Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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ly I J,
VI iit Ann Ctiriitii h ( London, ho cam to Omaha to iddreit the
ttttdeau Mid aluiunur of luclietnc tollege nu "etUia,'' tell Tuesday e v
mnf lor bt Paul, Mum. Mii Oiristuh, who it a nirroWr of I lit u1 el
1 Ha London "Kxprtk.." and it on ee j( absenr in this country, tt the
fc'uet o( the Omeh Vxiii4ii i I'rtt tlub at lunch Turdy noon. Shi lold
loiuethntg ol her taj-erieine, on a London daily,
In ; y 1 1 . when a avuior to It marrunj in Tut. Mi
(liruikli iovfnll tfifd the oniiorlunity to fly down to report the wed-
;". although fi aitrrvurd dirover4 that all th mm on the vr had
; V Jinrd tha duhioti ili-.urf. Her etory of h tveddipf ried quilt
station and the tetrived loniratulatiotn (ruin all over England.
At the outbrrak ol the Luroran war Mi Christkh, a photographer
M auoiher woman vere among the first Ilrnijli womru to be under fe.
Tliry managed to trull La I'aniir, on the Belgian coast, while it Mat under
lire, and Mu thri.luh mtc a stury on ihcir fnperirnic lor the "tapfrtt."
,'La I'anno it the town where, laier on, Mr. Allan Tukey, then Louie Dm
J fiing. sertrd in a (ae hospital,
Xliat Christ kIi will return to London in February. Although the doei
not u it, the hat a right to the title of "baroness.' (or her (ather wat a
member tA the friun aristocracy
prime minister. Her mother wat an
. f . . . . i c- i .
inriiu uui reiier wurx in jwrwa,
7 aao to mtf-V fur the Serbian reiki.
(Many Affairs for Mrs.
Mr. vi B. Shepherd of l1
Jclihu. aitixed ljt Saturday to
apend a wk with ,lr. J, l Haunt
at the IltAckstone. Mrs. bliepherd
i a popular uur-t, and it bring
, wiUi'ly cyitcrtaineu. Momlay e
Hill? 1rJ K I k ii'Lciiila I
.inner un
thratiT party for her, and
run n Mrs. liauin enter-
ucd a I
liiiirlion at the Omaha
Iut honor, i ucmIjv noon
urn wat again hostess at
at the club and m the eve
k Shephrrd was honor guest
icr anI iTidge liven by Mr,
4 M. Wilhclm. Thursday
Mr. and Mm. Fred Davit
e a bri'lnc dinner at their
Jriday Mm. Shctihcrd and
jimi will be the guests of
. I.. Reed at luncheon at the
club, and rridav evening
id Mrs. Howard Baldrige will
am at a dinner and bmlee
for Mrs. Shepherd. Saturday
'icturns to her home in I'hila-
lis Florence Dwycr, vho has
fin visiting her sister, Mrs. victor
tldwell, jr.. ha4 returnfrd to her
fiomc in St. Louis, Mo.
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
Domineering at IB.
' Dear Mica Fairfax: I am a boy of
19 years and rather tall, brown hair
nnd eyes, and coins with a Rlrl 18.
1 have been golnp with her one year.
Hhe la a Rood girl and I think a
i whole, lot of her; but when I tell her
nm going to n dance or ahow and
1ol taking her. then Hhe will say that
1 am going with this girl or that
'me. AVhat do you think of a girl
like that?
And when wo have a quarrel she
goes to her mother for Home ad
vice. Rut I think a girl of 18 should
line her own advice in a thing like
tb' t I have been going to quit her
J 1 or three times Just over her
fier'a advice, but when it comes
i (that her mother will say she
fc. ,Vt meau .anything by what she
So I will say all right, and keep on
(rolngiwlth her. But what would you
tlo if you were in my place. Well,
Vill close tor this time. Hoping to
Iiear your answer. From HED.
It 1h probably jealousy i which
causes your girl friend to think you
nrij'going t the dances or, shows
with some other girl. Jealousy is an
ugly emotion and should not be en
couraged, but everyone has some of
it In his nature, and the fact that a
fciH 18 ehibits some of It does not
fmrprlso me and should not surprise
j-ou. You owe it to this girl to pro
tect her feelings all you can and
make no play upon her jealousy.
J, Your secoud point against her is
very much in her favor. I like to
Jiear of girls who consult their moth--ors.
I do think a married woman
should work out her own problems
and should not run to mother with
all her petty grievances, but a girl
18 does very well to advise with
her parent.
I don't altogether like the tone of
vour letter, l'ou seem to carry the
i idea that you arc doing this girl a
favor by going with her. Kriend
L ships should be 50-50 propositions.
The girl may be doing you a favor
bv going with you. Had you thought
of that? And why do you not take
her to tho dances or shows you men
tion if you think a lot of her? N
You ask me what I would do in
your place 1 would quit going with
a. girl entirely if I couldn't show her
oven consideration and courtesy
possible. If I couldn't be kind and
tender and good to her, I would
move on and give someone else a
chance. Your letter lias told me
nothing against her and much for
her. It shows me you are inclined
to be domineering and when the
girl suffers from it you blame her
for a little show of feeling. I judge
she cares for you.
- D. I. S.: The sentiment of your
letter is good, dui x am cuwuim,
not to publish it.'
: .Tack: Yon should have eight
. i 1- ; 1 t- T nan't toll
rours sieep. tucit iuri"-
you what lime you should retire
without knowing what time you get
. up in the morning.
" -Sul: I would not advise a girl of
vmi niro in defv her mothers Judg
j " " " A . .. ... 1 A J,,CQ
practice deception of any
t re ri tin 1 1 y wuutu w"5
my Song
- LaAa'uesday morn as I lay neatn
the qll, a waitin' for my wife to
ect thNfire built, she came into the
brHrorAi lookin' mad enough to
fiirht and said. "Sav. Kook, the
washing's gone that I left out last
. x c u:f i,
whole darned works and even stole
the line. You dress and crank the
flivver up and go and hunt the
swine." I jumped into my pants and
shirt and crabbed my rusty jrun and
looked around the. place to see what
else the thief had done. My rubber
coat and boots were gone and all
our homemade soap, the curtains
from the flivver and old dobbin's
halter rone. The cellar door was
open and I thought of my home
brew, I cockea my rusty weapon
and down the .stairs I flew. And
ihrrf Kpsirlc mv home-made hootch.
lay Basset's Billy goat. The film of
death was on his eye, the rattle in
his throat Bill Basset said he nev
er hoped to see, prepared by man. a
noisnn rant noueh to kill that walk
ing garbage can. We called Old Bill
Karhunkle in; he viewed that goat's
condition and vowed that soap-con-
suming beast had died of prohibi
FAIR'S tUDDKV BSACTT U Iironfbt to lijht
ana tier grtnaiamer wat at one tmie
I woman. During the war Mm
... i l. l , , -1 . -
mu tuc wat in wmana auom a year
Flying Feet
When July brought hot, dry weath
er and the grass became thort in the
pasture Johnnie Green no longer
turned 1 wiuklehecls out to graze,
lie kept him in a stall in the barn
and fed him oats and Lay thru limes
a oay.
It was at that time that Johnnie
( j vein made an interesting mscoviry.
Whenever he felt one. he kicked.
A rowof currant bushes grew b:hind
the born. And one day when. JoUn-
ri.t cirinn.t .iff. 9 t.ur ctfmd ft
red fruit and stood in the back doc
of the barn, tatin it, he happened
to sivp a current at Twinklcliccls.
The result both pleased and sur
prised liim. ' When the cumttt struck
1 wiiir-ichecls He laid nack ins cars,
c'.rom cd his head, and let lly with
both hind feet.
Johnnie Green promptly forgot
?-n hr hart intpniifrl to ejt those
t.r:;i!:ts. One by onr he threw tJicm
at Twirklcheth. It made no differ
her thrv bit the nonv When
ever he felt one, r.2 kicked. Some
times he kicked on'y tne air: sout;
t'mfs his fret crashed against the side
of his stall. . ...
Throwing currants at lwinkie
ljla krr?m rnf. nf Tchniiie Green s
favorite sports. Whenever boys from
neighboring tarms came to. piay
with him, Johnnie was sure to enter
tain them by taking them out behind
the barn to show them how high he
could make Twinkleheels kick.,
As a mark of special iavor, joiin
nie would sometimes let his friends
. (o.., rnnl at bi net. And
sometimes they would even pelt the
old horse bbenezer. who stood m inc
ct-,11 nnv in Twinkleheels.. There
was little fun in that, however. Eben-
ezer refused to kick, ine nrst cur-
ofj!lr Kri-iiio-lit him out 01 a
doze, with a start. But after that he
wouldn't budge, except perhaps to
turn his head and look with a bored
expression at the boys in. the doqr-
Wi'u.,n: r.reen and his friends
were not alone in enjoying this sport.
Old doe Spot joined tnem wnen nc
,.U TTnfnrtnnatelv. when IW111-
klchecls kicked, old Spot always
wanted to bark. Ann jonnme ojuu j
1:1-- at curb times. He and
iiivc uyi. . . -
his friends were always amazingly
quiet when they were cngageu. m
1. iUm.r.ntr behind the barn.
And they were always peering about
as if they didn t want 10 ue uugm
,.i tn flu. ham and tell vour
father that dinner's almost ready,
Mrs. Green said to Johnnie one aay.
"He's not in the barn," Johnnie
answered. .
"Are vou sure? Mrs. ureen
asked. "I thought I heard him
hammering out there a. tew minuies
"Not" Johnnie murmured. Fath
er's in the hayfield." ; '
"That s queer, sam nis nioinci.
t d,r T heard hammering.
Well, blow the horn, then! I don't
want dinner to spoil."
So Tohnme Oreen Diew severe
loud blasts on the horn. And he
rriaH tn do it. for it save him
an excuse for having a red face.
He threw-no more currants at
',;i-i.v,.pU that rlav. Somehow it
didn't seem just the wisest thing to
do But the next morning ne mauc
Twinkleheels kick a few times.
r.atlw trnnA for him. John
nie tried to make himself believe. "He
needs the exercise.
(Copyright, 1921. by Metropolitan Newt-
paper oervivc,
. Gibbs to Lecture.
"The Chance of World Peace" is
b chiprr nf the lecture which will
be given by Sir Philip Gibbs before
the Omaha society 01 rine wis
Tuesday afternoon, January 31, at 4
o'clock in the ballroom of the Fon
tenelle. . t '
Cafeteria Dancing Party. '
Omaha Council -No. 415, Security
Benefit association, will give a cafe
teria dancing party Thursday eve
ning at their hall in the Swedish au
ditorium, Sixteenth and Chicago
For B. T. Club.
B. T. club members and their
families will be - entertained on
Thursday evening at the home of
Mrs. H. C Madden, 6101 Florence
1 IMS kk
"Marriage Problems
AOtle Oatrttofl a New rnata
Th Problem Jim If tinted to
Mr. Graham, may I tpeak to jou
Jim, Iramrd In the door Iradiiij
from the (unit kinht ii to the dining
room, wat a pathtlie lk'ure. Hit
beard wat of two or three dayt
from It, toiiMhing uuiKiial wit'i
Jim, and In usually ruddy ihrrk
howrd in uuhra'tliy pallor. lie
wat many pmrndt thinner than when
I left the (arm, and hit eet ap
peared to have rrtrcatcd into ln
"Of rour.e, Jim." I rose from the
table wrre I lud been utting wait
inn for the miiiiitr to pat until 1U1
time agreed umoii by Lillian and me
(or our excursion with Katie,
DitUy and hi itcr, Mrt. liar
rioit, had long inre departed i-'r
the chopping trip to Southampton
and fhe viit to the Rridgehampton
braih in Older to ee the ocean by
moonlight, Mrt, liar, after Inlp
ing Katie with the nipper ditihes
had gone home, and Lillian and I.
teeing Marion and Junior tettlcd (or
the night. hai prepared for the ex
cursion. Mother liraham. having
awed her tldughtrr't lrmpftuou
brood into tubniinsion and consc
flurnt tleep. was positively briiiuing
at her chance to be a god ot the
Itefore T followed Jim from the
room, I looked at Lillian, who, I
knew, had talked' with him aiuce
supper, and had wrung from him the
consent to Katie's going which wc
needed. She formed the one word,
"Careful." silently, tnd I braced my
self for something unusual in the in
terview before me.
"You're Not Going Away?"
Katie was nowhere to be seen
when I entered the kitchen, and as
Jim placed a chair for me with awk
ward but genuine courtesy, I rea
lized that he wished to talk with
me alone, and had purposely ban
ished Katie. I realized something
else, also, that the man was on the
verge of a breakdown. His hands
were trembling, his breath was
quick and uneven, and his usually
strong, stolid face wa seamed and
broken with anguish.
Mrs. Graham, he began falter
ing!. "Mrs. Graham." He came to
a full stop, and began twisting his
op round and round in his shaking
fingers. I guessed that he clung to
the cap purposely that he might
have some plausible occupation for
those twisting hands.
es. Jim, I said, encouraging
ly, then as lie did not speak I leaned
forward and looked at him stead
ily. "Don't hesitate to tell me your
trouble. Jim. and I am sure I can
make you see that it isn't half as
bad as you think.
He looked at me wildly.
"It couldn't be anv worse, Mrs.
Graham," he said, with quiet, de
spairing dignity. "I have seen my
wife Meal out night after night,
when she thought l didn't know it
and once when I followed her I
saw her talkinir to a man. He took
to his heels when I came up, so I
Mrs. Linton Tells How Helpful
Lydia E.PinkhWs Vegetable
Compound is at This Period
Denver. Colorado. "I have taken
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound for seven
years and 1 cannot
tell you the good
it haa done me. It
is good for young
and old and I al
ways keep a bottle
of it in the house,
for I am at that
time of life when
it calls for Lydia
E. Pinkham's
help. Myhusband
saw your ad. in
the papers and said ' You have taken
everything you can think of, now I
want you to take Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound!' So I let him
get it, and I soon felt better and he
told me 'I want you to take about six
bottles.' So I did and I keep house
and do all my own work and work out
by the day and feel fine now. I tell
every one about the Vegetable Com
pound, for so many or my friends
thought I would not get well." Mrs.
R. J. Linton, 1850 West 33d Avenue,
Denver, Colorado.
After reading letters like the above,
and we are constantly publishing
them, why should any woman hesitate
to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound if she is in need of
help? It bringa relief where other
medicines fail. , ,
$ A Stubborn Cough X
Loosens Kight up
Thlt home-made remedy in won- J
der for quirk result, basliy
and cheaply made.
Here is a home-made syrup wliieli
millions of people have found to be
the most dependable means of break
ing up stubborn coughs. It is cheap
and Bimplc, but very prompt in ac
tion. Under its healing, soothing in
fluence, chest soreness goes, phlegm
loosens, breathing becomes easier,
tickling in throat stops and you get
a good night's restful sleep. . The
usual throat and chest colds are con
quered by it in 24 hours or less.
Nothing better for bronchitis, hoarse
ness, croup, throat tickle, bronchial
asthma or winter coughs.
To make this splendid lough syrup,
pour 2V4 ounces of Pinex into a pint
bottle and fill the bottle with plain
granulated sugar syrup and shake
thoroughly. If you prefer use clari
fied molasses, honey, or corn syrup,
instead of sugar syrup. Either war,
you get a full pint a family supply
of much better cough syrup than
you could buy ready-made for three
timet the money. Keeps perfectly
and children love its pleasant taste.
Pinex is a special and highly con
centrated compound of genuine Nor
way pine extract, known the world
over for its prompt healing effect
upon the membranes.
To avoid disappointment ask your
druggist for "2'3 ounces of Pinex"
with fuil directions, and don't accept
anything else. Guaranteed to give
absolute satisfaction . or money
promptly refunded. The Pinex Co.,
Ft. Wayne, Ind.
didn't e what he looUd like, but
if after I leave he isn't food to
Kane, I'll rome pack and kill Mm."
" hat do yoi. nieaiif'' I gapped.
"You're not going away?''
-She Likei Htm Beit
"Tliere'i nothing r!e for me to
do," be aid, with a mululi obsti
nacy that 1 knew it wat u-clet to
combat (or the frcenf, at least. "I
atwa)i made up my mind that whrn
I found my wife liked smcbodv
better than hi' jid me, I'd clear out
I'll owrt that I didn't do right when
I fir at found this thing out I'm
only a man, and was crary mad, I
handled her pretty rough, Mrs. Gra
ham, and once, I shipped tier."
, He wat evidently determined to.
reveal the very worst of himself to'
me, but I wat careful to let no hint
of diapproval come into my (ace.
He was mifering enough without
my adding a featherweight to his
sorrow and remorse.
"But I only did it to keep her!
from going out to meet the man
again," he went on. "She's only a
girl, and awful innocent, like a lit
tle kid in lots of ways, Katie is,
and 1 didn't want tier to get tier
name up. So I've kept her in, and
waited for you to come home. . I
know you'll take care of her when
I've gone aw a v. and not let her get
into any trouble. If after a while
you think the fellow's all right, I
won't pull anything in her way. She
can get a divorce and marry him."
"Jim. you're talking like a man
it) a delirium," I said. "Katie's just
at much in love w ith you now as she
ever was, and that's a good deal.
And I'm sure that soon she can
CNplain why she met that man, and
Mien everything will be all right."
"That's what Mrs. Underwood
aid that after a while, (Katic would
vplain a lot of things to mc. and
he said you and her was going
with Katie tonight. But that don't
make anv difference about mv bo-
ing, Mrs. Graham. Katie hates mcH
now for treating her so rough. Mic
hasn't spoken to me since and I
know it's on account of that other
man. No, she likes him best, and
I'm better out of the way.'-
For Scottish Rite Club.
The following musical program
will be given at the Scottish Rite
cathedral, Friday, 2 p. m., under the
auspices of the Scottish Ritj Wom
an's club: Vocal solos, Miss Mablc
Price and Mrs. L.. E. Hunt; piano
solo, Ray Karlqijist; violin number,
Dorothy Lustgardcn, accompanied
by Mrs. Ida Lustgardcn, and a
sketch entitled, "Crystal Gazing," by
Mrs. William Smith and Mrs. Byron
Wholesale Meat Prices j
Do wholesale meat prices go up and down with fluctuations in live
stock prices?
Why do live stock prices fluctuate? v
Why are some cuts of meat higher than others?
What kind of competition is there in the meat business ?
Where does your meat come from?
How does it happen! that you can always get it ?
Why is the large packer necessary?
Swift & Company's 1922 Year Book answers these and many other
It's ready for distribution, and there is a copy free for you. Send for
it You'll enjoy reading it It's a revealing document
li Mrs. Rhoades Elected
Visiting Nurses' Head
Mr. W, L. Rhoadet wa elected
pietident i'f the Nintinu Nure as
sociation of Omah at the 2hU an
nual meeting held yesterday at the
Brandeit theater.
Uihrr ollicert elected are: Mrt.
Robert M. Kogeri, honorary presi
dent; Mrt. Walter D. Rubertt, first
vice proideiil; Mm, William B.
Wheeler, tecoud vice president; Mrt.
Frank J. Norton, secretary; Mrt,
llara H. Thomas, treasurer; Mrs.
W. I!. Tagir and Mist Jmie Millard,
member! vi board of directors.
Among the distinguished guestt
present was Mis fcldtia l oley, u-
An Army Marches On Its
Stomach. Said Napoleon
The Great Corsican Knew That Success in Life De
pends Upon Your Strength, Energy and Endurance.
When Napoleon led hit victorious
armies through Europe, his worst en
emies were not the nations defend
ing themselves against his smashing
onslaught; but he was confronted by
the graver question of how to pro
vide nourishing uiid strengthening
food for his soldiers.
The Great Corsican realized long
over a century ago, as hat every
commanding general since, that
men's bodies must be perfectly nour
ished if they are to retain their
natural strength, energy and vigor;
in fact, that the very health of the
human being is regulated almost en
tirely by the stomach. Under-feeding,
insufficient nourishment, means
loss of flesh, anaemia, lack of red
blood and subsequent weakness of
the entire system.
What such people need to enable
nature to bnng back their strength
and vigor, restore their lost weight,
and put them in fighting trim, with
rich, red blood coursing through their
veins is Tanlac, the powerful recon
structive tonic and body builder.
A man or woman suffering from
sour stomach, bad breath, biliousness,
indigestion, or gas on stomach, is
unfitted either for physical or men
tal labor. Sufferers from these ail
ments find life a burden; they look
on the world through biue glasses,
the joy and rewards of the vigorous,
happy, normally healthy person is
not theirs. Their troubles embitter
them against the world, destroy
their ambitions and make their lives
dull and unhappy.
Address Swift 8c Company
4300 Packers Arenue
Union Stock Yards, Chicago, BL
Swift & Company, U. S.
periiitendent of the Chicago Visiting
N'ure association and (oamer prcti
dent of the national or g an u at ion,
A total of visits tor the year
by Unuha visiting nurses was re
ported by Mii I lorcuce McCabe.
mperintei drut. The nurses vUited
6,514 patients and took ear of J.l'o
babirt in the five stations of the city.
'J'alkt were also given hy Mrt. T.
I- Davit and Mrs. Walter B. Kob
ertt, Picture Unveiling Feature
vf Class Day at Cotneniui
Class day rxercitet at Comrniut
school will be held Friday at 2. A
picture, "Motherhood," a tribute to
Cometuut niothert. will be unveiled
by I'.leanor Swobod. Vocal, cornet
itow looiisn io continue m tins
condition when on every hand
throughout the length and breadth
of the land, people by the thousands
arc daily testifying to the remark
able powers of Tanlae in conquering
stomach troubles. Jhis powerful
reconstructive medicine builds ud
the weak and the despondent; gives
tnem new hope and iiappiness and a
new lease on life.
Tanlac's name has been praised by
hundreds of thousands. Testimonials
front every corner of the United
States and Canada have showu con
clusively that even in cases where
patients had almost given up all hope
and where men and women had be
lieved themselves doomed to a life
of misery and buffering, Tanlac has
overcome their troubles and brought
back health, energy and happiness
into their lives
If you are not "fit as a fiddle" in
the morning and don't feel better
than when you went to bed; if your
breath is offensive and you have that
bad taste in your mouth, your body
is not being nourished properly.
What you need is Tanlac to restore
you to normal so Nature can bring
back the flesh you've lost, put the'
bloom of health in your cheeks, the
spring of energy in your step and-
the sparkle of happiness and content
ment in your eye.
NOTE tun la" Vegetable fill are iin
cuenltal unit vitally Important rirt of the
Tanlao treatment. Toil cannot hope to net
the most natlbfaclnry results from Tanlao
without flrat establishing a free and reg
ular movement of the bowels. Tanlao
Veretnble Tills are absolutely free from
rabnnel and are enld on a positive guar
anteo to give itatjvfacttnn.
Tanlae Is sold In Omaha by the Sher
man & MnCnnnelt Drug- Co. and by lead
ing druKfrtM everywhere.
and iotiit rdta will be on the pto
gram. W. t. Herd, president of the
school board, will sprak and Mi
O'Toole will preeut diplomas.
For Raw Sore Throat
At tit" fli-t t-ian of a raw, aura
throat rutt u a little Musterule wltn
your rina' ts.
It goea riulit to tha jut with a
htta tineto. loosens cunieslloii,
Uraws out nurenesa urn miii,
Mu steroid la a clean, while oint
ment llimte Willi oil (if liitlalnrd. It
haa all tho atrenKiii of tha old -fashioned
mustard ol.tsirr without the
Nothing Ilk MuMeriila for eroupy
ehlMivn. Keep It liuiuly for Instant
use. S.i ami : cenu In j 1 1 a and
tubes; hospital Ue, 1 3.
Btrrta than a mustard plaster
PsiMsesr ss4 fmhl amlrM
Jf. V T I HLHimi 110 AMI m!lTtUUlTO
.IIITM t,b. 1 F'rb. ?H II
IIUHKflMt i,r. r. SI Mas IN
llt.HI M.KI , aluv XI) 4uue SO Julv II
A Nil II A Mill 110
AIIIIMt .. M nr. I
M t rill .... tn. ?. Mur.Xi ,Mr. t n
MKK(lMt Mir. II
N. V Til Ul.SDONI'I IUir AM l.l.AW.OW
AMHI Mar. 11
AU.r.KIt r. I May li June l
ASSYRIA f ,s. 4 Asr. IS St., 2)
l-ORTI sNU. lit.. Itf HALIFAX '.Ml."
a. W. Csr. Dtnrfcnru sas Haseolsn Strstlt,
Chlcase sr Local AtU
Big Chocolate
Coated Doughnut
and a bottle of Ala.
mito Milk, one week
only, all for. ......
&felk Restaurants
Do fens"
Value-Giving Slorc
of known quality at
mcney-saving prices
at Bowen's
We Jist below but a few of
the many values in our rug
department. Hundreds of
others are here displayed, any
one of which are values of the
better kind. You will save
money by selecting your rug
at Bowen's.
Axminster RugsExtra heavy
quality, in sizes 9x12; col
ors: rose, tans, blues and
color combinations; spe
cially priced $49.50
Axminster Rugs, 9x12, nice
assortment of patterns in
- blues, rose and tans
Plain Colored Rag Rugs for
bedroom and bathroom;
colors, blue, pink and yel
low; size 24x36 inches.
Priced now at only SI, 40
Axminster Rugs, 8-3x10-6,
large assortment in very
pleasing patterns, $33.50
Seamless Velvet Rugs, 8-3x
10-6, complete showing in
, beautiful blue colors
Axminster .Rugs Size 6x9,
extra good quality, hand
some designs, priced now
at only . . . $21.98
9x12 Seamless Brussels Rups,
6x9 Seamless Brussels Rugs,
27x64-incn Axminster Rugs,
It Pays to Read
Bowen's Small Ads.
Howard St., Bet. 15th ad 16th Sts.
Big Chocolate
Coated Doughnut
and a bottle of Ala
mito Milk, one week
only, all for
for Coughs scolds
TdU Jtrvp ti tjtfftrMW from til etHtn.
Quit It Ith if. No OptSltS- SC tVffYWhfft.
A mild system of
Rectal Diseases la
eration. No Chloroform. Ether or other general aneetheti used,
ii" umn1 svery ease accepted for treatment, and no money is to be paid until
SYJr . r o Rectal Diseases, wit names and testimonials of more than
I,00 prominent people who have bea permanently cured.
DR. E, K TARRY aaatoriusm, P stars TrusJ Bldg. (Bat BMfJ Omeae, Nea,
i S Sinai s."4sw
I aatt raasus
L i
Honest laundcrlnc la
not only our busmesa
.... H'a otir hohby,
and wc rid it 24 hour
a day, Try our work on
your next bundle of
Ha 0784
Thousands I lave Discovered
Dr. Edwards Oiivc Tablets
arc a Harmless Substitute
Dr. Kdxvttrda' olive Tablets tha i
mibatituto for i-alonicl are a nill't
but a ii re laxative, anil their fleet
on the liver In alnioxt lntHntaneou.
These llitlo ollve-coloroU ubleti ara
tho result of Ir. I-Mwanla deter
liiinutiun not to treat liver and
bowel i-oin plaint with calomel.
Tho lnaimnt little tulilota do tin
Rood calomel does, but huve no bud
aftr ffTectn. They don't Injure tlia
teeth like fctrotig- lliil.)a or calonivl.
They tiilto hold ot the troublo and
nulckly correct It. Why cure the
liver at tho expense of the teeth?
Culomcl Rometiincs plays havoc with
the Rums, to do Ktrontr liquids. K
Ih beat not to take ealomot. Let
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tu blots tako ita
lleadnehea, "dullness" and that
lazy feeling como from const Ipatloit
nnd a disordered liver. Take riv
Kd wards' Olivo Tablets when you
feel "logy" and -heavy." They
"clear" clouded brain nnd "jor)c
up" tha spirits. 10c and ilOc.
There is
Strength in
One dose often helps com
mence to rnrk-Ji your blood
and revitalise your worn
out exhausted nerves
Nuiated Iron is orcanic
iron, like the iron in Tonrl
blood and like the iron in ipin
ach. U is so prepared thst it
will not Injure the teeth nor
disturbtheitomach. Unready
for almost immediate absorp
tion aodlaasimil.ilion br the
blood while some physician
claim metallic iron which pco
pie usually takeitnotahsorberi
at all. If you are not Strang or
well yon owe it to yourself to
make the fotlowhir test: See
bow Ion; you can work or how
far yon can walk, without be
Icoming tired. Next take twat
Ave grain tablets of Nuxstedj
Iron-three times perdayjiflfr
meals for two weeks. Then
test your strensth again and
see bow ronch you have gained. Your money
will be refunded by the manufacturers If yea,
do not obtain perfectly satiifactory results.
At all druggists.
Enriches the Blood- Strengthens the Newt I
Kidney and Bladder
Troubles HAVE TO GO
Clogged up Kidney Deposit are Dis
solved and the Toxins (Poisons)
Completely Driven Out. Druggists
Told to Guarantee it in Every
"Your very life," says Dr. Carer, "ex
pends upon the perfect functioning anil
health of your kidneys so whatever you
do don't neglect them."
Dr. Carey's famous prescription No 777,
known as Marshroot. is not recommended
for everything, but we cannot too strongly
urue its use if you suffer from annoyin
bladder troubles, frequent passing of water
night and day. with smarting or irritation,
brick dust sediment or highly colored urine,
bloating irritability with, loss of flesh,
backache, rheumatism or any other ten
dency to Bright's Disease, Diabotia or
Gravel for kidney disease In its worst
form may be stealing upon you.
Don't wait until tomorrow to beirin
the use of this wonderful prescription
now oStainable in both liquid and tablet;
form if you have any of the above symp
toms. Kidney and Bladder troubles don't
wear away. They will grow upon you.
slowly, stealthily and with unfailing cur-!
Never mind the failures of the past,
if you even suspect that you are subject to!
Kidney Disease, don't lose a single day..
Sherman & McConnell 5 drug stores'
and every good druggist has been author
ized to return the purchase money on tha
first two bottles to all who state they
have received no benefit.
Reduce Your Fat
Without Dieting
Tears ago the formula for fat rdui,
tlcn was "diet" "ejierclse." Todav It ii.
"Take Marmola Prescription Tablets."
Friends tell friends theiie frli-nds tell
others. They eat substantial food, live aa
they like and still reduce atesdlly and
easily without going through long siege
of tiresome exercise and starvation diet
Marmola Tableta are sold by all druggists'
the world over at on dollar tor a case, os
if you prefer you can order direct from
tho Marmola Company, 4611 Woodward
Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Let Cuticura Be
Your Beauty Doctor j mm: PenaaiDlas
mUrmm: Cstutsa Usmtarlaa,lastX, sUISas. Mass.
When Out of Employment
A Bee Want Ad
- Pay WHieni Cured
treatment that eurea PUea. Klitui. and ik.
a short time, without a sever sure-leal aa,-
ii itlsr
u a