U - THE BKK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY t. IU22. 11 . Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day nday fleoelpte orriiui mi Kstimat 1 ue,la Two days this . Mam lul woaa .. Ka.i.e I . ago , Mam I wk, , Pm year agj . ..ii Acrliili and dlapaalt.144 th Inlon iw-k yards, vll) i hour sliding al 1 p, j:s. .JtECEIPT CA. festorlc al i Nl'., for ....ilanuary 1, aat.t w rat. .Hog Hherp Financial January I. Ham hhc-p mii :.f,o MM ll." 1 J.l.0'1 (4.(31 Wbah .Mo. ar I'ulnn I' I'., J'r ..... Bv.... I'lfie H N. W.. Ry., -. a w. Ry hi. i m a w .. H. Q lt., . t .. K at U. Ry r)j .. R. I. i V., oast T ".. K. 1. P.. weal .23 Illinois Central Ky..2J J Total reipt.. .1 IMHPOnl" J Armour Co. . , I 'ulahy I'acUlna . I"lil Jacking Morrl Packing HKAIV : '11 1 ' 1 H IS u it ,'i a l : s i no 7i Hwlft Co.. .1. W. Murphy... hwerla t'n. . . , l.llirtiln Fa.k!.,. Wlla.., Park.... gln Paikil..,, llUKine fair. ... l'llr.,an bi... M ty-.rowl"h .... M.Jwaat Pau.,., P. O'Daa.i.... 'uiaha Pa Co. . .lohn Rot f-'o. OmarVall. ... Kolheihu Co.... li. M. B n. II. Co .... K. 11. Horn.... I 'iirt'at king t'o. !." :t'CU.l . 0 - . . . " h.-k I hrialla Ston . . k Kraticl v1a A; "o. ...... . - fltihn Harvey , . , Munmni.r tk Oliver ,. T. J. Jngtirew ........ V. II. Krllogg I'. 1 T.ewi .1- B. Ront & Co Milllvan Bros w. b. Van Sunt AV Co.. Werthrlmar ae liegen .. Other buyers t'uitle Hogs BItt'ep 1H 81 2S IpTH 44 17 37 3D a 19 15 .1 II! 2 J 33 7 103 10 7;.i 4.1 64 II 19S 126 22 1H 29 54 370 a 1. 7 11.1 7(13 1.417 2. !. 'jili 3.213 731 :::::i I , Chicago Grain Omaha Grain 3.710 Tola! 3,767 8,444 10,638 1 Cattla Receipts. 3,0(10 liead . Supplla Inurpaaail a little today, iiartli-ulnrly lu the beef end of tlie trile, but the de mand atao showed more breadth and movement of the cattle was more actti'o at prices that were atronfr to 10&2bla hlcher on ateera and steady to 1015o up on she stuff. The advatice was lim ited mainly to light and hundy steers and the better irrkdea of cows and heifers. Heal good yearlings reached 37.60. Sup ply of atockern and feeders were light and trade was fairly activo at good firm flgurea. Quotations on rattle: ' Good to choice heev?s. 3.6687.76 fair to good beeves. $5.tj&iJ.ftO; common to fair beoves, 35.0') 05.60; fnir to good yearlings, 36.00(ij7.00, S.60; fair to good yearlluga, J6.00W7.50; ommon to fair yearlliiKa. 35.1'U6.00; good to choice heifers, 35.606.25; fair to good heifers, 34.26)5.50; choice to prime rows, 34.6005.00; good to choice cowi, 34.00)4.50; fair to good cows, $a.2oi) 33.90; common to fair cows. 11.6002.00; good to choice feeders. 36.00(416.40; fair to good feeders. 35.50$?6.00; common to fair feeders, J4. 75635. 00; good to choice stackers, 36.15O6.C0; fair to good Block ers, 36.75'uH.lO; common to fulr Blockers, 34. 7605. 60; stock heifers, S4.005.25; stock cows, 33.00(94.00; stock . calves, 34.50Q7.25; veal calves, 34.5003.60; built, stags, etc., J3.004.60. BEEF STEKRS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 834 $ 5 7S 26 934 6 00 3 1082 6 25 22 sji 6 40 26 870 7 50 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ft 626 6 60 9 .- 476 5 75 9 333 I 10 18 691 6 3a COWS. - 16 1175 . I 65 34. 14. ..,..1248 4 25 7. HB1FERS. 15...... 683 4 75; 6. 16 1022 3 S5 6.. 8 777 I 25 BULLS. . 1 1760 3 60 1......10O0 3 75 1 ...... 730 4 60 i . Hogs Receipts. 3,I(I0 head. The mar Tcjf t opened strong today with early tfad dLf 16 shippers of ftto beat light hogs at 'Srlces mostly 16c higher: ' These ho?s ved at 36.95407.06. with top price of J $7.10. Other hogs sold mostly at prices steady to loo higher with packers mak ing more liberal purchases today. ' Light hogs sold mostly from 36.807.00; mixed loads and butcher weighls, $6.256.75; packing grades, $5.506.25, and the ex treme heavies down to 35.25; bulk of sales was 36.65 7.00. HOuS. . 904 .1035 .1011 . S3S No. Av. S6..401 6S. .270 25. .268 70. .216 75. .203 77. .173 Sh. 110 3 140 Pr. 6 Ed, 3 40 6 75 90 7 00 . 7 10 No. Av. 46. .284 67..2S3 79. .210 73..2S2 83. .190 Sil 70 110 Pr. 6 23 6 50 6 S3 6 95 7 05 Sheep Receipts. 8.000 head. The fat lambs' market was active today at prices generally steady; top lembs to shippers selling at 310.75 and with bulk of sales to packers at J10.2610.60. Feeder lambs were fully a quarter higher with on-i string going out at $9.75 and another at $9.90. The aheep market was steady to strong with some ewes selling at $4.35 and some heavyweights of medium qual ity at $3.00. Quotations on Bheep and lambs: Ciood to choice fat lambs, $10.2610.76; fair to good fat lambs, $9.5010.00; good to choice feeder lambs, $9.259.90; fair to good feeder lambs, $8.769.25; cull lambs, $5.26)6.25; fat yearlings, 36.008.10; fat wethers, $4.50T5.25; fat ewes, $3.004.36; feeder ewes, 33.50 & 3.S0 ; cull ewes, $1.00 3.60. , , FAT LAMBS. No. Av. Pr. 233 fed 76 $10.60 , Chicago Livestock. Chicago, Jan. 3. Cattle ;Reeelpts. 7. 000 head: beef steers, strong to 25c hlg'h er. mostly 25 to 40c higher thsn last week's close; top. yearlings, 39.00; best ainatured steers here, $8.75; bulk, beecf steers. $6.75tf7.75; she-stock. mostly, steadv; bulls, firm; veal calves steady, considering quality; stockers and feeders, slow, steady. Hogs Receipts. 3,000 head; light and light butchers, largely steady to 15c lower: others strong to 10c higher than yesterday's average; closing active; ship pers bought sbout 15.001); holdover mod erate; top. 38.25 for light lights: practical top, on lights, js.nu; duik. t.'itai.ii; pigs steady to atrong; bulk, desirable, $8.108.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 15.000 head: best fat lambs steady; medium fat sheep and medium good fat lambs, steady to 25c higher: lambs, top. $11.66; bulk, $11. S0W11. 65; fat ewes top, $6.00: bulk. $5.00 J 5.50 no feeder sales up to noon; talking steady. , Kansas City live Stock. Kansas Cltv, Jan. 3. (U. 8. Bureau rf Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 9,500 head; alt classes around steady; undertone weak on beef steers and she stock: medium weights steady, $3.00: others. $3.407.60; better grade cows, $4.M'5.00: common and medium, mostly $3.754.25; bulk good canners, $2.60: most bulls. $3.35 4 00; top vealers, $9.00; packers, $4.55 000; good light feeders, $6.50. Hogs Receipts, 3.000 head: shippers buying 140fe22-pound hogs, steady with, yesterday's shipper market; $7.35 psi.l for l0rl75-pound weights; $ 85fj7.1S for 190jr210-pound weights: others o packers, in lie higher than yesterday's average; packer market, best kind to packers, $.sP4t6.8S: bulk of sales. $6.54 tj 7.23; top. $;.35; packing sows and pigs low and weak. Sheep Receipts. 5.S06) head; sheep, steady; IOC-pound shorn wethers. $5.50; lambs, strong to 15o higher; fed west erns, $11.2. . Sloax City !! Stork. Sioux City. la.. Jan. 3. Cattle Re ceipts, 1.500 hed; market strong: fed steers snd yeariinirs. $7.009.00; warmed .vps. 14 50 7.0; fat ows and heifers. $3.50r7.O: canners, $1.003 00; Teals. 33.506 OS; feeders. $4 suet. M; calves. 3 .1.50 in 6.35; feeding cows and heifers, 32.59 6 4.50: stockers. 31.00! .dl. Hogs Receipts. head: market, steady, 10c hlsher; light lights. $7.15: mixed. 3Otf7': tieavj. 3i.25gi.5C; bulk of sales. $.$! 7. . fiheep Receipts. l.09 head; market leady. ft l.ana St. Jearph Joseph. Jan. head 1M Stark. J. Cattle Receipts. market, slow, arenerally aieaar; sirs. tt.iviri.t?. n n?u f rs. 33.354! 1.6: calves. $;.$ T.aa. 1 Hoga Receipts, head: market. I generallj ateadjf top. $7.0; ba.k. 34.3 I 7 . I Kheen Race rta. . head: market. 11?. J SF ll.SW a: ty to strong; Kanni City. J. J Btti CreTi- rr. lft lower. 4lc; park'.r;. Zc loin-, 15c. r c i try l nco n . ns Ab, By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES, t hlntgo Trlhune.Unialia, Bee IMd Wire. New. York. Jan, 3. If the market on the first business tUy of January were supposed to strike the lu:y fur the year's finance, today's movement of price would hardly have been a clu-ertul omen; for, Hocks declined, bond drifted uncertainly, foreign exchange went lower and the wheat and cotton market broke shariilv, but the idea that, except for a down ward trend of money rates after the yearend settlements, January markets represent anvtliinsr else than con tinuancc of midwinter condition al ready well defined, i not seriously entertained by anybody. The larger influence,' which shape the financial situation, rarely come into sight until the approach of spring. Today's markets, moreover, were affected by a particular incident which would have had the same general results on the markets if it had occurred at any other time. The precise miture of the difficult!1 which occasioned the taking over of tin? two Fort Dearborn Institutions by other Chicago brinks, was not made clear m the dispatches of toduy or iMouday. On th face of the news, the case appeared to lie the familiar trouble of "family domtualloij" tn the affairs of a fiduciary instiiuiion. Ah to that, however, wa sha'l uouunena have more particulars hereafter Regarded In lis relation to the financial position as a ahole. It may at nnca he Kld of the occurrence that tha manner in which the enibarrsHHiucut was mt't by the nauKing community is as distinct a mat! of renxsurance as was the action of tho banks in tho much more disturbing mer canttlc bank of tho Americas affair last aummcr. Kpisodes Are Nlmllar. Tho first Inference drawn from both epl sodes undoubtedly had to do Willi tho slraln on certain undertakings which was left after the violent credit readjustment ct a year and a half Bgo; hut tho second and not less obvious inference was the strong condition of tho banking organism as a whole and Its power and readiness to nvert the situation, which usually follow difficulties of the sort. There Is some point in the reminder that the very week in, which the trying situation of last August in New York came to a climax was the time when the general business situa. tion was changing for tho betler. It seemed to be today's belief that both the weakness In tho cotton market and the 6 to 7 cent break 'in wheat are con nected, sentimentally or otherwise, with the Chicago incident. How far It affected prices on the stock exchange cun not be said with assurance: a stock market which had been moving ao largely under the auspices of professional speculators is al ways moro sensitive to anything of the kind than a market which has been mov ing In response to actual developments in tho situation. follow Exploitation. The character of last week's stock mar ket, however, was such as "might have foreshadowed reaction in any case. To day'a decline of lrjii.l points occurred mostly with those industrial stocks which had been extravagautlx exploited during the past few wcoks. It was emphasized by a reduction in eastern oil prices, which, though apparently a routine Incident of the. trade, greatly disconcerted that specu lative fraternity whoso Ideas are more powerfully affected by the price of petrol eum than by tho rate for money or the results of an international conference. In the main .the bond market moved exactly as' it did last week, with both advances and declines, but on the whole with predominance of speculative realizing. Tho money market, changed, very little; it rarely does so at this time of year until the largo shifting of balances incident to the end of December settlements has been completed,'" but "the evident tendency was toward lower. ttrates. Insofar as bond mar ket prices are' Influenced purely by: the course of . money' rates, it was natural' for that market . also to remain without es sential change,- To some extent the same remarks .may. be made -regarding today's moderate . downward,, reaction. ' ia foreign exchange,'' "'..i"). . . . New York Quotations Range' of prices of '-'-.the' leading stocks furnished by Logan & Bryan,. Peters Trust building: . -.-. : '"... . rails.' ''.:.;; ' ' .;' -; ..' : . ''.;. .,.-.." Sat'dy Hlgh.-'Low.,-Qlose. Close. ....SV . IHt'Hi . 92i Ohio. 34V4 84 ' 34 34i Pacific,. 120 119H 11954.120 7314 " 73H 7314 7 55 10 73 H p.; & A T & S Baltimore Canadian N Y Central flies & Ohio .. . Erie R R .-. . . Gt North'n pfd L'ht Gt West'n.. j. 6 Illinois Central 98 Kan City South'n 23 Missouri Pacific... 17V& N Y. N H A H... 134 North'n Pacific Ry 77 Chi & N W .. 63 V4 Penn R R 34 , Reading Co ...... 72 Si C, R I & P '.. 32i South'n Pacific Co 73 Southern Ry ; 14 Chi. Mil & St 1. 19ii union Pacific. Wabash i By CHARLES MICHAELS. Ihirags Tribune -Omaha Bee Wire, Chicago, Jan. 3,Tlie closing or the two Tort Dearborn bank started general liquidation in all Brains. Later rumor of trouUle led to renewed littudation by soiiie ol those who bought early and prices broke badly and closed about tlte bottom with ret losses of 0 l-8(a7c on wheat, 1 3-8(ftl l-2e on corn. I 1-4 f&i 3 Be on oats and S l-2c'on rye. House with eastern connections started to sell wheat at the start and (lie waves of liquidation continued until the close. At no time was there a moderate rally while toward the last the market became almost demoralized a the result of un founded rumors. Stop loss orders in profusion were uncovered. Mew Low level, July wusat dropped to a new low on the crop and finished at tha bottom to Sc over. There was heavy buying of .May and selling of July by a strong coin, mission house, but this failed to prevent a narrowing of the difference to lOe. lloutino developments were Igbored throughout the day and reports of export business and buying by cash houses were without effect, although later In tho day the seaboard claimed Mn.oOO to S00. lioo bushels hard winters and Manitoba had been sold abroad and Omaha sold Sou.OuO bushels hard winter to the gulf. At no time were prices as high as the previous day's close. Tho decline early was rainy orueny pui wnen me oni'im orders fn May In large s mounts com menced to como tn througti commission houses with eastern connections tho mar ket gave way and at times seemed almost devoid of support. Dry weather continues in tnc soiitnwfHt and further damage reports wore re ceived. An increase or ai.vun ousneis in the visible supply attracted no attention, although the trade generally had been expecting a decrease. Milling demand was slow In all markets with sample values 3 to 3 lower wltb Omaha leading. Reflect Wheat Action. Tho corn and oats markets simply reflected the action of wheat. Scattered lluuidat on was on and witn stop toes orders uncovered on the way down. The finish was about the bottom. Cash houses sold May corn ss a neuge against purchases of grain In the sample market and In tho country. The latter let so a great deal of corn during the rtav as a result of the reduction In freight rates and the trade anticipates much larger receipts late this week. Kxport uemana became fu r y Brisk on tne tiecnne wiin sales of 176,0.10 bushels here, while Omaha and Minneapolis sold around 100,000 bushels each. The seaboard claimed 400, 000 to 600,000 bushels sold. Purchases for Russian relief purposes will be ma lo tomorrow, the quantity depenumg on me price. Loral arrivals were 68J cars corn and 151 cars oats. No export business developed In rve, although there was some Inquiry at Du- iitn. Futures" were aneoieu uy me na tion of other grains. No sales on spot were reported with No. 2 grades quoted at 46c under May. Pit Jiotes. Wheat hulls were conspicuous by their absence on the curb tonight. The drastic decline of 6 to 7c during tne session wlDed out about the last vestige of cour age and aggressiveness they had. Illinois was oriering corn qune neiy today, but generally dealers' Ideas on price were a little over the market. On the -other hand. Iowa sold quite freely. The shipping demand was slow and buy ers appear to be aisposea io wait developments. The monthly provisions statement showed total stocks of cut meats 63,000. 000 pounds, against 62,971,000 a month ago and 88.000,000 pounds a, year ago. Stocks, of lard made since October X aggregate 4,507,000 pounds, against 2, 801,000 pounds a month ago and 13, 347,000 pounds a year ago. The year opens with the hope that oany of our troubles are a thing of tho past and that conditions surrounding the trade itself, rather ' than those on the ouside. will govern." said Barltett- Fra zier. "The eventH of the last few days are apt to temper the ardor of people bulllshly inclined, although the direct re sults from the Wagner failure and the Port Dearborn bank difficulty 'are not apt to be particularly harmful . to . any body." r Broomhall cabled: There Is a moder ate and steady demand in the United Kingdom for foreign wheat, especially afloat and for prompt shipment." Omaha, January 3, Some of the spot sales were made on the basis of old billing and some on the basis of the new. Corn and oat sold on new billing ' brought around Saturday's prices, while ili.it sold on old billint; went at around a cent under Saturday' price. Kye was 2 to 3 cents lower. Barley wa nominal. No uhcat was sold in the earlier part ol the day. The future market sullered a considerable de clinc ami the weakness of the future was reflected in the cash. WHBAT. These rai.h an lea were "ported No. dark hard winter; i car nw billing). 31. OS. No. hard winter! 1 ear (smutty, old Biningi. si.vi; i car isinutiyi, ll.ao. No, 4 hard winter: 1 car (smutty), lie. i dark northern spring; car, No. t dark northern aprlng : t car (amut lyi. sec. No, 2 hardt car (durum), 33c. No. t mixed! 1 car (durum), 12c. CHUN. No. 1 white; ! car (new billing), Jlo; i-a car ioio. Dining, sac. No. 2 white: t car (new billing), lie. No. 1 yellow! 8 cars (ntw billing) Sc; I car, osc. No. 3 yellow: 4 cars (new, special bill Ins). 3St4c: cars (new blllluc). Jtoi I cars (old billing). SSRlc. wo. a yeuow: car (new miitng), lie. No.. 1 mixed: 1 car (new billing). 3e. No. mixed: ( car (new billing), 39c: 1 car, 3 Sc. No. 3 mixed- 1 car (new billing) S3o car (old billing). :sr. , OAT.. No. S while: 1 car (new billing) JD'.4o. No. I: 1 car, 70c. No. 3: 3 car (heavy) 70c: i ears (new billing), 70c. HARLKY Rejected: 2-5 car (old billing). S6c. OMAHA. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS, (Carlots.) "Receipts Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley Shipments- Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley Receipts Wheat Corn Oats Shipments Wheat Corn Oat . SKI ,55 'A 1014 10 . 73 i. ' t 97 23 1714 . 12X 761, 6?V 33 7 Hi 3114 781, 1814 1814 65 10 !a 7314 it r l'Hi 12 '4 7614. 6214 33 H 714 3114 23""4 17'4 l:l 77 63'. 33 72Vi 31s 7S14 - 78 1814 ' 184 184 19 .126 1264 12514 126 .614 614 6?i 14 5 384 9414 664 26 64 32; 43 2714 '6074 9614 36 824 04 44 1514 26 384 25V4 27 174 14 61 94 B5T4 25 fit 324 45 2714 984 3'! 82'4 304. 4914 44-4 1514 26 33 25'4 27 14 14 61 6 STEEL. Am Car fk Fdry 145 145 Allls-Chal'ers Mfg 3914 384 Am I.oco Co 108 103 103 utd Alloy steel... UK 25U. 25:, Baldwin Loco Wk 98 Beth Steel Corp... 57 Colo Fuel, Iron Oo 25 Crucible Steel Co. 671 Am Steel Fdrys... 33 Lackawanna Steel. 4614 Mldvale Steel,. Ord 28 Pressed Steel Car Rep Iron, Steel C'o52 Ry Steel Spring... 99 Sloss-Srtef Stl. Iron 36 Utd States Steel.. 84 Vanadium ' Steel.. 31 i COPPERS. Anaconda Cop 11 In 60 48 Am smlt. Rig Co 45 Chile Copper Co.. 16 Chino Copper Co. 27 Insplrat Cons Cop 40 Kennecott Copper.. 26 Miami Copper Co. 27 Nev Cons Cop Co. 15 Ray Cons Cop Co 15 Utah Copper Co.. 63 INDUSTRIALS Am Beet Sug Co. 35 Atl. O & "W I S S 31 Am Internet Corp 41 Am. Sum. Tob. Co. 34 Am. Cot. Oil Co... 21 Am. Tel. & Tel... .115 Am. Agr. Ch. Pro. 31 Bosch Magneto ... 36 Continetnal Can . . .... Am. Can Co 34 Chand. Motor Car.. 50 Central Leath. Co. 31 Cuba Cane S'r Co. 9 Cal. Packing Corp. 69 Cora Pr. Rfg. Co.. 93 Nat. En. ft Stamp. 36 Famous Players ..73 Fisk Rubber Co... 12 Gen. Electric Co.. .140 Gt. X. Ore 31 Gen. Motors Co.. ...10 Goodrich Co 36 Int. Harvest. 81 Am. H. I., pfd.. 69 V. S. Ind. AL Co.. 39 Int. Nickel 12 Int. Paper Co 62 Jsland Oil 3 Ajax Rubber o... Kelly-Spring. Tire 411 Key e Tire & Rub. 17 Int. M. M-. com... 14 Int. M. M. pfd 5 Mexican Pet 113 Middle States Oil. 13 .394 108 . . S5V 9Sli 57 i " 25 66 34 '27 65 61 99 37 84 31 49 45 16 27 40 26 '14 15 (3 Pure Oil Co. Willys-Overland .. PacificT Oil Pan-Am. Pet Pierre-Arrow Royal Dutch . .... V. S. Rubber - Am. Sugar Rfg ... Sinclair Oil & Kfg. S. ars-Roebuek Co. Stromberg Carb. .. Studebaker Corp. Too. Products .... Trans-Cont. Oil ... Texas Co. ........ V. S. Food . Prion Carbide .... WHeon Co.. Inc.. Vrtingfaoiis El. Arcerirao Woolen Total sales. S67.5 3N 47 S2 13 60 54 S 21 4 29 4 3 It 43 11 43 : " 11 if. Mener close. 5 p"r cent. Marks Close. .052; Saturday close, .H'lU'. Rt'ri.ag Close. I4.:i: Saturday close, 14.31. Kaaaa City Hay. Kansas City. 4aa. 3. Hav Choir al falfa. f;.2J.: No. 1 Trir.. 11 "p li: No. 1 timothy. 3i:.S914.i No. 1 clever. !;- tl lii. 31 31 34 29 29 31 39 39 41 33 33 33 21 214 21 114 114 115 29 29 30 33 354 35 47 32 324. 24 48 49 49 30 30 31 8 84 69 69 70 93 C3 97 34 34 364 75 75 78 12 12 12 137 137 .... 31 31 32 9 IS 35 35 36 79 79 83 58 58 Sfi 38 38 40 11 11 11 6" 50 62 2 . 2 2 li 16 17 26 36 45 15 16 17 13 13 13 : 62 54 108 109 113 12 13 13 33 35 38 5 6 6 45 45 46 49 49 62 15 13 13 49 49 60 62 52 64 54 64 5 19 19 21 1 61 C4 34 87 37 ft 83 61 ' M 63 ! 1 11 43 43 4-? in 10 10 41 41 44 s 2 : 49 "49 ' S0 78 73' Sl Foreign Exchange Kates. Following are today's rates of exchange 1 compared with the par valuation. Fur-. nished by the Peters National bank: . Far Austria Belgium Canada Czecho-Slovakia Denmark England France Germany Greece Italy Jugo-Slavia ...... Norway Poland Sweden Switzerland .... Valuation. ... .20 ... .195 ... 1.00 .27 ... 4.86 ... .193 ... .238 ... .195 ... .195 !27 !!! .'27" ... .195 Today. .0005 .0775 .9525 .0160 .2020 4.20 .0805 .0058 .0420 .0438 .0041 .16 .0004 .2625 .1950 New 1'rirk Cotton. New York. Jan. 3. The list opened higher In the cotton market today only to react sharply,, the market's technical position being ;mucli weaker and south ern selling increasing. Prices were forced 30 to 40 points under , Friday's closing level, after an opening gain of 15 to 25 points, when more liquidation and profit-taking than could be absorbed came into the ring around midday. In the early afternoon a part recov ery took place. - But the rally did not hold and the entire list made new low ground for the day. at & loss of more than 60 points, or c a pound, In many options. Western- Interests, as well as Wall street operators, were heavy sell ers in the fourth hour. The weakness and unsettlement continued to the end. which found the market under heavy liquidation, 75 points net lower. Spot cotton was quiet. 80 points de cline, 18.65c for middling upland. Sales 300 delivered in contract. Today "Wk. Ago Tr. Ago ... 32 61 11 ,..38 127 162 ... 13 IS 47 ... 7 14 .. 1 t Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago .. 14 27 17 .. 42 69 35 ... 4 18 .. 0 4 10 .. 0 4 I PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS, (Bushels.) Todsy "Wk. Ago Tr. Ago . 806,000 921,000 608.000 .1.634,000 1,695,000 1,225.000 , 660.000 667,000 664,000 Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago 278,000 365,000 688,000 672,000 818,000 366,000 367,000 866,000 376,000 CHICAOO ItECETPTS. Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat S 17 37 Corn- v . . .". 173 196 659 Oats ". 7S . 80 28 KANSAS C1TT RECEIPTS. Today Wk. Ago Tr. Apo Wheat .V...225 258 754 Corn 67 87 137 Oats 14 13 47 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Today Wk. Ago Tr. Aco Wheat 95 129 409 .Corn. 167 151 171 Oats 48 33 7 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RKCEIPTS. Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Minneapolis 186 ... 110 Duluth 13 ... 62 Winnipeg 617 ... - 510 OMAHA STOCKS. Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat 2,277.000 2,222,000 891,000 Corn 771,000 718,000 325,000 Oats 2,873,000 2.804.000 1,211,000 Rye 611.000 -496,000 39.000 Barley 18.000 26,000 ' S3.000 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co., DO 2627. Jan. 3. Art. Open. High. Low, Close. I Test. Wht. May 1.14 1.144 1.07 1.07 1.15 : 1.144 1.08 1.15 "July-" 1.03 1.03 .97 .98 1.03 ' J 1.03 ....... .97 1.01 May .88 .88 .82 .824 .88 ' July ' .82 .824 . .76 .86 Corn May .53 .53 .62 .62 .53 .63 .'52 .63 July .64 .64 .63 .634 .54"m, .64 Oats May , .38 .3841 .37 .374i .38 38 July , .39 -.394 .38 .38 .39 Pork- , Jan. 14.80 Lard Jan. 8.70 8.70 8.60 8.60 8.70 May 9.05 9.07 8.97 8.97 9.07 Ribs " I " i Jan. 7.75 7.75 7.67 7.67 7.80 May 7.95 7.95 7.87 7.87 7.95 Minneapolis Flour, ' Minneapolis, Jan. 3. Flour Unchanged. Bran $20.00. Wheat Receipts, 18S cars, compared wi'h 110 cars a year ago. Cash No. 1 northern, I.18T4 1.23 ; January, 51.13; May, $1.13; July. $1.10. Corn No. 3 yellow, 38c. Oats No. 3 white, 28290. Barley 384Sc. . Rye No. 2, 7071c. Flax No. 1, 31.931.99,, . ' Visible drain Supply. New York, Jan. g. Tha visible supply of American grain shows the following changes: Wheat increased 37.000 bushels; corn Increased 1,711,000 bushels; oats in creased 457,000 bushels; rye Increased 328,000 bushels; barley increased 186,000 bushels. Omaha Produce 1 1 Bonds and Notes Kurtllihsd fc Htsl of Nebraska, depart. Risnt of sgriculluis, bureau ot inarasU nd marketing! UVB rOULTRT. Wh'sale Wheal Uuyln villu Price. I'rlc. litagt illio:o .viflji2 Nprlng liana, light. Ilena, heavy locks i llueka (iseas , Turk) 3 flu .170 ,:o .100 .Ng .140 .3V .23 .21 .14 ,2 .1 .3 Ntas , Hl.ring Hens Cocks .. 1'uck , Geaa ,, Turkeys I'lttNSUD POl'l.TltY, Select No. I No. Crack , Kg, case count. Par raie 11 00 CI 1.60 Storage V DUTTRIt. 1W I2U .SO ,1:0 .1110 .34 1 fcUUK.' .4UQI ,37 .38 .300 .13 .350 .1 it 84 .1 ,-1 .23 .41 Creamery, prints. creamery, tub, . Country, best ,., c'ountry, crea'ery Duller fut, station prlc tf. .32 0. ,130 .IMS .24 0 .130 ,il0 .SV0 .mo 10 , .24 0 .: .inns .:'w .21 v .av ,40 ,44tt .330 ,:i0 ...0. .320 .430 ,42U .250 .220 '4 .23 .14 .: .4ft .30 .30 SO .3 3u .4. .17 .49 .31 .30 Chicago Produce. Chicago. Jan. 3. Butter Lower; cream ery extras, 38e; firsts, 31tg)37c; seconds, 2830c; standards. 34c. Eggs Lower; receipts, 9,728 eases; firsts. 3939c: ordinary" firsts, 3436c; miscellaneous, 37 38c; refrigerator firsts, 32 34c. Chicago. Jan. 3. Potatoes Weak; re ceipts. 155; total U. 8. shipment. 426; Wisconsin, sacked round white, $1.601.80 cwt.; ditto bulk, $1.7001.85 cwt.; Min nesota and, Michigan sakecd, $1.601.76 cwt.; Idaho sacked rurals. $2.00 cwt. lried Fruit. Xew York,' Jan. 3. Evaporated Apples Nominal. Prunes Firm; California. "616c; Ore gons.. 6 14c. Apricots Scarce: choice. 24 25c; extra choice. 25'26c; fancy, 31 330. Peaches Few offered: choice. 13 0 14c; choice, 14 15ic; fancy, 17t& 20 c. Raisins Quiet; loose Muscatels, 14 16c; choice to fancy, seeded, 14 0 loVic; seedless. 184rle. Chicago Storks. The following quotations ar furnished by Logan & Bryan: Armour & Co.. pfd " Sl Armour Leather Co.. com 12 lbubuv racninx . Cw com ,, ol Continental Motors Libby. M.Neil Libby Montgomery Ward. Co... ....... National Leather Swift & C. Swift International ., Union Carbide Carbon Co 4 13 1 Sl 20 43 New York Money. New York. Jan. 3. Call Money Strong; high, 5 per cent: low. S per cent; ruling rate, S per cent; closing bid. 4 per cent; offered at per cent; last loan. S per cent. Hime Loans FrTin; $0 days. $(; J days. SS 5; S months. Eij.6. Prime Mercantile Paper 5 $6. New York, Jan. S. Foreign Bar Stiver 64 c; Mexican dollars. 48c New York Sns-ar. Xew York. Jan. 3 The local market for raw sugar u c,ulet today and while there were no sales reported there wre offerings at quoted prices of 1.13o for Cuba cost and freight, equal to 3.42o for centrifugal. ... Raw sugar futures closed t point net higher with January at 2.04c; March, J.14c; Mar, 3.3o: July, !.47e. New York Poultry. ' ' Xew Tork. Jan. 3. Live paltry Weak: chickens. 243e; fowls, tliztc; ro-ostere. lc: turkeys, by express. 45c. , Dressed Poultry Weak: western chick ens. 25(i4?c: fowls. Ier31e; old roosters, 14 6 21c; turkeys. AiHilr. 4 . IJiwenl Oil. - i " Daluth. Minn.. Jan. s. Unseal-, oa track. LtCl.ta.c; srriT. c St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, Jan. 3. Wheat May, $1.06; July, 96c. Corn May, 60c; July. 62c. Oats May, 38c Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Jan. 3. Close: "Wheat May, $1.00; July. 82c. Corn May, 46c; July. 46c. Chicago Poultry. Chicago, Jan. 3. Poultry Alive, un changed; fowls, 1726c; springs, 23c; turkeys, 38c; roosters, 16c. 0 Uwi5HAi. eitv ttw j DIGEST ot the Revenue Act 1 of 1921 , A carefully prepared analysis of the provi sions of the Law with useful tables for com puting taxes. Free on request. The National City Company Omaha First National Bank BMf Telephone 331s Douglas 300 0,... II AY. Prairie: No. 1 upland, $10.10011.00; Ma S upland. $9.00010.00; No. S upland, $7.00 .D0; No. 1 midland, $10.00010.60; No. midland. $S.GO&.(0; No midland, $7.0 ?.00; No. 1 lowlann, IS.OOifl 8.00; No. lowland. $7.0008.00. Alfalfa: Choice, $I8,OO01S.OO; No. 1, $16.60U14 50: standard. $i3.004c 16.00; No. t, SIO.60wll.DO; No, 8, $9.00010.00. Straw: Oat. $8.OOfc9.0O; wheat, $7,000 1.00. FRUIT. (lly Gillnsky Fruit ( onipanj.) KansiiaB: 1'cr lb.. 8c. i ileum's: .Sun- Met, am and larger, $8.50; 360, $6.0u: 388-324, $6.60. Oranges, choice, 178 and larger, $6.50; 200-216, $5.00; 250-288-324, $4.60. Lemons: 200-270 Uunktat,, $8.60; 360. $6 00; 300-270, choice, $6.1.0; 360, $5.60. lirspe fruit. Dr. Phillip', 80-70- 4. $S.ii0: 64-46-38. $5.00: Uataway. 80- 70-64, $4.60; $4-46-38, $4.60. Apples: De licious, extra fancy. 64-72-88-100. $5.00: choice 100-113-126, $4.00; choice 138-150- 163. $3.60: Jonathans, extra fancy, lull and larger. $3.60; extra fancy, 163 and smaller, 3.2; fancy, 160 and larger, $3.25; fancy, 163 and smaller, $3.00; old fashioned Winesaps, extra fancy, 138 and larger, $3.76: extra fancy, 160 and small er, $3.60; choice 88-100, $3.50; choice 113- iz-i3S. $3.2i; choice I50ir.:i, 13.011; choice 176, $2.75; choice 183-200-225, $2.60: Staymen Winesaps. extra fBncy, all sizes, $3.35; fancy, all slZ'ia, $3.00; choice, all sizes, $2.76; Ben Davis, choice, all sizes, $2.50; Yellow Newtown Pip pens, choice, all sizes, $2.60; basket ap ples, coo'ers. 82.50. Cocoanuts. sack lota, $6.60; dozen lots, $1.25. VEGETABLES. Cabbage: Crate lots. 4c: small lots. 5c. Unions: Large crate. Spanish. $8.00: small crate, Spanish, $2.75. Sweet po tatoes, hampers or baskets. $2.00; Gold en Glows, selected, $2.50. Potatoes: Ne- nraska on os. 20: Minnesota Ken River Chios, plain, 2c; Minnesota Red River Ohlos, branded, 2c. Celery: California, crate, rough, $7,00; ex. Jumbo blue rib bon, doz., $1.76; Jumbo red ribbon, doz., $1.50: m.dlum J white. $1.25. Lettuce: Brawley's head, crate, $5.00; other brands, crate, $4.00; doz. lots, $2.00; leaf, doz., fOc. Cauliflower: Crate, $2.60. Cucum bers: Doz., $4.00. Roots: Parsnips, car rots, lb., 3c; rutabagas, lb., 2c; beets, turnips, lb.. 2c. w holeaala prices of beef cuts are ss fol lows: No. 1 ribs, 23 c; No. 2 ribs, 22c; No. 3 ribs, 17s: No. 1 loins, 26c; Mo. loins, 23c; No. 3 loins. 18c; No. 1 rounds, 14c; No. 2 rounds, 13c; No. 3 rounds, llc: No. 1 chucks. 9c No. chucks, 9o; No. 3 chucks, 7c; No. 1 plates, 8c; No. 2 plates, 7c; No. 3 plates, 6c Honey: Case, 24 frames, $6.00. Dates: Dromedary, 86 pkgs., $6.76. Cider: Mich igan, keg, $7.60. Nuts: Missouri hickory. lb., 4o; No. 1 peanuts, raw, lb., 9c; No. 1 peanuts, roast, lb., lzc; jumbo peanuts, raw, lb., 12c; Jumbo peanuts, roast, 15o; saned peanuts, pall. 13o; salted peanuts, carton, 12c. Cracker Jack chums: 100 plain. $6.75. prize, $7.00. Xew York General. New York, Jan. 3. Flour Market un settled; spring patents, $6.7587.26; spring clears. $4.50(3)5.25; soft winter straights, $5.6O6.S0; hard winter straights, $6.25 6.5. Cornmeal Market, dull; fine white and yellow granulated. $1.65(1.65. , jauckwiieat Market, steady; Canadian and American, $1.95. Wheat Spot, market weak: No. 2 red. $1.17; No. 2 hard, $1.164; No. 1 Man itoba, $1.25, and No. 2 mixed durum, $1.07, c. 1. f. track Nsw York, to arrive. Corn Spot, market, weak: No. 2 yel low. 64c: No. 2 white, 64c and No. mixed, 63c, 1. f. New York, all rail. Oats Spot, market easy; No. 2 white. 47c. Hay Market, quiet: No. 7, $27.00 1 9.00: No. 2. $25.0027.00; No. 3. $23.00 25.00: shipping, $21.00 23.00. tops Market, quiet: stale lszi, fiw 40c; 1920, 20ig23c; Pacific coast 1921, 25fj32c; 1920, 2224c, Pork Market, quiet: mess, 124.000; 25.00; family, $28.0030.00. Lard Market, easy; middle west, 19. .40. Tanow .Market, urm: special loose. 6c. Rice Market, steady; fancy heads, 67c. Liberty Bond Price. TVew York. -Ten. S. T.ihertv bnnda nt noon:.3s, 95.04; first 4s, 96.98 bid; sec ond 4s, 96.34 bid; first 4s, 97.08; sec- 4s, 96.36; third 4s, 97.44; fourth 4s, 96.98; Victory 8s, 100.06; Victory 4s. 100.06. Liberty bonds closed: 3s. 95.00; first 4s 96.92 bid: second 4s, 96.40 bid; first 4s, 96.94; second 4 Us. 96.14; third 4s, 97.30; fourth 4's. 96.72; Victory 3s, 100.04; Victory 4 3, 100.04. ' Turpentine and Rosin, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 3. Turpentine Firm, 76jc; sales, 69 bbls. ; receipts, 315 bbls. ; shipments, 1,366 bbls.; stock, 12,-' 593 bbls. Rosin Firm: sales, 1.040 casks: receipts, 1,811. casks; shipments, 10,370 casks; stock, 1,247 casks. Quote B, D. E. F, G. U. I., $4.10: K., $4.80: M.. $5.20; N., $5.40; W. G., $5.00; W. VT.. $5.90. Xld Asked A nice. T. T. . 1;1..I"0 1" Aiuerl, u T. T. , li:4 19 Anaconda 7- 19IS 100 11 Arniour 1s, 1S30 101 103 Hsigiau tiuvi, . 1141. ...103 14 llelsisn Govt, !s, 1141. 104 104 Hlhlr brill Nil. 7s, 1I.'..U0 10 llrlll.li $a, 111 1 .10 100 Hnll.ll , 1i: 91 91 Canadian North. a. '44 107 I1KV4 C. II, to IJ Jt, , 1934. M 107 Cllll ks. 1941 1l 101 rviiinark ss, 146 107 101 lU l-out ?s. I$31 103 104 ' Kremh Is. 1843...,, 19 loo reach 7. lltl 94 4 K V. Goodrich 1915.. 14 11 Ooedyesr Is. 1941 11" 110 Gt. North, 7. 1934 107 10$ Jap. lt 4 a. 1923 17 $7 Jap. 4s, 1931 7 13 Norway I. 1940 101 lot Vw 1111 Id 1B1I 1II7U in N. T. Central 7s, 1930. ...106 107 Penn. Ry, 7a. 1930 lot 101 Venn. Ry. . I93 104 104 Hw. Bell 7a, 1133 100 100 liwlft Is, l:t 100 100 Kwlft 7s, 1881 101 103 (Swiss 8S. 1940 114 114 V. 8. Hunhrr 7, 1830. .104 104 Vacuum oil 7, 193$ 18 104 Western Villon a. 193( 104 107 WeatlnihouM 7s, 1931. ...106 1"! Uruguay e. 1948 13 103 brasil , 1841 104 104 Appi Ylt.d I OS III ' .3 8 4 T.la 7.04 Hi 4 74 1.4 t 4 .13 1S 7r ' 4.90 I 00 8.04 3.0 I : $ 11 $ 13 7.1 I $7 111 III $.16 1.16 8.86 I 71 64 4 VI !7 .',$ 1.12 7.16 Til Mew York Produce. Nev York, Jan. 3. Butter Firm; creamery, higher than extras. 40O41o; creamery, extras, 48c; creamery, first, ii !3IC. Kgga ( naettled; fresh gathered extra firsts. 43046c; do first, 40042c. t'lisese Hteady; stste whole milk, flaiH. fresh specials, 31w23c; stale whale mllll twins, specials, 21Q'22c. TODAY All Thl Week rn ROBERT B. VJI antelL AND GENEVIEVE HAMPER Mat. Today "A You Lik It" Tonight "Julius Oesr -Repertoire I Thur. "Hamlet" Fri-"Mcbth" Sat. Mat -Merchant of Venice" Sat. Eve. "JuUu Caesar" Evenings, B0c-$l.00-$ISO and $J.OO MataToday and Sat. 50c, $1.00, $10 Three Gala Night I 4 A TO Thiiro J H II. I I II 111 A. BEGIN The Supreme Mistrei of Her Art CJANE n owL in the Nation-Wide Comet)- Triumph "Smilin' Through" DDIPITi Evening, 50c to $3.00 rrllwW s.t. Mat.. 50c to $2.50 MAIL ORDERS NOW SEATS MONDAY, JAN. 9, tO A. M. CinCAX''' THfc BEST IH VAUOCVIUf Matinee Daily 2:15 Every Night 8:15 George WHITING and Sadie BURT 'INDOOR SPORTS" George Dameral, Myrtle Vail A Co. RAY and EMMA DEAN Sam Adam and J. P. Griffith Michon Brother MAURICE DIAMOND and HELEN McMAHON Topics of the Dayt Awop'a Fables; Pathe News. Matinees 15c to 50c; aonn 75c and $T Sat. and Sun. Nights 15c to 1; fl.Za Sat, and Sun. Automobile Number 113 Wins Two Free Tickets Today. EMPRESS LAST TIMES TODAY DREAMS: A Study in Beauty, Grace and Color; ROSS A FOSS. "Juit Muiic;" FITZGERALD eV CARROLL, "Th Last of the 400;" FOX & CONRAD, Melodists with a Sense of Humor. Photoplay Attraction, "Experience" "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" lOg-t t tfJfi: M Nit Today Good R.Vd Seat 50c START THE NEW YEAR LAUSHINO 430 SEE cooper's BIG JAMBOREE Sftl With Burlesk't Favorlta Ceandla Frank Hunter iSoVr. AVS MORE LAUGHS THAN QUAKER HAS OATS 20 GIRLS WHO CAN SIN0 AND DANCE Ladies' Tickets. 15c-30c Every Week Day Sat. Mat.-Wk.: Jean Bedini's "Htrrest Tims" (new) 4 Profitable Ways to Trade in the Stock Market Wkkfc is bnt ariseted Stack Prmkse Partial Parment Maraiaai Trading Qatritnt Parchasa it our I'm Book tec Nv II tell yvm. PAUL KAYE VIZrgVi WsW PVsdt tsars kaal 4t fiaoarresifM Updike Grain Company OPERATING a large, up-to-date Ter minal Elevator in the Omaha Mar ket, is in a position to handle your shipments in the best possible manner L e., cleaning, transferring, storing, etc. -MEMBERS- Chicago Board of Trade Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce St. Louis Merchants Ex change. Kansas City Board of Trade Sioux City Board of Trade Omaha Grain Exchange OFFICES AT OMAHA, NEB. LINCOLN, NEB. HASTINGS, NEB. CHICAGO, ILL. SIOUX CITY. IA. HOLDREGE, NEB. GENEVA, NEB. DES MOINES, IA. MILWAUKEE, WIS. HAMBURG, IA. KANSAS CITY, MO. All of .these office except Kansas City and Milwaukee are connected with each other by private wire. . It will pay you to get in touch with en of our office when wan Use to BUY or SELL any kind of grain- W (alktt your consif nroenta ot alL kinds of grain to Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kansas City and Sioua City. Every car receive careful personal attention. Updike Grain Company "The Reliable Consignment House" New rk 4 off re, Ni W ' York, Jan. 'His iitsiket for of tr .fuiuio tn1 si a 'I .lam of 4 l.i f pninis rpnti of hi a her llio ex hall, rales, but lllulo u nut IUi 0 buying sitil price soon HaWnil on re port of li.o.r nilir. I iiuoiaiiou In lliaill 4 in simpailiy with UihIIumi In oih.r i-omnioUliy markets ami the iitistlll tul lug of slo.'ka. luy oll oft from I too to i tko ami lbs market vlosed at a U'l il.vllii or 1 In i point.. Hal.a wsre sail. mated at about il.tloA bags. January, He( Har. h. .'.; May. 4.W; July. 41u Keptenibr, 1.4ii'i . Ut'tooer. I 4irj lierntber. ft.io. Moot eoft.a a ivtMiileil In nio'leral nei.i.ml at I'io to u lor Klo 7 and t:lo to t:So for !. 4. . t'orelgn Ksrhan. New York, Jau. k'orsiga Kvchange Heavy. tlreat Mrlllii Ivman.l. 4i0Sr: cahle. 4 in',.-. . rrnnoe Oemand.' n0:H! rabies, .. It nlf Pemaiid. .04fit',: t'liblra, .f437, . Ilelglinii Deinalld. l alile, ,ii7l tleruiany I'eiuan.l. ,V06il; lalilra, .001. IV,. Ilollan.l tieiiiBn.l.' .3iK2; rallies, ,3(llt, Norway Liviiiaml, .Hiij. . Sweilen D.'iiiand. . S f r. lionmarlt Ueiiiand. ,iOA. Hwllserlanil leinan.l, .194(1. ' Npain Ueinantl. ,14K. tlreaoe llemanil. ,04;ll. Argentine liemanil. .S360. Ilrasll lieniand, .1 SST. klontreal 'o. London Metala, London. Jan. S. Htainlard Copper 111. Klertrolyllt' 113, 10. ' Tin 168, 11. P Tire DKMcud New Yitk, )n, J. Director uf the Kcllv-Siringfifld Tire company vote d tril4y to ) th rtnu!r cumr. terlv Mink Uiviilnid of J Vff cm to liolilfr of iiiiiinion kiock. The rRiiUr fjuHrterly iliviilrnd of shitre on preferred tck thoriicd. ' New fork MeUli. New Yorli. Jan. I. "opper i..e Kleelrolyiir Spot "d litarby, J7 14-; later, Mo. riii Kasy; spot nt n.aiby, Slitr, futures, it 7. Iron Htraily; No. I northern. 1 I00 : M'; No. 1 northern, l.au(r jo.ofli No. ) aoiitliern. 14 bll Duo. I,eil Hl.-a.ly; apol, 4.1t4Ui', loo Quiet i Cast Mt. Louis d.llltt)", pot, 4 luo4 IVi. Aullniuiiy Hoot, I Hie. Dry flood. " . New York, Jan. J t'olton g.iml war stea.ly tn.l.y with a fair demand for gray I'liitlia, aherttnga and anmlallles for the manufacturing; Iratlea. totlon yarn were lughsr. Hurlapa were firm, allk wtra HUtet, iMindon Money, linden, Jan. J. Bar Silver. !4id per ounee. Money Zt per rent. I'larount Rales Hhort Mils, IS r cent; I month' bills. SH pr rent. NOW AND ALL WEEK LonChaney In Hi Beat Picture Sine "Tho Pnhy" "The Night Rose" 40 - 1 .. WONDERFUL M01N-tT JllUUny Hi. utast Comtdy Picture Shown t 11:161:004:15 6:15 and 10 p. m. Last Times Today Experience k "RichaKl Barthelme 1 gantnrnnigidi .2Fr? REUr - TUI I laughter " -JffiJjJzf Mv. Boy AIo Showing" Chief Silvertongue, Tenor Scenic Comedy Kinogram Now and All Week "The Little Minister" With BETTY COMPSON Hotel Fontenelle Every day every night IN Both Restaurants Whole Broiled Baby Lobster with melted butter One Half Guinea Hen with orange marmalade . 75c Hotel Fontenelle Opens Next Saturday at the Moon MUELLER APOLLO 17th and Vinton 25th aV Leavanw'th NOW PLAYING "A Child For Sale" With Creighton Hale, Gladys Leslie. Bobby Conolley tk Julia Swayna Cordoa Next Friday Night BIG MASK CARNIVAL LADIES 25 GENTS PRIZES ROSELAND GARDEN 16th and Douglas yustie Ljaraen DANCING EVERY EVENING Carl Lamp's Orchestra ADMISSION 40c Include Tax .linllJal. V.V. W. $200.00 PHONOGRAPH Will Be Given Away FRIDAY V