Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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City Officials
All Amateurs,
Asserts Expert
Office HoMi-ri Barely Get
, Inkling of Muny Affair liy
Time They Retire, Pro
fessor Say.
City gfTiciti were cliractfrie4
"amateurs" v Prof. Cliarlei M
j"aiett, expert in municipal govern
ment it the University of Kaniit,
in an aJJrtu before the convention
cif Nebraska League tf Municipal!
ties at the Hotel Rome yesterday.
"City officuti arc fill amateuri
vhen they are elected to office," tie
speaker laid. Tliey remain in office
tor two or four year and when they
retire they have jut h-gun to have
n inkling of municipal attain,
When they, return to private life an
other group of amateurs take their
"Thrra if an awakening coming
n4 the old method of electing oth
rials because of partisan affiliation,
regardless of qualification for oflicc.
will pa. Voter are anking more
service from their municipal officials
and are acekmg men ho are com
petent to hold the poition."
Urge Special Training. ,
Prof. Fasctt "advocated special
. training and preparation for men
holding municipal office. At the
University of Kausa there is a spe
cial coure m municipal government,
and Western Reserve, Cleveland, is
planning a department of municipal
government which will teach the
theory while the student will be al
lowed to work part time in the
.municipal offices of Cleveland to
gather practical experience.
"There never will be an ideal city
until we have ideal citizens." Prof,
l'assctt said. "The great hindrance
to good government is indolence,
disinterest in municipal affairs and
failure to. vote. No citizen can ex
pect to enjoy the privileges of a
democratic government until he is
willing to shoulder some of the re
sponsibilities of a true citizen,"
Improved Standards.
Prof. Fassett declared the fcvolu
tion of municipal government has
brought the method in effect in
America to a higher standard than
ever was attained before. He. cle
clared. city managership to be the
latest word in municipal efficiency,
especially in smaller cities.
William Madgelt, Hastings, vice
president of the league, spoke ' on
"Municipal Testing Laboratory."
The delegates had luncheon at the
1 "truAtir0'n(; at noon, during which there
change)3, a round table discussion of
--Legislation." In the afternoon Wil
liam Grant, Lincoln, spoke on "Pav
ing' Progress in : Nebraska." City
swimming, pools and sanitation, safe
ty, and' liability were other subjects
discussed. .
Discuss Swimming Pools.
. Upkeep and care ot municipal
swimming , pools from a sanitary
standpoint .was the subject of an
illustrated lecture yesterday after
noon before the members of the Ne
braska League of Municipalities . at
the. Hotel Rome by R.-N. Perkins,
Omaha chemist. .
.Slides showing proper methods of
keeping swimming pools free from
disease germs, filtering of "water and
other necessary prevention- methods
were" shown.
'Following the lecture, K. B. How
ell, general manager of the Metro
politan Utilities, district, delivered
a short . address on municipally
ownad utilities in Omaha and showed
motion pictures of them in opera
tion. Following this lecture the
delegates made a tour of the Omar
;, ha utilities and saw them in oper
Dry Laws Enforced,
Says W.C.T.U. Officer
" . .
Fremont, Ncb Jan. ' 25. (Spe
cial.) The 18th "amendment "is be
ing enforced, "according to Mrs.
Clayton, Lincoln, vice president at
large of the Nebraska W. C. T. U.,
in an address before the regional
conference, held at Fremont.
It cannof be expected, she point
ed out, that a habit of 10,000 .years'
standing can be wiped out in an
instant by the mere passing of a
lav. Mrs. Clayton appealed to the
'women to become acquainted with
the work that is being done and to
express their appreciation of offi
cers who enforce, the law and of
papers that " publish conditions as
they are. She urged that all women
exercise their right to vote and do
all in their power to promote civic
righteousness. ' " ;
Miss Amy Spaulding, Upton, Ind.,
addressed the conference on the im
migration question. The apparent in
difference of Americans t6 foreign
ers, -she said, makes the work of
missionaries harder, for the ihimi-
grants cannot believe that the Amer
icans really care. . . . .- .
Farewell to Rev. Mr. Lowe.
C. F. Weller presided Tuesday
afternoon at a farewell meeting given
by the G. A. R. to Rev. Titus Lowe
in the .city council chamber. Bishoo
' Stuntr, Rev. E. H. Jenks. Capt. C E
" Adams, and Rev. Lloyd Holsapple
v-ere the speakers, besides Dr. Lowe.
' The G. A. R. quartet sang.
" Youth. Sought in Omaha. -
' Beatrice, Neb., Jan. 23. -(Special.)
' Frank Layton has gone to Lincoln
and Omaha in search of his .son,
i Glen, former, high school football
t player who . recently disappeared,
: passing a number of no-fund checks,
it is alleged, before he left. ..."
Road Conditions
" (Farr.IshM by Omaha Aoto Clob.)
Lincoln Highway, East Goo A to Mar
shslltown; fair at Cedar Rapid. .
Lincoln Htahwajr. West Good to Grand
Island and west.
Hlf bland Cutoff Good.
8, T. A. Good. "
Cornhukar Hlgnwar Good. -
O Straat Road Good.
- Omaha-Tep-ka Highway Good to ; tha
Ut line.
Goras Waahlnrton Highway Good to
Sioux City. .
Black Hills Trail Good to. Korfolk.
. Kin of Trails. North Fair to food to
S!ou City.
King of Trails, Smith Good to Hia
watha; Hiawatha to Kansaa City, rough.
Rlrer to Rivr Fair to good.
White Pole Road Good; snowing at At
lantic. I. O. A. Short Lin qod.
Wus Grass Baad Fair ta good.
. Four women, all of them county
county treasurers here this week.
urer; Mamc McAndrews of AInsworth, Brown county trtasurcr; Mabel J. Thompson of Bridgeport, Morrill
county treasurer; Myrtle J. Lancaster of Sidney, Cheyenne county treasurer.
Treasurers Told
of Revenue Bill
State Tax Commissioner Ex
plains New Measure to
County Officers.
The new revenue bill. Senate File
65 and House Roll 127, was ex
plained thoroughly to the county
treasurers now in session at the
Ronic hotel by W. II. Osborne, state
tax commissioner, yesterday.
Jfe said the special session would
remedy defects of the bill and make
it more acceptable.
j ne new did readies property mat
previous legislation tailed to toticn,
hs declared, and taxes business un
taxed before such as grain and hay
brokers, oil- distributors jintl motion
picture theaters. ' lie said it would
increase slate revenue four times the
amount tinder former legislation. '
Open discussion followed Mr. Us-
borne's talk. At noon, there was a
special luncheon at the Rome.
The annual banquet was held
last - night at the Rome. Gov
ernor WcKeivie was to have ocen
guest of honor, but could not attend.
Walter W. Head, president ot the
Omaha National bank, delivered
the principal address. Charles E.
Black, postmaster; Fred E. Ericson,
president of the organization, and
Frank B. Martin spoked
Man Breaks Both Ankles
. in Fall From Corn Bins
Ord. Neb.. Jan. 25. (Special.)
Curt Wilson of the Johnson & Peter
son corn storage plant narrowly es
caped death when attempting to use
a small elevator to descend from the
too bins. The rope broke, causing
him to fall 40 feet. I Bones in both
ankles, were broken and Other in
juries were sustained. . " . ,
Veteran Photographer of
Omaha Dies in Wife's Arms
Tust after- takinsr a photograph -at
the Dean studio, 320 South Fifteenth
street, Tuesday afternoon, .Horace
S. Emory, 58, dropped dead in. the
arms of his wife. He. came to Oma
ha 32 years ago from Boston. J. he
funeral will be held m the Elks
rooms this afternoon at 2. .
a reason not only
quality goods, but
this sale.
The following is a
Curtains, per pair. ......
Curtains, per pair. ......
Curtains, per pair.
Curtains, per pair...
Curtains, per pair.
Curtains, per pair
Curtains, per pair.
o. i o curtains, per pair. .
9.00 Curtains, per pair..
Sectional Laces sufficient for a window, a room,' or a house, are shown in Filet, Voile, Duchess, and Novelty Net.'
75c -values, per strip.,.. 38 1.00 values, per strip. .. ,50 1.50 values, per strip.,.. 75t 2.00 values, per strip., 1.00
': - GIFT SHOP ' ; . '
Every item reduced. You'll find a woderful array of art and gift articles at tremendous reductions. ;
' ; ; ; ; Lamps
-Handsome Floor Lamps complete" with Shades.
36.00 Bridge or Reading Lamps with Shades....
49.50 Bridge or Reading Lamps with Shades..
60.00 Floor Lamps with Shades
dz.uu lame .Lamps wita Shades. ........
dts.uo Table Lamps with Shades
Are County Treasurers
0 o u
treasurers, now serving in Nebraska,
They are. left to nam: Mary I. Ford of Grant. Perkins eountv traa.
Nurses of State
Hold Meet Here
Head of Chicago Visiting
Nuroe Association Gives Ad
dress Officers Elected.
The Nebraska State Nurses' asso
ciation. District No. 2, opened its an
imal meeting in Omaha yesterday at
the Hotel Jontelle. U he assem
bly continued throughout the day.
But 15 nurses, had registered for at
tendance up to 10:30.
Miss Margaret McGrcevcy of the
state division ot public 'health
mining at Lincoln, read a paper on
"Rural Nursing in Nebraska" at the
afternoon program. Miss Edna
Foley, superintendent of the Visiting
Nurse association of Chicago, ar
rived in Omaha Tuesday to give an
address yesterday on "Public Health
Nursing." Miss Isabclle Gallagher
supervisor of the Visiting Nurse as-.
sociation ot Omaha, were to talk on
"Child Welfare." -'- .
Miss Beth Jamison, vice president
ol the nurses' association, presided
at the meetings. Balloting for new
officers and directors continued
throughout the day.
Luncheon was held at noon !n the
Hotel Fontenelle.
Bluffs Boy, 11, Killed hy
Auto of Blaine Wilcox
Blaine Wilcox, head of J. F. Wil
cox & Jons, florists, Council Bluffs,
gave himself up to police Tuesday
afternoon tfter his automobile had
struck Richard Wise, 11, son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Wise, 311 Franklin
avenue, Council Bluffs, at Glen ave
nue and Broadway, Council Bluffs.,
Wilcox tock the boy to Jennie Ed
mundson hospital where he was pro
nounced deal. Wilcox was released"
by police upon bis own recognizance.
The accident , happened when the
boy and a companion darted into the
street from between . two parked
County Agent Re-Employed
"Ord, Neb., Jan. -25. (Special.)
Valley county commissioners have
granted, the appropriation requested
for next year's farm bureau work.
County agent C. C. Dale has' been
re-employed at the same salary as
last year. '
n I p is going, on in 'all departments with intense
."V interest as was displayed at the beginning, There's
an abundance of designs
genuine reductions that
partial list showing reductions
, ..
- - .
art attending the convention of
Fremont Woman Taken
, When Island Is Raided
Fremont, Neb., Jan. 25. (Spe
cial.) County officials raided
house party on Fremont island in
the Flatte river and detained two
married women and five men, some
with wives at home. One man es
caped through a rear door of the
cottage when the police arrived, and
was lost in the woods. The break
ing up of the party followed the
complaint of a. wife of one of the
men known to be in the party. The
presence of booze was suspected and
the entire gang was escorted to the
county jail where an investigation
was made. The two women, one
from Fremont and the other from
Ceresco, and one man, were held at
the county jail over night. All were
released this morning with no com
plaints filed. The officials refuse to
make public the names of those im
plicated. USE SLOAN'S TO
LITTLE aches grow into big pains
, unless warded off by an applica
tion of Sloan's. Don't rubt as
it penetrates. A counter-irritant,
Sloan's scatters congestion, and soon
relieves the ache and pain.
Rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica,
lumbago, lame back, stiff joints,
sprains and strains won't fight long
against Sloan's Liniment.
Always keep it handy for instant use.
For more than forty years, Sloan'i
Liniment has helped thousands ' the
world over. You won't be an excep-,
tion. It certainly does produce results. '
You just know from its stimulating,;
healthy odor that it will do you good.
Ask your neighbor. .
At all druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40.
Makes Sick Skins
"6U One of Dr.Hobson'a
Funily Remedies. For clear,
healthy complexion use freely
Eczema Ointment
to choose from in up
reflect the advantage
. - : .
Voile, Marquisette, Euffled, Cluny, Duchess, and Novelty
Net Curtains., Sectional Laces in Filet, Voile, and Duchess.
Included in this sale i3 a special purchase of inexpensive Voile
and Marquisette Curtains of exceptional value.
Curtains at 1.00 per paii
3.00 Plain Hemstitched Marquisette Curtains in white and ecru,
and Plain Lace-Edged Voile Curtains, white . .1,00
Curtains at 1.25 per pair
3.00 Plain Hemstitched Marquisette and Voile Curtains and Lace
Edged Marquisetty Curtains in white and in ecru. .1,25
, Curtains at 1.85 per pair
2.00 Hemstitched ' Marquisette Curtains " trimmed with Cluny
Lace ddge, in white and ecru ...1,85
on Curtains, in which all styles
'9.25 Curtains, . per pair......
10.00 Curtains, per pair. .... .
11.50 Curtains, per pair......
12.50 Curtains, per pair......
13.00 Cisrtains, per pair......
15.00 Curtains, per pair..,.,',
12.50 Curtains, per pair....,.
15.00 Curtains, per pair
18.75 Curtains, per pair
Dresser Boxes
In rose and blue, various sizes and shapes
that sold up to 13.00. r nn
January sale, your choice .......
City Not Liable
for Rum Death,
Officials Hold
Cae of Toman Suing Over
UuoWmri Death Will Be
Thrown Out of Court,
Dunn Predict.
A damage suit filed Tuesday In
district court by Elmer E. Thomas,
in behalf of Pauline Yost, 2814 W
street, attempting to make the city
jointly liable with other defendants
for the death f Frank Yost, brought
fcrth various comments from city of
ficial yesterday.
The petition alleges that city of
ficials did not enforce state and city
liquor lawa and that Yost died from
drinking liquors.
I think Mr. Thomas is seeking
chr-an advertising," said i'olice Com
missioner Dunn. "The case will be
thrown out of court as far as the city
is concerned. One may as well say
the city could be held financially lia
ble for a burglary.- The police de
partment has been and i doing its
utmost to enforce all laws and Elmer
Thomas knows it."
Would Bankrupt United States.
Mayor Dahlman said: .
'"Everything possible is being done
to suppress liquor sales. But even
if the city could be held liable in a
case of this kind, so should federal
When a cold ia
neglected it at
tacks the lining
Why Colds
Lead to
of the lungs
then it's pneu
monia. Father
John's Medicine,
treats colds and
irevents pneu
monia because it
nourishes the sys
tem and drives
out the poisonous
waste matter
any other way Of
treating? a cold if
likely to lead to
pneumonia. . Not
a "cough syrup"
or "balsam" de
fending: upon
danger out and
veakening drugs,
ut a food medi
cine and body
builder. . '
Theae three organ ere re
pooaible for more miatrr
aroonc men tbao all. othera
combined. Pains in beck,
tired feeling, getting' up at
night, premature age, less
ened vitality, are tome of the
reault of these troubles. We
believe we have the beet
treatment known to quickly
correct tnese disorders.
Coats nothing unless it
floes the work,
tar Illustrate hag
BOX 293-1,
to the standard of ;
in buying during
are' included -
o prr
V. i
- .-7.50
as .11.50
C 2
1 ..ii.l klat u.wrrftillr lit,, and that
would bankrupt th government."
Coniniiiiionrr JUuk'"s "timer
should know more about the salt of
liquor than I da. IU has run th
polite department longer thn I
Comiuusioner Hummel: "He
may at well charge the Mrrsl ad
tte governments with lack of good
faith in enforcing the la!."
"Can't Convinct Courts."
Commiiouer ifimmans "I think
that part of the petition which re.
fers to the city official should have
been reserved until the next city
ilectkm. Thomas may be tble to
convince soma personi, but be will
not be able to convince the courts.'
ilrs. Yost alleges that on January
7 she and her husband went to a
rarly at the home of Mary and
Mkhael Mandich, where liquor was
furnished to her huaband, and he
died about 9 in the evening. he
alleges the Mandiches were engaged
in the manufacture and sale of
liquor. .
Bit Choeolat
Coated Doughnut
and a bottU of Ala
tnito Milk, on wask
only, an tor
i All
Men's Two Pants
Suits at Half Price
HERE you arc, rncu.rA good -looking new suit with an cxira
pair of trousers which Avill give you double the amount of
wear at just one-half priced, They arc of cassimere, unfinished
and hard finished worsteds, blue serge, light and dark brown checks as well
as many other colors and materials.: Sizes from 34 to 42 regular.
They are now $67.50 and
Top Coats Tuxedos
14 Price $30
New English weaves arc found in '
these coats which are straight hang
ing with eeain down the shoulder, in .
gray, blue, brown or you.may chooso ; ;
a gaberdine with raglan shoulder, or
plain conservative style. - Light and
heavy weight.
$60.00 Coats $30.00
$45.00 Coats, $22.50
The Store of Specialty
6 Bcu an s
Hot water
At All Oruoguu Krp a tub lmmi
At A
with a 50 cut the price will be ?33.?5.
i .. alterations;
( ANALOrainuL
50 suits for the "young lad-just out
trousers are special for. Thursday, sizes
at $10 and $15.: :'J-Ws-. "
Tlie popularity of tuxedos is gaining
every week and men will welcome
this sale of tuxedos at a price that
is extremely low. .We' have a splen
did line of sizes and every one is at
exactly regular selling price.
- ' $60.00 Tuxedos, $30.00 ')
From CHICAGO daily
From St. Leuu flatly :30 p.m. ,
all the world there Is no finer train. It la the laat
word In travel luxury.
Two other last trains to New Orleans
New. Orleans Special
New Orleans Limited
Through afeepers, Chicago to Hot Springs, Houston
and San Antonio, on Sew Orleans Limited.
Steamer from New Orleans to the West Indies, Panama and
Central America. Connections for the Pacific Coast porta
ot nann ana oouta America. ,
Tickets md information at
Cky Ticket Ofic. 1416 Dodte St, Pbooe. Douftas 16M
C. HaTsVxk, DMakm Paasratcr Aacnt. Illinois Central Railroad
31 J Cfor National Bank Blda.
- 16 sod Haraer Stretu, Phaaa Jackson
Omaha, Neb.
llll Each (
Day I
Larfs, Uty oaf from
tha country, 42(1 aloaan.
Idlawltaa Bttltar, tLo
iron of tKa churainf,'
39 a oua4.
We guarantee (Vieir fnih
tii-ss and qual.iy. They
are eonvenirntl wrapped
lor carrynif.
A small charge for
of short
31 to 34,
J 230 midday
I Stop In on ur ay .
home. I J
"Health lit f'ood" j?
North wast Fcoraar
16th and Faraam
lice Want Adi Bring! the Bct
-.1 ,v- .
v n
, .,1'--