F if Si, ClauiUd Advertising Bites l r i r4Mi f wefd la linal I I & ilea per ue, euueaeum daa mi 4f In, lf uay, I .i,l,-ai.llv )) I lu ir li uef dir. I teuoaiuii. S 4e t-aa fr e iha lutl af Im. 1 hn t.i... trio enbar to Ik lil a 4y n . ah i4ifiiMifltn eia-r In Morula and ! g Sail lt ir in .i)M'T BTK ON AITI.KAllo.N Hn d an.pted t IM Mltelnf ef- l.resi HAIS fWICK I Till iH rrn.m If Mlt Sid- .. Haul KiN HI. InUtKII llUfU ...I"H HI to an r Ai i fit' rivM ay I'iium: ATI. AM ll ! THH BRal will rereBil far pint than en i(4 f rl Insertion ef a ait-tiiMu.tl c4if4 f" mart lbs i i.nKiva wwnt ron wavt r :. i.g Miiiun 11 it A, M Marnu.g uilids.,,,, P, X, kuiUoy IMiliuu ,!) P, St.. 4turdy DEATH FUNERAL NOTICES. B-tKlIU I.IMI. B-d ''. tiled January It at lo. l hiiilil. Mh survived pv her Iwishand, Wll limn; fuiir iuiii, r-'rank nail Ma at l.uo.r. ,V ., Joseph of Kan Fran'tee. nl ( or ii film or iitnalia: en daughter, I9veln el llir; two brothera, A. n J A. M. Tllmn of Hooper; la sisiais. lln, lliarl'-a llaslef of nmalia (ltd )lfl. I'.dejard U'lUlmr.l of tianta Ana. lot llamata will t lttnuvd from lleafav A , llr.r. y rli.nel. Oil Kariiain. Friday inutnlnf fr burial al Hooper. N-n. Al'Ti'laA Tl J 'alum conrrele burial vault on display a( leading undrial ra. writ or iiiuana louortt Hurt I Vaull t mil ha. Ill llMKI.l. Kllni. ( H. Remain lll l. cnl friii, i llmfov A lltifey ttlspal to York. Nan., for burial. CARD OP THANKS. AvK wish lo I hank our many friends for llitlr klndne and avtnpathy shown, and fur Ilia lx-.uiif.il flow, during In Illness and draih of our d.ar huaband and fmher. lira. John J. 'ury and Kamlly. FUNERAL. JDI RECTORS. F.J.'STACK&CO., 9llCr.or 14 tii. k A K.lrop.r OMAHA 8 I1KST. nRo w A M B U L A N C El " Thlrly-lhlrd nd Karnaiiv Hulse & Riepen PlrtNKKR ri)NKRAt innECTons. Kormrrly it tOl 8. )itttl St., htv movrd to iili Cutnlni Ft. Ja. U'-H. "H E AFEY&"rrE AFE TY I'ndtrlakar and Hmbalmara. Thon HA. :4. U(flc J611 farnana. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON Rti sat rr with ri-owr.Rs krom hkss A BWOBODA. Hit FARNAM tiTP.EICT. I.. Hndrnn. U07 Farnam. Jackion 15H. JOHN BATH, 1DV4 Farnam. JacUnon 10. CEMETERIES. Forest Lawn Th lrrt and mnat beautiful ceme tery In Nehraika; S20 acre. Juat north of city Umlta. A mutual cemetery all revenuee urd for Improvement and perpetual car. Office t entrance to cemetery. I'lty office, 7!0 Brandel Theater Building. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Hlrtha. John and Dorla Petron, 4102 Corby treet, twin, firl. boy. Menrhel and Uerlrud Cenderlla, hof pltal, Slrl. J.ador and Teeel Teaeler. hospital, boy. John and Haiel ilcKeajue, 43U Pat rick avenue, boy. Anton and Marie Novotny, 642 South Twentieth treet. boy. Antonio and Caroline Barone, 2905 Deer Park boulevard, boy. Stanley and Antonla Papuga, Forty third and I treets. girl. Jamei and Anna llatejka, 21X1 Martha atreet, boy. Harry and Mabel Ahlbeck, hospital, Clrl. Elsworth and Metta Devereux, hospital, boy. Clyd and Elnora Wakeman. hospital, boy. Morrl and Rose Miller, hospital, bos'. Raymond and Florence Roberts, 6316 Florence boulevard, boy. Deaths. "William Leonard Phillips, 33, hospital. John F. iladlgaii, 49. hospital. LnlM Carl Sanderson. 3, 3430 Franklin. Robert C. Uilbaush. 61. hospital, i Mrs. Wllamena Ciaus, 66, 423,8outh Six teenth street. i MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following person were issued per mits to wed: Charlea E. Benjamin, 23, Fremont, Neb., and Eanlce Poole, 17, Fremout, Neb. . Charlea Betcher, over 21, Omaha, and Bell Stoner, over 21, Omaha. Earl F. Doggett, 22, Rosalie, Nob., end Gena F. Anderson, 21, Rosalie, Neb. Bonds V. Bond, S4, Omaha, aud Ellen Carlson, 24, Omaha. Raymond Heydlngsfelder, 26, Omaha, and, Vivian Zeiulak, 20, Omaha. Raymond Benton, 21, Omaha, and Mar garet M. Stevens, 21, Omaha. John A, Schuchart, 27, Omaha, and Mildred V. Kessler, 24, Omaha. Edwin Nelsoa. 2. Concordia, Kan., and Francea Parsons, 26. Valley. Xeb. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. Strayed, Boston Bull Pup From 1920 Souin 2tt jvvo. whit breast, white line through fore head, white feet, stub tail, brown spot on back. Black harness, brasa studded. Roturn dog home or W. S. Stryker , Douglas Shoe Store, Jt7 North 16th St. Get a good pair of shooa as reward. LOST T.INOI.EUM. 170 SO. 16TH TO VINTON TO 24TH AND Q STREET. ' REWARD. RALSTON 102-W. . LOST Bank deposit book. Please return to Theodore Lleben & Son. JA. 4116. LOST Silver picture frame, downtown Please call JA 3699. 1 PERSONALS. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. W distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our ' wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. KATHRTN L. RILE! Skin and scalp specialist. Residence work solicited. Appointment. JA. 8268. Theatrical historical masque costumes, for plays and partlee. at iiieoen s. umini. unr puim h.th.. Swedish masasee. chi ropod y. Evening to s. tin go. im JIAONETIC baths; Violet Ray treatment with massage?, on o. gm. wv. gin,. RENT vaounm cleaner; del. If. KE. 4118. ftLECTRIC baths. Swed. masaT WE. 29H. RENT Hoover vacuum. 11.26. HA.. 171. EXPERT MASSAGE. DOUGLAS 54. TVT7 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies XPT?TJ'C 1818 Farnam. Deugla 144. aVCiXilT O Classes Monday, Wednes day and Friday. 8:15 p. m. Private les sons by appointment. Sue methods. Satisfaction guaranteed.' Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, box Pfng. covered buttons, all style; hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button &. Pleating Co., 208 Brown block. Omaha, Neb. Telepnone JA. NEBB. PLEATING cVv-Buf: ten. 180"$ Farnam. 2d Floor. DO. 6670. Contractors-Painting. ALLEN ALLEN BACK, AN UNUSUAL PAINTER. Specialises In amok stack. tnd 1 pipe, elevator, mills, high work pe cfally desired. Phone AT. 484J. 620 N. 23rd St. PAINTING and decorating. January. - discount. Bi. 4. ucrmpn. -. PArNTING. papering and plastering. J. Dressmaking. MAKES suits, fancy gowns, remodeling. by day or home. DO. 377. Room 403. Fur., olta. dress e. rem'd. relln'd. HA 6804 Kodak Finish inf. ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, developing, printing. Kase Studio. 213 Neville Blk. " Films developed free. : Th Ensign Co, 1C0I Howard St, BRINGING UP COIN' TO tTOf IN VfXOMG Time, talk THe OUKE't.hP:,, COT Western National Dctwilve Aa.nry, l.lr.i.sed and bonded. 4ul llrardal Ta. Hlilg. AHanilo CH4S. Indopatidenl Imiixllv liu-rau. Iu4 Neville HIW. AT. niani. wa. i; tin. m KKI.lAHI.k; liele'tlv ll.ir.au. Hallway r.t. Hlilg.. j A, io&. Mgni, kk. n. J Ail Kd ALLAN, III N.UHe Hlk. Kvld.ne secured In all cas-a, Aiianim nil. LKTtlTIVKH that get resulia. 40s fax- ton block. J A. it. w. hoj. Printing. EPDT Printing Co.. ill II. U flt. Ho. H47 Patent Attorneyg. J, . ilARTIN, patent attorney, 112 Dodge, Umibi, al.. Waalilnxton. D. C We h'lp palenla, inndrl made. Misci Daneoug Announcements. DIAMONDS 'wf.h ll!vi!; to buy back at email profit. tlltuhS JEWEI.KT CO.. ouiaha. Neb., 402 N. -k . f..i...i.n In, KAJii IlAVtlt RI.A IIKD ihiruwinl. Sinale. 8&r double edge, lie dos. Mall orders so. Helled, oinsha Shuro Co.. 101 N. 16th, 1.1 , t A. Hull r,ltt-M BO OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattress-a made over In new ticks at half price ol new beds. 1907 timing. JA. 2467, DR. A. N. CARLSON, Chiropractor. 306 Puxton Blk. At. 9i47. Office Hra. 11 a. m. to 30 p. m. WOL'TH Hygien nd Pyorrhea. Dr. E. B. McQulllen, Dentist. 1100 First Nat l Bank Hid. Tel. JA. 0484. Prescriptions carefully compounded at th t Sherman McConneli Drug etores. FULL dresa and tuxedo for rent. John Feldman. 1C9 N. 161h St. Jackson 3128. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LaBron Electric 118 a 13th SL, Omaha. BRITT Printing Co.. 7 Elk Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. ONE Morris chair. IS; one walnut hall rack, 16; two rocking chairs, M.50 and 12. KK. 2336. - OAK uresser, large mirror, well worth 140, first 116 takes It. WA 608. Clothing and Furs. Stole Have new Ermine stole, size 12x72. Vslue 1600. Will sell at a bargain. Ad dress Box A-129, omana nee. For sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations Tree. jNortnweet vor. join mm nomrj ma FURS remodeled, rellned and cleaned. KNEKTER ALASKA FUR CO., 203 8. 16th St. DO. 72S8. Pianos and Musical Instruments. PLAYER PIANO BARGAIN. Having decided to leave the city I will sell at sacrifice my hlgh-grada player piano and talking machine, cash or suitable terms to reliable parties. For information phone or call Room S33 Loyal hotel. GEO. A. SMITH Dealer in drums, xylo phones, etc.: Instructions, repairing; 2761 Davenport St. Phone Harney 2967. WILKINSON MUSIC SHOP Band and orchestra instruments, accessories and music. 211 Arthur Bldg. DO. 8122. TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low as $10 per month. A. HtfSPB CO.. 1513 Douglas. JOHN TAFF saxophone shop, repairing and supplies. 306 Leflang mag. u. mm GUARANTEED phonographs, $1,60 and up. Shlaes Phonograpn Co.. i uoubc Typewriters and Sugnlies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. 'All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before Nyou buy. Every machine guaranteed. . Central Typewriter Exc. JA. 4120. 1812 Farnam. Miscellaneous Articles. FOR SALE CHEAP. ! One 7-reel western feature; one 6 reel comedy drama; comedies; cne Hol burg ecomomiier 111) AC 60 cycle; one Grid Reostat, 110 direct current. Want ' Job operating and piano playing, man and wife, both ex. A-70, Omaha Bee. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc, umana f ixture es oupuij S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. EXPERT sewing machine .epairing. MICKELS, 15th and Harney. DO. 1973. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desk, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. DO 6146 WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. ASH and rubbish hauling. WE. 5470. Laundry and Day Work. A REFINED woman would assist with housework and mending for home and some wages. Box A-71. Omaha Beo. COLORED woman want day work. KE 0520. LAUNDRY and bundle work by day. Web. 1735. ' HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. BIG MONEY! DO IT NOW! LEARN THE BEST BUSINESS IN THE BEST WAY. IN THE BEST PLACE AND SHORTEST TIME. LEARN IT ALL AT THE NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 2814 N. 20TH ST., OMAHA. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG. Professions and Trades. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 8. 14th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. Men's Furnishing Goods Salesman. wanted for territory tributary to Lin coln. Must be thoroushly experienced " and well acquainted on the territory. None other need apply. Give references. H. A. Baker Company, Wholesalers & Manufacturers, Men's Furnishings, Sioux City. la. WE want a young married man who has had experience in an insurance office to handle our insurance department. Give full details or experience in lirst reiter. Box A-106, Omaha Bee. IMPLEMENT salesman to sell to dealers only. Complete line or weil-anown imple ments, commission basis. Exclusive ter ritory, umana Vtestern bales 1.-0., uma ha. Neb. SELL our famous Submarine Coat to wearer at $13.60. Big earnings every ' day DRE98 BETTER CO.. 606 Keellna Bldg., Omaha, nth ana iiarney si. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. Short courses In shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping. etc. Position secured free. Call DO 7744. or write American Institute. L O. O. F. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. YOUNG lady With some knowledge of bookkeeping and etenographio wo.-' wanted. Call personally. 1008 Howard ANNOUNCEMENTS. HELP WANTED FEMALt. I" " ) REAL ESTATE IMPKOVE.U. M iaBaaaa-- i . m n - i a laanaii I I I Weftlt Detectives. Household and Domettic J I j St. FATHER I KNOW TOO WILL I AM in' ro AHOTMCE WANTKIJ Household l.l.til general houwotk and eMt In caro of baby. S: l,faeiie Ave. W A 42, HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTKD Man, ladlra and, twvs la I'aia barber trail: big demand; vsgee while learning: trl.-lly moilern Call or write lliij 1'o.tge Ht. Trl-i'liy Harber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY MriirxiL MOIIT WIKmiL. Conniiele couraea In accountanry, m. chine bookkeeping, coiuptottiefry, sbori. band and typewriting, railroad and alrelraa telegraphy, einl and ell 1'ntli.h aud commercial bra nr lira. Write, call or phono Jackwin HI for larg lln.traled catalog Addreaa Boyles College, Roya Bldg.. Omah. Nefc Van Sant S'-hool of Bueliies. 1 Day and Evening Bi'honie. 220 Omaha Nallotial Bunk Bldg. Douglaa tslo. BUSINESS CHANCES. RESTAURANT, big money niaker. Larg est and tet located In Casper. Vo. 116.000 buy It. terms given. The Dub bin Realty Co., Casper, Wro. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. The Hamilton, Farnam at 24th Single room with'prlvalo bath for per manent or transient guests. Equipped with single, double or twin beds to meet your requirement. All our room are outside rooms. Location very fine. Di rect car lines to all parte of city. Price reasonable. $10.(0 per week and up. Al wnya glad to show you. GUT YOUR ROOM through The Bc.e furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable room In all part of the city. A service that benefit both advertiser end room seeker. SINGLE or 2 connecting rooms, north and south light; good, heat, elevator service; splendid location, 3rd floor, Douglaa St., across from Fonteneile. Call Douglas 4743. TWO front rooms lh mod. home, ultable ' for couple employed. Heat, light, water and gas furnlsheiVI7. Webster 7035. FIELD Club district. Will share my very comfortable home with maried couple. , Tel. Harney 1918. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. Most desirable large room for one or two gentlemen, also garage. HA. 1624. WEST Frnam, near Blackstone. Attrac tive large front room In first-class home. Tel. HA. 3144. VERY attractive room for lady, new mod. home with young couple. HA 6163. NICELY furnished room, private family; good loc. breakfast if desired. WA. leus. PLEASANT room, single or double, close in. reasonable. HA. 0913 even. & Hun. LAKE. 1506 2 pleasant rooms, all new ly furnished, reasonable. mi a. NICE, clean rm. In brick flat for lor 2; garage. HA 3136. Z83 uanrnrnia. A-l, well-heated rooms, cheap. KE. 4610. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooms Is the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies in all parts of the city. 134 8. 31ST,- AVE. Modern housekeeping rooms, $4 to ?7 per ween. ha. avis. KEN- 4958 2 rooms, unfurnished, or part ly lurnisneu mr ijuww ,n.nir. HA. 1745, or WE. 3243 Clean, warm firn for ngnt n k p g; everytning mr. 618 SOUTH 22D ST.; heated: close in, two- room housekeeping aptp. $5 wK. ana up. TWO rooms for light housekeeping. Elec-. trie lights, gaR. call at. nim. COZ1S rooms,- nicely furnished for hpkg. 2012 No. 18th. WK 08112. TWENTIETH ST., 623 NORTH Two nice , , 1 . .. 7 T 19jai large iiouncivrrpiiie i umiw. wi. MODERN rooms, close in. MA. 0329.' 2-fcOOM, mod. apt.. 2014 Emmett. Board and Rooms ' LARGE steam heated front room, 2 clos ets, private bath, excellent board, also garage. Phone HA 1796. ' - COMMODIOUS room with bath for two. MERRIAM HOTEL 106 South 25th St. DO. 2078. PR1V. home, large rm., very best board, iqeal location, gentlemen. HA 197. Unfurnishec Rooms. VERY large unfurnished room; heat, light and gas furnished. HA. 2349. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. MODERN furnished home; everything fur nished. Owner reserves two rooms ana will rent four to responsible couple; $50. Box H 68, Omaha Bee. - DUNDEE HOME. TEN ROOMS, MOD- PORT ST. PHONE WALNUT 2479. Unfurnished. 7-ROOM house, modern except heat, $40. 1428 S. 13th. Inquire 1414 8. 13th. Atlantic 1299. 6-ROOM house, 6130 S. 26th St., modern. Market 2314. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. HA. 1502, DO. 8867 Three-room steam heated, apartment In the Sweetwood. FURNISHED modern 2-room apartment. S837 S. 23d St.. corner of D St. Unfurnished. TO LET 4 and 6-room apartments, 3920 Cuming. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Jackson 0664. 1320 Farnam. 606 SOUTH 30TK ST.. 3-room flat; electric lights, bath, in good repair, all modern except heat; $23.60. RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg.. AT. 0721. In Q room modern apt., the 5 DRAKF. RENTAL AGENCY. 1702 Howard St. AT. 9708. JA. 2805. 1556 MARCY, Apt. 23, 4-room mod. heated apartment with 6-room accommodation, $75 per month, available February 1. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. CLOSE IN, comfort all seasons, excep tional 3. 4 or o-room apartment. i'l North 234. WILLIS AVE.. 2006 Nice 4-r. apt in par sonage: electricity and gas: $26. WE 1776 STEAM heated. 4 rooms, $36. G. - P. Stebbins. 1610 Chicago St. FOR RENT Business Property. FOR RENT Rustling's Hall at 4420 8. 24th St.. 60x90 feet, for factor, paint shop, auto top company or storage. In qulre 4426 8. 24th St.. Market 0072. TO I.I!T SO, ""0 sqnare feet. 1108-10 Howard. W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO. Jackson 0664. 1320 Farnam. DESIRABLE well-lighted Farnam St. of fice space. F, D. Wead-Bowman Co. 310 8. 18th Bt. Atlantic emi. FARNAM 8t7. 2014 For rent tJore room, rnoulre J. F.Murphy, 4811 South 2Mb. St. Market 0071. oW T i . a a I Y J MM JakoV 7111 I II 1 VU I I I 1 1 T 1 yt I I IA II 1 1 I II fj THE WXi OMAHA. FRIDAY. JANUARY 20. ml. r, a reiMi tiifw M'till I TiK 55HJ.,lJ1!f' 1 1 1 CONe CALLt7.L 8 y-fl THAN-,SO-Rf S OAM- m-aWi i ' " w ' - ' W ' a" I I I J II III Ji I J I I I t "i 1 M li I ftA Voa oxi I II r-MMMM. TA IS i II II aaaM k, i Mia II "III 1 II I H I I lo do I I j Real Sleuths ate found on the want mi jiairo of The Bee. Tht-y work quietly, are employed ev-ry day, their services coKt but a trifle, and they usually accomplish their mission. Turn to tho Lost and Found ads on the want ad Pko. Here ran be found the little sleuths of the type at work. No veil of secrecy surrounds them; they work openly and Interview thousands of people daily. If doubtful, employ a Boo Lost and Found Want Ad. You will bo surprised at their efficiency. Bee want ad rales are reasonable. THE OMAHA BEE . Phone AT lantie 1000 FOR RENT Business Property. FOR RENT Sture bXiildlng for clothing or ny purpose, bus o. .m 01. .. , 2314.' 2037 FARNAM ST. 12,000 iKiuare feL ALFRED THOMAS A RON CO. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO.. lltfe and Jonea 8ta ALTANT1C 2138 Office, part Teceptlon room. First Nat. Hank mug. BALCONY for office or small business. 308 South Htll St. H. M. Christie, warehouse 0Y trsck'ge prup F D. WE AD AND BOWMAN CO. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked room for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. m south ititn. w. m. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving, contract taken oy jod or nr. Globe Van & Storage Co.. JA. 4338. AT. 0230. 620-24 North 16th St. HORSES AND VEHICLES. HAY. $10 per ton, A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16th St., JA 1112. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. ROSE Comb R. I. R. cockerels. KE. 4508. HATCHING EGGS. Wy. Yard. KE. 0389. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. January Clearance Sale Our Loss Is Your Gain OVERLAND CHUMMY WIRE WHEELS $ 2T.0 OLDSMOBLIB FOUR ' 2J CASE 275 OLDSMOBTLE SIX .' i 65U OLDSMOBILE EIGHT, DEMON STRATOR -. 1,175 OLDSMOBILE COUPE 1,000 CHEVROLET, WINTER TOP 250 TERMS THAT WILL HUKPKlati YUU. Nebraska Oldsmobile Co., 18th and Howard. Atlantic 1770. Motor Trucks for Sale TO SATISFY CREDITORS I will sell at great sacrifice 3 Packard 3-ton trucks, chassis only. 1 Master trucks 2-ton truck, chassis only. 1 Republic truck with dump body. CONRAD YOUNG. 322 Brandeis Theater. Jackson 1571. . New and used cars. ' BOUGHT. SOLD, EXCHANGED. Cash, time or trade. Ford bodies, winter tops. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., 1318 Harney St. JA. 2468. Central Garage. Open Day and Night. SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery on new roros. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3600. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Snfe Investment. 26th and Farnam Sts. Phono Douglas 1970. BUICK ROADSTER. K-44. 1920 MODEL; CORD TIRES. PERFECT COND1T1UIN, CASH OR TERMS. 2052 FARNAM ST. DO. 8987.. AVERY truck, 6-ton; $500, worth more; good condition. STROUD & COMPANY, 20TH AND AMES. DODGE ROADSTER, 1920 MODEL, FIVE TIRES; A BARGAIN. 2053 FARNAM ST. DO. 8987. USED cars bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 2210 Farnam Ml. WTJITtTT V Radiators; Rims Re- 11 ill 1 xjiju x paired. 320 So. i:th. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Green ough. Radiator Repair. 2089 Farnam. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 S. 24th. FARM LANDS. For Rent. Dairy farm, 110 acres, on Underwood avenue. Immediate possession. George & Co., AT. 3024. 902 City National Bank Bldg. Nebraska Lands. Improved Farm . 600 acres 3ii miles from Ansley, Neb. An excellent farm. Conservatkely lo cated. Near live Nebraska town. Very easy terms can bo arranged. For full information write World Realty Co., Sun Theater Building. ' Minnesota Lands. EQUITY Lend Exchange. St Pul, Minn. Wisconsin Lands.. LANDOLOGY. FREE, SPECIAL NUMBER Just out, containing many facta of clover land in Marlnetto County, Wis consin. If for a home or an invest ment you are thinking of buying good farm lands, where farmers grow rich: send at once for this special number of LANDOLOGY. It is free on request. Address Skidmore-Riehle Land Co., 433 Skldmore-Riehle Bldg.. Marinette. Wis. Iowa Lands. NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE SALE BY REFEREES. PARTITION SALE ON PREMISES FEBRUARY J, 1922.. 2 P. M. 240 acre Improved land, known as Luke Fagan farm, 2 miles south of Cummings and i miles west and 1 mile south of Norwalk. Easily divisible into tract. Fifteen miles southwest of Des Moines, la. Well watered and fine soil. Community schools. Good Neighborhood. Terms. 10 per cent at time of bid, bal ' ance in three payments, March I, 1922, 23 and 24, first mortgage. 7 per cent. Abstract on file with clerk of'court at Indianola, la. Inquiries answered. Andrew L. chexem, Atty.. Davenport. la. J. O. Watson, Ally. Indianola. la. G L. KIM ER. JACKSON SMITH, REF EREES, INDIANOLA I A. . JIOCJ AMU HAUM V rUU. fACt OF COLOM If IM lfeA itt l .TMQUCHTJinr I I 1 1 ill THCOUKE-VR' H (LLP L" ) I 1 1 I TKF rv kv r Wl t J I J I III !. TAL IN&i'j R' I KIC.HT LXJwrl I I FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha reeldeoce. K. It. I.OUfiun. IN'C 628 Keellne Bldg OMAHA HOMES EAST NKH. FARMS, O'KEEKE REAL ESTATE CO.. 10I Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 271 S. $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wed and Bowman Co. Weed Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. FIRST farm mortgage. $1,000, 7, 6 Jrs.. appraised value $10,000. Write Kloke Inv. Co.. 845 Omaha vKat'l Bank. LIBERTY bonds and stocks bought and sold. ROBT. C. DRUF.8EDOW & CO., 660 Omaha National Bank) Building. LIBERTY BONDS bought and sold. AT. 3644. Mack Bond House. 1421 lat Nat. REAL ESTATE WANTED. LOTS WANTED. Help us supply our -demand foe va cant lota. FIKE & PRICE, 819 City Nat'l Bank. JA 2419. MUST have 6room modern home, near 24tu and Ames: about $4,000, with $300 down.- Call Mr. Campbell, WA. $704, evenings. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance, 1602 City Nat. Bk. AT. 9668. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426. GRUENIG fX:lih u' 1418' 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1966. DTDl7l7TTH B A L EaT ATE JJllvivu 1 A Sells, Rents, Insures, S5(f Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 0633. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you wnnt to sell your property? List It w'ch. C. A Ortmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. T BflV WOODWARD. Investments and Insurance, : - JA. 3235. 702 Peters Trust Bldg. NOW is the time to list that house with us. Prompt inspection and result. none reopens v-o., .m. WANTED Several thousand acre west ' em lands. Western Land and Loan Co., Sioux City. la. E. H. BENNER COMPANY, Insurance. Call Edward Peney. uougiass teo. N. P. DODGE CO.. quick sales. DO 0829. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Investment-Speculation Rental Produces 20 - On the price st which this property can be bought $2,600 cash. One acre on West Center, fronting on the paved road, directly acros from the Ak-Sar-Ben Field. The acre adjoining It 'can not be bought for $4,000. Rented for $500 a year. . ;'.-. ' 4 - - The Byron Reed Co., DO 0297. 1612 Farnam. Warehouse Five-story and hasement: trackage both street and alley; about 60,000 sq. ft. of floor space. Can be purchased on very easy terms. , Close in corner. Terms on application. ,, World Realty Co., Sun Theater. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. .To Exchange in s Sunny California at Pomona, a beautiful college city of - 16.000 population, in the heart of the orange and lemon district, and only 33 miles eastof Los Angeles, we offer a new 6-room modern bungalow with bath and sleeping porch. This cozy home ha hardwood floors, built-in buffet, writing desk, bookcase, fireplace and breakfast room. There is a hot water heater, sta tionary tub and cement cellar. It is located In the best section of Pomona and is two blocks from grammer and three blocks from high school; near car line. This bungalow will appeal to the discriminating, and Pomona is a dandy city to locate in. The price is $5,600. Owner must move to Nebraska and will trade for property in or near Omaha. If you have eastern property for; Cali fornia, write us. Wendell & Phillips, 176 S. Main St.. Pomona, Cal. FOR EXCHANGE Irrigated Iande near Boise, Idaho, for stock of hardware. Box 667, Boise. Idaho. WE can exchange your Income property for tho thing you want. BROWNE & TRACY, 842 Securities Bldg. AT. $350. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. Dundee Brick and Stucco Seven rooms, two stories, modern, oak finish, furnace heat, Ruud water heater, well bult. in excellent condition, S-car garage, fine lawn and shrubbery, two lots 100x135 feet. Price. $15,000. One lot and improvements, $13,000. Reason able terms. . Fowler & McDonald, Realtors. 1120 City Nafl Bank Bldg. JA. 1426. Florence NETHAWAY sells and trades. KE. 14"9, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West GOOD. 6-room home In excellent location, one block to car, pra llcnlly new. Terms. ( all Mr. Grant, JA. 2438; evenings, AT. 2S5f. Nearly New Stucco Bungalow,. GO-Foot Lot 'On ivel lrat In Leavenworth IWisHle, Five l.rs rooms, beautifully finl.h.d and la.lily dw-otated. Double t.ras. owner going la California and Kill mak attractive prlca for quick l. fall Ornt llensoa, WA. 1660 ev. Mings. Benson & Carmichael, $42 ramoa Block . AT. 3M. WKHT FARVAM DISTRICT. HKVEN'.R'HJM UUNGAUiW. I.an living room, dining room, kitchen, two largo bedroom and bath first floor; two hedrnnme and aawlng room seend floor. Hullt two years. Mtu'ce consirurHon. Screened-ln porch. Large garag and concrete drive. Owner must Mil al once. a. he oucue new of fice In California In 20 daya. Will give vary easy lernia to reaponslbl prty. Call Mr. Manvlll. WA. $711, or Mr. Forbe.. AT. 1224. If. 8. MANVILLK. Realtor. AT. 24U. Hi Peters Trust Bldg. Leavenworth Heights Large living room, dining room, kitchen flmt Jtaax; three corner bed rooms and bath second floor; linen closet: oak floors throughout: oak and while enamel flnl.h: full cemented base ment, brick foundation, coal bin and fruit cellar. South front: corner lot. Owner going to Florida. Evening cal) Mr. 1'ainpbell, WK. 6206. R. D. CLARK COMPANY, Realtors. AT. 8431. 621-2 Securltlee Bldg. UEM18 PARK DISTRICT New C-room bungalow, east front lot, two block to car. ixi 6447 or JA 42:. D. E. BUCK St CO. buy and aell bom's. North. . must bf: sold AT ONCE. Choice even-jroom, two-story onk fln- lsnea nome on corner lot xacing i-raino nark. 17 000 value., sacrifice for $(.000. $1,600 down, balance like rent. First time offered. .- OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 630 Peter Trust Bldg. .JA.- 2282. NEAR 26th and I.ariinore, new, all mod ern (-room bungalow; complete: $4,750; easy term. AT 3540. ' 4454 BEDF'ORD AVE. 4-room, modern bungalow; terms reasonable CREIGH, 608 BEE, JA O200. South, j MAKK ME AN OFFBR. 2011 So. 8lh St. A -room. modern house close to car. school and churches. I want to aell thl at once. Small casti payment,- balance like rent, call lor &. R. Carse at DO. 7412 days. Ralston Lots U1 down eaHV payments. Phone Stewart, Ralston, lO-W FOUR rooms, modern except heat; $1,800. Bargain. JA. 0327. Vacant Property, HtG LOT BARGAINS. - Just west of Leavenworth Height we offer for first time eight large lots 50 1 20 each, on grade with water and sewer. Prices, $360 to $576 each. Terms If desired. One to two mocks to car. We . predict these will be snspped up quickly at tne anove prices. iau, OSBORNE REALTY CO., .', 630 Peters Trust JSIdg. -r .. JA. 2282 Dundee Lot In the new district south of Dodge, on 63d atreet. The cheapest lot offered In this district. GLOVER & SPAIN, JA. 2850. TODAYS lot ' bargain, Leavenworth Heights, block to car line; restricted, $925 00 or offer. SCHROEDER INPESTMENT CO. JA. 3261. 538 Ry. Exchange. 16th and Harney. 50x120, ALL improvements paid; 32d and Cass: $200 cash, balance montniy. BEST & GESTRING. DO. 613S. CHOICE east front lot, $1,990, 33d and Martha. , D. V. SHOLES CO.. JA. .0,046. Acreage. ONE acre near 60th and. Center Sta. $1,000. JA. 0664. Miscellaneous. , Minne Lusa Home Seven rooms, frame and stucco house; garage; extra lot. AH for $8,500. Oak finish; fireplace; heated sleeping porch. , Bungalow Cathedral - , District Sir rooms," modern, excellent repair. Price, $7,000.- . , - Dundee Home Seven rooms; convenient ' to car; double garage; oak finish; fireplace, sun room, tile bath and shdwer. A very attractive home. Be sure and 8:3 thts one. . Lots $15,000 Buy 4X acres in Falracres 600 Lot 1, block 13, Cedarnole. 275 Lot 7, Block 6, West Benson. 650 Lot 134, West Morelnnd. 1,250 Lots . 1 and 2, Saunders ft : Heinbaugh, 45th and Decatur. 1,100 Lot 23. Block 12, Minne Lusa, paving In and paid. 2,800 Corner of Mary and Blvd., Minne Lusa, 100x140 ft., ( paving In and paid. World Realty Company, DO 6343. Sun Theater Bldg Evenings HA 1349 ALL, modern 6 v heat, beautiful room home, hot water In -nn ta Una n-ffrl street. Price, Excellent 4 $4,300, Easy terms, -room home, two lots, fiirnnrav fiood reoair. electric lights. Price, 13.000, 1 "no, Chas. W. Young & Son, Easy terms. 1602 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. AT. 9668. HA. 6051. ASK OUR CLIENTS About the new homes we have built for them, Best of materials and work manship. Let us solve your building problems. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney Street. . AT. 0050. SALE OF PROPERTY. Omaha, Nebraska, Office of tho Collec tor of Internal Revenue, January 17, 1922. The following described property seized of Victor Lltwina and Petrone Lltwlns, under warrant of distraint for the non payment of assessed taxes due, will be sold as provived by Sections 3160 and 3197, Revised Statutes, at puplio auction, Saturday, 1 p. m.. February 11. 1922. at the East Entrance to South Side City Hall, 24th and O Streets, Omaha, Nebraska. Lot three (8) Block two (2) Second Ad dition to South Omaha, now Omaha, Ne braska.. .,-. - . . ' A. B. ALLEN, Collector of Internal Revenue. Advertisement. Omaha. Nebraska, Office of the Collec tor of Internal Revenue, January 17, 192S. The following described property seised of Mark Novak, under warrant of dia tralnt for the nonpayment of assessed taxes due. will be sold as provided by Sections 3160 and 3197. Revised Statutes, at public auction, Saturday, 1 p. m.. Feb ruary 11. 1922, at th East Entrance to South Side City Hall, 24th and O Streets, Omaha. Nebraska. Lot Ten (10) Block Two (2) Burr Place Addition to South Omaha, now Omaha. Nebraska, and known a 5301 South 31st Str"U A. B. ALLEN. ' Collector of Internal Revenue. Advertisement, Drawn for The Be by McManiu iVf,iit, lJ3, InlHMtiiHwl erl Today's Attractions, Strand -Viola Dana in "The Four, tccntli Lover." Sun lietty Wythe in "The Queen of Shcba." Moon-"The Devil Within." Rialto Charles Kay in R. S. V. IV Empress-Bert L) tell In "The Idle Rich ' Muse 'Scandal." Grand Thomas Me'itlian in "Con rad in Quest of His Youth." Hamilton William Kusscll in "Colorado 1'luck." No small percentage of the fan mail received by Elinor Fair comes from ifliy 1'arce, the capable leading lady haviutj lived for over two years in the French metropolis. Rudolph Valentino will be starred in June .Matliis' screen adaptation of "Blood and Sand." Vicente Blasco Ibancs famous novel. The dramatiza tion is now havintr a Fuccessful run in New York, with Otis Skinner in the leading role. Cullcn Landis, who will soon be seen in the leading role in 'Watch Your-Stcp," a forthcoming picture, says his ambition is to make as many pictures as he has arrests dur ing the past year. Cullcn is a deputy sheriff of Los Angeles count)-. Tn Arctic recinns there are 762 different species, of flowers, but in the Antarctic circle there nas never been found a flowering plant. Crowds Attend Our Auctions Every sale brings out an in creasing number of new face and buyers. Tuesday oer 250 people came and many bought furniture and household furnishings t a real aving. Every grade and class of society was represented. Buyer were there fe-.heating stoves; wring ers and wash ': r machines, while ma hogany bedro'm sets, hand-painted pictures and rare old chin found a ready sale. READ THE LIST ' It represent the principal goods -offered Friday, January 20th, start ing: promptly at 1:30 P. M. Furniture from 5524 Florence Blvd., 2963 Harrl Street, and 2213 Howard Street, consists ei tb very best furniture tht nybody' money can- buy. Compare aome of it with new food and be convinced of tb opportunity to get bargain. Overstuffed living room suite, in blue velour, with beautiful Mabal Wilton rug in blue tones to match ; high class mahogany bedroom suite with poster bed; complete dining suite in quartered oak, with massive buffet, china cabinet and 66-inch table and full leather chairs ; Ameri can walnut dining suite; genuine mahogany bedroom Buite with beau tiful chiffonier and dressing table with swivel mirror; 9x12 Wilton rig with two small throw rugs to match ; several other good rugs, including a number el fine Wilton small rugs ; sledi ; complete bedroom suite in bird's-eye maple; Circassian walnut bed and dresser; fine upright pianoj two Columbia talking machines in walnut and oak ; cane and mahogany living room suite, and a lot more good furniture. , STEPHENSON, AUCTIONEER 1509 Capitol Ave. Phone AT 52S5 The downtown, ground floor, steam oeared auction house, Vt block east of the postoffice on Capitol avenue. Do You Want a New Home? The surest way to get it is to '.buy a Lot. When you own a Lot, Realtors can show you how to finance av new Home. Consult - a Realtor Building lots are selling at prewar prices. You can buy them from any Realtor. OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD I m RESIDENCE LOANS on construction of new residences. such loans being amortized over period of fifteen years. Also on residences already built if i v. .. ,k.: n.r. fne a occupied uj mc. - 1 - ivhan KUeh V Siraignb iiTr-j-wi ' y residences are located in ' strictly residential section of th city. RATES AND TERMS ON APPLICATION I United States Trut I Company 1612 Farnam St. FORDS With Worm Steering Gears r safe to drive. See Sprague Tire Co. 18th and Cuming Sts. Csirlf3(w Loans X Omaha Natl Baa- Bldg. I Dour. 0297 Marshal Field & Company Deny Profit Charges Retttliatftl With Statfineut l ortlucy Made Traiultliuru Tullic Hrrftofore HelJ Confidential. WaliiiiRtoit. ' Jan. M-Dep-Mii' i i,., ...... I riKlfmi fit iililllf 110 IfUlll lie .. - - financial statement, Mrlm!l hti'l & Co. of Chirac. i' utrmei.t prepared by i' president. John O, Shedd. and presented to the home I,., Uenre.entalive Ml 111, tf publican. Illinois, announced that . a . It .aaif during tne year a mm r sales v ere $.M.M0.0W. net frpiiti for the year after payment 01 iruri-i taxes amounting to 2..W cent ti each dollar's worth of Sdh-s, Huge Profit Charged. Tl,. .i.i.m.nl aaiil that aniHillllff . 1 lit PI." - - ment of profits was made became ef a speech (iflivercn in me urni" t.n December 21, by Chairman r'ordnt ,.i d, uav ami mrans etiinmitt'? during which he charged that im porters were waging an unf.nr fight on the American valuation plan, in. rorporated in the new larm inn. The statement declared that tlmCou .....;.nl Wernnl alinueil tll.i't Ml'. Fordney had charged that I Mar shall Field & t-o. mauc a prom of 3.000 per cent on the jsa'e of a knife purchased in tu'ruluny for 9.6 cents and sold at retail t f i, and had also made huge profiits tpii a number of other imported artkliB- Denying "positively sir. rot; .,' M.arcre nhniit the knife friar' and presenting data to prove tl he had made erroneous siatcmci.) I,. .i-iimen rWlared the knife w, bougl in America and cost 25 tinn the amount given oy Mr. rorune; The statement also clnrged thr. Mr. Fordney "as a government of iicer has secured and made public records of our private transaction which have never been treated by 1 government officer heretofore si ether than strictly confidential. Condemn Value Plan. "That the American value plan neetls such gross misrepresentation of facts in order that it may be justified," the statement continued, "should be sufficient evidence that it is a- measure that should not bc come a law." Commenting further on its profits, Marshall field & Co. said that the return on the capital engaged in business for the year 1920 equalled only 6.3 per cent, "or an amount not much in excess of a return on an in vestment in United States govern ment bonds." These . figures were the result of the company's entire manufacturing,, wholesale and retail business, War Finance Corporation Sends $563,000 to Nebraska - Washington, Jan, 19. (Special Telegram.) The War Finance cor poration announces that from-January 16 to January 19 it has made ad- vances for agriculture and live stock purposes as follows: $563,000 for Nebraska, $617,000 for Iowa, $30,000 for South Dakota, $360,000 . for i Wyoming. . V - . 'x ' Extradition Ordered St. Faul, Jan. 19. Governor Pre vost today .ordered extradition to, Iowa of Harry Dean, alias Harry McGill, after he had been identified as a member of a gang which is al leged to have robbed the First Na tional bank of Pleasantville. AT THE THEATERS SIR .HARRY LAUDER'S two day merriment opens at the Brandei theater this evening. As in former years the Scottish min strel will be assisted by a company at clever entertainers. Sir Harry has writ ten several new songs, and tbey will be heard for the first time here during his local engagement. Among them 1 "I Know a Lassie Out in O-H-I-O," as typi cally Scotch as anything that Lauder has done. Equally typical la ''O'er th" Hill to Ardentiny." A third new aong, "Hame o' Mine," la credited with having lomethlng of the mingled smiles and heart throbs of that old favorite, "Th' Wee Hoose 'Mang th' Heather." With the new songs there i promised revival of the most popular of the old ones. Sir Harry's company Includes the Clintons, acrobatic? jumpers; Cleo Gascolgne, the littlo prima donna; W. E. Ritchie and company, comedy bicyclists; Kharum, the Persian pianist, and Harry Moore, an artist in paper manipulation. At the Orpheum this week Adelaide nnd Hughes contribute the stellar attrac tion. In their spirited dances nothing Is mere quaintly amusing than the mechan ical doll number. Franlt Van Hoven, supposed to be a magician, Is chiefly a comedian. His tricks are merely the ex cuse for his laughable absurdity. Another of the featured offerings this week Is the vocal act of the singing comedienne, Mary Hayne, whose gifts a an actress especially endear her to vaudeville audi ences. Julian Eltinge comes next week. Reservations for Monjay night evidence society will be out In great number. Mltzl, In her new musical romance, "Lady Billy," Is coming to th Brandel theater for four nights starting Sunday, with the popular Wednesday matinee, Th story by Zelda Sears is distinctive and consistent, one brimming with humor, and interesting situations, and the score by Harold Levy Is of light operetta quality. Mltsl Is supported by a splendid cast including: Sydney Oreenstreet, Boyd Marshall, Elsa Foerster, Arthur Cttry, Vira Rial, Mack Kennedy, Louis Pose, Charles Gay, Beatrice Collennette. . There Is a singing and dancing ensemble composed of quartets, sextets and octets, ' There is also a Billy Male quartet The production is refreshingly picturesque. Not the least refreshing feature f Prank Kinney's Revue.!' which tcrt.v bids farewell at the Oayety I th pre vailing gooa issie mere is never an indelicate uggestlon tn word or Incident, the entire performance being marked by welcome refinement.- Tomorrow matinee the dean of burlcsk, Billy (Beef Trut) Watson, himself, opens a week' engagement.- Featured next to the redoubtable ''Philip" are the dainty Utile Morette Pleters, whose cleverness la duplcated in many ways, they being equally good a Instrumentalists, singers and dancers and are as pretty as picture. - Today' matinee starts at :1S, A circus with all Its side shows and accessories 1 delighting the kiddle wno attend the vaudeville show at th Cm press. It combines alt the novelUes usu ally aeen in the big tent show, such a acrobatic feats, singing, dancing, talking, legmanla and contortion. For the adult there I a musical program by Coscla and Verdi. They use the violin and Velio and their program I arranged to meet all re quirement. An exclusive . novelty act. which la most interesting, t offered by Charles and Anna Qlocker, who make a apecialty of water juggling. "Angel Face" la coming to th Bran, del for three day starting next Thurs day, Januaiy it. Walter Herbert and Nat Goldstein have supplied a score of melodies that gallop through the store arm in arm with the laughing aplrtt of the play. It haa action tn idea, action la humoroua lines, action In thought and atory. and a plot wound from a come dy foundation that has humor entwined all about It. Th rsst which feature Marguerite Zender, John R. Young and Nora Kelly, t en of aiceptlonal aaerlL (I (i ) i 4 I s