THE RKK: OMAHA. 51 ON DAY. JANUAKY 30. Society Women Attend Seance at Ablwtt Residence Mi DrnnU I)ccrilr Lot Ring to Mr. KtlwarJ Crrigb ton ami Sji Son Will He I.awyi-r. Ktigene Dennij. p.ycliic 'wutiirr Hrl,M (tinviitcrtl sevrntl iirommtmt Jinhati o( her rare menul jower. at a drmontratim at the liume of Davit! Abbott, Win Center afrfft, (urdjr night and Sunday. Mi lukt V. J. tumirll. Omh atttimry. he one tif the ict lari in irte ciiy. She i'KI Mn C'nnnrll't djujfhtrr, Mr, tduard trcighton. od"ty woman. Mho lock a ihrruhcit cIum rtiiir. and drrribn I he ring anil woman minutely. i Predict Legal Career. She alw told them Mr. frcightou' youngrt on, Billie, now . wyulil fullow hit graitduthcr in the legal profrinion. "We believe it too," laughed Mri. (Ycightoii, "tor Dillie aduiitet Mi Rrandfather o much he always trir la emulate him. The "wonder eirl" aUa laid I. It Hansen, Cadillac dealer, wi.o stole hii eye glares and where they might lc found. Hansen taid he named the person nc tnougnt took them. D. W. Schulu, of the local Kdion shop, taid he was "knocked off tin Chrmtmat tree'' when, without any previou information concernmjr h:m that he could poibly trace, Mi J'cnnit told him ma tiusnu'ss wai music, then specified Edison ma hinei, and .aid he sold them other places brwes in Omaha. Mm. David Fitch, wife of the at torney of that name, va also told many fact concerning herclf and family which ihc acknowledged were true. - Sought by Theaters. Local theatrical men ramped on the Abbott threshold yesterday neck ing engagements for their theaters, hut Miss Dennis has announced no derUion to accept their offers. While hhc is willing, Mr. Abbott opposes the step because he thinks it will cheapen her "vilt" "She may lose it too if she resorts to the theatrical methods necessary to put anything across on the stage," he said. His experiment involving a con versation with his dead friend, Mr. Charles Kalteier, has not vet been perfected by Miss Dennis, lie said. "She told me part of the message he and I agreed upon before his death, but not all of it," said Abbott. Commerce Branch of T. P. A. Gives Banquet, 400 Attend The Commerce Protective associ ation of the T. P. A. held its an nual banquet and card party Satur day night at the Masonic temple, with 400 attending. Mrs. W. M. Rutzen carried off first prize for the women's tables; Mrs. G. A. Healy, second, and Mrs. William Dyke, third. C. P. Hutchins won the men's first prize, V. M. .-Rutzen, second, and.M. C. Combs, third, i A collection taken tip for two French war orphans, being support ed by the association, totaled $73. Pickup in Business Compels . More Trains at Superior Superior, Neb., : Jan. 29. (Spe cial) Shipping has picked up enough so that the Northwestern railroad, which terminates at Su perior, is to re-establish two freight trains. , '' rEfePY-TIME. TALES THE TALE OF PONY INKLEHEELS CHAPTER vnt. A Good Sleeper, TninkleherU' ta!l wii an end one. Xext to him stood Ih ol4 horse ICbenticr; and beyond lCbrnem Wt-re the two bay. Twinkleheell otten whlted that he iiiiuht have someone for hi nearest nriKhhor that was a J,it livelier than fchrnerrr, When the did horse stayed in the barn, he peiit a final deal of lii time with hi eye half shut, dozing. H. Dog Hill Paragrafs By George Bingham The Depot Agent at Tickville has swept off the platform and dusted off the front of the building as a passenger is expected in on the 5:18, Clab Hancock took his new shot gun out the other day and killed a rabbit the first shot. Some say it was Clab's good marksmanship, while others claim it was the gun, but after all it didn't make much difference to the rabbit. - 1 Atlas Peck says it may not he long now before all the horses will be wearing headlights and auto horns.. . ' , - . t A Silly Song n a rnrirnrt tit-dt 1 By. A. CUCKOO BIRD. At planning things Jim Dodge U good. His head works like the dickens. One time he figured out a way to raise a million chickens. His plan was sure a dandy; when Jin: had got it finished, 'twould have made him independent if his pep had not diminished. Jim's fertile mind tvorks day and night and still Jim thinks it's funny because these well laid plans of his don't bring him any money. The world is full of men like Jim, -with patches on their britches, "who, if they carried . ou their plans, would soon be swamped in riches. They build their castles in the air and give them 410 founda tions. They labor with their cal loused hands and waste their inspir ations. For any man can plan his work, but- many are defeated because they do not work their plan, when mcy have it completed. CoIU wcr different when I was a yearling If TwinKkhecls spoke to him. Ebencrer rl(!om heard him the first time. And often Khrnczer even fell asleep while Twinklehccls was talk ing to him. Twinklehecls always moved smart ly. F.benezer took his time about everything. When anybody backed him between the thills of a wagon, he was as slow as Timothv Turtle; and no more graceful. And, while people harnessed fr.m, he usually sighed heavily now and then, be cause he dreaded being hurried along the road. Before Twinkleheels came to the farm to live, Johnnie Green had thought it quite a lark to drive or ride Ebenezer. Now. however. Johnnie paid little heed to the old horse. And to tell the truth, tben- ezer was content to be let alone. "This bov must have found it "a bit poky, riding you, Twinklehccls remarked to Ebenezer one day when he noticed that the old horse was actually wide awake. "He found me safe, Ebenezer re plied. "That's why Farmer Green let Johnnie ride me." Its a wonder vou didnt fall asleep and tumble down and throw Johnnie 1" Twinkleheels sard. Mm .very sure-tooted, t-benezcr told him proudly. "Of course, a person will step on a loose stone now and then. But I've never really stumbled in my whole life." How old are you? Twinkleheels inquired. ' 1 m twenty, Ebenezer told him. "And you've nevei stumbled in all that timel" Twinkleheels cried. "How did you manage to stay on your feet like that?" "Bt minding my business," Eben ezer explained with a shrewd glance at his young companion. The answer and the look were both lost on Twinkleheels. "I heard Farmer Green fell John nie to turn me and you into the ADVERTISEMENT Heavy Cold? Chest All Clogged Up? DONT let it get a start, Dr. King's New Discovery will get right down to work, relieving the tight feeling in the chest, quieting the racking, cough, gently stimulating the bowels, thus eliminating the cold poisons. Always reliable. -Just good medicine , made to ease colds and coughs. For fifty years a standard remedy. All the family can take it with helpful results. Eases the children's croup. No harmful drugs. Convincing, heal ing taste that the kiddies like. At all druggists, 60c. ;'. Dr. King's New Discovery For Colds and Coughs Feel Badly? Bowels Sluggish? Haven't any "pep" in work or play. You're constipated! The stimulating action of Dr. King's Pills brings back old time energy. All druggists, 25c, D PROMPT t "WON'T GRIPE r. Kinffs Pills L IJiW CHOCOLATES INNER- CIRCLE CANDIES Htal that Tender, Sore Face Hare a Freeh, Clear Skin FOR SKIM IRRITATIONS SAFE AND SAKE for Cdighs & Colds TMi jyrup l difftrenr from all othtri. Quick relief. No optitct. 3St everywhere Skin Troubles ' Soothed ' With Cuticura Soap, Oiufjuwit, Talrwn. Sfie. cwi.yKliaj ScmplM (t.sture tuiiiofrtiw," ,e liilj I beieer. "Don't you meiu, 'you n4 nn J rbfflfer klt!giilfd tiiiUUv, bWell, !tV the anie thing, hn't ill" TmMihecl retorted, "There' a lw'U ittftereme," mM Eheiieier. -1 see thne are Minn things yuw've neer teU tuglt Colts wet different Mhen I wt a yearling, , t Twinkleheels J.k'4 almost tfry. I liopf." h gnawed, "ji m dn"l Uke nm for a arlintf, Jut be cause i n pony ana smau jrim needn't thint I'm u infint. Why, I'm i r fcUT Old FheiifieT yjned. It teemed at if h was ly slrepv, "Vom'v a '"4 d'l to learn he 114, "When I wa $ I thomtht I inew tverythiiii, . , .1 ttdl Hud that I tn leant i.mittliinu aluioit f very dr," Twiiiklr t-eeli sniifed, "! don't txiieve ju're pkked up ntu-h ilut was ptw tadv," he ). "Wu'ie ttren d.iitiu evrrjf moment rcept when yoit ate your ineu, T hi great disgut, I benerer g4( s.'tt ci nu'ie. He no longer Iirr4 aiitltlri(j ha his youthful eil.lHr Til see tiut he Uw uitieihiiig in ilw Mtnie aniHini 1 nmUr. heel promie4 himself, "I'll get lii"l la race n)i ineii he ci stav awake lung rnoutfh. And I'll fhuM' bint aui'h btri if netd as he never iff 11 in aU h if.H (('tttrtsbt, Mil. w wifiwmi " i.e r, ) 1 : 1 --' . , t aBawi"""" 1 r and Say It With OURS Hess & Swoboda FLORISTS 1415 Frnm St., P.iton Hotal, OMAHA . Phon DOuglat 1501 Mrmb.r Floriu Ttlveriph Dllfrr At.ocmiion. W lllr tlowr en hurt notice nywheri In llif U. 8. n Ctncla. WRECKED CARS REBUILT Fender, Top, Body Work Repairing of All Kinds N1CHT AND DAY Western Motor Car Company Farnam at Blvd. HA raey 0S6S Reliable Service A ipeeltltr en Auto Topi, Winter Curtains and tailored 6t Covers, Engdahl'ft Auto Top Co. Douglas S677 1718 Cats 3t. 11 -J- JONES ST. OMAHA WAREHOUSE SPACE Available for Long or Short Terms . Offices Display Space Storage MOTOR . TRUCKS City Salca Room 816 S. 24th St. Service Station 815 S. 25th St. TELEPHONE AT LANTIC 3332 International Harvester Company of America , Branch Houae 714 S. 10th St., Omaha, Neb. IVr.l. F. ROESSIG OMAHA'S RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE PAINTER CADILLAC BUILDING 2S70 Farnam St. Haraay 1448 Ford Transfer and Storage Co. 813 Douglaa St. 924 S. Main Omaha Council Bluff Prompt Service Reasonable Rates CADILLAC A Permanent . ;, Valua ..'.:v. "Always Onward" . J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co: Omaha Lincoln HI will lill Bring or Send Your Dress Goods to Us for Pleating - Buttons - Hemtitching Embroidering Braiding Beading - Button Hole Ideal Button & Pleating Company 300-308 Brown Bldg., 16th and Douglaa Opposite Brandeia Store Phona Doug. 1836 Omaha Omaha Lace Laundry EXCLUSIVE CLEANERS Curtains, Panels) Cretonnes, Lace and Austrian Shades 4718 Cuming St. Tel. Walnut 1351 TRY US FOR French Pastry Fancy Cakes KUENNE'S Bakery, Delicatessen and . Lunch Room S04 South 16tH St. 2916 Leavenworth St. 900 separate fireproof, mouse proof, dustless rooms for ' . furniture. Come and See for Yourself Motor Vans for Removals Bekins Omaha Van and Storage 806 S. 16th St. Douglas 4163 Calendar Pads, Diaries, Letter Files, Transfer Cases, ; Blank Books, Loose Leaf Books and Binders Omaha Stationery Co. 307-309 South 17th Street Paxton-Mitchell Co. 27th and Martha Sts. Harney 1662 Manufacturers ot T Brass, Bronze and Aluminum Castings Standard Size Cast Iron Bushings in Stock The Omaha Bee prints the NEWS of the en tire world when it is NEWS. Omaha On the Up-Grade A survey of the Industrial and commercial world of Omaha made recently by J. M. Gillan, manager of the industrial bureau of the Omaha Chamber of. Com merce, shows Omaha concerns on a solid footing in spite of the period of deflation and depression that they have just undergone. Business men and bankers with whom Mr. Gillan talked while making his survey were optimistic regard ing the coming year. "Looking over the business progress of Omaha dur ing the last three or four years, it becomes evident that the retail, wholesale, jobbing and manufacturing estab lishments that were properly financed and .well man aged have come through the rapidly changing conditions in the business world safe and sound," Mr. Gillan sums up. "Notwithstanding" the unusual difficulties which have accompanied a rapid fall in prices during the last two years, comparatively few of the well-established business houses and manufacturing establishments of Omaha have experienced any very serious embarrass ment. The few failures that have occurred have in the main been among those firms that were not sufficiently financed and not properly managed. "There could be no better assurance of the perma nent stability and future growth of Omaha than that found in the history of hundreds of our well-known com mercial and manufacturing plants during the last two years. They have weathered the storm in triumph, paid their regular dividends on preferred stock and many of them are in shape to increase and enlarge their business and their sales territory during the- coming year. - "Credit is due the leading banks of Omaha for their liberal and broad-minded policy of standing faithfully by the commercial interests of Omaha during the months when it was exceedingly difficult to secure sufficient working capital. Many of these bankers also furnished valuable suggestions and advice to their patrons during the stringent times. i, - "Toward the close of 1921 there were pessimists in Omaha who made many whispered predictions that the first of the year 1922 would probably witness a number of financial wrecks among the business concerns of Omaha. These predictions have been very wide of the mark, for Omaha business houses and manufacturing plants are moving on with very little embarrassment. The old and well-established firms, representing the va rious lines, such as dry goods, groceries, hardware, boots and shoes, millinery, lumber, coal, implements and ma chinery, drugs, paper and stationery, food products, building materials, grain and many other lines, are mak ing satisfactory progress, notwithstanding the fact that the great agricultural region surrounding Omaha has been seriously handicapped by the unusually low prices prevailing for farm produce and live, stock. '-"The manufacturing establishments producing food products meats, flour; syrup, butter, ice cream, cereals are all on a firm and substantial basis. The planing mills, machine shops, structural steel, cement block fac tories and many other lines of building material are rea sonably prosperous. Concerns manufacturing ready-to-wear garments, shirts, overalls, hats, caps, neckties, . women's dresses, boots and shoes are in business at the old stand. The box factories, ' both paper and wood, chemical and serum factories, harness and saddlery, rub ber tires and tubesanimal foods and remedies, printing houses and ice machine factories have little reason to complain or be discouraged. "In the main the retail trade of Omaha is coming through in fine shape. The unusually open winter has made it a little difficult for houses carrying heavy -goods, but the merchants have discounted this contin gency in most cases and feel that the spring trade will undoubtedly make up in volume what the winter trade may have failed to supply. "The whole situation, viewed broadly, furnishes abundant proof that Omaha business is on a sound basis, and that money invested in legitimate, well-financed, well-managed Omaha commercial or manufacturing, en terprises can and will return satisfactory profits to the investor." ' . McKenneyDentists 14th and Farsam Streets JAckson 2872 . B Call Steinheimer SAFE and SURE E G. A. Steinheimer Co. Contracting Painters Don't itand on the DOOR STEP OF BUSINESS wondering why trade lac. Opon the door and Invite people lit through The Hoe'a advfrtiainf colu imx. C. Hafer Lumber Co. Council Bluffs, la. , We have a power panrl ham- - mer for pecial body work. Superior Wovkmannhip See PFEIFFER 2525 Leavenworth Est. less ETHEL THRALL MALTBY, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR PALMER SCHOOL GRADUATE Second Floor Elks BUf . JA cluo 3072 1303 Douglas Street 3 I G Ni WITH A PERSONALITY Phone AT. 4683. The Omaha Bee' Rotogravure Section an exceptional medium for your advertising.' , mm sCMCi O. L. Wiemer Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Painting and Decorating 1708 Cuming St. Douglas 8753 Omaha, Neb. The Omaha Baa ia pre senting iU readers with an unsurpassed Sport Page all the news in the world of sport. On Ail Occasions . Say It With Flowers JOHN H. BATH THE CAREFUL FLORIST 1804 Farnam Street Vse Western Bond Paper For Your Office Stationery Wholesale Distributors Carpenter Paper Co. OMAHA Welding Cutting Reinforced Brazin'g General Welding Works "WE DO IT RIGHT" W. Specialize In Automobile Welding 1508 Webster St. AT. 4459 OF NEBRASKA 15th and Dodge Sts. OMAHA Modern. Policies, Carrying Full Protection E. M. SEARLE, JR., Pres. RESTAURANTS There's one near you. Highest quality foods, with quick service. FEATHER COMFORTERS Made from Youi Own Feathers. Renovnted, re-made or made to order All hand-filled. We call and deliver. . Omaha Pillow Co. 1807 Cuming St Phona Jackson 2467. The Old Reliable House , Cyl-in-der Grinding Is Our Specialty Try us for "Better Service" Puritan Mfg. & Supply Co. Atlantic 3753 1614 Izard Shaman & McDonnell Drug Co. All the Drugs and Toilet Articles for all the people all the time. S Good Drug Stores in Omaha. Wa Furnish Claaa Linen FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY J. M. JENSEN, Prop. Phone Doug. 6291 1819 California Mere durable) because D rested from a tingle sht on our 150-ton press. More tanittrj because tbere are no soldered lo'nte to collect food and ft eao't be upset. Sizes 12x24x4 1-t. NEBRASKA 4 IOWA STEEL TANK CO.. v Omaha, Nib. Send Year Clothes to Bt Cleaned DRESHER BROTHERS Drcra, Cleaners, Hatters. Fur riers, Tailora and Rug Cleaner 2217 Farnam St, Omaha Wa Pay Return Chargea cm f Out-of-Town Order. e3ffr sTrrfflf fyp I sfliSrTT; All American Chemical Co. Chemical Manufacturers and Jobber Phon. Doug. 4864. 12OS-10 3. tth St Wa anal? and manufacture anything. ... Give Ua a Call 0