THE DEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. JANUARY 12. 1022 Society Bridal Couple Here. Uf. and Mr, fink u( Lincoln 0t niidiit jlirir honeymoon in Omaha, Mn. Hrtk formerly Mi. Gertrude Warreml tf Omali. j he HciMiug look plate in Lincoln 't tnitijy l the churrli ti h. Frame Ue $ri An inform! party mi (jivo fcuuday evminif for i ne iirnie mm groani by Mr. anJ A!r. I- J. ilwitu. IMtrr the hrt ol nem erk they wily make their home in Lincoln. Mri. Fry Ci.vei Luncheon. Mn, A. II, Fre wi hjtrt at a lridgp luni heon A'eitm-d.4y. honor- "U Mr, Kobri i Kddy Kitchen. i liurvUy .lie yt I be honor gur.t at Bridge lumhr J !. lleydfii at I ft Kivrn by Mr. K. Ir home. Kappa Kappa Aliihi.i Ipha Theta. I hrta alumnae Hltrt Iiur(i uflrrnooii with Mr. Arthur J'anc Mr. Jlird i t. 4810 Davenport. krr will be iunt OHlTime Dance, 1 lie ladiri .ft Holv AnjteU will sive an old tune rlincc Jluirtday evening at their lull. Twenty-eighth and j umcr aver i Hateis at Bridse. Mr. Arfliiir (iuiun will entertain informally at luncheon and bridge on l-'rida for two table. Gayy MacLaren, Drama League Artist, Is , Mr. Blanche I'atcrjon was ho.- lesi Tucsdiy at luncheon honoring Mini Ciay MacLaren, who appeared before the Drama league Tuesday afternoon in "Dulcy." Mrs. Patci mio's other guests were Mrs. Walter Head, Mrs. Gurdon Wattles and Mrs. Howard Baldrigc. Miss Mac Laren dined with Mr., and Mrs Howard Baldrige Tuesday evening. Although Tuesday was the first time that Miss MacLaren has given ''Dulcy," and she takes the parts of 11 characters throughout the three nets, she declared that she was not fatigued after the performance, for it is her sub-conscious mind whic'i dors the work, and the lines come with little effort. She repeated sev eral scenes from "Enter Madame" lor her host and hostess of the eve ning. Miss MacLaren will ' pas through Omaha again in March, ami there is the possibility that she nny appear again before the public at that time. Mrs. Bradford in New Decorating Venture. Mrs. Barton Millard has rerenfly had word from Mrs. Robert Bradford,- formerly Miss Frances Todd of Omaha, that she is associated in i-usiurss with Montague Flagg of New York, well known architect and dealer in rare antiques.' In' his six floor shop on Fifty-seventh street, Mr. Flagg has a collection of 17th and 18th century furniture, tapestries Mid paintings, with an especially fine eolTrrtinn ni annrtincr nrinf nf Rnc- lish country life. Mrs. Bradford has for many years beep a successful in terior decorator, and she is to ' or ganize a decorating department with 14 b. Flagg. For acmisy . time xMrs. J'Vradford was in charge of decorating 4or the Goldwyn motion picture studio in Los Angeles. The scenarios would be turned over to her, and she had carte blanche to arrange the seti lis she liked, and secure her materials and furniture in the Los Angeles shops. Listen, 'World! All diplomatic relations are tem porarily severed down at Jim Har vey's house. It's all because of Jim's little way of joking with the ladies. Jim says he's only "kidding" them when he holds their hands in front of the gang and rolls his handsome . . ;. n . . rrlt-.. --..i i ' eyes at incm. .mil ncica says nci "cheapening the marriage bond" and that his "kidding" is, in reality, just as much unfaithfulness' as though he actually, made loveV to them. Whereupon Jim accuses her of "dis gusting jealousy," and Helen retorts ttat-awite has every right, to De jealous. 'Well, has she? Even if. Jim were serious m his intentions, as rieicn s jealousy justifiable? Isn't it just as inexcusable as murder, and shouldn't we battle against such an instinct just as we would battle against the mur- derurge? Have we any more right to claim a life for our exclusive serv ice than we have to destroy it for our personal gratification? Helen does not own her husband. She has a right to hope for and ex pect a certain amount of devotion from him but she has no right to demand that devotion. Jim's soul is his own. It isn't Helen's. If he TCACOUSY IS 4 AS N(XCOSAfM . cheapens the standing of that' soul, his greatest crime is against himsejf and his wite has no right to take it as a personal grievance, no matter how much she may regret that he has lowered his own standards. Jealousy consists in regarding another s af fections as a personal possession and another's derelictions as personal trrievances. Thats wrong. It is, in its way, just as wrong as the most flagrant unfaithfulness and Jim is perfectly justified in resenting it. There are weapons of the spirit whereby Jim's wrongdoing may be met. orovided he is doing wrong, Most potent of all would be a Grin. But if Helen's equipment isn't up to that, she might try dignity, lrank censure, silence. Such things are clean weapons. But jealousy isn't. It's a dirty bludgeon and its use be littles the user. . (Copyrlnt by George Matthew Adama.) "V' HIDDEN BKAFTT i krooiht to UfM w a oMa Clint atupoa-TmnuMk MS New York (Special Correspond encesWhen you go home and think it over, it's always the woman in the suit who jumps first out of the memory box. For example, there was a woman seen on Fifth avenue the other day. She wore a tailored suit of gray and white stripe wool material, the coat of which hung straight and unbelted from the shoulders. With this went a lovely pearl gray felt trimmed with a single gray ostrich plume- and gray stock ings with strapped black pumps. She managed to get herself thought of when the beturred and elaborately dressed had passed into oblivion. Suits are now enjoying more of a vogue than they did during the early part of the season, and they range from the tailored kind to the most elaborate conceptions. Box coat suits are of cotrse, prominent, and the wide sleeve is found on a majority of these. Some of them accommodate a waitscoat. Indeed, tha waistcoat seems a cer tainty for spring. The suit introducing a cape motif in the cut of the coat is well rep resented. Here we show it in dark blue tricotine with collar and cuffs of gray caracul and an applique of ma rine blue panne velvet on the skirt. : Personals . Miss Gladys Beaumont of Lincoln spent Wednesday in Omaha. Mrs. Frank Blackwell of Heavner, Okl., is visiting Mr, and Mrs. M. H.' "Blackwell. Mrs. Ralph Miller of Chicago is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lharles Gruenig. A -cnn. Pirhard l.vnian. was hnrn to Mr. and Mrs. Harry H.- Abbott at the btewart hospital January 1U. Mr. and Mrs. Ralnh Coad have re turned from Long Island, N. Y., an-J are at home at the Blackstone. Announcement is made of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Rosborough on Tuesday, January 10. Mr. and Mrs. S. Finkenstein left Sunday for Hot Springs, Ark., where they will spend the remainder of the winter. . ' . Mrs. II. W. Cowduroy and Mrs. Elizabeth Warren leave January 19 for California, where they will spend the 'remainder of the winter. . . , A daughter, Mary Kathryn, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Mills of Beloit, Wis., at the Fenger hospital, on Sunday, .January 8., Cot. John Carmady of Washing ton, D. C, who was at one time sta tioned at the local post,' is spending a few days at the , Fontenelle this week. Miss Mae Mahoney, who suffered an automobile' accident last Friday, is confined to her home, at present, but will be out by the end of the week, Mrs. C. E. Fuller and Miss Mary Fuller left Tuesday evening for Chi cago. Mrs. ruller will return Satur day and Miss Fuller will stay over until Monday. ' Miss Heien Prall leaves for her home in Keewatin, Minn., the first of next week. She has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David F. Prall, for several weeks. Miss Marguerite Hess, who has been spending the holidays with her parents, and Mrs. J. J. Hess, left Sunday evening for Mount Ida seminary, in Boston, Mass. Mrs. Blaine Young, who has been seriously ill, is now much improved, and will be able to go to her home next week from the Nicholas Senn hospital, where she has been the past few weeks. Mrs. Myron Learned and sister, Mrs. William , Shannon, are at the Blackstone in Chicago, where they will spend 10 days. They will Ds joined on Thursday by Mr. Learned, who is returning from a business trip to New York. ; Mrs. Walter Head and Miss Ver nelle Head left Wednesday evening for New York, where they will spend a week before sailing for the West Indies. Miss Head will be a guest at a round of dinners, theater parties, teas and dances, for she has many friends in New York. Looks Like It - Flubb He hasn't very much will power, has he? Dubb Oh, I don't know.--' His wife is still wearing her last season's hat I New York Sun. Use 'engineers' waste, in your mopstick and it will be mora satis factory than -the cloth generally kill ' TIIIU mi- Problems That Perplex Aaoir4 bf BEATRICE (.lull He IWsUf? Ikar Mum ralrfan: wai n mnt to h yuiuiK itttiy on my Alitor, mij rre tn hav bmi married, llei-muly 1 m w I hi iiuii lady in ilam-o halt with yiuiif nmn of unkMiry itimnilrr. IKj you think I ill d right by brt-ak-in our mumim-nt ? Ilr family nka m to aava them th humilia tion of xilliiln nml kivo hrr an other clianc. tftiouM I tii thmT It.U'llKl.olt. ".Wither do I condemn thee, fio thou and tin no more." Ho Chrixt loka to a yrt mnnrr Ion cn turtea aco. And the woman w sirnnatr to hum ile wm ofTerliiK Clubdom Prtit Club Banquet. The annual banquet of the Oinah.i Woman's Pre club will be held Ttif,tf(ui pi'pmiin' lattttarv 17. at fir.tli o'clock in the private dining rooms of the l ontrnclle Hotel, winners in tnc writing content wilt be announced at this tune. Pr rtnK mnihir will Ii ffntt t f f the Sun thratcr management at the 7 o'clock performance Thursday evening to witness the showing of "A Alans iiomc, wine ii was written oy Anna Stcese Richardson of New York, formerly of Omaha and an honorary member of the Woniau'i Press club. I'.ernard II. Hyman of Universal City. Hollywood, will speak on ".Scenario Writing." at the 7 and 9 o'clock shows on that evening. A. A. B. Club. Mrs. Edgar Jones was elected president of the A. A. B. Kensing ton club at the annual business meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Walter Ahlstrom.Iisi Minnie Nusbaum was chosen vice president and Mfs. L. T. Bullock, editor. Mrs. Frank Jensen and Mrs. Ernest Doll were admitted to membership. The February meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs. David Klotz. Central High Parent-Teachers. The Parent-Teacher association of Central High school will meet Tuesday evening, 8 . o'clock, in the school auditorium. A student group will have charge of the program, which will be announced at a' later date. . L. O. E. Club. The L. O. E. club will give a dance Thursday evening. Dues must be paid beforehand and only those women and their escorts who present their paid cards will be allowed to enter. ' Patriotic Order of Does. The Benevolent and Patriotic Order of Does will meet for luncheon Friday, 12:30 o'clock in the Elks club tooms. Business meeting and election of officers will be held at 2 p. m. Extension Society. The Extension society will meet Friday, 2:30 o'clock with Mrs1. Alber; Miller, 3315 Sherman avenue. Says ye Prophet, "The man who boasts that his head rules his heart is the same fellow who never opens the pot on less than three of a kind.". AUVEBTISKMEXT. Happy Parents Pour Out Their Thanks to Tanlac THAT Tanlac' is a wonderful medicine for delicate children is conclusively proven bv the remark able results accomplished in the cases of the three children shown in this picture. Little Blanche Blair of Providence, R. I., age 13, gained 10 pounds; Re gina McCabe, at right, age 9, of Scranton, Pa., gained 15 pounds: lit tle Richard Leary, jr., of Phila delphia, who was very delicate, is now in fine, robust health. The state ments made by their parents are as follows: - . Mr. A. M. Blair, residing at 20 At wood street, Providence, R. I., said: "We are just so happy over the change Tanlac has made in our lit tle girl that we can't do or say enough to show our ' appreciation. She had lost nearly 20 pounds in weight and looked so frail and weak that her mother and I were both al most worried sick over her condition. Since taking Tanlac, she has already gained 10 pounds, her color is better than it ever has been and she looks and acts like a different girl." Mrs. Catherine McCabe, 414 Dick ens avenue, Scranton, Pa., said: "The 'flu' left my little Regina in such a bad condition that I have no idea she would be with me now if it hadn't been for Tanlac. It is a mys tery to me how she lived on the lit tle she was eating and was so lifeless she never even cared to play with the dolls and tays she got at Christ mas. Since takfng Tanlac' she is as hardy and well as any child could be and has gained 15 pounds in weight I will always" praise Tanlac for restoring our little girl's health." Richard Leary, .2J42 Palethorpe street, Philadelphia, said: "There is no doubt in my mind but that Tan lac saved my little boy's life. For two years I wouldn't have been a, FAIRFAX. dtvlna inprey and forgiven. Pur, ly limn tins lit to Imve oiuethln of ih Clirlot M'tnt fur tha woman ha luvta, )llul-. Ikar Mi Fairfax: 1 wUh nu rould tell me n rrnudy fur blunhln. It 1 very ruibrrMiii. The bu of my department and my steady wero tslktiiK together, n4 I knew I going iti tiliih. and 1 ran y. I thouuht I'd hv1t to inyeelf, but my frir-ndu Mid Hity rmild m h hi h it block away. 'n you tll ma how I ran correct tbla? I'leana tf II ine. Your, ate. MAY. Aga U a remedy for MtiKhlng. A rula only tha young do tc, and alma It U rHthvr lirnniilnr to niot glrla, I lilnk thfy don't really hat It a much a tiny iretend, IVm-IiV: In thla day and aga hrn women are ao acni-inlly found In buNlnan It U truo they heroine acquainted with men through bind lira rehitlnn ami without having formal Introduction. Now whothor or not thla acquaintance, Jtiatlltei aoenking oil t ho atreet depend en tirely upon tha iiitrticular case. If your dcullngN have been quite raaual there la no obligation on your part tn aiieak, but If yon know each other perfectly well, how ridiculous not to Mi-knowledge eiich other merely be rauaa thn Introduction ia lacking, lluve no fear that your apeaklng will b mlmincleixtood If you conduct yoiiiBi'lf with dignity. Thla I ont of the point in good niHnner not covered by rule; but the ue of a lit tle common aenae will guldo you. A boy ahould not whlatls at a girl to attract her attention. It ia crude and disrespectful. R. N".: I don't like to prescribe a reducing diet berauao that ia really tho taak of a phyalclun. What might be rlcht for ono person would be Inadvisable for another. A great many women In . Omaha, go on an orange and buttermilk diet and take masKuge along with, it. Thla give quick reduction. I suspect you are not radically in need of such aevere measures. Why not omit sweets and too much utarchy food from your diet for a whlleT Avoid eating be tween meal. If you do the cooking don't sample the food too much. In other words, confine yourself to three meal a day; two of them' fairly light. You should weigh from 130 to 135 pounds. Bright colors and black as well will be good for spring. Everything is beaded. The tangerine and hydrangea blue have already put in their appearance. 'Ignorant: About the only time It Is poor etiquet to say "Thank you" i when you run into a bedpost. Why will girls carry the attitude that boy who like them are as dirt be neath their feet? Why should you hesitate to thank a boy who escort you home from a basket ball game? He haa been courteous to you; don't hesitate to thank him for his kind ness. Now you want to know how to thank him? Be simple and sin cere. Say Just what you mean. "Thank you for bringing me home," would cover the case. Yes, thank the young man who takes you to a party. Even though the hostess should be thanked, too, it is probable the young man ha3 taken pains to In sure you an enjoyable time and a safe journey to and fro. '' A Questionnaire: No, the contest result has not yet been announced. It was a colossal task to go through the replies. The result will prob ably be(announced soon. -To a Header: When a widow with a child tells me she wants work I believe her. What right have you to doubt her? ADVERTISEMENT. bit surprised to have seen him drop off at any time. He had stomach trouble and many a time the gas pressed up into his chest until his heart palpitated so I thought sure be couldn't breathe but a few more gasps. But Tanlac gave him back to us strong and well "and we will praise it to our dying day." NOTE -Tanlac Vegetable Pills are an essential and vitally important part of tne Tanlac treatment You iannot hope to get the most satisfac tory results from Tanlac without first establishing a free and regular movement of the bowels. Tanlac Vegetable Pills are absolutely free from calomel and are sold on a posi tive guarantee to give satisfaction. Tanlac is sold in Omaha by the Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. and by leading druggists everywhere. ' rJ CHARD i My Marriage Problems tuUf lrna ' .Maw tttaw ol "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" Lillian Saves th Day am) tht Peachct. It was with much inUgiving for I well know my luihand' lii'l way ("that I waited to re what hi "own way" of trannporting the peaches I had bought would be. A we fmithrd our acrid little colloquy the farmer who had sold me th? peaches appeared at the corner n the house and walked toward ut with slow gait and maddening de liberation. "Look at that pallbearer Duty growled under hi breath. "If the peaches are as mossy as he looks you'd better leave them and make him a present of the kale." I walked quickly toward the nun for fear that he would hear the gibe. "I came for the praclic,"I $n'u quickly. "Oh, yr, I'll get them." lie ai sented, and with the same delibera tion went back to the house, return ing a few minutes later with younger man and a woman, each bearing banket . of the inoit luscious-looking peaches I ever have seen in my life. But the baskets had no covering whatever, and I quaked at the vision which arose before my housewifely mind as to the appear ance of the peaches when our jour ney' end should have been reached. "But they're not covered," I ex postulated. "They don't have to be," Dicky interrupted. "There's no room for those baskets. I'll have to carry them loose." "Looser "Loose l" My exclamation was al most a shriek, - "Of course. Now don't stage any hysterics. I said 'loose' and 1 mean 'loose.' Just come here" to the farmer. "I'll pile these suitcases on the seat, and then you dump the peaches on the bottom of the car." "Them suitcases won't bounce o'f and smash' the peaches, will they?' The old man voiced the frantic thought which was in my own mind. I had a panic-stricken vision of the appearance of the peaches and the suitcases at the end of our jour ney if Dicky persisted in his plan. The only gleam of light in the whole situation, was the malicious reflection that the" only really good, lugggi Lillian and I own our traveling bags was in the car with us. Our suitcases are old, almost at the point where they must reach the lowest social level for all luggage that of Market Specials For Thursday and Friday at BUEHLER BROS. Omaha's heading Cash Markets 212 N. 16th St 4903 S. 24th St. 2408 Cuming St. Choice Catfish Choice Halibut, l2 or whole. . ; Choice Halibut, sliced Choice Salmon, Vi or whole. Choice Salmon, sliced. Extra Special Round Steak. ... ', BEEF CUTS Choice Beef Pot Roast , Choice Sirloin Steak Choice Porterhouse Steak PORK CUTS Choice Fresh Spareribs Choice Fresh Neck Bones, 5 lbs. . ,25c Choice Fresh Pig Feet, 4 lbs. 25c Choice Fresh Pig Tails v 1260 Choice Fresh Pig Ears, 4 lbs. 25 Fresh Pure Pork Sausage ...20 Choice Boston Butts 15 Cudahy's Puritan Lard, 10 at Cudahy's Puritan Lard, 5 - Pure Lard in Bulk, per lb. All mail orders given prompt attention. : f 2 ggest andon ttc test 1 V jd mills produce the flow liiatis1 k. , - ifc ttee n BfCBd of quality Jl. SAFE AND SANE for Coughs & Colds TMiyn 11 el.ffcrtiH from all tfctff. parcel carrier but Duky's lug iiae i alt new and good, and he it ijuiip fuy about it. "So, the seat aUnts." Dicky's voire was run a he iuerej the U'merV query, and the old ' nun promptly took the hint and ontr forward with the pearhrs, prepared to pour them from the laket into the bottom of the ci. The wonuu with him, after a comprehending feminine smile at the garie ol men, turned toward the house after setting down hrr lakrt, and a she did m, Lillian slipped out ol the tonneau door. "iay, I want to see some jars of jam," she whiprred a he turned toward the iarmhoutc, and I knew she had some scheme in her mind for minimizing the effect of Duky' obktinacy. "All Set" "Are you ready to start?" Dicky demanded when the Ut of the (caches had been dumped into the tonneau. "Where's Lil?" I explained sedately. "Can you beat it?" he gestured desparingly to the distant moun tains.' "I ank again, can you beat it? Hunting for jam when the cart arc already loadrd to the guards, and we're wasting so much tune that wc probably won t get home for three days." . lie strode up and down the road, fumbling until Lillian appeared, two small glasses of jam in her hands, the farmer, woman following her with a bulky bundle. "This lady suggests," Lillian said in a high, clear voice, "that it might be a good thing to. protect the peaches from the dust with these sacks, so she's giving them to us." The farmer looked in astonished fashion at his wife, and 1 sa a conjugal signal for silence in her eyes, and realized that she had not given, but sold, the sacks to Lillian. But Dicky paid no attention to the little byplay, He was sulkily exam ining the tires of the car, and Lil lian took the bundle from the farm woman, unrolled it, and with deft quickness, spread the empty sacks over the peaches in the bottom of the car. Then she came over to the car I was driving and climbed into it "All set," she called gaily to Dicky. "Shall we start?" "For the love of Mike, yes!" Dicky retorted and I lost no time in obey ing his suggestion. "Those bags, will protect the suit cases a little," Lillian said, "and if there should happen to be any delay . 9 14S: 20 CHEESE DEPT. Fancy Brick Cheese ....... .28 Fancy American Cheese .24 Fancy Swiss Cheese ............ .25 BUTTERINE Evergood Liberty Nut . 21t Evergood Liberty Nut, 5 lbs ; $1.00 Evergood Margarine ..... . .-. . . . ,23t Evergood Margarine, 5-lb. carton for ..,......$1.05 Danish Pioneer Creamery Butter, .36? Fresh Country Butter . ... ... . . . : . .30t - lb. pail $1.60 lb. pail.80 ... . .12Mi SPECIAL Fancy Lean Breakfast Bacon, 12 or whole sides .22c Fancy Sugar Cured Skinned Hams.l8fr Fancy Strip Bacon ............ . . 17 lPfiHa Ftotuk JL JULvMrpS) m,M rm of M f VStf KeUl Disease in ermMon. No Chloroform, Ether or othr tntnl amthttlc ud 1 A cure ruarantee In ery accepted for treatment, and no money ti to be paid antii flTfr Wr fo, book ctal Diieaaea. with autti and tntlmoniala of nor tkaa 1, prominent people who have been permanent? cured. j DR. E. J.. TARRY 5anetertua, f etora Tru BJd . (Boa Bid.) Oaaaka, Nak. on th road. )ou and I coulj rr-un- l Inn while the Dickybird strutted with th repairs." "1 bop your word won't pe a prophecy," 1 laughed, but when we were within two miles of Kingston ipiANOg U TUNED AND RtrAiatD All Ww CmthIh A. HOSPE CO. 119 DtU. 1.1. Dm. MS. WE REPAIR OR ALTER , at well as dean. THE PANTORIUM till JH glTMl Dm. MH1 4S S. 14 ih MvmI IS J AIBTInEMET. X EndiStubbornCough X I n a Hurry tar ral tSUtiam, Ikla 14 f fcMltr m tbmrlf truantf. You'll never know aow quickly a btd eough can be conquer'!, until TOU try this Uiuou old liomt-msd rem edy. Anyone who has coughed all dy and all night, will sar that the Immediate relief givta is lmot like m.w.c It is very easily prepared, aotfther ia nothinjr better for coughs. Into pint bottle, nut 2 ounce of 1'inexi then add plain aranulated sucsr syrup to make a full pint. Or you can as clarified tnolasie, honey, or corn svrup. instead of suaar syrup, hither way, tne full pint saves about two-third of the money usually spent for cough preparation, and give you a more positive, effective remedy. It keeps perfectly, and tites plesaant children lik it. You ran feel thi take hold instantly, soothing and healing the membrane in all the air paisages. H promptly loosens a dry, tight cough, and soon you will notice the phlegm thin out and disappear. A day's uie will usually break up an ordinary throat or chest cold, and it is alao splendid for bron chitis, croup, hoarseness, and bron chial asthma. Pinex is a most valuable concen trated compound of genuine Xorway pin extract, the most reliable rem edy for throat and chest ailment. To avoid disappointment, ilk your druggist for "2y, ounces of Pinex" with directions and don't accept any thing else. Guaranteed to give abso lute satisfaction or money refunded. Th Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. ADvmKWTWSHj NOT LET FSH7 25c , , ,17c 20c 17c ,18c A2Y2c - Pay When Cured tratmiit that enrm Pile. Flttal aa (Un ihort time, without a vir turvieal ev an tii'misttMf liu-J iti'" i4 lite Udt Dil l' l ill? !" I'itiH 1 out. . - I'alue-Civ'mg State Alt I Kit month ofUr acefiUoal value ' ia Dining Chairs and you ill never havo a bote tr opportunity to aecure tha chain wanted than now and at the Greater Bowcn Store. ODD DINERS in either walnut or mahogany, with blue leather a-at. at 31.05 ROCKERS in eolden, waxed and fumed .oak. leather acat wker, ape. cially priced at $10.50, $12.50, 814.50 n d 916.50. WINDSOR ROCKERS Golden oak, wood Boat, Wind-, or rockera, well made, highly polinhed, an ideal rocker for the living room or library, now $9.75 WOOD SEAT ROCKERS Fumed oak wood aeat rockers, well made and finished, priced . this month at only... 94.50 ' It aya to road Bowen'a amall adt. Howard St., bat. 15th and 16tb ADVERTISEMENT.. Rub on Sore Throat Muaterole relieves sore throat quickly. Made with oil of muBtard, it is a clean whit ointment that will not burn or blister like the old-fashioned mustard plaster. Just spread It on with your fingers. Gently but surely It penetrate to the sore spot and draw out tha pain. Get Musterole at your drug store to day. S3 & 65c in jars & tubes; hos pital size, $3. BETTER THAN A MUSTARD PLASTER ADVERTISEMENT. Are You Fat? Just Try This Thousands of ovtrfat people have be come slim by following the advice of doc tora who .recommend Marmola Prescrip tion Tablets, those harmless little fat re ducer that simplify the dose of tho fa mous Marmola Prescription. Jf too fat, don't wait o now to Jour drugBlst and for one dollar, which la tho price th world over, procure a case of these tab lets. If preferable you can secure them direct by sending prlre to tho Marmola r iltl't Wnnriunrrl A v. TWrnir. Mlfh.r They reduce steadily and, easily without tiresome exercise or starvation diet ana leave no unpleasant effect. ADVERTISEMENT. Healing Cream Stops Catarrh Clogged Air Paaaagea Open at One Noe and Throat Clear. If your nostrils are clogged and your head stuffed because of catarrh or a cold, get Ely's Cream .Balm at any drug store. Apply a little of this ' pure, antiseptic, germ destroy ing cream into your nostrils and let it penetrate through every cir pas- sage of your "head and membranes. Instant relief. How good it feels. Your head is clear. ' Your nostrils are open. You breathe freely.' No more hawking; or snuffling. Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don't stay stuffed up, choked up and miserable. . Re lief is sure. - Comfort Baby's Skin With CuticuraSoap And Fragrant Talcum rVeearieCMemfalnn,sfethi.tlnef i swear UMrawrlM.lMpu.aui' waweotMsaa m er keek Mch tue akoat SIZTOfrlOUK, a nrtantiee tiaiilf that wUI coat res aMala kt roe -an sat eared or is. Em ma ! se lisian peneoal weakaeek, ete kill! et KW free boo at ooea. CUBOtLAND CHEMICAL CONTACT W Berry Mask. . NaabeUl. Too. M (poo I I f f ye an neaa. duoaorfit. . I I f oewm. lai iaah ea or r mmm, fl