niB BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. JANUARY 19. 1922. .Wife Stops Suit Five Hours After , Filing Petition umr Effect Rcconcili tlon With Mate Who Wanti 'All His Lov I or Nothing." ltrkl J. Goldstein, Omatu and Selt York furrier, and hli wife, Cor, agr ctd to drop lotion on a mit of ma ntenanca started by the latter yrsjierday. Sir. Goldstein formerly wn an uorativt In the federal prohibition Ueibartmenl In New York and only tec rti'y cime to Omaha to join her Juran4. Jficre iht Warned "a lot of thlngi,1 h laid, five liouri after Mr. Goldstein h4 hrr attorneys file a pe- Tiition a reconciliation took place. .Mortly after 4 yeiterday afternoon Iyiitrict Judge Sear wis asked by bpth partiei to dumisi the action. I only want what it coming to nm. I i in ,n M.laiH w I Miinl 11 of hn love or nothing' Golditcin wit somewhat lurnriied when newspaper men informed him oi ni wile a action. lie itated that it wis -all a miMake." But when Mr. Goldstein armeared t her husband's oftice yesterday morning thingi began to "hum." She tolj him what wan what and stated that ihe learned how to do dctec nve work while with the govern ment." They live at 545 South thirty-first itreet. They have one gin, Marion, 10. Mr. Goldstein did not mention iny specific acti of cruelty. .. She ought custody of their child. $100 a month alimony and expenses back to iew ork citv. They were in February, 1914. married Harry Lauder to He Guest at Rotarians Luncheon Hoot, mon! Hark tae the bag pipe and pipe the kilties! Sir Harry Lauder, pride of the Scots and one of the world's greatest comedy entertainers, will be the guest of honor at a combined Omi ha and Council Bluffs Rotary club luncheon at Hotel Fontenelle at 12:15 Friday. The regular Wednes day noon luncheon has been post poned. John L. Kennedy is chairman of Friday's luncheon and entertain ment, which will be in charge of the Scottish clans of the Rotarians and of Omaha. . , So that Sir Harry will be at home W. J. Hislop has arranged a typical entertainment consisting of the in imitable George McDougal as pipe major, Harry Wallace and John K. Finlavson, pipers; Robert Malcolm and Harry Home, drummers, and the dainty Scotch dancers. Miss Ger trude Hislop, Mary Reed and Gens Kelly. A record attendance Is expected. The committee is preparing to ac commodate at least 300 reservations. Y-TIME, TAl ES THE TALE OF TURKEY PROUDFOOT RY ARTHUR SCOTT BAILEY CHAPTER XXIII. Vacation Time. It wis well along in November. And Turkey Froudloot was feeling ligdetty. Whenever Farmer Green or the hired man stepped Into the yard, he started up with a wild look in his eye. Turkey Proudfoot was no longer rootling it night in the tree near 1A Don't taJk so lou4!" Ttoketi Proudfoot hissed. ' Cook Arrested on Charge , John L. Miller, cook, living at the O'Brien hotel, Fourteenth and Doug las streets, was arrested yesterday by Detectives Treglia and Farmer and charged with forgery. Miller was arrested on the com plaint of A. Friedman, 1222 Douglas street, pawnshop proprietor, and Harry AVymore, owner of a cafe at 1313 Douglas street, who claim they cashed spurious checks for him. rneaman iuiu vmci m Van Duusen that Miller tendered him a check for $75 in payment for a $45 watch, receiving the watch and $30 change. Wymore told police he received a check tor $13 trom Miner. Brief City News hot- Fund Growing Additional local subscriptions were made to the Woodrow Wilson foundation yesterday. Circus Headquarters Opened Headquarters for tho winter circus of the local shrine have been opened at 401 Paxton building. a"'iis-1tniisA Officer Niuned :Mai. John H. Woodberry is announced as Seventh corps area ordnance officer, vice Mai. Thomas J. Hayes, relieved. laws Money In BanksMartin whi.m.nn sk. who left S9B4 in one bank and $250 In another when he died yesterday, is believed to have no relatives. New Ticket Officio The Milwaukee Inased the store at S06 . . . 4I.I..1 oouiu eiAiucin." ofc.ww - office, according; to an announce ment yesterday. Bishop to Open New Home Bishop K. V. Shayler will open his new residence at 6124 izaro street, purchnsed by the Trinity cathedral chapter, m tne near tuiuro. Aoto Victim Bewverlng -Mrs. efl Has-strom. 514 North Thirty- second street, who was injured by a ....w antn last Monday, is slowly imnrnvina-. according to reports from the 8wedish Immanuel nital. where she is confined. Yeggmen Foiled Yeggmen broke Into the offices of the Omaha Lum ber and Coal company; 89 J8 Lake street, Tuesday night. The combina tion of the vault was found drilled out yesterday morning, " tents of the safe were untouched. Entertain Veterans An enter tainment given the disabled veterans at Bellevue Tuesday night left the forceful Impression that there are no "neglected veterans" in Omaha. Mrs. Frank Kennedy and Miss Margaret Kennedy of the I O. E. were in .,,,montAi in the success of tne AtrAflinff- ttiw nnion Officers of .. v ,.,.,. nf the Disabled Veterans of the World War elected at I meeting- In the city council chamber Tnefday night are William McMahon, comniauu , -";-hrrv vice commander; A. O. Chin rffi treasurer, and Joe Durandak, . a a n t -a t-arm s. sail on the Aqultada February V torl wmmerclal tour through steakeTPhUe"h"m9v . StaSSJ ot th. contin.nt. JjnJZ- Dead Banker Resolutions ofHSctfc5 thThu7 JowpU H. MillSrd were adopted by the Omaha imber of Commerce Tuesday. f oraer prestd.M f.f kho la. OH company, i. Pf for cnica. ,r, p-- ve charge ot u" - - eum Marketers' sussockUlen, the farmhouse. With the coming of cold weather he had been glad enough to roost under a shed beside the barn. Ever since the winter before, Tur key Proudfoot had enjoyed sound sleep as night. But now for week he had often waked up In the middle ot the night and iound humelt all a-shiver. . "it's the fault of that horrid old Mr. Crow," Turkey I'roudfoot com plained to old dog Spot one day. He would talk about cranberry sauce and drumsticks. And of course a person can't sleep well with such lillllKV VII til llilliu. Old dog bpot nodded. "Isn't it about time for you to eo on your yearly vacation: he inquired. auii h tali. vuu, auiim Proudfoot hissed. And he took a auick stance all around. Then he said to old dog Spot, in almost a whisper: iomorrow morning 111 be missing. Now, don't tell anybody." Lertainly not, spot promised. I am glad you're getting away for a little chance. I've thought lately that you were getting more peevish and "I'm not." Turkey Proudfoot gob bled. "I may be a bit excitable because I've lost a good deal of sleep lately. But I'm as good-natured as I ever was." "Oh, very well," said Spot. "Ill, admit all that. I crrUlnly don't win to quirrel with you just as you're going to leave us lor a while. shall mis you while you're gone," he added with a sly smile. "The place will seem very quiet without your gobnie. 'y, I dare siy It will be lone some around here." Turkey Proud foot agreed. "And I suppose things will lie in a muddle in tne urm yard by the time I get back, with nobody to keen order there." "Ml do the bet I cm while you are iway," old dog Spot promUcd. Turkey Proudfoot seemed doubt- (ul that Spot could take his puce. "Keep your tail still when you birk." he told the old dog. "Tbee farmyird fowls won't pay much at tention to you if they see your tail a-waggmg. "I'll remember what you sy. Snot answered. "Be sure to krn a sharp eye on that rooster," Turkey Proudfoot went on. "I don't want him to get the idea into his head that lies running things in this farmyard. Very well" said Spot "Shall let him crow a bit, if he wants to?" "Lit him crow yes" Turkey Troudfoot answered. "But if he starts to gobbling well, youd bet' ter send for me at once." "What about the Peacock?" Spot inquired wickedly. lie kupw that Turkey I'roudfoot was frightfully jealous of Johnnie Green's newest pet. "The reacock?" Turkey Proud foot squawked. "Pull out his tail feathers every one of them. I have been intending to do that myself. But I've been so busy that I haven't had the time tor it. Then they said arood-bve. "you ought to tell me where you are going, spot suggesrea. u tne rooster should gobble, I must know where to find you." So Turkey Proudfoot told him. He told him in such a low tone that nobody else could hear. (Copyright, 1121, by Metropolitan Kewa- ppr ervlct.I Says He Broke Into Store Merely That He Might Eat. Robert Smith, Memphis. Tenn.. was seen last Monday to break into the G. A. Multinger aroceryi 2S01 South Twenty-fouith street, through side door. When officers arrived on the scene. Smith was calmly cooking a meal over a gas plate in the rear of the store. Eggs were frying merrily in a pan. In Central police court yesterday Smith said his reason for breaking and entering was merely that he might eat. He was bound over to the district court on $750 bond. Common Sense flog Hill Paragrafs By George Buifham""- A nun ram by en. day this week and wanted to buy he second tund baby buggy that tor many year hat been in ue la the family of teller, ion Pollocks. liut Jrll would not You Tell 'Em' Lennon at Fi iremen $ Meeting urt with it, as it comes in so iindy on circus days, to cut the big children In and haul them esit the ticket taker a being under age. m w m Sidney Jlocks took hit fiddle ever to Luke Mathewsla's house the other night and rendered several pieces, including "A Midsummer Nights Serenade? Hi dressed for this piece, hiving on his summer necktie. ... Attas Peck tavs when the chit dren get right auiet for a while he always grows suspicious, lor that inn they art doina something tney ougntn t to, Car! (Von Till 'Fin) Lennon It one of si llebron (Neb) tne tight en attending the 4th annual con veniion t-f the Nchratki Volunteer lirenirn, now in ststion at Norfolk, srcordmi to rdi received by The ilte. Carl Is the rhsmplon booitrr of Hebron, the Thayer county eity ol nearly Z.Ouo population, "the llrgest Hebron in the U. A ," as hi card puts it. It i "the educational center of the beautiful and fertile valley ol the Littl Hire river, the home of Carl Lennon, self-styled champion ol the New Hebron Idea, without apol Off v." taxi Is a member of the Hebron Commercial club, Hebron Volunteer Flrt depirtnient. Lennon broi monument builders, and tin Prtiby terun church. Fruit Exnmi Onern BUi oq 3,300 Refrigerator Can Request for bids for construction of JJtX) itindird refrigerator ears to cost approximately $!0,00,000 will be mane at once, Carl Gray, president of the union l'miic ivs tern, announced yeiterday. The cart will U built for the Pacific Fruit company, owned Jointly by the Union Pacific and Southern 1'iciflc companies. The cin will t delivered for trvicfl In 192J and will tartrate the fruit express ownership ot rrfrlgera lor can to mora than 2.1,0X1(1, the largest single ttncrihip in the United Sutrt. Two Me FineJ on Liquor Chargei j Third Bound Over Two men were fined and one was hound over to the district court on liquor charges by Judge Wappich yctterday. Pat Uulnn, 5004 North Twenty eighth avenue, In whose home murals iquid olllceri tfiUI'ird they found a Still ind sonic bootleg whitky, Angelo Msrino, 12J4 South Scveotkj street, were fined $100 eich for Wl poMtssioit of whliky, Cereiio Caienila, llll South Seve emit iwett. when arraigned on lh chirge of hiving liquor in Ml fn les.krn, wiived preliminary hearing nd wii bound cvr to the di.trkl court. Ilon.l wa placed it J7J0. A Silly Song By A. CUCKOO BIRD. J (Wrltt.n for Th !) by a Xbraka farmer.) They have taxed me promiscuous and plenty. My wallet is vacant and flat They tax what I eat and they tax all my clothes, from my shoes to my battered old hat I pay a war tax and a poll tax and a tax on the pills I must take. They tax me 6 cents and a quarter for every darned nickel I make. The giant that car- ries the world has nothing on me, I declare, for his load is as light as a feather compared with the taxes I pear. Some day, when I m chained in the bughouse, the people who see me will say, he had a bright future before him but his overtaxed mind gave away. Cornell Club to Honor New Head of University A dinner will be siven in honor of Dr. Livingston Farrand, newly inaugurated president of Cornell university, by the Cornell club of Omaha at the University club Jan uary 26. Wives of Cornell men and husbands of Cornell women are in cluded in the invitations. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT.. By J. J. MUNDY. Are You a "Gabby" AppUcant? Don't talk too much when you ap-L ply for a position. Xo appear peppy and active, dont rattle along in your conversation. Answer questions put to you, but don't tell a lot about yourself which is of no interest to your prospective employer. He is a busy man and all he wants to know about you is whether you are honest, industrious, and have ability, about your family, the places you have worked, why you left them and what experience you have had in the line for which you are asking a job. He may ask other questions, but he is not after the story of your life. 1 he wants to know more than you tell, he will ask and you should answer truthfully and definitely. It is nothing of which to bs ashamed to have to apply for work. You have no reason to feel dis graced because you must sell your services. The man who employs you lias to sell the product which your service assures him in his business. He sells production, and without service he could produce very little. Do not be backward about express ing your ideas if you are asked for them. j, Employers are after men who think and who can tell what they think and why. (Copyright, 15I. International Feature Service. Inc.) Builds Strength To Ward Off Pneumonia soon dhv toQe Best for Colds Bronchitis, Asthma and all throat troubles. Builds new Strength. NO DANGEROUS DRUGS. , GUARANTEED,- Eit Bran REGULARLY and You'll Relieve Constipation PERMAflEflTLY! The sooner you and your family get to eating Kellogg'a Bran, cooked and krumbled, the quicker you'll all have a clean bill of health I Because Kellogg'a Bran rellevea constipation permanently if it is eaten regularly! It keeps the Intes tinal tract free from congestion it sweeps and it purifies without any discomfort or Irritation! And, it frees you from habit-forming pills and cathartics which never could and never will give permanent re lief! Do not confuse Kellogg'a Bran with "remedies 1" Tour physician will endorse Kel logg'a Bran for constipation because it is the Ideal way to correct this trouble through the food you eat! Kellogg's Bran, if eaten regularly each day, will work wonders for the health of every member of your family! Each one should eat at least two tablespoonfula daily; chronic cases, as much as is neces sary. , .- . Kellogg'a Bran, cooked and krum bled, is not only nature's food, but it is delicious to eat as a cereal! Or, on your favorite cereal each morning! It's nut-like flavor Is de lightful! Use Kellogg's Bran In raisin bread, muffins, pancakes in a hundred dif ferent, and appetising ways! Keep a dish of Kellogg's Bran on the dining table. Sprinkle it on food! We guarantee results. Your grocer has It Kellogg'a Bran ia particularly de sirable for children. It builds up strong bodies! . Another thing: Kel logg's Bran at the tame time will clear up a pimply complexion and BURGESS-NASH COMPANY "EvtrjiliuJj Store" Our New Victrola Shop fTIS L . . - TSw. MTU Ifi Prefer to Go Announces New Lower Prices on Victor Records to Go Into Effect Today! !l04noh doublo face HKg Victor Records, now. I tlC 12-in. double face di Off Victor Records . . v A-ftl The Home of The Cheney "The Aristocrat of Phonographs." ' Snr-'ifc riftk Flees. If Never Far Away By Long Distance Telephone I A few miles away or several hundred, it is all the 1 7 same by "Long Distance." 1 f To keep in touch with home or business, to get infor- fi jl mation quickly, to avoid expensive trips, or for any busi- 1 III - ness or social purpose, "Long Distance" is the best way. t Approximately half rates apply beyond certain dis- " ' li ' tances for station-tonstation calls after 8:30 p. m. and , 1 , XT, approximately quarter rates from midnight to 4 :30 a. m. IjM Ak "Long Diitance" for the rate -. rif WXwK for any elaas of service, it any ' crf'' " M - '.'Northwestern ."'ami "TT 1 BellJelephone ff fcjtr Hp ' I I , - ' Xc PURGES s-Nash Company VERYBODY& STOR i ml Our Gift Shop At Its "January Opportunity" Offers Values from the Art Centers of the World at Great Reductions Charming novelties for the home, fascinating bits of furniture, every one with that difference of detail that lends atmosphere, are offered. Among the items re duced are Mirrors, Lamps and Shades, Venetian Glass and Sutphen Glassware, Pottery, French Prints, Paint ings and Furniture. Special Gift Tables You will find loafled with the loveliest gift items left over from the holiday selling. On the 10c and 50c Tablet are Candlesticks, Pottery and Glass Vases and Bowk, Ash Trays, Shades, Candle Shields, Incense Burners. On the $5.00 Tables On the $1.50 and $2.50 Tables are Lamps, Shades, Book' Ends. Pottery, Glass Bowls, Candlesticks, Cigaret Boxes, Ash Trays, Smoking Stands. are Table Mirrors, Lamps and Shades, Book Ends, Imported Pottery, Glass Bowls, Candlesticks, Cigaret Boxes, Ash Trays, Smoking Stands. Burfo-Nk Gift Shop Fourth Floor Home Special Cuban Cocoanuts Extra Large, Juicy, Meaty Cocoanuts 7c : 4 for 25c On Sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday ' No Deliveries No C. O. D.'a No Phone Orders Burf m-Nh DomtUIra Store Drugs and Notions A Combination Sale at ' Greatly Reduced , Prices La France Lemon Cream, 30c Yardley's Imported Face; Cream ........ 30c - Imported Glycerine Face Cream 30c Imported Hand and Face Lotion 30c Imported Free Powders.. 70e Domestic Face Powders, 25c and 60c Imported - Perfumes, Jas mine and Chypre and Rose, oz. 98c Lilac Vegetal 65c Compact Powder 25c Sachet, bottle, 1 oz. . .$1.25 Aitorted Perfume, origi- 'nal bottles .....20c Norwich Dental Cream, 17 Me Imported Tooth Brushes.. 33c Ivory Picture Frame, 65c, 75c and 88c Ivory Powder Boxes .... .88c Ivory Comb, large size.. 30c Ivory Mirrors, large size ....S3. 25 Turpo for Cough and Cold ....... .30c and 15e Washable Sanitary Apron 29c Kotex Napkin, doien ...30c Stork Baby Pant, pair.. 15c Wash Edging, bolt 10c Ail colors. Colored Mercerised Tape, bolt 10c 18 and 24-inch Hair Roll, 25c Pure Linen Tape, bolt. . .7c; Collin gbourne's Darning Cotton 2ae Coat and Pant Hangers . . . 5c Elastic Sanitary Belt... 27c Ready-Made Drett Lin ing 29c Silk Military Braid, yard, 10c Mercerized Corset Lace, 5 and 7 yards Lingerie Ribbon, bolt . , Coat and Suit Buttons... Mending Tissue, patches anything American Maid Crochet Cotton, ball , uarier ciasuc, uiacs ana white, yard 5c .5c .5c .lc 5c .5c Borgess-Nash Drug and Notion Shop Mala Floor The , Judilha Blackburn Cub vill have a special meeting hurs.Jan. 19.2 P.M. DurgeU'Nash Auditorium Fifth Floor , Do You Know That Art Saunders the Field Club Assistant Pro fessional is in charge of our Indoor Golf Course and gives free Instruction In putting, driving, approaching. and that in our Sixteenth Street Window you may see the Ball and Bat with which Babe Ruth made his 60th Home Hun of the season in the World's Series. Burss-Nb Fourth Fisor 250-Books pf Fiction Reduced to 35c:3for $1 I Fascinating books varied in ityle and contents to suit every taste. Children's Boohs Reduceu among them are: "The Green Forest Fairy Book" By Elen Brady... $1.00 "Tale of Wonder and Magic" By Katherine Pyle....$1.00 "Practical Mechanic for Boy" 50c "Belgian Fairy Tale" By .William Griffith..., 1.00 "Twilight Tale Told to the Tiny Tot" 75c And many other tales, for little folks, reduced to 60c and 25c. Burrtss-Nssh Main Floor Our Victrola 0 Shop "Where Those Who Knoi Prefer to Go" has a very complete selection of the records of Reinald Werrenrath America's celebrated baritone, who will appear in Omaha January 19. Hear, too, our new -HARRY LAUDER RECORDS BurgMS'Nash Fifth Floor. 11 The "Free The sewing machine with out a peer. This machine is guaranteed to be one of the finest that skill can produce and money can buy. Because" of a spe cial patented tread it makes a perfect stitdi. It has more ball bearing . equipment than any other make and thus is faster and much lighter to treadle. There are in addition innum erable little conveniences. Convenient Payment Term ' Tbi Week. Hemstitching, 1 0c jardf. 5 Golden Oak Treadle free, $75.00 Burfsss-Nash Fourth Floor. Sale of Men's Spring and Winter Union Suits The wise and thrifty buyer will see in this offer the golden op portunity to stock up for this season and next winter at rock bottom prices. 95 Each They are wool mixed, elastic ribbed euits, in light, medium and heavy weights, sure to give the finest service. Sizes S4 to 54. On Sale Thursday at $1.95 Sec Our Window Display BoraH-Nash Man's Shop Main Floor.