THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 11, 1922. tWiUiahi W.Porter Lectures Here on Christian Science Representative of Mother Church Says Man Reflects Inexhaustible Resources f the Divine Mll Pot William W. ence lecturer,- ad c at the Fir; ixr last Right. jr. rorter, a nt lectureship The First Chui BftMon, Man., Thought ri vlrtt Mind of of all intelli like man. C s. rates the Voai image. reiiect the t the divine 1, Mind hat Iff, Christian Sei ned a large au- Church, Scientitt, mbr of the ttoard Mother Church. of Christ. Scientist. aid: tly related to the di- who is the source ice, reveals the Ooq- Istian Science demon- thai because man it d likeness, man must haustibla resources of ind. All that the divine A knows, therefore, br- longs by reflection to God' perfect spiritual tnAn. Until th nature of man t true fetfhood is understood hu man beingtl wi be in ignorance of their naturiat rights and privileges, and will continue to suffer as a re salt of thg lack of understanding'. Dlscovsry and Discbveref. "Mir Baker Eddv is (he Discov erer aitfd Fotrnder of Christian Sci ence and the Author of it textbook. "Scence and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Christian Scientist have , a J distinct love and regird for their revered leader. This attitude is in recognition and gratefut acknowl--r edgment of her unselfish Service to all mankind. Indeed, from the date of her healing in the year 1866, Mrs. , Eddy's life waft spent exclusively in ,. proving the tfnth -which had Been revealed to her, and in establishing Christian Science . in accordance therewith. - , "The. qitestlOfi .' may be asked: Does Christian Science never fail? No true science can ever fail. One " may fail to Understand the science of numbers, or fail properly to ap ply this science in working" on, a mathematical problem. N6 one Will - ' assume, however, that because thef hia Wn a failnr to Understand Or nronerlv to aoolv this science of numbers the science of JhathemafieS has failed. Like wist there trie be a failure properly td Understand Christian Science. or a faihife prop erly to apply this Science hi the working out of i . ttfoblerh . under consideratt'6-i-but Christian Science never fails. Buic Error, - . " "System of religion and of medi cine which have appeared and disip ptared have finally disappeared be cause they were founded eithef pon 1 the personal reputation, or the" per sonal sense, of their originators, or upon the unworthy belief that evil is a reality witn power exceeoniB that of Rood or God; and that ftiet- ter, Bon-intelligent and inert, pos sesses the qualities of Life jfid JMrtd. Christian Science declares that God is the only creator; that real creation must reflect th , twmtt of th divine M.ndj arid tb mi ttntlMt rOAsists. fhefefot 61 spiritual of true iitii. Evn a spiritual St true idea, cdrisecjuefitty -' is hot a creatiofl 6f God. - Mother Charea htft . "Sbme wilt doubtless say; tfcaf t . safeguard ShdUld be established- to r.Mrt (Vi niihtic against misfepfe- Aotinn whit-R are mad in the , name of Christian SelenceY Mrs t?ja.. im .an 4nrMiti f nt nice a anc provided in the Miftual of TB Moth ruru ntcfMttv meastires to protect add tor Pfsetve Chfistfan ScitSftW, its' teaching, and ffi eterir sie. On who has eVeb named ttforr iiutl tiatti rif nattfd of rtiii Science kn6w that W the uu kn,iiii i held Mr ebedi ente td these simple rle, Ris dm onsffatton i ttccssl. - "AS the thougni 01 inauia been lifted uf with respect to ptiM rfikm and the Science of heaHftf, s6 trittst it be lifted up with resftet t ill things, including church nd chUteh government.'' , Paif EteW fat Trial in Aohbery of Fur 9t On their owit confessions td S6ic. Charles JSmiesori, Thirteenth arid Pacific streets, and Mark Vallone. 141S William street, we"f bound over t district tourt yesterday in Centfal police c6utt for bfeaking and entering and receiving sf61en goods, respectively, ' Both men were arrested by De tectives Walker nd Ffatitl followmg the bufglary of the A. Borioft store, 1409 Douglas street, four nights ago. Taraiesdft. eordinn td his ejnfej stoft.- A ood part bi the loot, f drs ...... 1f. 1. I . . . . . -s TM- and women s suk diohscs, covfed ift Vallone's Home, aecofdmg Tamiesen'i bond Wai set at $106 and Vallone's at $1,000. Crstmery Stockholders Fieht AiJiiflst Reeif er Stotlholders owning 2,355 shares of Waterloo Creamery company stock joined the company m its de fend against 4 application of five stoekh61ders Wr appointmefit of i receiver in district court at Council ill.iffl Wftii(tav. pMnre has been taker in the W several davs. The stock holders were represented by attor neys Who appeared m eort bat toefc no action until the case neared com ' n!tkiti. Theft thev" cast their krt with the company and asked that the ioelication be defiied. FWal written arguments are to be filed by January 21. Omaha Youth Stabbed in Holdup in New York L, (Ik Barlow Succeeds Wattles as Head of U.S. National Bank XT CfiA&ZJTS JZHAyZTS' Charles P. Hayes, son of Mrs. Charles W. Hayes, prominent Omaha club woman, is in a New York hos pital suffering front Serious knife wounds received when twd men at tacked him while he was Waiting 'n front of the Y. W. C A. building New Year's eve, It is believed that Hayes, who is art ex-service man, resisted the attack. His mother wa at a church a few blocks away from trs scene ot the atlacK, when it oc curred. Col. Patterson to Speak at C. of C. Luncheon Today Col. John Henry Patterson, who commanded the 38th Fusiliers of the British army at the taking of Jerusa lem,' will speak at a Public affairs luncheon at the Chamber of Com merce at noon today. His subject will be, "The Capture of Jerusa lem." Carl Baef, St. Lou?, founder of the productions bureau of the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce and a farmer, as well as banket and busi ness man, will speak Thursday noon. His topic will be "Business Funda mentals." . . ColWs Trial Postponed ; ( May Return to Pittsburgh . NewtOrt G. Cohn ci Pittsburgh, urider $25,000 bonds On a federal indictment in the Missouri Valley Cattle Loan ease, reported to the Unittd States district attorney's1 of fice yesterday. His trial, set for this month, ha been postponed and Cohrt probably will return to Pitts Durgn, wnere ne is new selling stocks until bis case is called, ac cdfdins! to T. C. Kinslef, U. S. at- tofiiey. ' i ri i ni mill I Mil ilrlef City New Maii flip to feurope-Mrs. George Brandela wtll accompany her hus band on t trip- to Europe tHM Wtri tef. they WHKsall rebroary it oil th Armani. , cetdjtsreAftet' teacR lnf 6aeer of S years; lii Ornahtt Clari F. Gooper, principal of the Wetate echoel. hka aJXed to b re; tired oft ft pension at the elos of the present- semester, January 87. Ottmm Be? Ctiosett'rweV iU feetorS for1 the posjtlSns vetd by W. A. Frasi nd ftobert H. Manley Will be ehoseri at the anhua! eleetlon pf the mah Athletic club, to toe field January H. Polls Witt be 6pen ftorii 11 at. m. to 2:30 p. m. , Pott to Be teft Vacant-trie osl ithii tit ihaatiftnr ht nnlfoe. varfttw! by thr detft oi Andrew Pattullo last Sunday will Hot be tilled at pres ent. P6Hee Commissioner Dunn an nounced yesterday. Th extf duties' of this position will fall upon the chief of police. Snei "Other Woman" A suit foe I le.efftr has bee,flled by Mrs. Carrie Wattles Still on Directorate Three Promotion Made at First National at An nual Meeting. " - i Three promotions followed th an nual meeting ot the board of di rectors at the First National bank yesterday afternoon, E. L. Drone, jr., was promoted from cashier to vice president; John H. Bextcn front assistant cashier to cashier and made secretary of the board of directors, and J. Frank McDermott was made n assistant cashier, ' Will T. Graham and Droste were elected new directors of ,th First National. Milton T. Bartow wis elected hairman of the board, of directors of the United States National bank to replace Gurdon W, Wattles, re signed, at the annual meeting yes terday. Mr. Barlow also was elected a vice president. Mr. Wattles, des pite hit intended departure from Omaha, will remain on the bank's directorate. - . Currie Named Director. Arthur B. Currie, coal broker, was elected an additional member of the I'nitcd States National's directorate. There were no-resignations from the board. John L. Kennedy will con tinue as president. The position of assistant vice president, was ereated for the first time in Omaha when Charles F. Brinkman, assistant cashier, was promoted to thajt posi tion at the United States National. The pro .tion of J. V Refregier, paying teller at the Omaha National bank for a number ofeyears, to an assistant cashiership, was the only change made at the annual meeting of that institution yesterday morn ing. - Megeath Succeeds Peek. j. E. Megeath succeeds George N. Peek on the directorate of the Mer- chants' National bank, this being the only change resulting from the an nual meeting. E. Z. Hornberger was promoted from chief elerk to assistant cashier at the Peters National bank. Barton Millard retired from the directorate of the Stockyards National bank at the annual meeting there yesterday. F. J. Enerson, already vice president, was elected a director to succeed Mr. Millard. ' ' C. V. Nelson wa elected a vice president of trie American State bank. He" has been1 unofficially con nected with the bahk during the past year.- : ' . ' Kinef Suit Settled. The replevin slctiott brought by Viola fcihei. 26171 Harnev street. against John M., rtiner brother of her late hu'sbandV and Mrs. Kiner, '2704 Farnam street, was adjusted m mynicfeat cotff f yesterday with out going to trial. The defendants acknowledged that a trunk, Suitcase and traveling 6ag taken from them by Constable F.- W McOinms fight fully belonged to Viol Kinef i Ritchie Sues for Value f lStricl R.uIing, ?n F.0,".1 , , isnieu iy rout e juago Persons who lotleii bonds in Cm. .f W't l . r I or wires Lost Dajga ;e A. S. Ritchie, an Omaha am l ey, filed suit in municipal court y er day against the M. and W. h'tet company for $W$ for the ot l.f traveling bag belonging to hit jvile, Fannie P, Kitehie. The Ritchlet were mail rin through Iowa lat July an I rid md at the Montrose hotel, CedC Rlpld. , Mr. Kiichie alleges his wiie tlbaf was not delivered to their .aprt-l menr. ' Among the valuable articles in thrl bag ire enumerated, one blue serge! drets, bought at Jacques, Ciicago.l $iJ5; one red wool sport suit, oht at Maiton Blanc, New York, $t)S; one eharmeuse dress, $85; one green enmon anernoon oreis, fyjj Me Irish crocheted Waist, $4S, and HHMh lingerie. , Woman Loses Ineuranej 1 Policy Suit to Sonets' District Judge Redick dlre-'Sd verdict yesterday for FranH Hyiif( who was sued for a $1,000 jntvfaiKjt polity by his mother-iri-law Mi S. Anna Ecker, mother of Loetlle Payne, whose death was responsitle for the arrest of Dr. Eliaabth Lyman. i' Mrs. F.cker alleaed that the beri- fidiary on the policy was fraudulently changed four, days before her daugh ter's death list August. The insurance company testified that to their knowledge there was rio fraud. tral police court and then attempt to reclaim them are out of luck. So ruled Police Judge Wappich yester. dy. "Too many people stray away from our fold to smoke or lotl about the hallways," stated the Judge. "Utrealter, their bonds will not be set aside but forfeited when they fail to appear promptly after their names re called three times." Radium if taken as a medicine, would have remarkable effects on our health, says doctor who has tested this theory. ' " f " Shotwell to Wage War on Punchboards A war on pnnehboards wilt . be waged by investigators of tlie coun t. attorney's office. County Attorney A. V. Shotwell stated yetfrJ4.v tlinl pumtiboartU are against the law and any Mors displaying such articles would bo ub)st to arrest and if convicted, fined (500. Shotwell said he would ak police to watch all cigar stores and pool halts. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. The Salvation Armv has 26.181 bandsmen, 750 day schools, and 41 natal and military schools scattered all over the world. ADVERT lOKMEVr. HAVEDAnW AND LOOK YOUNG Nobody Can Tell When You Darken Gray, Faded Hair With Sage Toa. Grandmother kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glossy and attractive with a brew of sage Tea and and took Sulphur. Whenever her hair on that dull, faded or streaked ap pearance, this simple mixture was applied, With wonderful effect. , By asking at any drug store for "Wyefh's Sage and Sulphur Com pound, you will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, all ready to use at very little cost. This simple mixture can be depended up on to restore natural color and beauty to the hair., A well-known downtown druggist Says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound now1 be'eause it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can telt if has been ii- pliedHf's so easy to use, too. You. simply dampen a comb of soft brush and draw' ft through the haif, faking One strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after an other appticatierfr of tw6, It is re stored to Its natural color, and looks glossy, soft and beaut if uf. - hiM ofder to prevent Mr LockwoJd Iron disposing of any property. tdtHHf ttndgct tfrwerrbe county ftttdtfei lof 1932 will b Much lower tb that evf last year, according to the statement of ft member of the board oi the" eotintV commissioner yesterday, it is estimated that the reduction will be) about liiou.t'we from the total of SI, 620,000 last year, Palmanlst Jailed Gust Palmquist, Fortieth and Wood streets was sen tenced to jail for 9 days today ml Central police Cottft - ?Hls wM, Bertha, who had been looking rot him since libt August to have hint punished for analleged fault upon. herself, iemd- tarn m ikfjahtf t police on a liquor charge yesterday. Alcohol Is Stolen. Btirilars broke into the fcnited States Chemical company, 300$ North Twenty-fourth street, Jdon day fcigbt and after catting the tele phone wires stole 7t gatkms oi Sko hol. teeording to a report made to police by C J. Condon, proprietor. 1 Nothing else was missing, Condon said.- GallofM of Mb Takes. DfScoVery 1 2,300 gal)cs ot fMsb in the etssio ot jot Mareeni, 341S Kftrth SiJrteeirth Street, Mem- d hrotuft about Iris transfer (0 district eontt H Ceatral poe t&m v,ai Seta. Frank MrhV iM his SMid arrested MareeitL Fedke ladii WacpfeH set the detWdaJIfS SALTS Fl lEFOf! ACHING IKYS We eat tod macil theat, which clogs Kidneys tftett the Btckhtirfo Mosf folks fOra-et that the kid neys, like thd bowels, get sluggish and clogged arid need a flushing oc casionally, else We have backaehl and dull misery hi the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, icid stomach, sleepless ness and all sorts ot bladder dis orders. Yon simolV triust keen tour kid- Beys ietive and eleas. and the mo ment you feel an ache or pain in the kidnev rftiio. sjet about four ounce of Jad Salts from ihy good ftrtior store herel take a tablespoon- ful iit a glass of water before break fas for a few days and Voar kid neys" will theti act fine. This fam ous salts is made from the acid of grape and lemon juice, fombined whh lithia, ad k harmless to flua clogged kidneys and stirmfhtte them to normal aeffnty. Jf also neutrah iies the acids dri the utine So it do longer irritates,- tbuS ending bladder disorders. lad Salts' is harmless: meoensive fiakes a deHghtfal effervescent lithia water drink which everybody should take and the to kee their kid ney clesn, tfros avoidinf Senoos njiirsimniiB&. A ell-fciioWn local drtfggist says he seBs lfS of Jad Salts to folks who beltere in OTfeoming kidney tfeoble while it Is ely trouble, Our January Clearance Sale of Pianos Has Broken AH Records InthdHistory of ThiaPim V ISfevef liftve we laitmched 4 sile tattt ha created r miieh eathusiisnl es tbi one, Fo$ld waflt )rieil7-tlfat iM dvidefit itd Wten giteft t&efi! frlees, flvt the tulvaBtftge" 6t toftlt-: -ingt'owMterHW.';.. '-.'Braild New and Sliihtlf Used PtOitat ai Unheard Of Fritest v r h pUrt Pianos 0385 Trmsj few p4p v mm US Slightly Vied Piano i ai Goad Oi New eVery IftstfurHent listed belo has bee tHereaghf overhtulci by eur factory experts and is in firSt-elass conditien Term at Low di $8.00 Per Month Basil KLafie, tJpright, Cable Ifelsofi, Upright. ttrnf Case, UtrrlgM,.! 68 ItM, Upright ........ 116 Hiilfle, Upright ....... US Vwe & 8cm, Upfipt. , , 125 Franklin, Upright ISO Mueller, Upright 175 Smith A Nilofl, Uprigtt 225 Chfefcering, Upright . . . 250 PricetTermi-All in Your Favor COME IN OR WRITE TODAY 3iahd If tW Uprights, an finish. $275 Brand Kew Orands, Brown Mahogaflj. $650 2TfS KlcFhaiL Vvtieht...... 260 Stettwajr, Upright .... 500 Chickering Grand . v. . . 750 Sohster Grand 1000 Hartfofd Flayer ..... . 325 Schmoller-Mnelier flayer 340 Your eld piano accepted ai part paynsnW- td $ years to gay the balance. Call tomorrow. Don't wart and be sorry, tig values, lew prices, asy terms are the dis tinctive features of this great ?re-irtvrrt6ry SSie, Scltmollw a Mnener F1b Go. Omaha. Kb. tofdieiStleo resSrefsg tfprfstif . ..Orasd.. ......... Playw, Aedftas Schmoller Ci Duel lor 1514.1.1 ft !aia hone Oesif tt 1t m. J)Jr$tw EVflRYDODYS STORE nraiixi 11. January Opportunity Offerings Wednesday in the Downstairs Store Women's Gloves 39 c Imported lambskin 2 clasp gloves in black only., SiZea 5 to 6 14. Most wonderful values. C Notions Wire Half F'ifld, hex, 5c ; In asSofted boxeft. Cfoelief Cottit, ball, 5c AriieTieari Maid brand, in white? and colors. Safety Pin, card for 5c Every Size. Elastic, . . .piece for 3c Large pieces- in black and white. Wash Edging, bolt, 5e Fast colors. Jiffy Pant. . .pair, 39c Every siie". Garters. . .pair for 10c Childrefi'S and ladies. " Darning Cotton .-.2 Vic Collingbourne, all colors. One Lot . .. .... .2gc - Tapes, hooks, eyes, but- , tons, thread, needles. BurfcM-Nsth DotrasfSirS Sters. u Great Clearance of For Women and Mints In Out Downstair Store This is not a mere per cent reduction, but a sweep ing' choice of 150 pf our splendid coats all included at this one remarkable price. All are lined fnany interlined some have great, snug collars Of self ma terial, others Vitb fur. All Sizes from 16 to 48'i, but not all sizes in every style.- ; fturftt-N4h Downstair Stors Opportunity Comes a-Knock' ing at the Door Opportunity comes to very maA and woman some time In life. The thing it to be ready for it and In recog nise It when it does come. In our basy department store world ' opportunity comes to many for economy buying during the month January for, like all house keepers, we must get ready for the new season, clear oat our old stocks and make way for the aew. It is a month of tremen dous interest. Our January Opportunity Offerings are here in every department of the store. THIS week we feature especially: Our Downstairs Store Depart' inentt. Domestics, Linens and Rug. DRUGS Assorted Tale. Powder,. 12c Perfumes, Assorted Odors, . ' ounce . 35c Compact Powder or Rouge ............ 35c lit gold vanity", with ptff f."; Shaving, Mirrors .... . .59o Primrose Cold Cream... 39c Hair Brushes,- large size .............. 89c Hand Brushes . . .20e gi urge t-ft ash DwnUir $tor. , Ribbon Remnants V2 Price All sorts of attractive ribbons which have been loft . from our great bolidaptrade,' in H to 14 -yard lengths, aU now at price. , ' iur-NMB DvwmtUirs Slor. ; Wonderful Offerings In Linens and Domestics ' v-m. . ' . ', BWs-r? ih Dowrirtafrt Store Shirts Wednesday While They Last 69c, Three for $2.00 Striped pereale, coat Style, with French 'euffs--also blue and gray striped work shirts. Nearly aU sizes in the lot. These are samples arid seconds won derful values. , ' BursS-NMll tinwamitirt Store 3 for $2 en's and Boys' are! Men's flannel ShtrU Men's and BdyV Work Shirts Mett'a ffoo et Men's and Boya Glove and Mittens Hoft' Flannel Shirts and BUtseeg 20 Less Men's Neckband and Collar Attached Shirts Men's and Boys' Sweaters Men's Hoae Men's Golf Gloves Men's end Boys Neckwear Union Suit, i Priw ' Medium and heavy weight, standard makes all sBgbtly soiled. Reduced one-half. Trouaer : 25 Discount One lot oi Men's and Young Men' Trousers at 25 Discount. Berf-NaB DtntUIn Stere