THE PEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY, JANUARY 29. 1022. Ciittifid Atfvertisiif Bates lie par Ilea I wards I una I I gay Je ar iiee ir day, I u'ihii . la bf III, par day. 1 wieeull Bar IH -' llu bar dor, t eeall . N 4 late far leea ttea a leial f II Teeee niM (VP1' enker (a Deily kaad.y !. All ed.erile.n.eie appear In betfc n.wnln e4 .sng Oil re i lb '' tu.NIM' T RATI CM Ai-f LlCATluN Wat td iu.epte4 el lb fullcelsg ftaae; Mill OrriCB, 171b. tad Fern. re Si. twuik ki4 ., ,.! Douik nk t. faun. It muffs II Beat! l 1va ai ttrcnvEt moi. ATLANTIC lit) Till RCB will nai ba reapaattble far aiM lhaa aka leeerreet Ineertioa ef aa erdeied for net lhaa TtoaiNn hours for want am W!nim V illt in II II A. M Marino Minus..... $. P. M Sunday FdillAn I P. M. Meturder DEATH ft HJNERAL NOTICES. wniTitri aiii i. Yeed" ii, dtedr'aiur' day a. rn.. hi. Catherine hoapitsl. fla la eur.Ued by liia fetbee. W. '. Hriahi ' thraa eletere, ftadla. 'I here. ami Malta) an brother., llorlon and I'heMilcey, Khnri funeral a-rvir.a Voidi), Ju try :. 111!. II II a. m.. lUafa lleafey Chanel, tlanialn will ha sen 1! J. p. in. l alio Is Kennard bun-h. at t P. IK. ltitrmnt kennard ftmtury. IiM UiNii beloved wife a( Claud I ia lng, peaeej awa at th bom. 4101 IMll 01. Mra. pa l.eng la urvived by l.f and two aona, Hcutioiii, who ia a aiuaeni ai t'nrn.ll unlveralty and Jack, a Central II ia n school atuderii. will ba al Salt tsag dir. Utah, liar former honia CUMtloN llregor, a a -'I It. died Hatu day. I aivereity hnepiial. Ila la aurviv by hie wife anil ihraa small children Funeral al'inday, January 31. Hi J"fey lleafey chapel, bouth Hula, I ferment ilrecalntid 1'srk cemetery, CRAFT iharlra, aia 71 years, Janu ary Ilih. : Funeral Vonrlar. January 3a at 5 I. : rn, Iri.m hla 11:1 No. :ilh Bi. Ilurlal. rrat lawn tamaiary. Z.AII.SKN l-oiiia. a I Ilia re.i.l.nca of tla aonj arl vaara. f unaral Monday, It lork. Taaaarl'a c'liaucl Inlar Tltanl, H'aal lawn, AUTOMATIC arallnt ronnral burial vaulla on dlaplay at laadlna undartak at a. Wrlta or ara Omaha Concrtt Burial Vault '., Omaha. CARD OF THANKS. T. wlah In thank ur frlamla anil ntlflibora. IK auifrra. anil tlioaawho toiiH tiarl In Ilia aarviraa. lor uinr Vlmln. aln tha baautlful flowara - aant durlna lh alrknraa ami death of our brlovia daualiiar, Kihn Iran. CHKnedl. IR. KKKI) HIIHAI.U ir(S t'UKIl .1. Hlllt ALT MRH. . HIIRAl.U K wlah to ripraaa our atnrara thanka and atiprerlatlnn for tha klndnraaand armrathy ahown ua by our many frl'mla and nnployra at iia and Mrh oiaa HI. durlna: Hi" lllnaaa and daaih of our brlnwd falhr and brolhar. Ala for many braullful flural offar. naa.Edward lluari Helen. Ten and Anna Ituarr, Ituilolph and llanry lluarr. N'R wlah lo thank our kind nalfhbora and frtrnda durlna; Itlntaa and death nf our balnvfd iif and mothar. and for th beautiful floral offrrinia. w. I lUiik and Family. - FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., 8UCCMOF tO , T ! Htn.rk St FB!ronP OMAHA'S BEST. abkowAMBULANCEVo Thirty-third and rarnam. Hulse & Riepen PIONEER FUNERAT, T)IRECTOBS. Formerly at "01 8. lath St., hara moved to ::: Cumlnr fit. J a. 12. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakera and Hmbalmera. Hion HA. !65. Offlc J611 Famam. FLORISTS. Eee TiPMOM . Ph.. DO. 1244 1114 Douslsa EAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS at BWOBODA. 14H FARNAM 8TP.EST. t Henderaon, 1507 Farnam. Jackaon 111 , a'OHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. Jackaon H(l. CEMETERIES. Forest Lawn, Th larxeat and moat beautiful ceme tery In Nebraska; 820 acrea, juat north of city llmlte. A mutual cemetery all revenues used for Improvements and perpetual care. Office at entrance to cemetery. City office, 720 Brandela Theater Building-. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births. TVlIllam and Marie Swoboda, 1831 South Twenty-second street., girl. Richard and Maud Humphrey, 438S Charles street, twins, boys. r.nymond and Elsie Smith, hosntyal, boy. McKlnley and Qeraldln Alston, hos pital, girl. David and Beatrlc 'Woodruff, hospital, boy. H. Victor and Edith Johnson, 4223 Lafayetta avenu. girl. . Robert and Lola Young, Jl!7 Wsbster treet, boy. ;' John and Wa!erla 'Wleillbkl, 43:7 louth Thirty-eighth etreet, girl. Frank and Monlks, Labendx, 4320 South Thirty-ninth street, boy. Jesse and Emma Mac, Beventy-.Uth fcnd Lake streets, girl. loan and Irene 8iert, hospital, girl. Orvllle and Violet Olson, 810 South, 4 wemy-sixin street, ooy. Deaths. Thomas S. Kelly, 81. hospital. Horace 8. Emory, 68, 320 South Fif teenth street. . Mary Hansen, 76. hospital. ; . Kaby Curvas. 8 days, hospital. . ; Frances E. Collins, E5. hospital, f Josephine Marlines, Infant, 1110 South ! Blxth street.' ' Ed Goodlaw, 44, 213 North Twelfth I ktreet. John Conrad Bowley, 14, 1513 South TuriWy-seventh street. Michael Patrick, 10 months, Thlrty fou'rtli and X streets. John A. Bevlns, 1, 3708 V street. Mlk Zsdina, 1, R. F. D. No. 5. lCmma Tmelia Jensen, 80, hospital. Isaao C. Ellison, 75, 821 Parlt avenu. Farah Burkamp, 43, 4216 Redlck avenue. Burn Swanson, 58, hoapltal. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Th following persona wer issued Pr- SBlts to wed: Edward Slater. 25, Omaha, and Mary latarrell, 21, Omaha. Jo M. McNeal. 55. Boon. Ia.. and iarah Sandeen, 23, Boon, Ia. I Oscar Holmes, over 21, Omaha, and inna Potter, over 21. Omaha- i teph F. Swetala, 26, Omaha, and ea Koslba, 24, Omaha, arry M. Smuckler, 26, Grand Island, .ft., and Mildred M. Mlshler, 19. CraW y, Neb. . . sfST. FOUND AND REWARDS. Tin, party who found lady'a wrist watch, "TUJity 19th and Webster and Cuming 71 DodK St., evening November 28 SOttfnoon 29, please notify Mrs. B. &iryr8met' DO- 6722. and receive reward. n, MARLBORO axminlster rug between fi and Chicago and 18th and Burt. Vtieral reward for return or informa tion. Buck Mercantile Co., 2570 Leaven worth. Douglas 6821. iJLOST PEARL NECKLACE. BETWEEN if 24TH AND FORT AND 27TH AND Vr " MART STREETS. REWARD. KE. 473. - - toST Gentleman'a heavy opal ring, Inl y tiala A. H. O., between 34 Dewey Ave. .'. i and 18th and Dodge, or on Farnam car. . : 210 reward. Call JA 0258. 1316 Farnam. FRENCH poolde, nam of Babe, male, answers to the 16 reward if returned. KE. 3300. Lost- 'Pink cameo pin Wednesday eve ning between Carp&thla apartment and In Sun theater. Reward. Douglaa 6622. Lost- ' Brown leather portfolio containing book and papers, valuable only to owner. Reward. Mrs.- O. H. Saxon. AT. 0345. LOST Strand of pearla Friday night be tween 20th and Leavenworth and All Salnta church. Reward. HA. 3807. LOST Female half grown Airedale pup with canvas collar. Reward. AT. 8741. PERSONALS. SUITABLE compensation will b paid for - Information aa to present wbereabouta of M. c. Heath, formerly 808 Derby shire Road, Cleveland, O. Address Baldrlg and Saxton, Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. THE SALVATION Army Induatrial bom solicits your old clothing, furniture, magaxlnes. W collect W distribute, Phon Douglaa 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our naw home. 1110-1H:-1114 Sods St, PERSONALS. tnt-tr-rim Ham M ,a la Uaia ol Nw staliaital liaalmaal !.. anadiai taliaf t Kuiiaaay ua,uaiy el"ilif all aatsiir Iran, flrat day ka. lururanaiio ria -eiMwiaiiai,-- 1'iaaar t-tlj, I a Jar, aiamihi. b'Kiar bear aa4 lllt laa bjf salullng laj Vb V.l.iaaa f I ibalr, I r Ivir. loaa lafurmaitaa wrna ft. J. Haiia, acrry, Uatiull ttmldiag, t'bUaao, in. HIIHS anlad. Laiata aaaklng laim aota, ia anaf b an ar ika a a J I rant etamD far da. riliil rirraiai Iniarnaiiaaal Claiio) Ast, lit, fm KUrgH. r. kiTHKIN I. KII.K kl and aalp aparlaliai. Balitae ark aolullad AMMilnlniant. JA. Illl. kl'f r.KILl til k katr raniataa by l ririiy, Walk gua'aniaad. Mlaa Ai laodar, IU llrendata Theater fidg fbaatrlual blaiorual ntaatiua aaatyitiea, for play, and parties, at l.laoaa a, Qmaaa. UAiiNI.TIi- bathe: Violet Hay with maaasrs III Iih fHI. IM. BL'l.l'llt'H balba. Maadlab maaaaga, rh). rorody. r.'nier lo a-v jaik ii. El.Kt-THH. Ibaiaiiy liaaimaul. Ill N villa lllufk. Hi:batlia. ttwej. niaaa. W BTtTil RKNT Hoover vaeuum. II II. HA. lit! KXI'i:KTMAiWA(iK. IHJL'OIUS 11417 . ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleiting. ACCuHIlu,M. aid. Unite, bos pleating, eovara.1 bultuna, all etylea: hamatlirklng lutlonholra. Wrila Ideal Hution A Plaaiihg to, toi urowa black, Omaha, Ken. Teleiinnn J A. !!. NEBR. PLEATING ton, till rarnam, fd Floor, rn. 7, Chiropractors. tir. r'rancaa IL Turner 2:1 llrandel Tneater lildf.. Atlanll 8131 Contractors. PAINTINH. Nau. WA papering and pla. taring. 4 in 7. J. TAKK advantaic of low price In palnt Ingand paparhanglng. Kuphn, WB 1431. DincinK Academies Tt'tPP'O Ull llrnim, Uougla 144. ll'-'l-'l (J L'laaaea Monday. Wadnaa. day and Friday. 1:11 p. m. Private lea aona by appointment. Buro mettoUe. Hatlafaetlnn gliaraliteed. Dentins. Dentistry All kind of dental work don under th rarrful eupervieion of prnfeaeor at lh Crelghton university, rnlleg of den tistry. Fees moderate, extraiilon fre. New building. 2tth and California fta. Take Harney. Croaaiown or Cuming atreet rar. I'hon Atlantic 3C44. Dentists X-Ray MOUTH Hyrlen and Pyorrhea. Dr. E. n. Mcvjuinan. nentiat. llo First Nat l Bank llldg. Tel. JA. 0414. DENTAL. X-HATS. (On EACH. II a full set. i3 Seruiillr Bldg. Detectives. Western National Datativ Agency, Licensed and bonded. 401 Brardela To. Bldg. Atlantic 2643. JAMES ALLAN, 112 Neville Blk. Jivldene a-iurgq in an caaeg. Alianno 113S. DETECTIVES that get raaulta. 401 Fax- tun UIOITK. UA. iniv. IJJ. BIST. RELIABI.U Delei'tlv Bureau. Railway b.x. uiug., ja. su.s, rtignc ke, xsia. Independent Detertlv Bureau. 304 Neville Blk. AT. 6501; night. WA. 445; KE. 046S Dresimaking. AM open for buelner at my nw lo- i-auon, 21.1 Bo. lnth. AT 1871. Pearl Tlmme, dressmaking ; spring coata a specialty. Furs, suits, dresses, rem'd, relln'd. Ha 1804 Evening gowns designed, made. AT. 66H. Kodak Finishing. ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, developing. printing. Kaaa Mudlo. 2ix Neville Blk. FILMS DEVELOPED FRETS. Th Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St Printing. EDDT Printing Co.. 212 S. IX St. Do. 1147. BRJTT Printing Co., 7 Elks Bldg. Patent Attorneys. J. W. MARTIN, patent attorney, lfll uoage. umsna, also Washington, D. C W help sell patents, models mad. Misci llaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS w ""' h hMt UlfiyiUilJO ,.),., vlth orlvlleg to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., Omaha, Neb., 402 N. 16th St. Telephone DO. 6041. fa v-1 a cm DR. A. N., Chiropractor, 308 VtiriSUIl p.xton block. AT. 1747. Office hours, 11 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 16c; double edge. 4&o doa. Mall orders so llclted. Omaha Sharp Co., 103 N. 16th. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half prlc ox new beds.' 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. . CLOCK repairing rightly done. Nabstsdt, 60S Brown B1K., 16tK and Douglas. Prescriptions carefully compounded at th 6 Sherman & McConnell Drug stores. FULL dress and tuxedos for rent. John Feldman. 101 N. lth St. Jackaon 1138. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LeBron mectrlc, 118 b. 13th Bt.. Omaha. LEARN piano and steel guitar; prices rea sonable. WH, 447. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. 8EWINO MACHINES. New Singers; easy payments; liberal allowance given on old machines In trade, also used machines, 5 up. Buy. sell, rent, repair and exchange all makes. OMAHA SEWING MACHINE EX CHANGE, 24TH A LEAVENWORTH. JA. 0617. LEAVING city; must sell furniture; may rent cottage; 1841 Vinton. AT. 1794. HOUSEHOLD furniture. Phone Red 4761. Residence, 1604 Ave. Q., Co. Biurrs. Pianos and Musical Instruments. BEAUTIFUL Baby Grand Upright Pianos for rent. Lowest rates. Plana tuned, moved, stored and reflnlshed. , Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., . Th House of Stelnway, ' 1514-11-11 Dodge St ' 'Phon DO. 1623. BARGAINS in new and used phono graphs; all makes of records exchanged, 10 and 15 cents. No acratchsd records aocepted. F. and S. Phonograph Co., 203 N. 16th St. TJP-TO-DATB Phonograph Record Caae eutable tor small ator ror sale. JBig bargain, Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1514-1MS Dodg St Biggest Phonograph Bargains in Omaha. 6260 slse I8.I0; 1125 ttza . many other bargains. Records, 21c; records exchanged. 10c. SHLAES PHONOQR'H CO.. 1404 Dodge. TRADE your used piano on a new play er piano. Balance as low as nu per month. A. HOSPB CO., 1613 Douglas. GEO. A. SMITH Dealer In drums, xylo phones, etc.; Instructions.' repairing; 2761 Davenport 8t. Phon Harney 267. WILKINSON MUSIC SHOP Band and orchestra Instruments, accessories and music 211 Arthur Bldg. DO. 8122. JOHN , TAFF aaxophons shop, repairing and supplies. 306 Leriang mag. uu. sate VICTOR talking machine, 135; In fina condition. Jackson 3066. PLAYER PIANO for sale for 1100. - Corby. . ONE B-FLAT CLARINET; VERY REA SONABLE. KENWOOD 3908. ' Clothing and Furs. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS, For sal, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alteration free. Northwest Cor. 16th and Harney Sta. FURS remodeled, rellned and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO., 201 8. 16th St DO. 7281. Typewriter! and Sunnlies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented" and repaired. Sole agent for th CORONA. Oat our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc J A. 4i:t. lfll rarnam. FOR SALE. Typewriters an4Supplu- ut'AHAkri.blt l,.rii.ia. i II ad aa. atMiaad ulflta sad uvr la, ! I'avJga. MiKtlUntous Artklt. . Merchants Tka bt Iluiaaarl Dtbartaaenl Star rramaal. N . la gate vat al bueiaaa ua aad I afNrmg i mrui 4 oa(iati buara i iair Fixtures, Show Cases II. Ilea Bald a la Air Uaa f'aah rar. rlerai ikauaaad faa of avatai aaaia f ahew raaaas ail fiaar tee, a-tuata (ran i a, round raiaara iaa fa.iag lai aa; buadr.i flaaal ffada ba.a miirara. from small la vary laig giaa rlaak eaika; diaolay fului.a and taadarda: big manaier (, shelving dlaplay double 4ck lablea; grarary da fiamraai Iripilcata abaw .ir tor. lmo.l aaw ail painting ftr baiagruund wliiduws; la (ait err d tail In a big dapaftmaiil atoea, Alaa aellr gAl K Or ALL MKRl'IIANhlnK aMj htui'K sft.f Wank 1, 11:3. In lot t sntu. GUMPERT'S big de PARTMENT'STORE, Frvmont, Nob GAS ENGINE FOR SALE Ststlon.ry, II If P. J. P, Cook. Co. Omaha, NATIiiNAL raali regular, slightly used: ela-foai showcase, thra o4 table and twelv rbalra Raid Uuffy Phar macy, 14th and Lake, webaier Slot. WB buy, tall safaa, make dealt, abow. rataa, eta. omeba fTslui A Supply p. vr, inr. inn ana iwugiea, DL'MP WAOi'NS. Second-hand. 171 up. Ilebullt. l!l up, STROI A 111.. 2oTH ANI AMKrl IvXPERT aaalng mai-hlna .tpairlog UlCKELS, 11th and Harney. , BO. 1171. WILL aacrlfle for a. I of unused Harvard t'la.tte. At. 1441. WAHoUANV labia deak with revolving arm chair to match. I all Atlanjio ictc. HAND power washing machine and wringer for aale. Kenwood loll. WANTED TO BUY. Wanted to Buy Uaed lafa or aafa cabinet Una dimen sions. In. Id and outside,' etht. In. terlor equipment, age, mak and prlc. A-R4, oinan Ilea. DESKS DESKS DESKS Mew deaka, need bought, told and traded. J. f Heed. K07 Farnam. Do I4 WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. YOUNO married nian wants poeltlon a grocery clerk, or manager of elnre; yeara" tiparleiir. Addrraa Box T-1173, Omaha Bee, STD. work. A-l carpenter. Box-A-III. Female. WHITE woman wants houaewnrk. Ad- dreaa your lettera lo L. A. P. 1461 S, 17th St. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Office. BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS Operatora. railroad and offlc clerks and all pen users wsnted to demon strate, our high grade Fountain Peng, III Gold Plated Fountain Pen free. AMERICAN r-OPERATIVW PEN CLUB, BOX 1672, SALT LAKE CITT. UTAH. ACCOUNTANT wanted to manage Oma- "in a it rmirrn i, v. concern; clientele furnished: exceptional op portunity for young man qualified; Income, $2,600-14,000 annually. Reply, giving full Information In first letter. Box A -12 5, Bee. Toung men, over 17, desiring government poeninns. iiso monthly, write for free list positions now opc. J. Leonard tformer orvll service examiner), 201 Equitable Bldg., Washington, D. C. MEN To qualify for railway station and office positions. Experience unneces sary. Transportation furnished. Writ Baker, Supt pept. 202 Walnwrlght, Et. Louis. Mo. 2133-1192 month. Become Railway Mall clerks. List positions free. Writ to day sure. Franklin - Institute, Dcpt I20-D. Rochester, N. Y. YOUNG man stenographer, willing to work, good chance for advancement Call DO 4743. Professions and Trades. An established Insurance com pany doing a good, conservative health and accident buslnees is ex panding its business In Nebraska and deelres to establish a number of local agencies throughout th state and enlarge lta sales organi zation. There are several good propositions open to active, experi enced salesmen and agents. Glv full particulars regarding age. experience and references in first letter. Address, Box A-81, Omaha Bee. BIG MONEY I DO IT NOW! LEARN THE BEST BUSINESS IN THE BEST WAY, IN THE BEST PLACE AND SHORTEST TIME. LEARN IT ALL AT THE NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 2814 N.20TH ST.. OMAHA. WRITE FOR FREft CATALOG. DETECTIVES Needed everywhere, good pay, Interesting work. Send for fre Information covering our system of edu cational advancement. - International Detective Exchange, 112 W. Adams, Chicago. BOOKKEEPERS, accountants, make $16 to $40 wekly, extra; without Inter fering with regular position. Legitimate, permanent. Replies confidential. J. K. Browne, Pres., 7 W. Madison, Chicago. BE A DETECTIVE $50-1100 weekly; travel over world; experience unneces sary. American Detective Agency,- 792 Lucas, St. Louis. WANTED1 Good blacksmith, handy at i car repairing, to locate at Cedarbutte, '8. D. ; small capital needed. Th Community Store, Cedarbutte, S. D. MEN wanted to quality for Firemen, Brakemen, experience unnecessary. Transportation furnished. Writ W. Boggess, St. Louis. MEN wanted for Detective work. Experi ence unnecessary. Writ J. Ganor, for mer government detective, St. Louis. FIREMEN, brakemen, beginners, $160, later $260 monthly.- Write Railway, Box Y-1768, Omaha Bee. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. , 110 S. 14th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED BY BUCKLEY SHIRT AND UNDERWEAR MFG. CO. . Traveling talesman for southern Ne braska; our truly wonderful made-to-measure line for 1923 is now ready; prices lout and terms to salesmen and customers most liberal, and our sales man are successful everywhere; prefer ence given to salesmen with an estab . liahed trade, but others, too, will be - given fairest consideration; write at once, giving full particulars and one bank and two other reference. Tenth and Pine Sts.. St. Louis, Mo. STATE SALESMANAGER FOR NE braska and Kansas wanted. Manufac turer desires man capable of organis ing and taking complete charge of aale and distribution of specialty which, be cause of Its nature, sells to bankers and large commercial concerns on right Is patented and has large sales In terri tories where It has been. Introduced. In dorsed by leading bankers. This Is a high-class proposition and will require investment of $650 for machines. Na tional Tim Computer Co., Fairmont Minn. ONLY .ono sal dally meant $200 per month! Five salss, $1,000 monthly!! Main or title line. Marvelous sew 2 lb, adding machine. Retails $15 -Work equals $300 machine. Adds, subtract, multiplies. - divides. automatically. Speedy, accurate, durable, handaomet Five-year guarantee. Tremendous de mand. Amaslng profits. Write quick for liberal trial offer and protected ter ritory. Calculator Corp., Dept 48, Grand Rapids, Mich. -WANTED. ' A aalesman experienced In telling knit goods ur one aquainted with the dry gooda trade in Nebraska where we have an established trade, to carry our line of sweaters. Infants' wear and fancy knit goods, on commissions. Address Star Knitting Co.. La Crosse, Wit. HELP WANTEP-MAL1 SaUimsn r4 featicttor. fil klUtS ' Of BIUBg 'l,h iif4 BK4e te-areett atwikaa at wa at. ert" dre! t Ik bail ciaaa r lied, lawa'al raaaataih .-ratable lefiiery. PIm eitteig t taiga til lt -at4r I'aai guar- ) f at.t.i ua or ktf Me , a .4 b-k mt av V.IU Iwdar ! Ikraa l.ferearta. Tea r If lt Tallalla I ttaataay, rraetaaett. okta. llts-lie a weak l oea la lie. at b aal aad leil air st ravertr la y eiaadarrui la.aaiiaa. I aa gad baaa all ear a it howl real ar oeod ga ar eiaetrifiiy a a. -i e4 H farataii in aai. Iiaioale f rea. Themag Hfg. I'. Caatarlar, II. i PailM, oaia. LARiilS tuiaaaaia aua.liiiai.i. I naia requite of .a, aaargeii alaantaa ar g41 llitf arganiaatiaak. ( a OiniLaai an baa aaty. Kaaipg po. itiilty ualimii.l, a.iiiaa (r rigkl Iiarir. liia lafaran. an lerrHorr Hvaa4 Itsaartaaead tnaa are Ad-Ire Hs r-Hlt, Oinak l, kK.t-l a k I aewrial man la travel by aatomaaiie and lairodacia la aaadi kaaar roal oil lamp and lentata far rarmer. dairyman, nu a at are faro, uate. eaniraeior. We furnlab lb auta. bampl free. Thomas Mfg. Co, flit lui, pa i tn, t'Wio, W ANTKIt Ta firat-alsa aalaatnan, au tomobil. tnauranra ar book aatasio arefarradl aaoariaae unneeeaeery, VI item lau and pay you for your lima i Daifd ludg. ba Mr, Horde (com a. m. II II L n. and I p. m. I t p. m. r. deair lb tarvlra af a blgk grad talesman. . Mist Nebraska. Maaufao, lurar hn taineoata, Autoitiobil aoata. Straight rottimiaaion. tilv rafarenra with full Information, ft rat latter. Hood year Waterproof I'o. Mianaapolle, Minn, bAI.KallA V Ta work hla horn larrliiry In an o'd xatablialiad bualnaa with n uausl earning om-unumtiee. mat ai panenea. )lr. Italaton, 13$ d lH Cincinnati vnio, iAi.r.MA If ou wsnt I. (100 this f writn ina. throng Ho for rtl ttoi ear tore. rtaiioneur avartiarii, biaerai weei . i .. . . . . - mtt ....... . - - .,1' w ,r-niu . , fluii.n, W I I H Euclid, l''avelsnd. Ohio., Iepl. I IMn.LMtNT aaleamao to sail to dealers only. Complete Una of well-known Itnpla menl. rommlaalnn baaia. I'acluslv tar. ritary. Oinaba Westsro Salts Co., Orua na. jao. 6AI.KHIIKN Bsrevllonal opportunity for raw talesman wno writ at one, i.iv men naw earning lit to II "a par day, M.t.leery Calendar Factory, Washington, Iowa. SAf.KHMAN' wanted for Nebraska. Handy rap milk botlle opener anJ rover, Kvery not ti and milk user a buier. lib par cant sanitary. Sampl II renta. A. II, llagarman, Ravenna, Nab, WANTED Ileprcaentatlv or distributor for Nebraaka and Ioa for atandard tin to suiomoblla dealer. Address rios-177!. Omaha He. SAI.KHMEN' wanted to sell ready-mad ladlea' list lining.; rommtaaon haaia. Kmplr Hat Lining Mfg. Co., 31 Bond or., waw yorii. SA1.KHM A V Ite.ldent men, tall popular priced manufacturer t Hn knitted and ilk nckweer lo Jobber and oilier big users. Hold. 73 Broadway, New TorK, 8AI.KS.MF.N 810 Una men. Ten to $20 per day, N'o aamplea to carry. Nothing Ilk It. I.lnco"" Hales Company, Jill Lincoln Ave.. Dept. &4, Chicago, Agents and Canvassers. ACCEPT this offer If you want real money. Sweet mad $1,201 last month. Row $193. Largest company of Its bind In America. Tour profit $3 to $1 per order. We furnish full equip ment. All you do I rail on our cue tomerg and take their order for fa mous Comer All-weather Coats. Big, permanent proposition. Spare time or full time. No capital required. Writ aulrk for uffer that will put you on th road to success. Th Comer Mfg, Co., Pept. G-1261, Dsyton, Ohio. NO DULL TIMES SELLING FOOD. People must eat. Federal dlatrlbu- tora malt big profile. $3,000 yearly and up. No capital or experience need ed. Guaranteed sales, unsold goods can be returned. Tour name on prod ucts bullda your own business; repest orders sure. Exclusive territory. Writ Federal Pur Food Co., Chicago. AGENTS Mak $60 a week and up in tailoring business. Get our big swatch sample outfit. 119 powerful fast-selling fabrics to retail at $23, $37.60, $34.60, $37.60 per fult. $15 to $20 cheaper than store prices. You keep $5 deposit on each tale; w deliver and collect bal ance. Writ P. A. Kennedy, 203 S. Oreen, Dept. 101. Chicago. AGENTS Display new atyle written guar anteed hosiery. . $300 month easy. Must wear or replace free. Wearer lg th Judge. Sure sale where shown. Year round proposition. Experience unnec essary. Spare time satisfactory. Sample free. Trial will prove. Jennings Mtg. Co.. -Trial 933, Dayton, O. AGENTS Mak $75 per week. Wonder ful Instanto Gas Lamp. LIghta in stantly with a match. Sells to every horn. W deliver and collect. Pay you dally. Experience unnecessary. Sample fre. Rallen Mfg. Co., Dept. 6220, Baltimore Bldg., Chicago. AGENTS New big seller. Beautiful aluminum handle cutlery set. Patented. $96 a week easy. You simply display set and write order. We deliver and collect. Pay you dally. Experience .unnecessary. Sample free. Try It out. Jennings Mfg. Co., Set 1446, Dayton, O. AGENTS $3.50 an hour to workera. New guaranteed, hosiery proposition, sure sale where ahown. Wears year or re place free. No experlenc or capital required. Sample rree. Thomas Mrg, Co., 2333 Thomas Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS 3-in-l Leatherette Shopping Bags. Brand new. gelling fast. 100 profit. $5 to $15 day easy. Every lady will buy. Experience unnecessary. Sample free. Rallen Mfg. Co., Dept. 2220, Bnltlmore Bldg., Chicago. RAINCOAT agents. $90 a week. Carry sample line ana write raincoat oraers. No delivering. No capital. Famous "2-in-t" Reversible featured. Simples free. Parker Mfg. Co., 950 - Cover St, Dayton, Ohio. MAKE from $1,000 to $5,000 per year and share profits besides. No Invest ment or experience necessary Best season ahead. Free raincoat Asso ciated Raincoat Agents, Inc., A-444 N. Wells. Chicago. 111. - BIG pay, man or woman of character to distribute religious literature. Chance to make $600 or more. Full or epare time. No capital or experience neces sary. Universal Bible House, Philadel phia. MEN'S shirts. Big sellers. Factory to consumer, $11 dally. - Undersell ttoret. Complete line. Free .samples to work ers. Chicago Shirt Co., 20$ So, Laaalle, Chicago. AGENTS $60-1200 week. Free sample.. Gold sign Letters anyone can put on ttore windows. Big demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Let ter Co., 435 N. Clark, Chicago. PRODUCING tailoring agents wanted. Men'a made-to-order clothing (union made). Beautiful materials, lowest prices. New spring twatch line ready. Leeds Woolen Mills, Chicago. EASY money. $20 daily, something new. "Simplex Ironing Board Covers." Fast seller. New agent cleared $19.60 In 6 hours. W. J. Lynch, B-718, Spr'.nVleld, III. CHEWING gum. Sell to stores; profit able business built up quickly. Spear mint and popular flavors in novel pack ages; writ today. Helmet Co., Cin cinnati, O. AGENTS 90o an hour to advertise and distribute samples to consumer. Write quack for territory and particulars. Albert-Mills, Gen. Mgr., 6604 American Bldg., Cincinnati. Ohio. LARGE shirt manufacturer wants agent to sell complete line of shirts direct to wearer; exclusive patterns, big val ues. Free samples. Madison Mills, 603 Broadway, New York. - AGENTS Wonderful aeller, 96o profit every dollar sales. Deliver on spot License unnecessary. Sample free. Mis sion, Factory 2, 2421 Smith Ave., De troit, Mich. A BUSINESS of your own. Make spark ling glass name plates, numbsrs, check erboards, medallions, signs; big Illus trated book free. E. Palmer, 153 Wooster, . O. AGENTS Pet particulars, best selling article ever offered men. Big profits, cost 5c, sells for $1. $15 made dally by one hustler, sworn statement C. Leroy, 2633 N. Lawndale. Chicago. WE HAVE an exceptional side line for a man who can meet and talk to the fanner. Write us today. Flnnlgan Mfg. Co., Box 67-C. Anamosa. Ia. WHY work for others? Make and sell your own goods. We thow you how. Free book, explains everything. N. 8. Laboratories. 625 Main, Richmond, Va. Miscellaneous. $1$ to $5$ weekly In your tpare time doing tpeelal advertising work among the families of your city; no experi ence necessary; write today for fnll par ticulars. American Products Co., 1605 American Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio, HELP WANTEDMALE Aienit and Cnvaar. vwfU'TiBr mm biruufcvr tens kb, till Hara.y taat. At, .. c iianiii b aii, msn or k.Mft.Ot kthf mtH To nun jiim, H . leie aais4 g tvaa., liar II It IH la III a dai. be peieule-l tluaaiaaaa beadle ratlary sal, I 4 aiaaply diebiy ad strii rdar, vi deliver aad roll. I. ray lad dally, :iterlet- keeery. fre. Try It aul. Jaealag Mfg. It, Sal lilt, Paiian, obi. fclCN Aa II I II, etfa'lertc waaaee. eery. Travel; enftk ert taveeiig. Ilaoa. reaarta. batarlaai eapeneee. Amee. I' rot aige I'slarme Ageaey, ill. pi. IU'S at t:-ll a boor. Keaeet kltrbe leal, teary vema a will ua It lima dally. t-ay nailer. Big profile, keniple tree. Tkoma Mfgla, Itaak 4111, fiayloe.O, UK tl'KMMI a tiberisit gold iialda I'm elake sti a llrn plaear claim. Addr. K.dger Taung. I alma pork, aa it la. AO EST" Sell sWlf. Threading Needle and Needle Book- Whaleeale prieae. Wrlta Colbert Nea.He t o, Alhol, Maae. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. I'OMr-TollKTI It ol'KRATOn .Can aleivt get a position. I an gat good salaries. Have plaaaant work. Have good hour. Why spend lour dm hunting a peal. Hon that any untrained girl ran fill whea slit or tight weeks' eoure la the Comptometer tvbool will mtke yea ea tsnariT Let us telt yon sbout It. Cdlll'TOMKTCR SCHOOL, 4f!-! Michel Building.' J A. 1412. Th School Thai Uraduatee Ki parts WAST KB, toung ladle wb deelr lo prepare for offlc positions t enroll In our day or vaning rla-eea In short bend, typewriting, bookkeeping end hither accounting. Tuition payable monthly. Iiy our method ef Individual Instruction yen will eucreed. Wait or rail for our catalogue, pworeb school ef Accounting, llth and Farnatn Stt. Omaha. WOMKN Olrls. over !. Oat government poaiiiona, isi-ii;a mnnin. ror ta pi rumination quae! Ion apply Bog T-i7ti, Oman Pea, Professions and Trades. FOR parannal Inaiructlon In ehnrtband. typewriting. nonkkpiu(, banking, eto ran oougiag 7774. Saleswomen and Solicitors. LADIES 1.10 weekly eaay. Spar tlm eniy. c.uaranteed waterproof apmne ruing ilka wimrire. Kvery lady will buy. Require no laundering. Alaaye ready to uaa, Ksnarltnre unneeeeaary, Samplre fre. Italian Mfg. Co., Dept, 1220, Baltimore Bldg., Chicago. LADY agents. All or apare tlm. Make hig money. "Stmplex Ironing Board Board Covers." ' Something new, faat seller. Naw agent cleared 119.1ft In hours. W. J. Lynch, B-Jll, Springfield, in. AT ONCE Five ladles to travel, demon- airai ana sell aeslers. IIQ to 171 per weak. Railway far paid, Goodrich Irug re.. Dept 103A. Omaha, Neb. DEMONSTRATORS A few women In each locality. Good pay. Write the Klieelaaver t-o.. 411 tTapp Block. Das Moines, la, Household and Domestic WILL give room, board, echolarahlp and $3-110 for housework, help. All busi ness and courses. Also rare op portunity for 2 ladlea to train at teach ers. Tsterson Institute, LaGrange, lit 26th year, referencea exchanged. MIDDLE-AGED woman on farm, muat be good plain rook, $20 a month: one half of chickens aba raises. Address Box Y-1776, Omaha Bee. WANTED An elderly lady to exchange ugni nou.eworit xor a conuoriaoie home. AT 9871. Miscellaneous. FILE YOUR APPLICATION WITH US AND WE WILL AID YOU TN SECUR ING THE POSITION FOR WHICH YOU ARB QUALIFIED. REGARDLESS OF WHETHER IT IS IN THE OFFICE, FACTORY OR GENERAL. EMPLOYERS' FREE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, 1911 Hsrney Street. AT. 1381. BE a railway Traffic Inspectorl $110 to 1250 monthly, expenees paid after 2 months' spar tlm study. Splendid op portunities. Position guaranteed or money refunded. Writ for Free Book let E-271. Standard Business Training Inst.. Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Immediately, experienced hand embrolderera; crochetera; hemstltchsrs. We furnish material, paying liberally for making. Stamped envelope brings particular!. Underwood Art Goodt Co., Portsmouth. Ohio. PHOTOPLAYS 5,000 Ideaa needed. Work ing girl paid $10,000 for ldeaa she thought worthless. Details free. Write Producers League, 222, St. Louis. EARN $25 weekly, spare time, writing for newspspers, magavlnes. Experience un necessary, details free, resa Syndicate, 211, St. Louis. Mo. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. LADIES wanted and men, too. to ad dress envelopes and mall advertising matter at home for large mall order firms, spare or whole time. Can make $10 to $35 weekly. No capital or ex perience required. Book , explaining everything mailed for 10c to cover post age, etc. Ward Pub. Co., Tllton, N. H. MAN or woman wanted, $40 weekly full time, $1 an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experi ence unnecessary. International Knit ting Mills. C-123, Norrlstown, Pa. TEN thousand government poettlon. No civil service examination. All over tBe country. Lists one dollar. Washington Information Service, 305 , Continental Trust Bldg., Washington, D. C. BOOKKEEPER and - Junior accountanta wanted lor part or full time. Fleassnt work, splendid remunenation. Phone Mr. Farrow, Castle hotel for appoint ment, morning and evenings. TYPISTS wanted Jo typewrite stories and pnoiopiays tor autnors. .o-.iuu weeK ly, spare time. Send: stamp for par ticular!. ' R. J. Carnes, Muscadine, Ala. WANTED Men, ladlea and boy to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; atrlctly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. Miscellaneous. ANT INTELLIGENT PERSON, either sex, may earn $100 to $300 montnly eor. responding for newspapers; $6 te $1$ psr column 'm all or spare time; expe rience unnecessary; no canvassing. Send for particulars. National Presa Bureau, Buffalo, N, T. - . EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL, Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, abort- band and typewriting, - railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil aervlce end all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1665 for large iiustratea catalog. Aaaresg Boyles College, Boyes Bldg., Omaha. NeK ' Van Sant School of Business. Dky and Evening Schools. '120 Omaha National Bank Bids. Douglaa 5890. BUSINESS CHANCES. - An established Insurance com pany doing a good, conservative health and- accident business In - expanding its business In Nebraska and desires to establish ft number of local agencies throughout tbe state and enlarge Its sales organi zation. There are several good propositions open to active, experi enced salesmen and agents. Give full particulars regarding age, experience and references In first lstter. Address, A-77, Omaha Bee. MONEY IN WALL STREET. A few dollar Invested In an option on any active stock may return quick unlimited profits. No margins and no furthtr risks. Best and safest way to trade. Booklet mailed free. PECK & SIMONS, Putt and cUk Establahed 1871. ' II Broadway. New York City. FOP. SALE Cash mercantile business: monthly sale over $3,100: atock carried about $1,500; 14.00 to $6,500 cash will handle. No -trades. J. W. Box 121, Oiagt. Wye, BUSINESS CHANCES A K ltfaxMfeuag elteetiaa aad ll4 pait laaaa aad aati frat-eoael llabll IV by argaaisiag ,aur company aw o l .aaiaa La m ria ga.lar lietlirtl aa ef Ileal. Aaiawa. an.iekaia. It. nil la I'emere bi.a.laid r urine, laauaabar.g 4 beglt) dm btteinee am day. t'tuaphl.l It Ilea. '. . iMmsiva, ' leal biealt pnut.r, ill Welaut, kaaeag ur, aiu. Garage Business. Centrally l-eled, a. all equipped Id every particular, beal. Itghl, venule Ho sad fiea fiom poeia, a.rummudaia eter ana hundi.4 rata. Jtew doing g bueieeaa, BIRKKTT 4 ., Ill patera Tr net Bldg Phon J A. Mil, Cli-M'1'i T aur eaa bueieee. Aequlr ladeodear aad proaparny. leading la Ilia biark Msrket auh Mlo. k l'illi.g-e, i I $131 eaaireie II share ef any a-k. l.rg prof H poeeihle. Ira Hiklet No. l plain. J'aut Ks), aa nroaqa.r, new iwr. ul.t ror nora tiuo want general tai ad city rnanatarg lor bish rlaaa. new devlr.' t'oait Ii. retail $1. Kverybody a proeparl. fttg money making pua.l billllee for right tnaa. $eg lo I:. sol neraetary J nature gteluelve agency, broil Curpuraiion, J W. Vi aihingtoe) ureal, (blrage. MA II, erder bualnaa. Would you Inveat $:0 la lfil f convinced ef 5 upward weakly lb year around. fcit.ariene uanaeaaaary, I'roofa, plan and ralar. era furnialted. t'nltad Ituyers' Asa. rianoa, Holland, ui.-n, Keai'o.NHilll.K n.rpurailon aanta gaaar. al aale a managera lo open branch uf. fire, manaie aalesman; 101 lo 11.500 bacaaastyi aspaner to tialilinrr al. lowed If you qualify. Addreea, Manager, I'l 7v, r-u'aw ei iiaitimur. lid. Butcher Shop 11.100 win handle. We will sell the department of our ator In Sidney, men., iur wnai in equipment it worth. A.I dreaa. , T. Hart, Sidney, Neb. RAILWAY eating houe for sal, si earn heal, Ira, toal. Kaler (urnlah.d free; rent lie a tnunib. :d and 11 street. fhone MAKKKT 2111, MKNft" rlotlung and aho tor. In liaat Inga. Neb..,wilb slock of fie.lov; good. ciaaa ttora wnn wan esitbiitneu Dual neaa. I Addra.e Beg Y-I77I. Omaha Bee, FOR good reetaurant doing good bualnaa., only eating bona la town. S. I". Lyon. lUrrold, S, o. IIOTIJL fur sale. Th only hotel In city. modern, building and lh future. J. I. Tleakotter, I'rofton, Neb. FOR MAI.K (JOOLl GKOI'KRV KB 0773. AND M EAT MARKET. CKN'KRAli MKHCHANDIHk! STOCK FOIt b a le. kb o;;a. FOR SALK Grocery and J rooms, all full. 11.101. 121 So. 24th Ave. FOR RENT-ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. Hotel Flatiron Tt the best moderate priced hotel In Omaha for permanent gut-ate. All etreet front rooms with plenty of sunshine. Hotel thoroughly equipped. Including free telephone service, circulating be water, anil with excellent cafe In con nection. We have a few desirable rooms, with or wlthbut bsth, tingle and tn suits, at attractive rates. Located on block from street car nd Omaha'a gest shipping dlsllct. You will b "at borne' in Hotel Flatiron, Harry L. Keen, Proprietor. Also operating Hotel Keen, Omaha WELLINGTON. INN. HAS A FEW PnSIRABI.B ROOMS, NICELY FURNISHED, WITH OR WITHOUT BATH, FOR PERMANENT GUESTS AT . ATTRACTIVE WEEKLY RATES. MR. RAM BY, THE MANAGER, WILL GLADLY SHOW THEM TO TOW. OUT YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room rll rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms In all parts of Ihs city. A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. ELEGANT, large furnished room: suitable for 2 gentlemen; steam heated. Right downtown. Bourgeois Bachelor Art, 1216 Farnam. GLOBE HOTEL 1107 Douglas. Nsw man- agement, respectable, first-class, i.ewly decorated, home-like rooms; 60c, 76c, $1 per day. Special weekly ratee. 624 PARK AVE. Modern front room for one person. Garago space If desired. Walking distance. Harney 3706. SINGLE lady over 30 may have fine room, private home, meals If desired. Ha. 4615. FURN. rma with priv. bath; warm, com- lortaoie, cneerrul; prices reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton, AT 4701. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, large front corner room, well furnished, suitable for two, hot and cold water. HA. 6309. CLEAN, WARM. WELL FURNISHED ROOM,' CLOSE IN. 656 SO. 26TH AVE. CASS ST. 2201 Fine front rooms In beautiful home, prlv. bath. 6 gentlemen. PLEASANT large front room for two, 6749. walk dist. board If desired. HA; WANTED Congenial . family to share modern home. WE. 6611, 1821 BInney. LINCOLN BLVD.. 665; - attractively - fur. room in private mod. home. AT. 3470. RENT large, attractively fur. front rm. W. rarnam, near uiackstone. HA 3144. 2703 CUMING Beaut, fur. rm.: new, mod. private home. $4.60 week. HA. 6959. WELL heated rooms, bath room floor; garage; close-in. DO. 8212. DO 2209 Two nicely fusnluhed froht rma., walking distance, home privileges. FURNISHED, modern, cozy 2-room apart ment. 3837 Bo. 23d Bt. corner ol u at A-l, well-heated rooms, cheap. KE. 481 OH CALIFORNIA ST, 2421 Nicely fur. room. Housekeeping Rooms. ' THE GUIDE TO ' th better housekeeping rooms Is the directory- furnished to sdvertlser nd room hunter. Call at Bee offlc for fre copy containing desirable vacancies In all parts of the city. BEAUTIFUL large front room, gag fur nished, $8 per week. . 1031 S. 10th Ave. ..--' , , TEL WE 8280 Two nice, clean, warm rooms; modern; private home; every thing furnished or partly furnished.- TEL. KE. 0395 Newly furnished . room In beautiful Mlnne Luaa home, every thing furnished; garage. 10TH-ST., -2214 SOUTH Large, warm room for one or two bachelor with light housekeeping privileges, reasonable. TWO neat warm rooms fop housekeeping, private home, for 1 or 2 persons em ployed,' 8070 Mason. HA. 3116. EIGHTEENTH St., 1814 No. 2 modern light housekeeping rooms. WE. 6068. TWO neatly furnished, good heat So. '80th St . $2$ COZY rooms, nicely furnished for house keeping. 2012 N: mt? St., We. 0802. TWO front rooms, furnished for house keeping. -415 N. 20th. 'At. 691C. WE. 8243 or HA. 1745, nice, clean, warm housekeeping rooms; everything furn. TWENTY-NINTH ST., 4702 N. One-room and kitchenette. KE. 1990. Board and Rooms. WE SPECIALIZE; In meals you reAlly 'enjoy, ' comfortable rooms. MERRIAM-HOTEL, ' The Home for Business Men. - 26th and Podge Sts. Doug. 2076. FRONT room in lovely new home for gentlemen or couple employed; first- class meals. WA. 6359. , 116 NO. 33D St. Attractive room, privileges, good home cooking. HA. 0670. 0670. LARGE attractive room with board; home privileges.-Hanscom park. HA. 8166. PLEASANT room with board for 2 to 4 persona; private home. HA 1460. WANTED Small child to board. 623 No. 20th St Call JA. 1283. Priv. home, large rm., very best board; Ideal location; gentleman. HA. 1297. BOARD and room In Dundee: have objection to child. WE. 4840. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. 4702 WAKELEY ST.. 8 rooms, completely furnished. Call WE. 6988. 1614 Harney 8t AT. M5. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, l-ROOM cottage for rent by buying $75 worth of furniture. - Harney 0835. Unfurnished. $211 N. 18TH ST. Rent reduced to $46. Eight rooms, all modern. Owner will do torn decorating. WE. 6988. HA8TIN03 A HEYDEN. 1114 Htrny Bt, AT. Ills. FOR RENT-HOUSES. kol KfAai'i'AMk tloMsl Right luoMia, but aalsr beat, sir telly wwixa, taiaga; . III! Spettcar atr.C Jekea !!. te N urn r i. r mt gad batkl gaia.e. gta, (HI SIJI. "ZH-JT- J"bl!ll IHMPANT. I riiNiii bouea, Kiodaru atcapl bl, II .?.. " Ituu'ie lilt aV 1Kb e I I ;er. blX-HiMtal bouaa. utdala! fouf-ieona rarimani, wi liar a t etIT, N kTltbl-t till, a.e0. ,..,, ,11 niadart .niiHjcr retii, jaj a, net. uei N. erine Telephone AT Sia. Iiwnis, tnedera. FOR RENT-APTS. AND FLATS. Fiirniihed. Morris Apartments 1ITII AND tHlmrl STS riftNlkHeP COUPI.RTIS FOR Lltilt T IIOCNKKkkl'INQ. at i:i. , Hotel Service APARTMENT Ki. ell. nl. id floor, large ai.arlmant It) The Normandte, baviiig mualo room. large living room witri fireplace, dm-- ng room, kiirben, I bedrooms and beih, romplatrly and Wall furnlahad. Prbe lUi. Including garage, Will teste lo H.-i4iner I, isjs, 1. V, SIIOLKil CO , J A. Mil. COMI'l.r-.TI.Lr furnished I tad I room partntanta. Private thowerl steam bail; talking distance, iirvwa Apart nients. toi ti, ut HI. Doug, tail. CASH, ti:i Lent room and kilcbanaita. wan ncateii; electric llgnt Slid gss iur, toll kMIIKTT 1 roi.nia. all niedern. nrl vate entratica, prlvi I eg rmC II WIC-23 3 TWDIKKJSI AM. IKUiIltN APART WKST. l'flt(il.AH I7I2J I ROOMS, heal and bath. 311 No, llth. Unfurnished. Apartments Three rooms. No. T Klns-aborouih. 26 It Dodg Slre.t 11.10 Thraa rooms a lib l-room accom modation., No. 107 Turnsr Couit, 210$ Dodg Street $ 11.10 riv room nq aunroom. No. Ardmor Terrsc. 41th and Dodg Klroala lull) riv rooms, No. : uiwood, 451 h and .anrornia eire.t. II2I.00 Houses (Burnished) Eight rooms, oppoaii Bemlt Tick. en cumlng btreet ,, $100.00 Houses (Unfurnished) Flv rooms. 2744 Titus Avenue:....! 7100 Three rooms, 1231 South llth St...$ 1. 00 Flats . Flv rooms. 2207 Vinton St.. mod- era except neat ,..,...$ 10.00 Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT fl4. 17th and Farnam SI. The Mildred in Dundee will be completed tbout February 11. Five-room apartments; bedrooms and bath upstairs; living rooms down; lo cated at 48th and Dodge streets. Resur vatlona now being taken. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT 0644. 17th and Farnam Sta, LOWEST RENT That we know of In this city for A Complete Apartment A few at $.17.60 per month A few at $40.00 per month These apartments are modern. fire Proof -and sanitary. They are located only a short walk front downtown, and handy to car lines. The -apartmenta consist of nlcs cozy living room, kitchen, bath and clothes closet, with wall bed. Only a small amount of fur niture needed to make these apart ments comfortable homes. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCT, 1702 Howard St. AT. 9708 or JA. 280$. LEIGH APARTMENTS. 201 f . 25th Ave., four-room apart meifl with five-room accommodations. All newly decorated. Rental, $76. Im mediate possession. WE. 6988. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. AT. 0I0. A Beautiful New 8-Room Apartment in the HANSCOM APARTMENTS, 1029 Park Ave. . m Rent, $66 Per Month. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCT. 1702 Howard St AT. 9701 or JA. 2105. LEIGH APARTMENTS. 205 South 25th Ave. Have two nice apartments, 4 rooms with 6-room ac commodations. Rental, $67.10 and $75, immeaiate possession. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St ' - AT. 0010, NICELY furnished apartment for rent t party buying furniture. AT. 9708, JA. 2D05. TO LET 4 and 6-room apartment. 2920 Cuming. w. r Att.MAJU eAliTri de CO., Jackson 0664. 1320 Farnam. 4-ROOM heated apt. Maple Court, 1IU inapio oi., ou winter, janitor, Web. IO Q room modern npte.. ths , e. O DRAKE RENTAL AGENCT. 1702 Howard St. AT. 9708. JA. 2805, Peters Trust Company, WnEltB' OMAHA RENTS. FLAT FOR RENT 9 rooms. 6 bedrooms, brick. Apply Sunday A. M. only. 2534 Uaeil. U. 71118 221 NORTH 22D ST. 3 rooms and bath, modern, newly remodeled apt. FOR RENT Business Property. , Office Space A very few of the 40 rooms Just fin la) ed left for rent, why not change your location for cheaper rent In a better location la the Arthur Bldg., 110 S. ista st Thos. W. Hazen, Bole Agent Douglaa $221. ATTENTION ATJTO MEN I Oet will located for spring bu.lnese. Of fice and shoo space, with aervlce floor privilege for a line radiator, tire, or auto accessory man. A real location, 4 doora from 24th and Cuming eta. AT. 1749. OFFICE room for rent, 1 or 2 connecting rooms; good building ;. good location. 3d iioor; good heat and elevator aervlce. call DO 4743. DESIRABLE 24th and Harney Sta. ttore. 413 . s. 24th St.; heat and hot water furnished, call . Traver Bros., DO. 6816. 119 Fist Nat'l Bank Bldg. TO LET. 10,000 square feet 1108-10 Howard. - W. i FARNAM SMITH CO. Jackson 0564. - 1320 Farnam. 3037 FARNAM ST. 12.000 square feet AL.FKKU THOMAS & BON CO. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE. mouse, iv.. utc end jone Bt H. M. Chrletle. warehouse A trsck'ge orop. F D. WEAD AND BOWMAN CO. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separato locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and snipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16th. DO.. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on storage end moving, contracts taken by Jon or hr. Glob vn & Storage Co.. J A. 4338. AT, 021O. 120-24 North 16th St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. ARE you Interested In dogs? Send II cents (stamps or coin) today for 1 months' subscription - to Sportsman's Di gest. Contains Interesting Illustrated stories on dogs, hunting, fishing, eto. Sporteman'a Digest 164 Butler Bldg.. Cincinnati, Ohio. RaiW nhlplrCiTwlv leading breeds. DdUy imUlSsend for price list. Independent Baby Chick Co. 1466 So. 16th St Omaha. Neb. Fhone Jackson 2910. LOVELY Toy Fox Terrier female pup pies, $8, Parkway Kennela, 1801 So. llth. HATCHING EGGS. Wy. Tarda. KS. 0311. LIVE STOCK. fi'M !.. Ta mil eaeaTeae rraak aad ana eiing ik, ia lt4 ,g AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORDS 1 FORDS! New and I'm. Caak n4 Te ma, W bat them ell puree ell medals. t tut and te ut befvie e buy, McCaffrey motor COMPANY, Tb Heady Ferd Service Ittlea, Aulherlee.1 I'ard lieetets, llth tad J a. ... at. Ml t. Opea Sunday Flam I I II. Would You elect yur rar for lb gaming testa, naw f would .acrlfne anouan aa ike l-rli and atota II for ou beia fie r barge until apnng 7 Te need only Ina k a your salecilon, par a small pay. menl down and upoa delivery pay ike balance af one-third do aid git your not fur binc te ba .:d you lk. NO tlANi'K CIIAIt'lr;, KOHLS), oVI.Itl. ANT'S. TlHi:UAKKHN, CHKVRoLt'rr. MAXWtlM.S. ALU MAKKM ALL MoiikLb ALIa OVKKII Al'I.CH. No Csr Over $0 awnie UinmI One. it ',. Willys-Overland, Inc., till Firnam St. Fsciory lir.n. h, Motor Trucks for Sale TO SATIHFT CREDITOItS t will sell it great sacrifice I Packard 1-ton trucks, chaaait r.!y. 1 M eater truck, 2-ton truck, rhasetl only, 1 R. public truck with dump body. CON HAD YOL'NO. 121 Hrtndrle 1 beater. Jackaon li't, AUTOMOBILE ownera, garaganien, me chanics, repairman, aend today fur free ropy et Ibis month's laaue. It rontaine helpful, Inatrucllve Information on over hauling. Ignition trouhlee, wiring, rar burelora, ttorage bsltarlea. etc. or 120 pa tea. bend for fre ropy to-lay. Automobile I'Igeel, ill Butler, Bldg., Cincinnati. iRRATT irsKD C A R" B A RtlAINS Cssh or Tims. Buy or Bell, Fords from 160 tnd up. Dodgt. Bulrkt and others, $100 tnd up. Ford bodies, winter topt. liOI.DHTOM AUTO SAI.K8 CO., 1118 Harney St, Central Osrsge. STUD K BAKER 20 model, cevar wat off from the paved eireett: driven left mllet; personal guarantee; one-half down, balanrt on payment!. P. B, Greet, III Park Ave. Tel. liar. 2041. bOMK bargalnt in used Fordi; prompt delivery on new Horde. mi-cakfret motor co., The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackaon Si a. DO. 1100. NEARLY NEW l-PASSENGKR JOu. PAN TOURING CAR. TERMS TO RI.'KPONSIBLB PARTIES. CALL HARNEY 64S9. BUT A GUY I. SMITH USED CAR. A Hsfi Investment. ftth and Farnam Sta. Phon Doug Is 117. REAR axl shaft, 75c; axis roller bearing. ibc; unlverasl joint, II. Nebraska Avto Parts Co., 1016 Hsrney. AVERY truck, 1-ton; $500, worth more; good condition. STROUD COMPANY, 20TH AND AMES. STEARNS in splendid condition; nsw cords, paint good, winter curtains; a bargain. VTA. 2412. L3ED cars bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 2210 Farnam St WH1TELY RENTS GUNS. 220 South llth St. USED radiators, all mskea for tale. Green- ough. Radiator Kepsir. ioi rarnam. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. $12 8. llth. FARM LANDS. California Lands. FOR SALE Gentleman's home In south ern California, San Diego co. I acres, $15,000; beautifully kept Box 117, Es condido, Csl, - Idaho Lands. IDAHO, THD HOMS OF IRRIGATION, Open for Filing , Carey Act Irrigated Government Land The tecond Owsley Irrigation Project (Jefferson County, Idaho, near Idaho Falls), has bsen completed and declared open for entry under the Carey Act, by ' the Department of Reclamation of the State of Idaho. - - Any citizen of the United States over 21 years of age, who haa not used bit Carey Act right may file on 40, 10, 120 or 160 acres. No one person allowed more than 160 acres. Ten days' resi dence required to prove up and. receive . patent from the stats of Idaho. 4,200 f. acres already filed upon. Prices for land and psrpetusl water right fixed by tbe State of Idaho at $76,50 per acre. One-half cash, balance In five years at 6. $1,600 down payment will enable you to buy a 40-acre Irrigated farm. Wonderful climate. Hunting and fishing. Electrlo power line. Telephones and schools on project. Thoussnds of acres of open range to graze cattle and , sheep. Free fence posts. Write Colonization Department, Second Owsley Project. 606-g First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha. Nebraska Lands. To the City Man or the Eastern Renter. Pat said to the Englishman: "Tou can bresk me one arm and both me legs and knock out me teeth, and X can still whip ye."- I say, that while the farmers all over the nation have been hard hit, yet, we of western Ne braska can still whip the city man who It working on a salary or the eastern - renter who lg farming eastern farms on shares. I say and anyone else who known anything about it will tell you the am, that you ar silly te stick to a Job that wafta you around like a chip on a wave. If you have a couple or $3,000 ahead, which la all that la re quired to take over one of my farm that I have to otfer you complete with, horse, harness, wagons. machinery, -cattle, etc. a farm already for you to begin work on; A place to which ' you only have to move your household gooda to be ready to start actio. For Instance: 440 A. 40 a. under cultivation. II a. can be farmed.. Balance heavily grassed. Plenty of timber, all fenced, two small , bouses, granary, well, wind - mill, etc 6 horses, 4 cows, full line of machinery, all complete, $12,600. $3,000 cash, balance per cent. 1,040 A. 100 a. (amiable, balance heavily grassed. Fine ranch. Running water. Lots of pine timber. Fenced. Half mile from new state highway. 10 m. from Crawford. Log house and barn. Good well. For quick turn com plete with 6 head of horses, wagon, 3 sets harness, 10 head of cattle, farm ing machinery, $16,000. $5,000 cash, balance 6 per cent 1.440 A. 800 a.-deeded. 640 a. school lease. 3 m. from railroad town, 13 m. from Crawford. Good 6-r. frame bouse, stone cellar, large frsme barn, silo, hen house, etc. All fenced, worlda of timber, score of springs, and running water. 150 a. under cultivation, 86 a. farmable. -Blue grass valleys, buf falo, wheat and gramma grass hills and tide hills. Finest ranch In the west. Will fit this place out for you with horses, harness, machinery, etc.. If desired. Place as It stands, without stock, $27,600. Terms to suit 1,120 A. All fenced, live water, 12$ a. winter wheat. $00 a. farmable. S m. from railroad town, I will fit thla place up with horses, harness, ma chinery, etc.. If desired. Price of place, $22,000. Term to suit I have several other place to offer, mall and large. Fitted complete or without stock. Paymsnta of from $2,000 to $10,090 will handle them. Today Is the day of Opportunity. The time to buy la when the demand la light. These prices sre . from 21 per cent to 32 1-1 per cent lea than I would otfer you after land commenced to move again. Why not get In on the ground floor? I will be at tbe Rome hotel, Omaha, for ft few days. Call me by phone or come and ate me. Address all letters to Crawford, Nab. Arah L. Hungerford, Crawford, Cawet county, Ktbraaka. ,' t JLJ I