Vlli aiKlug rlaac, ll.nw.J! '' etie'gbie fl Ilu 4.11, (.aid oiiii I 4bi. I I47 4 ufi.uir.l-l .na null ) n granui.tvil, I .Is. ,!); Aniartcsn gad Idi.e, tt.' ' kkMi'i1 ,i film: No. t li'd 4 S 1 sad, 41 a. I af.niinlia, tl ') N,x I 1 (a( auiuia. l IIV , k I. list -Tiki airit. Cur i.K ,i 'Dl N-t I tlaw, t1, V, , wblla, and Sau. f mlU'l 41 4 a. 4, f. Saw all 'U. I'.l-lul. al.adyi No. I whiia, 4T. . liar ki Na, I. 474 1141 No 3, .1. ..,dk .- Km 1 l!lM..lll4l .hill tmi. i.o !:. Hoia vtui'l ; il. I4JI. Jlflii'l r' tlfin rmtai. I..I. $4Mlr l:4- ttj;t. 1'aik biolyj Mi, fill; fanul), k lio,:? a. I ar.l t-'irm 1 nilddi weal, tlll)lll 1 ailuw aieadv: atcial te. c , Hire taalyi tn.f, 47'4. New lark kagaf. New T'i'k, Jan. I. Th raw u.r ra.r. ki l w.a (11 m ami In Iha alxetlte nf bu'' ncaa, iot pnera ware nuaiiaaliy anvbau--l at S I II" fr I'ubaa, ml and Ir.iflit. mual la 3 11a fur ntiilug.l. II ... II'. 1 ..l' had b..a ma la la op.i Slur fur 6'abruaiy abipnient at l, co-t n. (raiglil, rqual la 3 ila (or r.nlrifuia' llaw atisar futur-e' fin. I prtcea waie 1 la II (iuiiih lic hlsli"', wiih Marvh, t llr, My, J.IH'S July. Hie: H.pi.inoer, 1.1 lv w Vorb Dry (id. New Terk. Jan. S4 Cnllen gaed and yania war uui.l today, with a eu(tain fnlluwint ' drop In ri'Mliv. cottoa niarkaia. Silki .ra nulai, all 11 taw ellk much Inwer. I'lething fabric fur l.ll wr punbaHKl iy ronwrvatlte. ly. Huil.ra war imdy and um bapged, FtfOnmiMOKtwa Wrl MUNN la. CO. Tii-m Salldinf. tmi AtVI ILL aVteallfM Atuwk-aa id , wANIIirfOTU-r, D, C -4'miln.icih H'tlldtnc. bl.W TOkSr lliibart Bldl., 4U.N laANCltCO. CAt. 6 Dividends Quarterly 6$ Provide for the Future ' Start a Savinia Account Today ASSETS . - $9,37,fjOO.OO RESERVE FUND ....... 401,375.00 Wa aolicit your inquiriei. Occidental Building & Loan Ass'n. Corner 18th and Harney Organiaod 1889 Th Symbol of Efficient Buildinr . Conitruction 1 Fixed Annual Income of $7M P0J00 or $700M as you like from -First Mortgage Bonds LET US SOLVE YOUR BUILDING PROBLEMS, y Exp er ienced and confidential treatment is assured. ' Home Builders, Inc. W. Boyd Jonei, Manager Construction Dept. ' . Builds and Finances Business Homes . TAX-FREE 7 First Mortgage Bonds 7 Denominations: $100, $250, $500, $1,000 " Maturing Dates: One year to five years. Interest: Semi-annually. You may own any number of any denomination and se lect maturity dates to suit your convenience. Bonda aecured by City Buainesa Property built by Home Buildera for reliable people. Sinking fund provides for retirement of bonds at maturity. For Sale by American Security Company Dodge at 18th St. C. C. Shimer, Sec'y. BROKERS Omaha G. A. Rohr bough, Prea. 14 We Want You to Know It is our cUsire to Kae everyone fully informefi about our aflairs. , We want our subscribers to knotf wKat we are doing, why we do it, and how we do it. Won't ;you make us a visit so that we can show you through our offices, explain how your calls are handled and tell yVu about our business? We welcome the opportunity tt explain to our patrons everything about our operations. Northwestern B ephone Company 0