AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 1131 NAeii. IM t laaaet. leaalated. lull Oulpe4. fuet-leee eeeaiuee, I niiu. t en ia. lis laMirnniii aTT'ilv ruiaiuu iruska.ler"e-4 lt.a. al literal MIM , ina.aa.Mie t ., AT lite. AVlItT irwk. WiM. wetik aaeie "4 eeaditi. Uvu4 kixt-aa; I aad A UakU m WuiKi, s-14 a. 4 escheased. lltaWVk AUTO to.. Ill Feraea l. M HAT em I off.r.4 for 1 1 w4 kedaa. Oa-4 eeadlllea, fKJ. lilt. iJK ULK-ftir ef t4 ckalut, II i A, T, Hum, m Wotl4Hie4 Blug llol.l.T. eaperl aula trimmer. Ill Km. Wanted. WlLL. tier eesTf"r a II Peek spew! model or roadster. Writ ft. M. II tV 14, hant, MX FARM LANDS. For Rent. Dairy farm. II aerea, urn I'ederaeed avenue. Immediate poe-aloe, George & Co., IT. mi. l nir National Bank Bid MAX! FAHM, Bear Omaha, tr real of sale, fcaey terme. lol o. Ith. Florida Lands. I'i'K SALK 1.10 acta Oranie county, Florida 1 price. Ill, Will lk( elut ' property, er f oml mortgage pa fr fiair. keotaeliuen. Das ll. orland. sienna. Idaho Land. Where Can You Beat This Offer? 1-1, M. er all of acre ef e4 Idaho farming land fr aale at lilt p.r aero rash, or III en terms. thl land ta under cultivation; nearly all llliabia; lata ash soli; fla rsss; Imp well ef puraat water. Weuld lease to reaponsthle parties. Address P. O. Bo III, HlacWoot. Idahe. Iowa Land. JOO ACItU corn farm, Hamilton count r, Iowa, nar Hlory City; beet black corn enllj 17 acres rrop. bal. hsy and ee tur; wall tiled; !ed bldg.; arrl-e equity for cash. Owner, J". O, Boa J. Terry, la. Minneaota Lands. FQUITT Land Eichenae, St Paul, Minn. Nebraska Lands. 1WO Impruved uuartere. adjoining her, aouth central Nebraaka. 4Va mile from two towns, no hills; 1 mil to river, achool and church; nearly all good oll, aome level; 171 acrea farmed; t6 per acre, tarma Addreaa V. Lund, Repub lican City. Neb. " Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOOI. FREK. SPECIAL NUMBER Just out, containing many facia of clover land In Marinette County, Wli comm. If for a home or an Invest ment you are thinking of buying good farm lands, where farmere grow rich; aend at once for this apeclal number of I.ANDOLOOT. It la frea on request. Address Bkldmore-Rlehle Land Co., 411 Skldmore-Rlehle Bldg.. Marinette, Wis. FINANCIAL. Kal Estate Loans. WB have cash on band to loan on Omaha residences. Jj. IT. I.OUGEE. INC.. 638 Keellne Bid. Real Estate Loans. Oil AH A HOMES EAST NEB. FARMSL O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1011 Om. Nat. Blc. Bldg. Jackson 1711. 1110 TO 110,00 mad promptly. P. D. Weed and Bowman Co. Weed Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. FIRST farm mortgage, 11,000, 7, I yrs., appralaed value 110.000. Write Klok Inv. Co., 145 Omaha Nat'l Bank. LIBERTY bond and atock bought and sold. ROBT. ,C DRUESEDOW A CO., 110 Omaha National Bank Building. LIBERTY BONDS bought and aold. AT. - 1144. Mack' Bond House. 1421 1st Nat. Miscellaneous. OMAHA'S ONLT INDUSTRIAL BANK.. LOANS OF FROM 121.00 TO 1100.00 AT BANKING RATES ON CHARACTER A3 SECURITY. .Industrial Loan and In vestment Co., 405 SOUTH 35TH 8T. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Must Have Houses. . TV are completely out of house In this city that can be aold on fairly decent payment down, especially In bungalows that can be Hated somewhere near the value of today' market. If you are vwllUn to aell your property that way call us and we will Inspect your prop erty at onoe. Payne Investment Co., (17 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldr. DO. 1710. HAVE you a house you want to aell or exchange? We have clients for homes If your price Is based on present cost of production. Will build to suit you. Let u figure with, you. Charles W. Martin & Co., REALTORS. tlT Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. AT. 0187. At Your Price and Terms We show your house when convenient for you. Real buyers waiting. 'Phone C. G. Carlberg, Realtor; Hi. 4747. JA. 0586. WILL pay cash for. brick flat or apart ment with fair Income,. Must be in flrst-elass condition and modern price. Call Atlantlo 8628. IF you want quick action on your city property list it with JAMES P. O'BRIEN Real Estate Co.. 1021 W. O. W. Bldg. Phone Douglaa 8214. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance. 1603 City Nat. Bk, AT. S668. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M DONALD 1110 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1428. GRUENIG fXStl?" 1411 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1961 -TOTpTTrrirn real f, state ilXbX.ri X X sells. Rents. Insures. IIP Peters Trust Bldg. J A. 0633. HAVE lnqulrle for home do you want to aell your property? List It with C. A, qrlmmel. Omaha Nat'l Bk. BMg. ' JE. H. BENNER COMPANY, Insurance. Call Edward Perley, Douglas 8406. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS! Dodge St. Investment , East of 26th Two flat and two houses, corner lot, 14x148; rental 13,160 per year. A, won derful, speculative future. This can be bought right; price on application. Will net better than 6 per cent net on price. Might consider medium priced, clear tesldence. GLOVER & SPAIN, Bealtors, Jackson 1550. 118-3 City National. Farnam Street, 117 PER FOOT 8-ROOSt MODERN HOUSB. Out west on Farnam street there Is an I -room modern house renting for ICO per month. It haa 88 feet front on Farnam, corner lot. Price on this property U 18.500 for quick sale. Term arranged. Excellent location for apart ment or flats. This property le bound te grow Into real money. Will sell house and 44 ft. for IS, M0 It desired. Bedford-Johnston Co., 80 Werld-Horald Bldg, JA. 1714. Investors Attention Near 18th & Jackson Frontage en two streets. Present Ira wrovementa pay fill per month. Cheap est ground in this district. Owner out C city. Ins true ta ua te get offer. GLOVER & SPAIN, x Realtor. 111. 111-20 City National. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Owner Must Sell. e II MS aaertga ea Hrm 4 raa a w,rk I II. tea, iaaeai iiM eaa ea4 eKMHaa iH fea4 a a rirei, aa riaee le i.meaa laeawe, win eaii ea teat ) ew asar will aet e e S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, T raaei Taeei.r. Three Flats I reeax eaeh. t"e4er, lei Hilll, paved alley, Ixated ee tlik vaea bear Hare, arte aa4 terra ppU rallrta. O'Keefe Real Estate Co.. Ttealtera 11 Omaha Vatlneal h.ell B)I4. Ik. It 11, We Have Real Buyers raa'l eapeel ee le help ye rek ear ellenie bet If yea will put a fair pil'e ea )eur property we tea and will aall It. All ru ar lermai auitk a lea. N. P. Dodge & Company, e atiraei iiitig, peugie 1111 HAVfi buyer for geed I and I reem madam hemee pn.ed rtght. that eaa be eougnt wun il.ooe to caea aewa. ea ua If leu weal te aeit, Fowler & McDonald.1 Jeckesn lr. 1i: city Net. Ttenk ld. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. A Sacrifice A beautiful home en a half pert lee) ef tne beat land la the world, with beat of echool, eerie! aad market faellltlee. Taved rad le the areateet market Omaha." fe you fcaow tb valu af urn a proposition. The tidal wave never recedeoj ae low but that it will again coma beck aad ge even higher then before. In4, lb foundation er all wealth, will da like, wia. If you have aome ready rash, rome to pea ma Monday er It will b toe late. I'hooe 1J ol. G. A. Kull, TUB LAND MAN 4r,l Omaha National Hank flldr. FOR 8AI.K OR EXCHANUB Lumber and roal yard, grain elevator and good clean atock of general merchandise located In a goo4 Nuckolla county, Nebraska, town; would coneider In asrhange good tm proved farm near Lincoln, Neb., If priced en a rash basl and Ant heavily mortgaged. Thla la a fine buelneea op- forlunllr for anyone-wanting to get In. a business. Addreaa Bog Y-17II, Omaha Bee. OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLVfTB business property to exchange for mercantile atock. ARTHUR IT. SNYDER. Balrd Block, Council Bluffs. Fhon Co. Bluff 111. WANT farm or ranch for modern Chlcaco Income - property, valued from ISI.000 to i)A.0(in. with net Iqcome from ,o to 1100.000 per year. Also business blocks up to 16,000.000. Oeorg Blowart, S Bo. LaSalle. Chicago. HAVE good, smooth, level wheat land In ureeley county, Kansas, to exrnange for mercantile stock, shoe, hardware or gsnt'a furnishings. Clement L. WIN eon. Tribune. Greeley county. Kansas. FOR EXCHANGE Irrigated landa near Boise, Idaho, for atock of hardware. Box 7. Boise, Idaho. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. Very Complete Dundee Bungalow Large living room with fireplace, book 'Caea, beam celling, etc. Nice dining room with built-in buffet and paneled ' wall. Built-in kitchen cabineta; dou : ble stairway; extra large bedroom witt: good closets. Oak finish below, bed rooms enameled, with oak floor throughout. Large refrigerator' apace. Dandy basement with drain, fruit and . coal rooms; Inside and outside entrance to basement Extra well built garage. Large lot, (0x135 ft, with 1 nice cher ry tree In bearing. Paving fully paid. Shown any time by appointment. Price ' fl,360. Halt cash required. D. E. Buck & Co., 741 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Douglas 180. Xvanlngs: Newlon. Ha. CI42; Fere, Web. 0833; Buck, Ke. 2834. Built for a Home v Located at 6005 Webtr St.. 1-story Kellastone, 7 rooms and bath, breakfast nook, extra toilet and lavatory between two bedrooms, oak floora throughout, ivory, enamel and mahogany finish, full basement with laundry trays, toilet, fruit room, etc Lot 60x128. with paved alley. Actual cost, 116,600, but owner anxious to sell and will consider a reasonable offer. Call me up for further Informa tion. C. A. Grimmel, Omaha Iat'I Bank Bldg. JA. 1815. New Dundee Bungalow Move In today. Large living room with fireplace and bookcases; beautiful dining room; ntc stied kitchen with built-in feature; two large bedroom with tile bath. Thl house ha all oak floor with whit ivory finish; 11,600 , cash will handle. Sundays, call Bucli . tell. DO. 9632; Dunn, WA. 1908, or McCarville, HA, 0633. J. J. Mulvihill, Realtor JA, !3o3. 200 Brand! Theater Bldg. . Dundee Home, $4,750. Not a ahack but a real honest-te-eoodness, all modern home, with large ' living room, dining room and kitchen downstairs, two large bedrooms' and bath up, full basement, good furnace, large lot, cement driveway. Out-of-town owner must sell, your own term but cash might talk fast. First offer get thl bargain. Sundays phoner. Shaver, KE. 3768, or Mr. Metcalfe, WA, I77S. N. P. Dodge & Company, 404 Mlckel Bldg. Douglas 0829. Dundee Colonial Six rooms and sleeping porctt; fin ished In white enamel and oak; maid' room Id floor; furnace heat; garage for S car. This home I complete In every detail. First time offered for sale. Posseaslon In two weeka If nec essary. For pric and terms, call George and Co., Realtors, Atlantlo 1024, HAPPT HOLLOW BOULEVARD. 10-room Spanish type Kellastone, double garage, large corner lot with double frontage; all kind of flowers and shrubbery. Vapor heat. Oak through out, with Ivory finish; flreplae; all built in features. One of the most complete homes In the city. Price, 830.000, on good terms. Sunday, call WA. 0031. , J. L. HI ATT COMPANY. C. C. Hansen, President. 1114-18 Douglas. AT. 0083. Cheapest Lot in Dundee Full east front lot near 63d and Far' nam; priced for quick ssle at 11,650, We know this Is cheap and so do ysu. GLOVER & SPAIN, Realtors. Jackson 1850. 818-30 City National. LOOK THIS OVER. rr Six-room, mod. Dundee home; oak nnisn 1st nr., white enamel Id; garage. Price 1I.160, terms. ATT1 BELMAN TVt:ul 72! Peters Trust Bldg. LOTS. 00 on up. In or near Dundee. AT azbo, Beiman. Florence NETHAWAT eelle and trades. KB. 14'H, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. KR AG STONE BUNGALOW 11.10 DOWN. Six eunny room In Omaha's beauty spot, near 41st and Wakeley. If you had all cash yon could not duplicate at lew price or ILteo. gee at oace. JA 2182. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Wwt Beautiful Brick and Stucco. "Must Be Sold. 111! IIO AVE Feu U'e reeame aad His perch saaia flawi eluerisr see ad Ha aea fiaarl aaakegaay flaiak; 4 aaaieao.e a4 Iepia Hti tle4 bet e 14 fleas. To bedreeaa sesaplei batfe 14 tWr. Hasssaeal pertltleesd lata gepejrate reeeaei pea waar aeauag aieel; Heed baa 1 ae. Large let; eleuM (ffa, Wa weal a after. Call A. P. Tukey & Son, II let Mat. Wk HI4g. JA. 4111 awadejr sail Mr. W, O. La'eea. MA. 4S New Commercial High and Bernis Park District Why pay reatt Wkaa yen re a bey I" ' eiorr rreme aauee eeaaieila ef le 4-reem end kllcbeaetle anaii. menial eak finish ea first fleer aed nam pine eeai fieeri aewly daeerated; bat water heal; garage for three (ere; 'a rairaea noueai iwa total ewe block te tee rar Hnea Thl preperif will pay fur Iteelf bg renting one apart, men! aad you living la lb el bar. 1'nced i eeiu Terms. George & Co., Realtors, at. :. Own Your Own Home rtegla new acquire It by (siting a lot la kdgeweod. omens s moat bi(h rlaaa reeideare addition. We have a few choice Iota left which you eaa buy en eaay lerma. or en which we will build to your order. For further Information call Grant henaoa, Sunday aad vnlng. Walnut 151. Benson & Carmichael, III Faitea Block. Atlantis III. Leavenworth Heights, Best Buy. Ilsduoed 17.11 le 11.100: lovely ror. Iter lot. landscaped yerd, oek finished, wall pluga throeghout, pres brick foundation, three fine corner bed room a Here a value for you. Sunday rail Mr. Mead, AT. i:i, or J. L. Schroedar, 11 A. Schroeder Investment Co., Ill Ry. Fxchsnge. jsth nd Harney. Leavenworth Heights ' Stx-room bungalow, eak and while enamel finish, on paved etreet. Fine neighborhood. Priced to aell. For par ticulars ae to terms, etc., call Mr. Sloan, Sunday and evenings, Walnut 1113. Benson & Carmichael, 141 Paxton Block. Atlantlo 1140. BUYERS ON HAND FOR HOMES AT 1121 PRICES. We have made six sales alnce Jan uary 1st. We are constantly on the Job, four salesmen waiting to take hold of your property and get you snappy results. Our system of handling only a limited number of listings and giving them close, personal aervlce gets re sults even during th winter. Call us at once. H. & MANVILLE, Realtor. AT 1103. 616 Peters Trust Bldg. Six-Room Home Fine aouth front lot, 10x121. House has four rooms and bath! 1st floor; two bedroom and atore room eecond floor. Oak floor throughout. Oak and ena mel finish. Built-in bookcases and kitch en cabinet. Full cement basement. House Is extra well built and only I years old. One block to car and school. Priced to sell. Call Mr. Campbell, WE. 1206, Sunday. R. D. CLARK COMPANY. Realtor. AT. 1631. .21-1 Securities Bldr. OWNER TRANSFERRED TO LINCOLN. utters at a sacrifice, iis beautiful -room bungalow, built last year In Edgewood addition. Has 6 rooms on first floor and one on eecond, with all the latest style and conveniences. If you are looking for something very fine call us for appointment. Equity around 13,000, and would consider a good mort gsgs, or acreage near Lincoln for same. GLOVER & MORELL, 708 Keellne Bldg. AT. 1623. WANTED WEST OR DUNDEE l-room modern home for 5-room bungalow, 1 yeara old, strictly modern. Good location, price, 6,300. Equity, 11,600, and cash as first payment. Bun day, WE. 6250. FIKB A PRICE, JA. 141. 81 City Nat l Bank Bldg. BEMIS PARK DISTRICT New 6-room bungalow, east front lot. two blocks to car. DO 6547 or JA 4228. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest ment, ds feiers Trust. DO. 8097. D. E. BUCK & CO. buy and sell homes. North. North Side A splendid home facing beautiful Miller park; 7 room and breakfast room; large aunroom; 1 bedroom, tile bath; excellent condition throughout; double parage, solid drive. Kellastone bnngalowft room; In Mlnne Lusa; beautifully finished In oak throughout; all the latest built-in fear tures; garage and drive. 11,000 cash. Another of I room; we want an offer on thla; owner en account of business must sell. New home Four dandy rooms and bath with E-room accommodation. Full basement, good furnace. Gas, electric light, good oak finish and floors; built in bookcases. South front lot, all street Improvement paid except g Installments of pavlnr. Price $4,150; 1500 cash1, 137.50 per month. ' ; Overlooking Miller Park Bungalow of S room. Modern; large lot, pavlnr all paid; 14.200. ' On North 20th, near Ak-Sar-Ben den; l-room cottage. Modern except . heat; 11,100; 1500 cash, 123.60 per month. ' Sunday call KB. 1472, or KB. 11SJ. Charles W. Martin & Co., REALTORS. 7S7 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. ' AT. 0117. Original Colonial Bungalow Nothing else In Omaha like It In fea tures or construction. Just being com pleted; Immediate possession. Six large beautifully decorated roqms. oak floors throughout;, oak and old Ivory finish. Large living room with massive fire place; built-in bookcases. Every room . In the house a sun room. French doors opening from dining room to porch. Completely built-in kitchen with two eets of cupboards; built-in sink. Iron ing board, refrigerator space and extra large breakfast nook. Easy steps to basement with grade entrance: three large bedrooms with lots of windows; tile bath, best of fixtures: built-in dressing table: nice large closets. Latest Murphy-ln-a-Door bed opening Into library. Radio light awltchss through out, wall plug In every room. Full ce mented basement, with drain, fruit and coal room. A dandy double garage with cement drive from street. Construction is genuine kellaatone. work done by the beet mechanics. Porches are rein forced concrete. It's a beauty, little different from any other home In Oma ha. Located on nice corner lot one block from car line, both streets paved; In an addition of brand new homer. Don't think of buying or building until you see It. Just phone J A. 200. or KB. 2134 for appointment, or drive out to southeast corner of 28th Ave. and Newport. House open for Inspection 1 p. m. to 6 p. -m. Sunday. LEAVING TOWN. 11.00 BUYS EQUITY. Five Sunny rooms In Kounts Park District: oak finish, hardwood floora throughout. Dropping a thousand for quick sale. 14,760. JA 2211. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. Just Look at These Prices, Then Make Comparisons. Th basse ffsea4 keae ar arle4 al May prtaaa. ne tanetieB wua, we. -ream bwasaJew, etuaee, built five eeue efoi vek fleers a4 flalelt tare principal raaausi el lie. full eeaaaal beeat east treat let I I sai. 4 st Itil N, 4ti Ave, Ince l.ltl ti,see aaa. Wales! Hill Dietnet till Freaklla St. Five ihhi eaa fleer, me4srai let Mall faat fiaa ekade iraaei pe-e4 an.oa.1 vteea a ear nasi aerege. JS' Ite Ifc price It.see lal (aea. Ill Lake St. Five reeeuei frame! recently . patated aad 4eersie4; etrvrtly raederai goad lacalleai ahade Ireaa; paved street; srege. Yen will teal at kern beta rwa l see tl.esf tajn. A. P. Tukey & Son, It 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. JA. Illl. Sunday rail Mr. Sekerraerbern, Hi mi, er aar. reierson, K, (lie. New Six-Room Stucco, $3,450-$l,000 Cash Let-alM e Fentenelle' Blvd. near Ainaa Ave. Just completed end ready for occupancy. Full Iwe-etery. JHs living room and dining room wlik ma. bog. ay aula flalah. klusbsaj I while enamel. Three daady bedroom and til balh up. i aire, enamel finish, eak floor Ihrouahout snltre house. Full foment baeameat. vanar araouum but Thla le a goad location and thla house im pnrai is Mil, se ceil us early Man Say morning for inspection. The Byron Reed Co., o. :it. 1111 Farnam. XOUNTZB PLACE. If.lll. POSSESSION ATXINCa ' Well built l-room full I story home on Lethrop street, near lid. Oak and pine finish; good basement; large lot; garage for one rar. Close to car and achool. priced low at 17,11 for quick aale on vary easy terme. Now vacant; reeeeasloo at once. Sunday, call KE. J. I HtATT COMPANY. C. C. Hansen, President. 1114-11 Douglas. AT. 0011. Brand New Bungalow In Mlnne Lusa on a beautiful south front lot, stucco construction; oak fin ish. Has vestibule. Urge living room, with bookesses, nice dining room with bullt-ln buffet, kitchen with wall cab ineta and one-piece sink, rear entry. Two nice bedroom and bath. Full floored attic, full cement basement with Slastered cost bin and floor drain. This ungalow will be finished complete in the nest two weeks end purchaser may select lighting fixtures, wslf decorations and window shades. Located 2670 Bau man St, Price, 16,160. Terms. Norris & Norris, 1101 Dodge St. Phone J A. 4170. SOMETHING SNAPPY. CARTER LAKB CLUB HOMB. You have many apeclal feature In thl pretty bungalow home. You, of course, have your Ufa membership In Carter Lake club with all outdoor amusemente; your taxes sre practically nothing, and no water rent. Bungalow la all modern, 6 rooms on first floor and a fine finished attic; heated garage; fireplace. A very attractive year round home. At ths car Una. Price of 14.000 Is a way below value, but owner leaves February 1 for California. Call Mr. Manvllle. WA 1711. today, or Mr. Kyhl. WA 4230. H. & MANVILLE. Realtor. AT 1403. 616 Peters Trust Bldg. $500 Cash Go look at 2131 Burdette, yon will find a seven-room house all modem except the furnace. Woodwork var nished. Houss In very good condition. Oarage.- The price ta 13,000, terms IIS per month. You can't afford to rent. Don't bother the occupants but look over the - outslds and then phone Mr. Dlckaaon to be shown through. Ken wood 2142, or . Amos Grant Co., Realtors, ioug. S3 u. :in south istn St, Men Wanted , ABOUT 30 ADDITIONAL JOBS OPEN ON 13 HOUR PER DAY GRAVEL HAULING ON ROAD WORK JN IOWA. MEN MUST BUY TRUCK, PAYING ONE-THIRD DOWN, BALANCE IN 13 MONTHS. GOOD MONEY BEING MADE. INVESTIGATE QTJICKLY. WRITE OR PHONE NICK K. GIVENS, HOTEL HILL, OMAHA. . Miller Park $4,500 Dandy cottage, 4 room, bath, all modern, 2 large lots, cherries, appl;s, peach, pear and plum trees, grapea and currants; 1800 cash, balance like rent; get busy. P. J TEBBENS CO. Realtors. J A. 2181. , New Bungalows If you want to buy a well constructed (-room bungalow, finished In oak, with built-in features, full attlo and full ce ment basement, drive out today and see these. Located 6916 and 6124 Florence boulevard. On large east front lots. Price 16,000. Terms. 4 Norris & Norris, 1502 Dodg St. Phon J A. 4270. New House $250 Down S rooms and bathroom, well, furnaoe, electrls light and two lots, near ltd and Laurel Ave., high and sightly, only 13,200. 8260 cash, balance like rent. Immediate poesesslon. P. J. TEBENS CO. 60S Omaha Nat. Bk. Week day, JX 2182; Sunday phon WA, 6052. Boulevard Park District 7 rm. all modern house, bungalow type, with oak In the living room and dlnlngi room, beamed ceilings. This Is located on a aouth front lot and haa a garage. We are holding thla houe vacant until aold. Phone today for particulars. Call Mr. Mitchell at Ken wood 0791 er Mr. Chuda, Harney 6306. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, ' Douglas 8380. 210 South 11th St, , APARTMENT BUNGALOW. The niftiest 4-room oak finish all modern bungalow (with extra bed clos ets) on the market. Located on a south front lot In Mlnne Lusa. This is brand new, never occupied and we can aell It for 84,250, 2500 cash down and 45 per month. On this pur chase you will save 1300 of your rent money per year. Phone Immediately, KB. 0150 or KE. 6294. A Real Fine Bungalow Owner will sell thl very large 5-roora bungalow, with garage to match bouse. It has natural oak finish, tiled bath, beamed ceilings, white enamel kitchen ' fireplace, fancy pressed brick founda tion, plate glass windows. I paid 18,600 add want an offer of less, 2864 New port Ave. Waverly Park $1,100 Five-room Kellastone bunra ow, oak and enamel finish, beautiful decorations and artlstlo fixtures, full basement, furnace heat, lot 46x126. Lo cation. 3113 N. 45th St., between Spencer and Wirt Sts. Terms. C. A. Grimmel, Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. J A, 1611. ' CHICKEN FARM. An acre and dandy 6-room bouse with ehlcken houeea. rune, garage, fruit and shrubbery: bordering on Florence Field. This ground when turned to lots will double thla summer. Couldn't dupli cate houee alone for thle low price of 11.100 with reasonable payment down. JA 1282. NEED ' 12,000. Here's your chance to steal m charm ing l-room, equare type home on Crown Point avenue at lesa than- duplication coot. Complete from shower batha te garage, at only 17,860. Thl will not wait. Act quick, JA 2212. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. I ROOM Uulais, BAHUA1N. 14.11. Tee. star r. eeuaie type, eirtetly easel ere la every car. ea saved elreet. le led as Ink street near I-eeeei. JA, evaaitifs er sunder, w A 4111 EW .r.. modern, earner 1st with eat 'wet aad eatith espoaere; near ear H.r.n., Blvd. aad Ogd.a St. pevlsg r". i wf i.rae. w A alee. NkAlt ISIk aad Larimere. new. all mod era I -room kunsslew templets, 14,11. .a.r mrna aueniie sate. 1416 UkimiHD Ave., 4-roou modern bee. salo., terms reasonable. CMCIOH. 41 1-KiXiM mod. re. Inlaid eak fleers, (ares. Lt ten it. illl Caldwell St. II.IOS. A. aaar l.rma Ailantm l!t South. Parkvale .lilt U. Mik t.. ream, l-slsry, 17.10, tYiV "' ' rma -("? M ti S. Ilth St., I reom, bungelew, H.I. il . Ilth St, l-roera bungalow, l. i. . let! a. 14th St., I reom bungtlow, It,. All ef tbeae houee ar brand n.w em ef them ere under the eouree ef eenalruollnn. Finished In esk and white ensmel with bullt-ln feature. Thl I a Dome-owning community. Close te rar, eheel and (tores. Street and al leys paved, kssy terms. Open for Inspection today between I sun e seise. C G. Carlberg, Realtor, J A. Illl, ' , tl Brands! Th. Bldg. FIVB ACRES WEST DO DOB, 4.100. Dandy five-acre traet. juat north of I'oage etreet, overlooking Felracres. Good l-room bouse, about 100 bearing fruit treee, high end elghtly locetlon. We can handle this for about 11,000 cash, balance monthly. A nice profit en this for some one. Sunday, call WA. eiei. , . J. L. BIATT COMPANY. C C. Hansen, President. llll-H. Douglas. AT, toil. ' $1,600 $150 Cash LocU4 southeast of Hanaeom Prk. This Is a eottag with rras. City water, sink and electric llghte. Month ly terms 116 to 111 per month. Phone Mr. Splcka. Douglas 1215, or Mr. Chuda. Harney 1301. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, fougias jso, jii bo. jmn ot., ground floor. Office open to I p. m. week day evenings. Sholes' Special " Owner leaving elty ssy sell seven room corner house neer Hanacnm ParV. First floor haa reception hall, living room, dining room and kitchen; oak finish; three fins bedrooms, bath and Bleeping porcn up. want offer. D. V. Sholes Comnanv. JA. 0041. (15 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN. 2161 POPPLETON. 18.200. Owner will aell furniture and give Immediate possession. Living room crosa ironi, aining room and kitchen on first floor; 2 bedrooms, enclosed heated sleeping porch, bath on second floor; maple floors throughout; full basement. JA 0664, Sunday or evening. 6-ROOM house, modern hut heat A72A Ho. zum oi., on car line. Price, 11,750; cash. VWVV. LOUIS COHN, 4121 So. 24th St. MA 0142. Sundays and evenings call AT 1254 or MA 3029. WB have a number of well Improved iracia or iana rename rrom i to a and 10 to 20 acre for aale or trade. For prices can LOUIS COHN, 4821 So. 24th St. MA 0141. 2 HOUSES, 5 and 7 rooms, 13,600 each. Vacant Property, WE HAVE a listing of most of the lots yuitun ana xisppy nonow. 1 1 you see a lot that strikes your fancy ask us about it. Her are a few: 55d etreet, near Dodge, 65-foot front facing west. 63d street, near Farnam, t lots, 60 foot front, each facing east 60th avenue, near Dodge, 60-foot front facing east. 61st street, near Farnam, 60-foot front facing west. 62d street and Farnam, double corner, facing east. 5 2d street and Capitol, double corner, facing south. Apartment house site, southwest cor ner 49th and Capitol. Binder & Otis, Realtors. 123 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. JA 2511. Loan on Real Estate, VACANT LOTS. 180x127 feet on south side ot De catur atreet, between 34th and 36tJi treets, for 11,000. Nice laying lot fronting aouth on Hamilton street, near 16th stroet,60-feet front, for 11,200. Two nice laying south front lota, each 10x130, fronting aouth on Decatur street, between 38th and 0th atreeta, with war, water and gas,t $400 each. 60x124 feet fronting south on Locust atreet at th head of 22d street for $1,000. 60x124 feet on th east aide of 21st street, near Sprague atreet, for 1750. Two nice laying lots, each 40x146 feot, within half block of street car line, well located and In good neighborhood for $250 each. W. H. GATES, Realtor. 647 Omaha National Bank Bldg. WB 2588. JA 1214. Vacant Lot Bargains $4.200 Here Is a beautiful lot In Dundee, 16x125, on 64th St., near Far nam; no better location for ' home: beautiful view overlooking Elmwood Park and Happy Hollow golf grounds. $3,500 Here la a frontage on Farnam St. of 11 feet, Just west ot 41st, at rock bottom price. Better pick It up quick. $2,600 Thla lot, 55x121, la the best bargain offered In Dundee. Look It over. j 63d St., Just south ot Dodge St., east BIO.. 11,200 On Charles St., choice lot, 60x 130, between 40th and 41st, south side; one block from car and four blocka to school. C. A. Grimmel, Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. 'Phone J A, 1611. Now Is the Time to Buy .Your Lot. and get an early start In the building of your new home. Wise ones are doing it, as we have sold a number of lots In the last 30 days, most of which are to be Improved with homes this spring. Our list Is large, consisting' of the bnst values in the best localities. We feel confident we hsve what you want. It not, we'll get It for you if It's In Omaha. Wiilard C. Slabaugh, REALTOR. McCague Bldg. J A. 2961. BUILDING LOTS PRICED RIGHT $ 700 Cathedral district, south front. 100 Sightly. Leav. Heights, Mercy St 1.000 Near Clalrmont. south front. 1,100 East front, 16th Francis. 1,400 Hanseom Park, east front, .1,250 Florence Blvd., east front. Lots everywhere, all prices and terms. Wo build homes. SCHROEDER INVESTMENT CO., Resltors 631 Ry. Exchg. 15th Hamey. J A. 22II. Large Lot $260 $5 Down, $5 Monthly Buy this Tot now, build a temporary , home by spring and stop paying rent. Located near Fontenelle Blvd. Call Walnut 1020 today. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. liAiN eheira ee.l front bwildiag U! new addiilea. Mi l build to suit sou. kaaseeakie terme, Cl Mr. Oraal, Al- lentie isv. Ralston Lots,u C:; psvmsa Phase Stewart, nsistea. le-w, Acreage. 20 Aches 4H Miles N. E. of Council Bluffs. Splendid medera f.reeia house, targe modern barn, buildings a asesllaat eendilloa. ooe are In ire pee aad fruit, I aeree a Haifa. Kelanoe ued.r cultivation. Will teke Ik eaa or two I er t room kungslew. I aires, or goad store building clear. Must be goud Income property, Chas. W. Young & Son, tiol City Nstlonsl Bk. At. Ilii. liar. lolL ON) ecr. aeer th end Center Sta, f 1,000, J A. (III. Mitcellaneoua. Binder & Otis' Specials for Jhis Week. Dundee 50th and Davenport Sts. Rsvan room end reception bell, four bedrooms, all osk; hot water beat; fire, place. Near rhoeL Triced for quick (ale, li.eev. Near 50th and Webster Sts. K.ven room. 1 bedroom, tile vaatl bule; living room, dining room, kitchen, psntry end refrls.rstor room: all oa - downstairs; upstalra ha maple floors snd white enamel; tils bathroom; one bedroom ha lerxe elcove; full hesement; south front; location the beat. Priced for quick turn. . 50th and Dodge a .1-1. -. - - ..... ii.i . . den, dining room, kitchen; upstairs, i bedrooms snd alcove, 1x10, tile bath, all oak throughout ; douoie brick garage; excellent home near school snd rarllne, Priced right: must bs sold this month. othsrwlss will be rented. Poesesslon February II. Near 51st and Webster Sts.' i Seven rooms, nearly new; I bedrooms sna tils natn; large living room, dining room; special bullt-ln featurea; fireplace. bookcases, sunroom, sleeping porch: all osk throughout with curly birch finish upstairs: double carats: full basement; stationary tubs, eto. A beautiful home at a present day price. In Montclair on Lincoln Boulevard On Lincoln Blvd. Kragstone, cornar lot, I room, nearly new; on block north of new commercial high achool; large living room with fireplace and bookcases. French doors and sun room; French door to dining room wnicn is side paneled; oak; mod ern kitchen with breakfast nook and other bullt-ln features; 1 bedrooms and sleeping porch; tile bath with pedestsl lavatory and hall tub. all oak finish down; oak and curly birch upstairs; at tic, lull Dasenrent, punt-in iuds, Kuua heater, extra toilet; vacuum vapor heat; garage to match house. A real horn at present day prices. On Lincoln Blvd. Bungalow, 1 rooms, 2 bedrooms, tile bath, sun room: large living room wittt fireplace and bookcases; facea south; Ideal location. Built for home. Ready for occupancy. ; Field Club. 33d and Walnut Sts. Stucco. 7 rooms. 3 bedrooms snd sleep. Ing porch: garage to match houee; front vestibule with guest closet and mirror door: large living room with fireplace; musio alcove; beamed celling; bullt-ln bookcases; large dining room paneici side walls and celling; connected with living room by colonnade: kitchen, re frigerator room, etc., all oak on first floor; second floor nicely arranged with 1 bedrooms and sleeping porch and bath: oak and curly birth upstairs; plenty of large closets, etc. A very nomely house, must be sold as parties are moving away. Miscellaneous. 39th and Chicago Sts. Modern 1 rooms, 4 bedrooms, all oak ; cistern; faces east; Ideal home for large family, can lor appointment. Near 26th and Emmet 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms and bath; all oak finish; garage; will take automobile as part payment. Price. ? 7,ooo. Terms. 41st and Dewey Ave. 6-room story and half bungalow, 2 . bedrooms, tile bath, beamed ceilings; fireplace, bookcases; an excellent home. All oak; garage. f.9r1 and flnUfnrnia' Near new Catholic church and school 7 room, 1 bedrooms and aleeplng porch; all oak and birch: lowest priced home in the district, fa.uvu. 49th and Chicago Frame and stucco: 8 rooms, 2 bed rooms and sleeDlna porch: sewing room: fireplace: - excellent location. Can be bought cneap, - Binder & Otis, Realtors. 121 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2(11. Loans on Real Estate. Dundee Home, $11,500 Must be sold. Owner leaving cHy. Want offer. 8 -room, 2-story, frame houee; attractive sunroom and sleeping porch.' 1-car garage. Lot 60x136 ft. Paving paid. Convenient to school and (ar line; near 52d street. A special low price for quick sale. Reasonable terms. Dundee Home, $9,000 6 rooms,' 3 stories, Kellastone stucco, built only 3 years; birch mahogany and white enamel finish; oak floora through out; perfect conditio. East front lot. $2,000 cash, balance like rent. ' Good auto or lot at cash value wilt be con sidered aa part payment In Ilea of cwMifc. Minne Lusa Home On Bau man Ave., 1 block from Miller park and car line. 6 rooms. 2 stories, modern. Corner lot. Trice 18,000. Term. 12,000 cash, balance monthly. Dandy lo cation. Close-In Corner Lot. On 20th St., 60x80 ft., near St. Marys Ave., where land values are lncreaalrg rapidly. Good location for apartment house, garage, automobile sales agency. Price 18,500, subject to all specials. Choice Building Lots In Dundee district. Over 100 lots to select from. It will pay you to eee us before you decide to buy. Sunday phone Kenwood 4251 or Wal nut 0170. . Fowler & McDonald, Realtors. Jackson 1451. 1120 City Nat'l Bank. Bldg. EXCELLENT 4-room home, two goad lots, electno lights, furnace, good base ment, fruit trees Hind raspberries; In flrst-clasa repair. Price 13,000; eaay terms. Good 6-room house, large lot. fur nace electrle lights, 2-car garage price 13,000. Liberal terms. Chas. W. Young & Son, 1(03 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. i AT, 1611. HA. I0IL Deaths and Funerals A sab r ass Jsiisi. W rat era. NefeAaaaaa JaaaB dleel at bis hems la Ihie any efter ea Illness ef eeveiai rere. tie laevee eeeido ale wire, lour ehli4ien, hulk ef rianaaetl, film af re...r, aiark aad Mia, blalla Aaba. letter (if YlfRiMa, Mr. J. H. IVaraer. Ceasd, N.k The funorel ef II J H Deraar wee held I ike t kristiaa (hurrh la ibis ettr. ana wee awra la I'.anayiaaa. la August !. lsi, ,ad . a plane is Ideal ef Iki It,. stasia JIMe. Jsnsaa. Neb Jobs Ntdar, II. a yleseer ef Jsffsrsea fusty di4 st bis kerne la Jant.a. Mr, Nid.r fame la Ikle perl of Nebraska la the .in and reeided moat of Ike lime oa hla farm bet axes Jsnsea end Plymouth. He eerved his eaunly la the rspaaiiy f uniy cummlMloaar fur severel terms. Charts Hares, apertor, Neb. Tb funeral ef ffcsrtee Hayes, an eld resident ef kupeiier, wae b.ld In the rraebylerlen rburrk, Mr, llsrs we car pen i. r by trade. Mrs. Tberl A. rureell. hsnandoab. 1 Three little boya. reusing In age from three niontha to 7 yeare, are left without a mntbr by lha death ef Mrs. Tburl A. Parcel), 17, wife of a rarpanler. The young woman as a daughter of Albert ration, d.pui sheriff of rase county, who was killed by Be and Arifcur Hickman, O. at. Merrill. Edgar. Nab O J. Merrill, It. " af the pioneers ef Idler, died t hi bom her. Adaaa IW-hmld. Celumbu. Neb. Adsm Sehmld. 71, a civil sr wsa Urled here. Mr. Sehmld wss born la Canton tliarus. Swlt. tcrlsnd, April 2. Illl. He ram. to America during the civil wsr and enllsl ed. He and his wife moved Is Colfax eounty In 1171. They came te Columbus eight yeara ago. He Is eurvlvsd by four daughters snd thre sons. Mrs. S. O. Nelson. Oothenburg, Neb. Mrs. S. O. Nelson, ens of the pioneer eettlers ef Lincoln eounty, died at her home south of lira. Jy. She waa bom In Sweden March II, 111. Bhe came to America In 1114, and has lived In Kehraaka since. Bhe Is sur vived by one daughter, two eons. 21 grandchildren and four great grandchil dren. - .. . Jacob Berger. Gothenburg, fs.b. Uoth.nburg's eldest eltisen is deed at hla hnm In this ellv. II was Jscob Berger, 13. Up until two weeks before his death, Mr. Berger wss accustomed to make a dally trip from hi home In the northern part ot the city, dewntown, a distance of more than a mile. He was born In Swltserland of tie, r.ian parente. He hea lived In the vlclnl'v of Oothenburg for more than 10 yeara. He la survived by hi wife and als children. n. B. Happ. Table Rock, Neb. D. B. Hspp, II, one of Richardson county's early pioneers, died at his boms near Dawson, whsre h. had lived for mors than 40 years. He was born In Germany, coming to America at the age of II. Funeral services were held st the Csthollo church At Dawson, con ducted by Rev. Father O'Brien. ' Mrs, H. W. Bowley. . Atlantic. Is. There wss burled her a woman who waa able to trace her ances try back to the time of the Invasion of Brittany by the first Duke of Rollo r Norway. Bhe was Mrs. Rowley, 61. wlf of 8. W. Rowley, member of the Atlantlo Board of Education. In tha rlava of th. first Duke of Rollo the family name of ra. nowiey a ancestors waa "Viavore, meaning "guards of ths woods." One of her ancestora fitted out ahlpa used by ths Duke of Rollo when he sailed to at tack ths Brlttons. Mrs. Rowley's maiden name waa Wood worth. 6b wa bori at Cottage Grove, la. ' George T, Cooper, . Red Oak, la. Oeora-s T. Coaner. 74 ana of tbe most extensive land owners In Mont gomery county ana director of banks here and In Elliott, died st his home here. Mr. Cooper owned 1,000 acrea of valuable farm land. He waa a pioneer of th county. Mr. Jans McLean. Geneva, Neb. Mrs. Jane McLean, II, widow of Hector McLean, died at the home of her daughter, Mre. Sydney Donisthrope. Mr. and Mrs. McLean set tled near Crounse in Seward county In 1670. snd llvsd in Raymond and later in Seward. Two chldran .tirvlva I,.. Xf Sydney Donisthrope of Geneva, and Allen aivuean oi running. , Stephen Dwarak. SchllVl.P Kah t Stephen Dwarak, 67, pioneer of Colfax county, were held In the Methodist church here. He died at Elm Mr Dwarak waa born In Austria and when 17 located with his parents In this county. Five children survive, Mrs. Carrie Olson, 8chuyler; Mrs. Mable Moore. Olds, Can ada; Mrs. Annie Grlmson. Lincoln; Mrs. Julia Jenkins, Central City, Neb., and Arthur Dwarak and wife, who reside at Elm City. Mrs. Anna Rlchter. Tt.arrlc. H.k x.-. . .. i . , . - i uw .oB lor Airs. Atina Rlchter, old resident' of Beatrice, were nalit tn SI in.... r.i.niiM -u.. ,T conducted by Rev. E. L. BlckerU Albert Van Houtco. died at his home In Wymore. He leaves a Wlf. mnA ,t.A .-. V. 1 1 mt. - . ..... .u.ct, n,,iuieu. xne lunerai services were conducted by Rev. Mr. ..aty.i VI lilB JU. Hi. CnUTCU. Mrs. Mary Evans. Raatrta Uftk u u . , - - . . . -. rr z.vans, I o, Pioneer resident of Cage county, died at nei hntna, flv. Mil-- -it. - - n . . . . ' "iMca uu.ui oi .Beatrice, art., a nm a..J 111.. c l i . , . mi'wa. ouo leaves two sons, William and John Evans. Mrs. J.'l. Dawson. VrfflAPI. V,h U- T V T- n- pioneer of Wymore. died at her home h h prolonea Illness. She leaves - cimuicn; T. A. na.iMi. T o .. n , . , . . , , w..,u auu jars, xuiaex Rosslter, Byron Bradt. Ttearrlca. V.h T.,-Hn tt .11 , . , of Beatrice alnce 1171, died here. In eerijr aay ne was engaged In the meat business her with his brother the late A, W. Bradt, and later In the liquor business. A widow and three children survive. Mr. B. B. Barry. Wllhftrt. V h V, Xy , n r - v, . - ij. a. oarr, ta, a pioneer of Saunders county, died on a farm na.r h.M fik- . , . . , , . WUT o .uiTiveu oy nine ohlldren, 21 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The children surviving " are . Mrs. J. c. Rosengren, Spencer. Jt8D. Mr"' Matthew Moody, Mrs. Edward M- F1nlng, Edward, Gus, Barney, Cscar and Richard Barry all of Wahoo, and "JkiH'T3..0! Wahoo. Mrs. Barry came " oiaies in mil and was mArrl.ri Ia Ta m n , , iouJ?y in 5s7oC.UPl COm,n, t0 Saunde Helen Sautter, , Anrnea. V-v. tt .1 , . .. ' "i.a oauiLer. one or " teachers In the publio schools of . tv 11 1 lam osiuxier. xne funeral waa held In the Methodist chlurch. Miss Sautter was one of the prominent J?U?Jf. Tm;n v.f t,h tow' -raduaVe tt Jh., gh Kh0l ' ""1 Promising Father John Pbelan. ' ' T.T.l.n 1. I..,, . ?.nrpVl,.t".t this ci.y."Ud., "A. . .... ""i urana junction, la., two years ago. Funeral services were Junction "a our'al " rno Frank Senane. Tteatrlf.. ' V-t. jrn 1, . . . - vnnimjr lunarai ror Frank Senanes. 28, overseas veteran, was held 1n nhrlMi t. , , i. .u- ,.!. tr Ing In charge of Blttlng-Norman post, American Legion. Brief sermons were given In Greek by the Rev. Mr. Rsmllo Of ntnihl mnA In T." II..,. v.. - . Mulligan. Angus' McKay. w-v...., -,i,ub .itaaj, o. uieu here after a brief illness. He wss un msrrled snd had been a resident of Beatrice for 35 years. So far as known, he has no relatives In thla country. Mrs. Jules. Chard. Stella. Neb. The bodv of Mrs 'Jul.. Chard. 50. who died at her homa r,r here wss taken to St. Joseph for burial. Mrs. Chard Is survived by her husband and an adopted daughter. Mrs. Laura, Moers, McCook, Neb. Mrs. Laura Moera rtt.rl In thla city after an illness of a f.r weeka Mra Moers has been sn em ploye of the Northwestern Telephone com pany here snd at several places In the state. Mre. Nancy Smith. Beatrice. Neb. Funeral service f. Mra. Nancy Smith. It, were held I, the home of her daughter. Mrs. Jennie Hnl brook at FlUey. conducted bv Rev. r Lee Sorry of th First Christian church, this city. ' J. W. Edgerton. Osceola, Neb.-eThe sudden death of 3. Edgerton occurred In Osceola. Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton had arrived here from their Borne at Fairfield. Idaho, and were t east l th has f Uetf efk''a ira ft. P. Nuauiel Mr. 4 Mrs. kdsartu I Id. 4 ta fVebreek fur SMaar) teaia, far a time el trmeba ae4 ate el bain well baaaa smeag lha reeldealS ' Nebteaa larger W in lb M. k. , r.!4 rtiy, N.b-fuee.ei eenrlra. f Mrs Jerub Thames were b.ld et ! I engreseilaeal rhuivh. Ua Tmae ei-w fiilloeln eliek .f peieiyeia e wae aa mm January I. Hjrvl.UH kef l Mebead. Ja-ek Tb .ia, a4 ! "" Jake aad Aieari ibie ir. Albert reuaty atln. f hutlr eeeair. " a, . ...j . -. . iiu Ilea i.r. kbe wsa beta I W are-. HI ram te Netaraeka It 111 A Jl I. tar wee marnd lei Jeek ;." (award, fin. a ) k lib h.r femllv. bad lived la !at4 ly, Beetaoe . haaband aad eon she naananii eee aoaa mam - klra IHilaa n.lssad of I Aurora, Nes, asj ave twe eiai -. alia, Minnie Mrweks of , rvaao, v. ralhasr Fk. TMntaea. Is Fuearel s. Pkaia .re held el lhn mm en. Father cliy. featltlrlal tuadweied by tenui.Ri (iih niaae wa II is "I Itsv. manor, lleele of Slous tur, Maber ef !" avai. . py .ry It... S) buiv. ftev. t'harles I'as day ad ner. yrfm. Sltt' Father llrlffin, aael.tan pri-ata ware la ati.fldaa, ss delivered br fetha ana w- MM'arthy f Mut I'ltV. Illisllieaa hU rluaad during lha funeral rs ef the eltf aur. Feiiewina me ..tvieaa. the raakrt s eeco'iea hre e ape. ke the funeial ma Northweat.rn atation, ttsl train wsa watlina ta I parly te Qiend Juautuu, I. her barut was meae. Aaurava kWkull, D.nlaon, le Ausust ihhulli died al til home In Si-hteewig, thle r-vnty. He baa served e m.nibar of the bal4 ef euper visors fur many yesre; the rYknty's niem. bar of the state I.sielslurs f I- twe l.rmat merer of evhlrawi. ed 1a the prei. dent of the (lermsn Mulus Insursnee for nearly 10 yeara. 11 of the foundrre of tbe tl.rmai.l church st Hanever loan. hip burled In the cemetery sear III building. aa a, . , 1 1 1 1 Beatrice. Nsb Ure. Hoben CarVenter, II, probably th old'et woman In 1 On . . . 1 u j,., -. k k n - - L 1 1 i . B Rh. Is survived by eight children, her buiVbesd nanus i.a s.a.a aav, aloha Nlder. Baatrlra, Nab John Mder, II, pioneer of Jafferaon county and one time rouuty rnmmlsslonrr died et lile boms t Janaen sfiar a prolonged Illness. He Is survived by m widow, sevsn eons snd one daughter. Mrs. Wile Nrieea. Stromsburg, Neb Mis. Ixtttls Nelson, 10, died st Mtromsburg. Mrs. Nalson, la spite of her advanced ase, had lived alone and made her living from weaving rugs. It la thought that she was overcome by gas, aa neighbors found her unonnnclons, with a lighted lamp flaming to the cell ing, bhe leave two grandson. I. r. Sander. Strnmaburg. Neb J. C. Bander et Stromsburg dlsd a a result ef a kick from a horse. He wss working on the farm of Raymond Fellowe. When feed. Ing the bnrses one of them kicked him. crushing his skull. Hs waa a bachelor. Nathan H. Low. Stella. Neb. Nathan H. Low, wh set tled on a farm In thla community mora than 10 yeara ago. died at the Soldiers' home at Grand Island. Ills three daugh ters Mr. I. L. Cslllson of Lodg Pole, Neb.; Mr. Kile Warner of Mlnot, N. D., and Mrs. Will Wlxon of Peats, Colo., brought the body to Stella for burial In Stella cemetery beside the wife who died 20 years so. One eon. John C Low, 1 district Judge at Mlnot, N. D. Albert McMUlrn. McCook, Neb. Albert McMlllen, Vc Cook'a pioneer druggist, died after an Ill ness of six weeks. Mr. McMlllsn had re sided In McCook about 16 years. Burial waa msd In thl city. A wit and on survived. Arthur Sanford. McCook, Neb. Arthur Bsnford died her In th Dominican hospital. Th body waa taken to York for burial. Robert M. Rankin. Tork, Neb. Robert M. Rankin, 70. dlrd at the family home after three weeks' I I ness. Mr. Rankin cam to Nebraska In 1880 snd located for a short time at Ulysses. Later he removed to Ravenna, was elected county clerk of Buffalo cou.t ,.. 1 .1 in that canaclty for debt years. II cam to York la 1116. Coo MarMabon. 1 t .. . 1 v.h Ctin MacMflhon WUVilWl .Ullbuuui , died at the family home, three mIK'e ... . ...I ..mi 14. v- . eg. Mr. MacMahon came to York county In 1885. , yq, VS. DrlsklU. 49 4)1. la tS (Tk tXTnrA hlf VlAn OJjr. it I 1111, O. a-e. " w - l .. J v.. ..U tl.roa In NnHflff , H.ri OI th aeatn at Austin. -iex., oi ... ... sr., one of the old-time cattlemen of west ern South Dakota, tie nsa oe-n au.u. for the last month living with a sistsr. He Is survived by two sons, both resi dents of Spearfish. ' Charles V, Tremble. Deadwood, S. D. Chariea V. Trumbls, . , r 1 1 I , 1 - - , V, r nit wuo oiea in a unau n ,i . i u . - of complications resulting from fros.-n feetr was one or ine last prospeumT. took up residence in the Black Hills in . . j I.I 1, a. rrVitmhta tinil pioneer ua.-. niiim.." ' - enjoyed unusually good health and wu robust ana strong, ror to lived In a little cabin on Annie creek, . i nw-w-rl In nTnanMillnr for wnere ua 11.1,-,, ... 1 " gold and doing development work on a number of mining claims which he owned. Mr. Margaret Reynolds. Shelton, Neb. Mrs. Margaret Reynolds. - - .11 , - . U-n linn, IhrM Til U . ami ft .U, Uiwii ll lim hvhi ....v- here following an Illness of a few days. Mrs. Reynolds was born In County Gal way, Ireland, and came with her husband MA..,-o in last Incline- nnar Shel ton, where she hsd alnce lived. Mr. Rey nolds oiea in iu ana an- 19 nin,., . - .1 n-.tfrhte- who live inreB ..III. Mil Ulin unui...- here and two daughtera who are residents OC X.0W zeaianu. Violet Laurene Zimmerman. Shelton, Neb. Vrolet Laurene Zimmer man, 13, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Zimmerman of this place, died here. She was the eldest of a family of six children and wa 111 only a few daya. John Michael. Table Rock, Neb. Joseph Michael has received a message from Now York City announcing the arrival of the body of hie brother, John Michael, who Wsa killed In France. He will be the last of the Table Rock soldier boys to be brought from Franc. Steamships ' Arrivals. San Francisco, Jan. 11. Cathay, Chl. neae, Shanghai; Hattle LuckenbacK, Mo bile, Balboa; Cape Romaln, New York; Tasmania Maru. New Orleana. New York, Jan, 13. Wiilsolo. Sap Francisco. Kobe, Jan. 1. Steel Age. San Pedro; Jan. 10, Aakan, San Francisco; Lyon Maru, San Francisco; Tokushima Maru, Seattle. ... Shanghai, Jan. 11. Eldrldge, Seattle. - . Departure. Manila, Jan. 10. Levant Arrow, San Fintclsco. v Yokohama, Jan. 10. Silver Stat, Seat, tie. Shanghai, Jan. 10. Toba Maru, Caa Franclaco. New York, Jan. 12. Steel Navigator, Vancouver. . Antwerp. Jan. 13. Zeeland. New Tork. New York, Jan. 1J. St. Avengerfjord, Bergen; Mongolia. Hamburg. , Preachers' Salaries Will Be Discussed Tli nrcarlipra nf Omalia receive) approximately $275,000 a year. Are they worth it? - This will be the subject of the open Gospel forum at the First Baptist church Sunday night" at 7:45. con ducted by the pastor, Dr. A. A. De Lannc. Samuel Ward's "America the Beautiful" and other famous hymns will be illustrated with many-colored Stereopticon views and sung by choir and i congregation, led by organ, or chestra and piano. The new quartet, Margaret Spaul ding, Ethel Woodbridge, Messrs. Smith and .Dale, supported by a full . chorus, will sing Stainer's "Hosanna in the Highest" and Dudley Buck's "Festival Te Dcum." Congressman Alice Robertson says a woman can do anything if she will keep her eyes open and her mouth shut. But she couldn't play a slide trombone that way.