UlU lilvK: OMAHA. hUMMY. JAISUAKY . 13. VJ.it. J fm X Mrs.Morhbcrgcr to1 j opcak Uciore : T ' Woman's Club j Mm. 1 iiiilv lluniltrrticr of the bureau i.t H,.i4re will tpeaa "t "t l.il.l UVIur.-,' at the general inefliiij ( !lie Oial4 Woman's iliili .'.'. ii.Ujr an.! noon. 3 M) ocUhk. i.i lhf ilurg4,4Nah audi, lormi.i. "llic lwie leonotiiit s tie rurlm.M, Mr. K. I.I l-rjiit, trader, win nave marge o Mhu ttrtiiiram be Riven by Mm, I, W. l:rww , Un.lIli4lUfJ Ahlioit. ilrt. will pre- !)' Mr Kay J Jj.imm .s'laiiiuk "ll Jtf, J.'IM. liilnnl, l.ouiC N hnauhrr aii'l 11;; 1' n aiiuiiiiank' IS'.rrimi?, licit in a violin y Mi J can w:i:mis oi tlir cnier:.;.:i at lt:nch lil'iirtim-iit i i in the Ic4 room liiisj llic itirriiim '"!:!j!iiirri i; ry tu Mrs. Iloruhcrgrr. I In Li.- H'l'Ss tv n tprnt ai 2M u ai k. Mi'" political a l: r:iin nt nf i,r-i-li i-ivc a i.ini-rv t 1 I social science Je- 0. n.ilu Woin.in'ii I'liu'liron Monday, .ill o'clock in the 1. toriuni in honor V. W. ( A. a Mrs. llioitliu I!. Joiich. leader of tr.c iu;j!tiiur.t fro :i an ace'dt who ha recovered t end is resuming an ahence of more tlu'i ilutif aft'. than tv.o mo n. Dr.. Ulna Mats- nv, Uo r Oi'l'liO-Sl.iV: intly rclmicd ia, and Mrs. Irom K. H. J owle. Oi-:)riluii iil im-inlnr u-hn re civilly rrmieil from an extended faiti rn aA touthcrn trip,' will also lie honor .Hursts. Dr. St.iUnv will ad- ihfjrdul) at a iMi'itinjt of the pnlitieil xlnd social science depart- .'U f an? nv-ipi. llm tnilrhi-rm ium rvatinn for the luncheon irmM he made with Mrs. John 1 Nvdrrst, Harney 7-4J2. Mr. S. MorRi lis, formerly of Mos cow, Uuss'.-i. will tall: on t lie Taint in;r of Ktis-iirn Masiers and Charac tiT of the liititers," at a meeting of the art ilcp-irtnic-nt of the Omaha Wo -run's rluh Thursday afternoon at 2:15 o'clock at the Y. W. IV A. Mrs. N. K. Syne is in charge of the pro St:::.i. Mrs. Avery Lancester, Icad ir. - Tuesday will he euest day in the iihlic mu.iI.mi-: department. Mrs. O. Kritr, leader. Kach member may iiiMl-,- oiio r.i:cst. The prouram v.i!.l:e rjivoii hy Mesdamcs C. L. llciipel, l-'rr.nk Trawl. R. W. Shrpi'.rd. V. K. llarf.s and O. Y. Krii'R. Mrs. II. J. Holmes is in chi'rpe of the pr( i'ia:n. Tiic program of lha literature de parlment Tuesday aflcrnoon will he devoted to John DrinUwatcr. Mrs. LdA'ard Johnson, leader. , I Joint Missionary Meeting. The Missionary Federation of ' Churches will meet for luncheon Friday, Jarrary 20, at 12:30 p. m. in 1 he Y. V. C. A. auditorium, in the interest of the Women's Union Christian Colleges of the Orient. Mrs. V. T. Elmore of Lincoln, Neb., formerly of Ramapatnam, In dia, will speak. Reservations may be made thronch tle various churches, or ;it the Y. W. C. A. office, Doug las 1248. . Senator flitchcock to Speak. At a 12:15 luncheon at the Univer sity club Monday Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock. will address the mem bers on the, "Washington Confcr ' ence." y . . r Veekly Club : Calendar SUNDAY, Honv or llojic V-15 North Tlilrtk-th fitrcft-Suiulay, 3 p. m.. Rev. i:. K Hollrr. :istor of Trinity llaiulst, tpeaker. Mius lima Clow, harpist. Old tVoplo't Hnm, Fontenclle Boule Tiirtl Sunday. S:S(i p. m.. Rev. Ueorne Hiirlon of lmmanuel Baptist i-hurch will conduL-t , communion service. Omnha CotlcM Club. Music Bwtlon Jlon.lay, 4::0 p. in.. Burgess-Naah audi-t- rium. Chorus practice In preparation fi r operetta to be given May 10. Miss Mtt Robert, loader. - DoiiBiiii Comity W. C. T. V. Monday, nil ilav nieeilns. op-.-ninff. 10 a. m., in cele bration ot ti-.e Bisninn of the 18th amend nii iil. ot which tho day is nn anniversary. J'r. li ra , Tonnj 11 e. in I I'aiiltnl 1 l..teil t I'r. li'runk Smith, speaker. nnjHon thnittiicjua Circle Mondav. with airs. w. H, Howard. 4(i avenue: 1 o cuu-K lunoneon toi- by resular lesson. The morntn'; ,-eting will be devoted to ureeK myinoi- OK.v. OH AeflUHlntetl Club Sunday. 7:30 p, m.. First Unitarian church, Turner boule vard and Harney street. Meetings are nonacctailan anil are open to all strangers and lonely folk. Mrs. Paul K. Harlan, director. Omnha Wolklnc Club Sunday. I p. m., from Twenty-seventh street station on the Fort Crook interurban, east- and south, tu too Missouri river alone the shore line to the rluh cabin at Wile Tolnt. Mis Jiosu Turynelt. leader. O muli 9 WP-lking Club Sunday fter nnuu nuil eveninjr. informal outing at Viley Point club house. Foiitonolle foresl reserve, near t'nmn tilfford. Visitors wel ttme. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Wlnkclman, hn:a and hostess. MONDAY. I'.ikIiop inrmt Cli;:i'.ttmnua Circle Jiuni!::, 7:1& l. m., court, house. . Kntsectinl Chiircli Servtes l.enitue of Ne- lii'li.U:i -Monday, Trinity parish house, ail l uyl ineeting. : l)elili:n Studjr Class Monday. S:3 p. m.. V. Ar, C A, Mrs. it. K. iiorenson, leader. t!ubji:t. "Vulestine." Kovsevelt ClmidauqiiH Circle Monday. 7:;;ti m. wttii Mrs. K. A. Cressey, 4201 foutli Twenty-second street. ni:lhi Woman's Club, tleiienil Mert .K Monday. 2:30 p. m.. Hurgess-Nash auilitorium. The home economics depart ment. Mrs. R. Frantn. loader, will have charge of 1,1-ogram. Mrs. Kinily Horu-bei-Br of tho Bureau of Child Welfare In Lincoln will speak on "Child Welfare." Vocal solos will bo Riven by Mrs. U W. V.rnwm". accompanied by Mrs. Ray Ab bott and a violin trio composed of Mrs. ,Iee Ratchford. Hanoi Belt and X.ouslc Schiuiuber will play, accompanied by Miss Jc-.m Sterling. Offkers of the department vill Rive r luncheon for Mrs. Hornber trv in thn tearoom of the store preceding t mcetitig. , : TUESDAY. -' l uilEfillow Chnutauqiia. Circle Tuesday, . ni., Cor.ant hotel. Mrs. Ella Cou pe!!, leader. Audiilxm S.H-lel.v Tuesday. 4 p. m., an r.ual meeting, directors' room of Omaha public library. Episcopal Church Service bant of Ne braska Tuesday, Trinity parish house, ai.nual meeting. Fontenello Kcrrainirton Club. O. 15. 8. Tuesday afternoon Willi Mrs. Clarence Rubendall. 11 South Fiftieth street. , I eomis and Leavenworth Hcbjhts Chjiu- t :iuqu rirelca Tuesday. S p. m.. T. W. C. A. Mrs. Georso Condon, leader. Omaha Woman'a Fm Club. Tuseday. e-:io r, ttv. Fontenello hotel. Annual bujKiuet' Awards will ba mado In writing contest. Central High Parent-Teacher Aaaockv l..n Tuesdav. t o. m.. In school auditor lum. A student srroun will hav charge of. tho program. hnuth Omaha Woman's Clob. Maate Te- Trlment Tuesday. 2:S p. m.. South Sido library. Subject, "Burleigh." lira, Wal ler Hill, leader.. ni. Cnnrert Club Tuesday. 1111 noon. C chamber of Commerce, luncheon and business meeting. All interested In public mnsic aro welcome. P. K. O. Siatn-hoad. Chaatrr B. X Tues4lav. 1 o'clock luncheon with Mm. W. Kearns. 194 South Fiftieth avenue Mrs. H. J. Pierce, assisting. P. K. O. MatrrtHMd. Chantar B. K Tuesday, 1 o'clock luncheon and business meeting with Mrs. Kenjamln Harrison, US outh Fifty-first atreet. Omaba Bnalam Waaaaa'a Claa Tnea- iay, :i p. m., X. W, C A dinner and Honor Guest at Dinner Plans for a welcome-home dinner for Dr. Olga Stastny Wednesday evening, January 18, 6 o'clock, by the Woman's Alliance of the Unitar ian church have met with such re sponse that no more reservations may be made. The dining room in the basement of the church will be filled to capacity, according to Mr3. Draper Smith, who is in charge Friends of Dr. Stastny who wish to hear her speak are cordially invited to the common room of the church at 8 o'clock. W. F. Baxter will pre side and Dr. Charles Lyttlc will ex tend greetings from the church. Practically all the large organiza tions of women in the city will b; represented. Dr. A. C. Stokes will extend greetings for base hospital 49. Dr. Amelia Brandt will represent the medical women of Omaha; Mrs. A. C Troup, Americanization inter ests; Mrs. A. L. Fcruald, Council for Defense Stanley Serpon, Czecho slovak consul here, and Miss Libbic Breuer, secretary to the consulate, will attend. One table will be re served for Bohemian friends who have been much interested in Dr. book review, by Mlsa Mabel Hall. Reser vations for dinner should be made by Monday evening at Y. W. C. A. office. Omrchn Spanish Club Tuesday. S p. m.. 510 1'atterson block. Seventeenth and Farnam streets. All Interested In tho study of Spanish are Invited to attend. Extension Lecture Course (Americaniza tion and Civics) Tuesday, 4 p. m., Duchesne college and Convent of the Sacred Heart, Thirty-sixth ( and Burt streets. Open to the public. II. 8. Grant Post and Corn Tuesday. 3:30 p. m. Memorial hall, courthouse. Rev. Titus Lowe, speaker. Patriotic meeting, all- members of G. A. R. posts and corps and all patriotic societies are welcome, Charles 1; Weller, commander of Grant Post. u. S. Grant corps meets In regular session at 1:30 in Memorial hall Tuesday. Preabj trriun Missionary I ubn Tuesdny, II a. m.. Flret Presbyterian church. Thirty-fourth and Farnam streets. Mrs. M. R. Laird, devotional leader. Luncheon wilt be served at noon and afternoon ses sion opens at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Herbert McCoy will speak on "China," from per sonal obseri itlen. Omnha Woman's Club. Literature De partment Tuesday, S p. m., Y. W. C. A., Mrs. Kdward Johnson leader. Mrs, E. A. McGlaRson will give & sketch of the Life of John Drinkwater. The drama, Abraham Lincoln." hy Drinkwater. will be reviewed by Mrs. F. H. Cole. A paper contrasting ancient and modern drama will be read by Mrs. Millard Jangreld. Omnha Woman's Club. Public Speaking Department Tuesday, 10:16 a. m Bor-gess-Nash auditorium. Mrs. O. T. Kring, leader. Prof. Kdwin puis, instructor. Les son. Speech Outline. No. 27. Tho program will be R-lven by Mesdames C. L, Hempel, Frank Prawl, R. w, Hnepard. vv. K. Hnr ris. O. Y. Kring. Each member may invite one guest. Mrs. H. J. Holmes in charge of program. WEDNESDAY. Mercer Pnrk Chautnuqua Circle Wed1 nesday. 9:55 o. in., with Mrs. W. 8. Wes ton. P25 Mercer boillevsrd. - Paplllion Woman's Clnb Wednesday, 2:30 p. ni., with Mrs. A. J. Stenten. Mr.: Cyrus Mason will speak on "Tress and Publicity." Ennis Club Wednesday evening, St. Mary Magdelenes haJI. Nineteenth and Dodge streets. Socisl meeting. All stran gers and lonely folk welcome. I nltnri.-.n Woman's Alliance 'Wed nei dny. 6:30 p. in. First Unitarian church. Turner boulevard and Harney streets. Dr. Olga Stastny, honor guest. - Kutensina leturo Course Medieval His tory Wednesday. ' P- m., Duchesne col lege and Convent of the Sacred Heart, Thirty-sixth and Burt streets. Open to the public. Miller Park Mothers' Clulj Wednesday, t p. m. school auditorium. Program fol lower by 4 o'clock tea for teachers. Mrs. 3. O. Bectic. president and Miss Alice Orr, secretary. Mu Sigma Wednesday, t:4S a. m , with Mrs. C. O. Belden. Apartment 39, Tadousac. Thirty-eighth avenue and Har ney street. Mrs. George Ryan, leader. Subject, "Modern Drama, Hauptman and Suderman." Dundee Woman's Club Wednesday, S p. m with Mrs. W. R. McFarland.' 5200 Webster street. "To Let." by Gnlworthy. wUl be reviewed under the leadership of Mesdames Helen - K. Morton, A. P. Orergaard and George R. Viner. Omnha Woman's Club . af Railway Mnil Fervlce Wednesday, 1 p. m., with Mra. H. C Forgy, J510 North Fifty-seventh street. Mrs. Arthur DeLong. leader. De bate. "Resolved. Should a Housewife Have an Allowance." Mrs. M. H. Black well and Miss Martorie Milts, affirmative, and Mra. R. L. Franta and Mrs. J. A. Qulnn, negative. Omaha Woman's dab. Masie Depart ment Wednesday. 1 p. m. Chorus re hearsal followed by open proa-ram at J:4S P. m.. Y. W. C. A. auditorium. Mrs. Ray .'. Abbott, leader. Henry Cox, director. Mrs. De Emm.lt Bradshaw in charge ot program. Woman' club r horns will he assisted by Bertha Coffey Assmann, dramatic soprano: Flora Seara Nelson, pianist; Mrs. Ernest A. Reese, violinist and Mrs. P. F. Drelbua. E. F. Williams and Mlas Thelma Cole, vocal trio. Open to-the public. THURSDAY. Keaslmrtoa Clwb. Liberty Chapter O. IV 9. Thursday afternoon, - Masonic temple. Election of officers. Omaha Waaaaa'a dob, Rm Itepnrtmeat Thursday, 19 a. m., Y. W-. C. A. Mra. 11. Li. Frantx, leader. Adah Chaatei KcaaUartaa ash. O. K, S. 1 - J 1- , A Stastny'g work in Czcctio-Slovakia. Mrs. E. C Twamlcy will entertain at her table Mr. and Mrs. E. G. McGilton. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Mc ("ulley, Mrs. Charles McDonald, Mrs. I.. J. Skocpol of Crete, daughter of Dr. Stastny; Mrs. Ira W. Porter, who will be Dr. Stastny's hostess in the city; Miss Kate McHugh, Miss lone Duffy and Frank Woodland. A vster, Mrs. M. M. Chaloupka, and daughter, Pauline, will be with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Sadilek,- parents of the guest of honor, may come from Wil bur for the dinner. Dean and Mrs. Irving Cutter of the University of Nebraska College of Medicine, Dr. Stastny's r.lma mater, will honor her with their presence. Dr. Stastny is the only woman officer in the Y. M. C. A. overseas. She has worked directly with the Czech government. She is an inter national character, ' being known in many centers abroad as well as in this country. 1 Her future plans arc indefinite. '- ' . An informal reception will follow the dinner and speaking. '. Thursday. 1 o'clock luncheon and ken slngton with Mrs. Is". M. Graham, 4318 South Twenty-second street. Omaha Story Tellers' League Thursday, s:il p. m., y. w. C. A. Miss Kate Win slade, leader. Mrs. George Rice and Mrs, B. F. Dallam will tell the stories. Mothers' Guild For Homeless Boys j nursaay. z p. m.. Metropolitan hall, Twenly-thlrd and Harney streets. Mem bers will sew all afternoon for the boys or. ratner I'lanngans homo. Sermo Club Thursday, 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. J. K. Goodrich, Tadousac apartments. Thirty-eighth nvenue and Harney streets. Miss Lillian Owln. leader. Mrs. J. J. Hess wil read a paper on "-Book Reviews." Omnha Woman' Club, Art Department i nursday, 2:10 p. m., Y..W. (.:. A. Mrs. Avery Lancaster, leader. Mrs. X. K. Syp will have charge of program. Mrs. S. Morgulls. who has resided In Moscow, will speak on "Tho Paintings of Russian Masters and Character of Palnter3. P. K. O. Sisterhood. Chapter IS. Thursday, 1 o'clock luncheon, with Mrs. I. W. Porter, 452 North Thirty-fourth street. Miss Helen Giltner as sisting. Dr. Olga Stastny -will speak on her work in Czeclio-Slovaltla. Music by pupils of Henry W. Yates school, directed by Mrs. Mary riillllppi. FRIDAY. II. and M. Camp and Pansy Camp Friday evening. Crounse Hall, Joint in stallation of officers. Omaha Dorcas Club Friday, 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. Fred Jorgensen, 1170 North Thirty-fourth street. Amateur Musical Club Friday after noon with Mrs. Herbert Smalls, 3716 Pacific street. Mrs. Smaila and Miss Helen Smalls will give a program of modern songs. , Lowe Avenue Presbyterian Woman' Mis sionary Society Friday. 2:30 p. in., with Mrs. J. D. Smeaton. 1120 North Fortieth street. Mrs. ,T. H. Wallace and Mrs. J. A. McCIsin. assisting. Devotional leader, Mrs. B T. Monroe. Topic, "China." Mrs. J. M. Taliaferro, leader. Mrs. Herbert McCoy will tell of her visit In China. SATURDAY. League of Round Table. Alpha Cliaptei Saturday, 3 p. m., with Mrs. George Con don, suit tiouin M'ntrty-iirtu avenue. Delta Delta Delta Sorority Saturday, 1:30 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. K, W. Jones, 4S17 Davenport street.. umana naming inn Saturday, s p. m., from end of Albright car line over walking club trail to Wiley Point camp. Herman Reinholz. leader. League of Round Tnble. Beta Chapter Saturday, l o clock luncheon, T. w. c. A., followed by lesson. Miss Mary. Allen Wal lace and Mies Abigail Manning, hostesses. Subject. "Origin and Teachings of the Old Testament and History of France." Omaha College Club, General Meeting Saturday, jz o clock. Fontenelle notei Luncheon followed by business meeting. r.eport of Woman's Exchange will be given. Purpose of Woodrow Wilson Foundation will also be presented. ADVERTISEMENT. Ss Many Eyes Ruined Beyond All Hope Which Might Have Been Saved by Proper Attention in Time Simple Home Treatment That Strengthens Eyesight In a Week's Time ia Many Instances. Do yon wear glasses T Do yoa hold your newspaper or the needle yoa wish to thread at arm's length? What would you give to strengthen yonr sight so yon could do without (lasses and forget your eyes 7 We use our eyes every waking; moment, day and night, bat seldom do anything for them. No wonder .vision grows blurred and dim and that eyes crow bloodshot; watery . and inflamed ; no wonder that glasses are worn by tens of thousands yet in their teens, or that headaehea and pains caused by weak, weary, work-strained eyea drive thousands to distraction and make failures of them. How can human eyea work incessantly if nothina- is done to relieve the strain and repair the waste of constant use 7 U yoa want ta save your eyea before It Music Department Gives Program of Interest The routic department of the Om aha Woman! club, Mrs. Kay J. Abbott, leader, ill present the fol lowing piograiii Wednesday after noon at 2;4S in Hit Y. W. C A. agditorium for Ihe benefit of the building fund. Club member l will I admitted by membership rard. The program will be preceded by a chorus rehearsal at 2 p. til. Mrs., de lliiimrtl Bradshaw it in charge of the procratn. The Woman'i Club chorus ill !ng (our number unjer the direc lion of Henry Cox. Mn. Mora heart Nelson, pianist, will play tev rral numbers, lr. Srrtha Coffry Aeimann, dramatic toprano, will iujf, accompanied by Mra. Brad haw. Mr. Urnest A. Reese, violin ist, will play, acromfianied by Ilenry Cox and a trio, intituling Mist Thel ma Cole. Mr. 1', Dreihut and Mit. K. F, William will ting, ac companied hy Mr. Br.d:haw, Resolved, That a Housewife Have an Allowance? "Should a Housewife Have an Allowance'' is the tubjeet of a de bate to be given before the Woman'i club of Railway Mail Scrv ice Wednesday afternoon, at 2. at the home of Mrt. II. C. I-'orgy, 2510 North l iily-seventh ttreet. Mrt. I?. I- r'rantr, leader of the home economic department of the Omaha Woman'i club, and Mist Marjoric Milt will lake the nega tive tide and Mrs. M. II. lilackwcll and Mrs. J. A. Quinn the affirmative. Mrt. Arthur DeLong it in charge of the program which promiet to be a lively affair. The president, Mrt. O. M. Jones will preside. Mes dames W. W. Matthrwt. Leo R. (Juinn and O. P. Gifl'm will be the judges. Social Settlement Notes. The H. E. L. P. club will enter tain the W. I. L. L. club at a "Kid Party" Friday evening at the Social Settlement house. The W. I. L, L. club meets for dramatic art on Monday evening at the Social Settlement house. On Tuesday evening the H. E. L. P. club meets for supper and dramatic art and the 'Royal Q. B. C. club has supper on Wednesday evening. M. A. P. club meets for dramatic art Thursday evening. Club Hold Initiation, The Baciicy club of the University of Omaha held its formal initiations yesterday afternoon at the home of Miss Janet Bruns. Twenty-five new members were taken into the club. Y. W. C. A:- Sunday The Gypsy Smith Bible circle meets st 4 o'clock at Central Association builrtlni;. Monday High School ftlrls' Bible circle meets at 3:30 In the club room. , Special feature will be a Bible verse contest. Current events class, t o'clock: cookery class (beginners elass), to'clock: federa tion of clubs meet for supper at t:4S, fol lowed by individual club program, classes and basket ball; psychology and first aid classes meet at 7 o'clock and personality class at 7:30. Tuesday At 3:i0, at South Side canter, the Friendship club will put on a health carnival. At S;30 In the cluo room at central association the Central Freshman Student club will present a program for club members snd friends. Supper class In oookery meets st 6:30; classes In ad vertising and business English meet at 7 o'clock. Wednesday 9:30 a. m., cookery elass; Morris Girls' club supper at 6:30 at South Side canter, followed by a talk, "An Inventory of Personal Health,-' by Dr. Abbie Virginia Holmes, with open dis cussion by club members. Gymnasium and volley ball at South High at S o'clock. Classes In public speaking, free hand drawing and history at 7 o'clock at Central building. Thursday The Central Student club will have their regular meeting In tho club room of Central building at 3:30. French class at 6:30; supper class In cookery at 6:30; Prof. Vartanlan'a Bible class, 7 o'clock: interior docoratlng class nt 7' o'clock. Busy Circle club meets at 7:46 for singing, led by Agnes Svvanbaclt; class in everyday business English at 8:16, with Miss Petri Rockfellow, Instruc tor, and games In club room, Friday Beginners cookery elass at t o'clock; the Alumnae club meets for din ner at :15. followed by a tall: by Miss Jessie Towns on "Modern Poets." Burgess Nash and W. W. O. girls have supper at 6:30, followed by separate programs and volley ball. Classes In current events and business girls' Bible class at 7 o'clock. Civics at t o'clock. Satnrday Class In basketry at I o'clock. Tho younger girls are Invited to a I story hour at 1:80, followed by games In gym nasium. .... ADVERTISEMENT. The Truth About Eczema and Piles Thousands and thousands of people, says Peterson of Buffalo, are learning every week that one 60-cent box of Peterson's Ointment will abolish eczema and banish piles, and the grateful letters I receive every day are worth more to me than money. "1 had ecsema for many years on my bead and could not get anything to stop the agony. I saw your- ad and got one box and I owe you many thanks for tho good, it has done me. There Isn't a blotch on my head now and 1 couldn't help but thank Peterson, for the cure Is great." Miss Mary Hill, 420 Third Avenue, Pitts burg, Pa. "I have had Itching piles for JB years and Peterson's is the only ointment that relieves me, besides the piles seem to have gone." A. B. Ruger, 1127 Washington Ave nue, Racine, Wis. Use Peterson's Ointment for eld sores, salt rheum, chafing and all skin diseases. Druggists recommend it. Mail orders filled by Peterson Ointment Co.. Inc., Buffalo, N. V. For sale by Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. ADVERTISEMENT. ia too late: if yoa would like to discard your glasses: strengthen your eyesight; ward off the dim vision of increasing years, ask yonr druggist for a Bon-Opto Home Treatment Outfit for the eyes. It contains everything you need. The first application of Bon-Opto cooling, healing, soothing brines comfort, rest and relief from strain and overwork. Thousands now hopelessly blind might have saved their eyes if they had eared for them in time. Mote: When the above article was shown to a pronunent city physician, he said: "Tes. Bon -Opts Is traly a wonderful era remedy. I hat used It very successfullr In my practice on patients whose eyes wen strained through overwork or -the wearing of misfit glasses. I can hlgalr rerommend it In esses of weak, strained, aching. Iteamg. emartlnf, burning ares, red lids, Wurred fit) on, snd for eyes inflamed from exposure to sun. dust or wind." The manu tectums hate each confidence In Bon Opto thai they guarantee It to strengthen eyesight 50 par rent hi one week's tints la sar instances or they nil! refund the moner. Bon-Opto Is sold by the Shennu-McCoeiieU i stores and all good druggists. Press Chairman 1 ' Oa Mrs, W. I.eRoy Dnvit of Lincoln is the appointee f Mrs. Kdfjar B. l'cniiy, president of the Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs, for the chairmanship of state press and publicity. Mrs. Davis is an en thusiastic club woman, who became well known during the admin istration of Mrs. J. N. Paul, when the served as press chairman, and later during the term of Mrs. Addi- son b. sheluon, wlicn the was cir culation secretary of the official state organ, The Bulletin. For the past two years she has been serv ing the Lincoln Woman's club at recording secretary. She is a former newspaper woman. Ticket Sale Is On for Organ Recital Mrs. George W. Sumner and Mrs. N. P. Dodge, who are bringing Richard Keys Biggs, organist of the Cathedral chapel of Brooklyn, N. Y., to Omaha for an organ recital Feb ruary 7 at the First Unitarian church, announce that tickets for the affair are now on sale. Miss Eloise West is assisting in the sale. Tickets may be purchased at Matthews book store. Mrs Hazel Smith Eldridsre will be the soloist that evening. Press notices throoghout the east have proclaimed Mr. Biggs one of the coming big organists of the country. Left over meats may be used in delicious jellied loaves. 8 Ai Addled 1L u Leaveiworflk Lammdry Co. "Complete Laundry Service" ' 9 H. F. Hamann, Pre.. Win. H. Clarke, Vice Pres. M. L. Hamann, SecTreat. 1 " 1 1 . 2809-11 Leavenworth Street HArney 0102 9 Mrs. Sheldon at National Meeting The General Federation Biennial at Famous Chautauqua, N. Y. Mrs. Addi.on H. Sheldon, general federation director from Nebraska, returned the firtt of the week from Chicago, where the attended the general federation board meeting, held January 4 to 6 at the Drake ho tel in- that city. Much of the time was given over to discussion of program tor the bi ennial convention, to be held this year. June 20-JO. at Chautauqua, N. V when the famous Chautauqua park will be turned over in its en triety to the genrral federation. The program will be strengthened and simplified by giving each of the de partment! of work one day for a general session and a work confer ence. The niuic will be wholly American and will be furnished hy the composers from different ttatea. and will harmonize with the program setting. . Local plant are developing rapidly and living expenses while there prcmie to be very reasonable The general federation chairman of transportation will announce very toon plant for the trip and for the local housing. Mrs. Sheldon ex presses the hope that Nebraska may nave a very large delegation. It was voted at the Chicago meet ing to purchase a very valuable and suitable property in Washington, D. C., to be used as headquarters for the federation, tince the work of the federation has been greatly hampered bythis lack of suitable and adequate, office rooms. The new building wijl pay its overhead expenses and a let ter in regard to the details of this action will be tent to Nebraska club women toon. The work of the war victory com mission was closed very happily to all concerned and the war victory trust fund, under the direction of the general federation board, was cre ated. A committee of international rela tions was created on account of the newly forming sentiment that the na tional organization must give more attention to world interests and the part played by organized women in world affairs. As this was strictly a business ses sion much time was given to the reports of all officers, department chairmen and chairmen of special and standing committees, with a full allowance for discussion. Over 50 women were in attendance. On the evening of Tanuary 3 the visiting board members were the honor guests of the Illinois federation board of directors at a dinner at the Drake hotel, at which time Mrs. Thomas Winter, president of the general fed eration, gave a splendid resume of the work of the limitation of arma ments conference in Washington, and also details of the work of the ad visory committee, of which she is one NDER the law a laundry is not legally liable for accidental dam age or destruction by fire, theft, transportation or tornado to your goods, and in recent fires, customers have found themselves unprotected. 1 Without assuming any additional liability we have arranged with the Sholes-Dunbar-Thomas Company, general agents, to secure a policy of insurance covering your goods while in our cus tody. The policy has limits of liability, and will be open to your inspection at our office, or will be explained by one of our salesmen. fl The cost for this will be one cent on each bun dle returned to you, and will be added to our total charge on each bundle. U Every cent received from you for this purpose is turned over to the insurance company for you, and we receive no commission or monetary re ward from it whatsoever. fl We will start this insurance Tomorrow, Mon day, January 16, 1922. Christ Child Society A tea will be given by the board of directors at the Christ Child cen ter Sunday afternoon from J until S for all those who have given their erlctt to the center, Mrt. C W. Hamilton, .r and Mrt. M. K. Mur phy will preside, Four hundred tinty children of the Christ Ihild teiilenicnt wish to ex. lend their thanks to the Kiulil of Columbus and to the many Irirmlt uhote donations of candy and ti ml made potihle the partic and enter lammeiitt held during the holiday sea .on. The Help One Another club, com poted of the younger sl, had a tic of four niembert. The Cbictgo Woman't club received at in club house from 4: iO to 6 January 6, hon oring the general federation board. It r I . laassssa' HOTEtREiWTS v its aa AVERAGE WEEKLY TEMPERATURES OP LEADING CALIFORNIA Reeatie for Week Eaduig Saturday, Jaauary Tt, lia Mat. Mia. Mvsa Mat. Win. Wrea Lena Reach t tt I Pa.sJsna 0 49 t Forget the chilling blaaia of .winter and enjoy life under Sunny Southern Skies, and'amldxt temi tropical lowers, in Beautiful rasadona wheats m's always Springtime. In ita world-famed hotteinea t, luii MARYLAND will be found every comfort and luxury needed to make a to joum in California delightfull Privileges of tha famous Pasadena Country Club accorded all guests. 20 Golf Clubs within an hour by motor. Only 10 mllee from Loa Angeles and 25 miles from beaches. Make Pasadena your Winter destination. Maryland and Huntington, American Plan. Green, European and American, from (2.50 and $6.00 day respectively. All rates approximately 80 7 less than last season. For Information, aJslraat California Hotel Company Pasadena, CaL J. B. Coulston, Prubiant Aflsr YosNs Vliltaf All Calllsrala, Yes' II Ratsrs t - The Futsst Orewlos City It ths Cess try -From a mod rat 1.259 In ISM to TS.Mt la 1021, and sUll tncmalnr Is the eaustlenal growth, natural sdrtutssss sad Ideal climate lias brought to Long Bacn. Ons ef tee moat dsslrahls residential spots In TInlted States snd s thriving nualnras. tndiutrlsl and plcaaurs rml-r. Union l'srini. Railroad tetpiinsl. Only SO miles from Ixis Anstlee. Tbs nnest ortan M en ths West Coast. Horns of ths esls tirstsd Holrl Virginia. Truly a "City of Op portunity." Wilts for lltersture. L. W. BALLARD, Cut stirs Sesratsry Lost Besch Chaabsr ef Csisaarss, Last Besot. Calif. aMndiry Service lichtful time at a ftflr on SuiiiIjv aiiertuHMt. lmt wen vUyfd ami pines ti(tt. At the do.e i)f ie lirtnoon itfiesluiieiiU were iritrd. The Chi 1st Ihild Athlrlic dull basket ball teain playnl the .iiit4 Athletic llnb Jumoit tin ThtiitdiV C. enintf at le Omaha Athletic thili. Get Acquainted Club. The tic! Acquainted club W II 'iret ilu evrnit.a" at ?'M at the l-rt I'liiUiun tliunh Turner boulevard am! Harney tirrrt, Mrs, I'avid til. on will be liosirst, and Mt Itha Chate will at.M. 'lliry will be a reading by Miss Kuili Zirv, Mist Margaiet Mica will ting and there will be gainrt and community aiiigiha'. The mrriing it open to all ttranitert and kmrly folk, Titut Low to Address 0. A. R. In the Memorial ball at SM iiett Tuesday the Hev. Tilut I-owt will address I', S. (.rant ot and corps. All member cl J. A. It. pouts and corps nd all patriotic tocietirt are imiird to attend. 5S TltlGTOII - - GREEN VCHOCOLATBO I X INNER CltcCtC V CANDIES' S I aatatafatatatatataBlsfafatatatataTaB