Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1922, EXTRA, Page 8, Image 8

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Fate of (Jus Tax
Is Big Question
in Legislature
3)riitltr Spending Wrrk-Knd
in I.ifuolu Jlqort St-nti
mfiit h Changing in
I'or of Hill.
IJiifoIn, Jan. 2t, (Social.)
JVobable (4i tl the gasoline tax
bill on ft:ul onlrr for Monday
rliift uhjrrt of conversation by, leg.
: I . . i . ... J I
liiiiiori .penning mc lvrm-tim nut,
'I hat the iliricrti unfair attempt to
Kill III" Ulll lT 'Ull'K 11
mlrtalioii today, v.hrn fully a doen
mrmlicri vrr absent, crrated srnti
inrtit for the hill Mat admitted. Many
men oppoi-(l to it relented these
t:irti of (liinorrt and other Kate
administration rnrmics.
The last story circulated in favor
of the till it to the ftteet that if the
republicans don't out it over the
democrat! will if they ever Ret Into
power again. M it was pointed out
that 16 tatr have inch a tax now,
legislature, in other atatet are pass
ing inch a bill this winter and
sooner or later public sentiment will
demand that men of roadi, the auto
mobilisti, pay for their conitruction.
Figures Are Shown.
Official figure refuting the alleged
insidious, untruthful railroad propa
Kanda against the bill has taken that
weaput from its enemies. Many
member who were aligned agaiost
the bill" Friday admitting they
would be voting against their convic
tion if they voted again! it but ex
pressed fear of democratic propa
ganda, purporting to be public
(pinion. i .
Kepresrntative Webster admitted
today that the interpretation of
every one of hi statement made
l.:.!.... :.. f.r.Vii;n tli It i 1 1 ivfr rr
sim-y i ..... ........
runeou. It was understood Web
ster said the state tax levy had been
made for Yill and the passage of the
Rasoline tax bill would not relieve
the road building burden from real
property this fear.
"I didn't mean ta convey that
meaning, but everyone understood
me that way and if they did, I, am
sorry, a such interpretation was
wrong. The tax levy hasn't been
made for 1922 and can't be made
until after' this session," Webster
Explanation Come Hard.
A similar statement declaring the
1922 levy had been made was issued
by Keith Neville at the democratic
love feast in Omaha. Governor
McKclvic presented the minutes of
the state board of equalization meet
ings to show that rio meeting had
been held to make the 1922 tax levy.
Nonpartisan leaguers, numbering
13 in the lower house, are facing
embarrassment , in explaining why
they . are against the tax in Ne
braska, while the nonpartisan league
legislature put such a tax through m
North Dakcta when that party was
in control there. Editorials in North
Dakota nonpartisan league newspa
pers lauding the gasoline tax are on
display here! . . .
The same embarrassment is facing
democrats as many of the states with
the tax arc democratic arrd many
democratic state legislatures are
adopting such a tax this winter. -
youngest Veteran of War
Out-Talks Two Footpads
Lincoln, Jan.' 28.' (Special.)
Miroslav Marek, youngest veteran of
the world war. was held up by two
highwaymen last night, but after he
had 'talked with the footpads, they
jumped into a touring car and drove,
off without attempting to search him.
The men approached Marek Witt;
drawn revolvers and told him to
hand over his valuables.
"Have you got a job for mc'
Marek countered.
"The footpads then beat a retreat.
Marek served in the Russian army
when only 11. He is now attending
tnc University of Nebraska.
, '"
Judge Fisher Will SpeaK
to Jewish Conference Here
Judge Harry Fisher of the su
perior court of Illinois, one of the
commanding figures -in American
Jewish life, will be the ' principal
speaker before .a conference of 200
delegates from 50 Nebraska cities
who will gather here February S for
a conference on raising the $125
state quota for Jewish relief m fcu
i ope. t
He was an eye witness of some
of the pogrom atrocities in ?
and elsewhere. The meeting will be
in the Brandcis theater. Wil
liam L. Holzman is state chairman.
Educational Rally Is
Held in Plymouth School
. T IO fCA
, Plymouth, Neb., Jan. ..o. wp-
ti,. .durational rallv here
w attended by-a large crowd.
Music was furnished by the ny
mouth band.. 'Prof.-E .E. Stone,
principal -of the Fa.rbury. junior
wVh school, made the address of the
-..fino- Community singing was
led by Mrs. Ewing and a program
wes given by the school children.
A. chalk talk by Robert Bersche was
enjoved. The proceeds of the din
' ncr are to be used for school equip
ment "dnsMios" of Late Pope .
i Ro Shnwn at Movie Here
r-..: ;:iirA nf the late Focc
Benedict shown at the Moon
theater all this weex. wuseups
' nthrr church dteni-
taries, views of St. Peters and th
avtican. the scala regia with cardi
nals. bishops and priests walking be
hind the pope down the famous stair
way and other pictures of the head
quarters of the Roman Catholic
church are included in the unique
Mm. ' '
Elk Creek Man Loading Logs
Is Injured in Accident
Tecumseh, Neb., Jon, 28. (Spe
"cial.) Jay Stanton, a young man of
Elk Creek, was seriously injured
while at work with other men in
loading black walnut logs on a flat
car at Vesta. In some way one of
the log got loose and ran onto
Mr. Stanton. His right leg was
fractured near the hip, and both
bone of his left leg were borken.
I Be JVant Ad Produce. .Result
Rest Room
i n
Stromsburg, Neb., Jan. 28, (Spe
cial.) Stronuburg liai ju-t com
pleted a new bandstand, which i to
be uicful ts well a ornamental. The
upper itory will be used by the
band. The lower floor is divided
into two rest rooms, one, for men
and the other for women. The
building i modern, equipped with
plumbing and a hot water heating
Harding Praises .
! Nebraska School
Work of Night Classes in
North Platte Surprises
Nation's Executive.
North Platte, Neb., Jan. 28. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. W. V. Hoagland, presi
dent of the joint rarcnt-Tcachcr asso
ciation, received a letter from Presi
dent Harding in reply to the tele
gram they sent him last week con
cerning the newly organized night
school. Following is the letter:
"My Dear Mrs. Hoagland: One
fiaturally expects every American
town to be perfectly sure that it has
the best of everything, and, therefore,
when I received your telegram about
the achievements of the North Platte
night school, I was not at all aston
ished, but theft was one statement in
ycur telegram which compelled a
ery decided interest. You tell me
that in connection with your high
school you have registered the largest
adult night school in the United
States, numbering 1,137 students and
44 teachers. In a city of only 11,000
it strikes me as a really remarkable
achievement for which distinguished
credit is due to somebody, I assume
to your Parent-Teacher association.
"What a magnificent thing it would
be for our country if every commun
ity, in proportion to its population,
would accomplish what you are do
ing with this work. My sinceresl
congratulations to everybody who
has helped to make it possible.
"Very s'necrely,
Movies Used to Show
. Ravages of Missouri
(Continued From Fare One.)
vocates of water transportation in
the house. .
Would .Save Dredging. ,
"If we can care for the Missouri
river above, we will save dredging
the Mississippi river below."
The committee was keenly inter
ested, especially Congressman Ellis
of Kansas City, who asked many
questions of Mr. Woods.
Governor Hyde ot Missouri was
so taken with the scheme that he
requested a second showing of the
pictures. There is no doubt but that
the demonstration did more to bring
the Missouri river to the fore in the
rivers and harbors committee than
has any previous move. Woods has
already appeared before the senate
committee, and -today accepted an
invitation to present his scheme to
the ' engineers of the Navy depart
ment . "
The idea has the unqualified en
dorsement of army engineers and
seems to light the way to navigating
the river and safeguarding the fer
tile land along its banks. The com
mittee applauded Woods heartily at
the conclusion of . his remarks.
McCook Y. M. C. A. Building
Fund Nearly Subscribed
.. McCook, Neb., Jan.' 28; (Special.)
President L. Suess and a Cham
ber of Commerce committee, work
ing with aNtional Secretary William
Herron on the . M. C. A. drive just
about finished the work of secur
ing $15,000 subscriptions for the pro
posed "Y" building and endowment
for McCook.
$300,006 Hotel for McCook
Financed by Stockholders
McCook, Neb., Jan. 28. (Special.)
The Keystone hotel company
stockholders finished the financing
of the $300,000 eriterprise, by au
thorizing the issuance of $30,000 ad
ditional bonds.- . '
Humphreys' "Seventy-seven" for
Colds, Grip, - Influenza, Catarrh,
Cough, Sore Throat.
To get the best results take at
the first feeling of a cold. . :'
Humphrey." Number "Forty" Inducts
Bepos. and Natural. Befrnhing Sleep.
For Inaomnia. Sleeplessness. Wskeful
Bess. Restlessness and Nerroasness.
No Narcotie. No Opiate. No Dope. No
habit-forming Drugs, Strictly Homeopathic
Pice, SOe and 1., at Drue Store, or
sent on receipt of price, or C. O. D. Parcel
Post. - .
Hansphrvys Borneo. Medicine Co., 16
William Street, New York. Medical Book
jKl ii Jspf
a u
in Bandstand
system. It i built of a rough red
brick. The woman' rest room
ha been furnished by the woman'
club. ll is expected it will be a
great comfort to farmer' wive, who,
before this, have had no place to go
while their husbands attended to
business. The building wat built
by pubb'e lubscription and cost
$5,000. ,
Farmers Finance
Company Formed
Articles of Incorporation of
,$1,000,000 Company Are
Filed in Lincoln.
Lincoln, JauT 28. (Special.)
Article of incorporation of the
Farmers' Union Co-operative Fi
nance corporation have been filed in
the office of the secretary of state,
the authorized capital being $1,000,
000. The filing was made today.
The object of the corporation is
said to bo to extend credit and loan
money to and for the benefit of
agricultural and live' stock interests.
In a statement issued by the incor
porators, they -say they expect to
get funds from the federal War Fi
nance corporation.
The directors who are to serve un
til the regular annual meeting .in
1923 are C. J. Osborn, Nels Johnson,
II. G. Kenney, A. L. Ulistrom. Ben
L. Peters, F. B. Potter, J. O. Shroy
er, H. L. Click and M. L. Koch.
These have signed the articles of in
corporation together with C V.
Svoboda, A. E. Swanson, C. W.
Achulz, David Frost, Dietrich Koest
er, H. G. Mielke, F. P. Page, Arthur
M. Bartlett, Charles Mcleod, C. W.
Bergh, A. E. Grazier, M. Witzberg,
B. F. Parmenter, Harry C. Parmen
ter, W. N. Miller and N." V. Ander
son.' .
The principal place of business of
the corporation is to be in Omaha,
the articles set forth. '
The Grandest Display We Ever Assembled
Ready Monday in a Noteworthy Event
15c Real
Hair Nets,
. 8I3C
You will see
hair nets ; of all
kinds advertised.
We want our cus
tomers to have
the best value for
the least money.
Monday we will
sell an extra
large size double
mesh, cap shape,
human hair net, 3
for 25c. .
Beautiful Silks.
40-inch All Silk
. Very Special
40-inch AH Silk;
'., Very Special
36-inch. Underwear Silk, a soft, lustrous
quality that will wear and give perfect
satisfaction ; pink, white, peach, flesh. . . .
Huge Signs Will
Advertise City
to Auto Tourist
50-Foot Billboard, With Vrl.
coming Meage, to Bo
Plaretl in Metropolian
of United States.
Transcontinental touriit patting
through biff cltiri will ire .50 foot,
artistically painted tignt, adverti:ns
Omatia'i commercial greatnen and
good nen to traveler.
A view of the full banyon of build,
ingt on upper UousU itrcet and
another of the tourict ramp will be
shown at either end of the urti !kii
boards with the legend, "Omalu
Auto Touritt Welcome liureau," in
the center in giant letter.
riicsc sign will he placed on prin
cipal highway leading out of New
York, Philadelphia, IMroit, Iltilialo,
Chicago, Cleveland, !(. J.oum, han
ai City, Minneapolis and Denver.
Part of Program.
' Thi is part of an advertising and
welcoming Iprogram being put
through by a joint committee of the
Omaha Auto club, Chamber ol Com
merce, city government; Kiwani,
Lion and Rotary clubs; manufac
turer' association, livestock ex
change, Associated Retailer, retail
grocer' association, automobile deal
er and jobbcr.t
- A representative of the city will
welcome tourists thi summer, pre
senting them with special car tags,
route cards and a general welcome
that will make the name of Omaha
A modernly equipped tourist camp
will be installed at "Sunset Point,"
Elmwood park. One building .will
contain a kitchen, laundry, "wash
rooms, and shower baths. Another
will have reading and lounging rooms
equipped with chairs, tables,
lounges, daily papers from various
cities, telephone and a police officer
constantly present and a matron 10
hour a day.
Autos Protected.
An enclosure gurrounded by an
eight-foot woven wire fence for the
automobiles will be provided. There
will be bfit one gate and cars will be
safe from theft.
A grocery store. will be established
near the camp so that .tourists can
buy provisions conveniently.
The camping lots will be laid out
in spaces 24 by 24 feet.
Lincoln Union Carpenters
.Attack Fair Price Probe
Lincoln, Jan. 28. (Special.)
The local carpenters' union here to
day issued a statement attacking the
report made by the state fair price
commission, which conducted an in
vestigation here recently of com
modity prices and labor's wages.
The carpenters say they did not
have an opportunity to present their
side of the case.
A Tremendous Display, Comprising Every
Conceivable Weave, Coloring and Kind
36-Inch All Silk Chiffon Taffetas
36-Inch Satin Messalines
For This Sale v
This great lot of Chiffon, Taffetas and Satin
Messalines are the products of this country's
leading silk mills. Extra qualities of wonderful
texture in an amazing array of the season's new
est and most wonderful shades.
Prettiest Back
Omaha Osteopaths Offering Prizes for Most Per
fect Female Packs Oversupply of Judges and
Photographers Looms.
Well, fir!, we're kI4 to e
you're bavk. anil it (your tack) may
be worth JI.OiK) to you.
So y Oituba oMrop&ihi. who
ara offering to prfre totaling
$1,50(1 for the inot perfect baik iu
Omaha and vicinity.
The Sl.ouO prize goe to the girl
or woman ho poietr the mott
perfect lack, ami the $500 prite to
the giil itudtr I.' with the btt (pine.
I'lrlinnnary IryouU in the rntitctt
will be In Id the evening of Febru
ary 9, at a dttrict conven
tion ef the ntfopathic prufettion of
Nrbratka, under ampler of the
Omaha aitorutuin.
May Need More Space.
I'rrent plan are to have the try
out at Hotel J. oval, but it ha been
i:KKctcd that the Auditorium may
be required to hold the thousand of
volunteer judge who may wUh to
be present.
Some discord i reported among
photographer of the city, as the at
tociation ha announced that one-
only one photographer, will be
needed to photograph the vertebrae
of the contestants. Photographer
contend that one photographer could
not possibly photograph all the pul
chritiidinous barks which will be pre
sented for approval.
Several actresses already have en
Benjamin F. Wilson Named
Dry Officer for Iowa
''Washington, Jan. 28. Appoint
mcnt of 27 federal prohibition offi
cials in various state was an
nounced today by Commissioner
The appointees include:
Atha Carter. Reno, Ny legal ad
viser for the Nevada forces; and the
following federal prohibition aRcnts:
Iowa, iicnjaimn f. Wilson. Audu
hon; New Mexico, Thomas J.
Itrooks. Albuaueroue: Texas. J. J
Bartlett, Hughes Springs; Colorado,
W illiam 11. Irimble, Grand Junction.
Fire Causes $10,000 Damage
to Two Lincoln Concerns
Lincoln. Jan. 28. - (Special.)
A midnight blaze here, which de
stroyed eight automobiles in. the re
pair shop of Dan Vogel, behind the
Liberty Bargain store, ako resulted
in serious damage to the clothing
stock. The total loss is estimated at
5100,000. The origin is unknown.
Conclave to Elect Pope
to Be Delayed 24 Hours
Paris, Jan. 28. A Rome dispatch
to the Havas agency says the open
ing of the conclave to elect a suc
cessor to Pope Benedict would bt
delayed 24 hours in order to give
time for all the cardinals to arrive.
The conclave originally was set for
February 2. . ' .
A beautiful collection of soft, clingy Pus
sy Taffetas, 40 inches wide; in white, yel
low, pink and hearer.
Will Win $1,000.
tered (he tvtiifit, and many high
tihool and college ttudrntt have
evinced an ardent intercut.
Kitty Can't Come.
Incidentally Kitty Gordo'n, whote
beautiful back ha gamed her fame,
will not be pretent. Mie'a in the
midt of a love triangle in lies
Dr. R. H. William of Kama City,
Dr. It. W. Gamble of Mittouri Val
ley and Dr. C H. Aunt of Omaha
are among the doctor to tpeak on
the auipinoui night of February 9.
It U propotcd that the osteopathic
profrttiun etablih a clinic in
Ouuha for the free treatment of
children uiTenn2 from spinal curva
ture, infantile paralytic and other
I I I I I I' t I l I I I1 I I I I I I I I I I ,
Effie Steen Kitlehon l
will give cycle of
alx talk on
' "Psychology of Eipretiloa" "
and the
'Corrolatioa of the Arts" '
, Toeday, 12 Noon Z
at Studio
Beginning February 7, I
' continuing aix week.
Course, $5.00 "m
I 309 B.ird Bldg. AT 1413
I mill i j II . '!:llf.:'ltiitH. I "
Costs Little and Overcome Trouble
Almost Over Night.
Any breaking out of the skin, ev;n
fery, itching eczema, can be quickly
overcome by applying Mentho-Sul-phur,
declares a noted skin specialist.
Because of its germ destroying prop
ctties, this sulphur preparation in
stantly brings ease from skin irrita
tion, soothes and heals the eczema
tight up and leaves the skin clear
and smooth.
It seldom fail to relieve the tor-
n'ent without delay. Sufferers froin
skin trouble should obtain a small
jar of Mentho-Sulphur from any
good druggist and use it like cold
Don$0530 BrMoto
For This
Tell the
of the
40-inch All Silk
1 Very Special
40-inch All Silk
Very Special
swam mbms naaM mmmm mmmm e eaMan eawM
16th and Jackion Streets
Your Dollar
. Old Time Value In Our
1 .1- 1 .
inc moat momentous in
Is the announcement of reduced prices STILL FUH
tiPiMTirm j t. . i J
i.uvksL,u on mo uroxen
room In the home, discovered in our just com
inventory. All over the country, stores are h
February Sales and many have merit. Cut hundij
Omaha homcmakers will tell you that tho. jsrici i
union uuuuung company
stand as the utmost in value
for days to come.-
Shirtwaist Box - A
large size made of
high grade matting
trimmed in blue, re
duced in the February
to only $10.45
Four-Pott Bed A
colonial design in
beautiful walnut with
neatly carved posts,
in the February Sale
only . . $37.50
$3 J0 Sewing Tables in natural finish $U8
$3.75 Solid Golden Oak Dining Chairs $2.45
$7 JO Golden Oak Dressing Table Bench $3.45
$7.50 Large Top, Fumed Oak Pedestals $335
$6.95 Aluminoid Top Kitchen Tables $429
Any combination Library Dining Table, 1-3 Off
$12 JO Telephone Set of Solid Fumed Oak $5M
$10.75 Cane Back Walnut Dining VkaiK $6.45
$19JUVak Finish, 4-6 Wood Beds, at95
$21 JO Rocker of Fumed Quartered Oak $9$$
$19 JO Piano Bench in
$19 JO Steel Bed in Walnut Finish, only $12.95
Library Table Large
model in solid fumed
oak with roomy draw
ers and lower shelf
for books, in Febru-
X $14.50
45-lb. Mattress Re
si 1 i e n t, layer-felt
tufted mattress cov
ered with good art
ticking; has roll edge,
only . . . . $7.45
$18 JO Walnut Tea Wagon, glass tray $1235
$25.00 Dining Table, Solid Fumed Oak $1435
Entire Stock of Wardrobe Trunks, V Price
$27 JO White Enamel Bed and Springs $1535
$37.50 2-inch Posf, Genuine Brass Bed $19.75
$42 JO Mahogany Library Table, only $22 JO
$59 JO Simmons Verhis Martin Day Bed $39 JO
$62 JO Dining Table of Quartered Oak $37 JO
$79 JO Walnut Extension Dining Table $39 JO
$89 JO Genuine Mahogany China Closet $42 JO
$122.50 Genuine Leather Oak Duof old $69 JO
Beautiful Adam
Dresser In walnut,
with wide top for toi
let articles, good
French plate mirror,
roomy OQ 7
drawers V J
Plank Top Buffet
In solid golden oak,
with drawer lined for
silver and long
French plate mirror,
it... $34.50
The Home Home Outfits
Outfits Are LOW Priced in This February Sale
Home lovers and young couples planning on outfitting a home in
the spring can save many a dollar by selecting their furniture
in this sale.
3 Rooms Furnished 4 Rooms Furnished
$; 94.50 I $267.50
Regains Its1
it. . 1! I .t. I'M
ine msiory oi inw bkii
lines oi lurnuuro iori
manes ior mis annual
- giving (quality consid(;
Firetide Wing Rock
er In mahogany fin
ish with cane aeat
and back and wide
arms, in this Febru-
Quartered Oak $10.45
$59.00 Model, $29.75
$90.00 Model, $45.00
Massivs Chif forette
In beautiful walnut
finish, with drawers
that are deep and
roomy, in this Feb-
SL $32.50 J
5 Rooms Furnished
$322.50 I