$11,386,000 Spent On Buildings in Omaha in 1921 Amount Within $30,000 of Total in 1921 LargfBt Permit for New Hih School. DuIMinjf operations amtiorized by the city building department during Ml amounted to $11,336,000, which was within $50,000 of, the total for the previous year. The total for 19J0 was $11,433,970; fcr 1919, $9,022, 647. . ' Tl.. 1 ft." ' . ' . . . " nc largest permit isuea during mc year was ior tie t Omaha Tcchni- al High cshoct amounting to $.'.890,0i)0. ( Building operations for the year ic tiu5sincu a loiiows: Permit. Colt. '" "n fl,mlly).. tM (.4.110 . -..,,,. n.o nimuy)., ' 4 Apiimiiiii ,.Jt u Lmrinimnee. u r i ' hnmrs, etp. A, , j ..... No,,, Hifatera nff, othir re. i-n-nilon Culldlrim .... ' 5 i'hurt'h ., li an.ono l.U,eoo su.ooo SKI.IiOO i:i.'jo i m lorl't si 34,i1 (UOno 1P9,IJ Viihlt.aaraai-e I'rlvae uratfi ........ tn Hnartiala None f Mr, buildings sit, 200 1.14. U00 S14.3"') . .36 MJ5 t;i,5co nnoie Stnrra and warehouses... 47 SI 11 Xh.rta NlHll Atteratluna and additions to ilwHiiinim Allerattnna und addltlona to otliur tlian dwell ing , I'llllne atatlnna MlftcllaneuuH, aurli a fir escapes, etc cm.aoo li i7,oa 7.eoo Toe I l.tss J11,JS6,000 Building permits were taken out for the following projects, each Cost ing $25,000 or more, during the year tyjl: - Sam and I.oula Epstein,' 4819-21 ' Kftuth Twenly-fourtli, brick more and' ofCkn building Metropolitan Water District, Twentieth and I'oppleton Ave., brink Ice phint Omaha, Loan & Building associa tion. Fifteenth and Dudgo, lirlrk and steel addition Alexander n'k, lsli-SH Califor nia, lirti-k and steel guraire.... Our Snvlour Lutheran church. 2930 Izard, brick church build ing H. Clrosa, Twenty-first and Nicholas, brick warohouae Drake Knalty Construction com pany. 664 South Twenty-sixth, hydroatoue and reinforced con crete, apartment buildings..... EvHugeHrHl Lutheran church. Thirtieth and - Hedlek Ave., brick and ateel church building Redemptoriat Fathera of Nebras ka, 2923 Fontenelle boulevard, brick and concrete school build ing Baker Ice Machine company. 3 452-76 Evana. brick and ateel 35.000 40,000 100,000 15,000 35,000 , ' 15,000 175,000 40,000 30,000 shop building 110,000 ! and Willis Ave,, brick and rein forced conrreto school building J. A. Swanson, 418 North Thirty eighth,, brick residence ....... Klmer J. Neville, 2234-38 Farnam, alterations to brick hotel and stores Immanuel Deaconess Institute, 4710 North Thirty-fourth, brick end reinforced cor orete Bisters' home Omaha News company, 1419-25 davenport, one-story addition ' ' to brick building Elizabeth Kuntz estate, 1720-30 St. Marys Ave., alterations to .'. brick and ateel hotel building.. .(-.Salvation Army, Inc., 2010 Sher j man Ave., alterations and addi- ' ' Hon to brick building - ? M. A. Dlsbrow & Co., 1207-13 Nicholas, brick storage building 71.000 45,000 25,000 5,000 35,000 25,000 55,000 50,000 ; A. IT. Blank, 1519-21 Pouglaa. brick and reinforced concrete store building 125,000 - Board of Education, 3007-8 J Cuming, frame school building 100,000 Drake Realty Construction com pany, 1029 Park Ave., hydro atone and reinforced concrete apartment building J00.OOO Schmoller & Mueller Piano com ; pany, 1514-16-18 Dodge, one- story addition to brick building 80,000 Ralph Renwick, 206 North Forty ninth, reinforced concrete - apartment building 175,000 World Realty company, 1502-10 Douglas, fireproof, urlcK, ateel n ..Infnprait nnnpr.tA theater bnllding 300,000 Ames Realty corporation, ziid-zo Ames, reinforced concrete thea ter and apartment building.... Hastings - Meyer - Martin - Wolfe syndicate. Seventeenth and Howard, brick store building.. Standard Oil company, 602-4 South Eighteenth, brick and -jlnrnNioil TtncratA nfflca build- 250,000 60,000 . ing "3,000 J. K. Hyde, Thlrty-ixin ana 4V, brick wool-pulling plant 30,000 Woolworth Store company, uu 134 South Sixteenth, alterations .A f.nn anrf Interior of brick building 35.000 A. Theodore, ua-o- ooum Thi.,,..fir., liu hrtclr snnrt- ment building : . 61,000 Traver Uros., Inc., 628 Boutn Twenty-ninth, brick and ateel apartment house . n T-rann . 4QM.11 Dodire. 70,000 "brick apartment building S7.000 George E. Barker, 3U2--o-o-m North Fifteenth, brick and con crete storage and store building Roberta Sanitary Dnlry company, 2901 Cuming, brick and rein forced concrete dairy depot.... University of Nebraska, Forty, third Ave. and Emile, brick and reinforced concrete nurses home ... ..-...,... Board of Education. Thirty-third and Cuming, brick, concrete i i enmm.n!Bl Hiarb. 75,000 15,000 150,000 school building 2.8'MOO Drake Realty construction com panv. Thlrty-eichth and Dav enport, five hydrostone and re inforced concrete apartment building . St. Marys pariah. 04 North Flf- .i-.i. kpn!, a..hrm1 atirt fhurch 235,001 building "'M0 J Murphy, 932- outn iv.cn- ty-fourth, brick theater, atore and of Hce building Drake Realty Construction com - pany. Fortieth and Cass, three ' hydrostone and reinforced eon-:- creta apartment buildings 70.000 150,000 Soldiers of Fortune Glad To Get Out of Spanish Army London,' Dec. 31.T-The American, Canadian and British soldiers of for tune who enlisted in the Spanish For eign legion to fight the Moors are now free to quit their jobs if they pay back the bonus which they re ceived upon their enlistment, . the Spanish government has announced. Most of the soldiers of fortune en-!-itpit from London, and to a man they are now disillusioned of their t-lorious adventure. The Moors have tut uo such a stiff fight that the came of conquering their country is no longer looked upon as the snap it was thought to be by the unem 1 toyed ex-service men. 800 Assyrian Children. Reported to Be Starving New York, Dec. 5t.-FKe hnn dred Ayrian children outside and oOO inside the Near East Relief or phanage at Hamadan, Persia, are starving, the national headquarters of the relief organization was in formed by a cable receved from rep resentatves in the Persian These workers also reported VUU widows in dire want in the same city, with no funds available to care for them. . Four dollars a month will be re quired to keep each of the children alire during the remaining -winter ssoetis, according to the cable. For the Live Boys of Omaha Y.M. C. A. New Year's Boys Entertainment Proves Great Success Lat Friday and' Saturday after noons and evenings the boys division of the Y. M. C. A. held their annual New tears entertainment in the as sembly hall of the "Y" building. At all four entertainments the hall was crowded to capacity. An orchestra from Central High school furnished music in the eve nings, while Travis Nesbit, a mem ber of the boys' division, played the piano for the afternoon matinees. These annual entertainments arc put on by the boys of the "Y." Pro- ceeds are expended in providing ad ditional privileges for the boys' di vision. Last year the proceeds went toward purchasing a motion picture machine and providing turns tor the past season. 11ns year the proceeds are going toward recovering the game room with durable floor covering and pro viding an additional budget to pro vide movie films for the coming year. The boys who were selling tickets reported a good selling campaign. Next week will be announced the re sults of the contests and the win ner?. The entertainments this year were well attended and many remarked that it was better than that of last year, and hoped another would be planned for next year.. BoysoftheY.M.C.A. Members Should Know - During the past two season Dono van Gouldin has been a regular ant faithful attendant at gym and Bible classes as well as the other privileges, In all activities Donovan has grad ually and consistently developed to a place of unusual efficiency and lead ership. In the physical department Don is a gym leader m junior is class and has made a good record as sauad leader. Donovan was at Camp Sheldon last summer, where he was an enthusias tic camper and entered into all the sports and athletics. J. he cheertnl and friendly attitude toward hi camp mates made him many friends. His cottage leader and camp direc tors always found him willing to do any service for the benefit oi others and the welfare ol the camp. In the boys' division activities this winter Donovan has a place in the Captains' club and the Rooters' club. In the athletic and swimming meets he won ribbons. He attends the First Christian Sunday school and is in the eighth grade of Saratoga school. Donovan is the 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Goulin, living at 6555 North Twenty-fourth street. School Year Is Marked By Plan For New Schools Work Begun on Technical High Building North High Planned Citizenship Is Stressed. A review of the year in the publi schools, by J. H. Beveridge, super intendent, contains the lollowing nnpninc naraeranhs: "The outstanding feature of the last year in school progress was the letting of the contract for the new Omaha Technical High school. At the present time there are enrolled in this school 2,700 pupils. "The new building is not being built to accommodate this number, hut the new North High school, which will be started soon, will re lieve the congestion at both Central and Omaha Technical High schools. "South High school must be re lieved. At the opening of the next semester it will have to run on two shifts, and immediate attention must be given to increase its accommoda tions." ' Already Under Way. The Omaha Technical High school already is under way, on a tract of three blocks, between Cuming and Burt streets, from Thirtieth to Thirty-third streets. It is estimated that the completed structure will cost nearly $3,000,000. Its east and west length will be 600 t'eet. Some of the pupils of the High School of Commerce are being housed in temporary buildings on the site of the Omaha Technical High school. Th new school olant will replace the High School of Commerce build ings on Leavenworth street, between Seventeenth and Nineteenth streets. Trip ipw North Hieh school will be erected at the southeast corner of Thirty-first street and Ames avenue and will cost approximately $750,000. The Board of Eudcation is consid ering the selection of an architect. Stress on Citizenship. T1i thrift work amone the pupils of the city has resulted in the school children now having in the banks a total of $120,000. 'Soecial stress has been placed tins semester on good citizenship," the superintendent adds. night schools to have the foreigner I Kverv enon is dcier mauc m feel that we expect mm to oecoinc a good citizen. . "We have 1,500 enrolled m ou elementary night schools. wnic our means that we are training this num ber of men and women to learn to read and write the English language and to grasp the benefits and re sponsibilities of an American citi zen. "Through all the work in the schools as attempt is being made to inculcate in the boys and girls and men and women a most wholesome j respect for cor flag and what it rep- teients. and with this respect to ; make them realize that every citizen, by his rote, is just as influential as any otner citizen in muiuinn i.ic future of this country." J Females and young persons are o!y permitted to work S hours a week in the British spinning mills, j German coal mines are adopting ; steel posts in place of wooden props j as a measure of economyj , Omaha Federal Land Bank Leads In Farm Loans Local Institution Is Largest Formers Co-Operative In stitution in U. S., Says President By D. P. HOGAN. rrMldrat, redrral JUaMI Bank ef Omaha. With $1125.000 paid up capital. $626,655.07 surplus and undivided profits and $.-6.5'.v,340 in loans, the I-ederal Land Bank of Omaha is the largest of the 12 Federal Land bank and the largest farmers' co-operative instition in the United States. Tho Federal Land banks are truly co-op erative. The farmer borrowers fur nish the capital. All net earnings belong to them. lhe suit attacking the constitu tionality of the Federal Land hanks was decided In favor of the banks, February 29, and immediately the Federal Land Bank of Omaha made preparations to resume loaning op erations. Sold at Par. Forty million dollars of 5 per cent 20-year bonds were sold for the Fed- Land bank system n May at par and a like issue of $60,000,000 -in bonds was sold in October at par. Loans have been closed during the year amounting to $9,257,200. The total amount of first mortgage loans outstanding, shown by states at pres ent, is as touows: Iowa I27.MS.BM Nebraska n.MH.Hll Houth Dakota) .IM.g.tO Wyoming 1,714,61(0 Realize Good Fortune. The net earnings of this bank for the year 19J1. amount to S400.359.S1 A dividend of 6 oer cent per annum was declared for the first half of the year and a dividend of 8 per cent per annum was declared for the last half of the year. The rate charged borrowers on new loans during the year was 6 per cent per annum on the oj-year amortization plan. Borrowers who secured their loans through this system five years ago at 5 per cent, now realize their good fortune. I heir loans continue at 5 per cent without renewal charges, while their, less fortunate neighbors who borrowed on the old five-year plan are now obliged to renew their loans at a high interest rate witi excessive commissions. Market Greatly Improved. The market for farm loan bonds has greatly improved during the past three months and there is every reason to believe that a much larger issue of bonds will be taken by in vestors in the next bond sale than has been taken in the last year. In spite of adverse agricultural conditions during the past year, the loans of the federal Land Bank of Omaha have proved their high qual ity by the very limited number of delinquents shown in the monthly statements to the farm loan board. .Those remaining past due longer than 60 days are so small as to bs practically negligible. 4 Informed of Need. The officers of the Federal Land Bank of Omaha are fully informed of the urgent need of farm loan funds in this district and are makinc every effort in their power to secure as large a supply of funds for loans as possible. . .. There is every reason to hone that the market for Federal Land bank bonds will continue to improve and that within the next six months the supply of funds will fairly well take care of the demand of eligible bor rowers ior good loans. New Petrograd-Stockholm Wire Line Will Be Built Stockholm, Dec. 31. A direct tele graph line from Petrograd to Stock holm will shortly be constructed, it was announced by the Russian soviet ews agency here. At the present time all telegraphic communications between Russia and the outside world must go either by way of Finland or through Reval. The new line will link up with the Great Northern ca bles to London and Paris. 1922 is the 22d year of experience in Omaha Real Estate. Sound Investments my specialty. J. B. Robinson Realtor ' 542 Peters Trust Building Do. 8097 T" We Wish to Express Our Most Sincere Greetings to Our Friends and Customers CD.Birkett&Co. Real Estate and Insurance Ja. 0633. 350 Peters Trust BIdg A Happy and Prosperous New Year. Enjoy 1922 by Bowling at Our Alleys. Most Convenient. Farnam Bowling Alleys 1807 Farnam. Do. 6221 THAT 1922 be filled with good fortune and happiness, is the sincere wish of ROC RS THE FLORIST stesoiethst. THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 1922. If jgr. ' . Im Welcome to. W with to thank aur (Ottoman, tudenit and frlanda tor our pro ri during thia yar, Writ for fr raulof of day and night achool. National Automobile School 2814 N. fOth Stmt, Omaha, Nfb. Wtbtttr 04 Bt WUhaa for Happlntai and t rotparttjr throughout th yar. Petersen & Michelsen Hardwire 4911-11 8. 54th Bt. llarktt 1171 Mar Happtnaat and Fronparltr b youri throughout th Netr Year Platner Lumber & Coal Co. 4001 Farnam Street Wal. 0330 Happy New Year Wickham Bros. Contractor! and Buildera 19 Scott St. Council Bluffi, la. Phone 488 HAPPY NEW YEAH from Korisko Funeral Home 231 and O Sta. MA. 0680 For Ah Enjoyable Hour at POCKET BILLIARDS Come to the DELUXE 1516 Farnam Street A HAPPY. NEW YEAR J. M. Anderson Painting, Decorating and Paperhanging 616 Omaha National Bank Ja. 1016 See our complete new apring line of Niagara Wall Papcra, at newer and lower prices. I WISH a Happy and Proaperona New Year to my cuatomera aa an appre ciation for their courtesy shown me during the past year. M.KEISER Tailor 306 South 18th Street JA. 1187 We Wish All of Our Patrons A Happy New Year Pocket Billiards and Billiards Good Tables, light, and Ventilation .v Herrick Bros. Billiard Parlor 204 South 14th Street The Better Printers van your New Year to he full of contentment and happiness. Beacon Press 1210 Howard St. Doug. 1609 A NEW YEAR full of hap piness, contentment and prosperity, is the sincere wish of the W. Farnam Smith & Co. . 1320 Farnam St. Jackson 0564 Real Estate, Loans, Insurance I wish you a Happy New Year; A year big with achievement; A year rich with affection of those who are dear to you ; A year mellow xwith happiness and contentment. Guy L. Serrica Hudson Super-Six and Essex Distributors A Happy New Year Millard Hotel Two-irlndoir, cuUlda rooms, fUt-ela hap UtM Olvan rarmanant Guntt A Haprr and Proaparoui K'tw Tr Mid-West Battery Co. Our Mtailoa la To Make Your Battr? La.it Lonrtr" I1S1 South 24th ttnet Bait Wlihte (or A Happy and Praaparoua New War H. Norman's Pool Hall 260S N Street Market S9S2 Spend an Hour with V$ New Year'a Beat Wiahea for A Happy and Froiperoui New Year Lutie M. Bryant BEAUTY PARLORS 20S Kevlll Block At. 1644 i NEW YEAR GREETINGS To Our Friends and Patrons Olson Bros. Tin and Furnace Work 2612 Leavenworth St. At. 0923 HAPPY NEW YEAR Sundgren Pie Co. 1560 South 24th Street The Best of New Year Wishes from MODERN DRY CLEANING SERVICE 4408 N. 24th St. EE 0014 KIND remembrances and every good wjsh for the coming New Year. A B C CLEANERS 407 South 24th AT 4315 A 1922 Announcement "Just an adv." to announce the opening of our offices for a gen eral real estate business. A Happy New Year to All. A resolution might be, buy "the investment worth while" through the Seavey Hudson Co. 228-29 City National Bank Building Do.' 9069 Read My Daily Adv. in The Bee 1921 1922 We want to assure our patrpns that during N the coming; year we will endeavor to merit their patronage on a service and quality basis. A New Year of no regrets. GORDON Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co. 219 N. 11th DO 0394 Smith First New Years Creatine All Our Many friends and Cuatomera Quality Meat Market RANK YCN U94 S. lth Street Ja. 8423 A Prosperous and Happy New Year To All My Friends and Patrons Henry Foley Coal & "w Feed Co. At M4 Prosperity and Best Wishes for the New Year A. L. Dick Co. 1009 N. 16th Street Ja. let Accept Our Personal Greetings for a Very Happy New Year Skoglund Studio 1520 Douglas Jack. 1373 Start the New Year Right Try ALISON'S Doughnuts Alison Doughnut Shop 3302 Parker St. Web. 5872 Hoping that 1922 will be the Happiest Year you have ever known. Adler & Forbes 1722 North 24th Street HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALT. Victory Furniture Emporium Emanuel Vaks, Prop. At New Location SOU S. 24th St. Phone Market 2370 Opposite City Hall High Grade and Staple Furniture May Much Happiness and Prosperity' Be Yours During the New Year. Ernest Bihler& Co. Commercial Photographers Do. 7531. ' 320 Leflang Bldg. A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR I have recently added a line of gents' furnishings which will appeal to anyone de manding quality and price. Included is the famous Wil son Bros, line of shirts, etc. Spring cloths and styles are now ready for your in spection. Thomsen, the Tailor 2822 Leavenworth St. Ha. 4107 Hotel Neville We wish today to extend New Year's Greetings to our many friends and patrons. May their cup of cheer be filled to overflowing with good will, health, happiness and prosperity. Hotel Neville 107 N. 16th St. DO. 3964 A year full of prosperity and happiness is the wish of the Omaha Cold Storage Co. New Year'a Crectlnga to Our Friends and Patrons Delft Hair Parlor 309 Neville Block. Ja. 1703. Happy New Year Te All My Cuatomera and Friends For roponalble moving, call Ford Transfer 117 Douglas gtreet, Atlantic ZIH 34 8. Main, Council Bluffs TO GREET YOn WITH A HAPPY NEW YEAR A. E. F. Transfer 6060 Military Ave. Walnut 4S92 Mr. Cleuon, Mgr. Res. Tel. K13 I EXTEND my personal greetings for a Happy New Year to my friends and customers. JACK KLINE Automobile Painting 2047 Farnam DO. 6386 A VERY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR to all our customers and friends. GEORGE VAN BUSKIRK Coal Dealer Good Coal at Seasonable Prices. 26th and Martha Har. 1410 May the New Year Bring You Much Joy and Happiness Dundee Delicatessen 5009 Underwood THE MERRIAM HOTEL 25th and Dodge Sts. wishes you a New Year full of the better things of life. G. C. Thompson, Prop. 'A Happy and Prosperous New Year to All American Upholstering Company 2022 N. 24th Web. 1086 Best Wishes for A Happy , and Prosperous New Ycir George A. Roberts Grain Co. 320 Grain Exchange Building Omaha, Nebraska I ' want to thank our many friends and customers for their increasing patronage and wish everybody a Pros perous New Year. Nebraska Tire & Rubber Co. MAKERS OF "CORNHUSKER TIRES" An Honest Product , that will keep faith with you t W. W. WUCHTER, Treasurer and Genera! Maaafef fJ-C 1922 BEST WISHES rOB A HAPPY NEW YEAR Fred Parks 4701 8. 2(th BU MsrV.t tltl Window Clans. Varnish. Paints. Enamels Full Line Artists' Supplies Happy New Year John Morgal and Son Plumbing, Gss Fitting and Heating 23m S. Main At. Council Bluffs Phone 4880 A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAK Tu Our Friends and Patrons Henry Haman 1104 Clark Street Webster IST1 Your Patronage Is Appreciated. Accept Our Heartfelt Thanks HAPPY NEW YEAR Edward J. Carville Meat Market -712 S. 16th St. Atlantic 385S From Omaha's Most Exclusive BILLIARD PARLOR Academy Billiard Parlor SIS South 16th Street Harry Lincoln Freddie Fay, Props. NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS to Our Friends and Customers DREFOLD HAIR DRESSING. PARLOR 1001 W. O. W. Bldg. JA S325 Ma); the New Year Bring You Prosperity and Happiness L. V. Nicholas Oil Co. 17th and Howard , AT. 4040 Dear Friends: "George," president and manager of George C. Hedges & Co., Better Cleaners and Dyers for discriminating peo ple Tailors and Hatters, too wishes you and yours a most Happy and Prosperous New Year and may all blessings be yours. Your credit is good. I ha reserved a page for yon In our ledgers and will be honor ed -to have you make use of it during the coming year. Assuring you of my sincere desire to serve you in every way and with many thanks for your co-operation, which will enable me to give the peo ple of South Omaha and vi cinity a real, regular cleaning plant, I am, Faithfully Yours, ' GEORGE C. HEDGES, Pres. George C. Hedges & Co. 5009 South 24th Street Market 3880