. ... 4. THE EEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. JANUAKY 19. 1922. ESFHffT w-.ni R,1 B jdget Increase Is Reported for Episcopal Churcli V-l I .1 J C . c... i'Cl A SalarU of Clerf)tnta' Larger bod Admini'tra lion l3uioetlikf. A t7,000,0oj) Increase in tl e nati&nal Episcopal btijrt lit year i re ported by He. B. T. Kemerer of St. I.ouii, tutioMl Add Kcrctiry, at the Nebraska difceae council meetim in rto at Trinity cathedral ytiter- A nalioa-fide canf a!gn and a rt crganiaation of churrh administration on a roort businesslike baiia brought better result in spiriiual value at cll at financial, he stated. gaUritt Art Larger. Salaries of deny men ere uni fortnly increased end many minions became fit-iupporting ana were raited la the rank of narishri. One tf the churches which applied for recognition wit St. Mark, south Side, of, which Rev. C E. Brown it Mi tor- - - Diorntan report! occupied most of tKe afternoon sein. Election of officer! and delegates to the general conference will take place thii morn ing. . i " ..4 V . . ! 1 -I ... L- ....I.J .m . j A ivs Ultl UU1IUII1IC IV ur V" Yy the iiew tile of Brownell Hall col- LKfL..i ti ii.n. :ti k..;u year, said Bihop E. V. Shaylcr i opening address. he biihoo flayed church people caused parent! to tend their fldren to secular schools. He de ided the "poor little rich girls, of Ac college and stated that tney are i . l . .: ..... it v. . .. ... ich." ' Engineer Testifies i:i Street Railway Rate Case R. C McLain, assitant engineer for the Nebraska State Railway commission, Haled that he had mea- sured the overhead wire in 1,500 dif ferent places to determine the extent to which it had been reduced by wear, while testifying at the city hall in connection . with the strtet rail way rate case yesterday.' He said that he had counted all the poles and measured all the wire used by the traction company here. Madigan's Death Accidental, Finding of Coroner's Jury A coroner's jury after an inquest yesterdayaftert.Jon returned a ver dict of accidental death in the case of John F. Madigan, 8,27 Forest Bvcnue, a salesman, killed Monday right when an automobile in which he wai riding crashed into a railing of the Nicholas street viaduct. Clar ence Love and Jack Ivy,' also occu pants of the car, were arrested fol lowing the accident. Omaban to Attend Hearing, ' T rr 1 ii ,in .irern irnnnv .uiucol VU., J "R. C Tooke. member of the Oma- W . jr-- ha Aero club, lett yesterday ior-ew ; ' ( York where he has been delegated to attend the neanng oi inc. ayptu . made by John M. Larsen, owner ol the Larson junker planes, for an in. junction' against granting of the Larsen trophy to F. E. White, whe flew in the S. V. A. in the race at the International Aero congress an Omaha last November. Belgian Offers His Hand to Rich American Girl Emile Brichard, 84 Rue de la Bailie, Chatclineau, Belgium, js seek ing the hand of an American girl ' with a fortune of $250,000 or more, ac cording to the letter he sent Sheriff Mike Clark. ' The epistle was tran--Vf slated bv Mrs. B. F. Conrad. 2007 X North Sixteenth street Bnchard y ; says he is 22 years and was a soldier in the vvar-j ' County Treasurer Plans ! to Mail Tax Statements Those in arrears on their county : taxes will receive statements this :r rramtv commissioners I pass' favorably on the recommend; i .i,; rmmtv Treasurer M. J- ! Endres is Soing to make The treas- urer proposes iu v1""" - , . for permission to use the excess fees on Tand. a total of $30,800. to Pre pare and send out tax sbct'v Louis C. Nash Elected " Str-et Railway Director Louis C. Nash, president of the Burgess-Nash company, nas dcc elected director of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Kauw.y P At the annual meeting of the com pany last week the resignation of G. W Wattles as chairman pf the board was accepted. Ameriran Steamer Missing. OrleaO ober for Speria. Italy, was posted today at Lloyds as miss- - " . Women to Serve as Election Officers Women will invade the aacred tejmi bl the o!Lii.g tlct! at th prat election in Uouclai county, ot culy as voter! but at election officer, ceordwg to Deputy Llectton com- rniiMonn Jjiy. The commUncner stated that there ire 004 office! as judge, clerks and h-rpectou to be filled in the count? t-efore the next election. . . The primanei this year win be JieU Aueutt 13. instead of in July, : tordmg to the new state law. G. A. K. to Hold Farewell Meeting for Rev. Titus Lowe I' s r;nnt eoit. G. A. R- will Knl.t' (iTtwtll mretinc in honor of Rev. Titus Loe rext Tuesday aft ernoon at 2 in the city council chanr ber to which all patriotic prganiza inn. mnA the nublic are invited. Dr. Lowe had been invited to ad dress the regular meeting of the post and thii tsai expanded into t farewell mfi-iinar at the suagestion oi the commander, Charles F. Weller. The rr.mt Armv and Y. M. C. A. ouar- teti will sing and there will be aev- eral speeches. Employment Bureau Ready to Furnhh Snow Shovelcrs Citizens who wish mow removed from their sidewalki are requested m remember the free employment bdVeau maintained in the city hall by the Board of Public Welfare. 'We have many men who will be pleased to go out for a few houn or alf of a (My. shoveling snow or Jo- irir anv kind of work, said ceo Short, superintendent of the bureau. Annual Y. M. C A. Dinner Walter W. Head, president of the Omaha National bank, wu the nrinrinal sneaker last nifiht at the 14th annual atudent banquet in the v. vf r. A. G. W. Noble was toastmaster. The Superiority of Atwood Grapefruit Is Not an Accident . An inhiai crpcriM of bandrada of tbooaaada of doUara vil in corrd, while rrrything that adnti6e cnlror aad xpnnc eeald wan w doo, to pro .4oe QUALITY. mm On can hardJy think of a mora cctptabl gift than a box of thia ripa, joicy, wbolasom table lax pry. It will kep for wacka. Always look for th tr4a-eiark wrmppcl. TRIMBLE BROS. Omaha., Neb, "BO WEN'S Value-Giving Store SWWWa fore I January Lace Curtain Values 79 P i You will hi in oner by aeecpt inf any one or all ot these Curtain Value; Rady-to-JIanr Curtalna, in Mar quisette ' and Voilei made up complete with Valencea laee: per pair, during Jan- 79c aary , Full site Voile Curtain in cream and ecru, hemstitched hems. These Curtains are -rery aervleeable, and are offered durina January 71! t, per pair Plain MarBUtt Curtains, in M ..rf scru: edae trimmed with lace and hemstitched; per pair. Jan uary price, pe J $1.8$ Overdrape of Cretonne, all ready made and ready to nana; Jaauary price, per -i CI Qg pair " . 5 imported and ' Domestic Curtain Nets: ' values wp to S3.75; now prie4 y' $1.98 only .. T Extra Large Plaid BLANKETS BUTTER fake bome a pound of lMmmiUt butter and a dosen country egga. We foarantee their fresi- Wrapped o rc carry. ItUawiUa Putttr....39 fqcalth in if GF Pleaaingly Priced Jlight now at Bowens you should buy your- blankets. Wnile sleepipe have protec tion against colds by sleeping under nice comfy blankets. Value-Giving Quality BlankeU 1 . i y Pricti dariaf Jaaaary at $2.45, $2.f 9 and $4.9 At these prices all can" afford new Blankets. II nay ta mad Bawaaa aaaaU ad n A Letter to a Country' Cousin Xa Auwtr to a aUanect (or Information Requiring the, lUt TLuBgi la Homi ruraiiliiflg. Omaha, Nebraska, January 13th, 1922. My dear Jauet: In response to your request that I look up uoxwo furaishinps for your new home I made a tour of the stores today and fo enthused am l over vnat J. saw that I am hastening to write you at once. I am so glad that you asked me to do this for you, for otherwise I am sure I would never have realized the wealth of beautiful thinps our Omaha stores contain. I say stores but I think I better change it to store, for most of my time was spent in the beautiful new furniture department or tno uran dcis Store, which occupies the entire seventh floor of that immense establishment. This department was only opened late in the fail and this was really the first opportunity I have had to see it, although I have wanted to for a long time, for their clever advertising slogan, "To be downtown and not visit the Brandeis Store's new Furniture Depart ment is not to be downtown at all," has positively been haunting me. You did not state exactly what you wanted but suggested that I look around and give you the latest ideas in house furnishings and tell you what I think will please you; so here is my furniture story, my dear, and a long one it is, for I saw so many lovely things. Let's begin with the living room. Such luxurious davenports and chairs as I did see, and when the ac comodating salesman suggested that I try one and I sank down into its'soft depths, my shopping tour came near ending right there. I am going to have one of those chairs for my own just as soon as I can afford it Some of those sets are of tapestry and others of velour, both plain and figured, but quite the loveliest is a davenport and chairs of squirrel brown brocaded mohair. Doesn't the word "mohair" bring back to mind the sleek hair cloth furniture of our grandmoth er's time! The fabric of today,' however, is the last word in an upholstery material for beauty and dura bility. This set with a mahogany bookcase spinet desk, table and some odd chairs from Brandeis' vast stock, would make your large living room very beau tiful. Now for the dining room. 1 saw so many beauti ful sets that I can scarcely decide which to tell you about I believe, though, the one I like best is the one in the model dining room. Oh I I forgot to tell you they have six model rooms all furnished with draperies and everything complete. To see these would give you many splendid furnishing ideas. Well, this is an Ital ian Renaissance set of beautiful walnut, upholstered in taupe mohair with a background of gold, with such a wonderful buffet," closed china cabinet andexten sion table. Can't you just picture this in four new home? w Another beautiful set is of Italian walnut, inset with ebony and upholstered in figured tapestry, and then there are a number of mahogany sets, and I was much impressed by the number of splendid less ex pensive sets in other woods. Oh! I do so want you to have a darling breakfast room set of ivory," decorated with bands of blue and sprays of dainty flowers, but if this ' does not suit your color scheme there are many others just as at tractive. - ' " For your sun room I came near purchasing on the spot, without your orders, a lovely set of wicker furni ture in brilliant' orange and black, which had just come in, for I know it will not be there many days. The chairs are upholstered in gay figured cretonne and have spring cushions an unusual feature in this type of furniture. "Another that I liked is in gray and lavender. The Brandeis stock of bedroom furniture is cer- tainly large and varied and one can carry out almost any color scheme or iaea jn iuroisning. j-aere are lovely suites of mahogany, ivory, French gray, oak, walnut and noTeltv woods. One that would be beauti ful for your room is of walnut, very artistic in design, hand carved, with a beautiful dresser, dressing table and chofforobe. Another, which would be beautiful in the guest ' a - . t.a 11 .room, is of Italian walnut, in the new poiycnrome finish, which gives a hint of many colors as the light ' strikes it. " The chairs of this suite are upholstered in rose tapestry. Of course you will want a day bed in one pf your rooms and you will certainly have no difficulty in making a choice from the many shown. I also saw beautiful grandfather clocks with chimes; also chairs and tables of every size and style, tea wagons, sewing tables and many odd pieces of fur juture, which you will want. ' Really this wonderful display seemed almost like a furniture exposition and the amazing and best part of it is that the prices are most reasonable. A little money will certainly go a long way here. "T also visited the carpet and drapery department and was amazed at the display of beautiful rugs and curtains in fact at every turn I met with some new surprise and left with the realization that the Bran deis Store is a wonderful establishment which every Omahan should be proud of. You certainly would not recognize it, for since your visit here two years ago they have taken over the whole building, added additional stories, remodeled many floors" and made many changes. Now it is. a store occupying a building of ten stories, a block in length in' fact longer, for you may recall the in teresting underground arcades which so often puzzle strangers."" - - - . . . '"When ypq come to Omaha to purchase your furniture will have luncheon and afternopii tea in the beautiful Brandeis res taurant on the tenth, floor, which is one of the finest restaurants in the United States. You vill enjoy this for they have a splendid orchestra there. . - - Hoping that you will eome very soon so that you can alsa take advantage of the many January bargains they have in ail departments, I am, .. "Alwayg eordiauy yours, ' LUCILLE (from a Letter Priateg. la the Omaha Examiner ot January 14.) AdvtrtiarmtaV. Our Furniture Demonstration Sale Now Going on. B1 Master-Made Furniture Lower Than Market PricesAll Goods Marked in Plain Figures -Liberal Credit if Desired. Seventh Floor ' The Four Reasons Why women love to meet in th Brandeis Restaurants Are Good Food, Good Service, Good Music, and Beautiful Sur roundings. Special Luncheon 75c Tenth Floor Around the Clock With Marijane Good Morning chirps a ppar r o w on Mari jane'a window sill. 'Ifitimeto get up, says an insistent little -lock. So out of oed bounces Marijane. She knows she must hurry if she is to help mother with the morning work. Mother is bUSy but she knows Marijane can dress herself. Onto a sturdy little waist with well-taped buttons, six-year-old fingers button firm pretty drawers, and a petti coat. All bought here at Clearance Price. Petticoats, Embroidery Trimmed Priced 79c Underwaists with Supporters Priced 65c Saturdays Child is Marijane, for she is busi est then, and this is Satur day morning. 'Guess I'll do the dusting for mother," says Mariiane. Of course it's awkward in a Mother-aize aproa but, a clean blue gingham dress must be kept clean. - Gingham, linen and percale frocks are here in complete, attractive as sortments. ! Embroidered Chambray Frock Priced 1.98 1 Blue Coverall of Heavy Denim Priced-- 1.25 Ice Cream n 'Cake are what makes a party. But clothes are import ant, too, especially AO for a Valentine CWia Party. So Marijane CjW a t three o clock, lj 13 slips into her new flowered silk frock with a decided thrill. Bobbie Bliss, who lives next door, has two when he sees her, for she does look pretty! Girls' Silk Party Frocks, Priced 10.00 Boys' Oliver Twist Suits! Priced 5.00 A Sled is a limousine to Marijane when Bobbie is Chauf feur, you see he is taking her home 1 from the party. "You can see she is satis fied. His coat of gray chinchilla is truly a smart af fair. Her coat of red broadcloth is trimmed in black fox fur." fhey were both pur chased here at Clearance Price. . Little Girls't Broadcloth Coats . Priced 10.0015.00 Little Boys' Wool Coats, Priced? 6.0010.00 Good Night ticks the hall clock, for it's eight o'clock and bed time. "Good Night." says Mother, taking off a Bubbl? record from the Victrola. But Marijane doesn't mind going to bed, her flannelette nightie feels so cosy. It, too, wai purchased -here at ' a Clearance Price. Girls' Flannelette Gowns, Priced-s - 49o Little Children's Pajamas, Priced -, 98c Our children's apparel service is especially attractive at this time, for advantageous clearance prices afford large savings on many seasonable items, and new early Spring garments give a decided zest to the children's section. Third Floor Edit Thursday Sale of Pure Linen Materials For All Kinds of Art Needlework For waists, dresses and all kinds of art work, in white and natural color. The indoor dayg of winter are welcomed by the clever needle woman who hai much sewing: to do. She will also welcome thesejBpecial prices on the materials she will need just at this time. ' i Pure White Linens 18-inch width, 20-inch width, 22-inch width, 24-inch width, ' 27-inch width, 69 to 1.79 1.00 to 1.98 1.69 to 1.89 1.35 to 2.10 1.79 to 2.25 36-inch width, 45-inch width, 54-inch width, 72-inch width, 90-inch width, 1.25 to 3.35 2.25 to 4.25 2.79 to 4.89 3.15 to 5.95 4.85 to 5.59 Natural Color Linens All width, 18 to 54 inches, priced from 39c to 3.98 Mam Floor West Salad or Fruit BowU of Bavarian China. 1.00 vajue, each, 39c Cake or Bread ' tle Bavarian China, large size, 1.0Q OQ value, ftcfc, " Oi7V Cut Glass Sugar and Cream, pretty pat terns, footed blanks. pvalue: 59c Dinnerware Sale On our entire lot of open stock patterns, at 25 discount. This is a jrood opportunity to make up a set or to buy fill-ins for the one you already have." " Great Clearance Sale of China-Glassware Fifth Floor East In the 9alf:Price Aisle Don't fail to visit our Half Price Aisle. Wonderful values in close-out patterns. Boyshform Brassieres .Specially Priced for Thursday The fame of this popular bras siere has swept across the country like wildfire because it embodies unique features which give the slim flat lines that present day fashions demand of all women. We have secured 2,500 of these brassieres at important price con cessions which enable ys to make the following reductions: 3.50 models, 3.00 models, 2.50 models, 1.00 models, 2.75 1.75 1.25 89 MU Oliver of New York City is here to explain the special features and merits of the genuine Boysh: form Brassieres. Third Floor North Howard St., Between 15th and 16th 4Wtiiwwt Carnar if $m rrw 1