Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1922, Page 12, Image 12

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Master Builders
Heady lo Assist
Ex-Service Men
Dfclare in Fmr of Bonui
and Hme Fund Dan and
Offer to FurnMi I'laua
and Adicf.
lirlietng that building materials
tie it low as they will be .until tie
tided reduction liave been niade in
freight' rate, and that building op-
poritihMiri arc grcticr man mr
many, month, the member of the
Matcr. Builder, aocition of Ne
braska in convention at the Fon
If nolle hotel yesterday aitemoon
adniitrd a ' resolution calling upon
all nroonective, builders to direct all
their enemies the coming month
in bringing about I rebirth of build
The builder alo went on record
in favor of the adjusted lonu, for
cx-scrviee men and especially? the
home fund plan. They ottered their
service to ex-iscrvicemen and wi'l
furnih them plan and building ad;
vice and be of service to them in
any wajf.
Grant Parson. Omaha, was re
elected president. Other officers arc:
Henry Ohlrn. David . City, vice
president: W. J. Assenmaclirr, I.iu
coin, crrrtary; Krur-it Kukhar, Lin
coln, treasurer: lirant I'arson
Omaha; Frncst Kokliar. Lincoln;
Henry OhUrn. David City: A. I.
I'icr.ion. Omaha, and George M.
knhcrtson, Lincoln, director.-
The annual banquet wa held :n
the J'alm room at the Fontenelle
last night.
Ford Retains His
"Bottled in Bond"
Federal Agents" Foiled in
Their Plan to Grab "Lin
ker"' Police Return.
Johnny Ford may keep his liquor
1 1 quart of it, boi'led in bond.
So George, Key'ser, assistant
I'liited States attorney, '.old U. S.
Kohrer, prohibition enforcement
officer yesterday, when the latter
tried to obtain sl federal search war
rant to "frisk" Ford's home for the
booze. ,
You can't search Ford's house
until you have evidence he violated
the law," said Keyser.
Robrer's agents were crestfallen,
but accepted the Keyser statement
"Ford said be could show receipts
that he purchased the liquor in 1917
before the prohibition law went in
to effect," said Robert Anderson,
chief of the rum sleuths, "And there
are oihet complications,'" he added.
The federal agents expected to
. grab Ford's liquor yesterday, im
mediately after Police Judge Wap
, pich dismissed a charge ' of illegal
possession against Ford and or
- dercd police to return the liquor to
his home, 1802 North Sixteenth
street, whence they had taken it
The search warrant under . which
it was seized was faulty because it
cited the wrong address, he ruled.
Drawn for The Be by Sidney Smith
ltrM, !.:, lliw. liikui. fmant
tjfur I
AWV. VHCX TuM 'wtUO HfH4W- , ,
( OU WtZ At WANTS TM A Unit lit (ATX ) Q
v wv u.v m ib WW- I C0Mt 0MN I
NO- I CANT Gtt t0WH UNCLf ftiM.
Votf itrt Hi Horn or Nou. oww t
Will An IH 0U tT RtD TO COHC
back vou'u. tmat Vovj m jS?T
Bit tCMiMKt NOt tVlY MAN
VMO tlXt INTO "tNt ItA 0
lOU MtMt Otf A loem
Jack and Jill
Parents' Problems
What course would be taken when
a little girl of 8 brings a playmate
home to luncheon without first ask
ing her mother's permission?
that a child should bring her.
playmate home to luncheon, without
t;rst asking permission, shows spoil
taneous hospitality, pride in licr, home
and an attitude toward it as. beini?
f.s a matter of course, friendly to her
' friends all excellent qualities to be
fostered. Put the prohibition the
ether , way; let the. child go to no
other house without your permis
sion, but encourage in every way her
bringing her friends to her home. In
'ho other way can you better judge
the Suitability qr value of the .friend
ships than by observing the other
child w:hen under your roof or in
ymfr. playground. To .check, the
child's instinctive confidence .that he
may share his friendships with his
family would be a disastrous mistake.
I Dog Hill Paragrafs
By George Bingham .
During Christmas Week Poke Eaz
ley fell into the pig pen. His wife
discovered the accident and at once
turned the pigs out, leaving Poke
there to get 6ober.
' The Improvement association ts
taking on renewed energy now in tho
dawn of the new year, and has sev
eral important matters to take up.
one of wMch is the consolidation of
our two creeks Gander and Gimlet.
These two streams have been run
.ning only a part of the time for
years, and, as it is an established
fact that there is not water enough
tor both of them, it is believed that
one could run day and night and
he of some iraportauce to this sec
tion. "
' " ,.
Since times have got some better
Sim Flinders has decided not to sell
his cook stove and eating tabic
"I wonder what that bundle can
be?" mused Jill, as the watched
Jack coming up the walk fmn the
She waited by the front door to
swing it open nuddcnly and surprise
him with hi welcome-home kiss.
But it was Jill's turn to be sur
Jack mopped at the bottom Mcp
oi the trout porcn. pecrc,u arounu
with a glance which Jill con.sidercd
actually "sneaky," and then shoved
the bundle under the porch.
He straightened tip, dusted off Ivs
hands, lit a cigaret and came bound
ing tip the steps with an expression
of great innocence on his face.
Jill slipped into the front room as
Jack's key clicked.
Hello there, sweetheart, he
cried. "Here'sour wandering boy.
Where is the most perfect wifey in
the world?"
That little person was in his arms
in a jiffy and they looked- at each
other more lovingly than ever. But
Jill was mystified about the bundle.
Jack, what on earth did you
bring home in that package and hide
under the porch?" Jill finally de
manded, as they were finishing supper.
Oh. shucks, said Jack. I wanted
to surprise you. Well, I'll show you
in a iiffv."
He brought it in. and brushing
off the mud from the outer wrap
ping, spread out upon "the daven
port a dozen lace tablecloths.
"Where did you get thejn, dear?"
Jack's eyes sparkled.
"I bought them from a Syrian,
darling, who came through the of
fice building this afternoon. I know
you needed some new table linen and
these come from Damascus, the holy
city of the Orient. Aren't they won
derful?" Jill looked at them sharply, and
then at Jack.
It was a shame to spoil his enthu
siasm, but Jill recognized the mate
rial as American woven goods, and
she turned them over slowly.
fheyre very beautiful, dear.
I don't quite think I would have
chosen this pattern, but it's your
taste, and so that makes it just right
for me. It will give us some van.
Jack sensed the disapproval in her
voice, and looked at her anxiously.
"Well, aren't these imported tabic
linens valuable, honey? I thought
they were just like antiques and in
creased with age."
His eye caught a small pasted la
bel on one of the cloths which hadj
been turned up. He read it with hor-
Farm Boys' Band
. Makes Hit Here
A Game Bird. .
Mr, Grouse moved back and forth
upon his log in the clearing in the
woods. And casting a withering
glance at Turkey Proudfoot, he said,
"It's plain that you don't know what
17. ' i '
"Made in Lowell, Mass."
"Great Scott, I've been buncoed
again and I can never find that man
again. He told me these things were
smuggled and that's why he sold
the lot for $10. He wouldn't give
me his address."
"There, there, honey don't wor
ry. I can contribute them to 'the
charity bazaan were going ( to have
at the club and they can' be raf
fled off'. '
Jack was so unhappy, ' however,
that Jill determined to calm him.
"Here, darling," she said, slipping
out to the hall closet and back. "I
bought theseso as to have them
handy for you when-we had some
company. You smoke them now."
Jack- beheld- a highly decorated
box of cigars. Every cigar was or
nately belted with a paper band of
many colors.' He smelled them and
looked uneasily toward the win
dows. , .
"They're genuine Havana cigars,
darling. That's what the grocery
man told me this afternoon.'
Jack lighted one, and it crumbled
in his hands.
He tried another, whfch was equal
ly dry.
- The third afforded him at least
one long inhalation, and he coughed
"Well, dear, these are not froi.i
Havana they were made on the
Bowery. But although they are not
imported they're antiques all right.
We'll save these' until our relatives
come visiting." .
Jill's lip quivered in disappoint
ment. . ; . ' .
"But honev, .darling lets compro
mise," said Jack, putting " his arm
about her. "If you'll let me buy my
smokes, I'll promise never to pur
chase linens for you. Is it a bar
gain?' "A bargain, tfear? Why you don't
'That will do!" Uti-kg Proudfoot
gobbled antfrilg. .
a game bird is. Men and boys,
too come into the woods with guns
to. hunt us. And we make game of
them by rising swiftly with a loud
whir and flying off before they have
time to shoot us."
Turkey Proudfoot gaped at Mr.
Grouse. -
"Don't they ever hit you?" he fal
tered. . , .
"They've never shot me," said Mr.
Groise. "Oncea buter knocked
out one ot my tail feathers. iJut
that was only an accident."
1 shouldn t care to . be a game
bird," Turkey Proudfoot remarked
"I'm sure it's much safer living at
the farmyard.
Mr. Grouse gave him an odd look.
One winter when food was scarce
in the woods he had flown 'down' to
the farmyard. . And he remembered
seeing turkey feathers scattered about
the chopping block near the wood
pile. ' : "
"How do yon . usually spend in
holidays ?". he askfid. .
"Last Fourth of July I' went .up in
the haymow and kept put of sight
all day," said lurkey 'J'roudtoot.- 1
don't like firecrackers" : '; ..
Mr. Grouse nodded his head.'
"I don't blame ;you for.. that," he
observed. "r irecrackers ; sound too
much like guns. iv. . '.But I wasn't
thinking ofrthe Fourth of 'July "the
went on,.: "When I asked how you
spent the holiday? i.I was :, thinking
more ot those--to come. JNow,
Thanksgiving day ; isn't a long .-. way
off. ' Have you made any plans for
that?" , . .
When' he mentioned .Thanksgiving
day Turkey Proudfoot gave a sudden
start. . '-v.'..
"For goodness sake, don'tvspeak of
that now!" he cried. "I came to the
woods to enjoy myself. .- And now
you're trying to spoil my good
time." - , , " :"' :
Mr. Grouse could, see that Turkey
Proudfoot was angry. And being
rather peppery- himself,- he , was
tempted to say something sharp
something about axes, which are al
ways sharp unless they're dull. , But
Mr. Grouse-managed to control his
temper. After4 all, he . thought,, it
was , no wonder that -.Turkey Proud
foot didn't ' want .ro- hear , about
Thanksgiving dayj,.i, - ' .
. "Pardon meU'-sald Mr. 'Grouse.; "I
only 'brought'1 up this matter . in . a
cousinly kind pp. wjiy.". . . ' ...
"Cousinly !" cVjeda Turkey . Proud
foot. "You and"' I; sir, arei total
strangers to eachother." '
"Well, we ought not to be," sai'i
Mr. Grouse. - "It's .time We.:got' ac
quainted with each other. . Didn't
know how many, hundreds of dollars
we can save that w-ay.-in the . next
two years. It's genue high , fi
nance." ' ,
(Copyright, 1921, ' Thortiproil . Featuw
Service. V. - -
Here's Ike llipiy Way to Rid Yeirtdf , W
of CdRilipilioa PERrJADEDTLY!
' you know that your family and mine
iare distantly related?"
"Xo!" Turkey Proudfoot
claimed. "Xo! I neverknew it."
'It' the truth," Mr, Grouse told
him. "Don't you think vc look a
bit alike, except that my neck it
somewhat short, and yours is long
jnd skinny? And of course my bead
"s feathered out, while yours is bald
and red.
"That will do!" Turkey Proudfoot
gobbled angrily. "Even if you arc
my cousin you ncedn t make such re
marks about jne." " .
-Mr. Grouse begged , his , pardon
again., .. : ... .
"I wa only pointing out . the dif
ference between tis." he explained.
"But if they displease woui I'll speak
of the ways in which we ar alike.
Xow,' take our tails "
"I won't." Turkey Proudfoot
squalled. '"I'll take my, own tail
wherever I go. But I won't take
yours." , '
(Copyright, "121. by Metropolitan Neva
paper Service.) -
No Will Leftby Schall;
Estate Amounts to $75,000
William Schall, attorney and son
of Albert Schall who died last
week, filed a petition in county court
to be appointed administrator of his
father's estate amounting to $75,000.
Mr. Schall left no will. The estate
is left to his only son and a daugh
ter, Katherine Schall.
' Mr. Schall was in the stone busi
ness and furnished some of the stone
of the new Douglas county court
Avoid Perils
of Dyspepsia
In Place of Starving or Suffering
Try the Plan of Full Meal and ,
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
Moat everyone has gone through the
misery of a sleepless night from dyspepsia.
Life With Cows and Chiclena
I)oo Not Keep Down Ma-,
ical Efforts of Youth.
I'loning com. milking cows and
limning the -luie egg do not de
tract from a farm bov's musical -in-
dilutions, a was thuwn by the ex
cellent nniMC played by tho boy of
the Cuming county brass band dur
ing the annual convention cf the
Farmers' union in session at the
Auditorium Tuesday and Wednes
day. ' .
The band is composed' of 11, the
youngest a boy of 15 and the oldest
a man of 26, and was organized several-months
ago by Iferman F.
Grossc of West JPolnt. . AH the boys
are from families interested in the
The band practices regularly each
v eck'and each member puts in a
much time a pon'blc after hi daily
fartu wurk is tinislud. The baud i
making fine progre and will be i.i
tlouand at farmm' met-iing. The
Omaha engagement was the first big
one the baud ha played M'nre its
The members are: Martin Leifcrt,
F.rwin W. Pagcls, Gerhart Zobcl,
Herbert Buckholr, Will Krurgcr.
John Burkholi, John Schlinsener;
Arthur Pagcls. Otto Pridobl. Her
man Lcifert and Herman F. Gro$c
Any breaking out of " ' the 1 skin,
even fiery,' itching i-eczema, can be
quickly. overcome by .applying a lit-i
tie Mentho-Sulphuf,-iays a noted
skin specialist. . Because of its germ
destroying properties, this sulphur
preparation instantly .-brings ease
from skin irritation, soothes -..and
heals the eczema right op and leaves
the skin clear and smooth. '- '
It seldom fails to relieve- the tor
ment and disfigurement. Sufferers
from skin trouble should get a litt.a'
jar of Mentho-Sulphur fr'om any
good druggist and- use it like a coin
host of such people found they cculd
eat what they liked without sour risings,
belching, gassiness, heaviness, palpitation
or restless nervousness due to indigestion
if they simply settled and soothed the
stomach with a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet
after eating and . before retiring. If you
are subject to such misery get a 0-cent
box of these tablets today and you will
tairly revel in the freedom from your old
time enemy.
hi n i rg i '
people an
mtally are us
If will net inlure the
toth or disturb the
ifnmu-h. A few doses will
Affen rnmmence to enrich
your blood and reitaliie irour
worn out. exhausted nerves.
Your money will be refunded,
hv th niiira fkrturers if you,
do not obtain satisfactory re-,
results. Bewsre or summuu-j.
Always insist on havinegenu-
ln nrranift iron Nuiated Iron. Look for.
the letters N. I. on every tablet. At all
druggists in tablet form only. .
414-2 Securities Bldf.
Center 16th and Farnam Sts.
Doug. 6347
Chiropractic Health Service
Headaches,-backaches,, colds, rheuma
tism, lumbago, neuritis and nervousness
respond to Chiropractic adjustments as
well as various forms of liver, stomach
and kidney troubles.
We make calls to . your home when
unable to come to the office. Adjust
ments at the office are 12 for $10.00 or
30 for $25.00. Office equipped with
private adjusting rooms and complete
spinographical laboratory for : X-ray
analysis. Office hours, 9 a, m. to
S p. m. Lady attendant.
Bran is the most wonderful health
food known! Nine-tenths of human
ills would be eliminated if all the
people would eat bran regularly, be
cause bran corrects constipation!
Constipation can be blamed as th
starting point of 0 per cent of tho
sickness! . j
Bran in deliciously palatable form
Kellosrg's Bran, cooked and krum-
bled will five "permanent relief
from constipation if eaten regularly
each day. We guarantee that results
will prove astounding if at least two
tablespoonfuls are eaten daily.
Chronic cages should use as much as
is needed.
Physicians endorse the use of Kel-
loes'a Bran for constipation. It is
not only surely effective as a perma
nent relief if eaten regularly, but it
is the ioeal way to correct constipa-
ktiort through, food!
Kelloee's Bran is not a cathartic
it is nature's food that will not only
delight -your palate but safeguard'
your health! Start the children eat
ing Kellogg's Bran. It builds strong
bodies! Serve bim to your family as
a cereal or on other cereals'. Use tt
generously making muffins, maca
roons, raisin bread or la a hundred
appetizing waysl. Pancakes made
of Kellogg's Bran, are 'the best you
ever ate! ' " v
The consistent user of Kellogg's
Bran will clear up a pimply skin and
purify the blood.- -,
Kellogg's Bran, eaten regularly,
prevents a bad breath from the
stomach and intestines. Tour gro
cer has it.
. P. S. By the way, it's a happy-health-hablt
to keep Kellogg's Bran
on the dining table all the time!
Sprinkle it on your food!
. i -
Per Tod
(H)2? Djjiyered
Fresh Coal Arriving Daily
Consumers Coal 6 Supply Co.
DOuglas 0530 , DO uglas 0530
Ever Take a Good Look at
Do you ever stand in front of the
mirror and study yourself with a
desire to look at your reflection as
if it were that of some other per
son? - Try it some time and be honest
and unbiased as possible in passing
judgment on the view the mirror
re veal.
U you stood facing another per
son exactly your counterpart, what
conclusion would you reach con
cerning that person?
Would you be impressed favor
ably? To what about that person would
you object?
What changes would you sug
gest to improve- the person you see,
namely, yourself, reflected in the
A you smile, speak, tuovc in dif
ferent directions, you have many es
pressiuns with the changing muscles
which are not pleasing, not a ort
which would leave a good impression
among strangers.
You twist and contort your fea
tures into disagreeable combina
tions. You do everyone does, more
or less.
Would it not be worth your while
to cure yourself of some of your dis
tressing facial contortions?
(Copyrlfbt, t:i. Inturnstlonsl Future
Bervlre, Inc.)
Company Will Fight
5 I -2 Cent Light Rate
Vigorous 0iitt)iiiil to the 'o,
port DiilniKiue lo lower the rale lor
electric liglns and prr ta i l-I
emu in the rculrni,l district
uircd by J, l' Uidi. !''
dent and genrral nunsgrr of the
Nebraska J'owtr company. )''
day. K iifc-s.sry. the coijwramni
nill appeal to higher authority, the
ofbeer of the) company Mated-
Iiavidson rtshiumrd thai Omaha
mm- has die te residential light
rMc in the cVintry. The U ';
ih r.iti- urti-l ilianurd was in IVI7
pud since thai I 'm the price ( coul
and oihcr unV itie r oprratn'g
the plant luxe creased in price, be
of rarking
ets riaht don
LxH and relieves
onder any ou
- first. Have a
jnent kendf nd
t leei Min.
m'l rub. at
ill be aurprised
eases the pain
rmth tbrougn
ins, over
been the
ndi oi
VOID the nliseey
r nain. ' Moan s
to tht aching
tur pain and you
did not use Sloan
bottle of Sloan's 1 i
apply when you 6i
I'se freely and
tmtiratet and yoi
to tind how nilli'klV
and sends a feeling of
the aching part.
Fine. too. fjr rneuma
acLitka. SDrains. aches
tsorked muscles, lame
For forty years Sloan's
tand-by as a liniment in tt
families. Ask our neifhtx
At all druggists 35c, 70c,
Cir YcarCaaiaUsieaef Bfanotas. V
lot and ethsr rselsJ aisntraiiiwsifc
Us trsslf Dr. Robson's E nna CMaV
DMOt. Good for acj-oia, itchiBg afcia,
and stStr slua trtublsa. One ot Dr.
Bobsaa'i ramily lUrasdiw.
Ikxema Ointment ,
III Oct) -rraTv: tflfl". III
Another Sensational Bag Sale
. . A . Thousand. Bags f -.;
I Bought at a Fraction of the Original Cost 1
Values S3.50 : ' Values S3.S0 ' I
An Event No Equal
Sale Begins Promptly at 9 A. M.
Beauty Boxes and Newest Hand Bags
The Kinds
Real Seal, Morocco, Tooled Calf, Alligator,
Black, Brown, Gray and Tan Seal Grains. Double
and single strap bandies; clever innovations with
complete fittings. Bags that any woman would
be proud to carry.
The Styles
Hand Bags and Beauty Boxes, in ah endless
variety o styles. Clever creations that have only
been out for a short time. Fitted Beauty Boxes
. with large mirrors,, silk and poplin linings. All
the newest in colors to' please every taste.,,
A Thousand Room -Size Rugs
. Selling tomorrow in three lots. Note the exceptional savings, : '
Colonial Velvet
Worth to $7.60
Palasade Velvet
Worth to $55.00
V 9x12 , ,
Heavy Velvet
Worth to $45.00
7-6x9 Tapestry
Brussels Bugs
27x54 Inch
Axminster Rugs
values .
27x54 Inch .
Brussels Rugs
ralues . , ... $1.98
Fresh Cut Hamburg
er, 2 lbs. ...25
Home-made Sausage,
lbs. for 25e
Pork Chops, lb. 16
No. 1 Steer Round
Steak, lb 15
Fancy Bulk Cream
ery Butter, lb. 34
No. 1 April Storage
Eggs, dozen.... 25s
No. 1 Genuine Fresh
Eggs, dozen... .37 k
v- r
Here are some Extra
Speciala for Thursday
in our Mammoth "Gro
cery Department
5,000 pounds No. 1 large
washed Brazils, that
sold at 25c and 30c lb.
Thursday Special, 15
3 Crown Muscatel Sun
maid Raisins, while
they last, lb 12'2V
Per 25-lb. box $2.95
Gallon cans J. M. or
Kamo Table Syrup
Special 34
16-oz. cans Apple Blos
som Milk Q
16-oz. cans Bordes'
Pet or Wilson Milk-e,
Jbs. Best No. 1 Hand .
f icked Nary Beans
Special 25
4 lbs. Fancy Blue Rose
Rice Special ....25
10 bars Electric Spark
Soap --43
IS lbs. Pure Granulated
Sugar 98
4 lbs. our Famous San
tos ' Blend Coffee, the
talk or Omaha ...9Qt
4 lbs. Breakfast Cocoa--Special
Fancy Ripe Bananas,
dozen 251
Winesap Apples, per
box ........12.25
Grape Fruit, nice
and Juicy, each.. 54
Fancy Head Lettuce,
each 12 t
Lemons, fancy Son
lust, per doi...20
Navel Oranges, per
dozen 2ft