10 ( il Society i Foi.um-McDoruU Wedding at Manila . Mi.. Ruth McDonald, who lat wrck announced hrr engagement to Clirlc A. Kdhkmih of Stw Vork, cable, from Manila to her parent, Mr. and Mrs. ilenry S. MrUoimld. Ihat the marriage U to take place thu halurUay. 1 he wedding win ie at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. I'otttrnun, whie guest Mini Mc Donald hai been during her ttay in the Philippine. Mr. McDonald plant to voit her daughter tome time during the year. Mrs. Long Honored. Mm. John B. Long of Council j Bluffs has been honored with elcc ; lion to the presidency of the Went Central district of the Woman! Bap ' tit Foreign and Home Missionary aocirty. The district comprise! the stalei of Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska. Mm. Long! election came Tuesday when the board met in Omaha. She ban been active in the work ince it! organization here five year! ago. For Mrs. Baxter. Mis. Gertrude Stout entertained at an informal bridge party Friday aft ernoon for Mrs. Donald Baxter, who is visiting her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. W. V. SlabaiiKh. Saturday Mrs. George Flack will entertain at a small luncheon in her honor at the University club. 5: For Mrs. Nelson. Mn. Thomas Duffy was hostess Friday at a luncheon and Orphcum . party for Mm. Henry G. Nelson of r Minneapolis, who is the guest ot , S Mr. and Mm. L. L. Clarke. Mr. 'i Nelson will return to her home on Saturday. ' Mr. Lowden Honored. I. Frank .0. Lowden, former gov- . ernor of Illinois, was guest ot honor c Thursday evening at a dinner given at the Oniaha club by Norris Brown. . V Covers were laid for 10. Mr. Low- deu came from Lincoln, where he J spoke Thursday. W. R. C. Notes. , c George Crook Women's Relief corps presented the American flag to the Evangelistic church, Twenty 5., fourth and Franklin streets, last Sun 's, tlay. M'r.. Ellen Hall, patriotic in- Mructor for the corps, made the pre- : sentation speech. '': Mrs. De La Mar Hostess. Mrs. Harold De La Mar was hos- tess at a bridge party Thursday. Mrs. - De La Mar was formerly Miss Luella J' Peterson and has been spending the ' holidays with her parents. i? Luncheon for Sewing Circle. vi Mrs: Amos Thomas will be hoste? :? at luncheon next Monday for the Junior league sewing circle, of which she ii a member. r Sixty-six Club. The Sixty-six club announces that j! vhe dance planned for January 14 !C iias been postponed until January 28. - ' ' Omaha Woman Describes ;- Her Impressions of Werrenrath. . Mm. Hoxie Clarke, secretary of f the Tuesday Musical. club, was oue of an audience which crowded Car is Jicgic hall in New York ouc Sunday a, in November to hear Kciuald Wer st, renrath sing. "He is very clever in I arranging his program and has a ;:: fiost pleasing personality," said ?.frs. Clarke of this baritone, who ii t3 appear at the Brandcis January j. 19. under Tuesday Musical auspices. "The tiling that appeals especially ? to an audience is his stage presence, '? his mental poise as well as his mu- sical poise," Mrs. Clarke said, i . "He sings with ease and great charm, and never sacrifices tone for j his high notes. Thay are so celt s' tcred that oue hardly realizes how 7 high they are. His program that day was largely classical, with a T sprinkling of the modern futurist 'J music, in which he is interested. But he was perhaps, at his best in the old time songs, which his audience clamored for as encores at the end : of the program. He graciously sang ; six of these old favorites including, : "Danny. Dee ver," and then an ! nnunced sotto voce to his accompan ist, "I've got a date, with my wife," and .made his escape." ' , Personals Mrs. J. E. Helms of Webster. S. D., who has been visiting relatives in the city, left Thursday for her , home. , ' Mr. ajid Mrs. John J. Cassidy an nouncJthe birth of a daughter, Kath leen Pucile, on January 6, at the Stewart hospital. Miss Elizabeth McDonald . and Miss Mary Findley leave Sunday evening for Bradford academy, where they arc in school. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hill left Thursday .evening for California to snend the winter with Mrs. Hill's sister. Mrs. II. R. Hill of Redondo Beach. T.ipntpnant and Mrs. R. H. Filllev of Langlcy Field. Va., announce the birth of a daughter January 4 at the Methodist hospital. Mrs. Fin ley was formerly Miss Irene Shcp ard of this city. Mrs. C 'E. Fuller was called to Hollywood last week by the illness of her sister. Mrs. Fuller will re turn next ' Tuesday to Oniaha and she and -Miss Mary Fuller will take a short trip to Chicago. Senator J. B. Kendrick of Wyo- ming spent Thursday in Oniaha cn route to Douglas, Vyo. ' He is the president of the Amercian National Livestock association and will at tend their meeting next week in Colorado Springs. N Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Crofoot leave Saturday for San Francisco, where they go to meet their daughter, Mrs. Harold E. White, and Mr. White, who are expected to land January 11 at that port, en route to the states from their home at Calcutta, India. Mrs. John Quincy Adams arrive'1 Wednesday to spend the remainder of the week with Mrs. Julia James and Miss Frict'a Lang. Mrs. Adams is en ; route from her home in Halifax, N. S, to Dallas, Tex., where Mrs. James wit! join her in February. Mr. Adams f a former Omahan. BA"B' BIIIKFX KKUTT temKM My Marriage Problems AaWta) Uarrlau' r ttuiM at "REVELATIONS Oh A WIFE" Th Nwi Dicky Broached to Madge I waited tensely, atmo.t breathlm ly, for Robert Savarin'a reply. U.d I hopelety blundered by my talk to him and made thing! harder (or Lillian? Gr ills hand MI heavily on my ihoulder, and I saw affection a"d gratitude as well ai misery in the brown eyes looking down at rue." "You're a wonderful girl. Madge," he !aid, "and a loyal friend. And I will do ai you ask. But don't let her lip away from me. Some time! I fear" 1 took him by the coat lapels and khook him soundly, as if he were Dicky or Alfr.d Durkee instead of the famoui artist" of whom I alwiys had stood in awe. "You need fear nothing if you"! have a little common sense,' I said hotly. "Just remember that it i as absurd for you to object to Lil lian'! work at it would be for her to wish you to drop yours. And jealousy of the men who confer with her in her profession or her govern ment work is as absurd a! it is un just. In Lillian! heart there is but one man youl And you ought to know it." A Changed Outlook. I could have laughed aloud to sec the titter amazement in his face I released him. 1 do not think hU dignity had ever been so upset be fore. And then there came a gleam of very human mischief into his eyes, and before I could dodge him he had pinioned both my arms, and had stooped and given my check a hearty kiss. "There 1" he said. "Perhaps th.it will teach you deference to your ciders. But, seriously, dear girl, you have helped me far more than jbu know. I have been a little morbid lately I am afrail And I know the remedy one which I have known I needed, but which I "have shrunk from taking. This has decided me. Take Lillian home with you. I will make no objection. And you will hear from me soon, in a way that I think will surprise and please you. And now, if you will pardon me" He was gone with his usual court ly bow, and I looked around the kitchen wondering if I were dream ing. There had come over him a briskness of action, a quickness of decision, a cheeriness which I did not know he possessed. He was like a person emerging from an icy shower bath, and I felt a little glow at my heart at the thought that I had been instrumental in changing his point of view. r had no time, however, to specu late upon the thing he contemplated doing, which he had said would sur prise and please me. My heart was full of vague uneasi ness about conditions at home, the knowledge of which I was sure Lil lian was keeping from me. As I turned to leave the kitchen after Robert's departure, I saw Lillian and' Dicky passing the open window with Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Not Sure of His Jjovc. " Dear Kiss Tali-fax: I am 18, and in love with a man of 21, but it seems he doesn't' care for me. Re cently he has been very sick and I went up to his house a few times to see him without an invitation. Do you think I did right? ' GRACE.' Kindness to those who are 111 or In trouble is just the warm hu manness we all ought to show. Don't question whether he loves you or not. but Kive your friendship when it is needed. This may bring you the sincere regard you crave. If it doesn't, at least you have made an effort to treat another human being well. Don't force your courtesy. You will know whether or not it is welcome. I hope you took some one with you when you called. ' Kinship. ' Dear Miss Fairfax: What relation would my husband's brother-in-law bo to me? Also my sister-in-law's baby? MRS. C. V. No relation. He would be your sister-in-law's husband. The baby would be no relation, though you could very properly call yourself "aunt" to your sister-in-law's baby. J. T.: To every happily married couple the wedding anniversary is a day of more moment than the birth day anniversary, and then the wed ding anniversary party is a great deal more important than a birth day celebration. . Sometimes the aim is to reproduce as nearly as possible the wedding ceremony and original wedding party. To that end as many as pos sible of the original wedding guests and bridal party are assembled, bridesmaids and ushers of the origi nal event coming from miles away to do honor to the day. The time set for the anniversary is then placed at the exact time of the wadding and sometimes there is an attempt to have the bridal pair actually re married by the very minister who fitter iC Established 1886 L,PAoneW0188 Choice Pork Loin Roast, per lb. Fresh Beef Tongues, per lb. niue Efll Flour. 24-lb. sack 93c Genuine Jtaple Flavored Karo Syrup, fine for Pancakes, 3 cang for 5Q Silver Gloss Starch, S lb. wood- en boxes, each 7t Tall 1-lb. cang 1M Monte Red Alaska Salmon. 2 cans ..574 Imported Turkish Layer Fig3. Pgr lb 43 Monarch Orange Pekoa Tea, vou cant beat it. per lb. ....494 STRICTLY FRESH COUNTRY EGGS, per doien 454 Suasbine Krispy Crax, 4-Ib. cartons, each 564 All package sugar wafers at less than pre-war prices. . , , ' ATWOOD GRAPE FRUIT. Americas quality grape fruit. They stand the test. 3 for 29 Cheap coffee is false economy. M. J. B. Is the most economical coffee on the market. It goe half again as far as anv other. Save money by buying the best Packed in one. thrve and five-pound cans by . special process that keeps contents absolutely fresh. Nothing on the market like these cans. M: J. B. coffee, known as the QUALITY COFFEE OF AMERICA. Per lb. can 504 A Friday Order la Yonr f;aarntre f Prrmmal Atteattoai ul Early DELIVERY S4TIRDAV We a n rulibi d and adorb!y rcttored Junior following thrui in Marion charge. -Let Me See" Dicky! hrad was bent toward her, and Lillian was talking emphati cally.' but in !0 low a tone that I could not catch a word of what the aid, and knew that no one else but Dickv coiikl hear her. I hoped that the had gained the knowledge I to wiuhrd. And with thii hope and the knowledge of 'Robert Savarin'i changed attitude I went in to supper in far more cherry mood than I had thought possible. Across the table Lillian'! eve! met mine, and he gave me a signal im perceptible to any one else which told ine that everything wa! all right. I wished that I dared to give her a similar !ignal, but I knew that ,he would not understand it, for I did not think she knew of my talk with Robert. And, of courae, I could not have told her even if he had icen us talking. It wai Robert! privi lege not mine to tell her of the difference in his outlook. Mr!. Cosgrove, despite the khort notice she had received that this was to be our last iupper of the year with her, had found time or had time to prepare iome of our favorite dishes, and we all lingered over the supper table, loath as one always is to say goodby to pleasant associa tions. And we knew that this was our real goodby, The morning meal would be simply a scurry. Just before we finished, Dicky spoke in my ear. . "Ship the rest, leave Junior with Marion, and come for a little walk with Lil. She wants us." There was something in his man ner that brought back all the old uneasiness, and I lost no time in obeying him. As we three started toward the brook, I saw , Robert Savarin's disappointed look, and knew that he had counted on -talking to Lillian himself. So I de tached myself long enough to whisper to him: "As soon as you see Dicky and me again, go down to the brook. I'll tell her you're coming down." He smiled his assenting relief, and I hurried back to my. husband and my friend. When we had reached the brook, Dicky spoke: "I didn't want to tell you of this before we started, Madge, but Lil lian thinks you ought to know it, so that you can be planning what is best to do. But I received a letter from Mother yesterday, which this time I cannot put down to hysteria. Either Katie has gone out of her mind, or else " He hesitated oddly, and I put out my hand "Let me see the letter," I said worriedly. A Bridge Luncheon. Mrs. James McCord entertained eight guests at a bridge luncheon at her home Thursday. made them man and - wife years before. While this is a very pretty cus tom it is best not to attempt too great imitation of the original wed ding, as it may be less interesting to the guests than to the bride and bridegroom concerned. And lor all practical purposes it is best to give the party in the evening, no patter at what time the original wedding was held. For the first anniver saries when the original bridal party may be assembled the nicest anni versary is a little dinner party at which the bridesmaids, maid of hon or, best man and ushers are present. Foi such an anniversary the invita tions should take the form of in formal, friendly notes.- For a large evening reception the cards should be worded foamally, either written or engraved. They might run some thing like this: , "Mr. and Mrs. Walter Watts : ' At home, February 20,' 1918, Tin Wedding. : 100 Oxford Street." If you have a card bearing the name of husband and wife the recep tion invitations might be written on that card. . , -. . Ixioking for a Friend: The Get Acquainted club, which meets at the Unitarian church every- Sunday evening, is one place where you can meet friendly people. The First Presbyterian church has a similar club. For information regarding it consult Miss Nell Garloch, 3345 Har ney street. There are also Y. W. C. A. classes and the Girls' Commu nity Service building in the Gardner building, Sevenetenth and Dodge streets, where meetings are held every night. Judging from your let ter I think your best opportunity for making friends would be with the Big Sisters' organization. Mrs. H. E. Toedt. 219 South Thirty eighth avenue, Harney 4816, secre tary, will tell you more fully about it. Let me urge you to join a Y. W. C A. class. . ,' : : -v & 280103 3amam .-...204 jg Arizona Solid Head Lettuce, 2 for 25C Snow White Cauliflower, ea. 25 Small Sweet Navel Oranges, 2 doien for 494 Very Best Creamery Butter. per lb. 4Q lX"l Monte Minnesota Crosby Corn. 3 cans for 504 Crystal White Soap, new large bar, lb bars for 594 : Th- Hixhst Crada Maara En Noodlas, SptrrMtti ! tbar Macar6l Product rwr THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, JANUARY 7. 192 Dog Hill Par agrafs I " "O.. D: t 1 mJ uy vjvui a. viniiini The TiiUille Urn-. lin U fc ttitiuntf into prominence, 111U now art triiiis the tttcntiou of both tnaa an4 brast, it having: caused a team of mulct to run away last Saturday af ternoon. The Old Wiser of Musket Kidse, who don't have anything to do with anybody, stuck his head out of the door today for a little airing but took it back and slammed the door vheu he saw Ellick iiclwangcr pass ing. There was some little talk for a while of straightening some of the kinks in the Tickville railroad track, hut if it had been done the train would have come in earlier and that would have upset the time tabic. ,ommon Sense By J. J. MUNDY. Are You an "Early Bird." To get up early in the morning is the hardest job you do. You mention this fact every time you are called to breakfast, if not in so many words, in so many grunts and grumbles. But if you knew that by getting up at 6, say, every morning, you could pick up a baby bond, or its equivalent, would you. not feel more interested in the story of the "early bird." Ycii say you are harassed by in terruptions all day long and it is hard for you to get your work done well because of these interruptions. Then why not get up and do all you can before obstacles beset you and make it hard to accomplish, the day's work? A certain hardware man, the pro prietor of the best and biggest store in his town, is at his office before the office boy, who is paid to "open up" in the morning. . When the clerks arrive, he , goes witn victor kas madwbreai n' butter more popular than even - .2000MISUU1V7,': Douglas 3940 The Shrewd Housewife S1: ops at the Table Supply The Greatest Possible Values Always Await You Here We Urge Comparison Pare Cane Sugar. 5 lbs, for 25c I Omar Flour, Red Chili Beans, 4 lbs. for ..............25 Reid Murdoch Corn, per can lltf Reid Muruoch Tomatoes 12 Peaches, Apricots and Plums, close out at 15 Prunes, extra fancy, 30-40 size, per lb 21 P. G. Soap, 10 bars.... 63 Carnation or Pet Milk 10 Campbell Soups, per can 10J C rand ma's Macaroni and Spaghetti, 4 for 25i Meat Values That Will Attract Many Housewives on Saturday Fresh Beef Tongues V.18V Fresh Dressea. Spring Chickens. . .29V Fresh Ya or Ortman's Bakery . Products Citron cake, Fruit Cake. half 404; cake 73" Pecan and Maraschino Poum Cake, each 30 f Pecan Nut Butter Rolls, per pan 25t Cinnamon Rolls, do 20 Beef Roast 100 home to hrrukfuxt, rc.uli tlie morning llcr to know hew la he intelligent ii iiirn drop 111 duiinis the lUy. Hut it i- the tily iiioiiiini; hours uhiih! keep him in touch with every liue of hi Im-iiiris, li -l e.hl. list, tntem-Haiml Kmlur. ! Aft .KTItr.MKT. WOMAN TOO WEAK TO WALK Now Works Nine Hour Day. Mia L PidthaoV Vegetable Compound Restored Her Strength Union Village, Vt-"I was weak and nervous and all run-down. I could not walk across the floor without resting, and I had been that way tot weeks. 1 saw your advertisement in the paper and af of Lydia E Pinkham'a Vege table Compound I felt the good it was doincr me and I took seven more in all. lie tore I fin ished I was able to work nine hours a day in a steam laundry. 1 cannot say too much in favor of your med icine. I trust all sick and suffering women will take i t. 1 1 has been two years oince I took it and I am strong and well." Mrs. L. A. GUI MANN, Union Village, Vermont. This is only one of such letters wo are continually publishing showing what Lydia E. Tinkham has done ft women. Mrs. Guimann's letter should interest you. , Many women get into a weak, ner vous, run down condition because oi" ailments they often have. Such wo men should take Lydia E. Pinkham'c Vegetable Compound at the first e'pt; of trouble. l V.r4S.Jv Tiytnis J k -. W TW fm, to heal - 7f) yoursKin A pure ointment that has brought joy to thousands tortured by skin disorders 5oo!hinq and He-Jinq r lour jPuDji Wis, ' '' your ffrocer has Victor Flour , "CRETE MILLS"CrteM;. V V- NjtSTAailSHIO tu EVENTHWTH Butter, extra fine table country, per lb. ..35 - Meadow Gold and Seward Butter, per lb. 42t New York American Cream Cheese, lb. . . . ,27t Ankola, Coffee, 3i lbs. for .....SI. 15 Santos Coffee, 5 lbs. for ....98 Advo Jell, 3 for 25c Grape Fruit, 54 size, 3 for 25 Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. for 25 Extra Fancy Head Lettuce, ..10 and IVthii Choice Ripe Bananas, doz 29 Pork Shoulder Roast .ll1. Spring Lamb Legs 23 Hams whole Pure Ren dered Lard 3 lbs. 32 Young Veal Roast 150 Cigars Just Inside the Door 10c Girard. 3 for 25v Box of 25 S2.GC '!:C Girard 10 Box ii for 82.35 '.c Girard 12H Box J5 for 83.00 amela and Lucky Strive Cigarettes, carton .-81.75 Perfectly Pasteurized Milk 11c Ql Why Pay Morel- Fur i Binnlha the Omah ' Milk Co. hat been rvina hun , ilred ef home, wild I'orftrlli. rnuuriwd Milk at 11 crnta thi quart. i- "Omaha Milk" ! pur., rich , whole-urn euw'a milk, produce1 ! in Douglm County. At our Itlant, it ia IntH, clarifltd. an.l ) inrn itniuicaiJ7 . aMurikca and coolad. , Wt aro now In a poiltlon to rrvt mora bomaa. Tha offin or our delivery aalvtman will b ' nld lo lv you a fraa tamplv ' quart to enmpar with your proa rut aupply. Wa deliver moal cvarythinc In tha dairy Una. In rludln. Da by Milk, our "Jer- Brand." Omaha Milk Co. produeta art' quKilty product!. Wa do not put out a chriQ trad ot milk aa a -aubatituta for our regular paa teuriied Ho milk. Let Ui Be Your Milkmen Omaha Milk Co. WEBSTER 0127 "Omaha's New Dairy" Basket Stores Special Sale Continues Thousands of Omaha house wives are taking advantage of this forced sale of first-class gro ceries at wholesale prices. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity to save on your win ter's supplies. This sale applies only on pres ent stock, which is fast disappear ing as our customers realize the bargains we are offering. Stop at your neighborhood Basket Store, stop at the Basket Store at your transfer point on your way home, stop your auto a any one of the 25 Basket Store? in Omaha and Council Bluffs. Stop and Shop. BASKET STORES (PIANOS U TUNED AND P , REPAIRED ' All Work Guaranteed A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Douglas. Tel. Doug. 5588. And Back, BurnedSoCould Not Sleep, Cuticura Heals. "When my baby was two weeks old he began breaking out with blis- rm rs. Mer me blisters 'lLi scaled over and itrhM--i burned so that he could not sleep day or night, and cried almost continually. ''JlWS i H1S a8 nd back were affected. His clothino- seemed to aggravate the eruptions. " The trouble lasted two months. I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and after using one cake of Soap and one box of Ointment he was healed." (Signed) Mrs.'M. W. Quarles, Laingsburg, Mich. Cuticura Soao. Ointmrnt anil T1. cum are ideal for every-day toilet uses. fampla lack Ttn ar Mall. Addreaa: "Catiem Ub. Oflo:lil, Sant. E, H.Ian il 5! Smti. Ti-Saf 3oi''2fa- Ointment a and Wc. Talcum c. zs-e' uucara soap aaavaa without aat. We Deliver to Any Part of the City, 48-11). sack .'.'SI. 79 Dold's Sugar Cured Lean Bacon 24Y& 55. 1 i-ni-rV1f,iCc. CHY BUS TERS Slue Bell Flour, 48-Lb. sack . . 1.69 we seii Skinner's the highest grade Macaroni, Spaghetti, Egg Noodle, and ther Macaroni Produeta. 'Bowens Valuc-Civing Store hmy. Furniture Values All this month the II. R. Bowcn Co. offer quality furniture for every room of the home at exceptionally low prices. Living Room, Dining Room and Bed Room Sets 'and Odd Piece 'all are to be had here at money-savingrices. What ever your 'needs may be in homo furnishings, you will find choice selections at the Greater Bowcn btore. 1 1 Queen Anne, DINING ROOM SETS Consisting of 50-inch Buffet, 54 inch Diner and 6 Chairs a Each piece in this set is made of selected wood, carefully fin ished, and is a set that would bo prized in any home. A CO-inch Buffet to match above can be had at small additional cost. Four-Poster In . Waxed Mahogany Here is a very attrcftive four-poster bed, it is the full size 1 f 1 1 I ... . A I. .' I. J n Jin.jH.KA maae OI select DUllu-up Ulllieuaiuil blulr, iuiibiicu hi a uiih.iiiii.itc shade of mahogany. To see this bed is to want it. So made that it will give life-long service and satisfaction. To get the comfort able and restful sleep that you should have we suggest your getting one of these full size Colonial beds. It will add to the beauty the small room as well as to the large. Worth-While Values all this month in Vanity Dressers These Dressers are finished in walnut, are well made and will give years of service. Dressers have ' large back mirrors and two swinging side mirrors, with two drawers on either side. All this month priced at the Bowen Tnoney-saving &A.A Cfl price of Ptt.OU Extra Large Plaid BLANKETS This is a most opportune time to buy Blankets cold weather is here and protection while asleep in the way of comfy blankets is the best pre ventive against colds. Priced during January at the Bowen Store, at $2.45, $2.98 and $4.98 all can afford new Blankets. It Pay "Howard St., Between 15th and I6lh Walnut Finishc i i $110 Bed $39.- Finish January Lace Curtain Values You will save money by accepting any one or all of these Curtain Values: Ready-to-Hanjr Curtains, in Marquis ettea and Voiles made up complete with Valences lace; per pair. 7QA during January... ,IJ7C Full size Voile Curtains in cream and ecru, hemstitched hems. These Cur tains are very serviceable, and are offered during January 7C at, per pair sa.a Plain Marquisette Curtains, in cream and ecru; edges trimmed with lace and hemstitched; per pair, - . 1 QC January price, per pair T1,UJ Overdrapes of Cretonne, all ready made and ready to hang; 1 no January price, per pair..... fl,i,a Imported and ' Domestic Curtain Nets : values up to $3.75; now (t QQ priced per yard, at, only. . . . White Enamel Porcelain Top Kitchen Tables Nothing could be nicer for the kitchen than one of these porce lain top Tables. Each table has spacious center drawer, and are Big Values at our January low price of $5.95 to Read Bewsa's Small Ads I i ! I ! i i 1 . if