o THE EEU; OMAHA. THUUiDAV. JANUAKV 12. lt-2. Itailroad Kales Slowly Declining Executive Says w I'rrwilcol of It. & I). M am o Danger i'u luring Charges I Jo mi Jjy (iovriiuiueut ic Icing liirifil tlnwiiMiird by I Mint I WUUnl. pi iMltlimifC & Umw I't'l.iy lirfure the iiuTie romniiiMon, .uiiifd jii liKiuirv 1 n tunM I here ii no nerd. Miiuer, he a.ldril nrrwnt. Ho appeared a 'ilriMU rrsiilin tiie rase of the 'It i't n c of exist' vj preceded l v no trre itird !" e iiisufiiri. i.ulruacj tiptr;1 rnmiilu and fi l-rocnt Not h'tt ir flip it. niav lit. nnlilti Mm rate. Hi. linpi iiii; th vohtui I., i but Mradiiv Anionic law. idrnt of th tmutc com hen that body nto the RtnerM itliun friarec. but ronit!cul'.e in forcibly dc government edict (lie lir t- of irvcral who will mm up onunon earriera m a rate levels, lie cvfrl italinticiaiu cure tending to nt earnings Iron on a during recent earr prospects for rovrment even if are maintained. ut of Proportion. n. may the public ox r. w uiaru nam In review statistical cae. "Must ii to pay evisliiiu rate and N no relict to ! expected '" I o assume that audi t the case ' Mould fie an errnr tn tlii nat .Miicncaii railroads have ailorJed i ne tiica pent transportation servics in the world. Thev will do so ituaiit. J'hrv are doing that at this minute. High as are railroad iharxci. the are .not higher rela tively than other prices arc or were, .wid it is important to remember tliat i.ulioad duirgcs or price were the very last to go up, and ut the nature '.'i things, cannot be the first to go down. They can and will participate in the downward movement of al! 1 rice?.'1 Murt Lower Cost. Lower coi ta of operations, which iMist be attained before rates ca.i be etit. !rj said, largely depend oil li'vvtr .al costs, or ou investments oi large amounts of capital in bet terments, and on time for the con sumption of high priced materials iiill in railroad inventories and their lenleiiishincnt with cheaper prod ucts. 1.. E. Wetterling. appearing for western roads, fixed ?.73.71J,0O0 a? the amount by w hich carriers in that district had failed to earn a 6 per cent return. When the hearing opened the United States Chamber of Com merce asked the commission to ca!l Secretary Hoover, as general rep resentative of commercial interest, .Hid the comim'.ssio'n so ordered. Mr. Hoover will appear later. Sessions were adjourned late to day until Thursday. Agricultural Bloc Plans Substitute Bill W'oliiiiiilou, Jan, II. Membeii ef the ntnatt agnrulliiral bloc have begun un what it tinned loMipicmi.e tiK,., ure w,iit reaped to I ue tHoc t demand for the appoint mem tf a farmer a a member of th federal reirrve board. The compromise, it wa stated by Hoc leaders, will be designed to meet the views held bv the uresi dent, who lias he had no ob jection to such ligi.Uliou providing it includes other indmtrie along with agriculture, a entitled to rep retentation on the board. Can Married Man Have Fiancee? This Is But One of the Many Quertioo Canadian Court Has to Untangle. Montreal. Que., Jan. II. When i man says lie will divorce Hit wile, so he may marry another woman, is that other woman entitled to re gard herself a his fiancee and as such receive gifts? That is only one of the questions which is before the court in the langlcd affairs of business and the heart ill which appear Shirley Oglivie, vice president of the Abitibi power and Taper company, and pretty badie .Martin, former steno grapher for Craig, Luttcr and Irvine, local brokers. Before the court has answered this question, it will hear about Mrs. Oglivie's buit against Miss Martin. That suit was filed to recover gifts estimated at $45,000. There is another suit, one for 100,000 against Oglivie, brought by Miss Martin, because she said he had been maligning her character. This charge is based on Oglivie's onduct. after his return from Paris. That f rip will be another bit for the courts to untangle. It is reported that' he and Miss Martin went to I'aris in the hope of getting one of these "so convenient French divorces, such as the Goulds and others have obtaintcd. To that purpose, it is said. Lord Beaverbrook introduced Mr. Oglivie to an expert who had acted in such cases for several wealthy Americans. This divorce effort missed fire and Oglivie returned. It is rumored that fie hoped his wife would sue in the Canadian courts because of his trip to Paris. Bat she did not. Instead she sued Miss Martin. It appears Irom rumor, that ugnvic must have tried to explain things to his wife and that some of the alk reached Miss Martin and so she began her $100,000. Now Oglivie at outs with two yomeo. Miss Martin's attorneys raise the point that she was his fiancee, because he ad told her he would get a divorce and marry her. Mexican and Wife Sought in Slaying at Sidney, Neb. Kidney.. Neb., Jan. ' 11'. (Special Tycgram.) The jury impaneled in case of Stephen I'aun, found dead in the rooming house of Mrs. Nulls on Front street, found that the man came to his death by a blow (in the head and then was hauled to the clothes closets, where the body was found. . ' Officers arc hot on the trail cf the Mexican and wife in whose, roon the death occurred. The Mexicans are thought to be in Denver. Oppose Gasoline Tax. , Bell wood, Neb., ' Jan. ' 11. (Spe cial.) Members of the Bellwood Co operative Elevator association went on record against .the proposed state "gasoline tax. Bloomfield Phone Company Authorized to 4 Shut Down Lincoln. Tan. 11. (Special.) The Sate railway commission today granted the Union Telephone com pany permission to close its exchange at Bloomfield. The company asked for such permission recently, follow ing the failure of its 300 striking pp.trons to use phones again follow iug an order by -the commission authorizing a slight reduction ' in rates. The company stated that only 70 patrons were left and it was losing money on its investment. " The "phone strike" has been under way at Bloomfield for months. Kicked by Horse. York, Neb., Jan. 11. Claud Saunder, 65, farmer hand, is in a hospital here with a, fractured skull as a result jf being kicked by a horse. An operation has been per formed in an effort to save his' life but physicians gave little hope for his recovery. , Deep Waterway Bill Introduced in National House Ohio .' Rrpreieitative Fon U. S. and Canada Diude Expeave of St. Law rence Project. Washington. Jan.. H. Improve ment of the New Wetland canal be tween Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, at well as the it. Lawrence river to provide 30-foot channel from Lake trie to the tea, hat been recom mended by the international joint commistion, in it report on the pro posed Great Lakei-St. Lawrence wa terway, according to Representative Chalmers, republican, Ohio, Today he introduced bill in the house au thorizing the improvement by the United . States, but stipulating that the expense be borne equally by the United . States and Canada, through a bond issue guaranteed by both government. the report of the commission, which has been submitted to the State -department, but has not yet been made public, Mr. Chalmers said in a statement, recommend that the project including the widening and deepening of the New Wetland canal be undertaken and that the cost be met through taxation by the United State and Canada. The commission report, he said, recommends that the division of costs be figured on the basis of known traffic tor five years to be definitely ascertained by an international survey. , "I believe such a procedure is too indefinite and intangible to be used as a. basis tor determining the allo cation of the costs of the enterprise, which will ruu into tlie hundreds of millions of dollars," he declared. "I think the 50-50 proposition is the safest and fairest for both countries." The Chalmers bill provides that bonds should be retired with pro ceeds derived from the sale of hydro-electric power made available for commercial use by the improvements. The measure also proposes that the benefit, derived by hydro-electric energy shall ' be evenly divided be tween the two countries. CI Burwell Women Plan to Graze Flock of 800 Turkeys Grand Island, Neb., Jan. 11. (Spe cial.) A new enterprise will be en gaged in during- the coming season in the sandhills country in the vicin ity of Burwell, when Mrs. G. A. Rumbaugh and Mrs. Ray Burch w ill undertake to raise from 400 to 800 turkeys- each during: the s.eason. They have had considerable success with smaller flocks in the past and believe that the high sand hills and the grasshoppers infesting .them will materially aid in the new ven ture. It is planned to herd the tur keys over" the sandhills ranch much as sheep would be herded as a pro tection against coyotes. Grand Island to Build Sewer to Relieve Unemployment Grand Island, Neb., Jan. 11.- (Special.) As a measure of .reliev ing the unemployment situat'on, tHs-j city council has let a contract Jot sewer, construction to begin at once. Married men and men of families wilt be given preference, ths labor ers being listed with the general re lief committee. I wenty-hve cents per hour will be paid for ordinary labor. . Omaba Men Talk at Banquet of Nebraska City Chamber Nebraska Gty, Neb., Jan. 11. Special.) William R. Watson, managing editor ' of s the Omalu World-Herald, and Charles R. Gard ner. Ak-Sar-Ben secretary, were the speakers' at the monthly banquet held at the .. Orand hotel here, when members of the Chamber f Com-. merce attended.-Both speakers spoke of the community spirit. Don't Go Away i.i After placing a long distance call, it it best to re ii near the telephone until the person called answers or the operator makes a report to you. To go away while waiting for an answer wastes your time and may greatly inconvenience the person you ate trying to reach. If the person you called is reached within an hour and yon are not ready to talk, a "report charge'' is made against your telephone to pay a part of the cost of our efforts to complete the call for you. ' , 1 e phone. Company tii?iii iff mm-' VMM i DJt AL laNlki m LXMV V1 7 1, : V Will 1 a hit r v 1 fi 1 u3t nree Do ar Days In Our Men's Furnishing Department can .buq wHh ,1 Saturday Main Floors-South A Supreme Effort at Value Giving For these three days we will do. our utmost to give, you the greatest values obtainable. V Read each item carefully, it means the saving of a lot of money for the men folks. 00 Shirts at 1 Several hundred good madras and print ed madras shirts in a big array of choice patterns. Some have become slightly mussed from handling during the holidays, but all arc perfect. Sizes I310-I712. Men's Muslin Night Shirts 00 1 Good 'quality muslin, fult cut and well sewed. ' . , " . - t i . . " ; , " f -J. Men's Flannelette Night Shirts 122 Heavy, 'warm flanelctte, full cut and ; well made. "1 - Men's Union Suits loo We have gone the limit and then sonic to make it easy for you, Mr. Man, to have good underwear at this price'. . Jn this sale will be ' heavy weight union suits, medium' or light weight, or knee length athletic union suits, also a choice lot of winter or light weight ; two-piece underwear. , . : 3 Pairs Wool Socks 1 A choice lot of avooI socks in medium and heavy weight in oxfords, naturals and blacks; all sizes. I' ' ' : ':"'' ' "' ": . ; Men's Muslin Pajamas 1 In blue, tan, lavender , and white. Men's Gloves la )V big lot to choose from, lined or un lined,' including a good assortment of, Perrin's tan kid gloves. Sizes 74 71?, TS, worth 3.00, all at once .price, 1.00 ' - 6 Pairs Socks 1 00 Hundreds of -pah's of warm, long wear ing socks in all colors and all sizes. Don't delay, this lot might not last through Saturday. Men's Ties-2 for 1 00 Your choice of hundreds of beautiful silk ties. We have grouped our 6oe "and 95c grades in one big lot at 2 for 1.00 Sale of SUk Underwear Gowns, . Envelopes and Skirts Of wash satin and firmly woven crepe de chine, daintily trira- " med with f ilet and val laces ; scores of attrac--. tive styles, all correct ly sized, in two price groups 1 4.95 "J 5.95 Gowns, Envelopes and Step-ins A group of soft silky undergar : . mentis, priced at a f rac . tion of their O C real worth, Crepe de Chine Envelopes Trimmed with inser . tions of fine vals and . machine made filets. Specially priced, Third Floor Center. 1.50 Dinnerware at 25 Discount 1832 and 50 Piece Sets 1.89 to 30.00 These sets are made up from our regular open tock for convenience in. selection, and priced with the special discount. But remember, you can buy as much or as little as yon ploase from any open tock and get the 25(i off. . . Odds and Ends of Close Out Patterns in china and porcelain at Vi price and less. Don't fail to visit our Half Price Aisle. Fifth Floor East Hemstitched Table Linens - At White Sale Prices Now is the time for the successful home manager, to renew her linen supplies, both actual needs and for those of the future, while these, worth while price advantages may be secured. Material economies may . be found, 'throughout the Linen Department, but here are a few representative examples in Hemstitched Linen Table Cloths. , - Pure Linen Silver Bleached Lunch Cloths 5S-in. square, neatly hemstitched; a durable, long-wearing quali ' ;,tiy of linen; C QQ each, O.UO Pure Flax Silver Bleached Hemstitched Table Cloths 66-in. square, various designs, in a quality of linen that knows 12.50 no end to tne wear. Each, Lunch Cloths Pure Linen Silver Bleach ed Hemstitched Lunch Cloths 60 in. square, softt finish, with no ; T'- - : 4.50 : Pure Linen Silver Bleached Table ' I Cloths 66x81 inches; a handsome cloth; of wonderful 1 C (f quality. Each, . lO.VV Round Scalloped Cloths 70 1 in. diameter, for the round ' table, snowy white, pure linen cloths in varied designs. Each Jl.OO to 15.00 All Linen Glass Toweling 27c Yd. 1,000 yards. of all linen glass Toweling in pretty blue and pink checks. The kind the good housekeeper likes because it leaves no lint on the glasses.' This material has been difficult to secure and when you can buy 49c quality for 27c, the supply surely ; will not last long. ' - I Main Floor -We$ 1 Great Furniture Demonstration Sale Is Now Going On! Brandeis Master-Made Furniture Lower Than Market Prices All goods marked in plain figures. Liberal credit if you desire it. Be the Figure Stout or Slim The straight boyish lines so desired by all the fem inine world are the result of wearing a Boyshform Brassiere. A Special Demonstration of the Boyshform Brassiere By Miss Oliver They are snug, yet seamless. Pinchless without the slightest sacrifice to style. They are so -beautiful . that they may be worn under the sheerest of blouses without the use of i camisole. PRICES Trimmed or Plain Models 1.00 2.95 Third FloorNorth 1 Seventh Floor m 8 H