0 TICK BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. JAXUAKY 31, 1922. Classified Mertisinj Rates ih v ii ., i . .t aay Im m u ir !, !). I tin fr , 1 ft'tMtfllk L In ik pr tier, 9 uu.uil ' N J fur Im lha f lit 1m ,i. !! i kypgar !. Ai 4r'lmi. K.er' l l' Monti ( .ll,( n far lk k.. ( IVMKt.T RaTra CM 1 Atfl-LfATI'! ! '$ .J. n.,l (I fHli f flraai I VAI OYWiCX .Illh .ad rariiae ' ewa .. ..,,,,,... iwuiii Mm II tlluff , It '! ttAMr AiJt. Itk.HVfcr l (-MOM. ATI. AM 10 IK ' THE HKB wi'l kl t iMponalbl for pint than an in.mret iKMruaa f a 4ttiuxl ur4ie4 fr Mit l fun. vlHINa Hul'IH rOK WANT Ani. 't. !. I .IIII..H ..U 46 A. M, .Vlarnlb MilluB V- M. uii-l.t K.liiiun I. M. nird D ETHjn 0 NERmT NOTICED 'lHttfc.lt .l..l b "": N.:5'l 'Aa, Ja as-1 I I a aurviv.d l.r ''". air, Mili; It.Mf dauahinia n4 f v. anna: Mrlt. K.lar4 and llr. Ii.n i.r l mi. In: Mrs I'alvin HfllH. tvniwrt Hutwrt of 'lri.-h. l : AIImM, t'afllala, W0 Mia. '. J-l. V,i.r Mi. ll. and Mr. ll Millar, M.M.rrrnfl, U ftiRoral .-ri' from Hoffman ru tral Horn Tua'day at 1 l. in. In Irrmanl C '! .n frmalrry. IT7l'":KMri'Mri'aluihia m7"I"J wi if J alia liri'f. ill") Jan .. HI! Iiunal at il lawn Km-try Horn family r'il'na, !3 So. 44th) iri, Tur.a.T. Jan. II. ISI. at 1 p. in. A(4 71 y.ar. I nienih. U day. Al'TuMATIO araluia ronnai burial vault fn dlaplay at leading undertake m. Wflla or a oinaB (.antral . tiurlal Vault Co., Oman. .eS 1 CARlT OF" THANXS.S VK wi.h to lhana our friend n4 nlirilinra, Ih alng'ra, an4 Ihm hg Inok part In th arvlraa. (.ir thaif Inn4nra. a'ia lha braulltul flotaara ' fit during lha airknaaa an4 il'alh at nur blut4 iluhir. r;mi irana. (Hi n J), Mil. KKKII TIIMAI.L, Slim. KUK1 3. TIIUALL, MltS. 11. THItALU BRINGING UP FATHER Balaaa4l C, . ra44 ortu ttt JIG&S AhD MACCJK tH FULL CC Of COLOM Ih III UMJAV Dtb Drawn for Tb Be by McManut itnkl, IUU lauwaiw h"t A. tAfJ WAKE UP-1 T CAJi-T tLttD VITH I THAT RAClCtT. ' " aaak J" rn Nr -rsi : .i w X w " I f...ljl 'o rim fa II , 1 NOW HOW H ' 2 2 AM I 0NNA . '2 ' 4ITANY ar-J, Z9,u. 1 ' etCClUY-IT tOOMDt ukc a ro, hokn on A CATTLE 'fcHlOJ WHAT DO FO(; ah; . o 'vm non, vn i NTTtetHlO: T AM ,ONMA I Ol; tLEEp J '. I Know. J S'.'iv. ' i i. . ' --f.. V JL 'l I 7 "iTX i l Tf J i JM - cu ..I h rs ,ww 5iL J l2 y Imtx Fiatumc Service. Inc I in ). 'ai ii i I HTT 1,,, MM V FUNEJRALDIRtCTORS F.J. STACK & CO., flucaaanr to f'.rk A ralrnnar a OMAHA 8 BKST. I'ambulance;,!; Tnlrty-thlro ana rarnam. 1CB COtt. Hulse & Riepen nNEKR ri'NKRAL tl RECTORS. Kormrrlr at Tot B. Ktb 8., hara lnov.4 la 122 Cumlnr St. J. H2. "HEAl'EY & IIEAFEY l,n4artakr .nd Bmbalmrr. rhona II A. :. Offlca lilt Farnam. FLORISTS. LEE LAKMON 1U4 Lioutlu Ph. PO. H2I4 BAT IT WITH FI-OWKIIH KlUlM HK8S m gW'OIIODA. 14 1 1 FAKNAM 6TRKST IT Hndraon. OTFrnam. Jackaaa IIH JOHN HATH. l04 Farnam. Jaykaon ltu. CEMETERIES. Forest Lawn The lnrireal and mnat beautiful cam tery In Nttiriiilia; SJU acre., Juat north of city llmlta. A mutual cametary all ravenuea uaed for Improvementa and perpftual care. Office at entrance to cemetery. City office, HO Brandeia Theater Building. THE GUMPS ate IT is COLOR! IN THE I'NDAf II KK SIC 'EM TICK Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith Copyrlihr, 192 J, Chleaia Trieuna Company At WOT Co.N&TO WP THAT CHIIP -1 ( otfRC HOT GOtM(i H TWC- THArJ VjMV OONt VoU 0 T N Cua t)0 VOO VVAHT ME. To"""' t. 1 AFItR VM- JUT BECAME HI XL "XAkt CAK OF THAT 7.jL?"U 7 ThAT "THE ViNO 0 VAtTS 1 '! ME VJQX T QO TO tP i YivTVt A 5Xa,f Lvat TMAT iVt yf T WHf HIM-I VP H THC HOUf 7 ?r Wit tmHW HO j$ffl: ' ' l REAL ESTATE 1MPKQVKH. Vatani l'iopriy, br-ar luf I.I aWutliaa.i ..uui., tnJ: ul ,i af lafei.wil liwtal.ta. Ui taite- la a .IK i..i ......t .-.a. A- mjk tall J :i 'ai'ki uu xt juitiiiii 4H au. Mllllaiy A, f..l !:!, atalar, aar. alka, Hv.l ., li lak at, k", Si. " TiTia i'l 4 l .i.lu.a Ate, l-ia) flih au4 aiiti airaia Hill l u.. ,..y ,.it,.i f an ail4 w ur Af- - T lVriMiM. moJ"ii ( kcal; 1.1 . 4a4viaia. t3 &e . Hta pivi.ta. tt.ar a liiN'il, lit. r. HAS M 'K. nl. lit., f 1-4 II t SoutrC Overlooking Uanscom Park Wt offr a mmi'lririy n..irii, , raiti huiiia aituil uh Kuuia i4 A . a4 atatitfofciH Hah.uin iia. 'ia litrty la only I t r.ra ,.., at4.i aifor, n4 frtihe4 iwagiumir i, , ai4a. Mt l !" ami h.a .jaui.i alalia in tha l- ,r. I ni t. i am nl.r..l a re.R.'.: aiiiy ,a la In.al In iiiiali . l. .i,.i ,,.i.(,Hn. dielrli-i. hh.,a. vi,y ,f atti.,.m. In. I T tail. Northwall & Johnson, h. Tl7. i K..t,tu i!,, Ralston Lots ;:,V'7r-" s;; l-ayiwanl. Phowa flatten, Rei., ii v, Miarellaneoui. IT WIU. IH'II. U T' UHHIt NEW CiH.I.SIAf. IllWliAMAV FOIt . Five rnonia mi nna floor, Dal, ait aa hit naml Oirouahout, riirliitt i i. atn. Vary rlaaay etiarior, l-t ua tt tllla lan. IIAHTIM18 IIFirDKV. Kit Harny Hi AT. '' FiVK lurntti. atrl.tiy miMl.rni new. a,.i i.m raiad. Will lak lol r rar i:rt i v. mailt. Call (or Mr. far. a at l'ou. . i ANNOUNCEMENTS. Detectives. Weatern National Lete''ttva Akvi'. Llcen.ed and bonded. 401 Brardela Tn. Bid. Atlantlo 2543. JAMES ALLAN. 112 Neville Hlk. Evidence ecured In all raaea. Atlantic 1138. DETECTIVES that Ret reaulta. 40 Pax- ton Mock. J A. 1D1. DO 1.767. BKI.IAHl.E Iieteitlve Bureau. 1! nil way Ex. Bldff., JA. 3068, NlKbt, KB, 3811. Indapendent Detective Hu-eau. J04 Nevlllo Blk. AT. 1.501; nlKht, W A. 4046; KB. 0164 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ;.' Births. , - Walter and Fautine Nyqulat, Thirty. . flint and V aireeta, girl. t'lareiue and Kll7.nlrih Blesale, iOH South Twenty-first street, boy. Kalph and Kern Lovelady. hoapllal, boy Michael and Mary Healy, hospital, boy. Leonard and Koae Gallette, hoapltal, glil. " Albert and Ilah Kaatrau, hoipltal. girl. " Ueorga and Lyvah Armbruater, hospital, ! glil. Oourad and LUzle -Rhode, hospital, girl. J'ark and Evangeline Trimble, 4121 .North Twenty-fourth atreet, girl. . Loula and Anna Havluy 6603 South Twentieth atreet, girl. Samuel nd Marbett. Contl, 171o'4 ' Lake street, boy. . Ray and Bernlco Chancellor, 1"09 South . Kitthteenth street, girl. John Bnd Cora Feelyv 35S7 Avenue A, i Council Bluffs, girl. William and Ida Rolerts, 3109 Farnam street, boy. John and Clara Fraicr. hospital, girl. Frank. a.iU Carmal Storey, hospital, gnl. - Hugh and Maggie McDonnell, hospital, .- bo. Jessie and Catherine Reeves, hoapltal, '' ' bo. '" Ben and Sarah Houghtallng. Bellevue, Neb., boy. James and Mary Shaffstall, 6601 South - Fifty-aUtn street, boy. John and Estello Davis, 2516 M .treat, " boy. 1 Rudolph and Mary Krupinakl, Forty , tl: irtl and J streets, girl. -. Franklin and Anna Warren, 6002 South Forty-seventh street, boy. Paul and Lulu Leeper, hospital, boy. Hnm and Minnie Statson, hospital, girl. ; MARRIAGE LICENSES. Vermita to wed have been issued to the fuilow,ng: V Mx Vox. 21 Lincoln. Neb., and Mar guerite D&ugherty, 19, Lincoln. Neb. DomiUl M. W'interrowd, 28, Des Moines. 3a., and Mary Shields. IM, Dcs MoincH, la. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. "WILL purty who found lady's wrist watch,, vicinity 19th and Webster and Cuming to io'il Dodge St.. evening November 28 rind noon 29. please notify Airs. B. Froissinot. DO. 6722 and receive reward. LOST Brown velvet bag containing 153, ill Strand theater or between there and Fontcnelle. Return to Bee, Box A-96. S10 reward. LOST Sunday. Pearl necklace, between 5016 Burt St. and 50th and Underwood Ave. Reward. Tel. Walnut 3o74. LUST LADY'S SHOE. CALL WEB. 5161. PERSONALS. kUl't'ABLE compensation will be paid for Information a to present whereabouta of M. C. Heath, formerly 3080 Derby, hire Road. Cleveland, O. Address llaldrlse and Saxton, Omaha Nat'l Hank Bldg. THIS SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits vour old clothinc. furniture. magazines. We collect. We distribute. Phono Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. ni0-iu::-1114 Dodge St. NUMBER 121S The above number won the stand ainp given away oy the Electrical b'orkera organiaation at the Building bow. Call Jackson 1869 and asm lor Oibb to obtain prize. Dressmaking. M. Finegold, Tailor Expert ladlea tailor and furrier. Fan cy work and drcsamaktng a specialty. Spring lino now ready. 'Prices reasonable. Tel. AT. 6C03 for appointment. WANTED SITUATIONS. BUSINESS CHANCES. Laundry and Day Work. PLAIN, fancy clothe, carefully laundered. HELP WANTED MALE. Storeg and Offices. Toung men, over 17, desiring government jioaltlons, 130 monthly, write for free H. t positions now open. J. Leonard (former civil aervlce examiner), 909 Equitable Bldg., Washington, D. C. Professions and Trades. PO you want to Increaae your income? Write the National Auto School, 2614 No. 20th St., Omaha, for catalog. AM open for business at my new lo cation. 2421 So. 13th. AT 9871. Pearl , Tlmmo. dressmaking; spring coats a specialty. Furs, suits, dresses, rein'd. relln'd. Ha 6S04 Kodak Finishing. ENLARUBMKN'TS. oil coloring, developing, printing. Ksse Studio. 213 Neville Blk. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St. Patent Attorneys. J. W. iJARTIN, patent attorney, HIS Dodge, Omaha, also Washington, D. C We help sell patents, models made. Printing. EDDY Printing Co.. 313 S. 13 St. Do. S647 BRITT Printing Co.. 7 Elka Bldg. . Miscellaneous "Announcements. DIAMONDS price with privilege to buv back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., Omaha, Neb., 402 N. 16ih St. Telephone DO. 6049. Porlonn DR- N- Chiropractor, 308 jtXl lOUll paXton block. AT. 9747. Office houra, 11 a. m. to B:S0 p. m. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 36c; double edge. 45o doz. Mail ordera so licited. Omaha Sharp Co., 103 N. 16th. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY, Mattresses made over in new ticks at half price of new beds. 1907 Cumlnpr. JA. 2467. CLOCK repairing rightly done. Nabstedt, 609 Brown Blk., Hit'.' and Douglas. Prescriptions carefully compounded at the 6 Sherman & McConnell Drug stores. FULL dress and tuxedos for rent. John Feldmnn, 109 N. 16th St. Jackson S128. NEW yd rebuilt electrical apparatua, LeBrc rglectrlc. 818 S. 13th St.. Omaha. FOR SALE. Pianos and Musical Instruments. TRADE your used piano on a new play er piano. Balance as low as 310 per month. A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas. GEO. A. SMITH Dealer In drums, xylo phones, etc.; Instructions, repairing; 2761 Davenport St. Phone Harney 2907. MOI.ER BARBER COLLEGE. Ill) 8. 14th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. STATE SALESMANAGER FOR NE braska and Kanaaa wanted. Manufac turer desires man capable of organ! lng and taking complete charge of sale and distribution ot specialty which, be cause of its nature. Bella to bankers and large commercial concerna on right, lc patented and has large Bales tn terrl torlea where It has been Introduced. In dorsed by leading bankers. This Is a high-class proposition and will require investment of 3650 for machines. Na tional Time Computor Co., Fairmont, Minn. SALESMAN WANTED A. large New York house haa opening In their sales department for two llvewlre salesmen. Our men are earning real money. For interview call before 10 a. m., after 2 p. m. 308 Balrd Bldg. SALESMAN wanted for Nebraska. Handy cap milk bottle opener and cover. Every bottle and milk user a buyer. 100 per cent sanitary. Sample 25 cents. A. B. Hagerman, Ravenna, Neb. SALESMAN to sell as side line to dealers only old established line Farm Imple- . ments. Commission basts. No samples to carry. Omaha 'Western Sale. Co., Omaha, Neb. SALESMAN Two young men to travel Nebraska. Expenses advanced. Refer ences and bond. Call 9 to 11, 6 to t. Hotel Loyal. Ask for Mr. Bausher. AUTOMOBILE aervlce corporation oper ating nationally wants atate -and dis trict managers for Nebraska. Apply Fontenelle Hotel. Mr. Garrett. Miscellaneous. YOUNG MAN for wholesale house. Must have fair education. Splendid oppor tunity to advance. Call Mr. De Vaughn, 1407 Harney St. Atlantic 2206. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young ladles who desire to prepare for office positions to enroll In our day or evening clasaes in short hand, typewriting, bookkeeping and higher accounting. Tuition payable monthly. By our method of Individual instruction you will succeed. Write or call for our catalogue. Dworak School of Accounting, ISth and Farnam Sts Omaha. WILKINSON MUSIC SHOP Band and ' orchestra Instruments, accessories and music. 211 Arthur Bldg. DO. 8132.. JOHN TAFF saxophone shop, repairing and supplies. 206 Leflang Bldg. DO. 8476 PLAYER PIANO for sale for 3100. Corby. 1420 Clothing and Furs. Professions and Trades. WANTED Neat appearing young lady, 21 or over, as a demonstrator. Good sal- ary and expenses. Experience not neces sary. Give telephone number. Box A-92, Omha Bee. FOR SALE good res.aurant doing good bualneaa. only eating bue la town, 8. O. Lyon, Harro4d, 8. 1. FOR SALE Grocery and 7 rooms, all full, 1.60. 646 Ho. !4ttt Av. OROCERT TRADE. STORE; WILL SELI. PHONE KB 0304. OR Rooming Houses. WELLINGTON INN. HAS A FEW DESIRABLU ROOMS, NICELY FURNISHED, WITH Olt, WITHOUT BATH, FOR PERMANENT GUESTS AT ATTRACTIVE WEEKLY RATES. , MR. RAMEY. THE MANAGER. WILL GLADLY SHOW THEM TO YOU. FOR RENT-ROOMS. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Unfurnished. The Mildred in Dundee will be completed about February IS. Five-room apartments; bedrooma and bath upatatra; living rooms down; lo cated at 49th and Dodge streets, Ke.ur vatlon. now being taken, Peters Trust Company, "Where' Omaha Rents" Furnished Rooms. GET YOUR ROOM . through The Bee furnished room dl rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable room. In all parts of the city. A aervlce that benefit, both advsrtlaer and room aeeker. FURNISHED rooms with private bath Hotel service. Prices reasonable. Hamll- ton hotel, Farnam at 24th. Atlantic 470L ELEGANT, large furnished room; aultable for 2 gentlemen; steam heated. Right downtown. Bourgeois Bachelor Apt. 1216 Farnam. GLOBE HOTEL 1107 Douglas. New man agement, reapectable, first-class, i.ewly decorated, home-like rooms; 60c, 76c, I per day. Special weekly rates. 624 PARK AVE. Modern front room for one person. Garage space If desired. walking distance. Harney 870: FURN. rms with priv. bath: warm, com fortable, cheerful; price reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hatfillton. AT 4701. SINGLE lady over 30 may nave fine room, private borne, meals if desired. Ha. 4615. MODERN furnished room, tance, reasonable. 2810 ney 7066. walking dla Dodge. Har- PLEASANT large front room walk dist. board If desired. for HA. two. 6749. LINCOLN BLVD.. 666; attractively fur. room In private mod. home. AT. 8470. TWO rooms, running water, first floor, private entrance; close In. JA. 4243. 2703 CUMING Beaut, fur. rm.: new. mod. private home 34.60 week. HA. 6959. FURNISHED, modern, cozy 2-room apart ment. 3837 So. 23d St. Corner of D St. WELL heated rooms, bath room floor; garage; close-In. DO. 8213. A-l, well-heated rooms, cheap. KB. 4610, CALIFORNIA ST, 2421 Nicely fur. room. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooma 1... the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies in all' parte of the city. TEL. WA. 3005. 2 COMPLETELY FUR NISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP ING, EXCELLENT HEAT, SOUTH EXPOSURE, $36. FOR personal instruction In shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, banking, etc call Douglas 7774. DUNDliU WOOLEN MILLS, For sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations free. Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. FOR SALE! Genuine Buffalo coat, 1st class condition. Reasonable price. Na ' tlonal Fur & Tanning Co. AT. 0120. FCUS remodvlcd, rellned and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO., 203 S. 15th St. DO. 7283. Typewriters and Supnlies. KATHRYN L. RILEY Skin aud scalp specialist. Residence work solicited. Appointment. J A. 3-68. Iheatrtcal historical masque costumes, for playa and partiea. at Lleben's. Oroana. 3IAGNKTIO buths; Violet Ray treatment with manages. 514 S. 19th. DO. SSI. SULPHUR baths, Swedish maseage, chi rooody. Evening to 8. 2(' Bo. 20th St. F.LUOTRTO therapy treatment. vlllo Block. 318 Ne- T'LKX'TRIC baths. Swed. mass. WE. 2U RK.VT Hoover vacuum. 81.25. HA. 1071. EXPERT MASSAGE. DOUGLAS 9549. F.XPERT massage. 404 No. 16. Apf. 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating, covered buttona. all atyles; hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button & Pleating Co., 308 Brown block, Omaha, ,Neb. Telephone JA. 1956. Accordeon Pleating. NEBB. PLEATING cH0ev",,,chBuf; tone. 180S Farnam. 2d Floor. DO. 6S70. Contractor. PAINTING, papering and plastering. J. Nau. WA. 4667. 1 TAKE advantage of low prices In paint lng and paperbanglng. Koplln, WE 1425. Dancing Academies VTPPP'Q 131 Farnam. Dougla 844. AiiA7 O ciaase Monday. Wednes day and Friday, 8:1S p. m. Private lea eon by appointment. Sura metboda. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dentists X-Ray TYPEWRITERS ' AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. J A. 4120. 1912 Farnim. GUARANTEED typewriters, 312.60 and up. Midland Office and Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous Articles, GAS ENGINE FOR SALE Btatloaary, 10 H. P. J. P. Cooke, Co., Omaha. WE buy. sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply ., S. W.' Cor. 11th and Douglas, JA. 2724. FUR Coat, Robe, canvas, 200 ft. inch reps. All kinds household and tools. Call 1004 X 34th. EXPERT sewing machine .epairlng. MICKELS, 15th and Harney. DO. 1971. WILL sacrifice for cash, set ot unused Harvard Classic. At. 1444. HAND power washing machine and wringer for .ale. Kenwood 1048. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desk, bought, sold and trsded. J. C. Reed. 1107 Farnam. DO 14 WANTED SITUATIONS. iOCTH Hygiene and Pyorrhea. Dr. S. B. McQnlllen. PentlsL 1100 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. J A. (484. DENTAL X-RATS, SOc- EACH. Laundry and Day Work. ( a, tall set, 60. SccuiiUM Bids.. REFINED young woman wishes employ ment a companion to elderly person or a nurse to small child: two years' hos pital training. Telephone AC. 6506. Luciil Mates tfc Saleswomen and Solicitors. DEMONSTRATORS A few women In each locality. Good pay. Write the Sheetsaver Co.. 411 Clapp Block. Des Moinea, la. LADY Bolicitor for house to house work, good commission. Harney 1925. Household and Domestic. WANTED An elderly lady to exchange light housework for a comfortable home. AT 9871. WANTED White girl for general house work. Good wages. Walnut 2455. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boya to learn barber trade; big demand; wagea white learning: strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College. Miscellaneous. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON, either sex, may earn $100 to $200 monthly cor responding for newspapers; $5 to $16 per column, all or apare time; expe rience unnecessary; no canvassing. Send for particulars. National Presa Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phoue Jackson 166G foi large llustrated catalog. Addres. Boyles College, Boyes Bldg.. Omaha. Ne ' Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening 8chools. 120 .Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6830. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Cash mercantile business: monthly sale over $3,600; stock carried about $3,600; $4,000 to $6,500 cash will handle. No trades. J. W. Box 121, Osage. 'Wyo. RAILWAY eating house for sale, steam heat, ice, coal, water furnlahed free; ; rent $10 a month. 42d and B Btreeta. Phone MARKET 2639. WANTED to buy. good ator in a good town, atock constating of general mer chandise. Write to 8. Bordy, Columbus, HOTEL for sale. The only tntet In city. Modern, building and the fixtures. J. F. Tiektttr, Crofton, Neb. TWO neat warm rooms for housekeeping, private Home, for 1 or 2 persons em ployed. 3070 Mason. HA. 3116. TWO or three splendid room completely furnished. Strictly modern home. WK. 1376. TWENTY-NINTH ST., 4702 N. One-room .. and kitchenette. KE. 1996. Board and Rooms. WE SPECIALIZE; in meals you can really enjoy, comfortable rooms. MERRIAM HOTEL. The Home for Business Men. 53th and Dodge Sts. Doug. 2076. FRONT room In lovely new home for gentlemen or couple employed; first class meals. WA. 6359. Pleasant room In private cooking. Harney 7126. home; homo FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. AT 0644. 17th and Farnam Sta. TO LET 4 and 6-room apartments. 3920 Cuming. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Jackson 0564. 1320 Farnam. KENT reduced $3, 3 to 7-room apartments. GEO C. ESELIN, 631 PAXTON. $4.1.0(1 5-room modern apt., 2826 N. 16tb St. Key at Wolff's store. ST. CLAIR 4-ROOM HARNEY 0647. APARTMENT. 3 ROOMS, heat and bath. 311 No. 26tb. FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands. KgUITY Land Ksrhange, St. Paul. Minn, Nebraska Lands. 2 Improved Manitoba farm. Quarter sec tlim. Neb. Small payment, 10 years' time. McEathron, 1011 N. 34th St. Writ for description. WRITE M. A. Larson. Central City. Neb. for folder about truck raising oppor. tunltlea tn acre tracts. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY. FREE SPECIAL NUMBER just out, containing many fact ot clover land in Marinette County, 71s consin. If for a home or an Invest, ment you are thinking of buying good farm lands, where farmers grow rich: send at once for this speoial number ol iM.NuuLuur. it is rr on reuuest Addres Skldmore-Rlebl Land Co., 433 Skldmore-Rlchle Bids.. Marinette, Wis. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. JS. H LOUGEE, INC., 638 Keellne Bldg OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 271S. FOR RENT Business Property. TO LET. 80,000 quare feet. 1103-10 Howard. W. FARNAM SMITH CO. Jackson 0664. 1320 Farnam. 2037 FARNAM ST. 12,000 square feet ALFRED THOMAS & RON CO. MERCANTILE HOUSE CO.. STORAGE AND WARE. 11th: and Jonea Sta H. M. Christie, warehouae & track'ge prop F D. WEAD AND BOWMAN CO. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16th. DO. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and . moving. Contracts taken by Job or hr. Globe Van & Storage Co.. JA. 4338. AT. 0230. 620-24 North 16th St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. Thoroughbred cockerels. $7. Kenwood 3891. HATCHING EGOB. Wy. Yards. KE. 038. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE THE BEST IN USED CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBII.E HOWARD AT 18TH. CO., $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D, . Wead and Bowman Co. Wead Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. LIBERTY bonds and stocks bought and Bold. KIIBT. C. DKUESEDOW & CO., 860 Omaha National Bank BuUdlng. AN attractive five-year loan of $4,000 hearing 7 per cent on a farm valued at $16,000, no prepayment option. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 845 Omaha National Bank. LIBERTY BONDS bought and aold. AT. 3644. Mack's Bond House. 1421 1st Nat. Wanted To Borrow. WANTED to borrow on an 80acre im proved farm 14 miles west of Omaha Dodge St. $3,500. Box A-99. Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED. SELLING HOMES is our business. We do not employ a hit and miss system. When you list your home with us we do not wait for the customer to call us, we go after them. This is done with a metnoa jinlike any other real estate office in Omaha. If you want results, call us. NORTHWALL & JOHNSON. Douglas 74S7. 604 Electric Bldg. Will Pay Cash For your homo. Price must be light. Give house number, description and price in first letter. Box A-82, Omaha Bee. LIST TOUR BUNGALOW WITH US. II. S. MANVILLE. Realtor. Atlantic 2403 515 Peters Trust Bldg. Ford Sedan Charles W. Young & Son Real Katate, Rentals, Insurance. 1603 City Nat. Bk. AT. 9668. REAL ESTATE tr",""t CHICKEN FARM $750 DOWN filK room, thre lota, thre block from I.ockwood nd Leavenworth car Urn. Fruit, shrubbery, double garage, chicken houaea and chlckena, all thrown In. See In Ik. only $4,760. OSBOHNK REALTY CO.. JA. S28J. 750 CASH. Flv-room, atrlctly niodern bungalow'; amall garage: paving paid; Mmtclalr addition. Call JA 22H2. BKMIS PARK DISTRICT New 6-room bungalow, east front lot. two block to car. DO .547 or JA 4228. D. E. BUCK A CO. buy and aell home. North. Live in One, Rent the Other Two five-room bungalows, all mod ern in every respect, nice lot, shade trees, close to Kchool and churches, on rar lot. Sell 1 tv for $10,000, one at $6,250 and one iov $4,750. Gallagher & Nelson, 662 Petcra Trust Bldg. JA. 3382. Illlllllllllllllllllllli, AUCTION I 1509 Capitol Ave. ; J Picked at random are the Z . articles listed for auction - " Tuesday and Wednesday, .Inn " Z 31 and Ffb. 1. Dozens of other - item will be included. Your ; Z comfort is provided by steam Z . heat and plenty of scats. I 1:30 P.M. Sharp ; Nearly raw Icllrra rahlnrt with " porcelain top; Columbia grafnnola " and records : maple chiffonier nd " dresser: bird'.ey and maple bed. " " room furniture; cne and mating. " any living room suite; walnut bed m " ani dre.ser to matrh; American walnut dining aulte; two fumed oak m " dining suite.: reed couch; quarter. m m .awed oak rhina cabinet; dre.ser; m m chiffonier.: rug, all .irmyed kind. . a nearly new Hooaier coal range: tai . range and atoxe. ; heating Hove.; " i e bedding; pillows; window shade; refrigerators: dinfnar chair.: library " tables; kitchen tables, and Innum- " erable other piece, of furnitur yet " to com. In for Tuesday, sale. " : STEPHENSON : i AUCTIONEER - 1509 Capitol Av. AT 526S - 'il l 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I1 Mill! I NOW Is your opportunity to buy a mighty good cottage home on a iarge 60-ft. outh front lot on paved atreet near achool; plenty of shade trees, grapes and other fruit; I good sized rooma; water, gas, electric lights, furnace; now offered for only $3,500. Good term. Call now. Kenwood 0950. 4454 BEDFORD AVE. 4-room, modern bungalow; terms reasonable. CREIGH. 608 BEE. JA 0200. 6-ROOM bungalow Phone KE. 0304. for ale or trade. X pnoaonoaoiJonoaoD.i u o a o D o Q o D o D o D o o a D jCreigh Sons & Co. 0 Q Established 1868 fj O Jackson 0200 608 Bee Bldg. O caoaoDoaonononono Spring Time is the Time to Build We have vacant lots in all parts of the city, and will help finance the new home for you. Build Now Bulletin? prices are established. There is no reason why you should delay. We furnish plans free. Northwall & Johnson Douglas 7487. 504 Electric Bid;. MONEY Immediately Confidentially Loaned at banking rates. Your character as security. We are at your service. INDUSTRIAL LOAN & INVESTMENT CO. 15th at Harney St. Her Is a Ford Sedan which has .carcely been used and just like new. Slip covers. Hassiers. Demountable rims. Spare tire. Wheel lock and other extras. For a quick sale wo have placed a low price of $460 on this car. No tradeB but terms If necessary. Car is just like new and guaranteed In every way. v Guy L. Smith 'Good Used Fords Adkins Motor Co. 4911 S. 24th St. 1812 Corby St. 6-room modern, except beat,. $25. 2671 Dodge St. 5 rooma, part mod ern, $22. Webster 6892. 7-ROOM house, modern except heat, $40. 1428 S. 13th. Inquire 1414 S. 13th AT 1299. 6-ROOM COTTAGE, 1711 JACKSON. HAR NEY 0647. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. Morris Apartments 18TH AND DODGE STS. FURNISHED COMPLETE FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. AT 3210. Hotel Service i NICELY furnished front apartment, mod ern; close to rar. WOODBINE APARTMENTS. WE-5946, 2814 Wirt St. Unfurnished. - DEWEY APARTMENTS. Three-room apartments wtth 6-room accommodations; located at 3301 Dewey Ave rental. $65. Immediate possession. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. AT. 005$ Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. ' 1 O O room modern apt., the I DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. 1702 Howard SL AT. $708. JA. 38S. THE THORVALD 4-room apartment, $75 per month. Referencea rqted. Call Jiaxnsy 6610 after Sunday, 60 REAL USED CAR BARGAINS Cash or Time. Buy or Sell, Fords from $50 and up. Dodge. Buicka and others, $100 and up. Ford bodies, winter tops. GOLDSTOM AUTO SALES CO., 1318 Harney St. Central Garage. LATE1 MODEL HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 6 CORD TIRES, PERFECT CONDITION. A SPLENDID BUY. YOU CAN REE IT AT 2024 FARNAM ST., OR PHONE DO. 8987. SOME bargain In used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. MCCAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3500. '20 BUICK ROADSTER, FIVE CORD TIRES, PERFECT CONDITION. DON'T FAIL TO REE THIS CAR AT 2063 FARNAM ST.. OR CALL DO. 8987. NEARLY NEW 6-PASSENGER JOR DAN TOUR fNG CAR. TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. CALL HARNEY 6459. BUT A GUY L. SMITH USED CARJ A Safe Investment. 2th and Fnrnam Sts. Phone Douglaa 1970. OVERLAND TOURING, PERFECT CON DITION. CHEAP AT $160. 2059 FAR NAM. CALL DO. 8987. F.EAR radlua rod, $1, drive abaft housing. $4; aplder and gears, $1. Nebraska Auto Parts Co. 1016 Harney 8t. STEAR.VS In splendid condition: new corda, paint good, winter curtains; a bargain. WA. 2452. AVERY truck, 6-ton: $600, worth more; good condition. STROUD & COMPANY, 20TII AND AMES. USED cara bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 2211 farnam !M tirtTIITtT7iT"ls4 DOES HIS BEST. VVrlllrjiji j,0 Soulh nth st. L'SKU radiators, all makes for sole. Green 'ough. Radiator Repair 2039 Farnam To buy or sell Omaha Real EstRte aee FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426. GRUENIG ?oralqtuy,ck0-re.,uef,.Wit,lU-1418 1st Nnt'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1966. TTDTZT7rrT REAL JJXXViVXJ X X Sells, 350 Peters Trust Bldg. ESTATE Rents, Insures. JA. Vbii. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List it with C. A Grlmmel. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bids. D. ROY WOODWARD. Investments and Insurancs. JA. 3235. 703 Peters Trust Bldg. E. H. BENNER COMPANY, Insurance Call Edward Perley. Douglass 8406. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WE can exchange your Income property lor niw LinuH ..O...V. BROWNE & TRACY. K42 Securities Bldg. AT. 3360. 360 ACRES. Thurston county. Farm sold 1920 for $350 an acre. Will takegood income on basis $300 an acre. JA, 2419. 819 City National bank. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. BRAND NEW, 6-room niodern, ready to occupy at only ..tuu. iu umu, ance monthly. WA. 6704, or JA. 0686. Dundee. NEAR 60th and Chicago, aplendid .nappy , j . I,.... fir., limn Offered j'unure iniui.,H ---- - $8,350. Call Schroedor Investment Co. Jackson 3261. Florence - NETHAWAY sells and trades. KE. 14.1 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. HOLLT. xptit auto trimmer. 812 S. 2410. Montclair District, $1,500 Down 6-room semi-bungalow; large living room across the front, dining room with built $n bookcases and built tn buffet; kitchen with built In features: oak finish and oak floors: 2 large bedrooma and bath on second floor with oak floors and white enamel finish; full cemented basement, gas heater, gas plate, fruit room and coal bin; full cemented drive, garage. The owner of this property Uvea at Des Moines, la. The man that haa nerve enough to look at this house and make me an offer Is liable to buy something. It must be sold. Now Bbow eome speed. Payne Investment Co., SJ7 'Otniha Naft Bk. Bldg. DO. IJS0 liiimlay call Kenwood 327. t I Have Funds for Loans -on- Inside Business Property At Very Attractive Rates Frank H. Binder 823 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. Jackson 2561 Used Trucks $100 and Up W 1 I I I ... m r 1 o. . 1 iv ; Air Makes, sizes, styles, ana rnces Terms to Responsible Parties Jones-Opper Co. Phone Harney 0635 2558 Farnam Street XT