Two Basket Ball Contests Scheduled for Omaha Tonight-beveral in state Creightou Will Meet Dakotans in Big Game Omaha Uimmtty to PUy Hufiia Vials Quintet of Storm Lkr, la., Two Conference Coutfrtn. OAMfcN TOMMIT. Ural. Uvlk D-s-4 Mwtnl i rvli M,. M Omaha nKrit ktn. .!- a (lnt Mll( HullM. .mi4 lala4 Mli" Mldlaad l Iraa4 .4, w jr ING IIASKKT HALL, mi l nrnre ruler nf winter Tort, will le oct of two local tranu tonight when ganit are played m( t tie Lrnijhioii umvtroiiy and I ni vrrity of Or.iaha ifymitaiiuni. The Crrihion latkrtccr mingle with the University of South Dakota flippers in the first game of a two gaine serif, while Coach Kruti Adim' hf.ti,lrr meet the Huena Vit colU-se of Storm Lake, la., in just one contft. Two Conference Garnet. Out in the Mate, the Nebraska Wrolryan and I lasting teams flash at Hatting, while Grand Island and Midland play at Grand Island in im oortant Male Conference clashes. The game tonight between (.'reign ton and South Dakota should be one of the bc(.t played in Omaha within the past two week. The Dakotau have a fairly strong iiuintct this sea sou and are expected to give the Hilitopucrs much stronger competi tion than Yankton., IJuciia Yi.Mt conies to Omaha for in first contest with the Maroons. The Storm Lake team is considered one of the strongest in the Iowa state conference loop this- season. Six regulars arc in the lineup. Important High Contest. Several important high school games are scheduled throughout the Mate for tonight. Omaha high schools will get into action tomorrow night. Frazce Has Other Deals in Mind? I--.. II In n.ioran. the firmer Philadelphia third baseman, obtained by the Ked Sox in a trade which sent Roger Teckinpaugh to the Washington club, probably will be iransferred to shortstop for next mason's play, Manager Duffcy said today. With Eddie Foster to cover third I'Ese, Boston is protected at that corner, but the recent transfer of Everett Scott to New York left a gap at short. . The fact that Boston chose Frank O'Rourke, regular . shortstop for Washington most of last season, as the other player in trade for Peckin paugh, caused consideration by local writers of the possibility that Presi dent Fazee had anohtcr trade in mind, 'i he New York Americans had offered $50,000 to Philadelphia for Dugan and with O'Rourke available to complete the Reo Sox infield, it was thought Dugan might be made trc subject of another transaction. Coach Perfects Five-Man Defense An impregnable five-man defense i the goal of Coach Hill of Central High. ' After seeing his cagers trim Sut ton Hiph last week, the "high mentor declared the team showed more promise of developing this defense to perfection than any squad he has had under his wing in several years. This week the coach is working them overtime on the same defense. No shifts in the lineup have been made as a result of the initial game. Keyt and Reynolds are performing at the basket twirling positions and Captain Beerkle is at center. ' The running position . is being bundled Ly Konecky, who pUyci a leilar game sc;f-inst Sutton. Lawson and Johnston alternate at the stationery position. Centra) will clash with South High Friday night and with Benson on Saturday. The South High 'game Will vc y ,aJ 1 vi v t u ni.u . " - Benson tilt will be settled at the Omaha Y. M. C. A. Coast Moguls to Draft Schedule . san Franrisi-n Tail 11 AdoDtion of a schedule for 1922 will be one of the principal matters to be taken up by the directors of the Pacific coast baseball league when they meet here next Monday. Last year the sched iilo ran 2ft weeks, hut it lias been proposed that in 1922 the season take tm ararVf nr more Another matter coming tip will be the question of accepting the draft svetrm with an increased price of 7 Vft for hall nlavers called bv the major league. According to base ball men here, J. Cal Lwing, owner of the Oakland club, is the only owner on the circuit who favors adoption of the draft. Basket Ball Facts Worth Knowing Q. Do buktt ball smi vr and In ti score T A. N. la cm f tic plar shall b rosttaw far aa extra rtod at fWa -inlaataa. ar far aa May prrladi aa may ar aumary break 4ka tla, Q. Doe tha nlirMi whistle or the tlmekeever'a 1cat terminate the period! ? A. Th) ttiaetwair-e iaal. j. If the timekeeper blows hie whistle that the period la up when the ball, hr inc left tha hands et a pluer. la In the ' air and then goes into the basket, does the basket count T A. Tea. Q. Is tme taken eut during a double feulT A. Tea, aad It dee aet start aai aaa the kail la teased as 1b rearer. J. Mow loof la a player allowed te hold kail out of bounds before putllns It ra alar? e taaa nre seraiMis. Aay will to aaaweurt tkrwafh a H addresetd as Ed Thorp. ' i 1 Ready to Meet Caddock or McGill fl I f'jl won I Lev 1 . r2 ' Joe Stecher, popular Nebraska heavyweight wrestler, and former world's champion, is ready to wrestle Caddock, McCill, Zbsyzko, Charlie Hansen o rany grappler in the world. Tony Stecher, brother-manager of the former champ, yesterday an swered Melady's challenge for a match with Caddock or McGUl by stat ing that Joe was .ready to meet either one of Melady's grapplers in a finish match in Omaha. NEXT GHl QVEI" r.,sV, GERMAN government possesses secret menu for making gold out of pewter. That means President Ebert will pay war in demnity in beer stein lids. Uber alles scientist discovered formula accidentally. He was eat ing meat without garlic. Which is an accident in Europe. Pewter, lead, scrap iron, can be transformed into nuggets by simply waving wands. Matteawan is load ed with wand wavers.- Two dollars worth of lead can be made into 20 smackers worth of gold. Therefore, one lead dollar will get you 20 golden years up at b:ng Sing. , Evervthine King Midas slapped his thumbs on turned into karats. His food changed to gold, but his stomach couldn't stand such pros perous food. - He had golden bun ions, certified moles . and bonded catarrh. Schlaifer Writes Checks Now and Says: Tes, Sir' and 'No, Sir Local Boy-Fighter Makes $7,000 in Four Months , , Manager Teaches Him Manners. .'Morrie Schlaifer has a bank. ac: count. . . For the first time in his life, the Omaha larruper can write a check without danger of going to jail.' Of course, this is private affairs, but it is dfshed out to the public in strict confidence and should not go any farther. For his fiasco with Buddy- Logan Monday night. Schlaifer received more than $1,600. . Last week he received $800 for showing off his wares, at Denver with "Cowboy" Padget. , Connie Mack Trades Dugan for Miller and Pitcher Acosta Philadelphia, . Jan. 10. Connie Mack, manager of the Philadelphia American league club, announced to night that he had traded Third Base man Joe Dugan of the local club for Outfielder Miller and Pitcher Acos ta. Mack returned tonight from Washington. He said -there was no money consideration involved, Dugan's home is in New Haven, Conn. He joined the Athletics about four years ago. coming from Holy Cross college. During the last two years he frequenUy expressed the desire to play with a team near er his home. He left the team so often last season that he gained the nickname of ''Disappearing Joe." Eklund and McGill Matched at Lincoln Lincoln, Jan. 11. (Special.) Qarence Eklund, claimant of the light-heavyweight championship, will meet Pat McGill, ".Wisner wizard," We'll all be like King Midas in short time. You can re tire on interest from one pint of German elixir and two yards of lead plumbing. When yeggman bopps you on skull with golden blackjack, he will raise lump on your hearpiece that will pay your hospital expenses. . Richard the Magnificent or some other medievel hobo wore golden shoes on his horse. They were fastened by one nail. It was Dick's way of advertising. He lost hoss shoes all over Europe. This led to Cleopatra's famous remark: "If hosses were gold shoes, I'm glad elephants fo barefooted." Immediate ly after this Cleo was bitten by one of her neighbors', cobras in self-defense. If German recipe proves success we'll all soon be darning our socks with platinum worsted, sending our laundry to Tiffany's and complaining that U. S. treasury didn't collect our garbage last Tuesday. A few "weeks before he received $600 for fighting Frankie Murphy. Then he also picked up a nice wad of the products of Uncle Sam's- mint for engaging one Jack Ferry, of Pittsburgh, in a knuckle whirling duel at Minneapolis. In fact, since Morrie came tinder the managerial wing of Johnny Creeley five months ago he has cleared better than $7,000, which is not" so bad for a 21-year-old boy. Besides making a "banker" out of Schlaifer, Creeley has schooled him in etiquette. But let Creeley tell it: - ' "Frank Salter tipped me off to Schlaifer. , ' "Also Mike Gibbons and Mike Collins spoke to me about him. "I came to Omaha to look him over. , "He was a tough customer. I on the mat here January 23 in the Elks' big wrestling bill. Eklund has been trailing the wizard several months. The Wyoming cowboy recently re turned from Cheyenne, Wyo., where he has been dropping the boys to the mat. Eklund is in perfect condition and is training with Adam Krieger, welterweight king, in a local gym nasium. McGill will have the edge on Ek lund when they meet a week from Monday night, the men going to the mat at catchweights. Maryland Nine Will Invade Midwest College Park, Md., Jan. 11. The University of Marylar"l baseball team will make a western trip next spring for the first time in the his tory of the school, it was announced today. Dates arranged include Ohio State university at Columbus, May 18; Turdue university at Lafayette, May 19; University of Illinois at Urbana, May 20; Notre Dame university at South Bend, May 22 and 23; Michi gan Aggies at Lansing, May 24 and 25, and University of Michigan at i Ann Arbor. May 26, Bout Between Jack and Fulton Would Be Farce Fans Not Anxioua to Sec lle Champion and One-Time Challenger Mix Up in Squared Circle. RED FULTOJf pacd through Ouu h the other i!y vt route to New York. He and hi m ger, Ilenny Jfa.ketl, then siid there de clared that Fulton was on the way cat to conirr with and close contra .Ilk T Hirkard bv which fultoil is to meet jack Dcmp.ry w Madijon Square garden on March 17. 1922. "With all due renpect to Mr. l-ul-ton and li manager," said a nice looking gentleman as he read of thff announcement, "I hope the Irish will arise in a body and prevent the desecration of the birthday of Ire land's patron saint by the bringing off on that day of a fight such a one between Fulton and Dempsey would be, provided it was pulled off on th kvel." The gentleman did not stop there, but went into almost a frenzy at th? idea of any such battle being pulled off on St. Patrick's day. There are others who probably feci as the good old Irishman did about it, but they will probably not be 0 open in declaring themselves. Fight Wouldn't Dra. As a matter of fact, there appears no reason on earth why Fulton and Dempsey should be matched again. There is no more reason why they should fight for the heavyweight championship of the world than that there should be a meeting between Dempsey and any other unknown fighter. A-fight between Dempsey and an unknown, in fact, woud havs a far better chance of drawing a crowd and obtaining some newspa per notoriety than a fight between Dempsey and Fulton, for they have met before, and on that occasion they proved that Fulton had n more ohance against Dempsey than has the proverbial snowball in that warm place. When Dempsey and Fulton last met Jack sent Fred down in 26 sec onds, and once down Fred took good care not to get up again. Veteran fight writers like Eat Masterson declared the entire affair a deliberate fraineup, and all sorts of people declared it a regular lay down on the part of Fulton. Fulton Wise Guy. But they were probably mistakeu about that. When Jack delivered his first clout, Fulton probably discovered that he was no match for his op ponent, and for that good reason laid on his back the first opportu nity and stayed there until the ref eree had finished the count. . Fulton, who had up to this meet ing with Jack beaten several good men, was one fighter whom Jack Kearns, manager of Dempsey, looked on as an easy mark for the champion. Night and day Kcams toiled to get Dempsey in the ring with Ful ton, who for i long while had been claiming the championship. Kearns was always certam Demp sey could trim Fulton. He was,' in fact, the very essence of confidence that day his charge faced Fulton in New Jersey. New Orleans, La., Jan. 10. Harry Foley, of Hot Springs, was given a decision over "Chick" Wiggins, of Indianapolis, in a 15-round bout here tonight. Wiggins '.weighed 170 pounds: Foley, 178. mean his language. I hesitated. NHe knew a lot about acting inside the ring. His outside manners were what I was afraid of. "Schlaifer asked me to give him a trial. I signed him up for 90 days. If at the end of that time he had Lower Prices 20 now 18c 10 now 9c (Two 10's 18c) Lice fit te Myirs Tobacco Co. Tony Stecher Comes to Bat for Brother Joe Business With By RALPH WAGNER. LIKE has ceased to be a bed o( sweet jmiMnjr rose for Joe Stecher, former world' heavyweight wrestling champion, and one of Nebraska' "popular wrestlers. It's all because (Jene Melady, manager of Earl Cud dock and "Fat" McGill, wrestlers, and "Farmer" Hums, man. ager of Charlie Hansen, have said unkind thing about Joe and Brother Tony. lirM Melady imifJ a challenge oil be half of "Pat" MtUill for a finish match with Joe Stethrr. That chal lenge didn't bother the former champion, and McUdy knew it. Second : Says Joe Ran Out. Melady, in a published letter, say that Stcchrr ran out of a match with Karl Caddock, another former champion, because he (Stecher) would not content to grapple un der the rolling and pin fall style of wrmtling. . The truth of the matter is. gentle readrr, that if Stecher hadn't re fused to wrestle under the above mentioned terms, Caddock would. So there you are. Because Stecher was first to re fute to wrestle under the rolling fall system of mat work, Melady takes advantage of this and declares that Joe ran out of a match, Melady's announcement that Stecher ran out of a match with Caddock, didn't hurt the Dodge, Neb., wrestler until he returned to his home. Once inside the city limits of Dodge he was made the target of much criticism. His friends had read Melady's letter and wanted to know why Joe was afraid 'to wres tle Earl. The result was that both Joe and Toney hopped a local and came to Omaha. Wants to Meet Caddock. "Joe will wrestle Caddock ' any place in the world," said Brother Tony, "but, we will not meet Earl only in a finish match, rolling and pin falls barred. Boy, Page Mr. Reward! Here's a Frank and Truthful Prize Fighter Discovered at last a frank and truthful prize fighteri "Happy" Malone, Omaha light weight, was knocked out. Monday night by Roscoe Hall, lightweight champion of Iowa, in a bout at At lantic, la. After Hall ended hostilities in the fourth round with a terrific right to the jaw, "Happy" donned his civies and hurried to the telephone. He called The Bee sports editor. "Hello," came a voice over the wire. "This is Malone talking. ' I just got knocked out. in the fourth round. And by the way, how did Logan and Schlaifer come out?" This was a shock to the sport editor. Regaining his composure, he asked: "How come?" "Just hit me on the jaw," was the frank reply. But in justice to Happy let us Oscar Vitt Signs Salt Lake Contract Salt Lake City, Utah, 'Jan. 11. Oscar Vitt, infieldcr, purchased by the Salt Lake club of the Pacific Coast league from Cincinnati,'" signed his contract yesterday to play with j the Utah club, it was announced by I H. W . Lane, president of the Salt i Lake club tonight. polished up his manners I was to go out and make matches for him. "The Kid made good. "Since then I have had him box ing nearly every week." So this is the reason why Morrie's bank account continuesto grow. "M-m-m-m, some smoke!" aHBB533l Minia Cigarette and for cigarettes i . Virginia tobacco is the test Willing to Talk Melody and Burns "As far as Tat McGil! is con- cerned. Joe will meet McGill any place in the world, ti, but we will dictate the term. Mctlill is not known any place ouuidc of this state: loe i. and why shouldn't we dictate term? Joe will draw the crowd at the sate, not Milnll. So much for Caddock and McGill. Next comes Charlie ilaiucn, "Farmer' Uurn' latet find. "firing on Charlie Hansen," yell Tonv. "he ha been usuinir chal lenge right and left at Joe. We will wrcMle him, but we must have a hand in deciding on the i?e of the purse. Hansen Included. Hansen, it will be remembered. i the bird who wrestled Champion Stanislaus Zbywko to a three-hour draw in Naihville, Tenn., last month. He ha not wrestled since. "Why," insists Tony Stecher." Hansen is not known in this state. If Joe and Hansen wrestled in Omaha it would be Stecher who would draw the crowds. "Bring 'em on, Zybszko, Cad dock, McGill and Hansen. We don't bar any of them. However, we be lieve we should have a hand in dic tating the terms for a McGill or Hansen match. In order to get a match with either Zybszko or Cad dock, we will wrestle on a winner-take-aU basis or a percentage, any way to get a match and put a stop to all this gossip on the part of Me lady and Burns." Thus, did Brother-manager Tony Stecher speak his piece and then drag himself out of the office. Now for Melady and Burns. say that he went into the battle with two ribs caved in. Hall had been "tipped" to this, and when in the fourth round the Iowa battler put in a terrific jab to the ribs, "Kappy" became unmindful of ordinary ring tactics, and in his pain, grabbed his injured side. Hall took advantage of his guard being lowered and shot in a right to the jaw and down "Happy" went. This information doesn't come from "Happy," for he apparently hasn't yet met Kid Alibi. But in this case wc arc giving an alibi for him. Tijuana Results First Kace, 6 Furlongs Lewis B. 11 i (Fator), J7.80, 15, (3.20. won: Tamblan, W8 (Parke), J4.80, 13, seeond; Indian Bri gade, 110 (Noble). $3.60, third. Time: 1:!4. Ethel, Lantern, Cobrlta and Nep perhank, ran. Second, Mile and a Sixteenth Flash of Steel, 110 (Huntamer)), $3.80. 3, $2.60, won; Dehra, 108 (Studer), $5.40. $3.30, sec ond; Little Orphan. 110 (Noble), $3.40. third. Time: 2:013-6. Lady Josephine and Lady Innocence, ran. Third. 5 Furlongs Lavaga, 113 (Fator), $7, $3.60, $3, won; Infield, 107 (Wilson), $3.60, $3.20, second; Clgale, 110 (Dford), $4.60. third. Time: 1:09 2-5. Coomba. Josenia. Squash, Hoda Irish, Neosha Dale, Shirley Sumner and Squirrel Hawkins, ran.. Fourth, Mile and a Sixteenth Our Maid. 107 (Bowers), $9.20, $4.40, $3.60, won; Shenandoah, 112 (Parke). $6.60, $3.60, sec ond; Mountain' Girl, 107 (Huntamer), $3.40. third. Time: 1:68 1-5. Audrey K. Rhymer, Nebraska and Lola, ran. Fifth. 6 Furlongs Huron II., 113 (No. ble), $5.40, $3.20, $2.80, won; Sedan, 120 (Martinez), $8.80, $3.40. second; Olympiad, 99 (Studer), $4, third. Time: 1:07 1-5. Sam Reh and Sedfftrrass. ran. Sixth, 6 Furlongs Rouen, 112 (Hunta mer), $10.80, $5, $3.60, won: Nellie Har per, 86 (P. Hum). $6.20. $3.80, second; Cavalcadour II., 112 (Noble). $3.40. third. Time: 1:22 4-6. Czardom, Review. Char lie Boy and Black Top, ran. Seventh, 6 Furlongs Harry D, 112 (Parke), $4.80, $3.20, $2.60, won; Madanr Byng, 110 (Studer), $4. $3.40, second; Thrills, 110 (Huntamer), $3.20, third. Time: 1:08 1-5. El Sablo, Duly Fashion and Plantagenet, ran. 9 if Ready to Don Uniform mm . !( lM Francis (Pug) Griffin, heavy hit ting Omaha outfielder who per formed in right field for the Buffaloes last season, has informed Owner Bar ney Burch that he will be on deck again this season. Griffin played bis position well st times last season, and was consid ered one of the best sluggers in "Pa" Tearney'a circuit of Western clubs. Nebraska Wrestling Coach Injures Leg Lincoln, Jan. 11. Assistant Wrestling Coach Trondley of the University of Nebraska injured his leg this week in a 'wrestling match with a student. He will be forced to do his coaching from the side lines for several days. SPECIAL Used TirMeiY Sale - ALL THIS WEEK We are Offering at Real Bargains GOOD Used Trucks REOS FORDS OLDS DODGES STEWARTS REPUBLICS OTHER DEARBORNS MAKES AH Types of Bodies AH Makes Sizes Prices CASH OR Jones-Opper Company Phone H-0635 Egg Production There is no revenue in an empty egg basket. Just any ffrain fed at random often does more harm than good. Feed your hens a balanced ration. Peters' Red Feath er Buttermilk Laying Mash contains the raw forms of the whites and shells of the eggs ready to be turned by the hen into appetizing, eye-delighting, fresh, meaty eggs. ' Peters' Ked Feather Poultry Feeds are guaranteed to increase egg production. They are: The Finest Feeds on Earth Booklet A," Chock Fnll of Chicken Information, Sent to Yon on Bequest. , List of A. L. Bergqnist & Sons 4710 South 24th Street Chrlstopherson Coal and Feed Co. ms Xorth 30th Street L. H. Cinek 215 South 24th Street Ford Feed Store 920 Xorth lth Street looi for the Red Feather on the Bag M. C. Peters Mill Co. 29th and B Streets, Omaha. ! . m m um 1 RlaiOf MOglllS Complete Big Baseball Deal IViliiipatiBh iof to Sen ntor ami Jhj Hugau Jour .try. to Ked Soiia Thrrc. ' Cornered Trade. NewYoik. Jan. Il.-liMrry Fraxce, nreident of the Ho.toh American league batrhall club, laWt night an noiincrd completion of j three-cor nered deal by which Kfger I'eckin pauglu former YankeJ horttop, goes to the Washington club. a playing manager, and Je Dugan, Athletic' third baseman, I is trans ferred to the Honton team! In addition to Dugan, tie Ronton club received Shortstop frank O'Rourke of the Wanhinaton club. Thiladelphia net Outtield ir Ed Mil ler and l'itcher Acosta of the Vsh inRton club, in exchange fr DuRan. .So far as the Boston chili is con cerned. Fraiee said, no money con sideration was involved. An official of the Yankee, club stated tonight that the New York Americans tried to obtain DuRan, by nurchase some time 8ro and offered $50,000, which was refused. Connie Mack, Athletic' nanacer, is said to ; :...j cirvimn nave IIIBIJUCU Ull Says Foul Rule Is Killing Cage Game Middlcton, Conn., Jan. 11. Bas ket ball is being killed by calling: too many fouls, in the opinion of Dr. Edgar Fauver. head of the Wes leyan university athcletic department and president of the society of physi cal directors in colleges. In order to put new life into basket ball, he says, there should be a new scoring system which would make it impos sible for a team to win on points scored on fouls alone. Penn State Cards "Wrestling Matches State College, Pa.. Jan. 11. Inter sectional contests with Indiana uni versity at State college and with Iowa State at Ames are features of the Pennsylvania State college wrestling schedule made public. In diana will be met on March 4, and Iowa State cither on April 1 or 8. TERMS 2558 Farnam Street Dealers Frank Holemak 1904 South 13th Street Stoltenbcrgr Elerator Co. v 6186 Military Are. Walnut Hill Feed Store 1425 Military Are. A. W. Wolfson 6648 West Center Street Murphy Col and Feed Store 1602 South 28th Street - i