Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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, rri. . .
ing Mother
Calls' in Vain
for Jailed Son
'She Died Without Seeing
Me," Weep Youth Held
on W. O.j W. Check
n in nil cell in
ml knows (hat bis
.tcrday, oiling lor
not go. to her.
r I lianman, arrested
ith tbe thrft of
c Woodmen of tlic
A aorrowing
(lie county jail
mother died )
hint, and lie co
He ii Wall
h ronnrctiun
checks from i
World rerentl
His mother Mrs. StelU Chapman.
Lauiornia itreet. died in the
county liopia at 6 yesterday morn,
oig. I
Chapman ivas taken by a deputy
sheriff to thelhonpital Thursday when
ln dying -liother called for him.
When he a f rived " she w uncon
scious. Latrl Thursday night she re
tained cons.fcousnesii.
"Come toffmy arm, my boy, my
boy, beforelf die." she cried.
Another ion hastened to the coun
ts jail. bXt there was no denu'. on
duty at tfhat hour to lake Walter to
J motl
He graved all niclit that (he
iiRl'if live till tnoriiiiiK.
she died wilhout seeing me."
tie llept. "The sad, sad words. 'It
ujl v this. Poor, poor mothcrl"
-Tiapman stood with li is bride of
four weeks in his arms when a dep
uty sheriff informed him that Dis-.
trict Judge Troup and Mose O'Brien,
adult probation officer, had agreed to
permit him to attend the funeral cf
his mother.
"How glad I am." said Chapman
as he grabbed the hand of the deputy
sheriff. "My only thought wat to
attend the funeral."
Pair Observes Golden -Wedding
at Dc Witt
De Witt, Keb. Jan. 1J.-(Spe-cul
)-Mr. and Mrs. If. A. V letter
lelrhraird their golden wedding at a
surprise party given by a few friends
and tirighbuis. 'J he alwrnoou was
spent in reminiscences.
Mr. and Mrs. Miestrr have been
residents of Nebraska for 4S years.
They were married in Kingston, Mo
January 8. 1872, where they lived for
three years. From there they moved
to lUnlon, la. In lf77 they rama to
Nebraska and settled on a farm in
Jefferson county, later moving to
farm about one and one-half miles
south of De Witt, where they lived
until about 12 yean ago, when they
moved into town.
They have one daughter, tlx grand
children and three great grandchil
dren, all of whom attended the cele
bration. Mr. and Mrs. M tester was
presented with $-5 in gold, besides
other presents.
01J Highway in Northern -Nebraska
to De Remarked
Ncligh, Neb., Jan. 13. (Special.)
Another well marked road is in
prospect for Antelope county with
improvement of the old Clue Pole
line, which was laid out and marked
to some extent several years ago.
The Greater Norfolk association is
pushing the project which will be
backed by the Ncligh Chamber of
Commerce and commerce bodies in
The fourth annual conference of
the southern forestry congress will
be held next month at Jackson, Miss.
Student Finds Body
of Teacher in Grove
iV Sa.UsJ
Dead, with a bullet bote through
his mouth into hit brain, the re
volver lying on hit breast, Trof.
Linn S. Andrews, 24, wu found in
a little grave east of the athletic field
of the State Noraml college at
Peru, Neb., at 7:30 Thursday morn
ing by Joe Standlry, a Student on
bit way to the school. Prof. An
drews was a teacher in the school.
His mother and sister live in Uni
versity Place. Neb. The yming man
wat engaged to marry Mist Eva
Hufman, a school teacher at St.
Paul, Neh., in June, her father, Dr.
R. W. Hufman, University Place,
America Loses
$1,000,000,000 in
' Foreign Trade
Big Decrease) in Favorable
Uslanre of U. S. Indicated
by 1921 Commerce
Washington, Jin. 11 A decrease
of nearly (I.UiU.UOU.OuO in the favor
able trade balance of the United
Mates during l''.'l wat indiratcd in
the foreign trade statistics for Jc
ceinber, usued today by the com
merce department,
Lron decreacd In value in l')2
by $J,74J.OOO,W)0 and ' import of
$-'.777,000.(0, the report taid. at
tributing much of the reduction to
the material decline last year in
price of commodities which made up
the bulk of the country' foreign
trade, .
The lower value of import and
export in 1921, as compared with
ly.'O and previous years, the depart
ment laid, "do not represent corre-
tponding decline in volume of trade,
but are la a great extent dut to the
(ailing pricf," .
Dunn the year V exports
amounted to 4 45.000.000, a com
pared with JS.i.'tf.aiO.OuO during the
previous tear, while import asgre
g4ied O00.U0U gint iijt,'
yco.000 hi
:pof It in December totaled S!0$.
OM.uuo, a against $.N4.uuo,ou) in
November and $7JO.OU0.DOO in Pe
ifmber, 19 JO, while imports amount
ed to fJ3o.HOO.OuO agauut f.'ll.lHiO,.
itx) m November and JWj.Ouo.OOO in
December a year ago.
Commerce Body at Ncligh
Will Name Board Members
Nebgh. Neb., Jan. IJ (SpecUI.)
The executive committee cf'the
Chamber of Commerce btt an
nounced that the annual meeting
will be held at the cniirthoue Mon
day ttigln, January JJ,' Three mem
bers of the executive committee are
to be elected. The term of M. O.
Daxnn, A. 11. Schmidt and M. J.
Koniig expire this year,
Koad costruction and maintenance
are to bo dicusscd.
Difficulty in holding skilled labor
in I inland ha grown acute. Importa
tion from other countries ha proved
Farmers' Union
Convention End
Con McCarty, T. II. Freeie
and John Havekot-Elect
cd to Directorate,
The convention tha Farmer
union came to an end Thursday night
with a fcssion which lasted till alter
I J, but wat full o( optimism and
confidence in the union' future. .
Con McCaity cf York,' T. IJ.
Freese of liJgiri and John Have
kost of Jfoopcr were elected mem
Lert of the board of ilirectois.
' F. C Schulli of Rockford w
elected to fill the unexpired term of
Cail Slatt, who has moved out of
the stale;
Incorporation article of the $500,
000 finance corporation to help the
farmer were read to the convention
and explained by Judge liroady of
' The corporation will begin to func
tion when half of the capital stock
hat been paid in.
Dowcn's Value-Civing Store-
The Mid-January Offering of
Continues unabated at the H. K. Bowen Co.'swith hundreds taking ad-
vantage of the value-giving prices made at this store. If you desire to re
furnish a home or room, or only add a few extra pieces, you will find it
, profitable to choose from this store's large stock.
White Ivory Finished
'' Consisting of four beautiful pieces, each made from se
lected stock, well finished and polished.
Bed Chiffonier
Has slat head and foot fc 1 C Art
ends; full size. ...... P
Has spacious drawer room ; 1 a r :? e
square mirror, t9Q
Has four large and
two small drawers. , .
Vanity Dresser
Has large plate mirrors back and side
three drawers on Xfi
either side. 4t 1 iUU
This is one of the greatest offerings in Bed Room Sets ever made,
and should you desire a new set, one that will always look well and give
years of service, then select one of these and you'll save dollars. . ,
Dull Mahogany
If you are thinking of a Windsor Chair or Rocker, you don't want to
overlook the ones we are now displaying. These chairs and rockers are
delightfully designed, and they are built for hard service
$14.50 ",d $17.50
8-Piece Gray Walnut
Dining Room Sets
'in Italian Renaissance design
n 60-inch Buffet; 48x60-inch oblong Table; five Chairs and Arm Chair;
all with tapestry seats. .
You would admire and want this set were it priced at twice the price
we are asking. Beautiful in design, workmanship and finish, it will appeal
to everyone who admires art in furniture.
We Offer for
Your Home
of Exceptional
Worth at Value-
Giving Prices.
Cretonnes in light and
dark effects. Choice
patterns, per yard,
only 37
Imported Cretonnes
Choice range of pat
terns suitable for
hangings, slip cov
ers, etc., per yard,
only ........ 97
Madras, plain and
cupped, 50 inches
wide, in all wanted
colors. Values up to
$2.50. Now priced,
per yard, at $1.50
Lace Curtains in white,
cream and ecru, very
pretty patterns, 2
yards long, per pair,
only ...... $1.39
Filet Net Curtains,
trimmed with neat
lace edges; colors
- white, ' cream and
ecru; specially
priced,, per rair, at i
. S1.98
Rug Value
27x54.1 neh ';
. Fringed End
Velvet Rugs
Large Plaid
This is a most op
portune time to buy
Blankets; cold weather
is here and. protection
while asleep in the way
of comfy blankets is
the best preventive
against colds.
. Priced as they are at
the Bowen Store, at
$2.45 $298
all can afford-. new
Now. in Progreoo
Our Great Annual
January Clearance
of Our Entire Stock of
Three Startling Lots
The one big dominant Pant Sale of the
year. Enormous selections. You can, match
your, odd coat and vest. The savings are .
27 to 48 Waistline
All Our
Go At
Go At
All Our
$10 and $12.50
Go At
FI ii al Clearance
Men's and Young Men's
flTTTTTSWi ti A9i
Entire Stock in Three Remarkable Groups
Grasp this rare opportunity to share in. the
mightiest values of the year. Not a garment
is held in reserve. . " . ,
The choicest products from twenty of Ameri
ca's foremost clotting makers are represented
in this great Final Clearance.
Second Floor Securities Bldg.
16th and Farnam.
Farmer at CrauJ Island '
Dcclarca Stato Slow Tay
Crtnd Iiland. Neb, Jin. 11
(Special.) Along iih comment
poiniinc lo an overwhelming op no.
ution lo the propotrd tax oa aio.
line, firmer are complaining oi the
inrlliiicnry o( the worlol aom of
t tie drparimrnti. One firmer named
Mattrn and roidinir wett of tlii
city. drcUrri tlut ihrea cf bit brrd
o( live milk coi mere condemned
by the t4(c'a agricultural depart
ment, about two months ago; that he
had waited (or some weeks (or the
rcitltution nioo.yj that b had de
pended much opoit the mttk piodu'$j
lor ntaintrnanre and that he wit t-l
nally comielleJ to borrow money at
the bank In order l twrcha at
lent two more cow a, He uia that
he i unable to get any utufactory
reply (rom the state,
Maioni HoIJ Turkey Feeil.
Superior, Neb., Jin. U (5p -r
clal.) The Matonle lodge of Sp
rior held a turkey feed Iriday fe
ning in the town rlub rooma. Ad
journment to the M4tonic ball (or
the work followed the dinner.
Special for
Set o f Six
Table .
Holmes, Edwards, De
Sancy or Carolina pattern.
. Saturday
as long as they last!
Only One Set to Each
- Customer
Mail Ordera Promptly Attended and Shipped Same Day RecehreoV
Add Return Pottage. ?
At the Sign of the Crown Up the Golden Stalra
Brodegaard Bros. Co.
Southeast Comer 16th and Douglas SU.
Special January Sale
For Saturday and Monday
The original and reliabU one.
15 to 60-Watt 40
60-Watt. ...45e
Fuse Plugs, 10 to 30 amperes,
at ... lOe?
$1.00' Aspirin Tablets, Squibb's,
bottles of 100........ 42tf
25c Beaton's Cold Tablets .
at 19
30c Phenolax Wafers. .18J
30c Honest John Corn
Remedy 166
10c" Wanous. Shampoo Bagrs,
4 for ....256
f30c Mentholatum .....176
' 35c Mustard Cerate, McV
Claren's, at .......... 176
25c DeWitt's Early Risers
at 166
$1.25 Nujol ."..,.......906
1 lb. Epsom Salts ......106
90o Virginia Dare Wine
at ..696
$1.15 Swamp Boot ...896
$1.00 Mercolized Wax 756
J 60c Barbo Comp. . .... .466
60c Murine, for .the eyes. 446
35c:-DeMar's-White Pine .
'.' Cough Syrup 246
. 30c Laxative Bronjo Quinine .
at ..'.'..........226
" 75c Miona Dyspepsia Tablets
at ..496
, 75c Milk's Emulsion , . . .596
60c Glycothymoline ... ..496
60c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil
$2.00 American Alarm Clocks
, t t 81.39
:60c Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
t ....486
4 oz. Peroxide Hydrogen.. 86
50c Milk of Magnesia. 396
$1.25 Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound ....... .986
$1.10 Nuxated Iroff...836
$3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk
at ... $2.89
Hinkle Pills, bottles of 100,
each 256
$1.00 Gillette Blades.. 796
50c Durham Duplex Blades
at ..396
50c Gem Blades 396
Gillette Razors 896
$1.50 Chamois, washable,
23x18, at 896
$1.75 Le Secret Gaby Deslys
at i. 31.19
$1.50 Graham's Beauty Secret
ac ,.. 986
30c Woodbury Facial Soap
at 196
35c Youth Craft Tooth
Paste 196
$1.00 Youth Craft, for the
hair ...896
35c Youth Craft Shaving
Cream at 296
$1.50 Goutorbe Face Powder
at 896
60c Sempre Jovenay . . ; .466
$1.00 Ingram's Milkweed
Cream 896
65c Sanitary Napkins, J. & J.,
at ..,.486
35c Cutex Preparations
at .....256
$1.15 Vitamon Tablets
at 866
$1.00 Listerine ......696
70c Sal Hepatica , , v456
50c Tooth Brushes i". .1,256
50c Pepsodent, Tooth Paste
at 366
50c Orazin Tooth Paste.. 34
$1.00 Newbro's Herpicide
at ....786
50c Box Pound Stationery
at 306
50c Box Linen Paper and
Envelopes 296
15c Pkg. Envelopes 106
$2.00 1 lb. Huyler's Finest
Assorted Chocolates, Sat
urday only ..... .81.50
$1.00 1-lb. Box Lowney's
Chocolates 656
40c Hard Candies, lb.. 296
Complete line of Rubber
Goodi.. ' Lady attendant.
$1.50 2-at Velvet Red Rubber
Hot Water Bottle at ..896
$2.00 2-qt Velvet Red Rubber
Combination Hot Water Bot
tle and Fountain Syringe
at S1.45
$1.50 2-qt Velvet Red. Rubber
Fountain Syringe at ,,. 956
AU Rubber Good are guar
anteed for two year,
Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt Attention .
. . .
'Howard Si.t Between 1 5th and 16th