THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, mi. I UHI ear f UMimut, a I immuii Say I iiiiiwUw ears U total lie. I IB ueuy er solas Sally tesert KtTtl ON I IM follswlBf of. .lit sad rirun St. wwia inn m. .IT SOOU II. :hvbd if phone fUANTIU ill kill set be reaaonstkl far laeerrect laeertlea of ordered for mora lata urn. CLOSINO RODltf TOR WANT ADIL rvnlB Kdlttoa 11:46 A. at Hernias Edition..., P. M. Munday Edition P. M Saturday DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. HRulv NK Edward C. died December :. Funeral service Saturday, 6 p. m. frc,m All Hainn church, Heversnd C- my erriiiaiiiif. AUTOMATIC esalln- onnorata burial taulla on display at leading undertak ers. Wrlta Omaha Concrete Burial vault Co, Omaha. UKOWNK K.lw.rd C, dlad December it, Funeral eervlcea Saturday. 1 n. m. (ram All Saint church, Hevererd Caa- my orriciatin-. CEMETERIES. Forest Lawn The largest eem'tery In Nabraaka: f I'd cf Juat north of tha city llmlta west o Florence. An Idaal location safe from disturbance by tha clty'a growth. Per petual cara. Not Operated tor profit. Omatery office Format Lawn atraet car lormlnua. 4!d and north city llmlta. City nmre. 7:0 uremlels Theater Bldg. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., Suceesaor I Stack A Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. inAMBULANCE-l! Thirty-third and Farnam, Hulse & Riepen PIONEER- FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. Formerly at 701 8. 11th St., bar movaa to jzit uuming Bl. J a. 1111. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertaker and Embalmer. Phona HA. 165. Offlde SS11 Farnam. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON ftVoW, SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A BWOBODA, HIS FARNAM STREET. T. Henderson, 1601 Farnam. Jackson 125. JOHN BATH, U04 Farnam. Jackson 1606. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. . Hlrtha. Joseph and Belly Dworak, 1703 South Fifteenth street, girl. Ralph and Agnes Karstens, 2210 Web ster street, boy. Samuel and Mary Smltt, R. F. D. I, bor. William and Anna Fuller, 4511 Camden avenue, girl, and Esher Shaw, 4J3S Brown street, Kir!. Robert and Mary Gambia, hospital, bor. Paul and Anna Vukllech, 1823 R atreet, gin. Alfred and Sadie Petersen, 4332 Ohio street, girl. if- Deaths. ' His. HaUle Louisa' Sawhlll, 2, hos lillAl. - yAgnes Dergaciewskl. 51, hospital. if Alfred Calabretta. Infant, 1316 South Kllzaboth Hall, 88. hospital. Albert Sobozsk. 52. SiOS Bouth Thirty. rotirtn, street. Rosa Mathews, 37, hospital. Velva K. Watts. Infant, 26 South Twenty-fourth avanue. Baby Rosa. Infant, 63 V street. Charles Hennlngsen, Infant, hospital. Joseph Krauae, 42, Twenty-ninth and R atreet. Christ Knecht, St, 4510 South Twenty first street. George H. Wall. 72. hospital. - MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following peraona were Issued per mits to wed: . Erwln D. Rhead, 22 Omaha, and Bertha Custer, 57, Omaha. William J. Gormely, S, St. I.oulf, Ifo., and Sarah Beaumont, S3, Omaha. Robert Jones, 27, Council Bluffs, la., and Cora Benedict, 33, Council Bluffs, la. Swain A. Madsen. .22, Omaha, and Lil lian K. Wood, 20, Quincy, 111. Clyde D. Sawyer, SS, Sargent Bluffs, Ta., and Phoebe Smith, 29, Sioux City, la. Arnold L. Lthnan, 20, Omaha, and Myrtle V. James, 16, Omaha. Earl P. Schafer. 22, Omaha, and Lorna K. Bourke. 21, Omaha. Ike Mfller, 44, Sioux City, la., 84, and Rosa Upefcr, 22, Sioux City, la. Walter A. Landen, 23, St. Edwards, Nr., and Iva Watson, 19, Albion, Neb. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. REWARD for return of Carpenter Paper Co. freight Mils and Invoices removed from Ford Coupe in front of our build ing. McCaffrey Motor Co., loth and Jack son. LtJST Reddish brown BelBian war dog, name Rusty. Reward. Harney 1020 LOST Chamoia bag containing jewels. Reward, Harney 04D4. PERSONALS. Kathryn L. Riley recently returned from the eaBt. Re opened beauty parlor. newest and best. Hair, Scalp, and Skin. By ap pointment, telephone Jackson S268. t THB SALVATION Army Induatrlai horns solicits your old clothlnc;, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute. Phona Douglaa 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our aew home. 1110-1113-1114 Dodge St. WILL Martin or Tom- Layden write brother Michael, Box A-134, care Omaha Daily Bee? DR. B. B. M'QCILLKN Jan. I- movea to 1100 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Jack. 04S4. Prophylaxis and Pyorrhea. MAGNETIC hatha, also Violet Ray treat ment with massages. 614 S. 19th, DO. 9381. SULPHUR, biMhs. Swedish msssage, Chi ropody. Evenings to 8. . 209 So. 20th St. Theatrical historical masque costumes, for plays and parties, at Lleben'a. Omana. KLECTRIC bath, masawe. 318 Neville Big RENT Hoover vacuum, 11.25. HA. 1071. KLECTRIC bathe. Swed. mass. WE. 2911. KXPERT MASSAGE. DOUGLAS 9649. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating; covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button at Pleating Caw 101 Brown block, Jackson 193. NEBR. PLEATING gZ2$$i tens. 1808 Farnam. Id Floor. D(. 947 0. Contnctors-Painting. FAINTING, papering and plastering. Nau. Walnut 4667. Dancing Academies Tk'TTTTP'Q 1918 Farnam. Douglas 1440. XVILlXjr O Classes Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 8:16 p. ra. Private les sons by appointment. Sure mettoda. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dentists. DR. NASH, 714 City Nat'l Bk. AT. 9117. Western National Detective Agency. Licensed snd bonded, 407 Brandela Tn. Bldg. Atlantio 3648. REL1ABLB Detective Bureau, Railway Cx. Bldg., J A. iOa. Kiget, KEN. lilt Detectives. Isdspendeat Detective Bureau. 804 Neville Biat. AIL 6601; night. Wal. 4069; K. 0466. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville BIk. Evidence cured la all casesi Atlantic lilt. DETECTIVES that sat resulta. 499 Pa tow block. J A. 1119. DO. I76T. Dfesimstang. Pars, nits, dressed, remd'L rellned. HA (14 Kodak Fmisfamg. KNLARG S M KXT8, eel catering, developing, wrtstmg. Ease Stadia, til Neville BIk. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Baslrn Co., 1407 Howard St, Patent Attorneys. 1. W. MARTIN, patent atternay. Hit TVt4g. Omaha, also Washington. D. C kep m!I patents, models taade. r J ME ANNOUNCEMENTS. Prinonf. EPPT Printing Ca.. Ill S. II St. Da, H47 Tailoring. TAILORIKU done (all kinds) at raeoon able price at till Dodge. DO 4249. Miscellaneous AnnouncartvtnU. DIAMONDS p.VpVUS. ta buy back at small profit. OROSS JEWELRY CO., 491 . 19IB laa 9949. ft A SO R Bl-ADEH sharpened. Single, I9ei doubt adga. ibo tot. Mall erdara so ur tad. Omaha Sharp to., iia n. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANT, Mattraaaao made ever In new ticks at half price) at new Bads. 1907 Cuming, ja. aer. FULL drass and tuiedos for rani. John Paldman. 109 N. Ittli Bl. jacaaon ;i NKW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. La Pro a rflaetrtc. 111 S. Ilia) St.. Omaha. SPECIAL prices an Xma bos Rogers. t4th and Farnanu vandy. CALL Herman, the Olaaler. Kenwood 1701. BRITT Printing Co.. t Elka Bids. FOR SALE. Pianos and Musical Instruments. OEO. A. SMITH Dealer In dmma.gylo. rhonss. ato.l maiructiona. rapainnri 791 Davenport St. Phona Harnov 97, TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low at 110 par mouio. A. HUSl'll w laia BIO bargalna In phonngrapha and record. NHLAKS PHONOUKArM. im uoafm, JOHN TAFP aaiophons shop, repairing and aupplles. jot Leiiang Blag. u. Clothing snd Furs. FOR sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool 'Dundee" aults, cheap, alterations free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS, North meat Cor 16th snd Harney 81a PURS remodeled, relltied and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA I UK CO.. il 8. Uth 8t Douglaa 7ll. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES We rant, repair, sell needles and parts, MICKEL'S 16th and Harney. Douglaa 1972, HARDWARE and furniture stock, fixtures and building of E. O. Brown, Danxruyr, located at Greenwood, Neb. Will sell separately.' Sale will be held at tha store. January 6, 1922, at 11 a. ra. Wm. M. Hughes. Truatee, Oretna. Neb. FOR SALE Farming equipment and growing wheat; give references. A-4D, Omaha Bee. WK buy, sell aafea, make deaka, show cases, etc umana fixture ae ouppiy o. 8. W, Cor. 11th and Douglaa. JA. 2724. Typewriters snd Suonlies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. Alt MAKES bought, aold, rented and repaired Sola agents for the CORONA. Get our prlcea before yot buy. Every machina auaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Jackson 4120. J"'- rarnam. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. CARPENTER Married . man wante job. Steady, dependable, good workman, wilt consider anything. Address Box L-502, Omaha Bee. WANTED By young married man,' poai- , tlon selling for good, rename iirm, pay ing salary; can give references, vvagner. Market 3761. ADVERTISING man of 20 yr. exp. on large papers would like connection; good on layouts. Box L-447, Omahu Bee. MARRIED man wants Job on farm. Best of references. Harry Davis, 1133 Pierce St., Council Bluffs, la. CARPENTER, experienced, wants posi tion In town or out; reterencea; con tracts taken. Address Box A-44, Omaha Bee MIDDLE-AGED, single man, good chore and atock man, wants position on farm. State wages. Box L-44H, Omaha Bee. GEN. mdse, men's furnishings, shoe fit ter; ex-service man. Will consider reg ular wage ecale. L-442. Omaha Bee. STEADY young man wants position; haa .. had experience In snipping room; wining xo do anytnmg. UN weoaier sniy. CLEANING and pressing wanted. all work guaranteed; all hand work. H. Coleman, Douglaa 6117. YOUNO man experienced in general office work deairea clerical position; capame, willing. Ref. A-48, Omaha Bee. MOVING Picture operator, experienced, wants work. Will furnish references. Box L-446, Omaha Bee. MARRIED man with large family de sires any kind of work. Capable. Henry Hood. 3S27 Grover. POSITION aa Janitor night or (lay, any thing: not afraid to work; rof. L-500, Omaha Bee. JUNIOR high student wishes to do tutor ing. Reasonable rates. L-501 Omaha B?n ASH and rubbish hauling. Webster 6470. Female. A REFINED middle-aged lady desires position housekeeper In motherless homo or father and son; ref. exch, L-444, Omaha Bee, AN ELDERLY widower of refinement would like to work for elderly widow lady of best society. G. Robb, 319 N. Seventeenth St. City. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes cleri cal work, answering phones or a small P. B. X. board. Ref. KE. 0446. EXPERT bookkeeper and cashier open for position with reliable firm. A-l refer encea. Box A-47, Omaha Bee. GOOD high echool girl wishes houaework on South aide for room and board. Call Market 0329, Tuesday evening. TYPIST and office clerk svanas position; permanent if possible; baet of refer ences. Box A-5, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED stenographer and typist wishea position. Insurance preferred. Webster 2014. REFINED young answering phones. lady wiahes work Box A-137, Bee. FOR a competent practical nurse call . Webster 6172; doctora' referencea; con finement cases special. EXPERIENCED P. B. X. operator will do cashier or ledger work. Will fur nish references. HA. 6412. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes tem porary or permanent clerical, position. Call Harney 6691. LADY wants cooking by day. Call Harney 4G48. Laundry and Day Work. COLORED woman desires laundry work or help In the kitchen during holidays. Call Walnut 2576 or Address 1102 North 49th avenue. CHAMBER MAID work or day work wanted by day or week. Colored. Web ster 5356. PLAIN anoV fancy clothes carefully laun dered also curtains and blankets. Web. COLORED woman, cleaning and laundry apectalty or other odd Jobs. City. Ref. weoster 1730. COLORED woman wishes cleaning cr maid work: half day. Phone WE. 3259.1 WANTED Bundls and Call WE. 8449. family washing. RELIABLE white woman wants dsy er laundry work. Douglas 6618. A RELIABLE woman wants day work or bundle washing. Webster 3214. WANTED TO BU. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded, J. C Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 4146 HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Men II. over. Wanted for Railway Mail, Poet office, other Government positions. Rxaminatioa - soon. Salary. 11.400 81.600 year. Experience unnecessary. PrtlMi!ar free. Write Columbia, 8chool of Civil Service, 171 Pope Bldg., Waah Ington. D. C. Professions and Trades. BIO MONET! DO IT NOW! LEARN THE BEST BUSINESS IN THB BEST WAT. IN THB BEST PLACE AND SHORTEST TIMTfi. LEARN IT ALL AT THB NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE .8CHOOL. 2816 N. 20TH ST OMAHA. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 8, 14th. Write tor catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED-7-Live experienced salesman te represent Oae of the largest popular priced .feeeeAJ clothing bouses In the west, la the nllowlng territories: Ne braska. Kansas xnd Iowa. Good oppor tunity for a bustles. All cerressondeare strictly cosftdestlel.VBox T-1757, Omaha ateaw HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED a llToH POWER CD 8AI.EBMKN Omaha and Nabraaka lerritary. Klg money for those whs can quality. Don I aoDlv unlaaa esnabl of earning 1100 a ek. W want anly raaponaibl highiass men. Apply 407 Mraadeis Thsate.' Bldg. WB can uao two firat-ola salaatnsn a aur Lorlrram Poison lias Machine. protection for aafea and vaulla. Good rommlsalnn for maa capable of district managership, who ean financo thm- t aalves. I.orlgrara Sales to., 101 fcar bach Block. L1VH WIRK aalaaman wanted Muat owe automobile and have lot of pip. Attractive proposition sailing battery supplies. ft sees Battery Supply Co., Orand Island, Neb. P. O, Boa 428 WANT good produce eaiesman who haa worked Omaha trade. Call at 117 So, loth before 10 a. nt. WANTED Real estate salesman with car. Jl. W. Volland, 710 Peters Truat Bldg. CAN USE two live aalaaman. Workers only. Room 109 Finance Bldg! IF YOU can sell a good artlcl. producer, call Atlantic 1679 ood article and are a Miscellaneous. MEN WANTED TO HAUL GRAVEL ON ROAT IM PROVEMENT WORK IN SOUTH DA KOTA; 24 HOURS PER DAT. WORK NOW OOINO ON. MEN MUST DUV NEW TRUCK AND PAT ONK-TH1RD ON DKLIVERT, BALANCE IN It MONTHS. FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR TWO MEN TO FORM PARTNERSHIP. WB HAVE PLENTY OF WORK AHEAD. WRITE A-131, OMAHA BEE. ANT Intelligent person, either sex, may earn 1100 to 1200 monthly correspond ing for newspapers: 96 to II per cul umn; all or spare time; experience un necessary: no canvassing. (lend for particulars. National Press Bureau, Buffalo, N. T. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. Stores and Offices. GIRLS to prepare for government poal. tions: si.ouu to si.zuo xor scenoKrapncrs, 11.200 to 11,400 for bookkeepera. to start. Call Douglas 7774, or wills Am. Inst., 102 N. 14th, omaiia Professions and Trades. WANTED Ladlea to learn barber trade. Special ratea and Inducements. TRf-CITY BARBER COLLEO:B. Household and Domestic. EXPERIENCED white girl for general houaework, family of two; muat be good cook with city referencea. Walnut 1437. WANTED Competent white maid, 25 years or older, for general nouseworK References. Wal. 6119. GIRL for general housework; muat be experienced: stay nlzhts. wa. izui, 111 So. 64th St. GIRL for gen. nouse work, no washing. small family; best wagea. ojn wooiw in. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. EARN a weekly aalary addressing eo- vclopea at home in spare time, bltner sex, young or old. Full particulars, 10 cents (coin). Foley Supply House, 1303 Charlotte Ave... Toungstown, v. WANTED Men. ladles and boya to learn barber trade; nig aemana; wages wnue learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. Mid-Winter Term Jan. 2 DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses in accountancy, ma rhln bookkeenlna. comptometry. short' hand and typewriting, railroad and . wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, can or pnone Jackaon iot. xor large u lustrated catalog. Address , Boyles College, Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Van- Sant School of Bualneas. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bids. Douglas 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES TO buy or sell a business quickly, write the Western Business Exchange, Ter minal Building. Omaha. Neb. FIRST-CLASS soft drink parlor and bar ber shop; living room in rear. 3031 Q. St. Rooming Houses. FOUR-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT FOR SALE, REAS. WEB. 6731. FOR RENT-ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for Hat of choice desirable rooms la all parts of the city. A service that benefits both advertlaer and room seeker, v SINGLE and double rooms for men only. Running hot and cold water. Steam heat. Walking distance, 2 blocks from Creighton college. Brown Bachelor Apta, 608 No. 21st St. DO. 5644. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping room Is the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies In all parts of the city SUITE of clean neatly furnished, well heated rooms. 2nd floor. 2902 Dodge. 124 S. 31ST AVE Modern housekeeping rooms: 64 to 67 per week. Harney S718. 2709 DODGE 2 rooms furnished complete, 86. Single hkpg., 65, Good heat. LIGHT, pleasant, modern 2-room suits. Close rn. Garage. Harney 4989. 611 SO. 24TH Housekeeping and sleeping rooms by day. week or month. FOUR HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, MONTH. WEBSTER 6731. 128 A 5 MODi, warm rms., 1st floor, priv. batn; adults: reas. HA. 6875. Light hkpg. rms. Reasonable. HA. 2505. Board and Rooms. CLOSE In, all modern front room for 2, strictly private family, home cooking, 2887 Capitol Ave., walking distance. HANSCOM PARK Modern room for 2; home cooking. 1546 S. 28th St. H. 8166. Unfurnished Rooms. I LOVELY warm rooms, newly decorated. Heat, light and phone furnisned. ja. 1606, evenings WA. 6391. Adults. FOR RENT-HOUSES. Unfurnished. Houses 3 rooms, elec. light, gas. water and toilet, 2422 V, Leavenworth St., 816. 6 rooms, strictly modern, close to school and car, new bungalow, 3853 Grant St.. 150. 6 rooms, new bungalow beautifully decorated close to New Technical high school. 3373 Burdette St;, $56. 7 rooms, all modern, good home, 2101 Miami, 140. 8 rooms. 917 So. 26th St., 4 bed rooms, close in. only 660. 7 rooma and sun room, hot water heat,' fireplace, built-in features, tile bath, 606 So. 67th St., 8100. Payne &Carnaby Co., "Omaha's Rental Men" 611 Omaha Nat. Bldg. JA. 1016. Dundee Bungalow Only $65 Five rooms and sleeping porch, la heart of Dundee, oak floors and fin ish throughout. 808 No. 49th SL Payne & Carnaby Co., "Omaha's Rental Men" 616 Om. Nat. Bldg. JA. 1016. Minne Lusa Bungalow S rooms, irarftf e-very attractive home. 2TH4 Titus Avenue. Peters Trust Co.,' "Where Omaha Rents" Atlantic t544. - lith and Farnam Sts. ATTRACTIVE 6-room borne, wcil-built, nicely located at Salt Charles atreet. Peters Trust Co., "Where Omaha Rents." Atltatle t5. 17th and Farnam Sts 7-R. dwelling. 4 bedrooms, modem ex cept beau 1637 N. 1Mb. St. 13.506. Web. 2646. .Doug. 1636. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. 2101 MIAMI Modern house, t room a and alcove, 140. lt:n Laavauwottn, -roon list, part moaarn. lis. Glover & Morell, 701 Kaellne Hldg. AT. 3!J. LU.NDKW noma, I rooms with bath (up. par floor), private entrance. Walnut 0141. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. COMP1.KTELY furnished I and J -room apartments: private bath: ateam host walking distance. Brawn Apt., lot N Hat St. DO. 9(44. 401 NORTH S2ND I front, nicely fur. nisneo, modern apartmema, sio waea Unfurnished. HEATED APARTMENTS Apt. No. T, The Lamond, Ith A Woolworth avenue. I rooms with 4 room accommodations, hot and cold water and atesm heat furnished. Ill summer. 149 winter. Apt. No. t. The Lamond, t rooms with 4-rootn accommodations, hot and cold water and ateam heat furnished. 40 summer. ISO winter, GEO. T. PORTER aV CO.. 101 So. lth St. At. 2191. Start the New Year Right by renting an attractive l-room apart ment with 9-room accommodattona In Turner Court. 1103 Dodge atreet. Con veniently arranged, and nicely located. Peters Trust Co., "Where Omaha Rents" Atlantio 0644. 17th and Farnam Sti. I-ROOM apartment in Normandle. Wilt lease to October 1. I:z. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, Jackaon 0040. 60S SOUTH 30th St.. 3-rm. flat, bath. electric light, all mod., ex. heat; 82t. RASP BROS.. 213 Keellne Wdg., AT. 0721. OWNER says rent this apt. Located In apartment location, on car Una and prac tically new. Call WE. 0715 or J A. 4258. 8315 DODGE. Strictly modern flat. Good location. Call Jackson 3362. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS- IO Q room modern spts., the DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY, 1702 Hbwatd St. J A. 2805. CLOSE IN, warm, ateam heated, one 4 or 6-room apt. Apply 220 N. 23d. 321 NORTH 22ND Newly remodeled 6 or 4-rooin 'modern apartments. FOR RENT Business Property. THREE-STORY and basement building. 2037 Farnam St., right In the heart of the eomlng retail center. Will leass for term of years, about 12.000 square feel In all. For further Information see ALFRED THOMAS & SON CO. 604 First National Bank. FRONT part of store building, aecond floor, 1111 Farnam St., well arranged; price 640, Including heat. Blrkett & Co. 360 Peters Trust Bldg. , Ja. 0633. 1803 ST. MARYS Ave., haa more than 1.000 sq. ft. of floor space: good loca tion; rent reasonable. E. R. Carse, 2 la So. 18th St., DO. 7412. STORE building 205 South 13th St. site aoout zuxtu: rent, 1120. mrKcit at 1.0. 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Ja. 03S. WE have some anappy offices that rent very reasonable. Call at 409 Finance Building. - MERCANTILE STORAGE- AND WARE HOUSE CO.. 11th and Jones Sts ATLANTIC 213 Physicians room with dentists. First Nat. Bank Bldg, H. M. Christie, warehouse & ttack'ge prop. SEE F D. WEAD. 810 SO. 1STH ST. Garages. Garage in rear of 26th & Douglas, 87.50. RASP BROS., 212 Keeline Bldg., AT. 0721. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household gooda and pianos, moving, packing and skipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South Uth. Douglas 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contracts taken by Job or hr. Globe Van 4b Storage Co., JA. 4338. AT, 0230. 620-24 North 16th St. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE.' DODGE TOURING 360 Ford Touring '. 285 Light Six (Continental Motor)...., 250 Chevrolet 200 Four-Passenger Roadster 350 Five-Passenger (closed car) 325 Five-Passenger Touring 12S Fifteen other exceptional bargains from 6100 to 1550, all overhauled all manes. WILLYS-OVERLAND INC. 2662 Farnam Street. BO USED CARS. From 50 and up. Terms. Trucks from 1150 up. Winter tops, auto bodies. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO... 1318 Harney St. JA. 2468. SOME bargalna In used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station, tth and Jackaon Sts. DO. 3600. 1922 BITICK ROADSTER. USKD 90 DAYS PRACTICALLY NEW. WILL SELL AT A SUBSTANTIAL SACRIFICE. 2021 FARNAM. DO. 8987. BUY A GUY L. SMFM USED CAR. A Safe Investment. 26th and Farnam Sts. Phone Douglas .1970. FORD SEDAN. PERFECT CONDITION. REFINISHED. 8225 CASH, OR TERMS. 2024 FARNAM. DO. 8987. WHTTT?T V saves you money. " AlX X JCiJ-J JL 320 SO. 13TH ST.- USED cars bought, aold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 2210 Farnam St. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Green ough Radiator Repair. 2039 Farnam. FORD sedan, slightly used, excellent con dition. Will aell cheap. Wanut 2848. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 S. 24th. Autos for Hire. WHY not rent a one-ton truck and drive it yourself to do your moving and haul ing? It will save you one-half ,your moving bill. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. 2622. FARM LANDS. Iowa Lands. FARMERS Sell your land; cash, terms, exchange: Information free. George W. Brown. P. O. Box 653. Clinton. Ia. Minnesota Lands. EQUITY Land Exchange. 8t Paul. Minn. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on band to loan on Omaha residences, E H. LOUOEE. INC. 638 Kaellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB; FARMS. O'KXEFE REAL ESTATE CO, 1011 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackaon 2715. tlOO to tlO.000 made p romptly. P. D WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 810 8. 18th St. Miscellaneous. HAVE several aecond mortgagee and con tracts by home owners on which we will allow a liberal discount for cash. Bor A-97. Omaha Fee. REAL ESTATE WANTED. DUPLEX WANTED. ' . Have aeveral buyers for duplexes lo cated !n good neighborhood: price rea aonable. Call ua for Immediate Inspec tion. Jackson 2419. To buy or aell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426 GRUENIG Realty Co. List with ua fcr quick results. 1418 1st Natl. Bk. Bldg. Jsckson 1054. HAVE for homes do you went t sell your property? List It with C. A. Grlmmel. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg FOR ejuick action list your property with BEST A OESTRINO. Douglaa 61 JS. 602 Securities Bldg. E. H. BENNER COMPANT, Insurance. Call Edward Perley. Douglas 6406. N. P. DODGE CO.. quick sales. DO. 04 REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE 820,000. First mort gage, running t years. secured on 04 acres Minnesota land. Will ex change for Improved or unimproved land up to 8150, balance rasb. 8-hwab Bros. 1428 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Mina. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WM can asahange your farm or rears tor lucerne property, write us sow er phone. BROWVB A TRACT. 641 Becurtilee) Bldg. Atlantio Hit. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. INt'OMIC 11,779 PHICk! 111.760 TWO BEPARATM DOUBLE HKIi'K FLATS Four (lata, five rooma each, strictly modara, asparats cellars and heating plama, oak finish, all IB first -el condition. A splendid buy, unlaaa your money la making you ever 10 per cent. HABTiNtiB at heipkn, nesMors. Atlantic 006. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence , Nalhswsy. Flor. prop, no colored. KE 1401 REAL ESTATEMPROVeIx' West Edgewood Addition Six-room, east front, oak and white enamel finish, garage, owner leaving city; thla ta a real home, priced to ell. Call Mr, Sloan of . Benson & Carmichael, Eve., WA. 2113.' ; r AT. lit. 13.160 BARGAIN I3.U0 Six rooms and bath, doubls garage; lot 111x130 feet: t blocks from Military avenue. 1800 down will handle. Here la the snap you want. OSRORNfc! REALTY CO., 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson tilt. BUMI3,,Park district, new five-room bungalow, east front lot, two block! to car. DO. 0647 or J A. 4221. BEST offer mad buys 4177 Wakeley Ave., fine 7-room bungalow, Cathedral district, creigh, 608 Bee. J A. 0200. J B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest. tnent, 541 Patera Truat. DO. 1097. D. B. BUCK A CO buy and aell homes. North. Florence Boulevard Residence -ROOM, strictly modern residence, large living room, dining room, kitchen, sun room on first floor, finished In osk 3 bedrooms snd bath with tiled floor on second floor, full cemented basement, furnace heat, atatlonary tuba, eaat front. corner lot facing on boulevard. All spe cial taxes paid. Owner would consider trading for a good aecond mortgage for lis equity. Payne Investment Co., 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1780. Let Us Build for You W have a number of flrst-clM lots on south slue of Lariinore avenue, on which we will bufld cl&uy, up-to-date five-room bungalows to sell complete from 14,750 to $5,000 on easy term. Let us show you the lots and the nouns. For full information call Grant Benson, evenings, Walnut 1580. Benson & Carmichael, 643 Paxton Block. Atlantio 8640 1750 CASH, 340 A MONTH Six rooms and bath, strictly modern birch finish throughout, new garage; large lot 50x130; 2 blocks to car. You are Just stealing this at 84,oOO. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2212. Mr, Colored Man: Biggest Snap in Omaha, $375 Cash ' Clever 5-room bungalow, located near. 28th Avenue and Binney. Price, 13,760. The owner paid 84.000 for this house. Call Mr. Toliver, AT. 0721,. KE. 1086. . Willing to Take Loss , FIVE ROOMS, MODERN. Nice residence district; pave-J street, rooms all on one floor; oak and rmxplc - floors; full cement basement, floor , drain; nice yard, hedge and trees. Will submit any reasonable offer. F.veningtj , call Mr. Campbell, Webster 0229. R. -D. CLARK COMPANY, Realtors. Atlantic 3521. 402-3 Securities Bldg. GENUINE bargain In Montclalr 6-room. owner built, south front bungalow, oak and enamel finish. Only 86,000, terms also. Call SCHROEDER INVESTMENT CO. JA. 8261 BRAND new 5-room modern bungalow, welj located, only 84,950. 1500 will handle. Walnut 6704. NEAR 26th and Larlmore, new, all mod. ern 6-room bungalow: complete, 14,760. South. $700 Cash This will give you immediate pos session of a 7-rrn., all modern house In good condition on the South. Sid. This property is located about half way between the two business districts. The house ia wel 1 arranged and in good condition and vacant. We listed this house at $4,300; $1,500 down, but the owner has authorized us to sell ft at 1700 which ought to make It nel! readily. Phone Mr. Hanson, Walnut 1189 for particulars and appointment. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, Open until 9 p. ni. Douglas 8380. - Ground Floor, 210 So. 18th St. Widow Must Sell Seven-room, modern home; four bed rooms and sleeping porch; hot water heat; corner lot, paving paid. Leaving city, immediate possession. Price 84,250; 8600 to 3750 cash, balance 40 a month. Douglas 8890. 6-ROOM house and lot; 11,100; straight bargain. O. P. STEBBINS, 1610 Chicago. Vacant Property. Lot Bargain Well located corner lot SOth and Stone Ave., near Miller Park; all Im provements are In. Will take diamond or Liberty bond as first payment. Phone Jackson 2182. T? a 1 OTTkTi T .rw4-o t- up Small pay. iiuiuuuii ijuw m-n, down. ensv down : eass payments. Phone Stewart. Ralston. 10-W. ! Select Offerings in ! 5-Year Farm Mortgages I I I Competent authorities predict the period of high interest rates will soon be over. Prudent investors are buying farm mortgages which insure complete safety, and high interest rates or several years to come. Some of our most attractive first mortgages are given below : Appraised I Amount $1,500 $5,000 ( $2,500 $1,000 $3,000 . $5,000 I $2,500 $3,000 Rat 7 7V2 7 7 8 7- 7 7 Time Smi-Annually Semi-Annually Semi-Annually Semi-Annually Semi-Annually Semi-Annually Semi-Annually Semi-Annually So long as grass grows and I I ready to aid in producing an income from farm loans. Uovern ments may come and go, but lands on which food is raised will yield their regular revenues while the earth remains. It is for these well known ressons that judicious investors have turned to well selected first mortgages on farm lands as the safest high grade in vestment ever since before the dawn of recorded history. ! Kloke Investment Co. I 845 Omaha Nat'l Bank. AT THE THEATERS J AMI BIS at t El E. COOPER'S burlesque. The Big J am bursa.'' opens aa engagement the Uayety treat sr, beginning with the usual matluea today. A glaties at the personal of the caat raveala frank Itunlsr, Frank X. Milk, Jack Gibson, Illa lilrard, Helen Andrews, Anna Thornton, Mildred Holmes, the Jamboree trie. Under the personal supervision of Mr, Cooper. The cast ha produced see of the best shows of tha season en tha Columbia cir cuit. Tonight there will ha two complete performancee, starting at 1.10 and II J. Many naval surprises will be Introduced at midnight aa the old year dies and lha new one la bora. Sunday's matinee begin at 1:00. Orpheum patrons are reminded that to. night. New Year eve, there are la be two performance. The first show opsns at 7:44, ta second at 10:11. Patron of the aecond shew are requseted to time their arrival, not earlier than 10 o'clock. The entertainment will be. appropriate to the aplrlt of hllartoua festivities. It ts to be the ooBCiuding night of the bill, headed by Pearl Rrgsy and her Jaas nana, nun the New Year's matlnes tomorrow contss the offering of George Whiting and Sadie Burt as one of the stellar feat urea Three entertainers have a repartory of new an'l clever songs. The other headline offering will be the one-act comedy "Indoor Sports." Thla Is an amualng sketrh by Harlan Thompson and Hugh rleroert. i Is te bs cleverly presented by a quartet of carefully chosen players. Tha official motion pictures of the Dempaey-Caroentler boxing contest being shown at the Brandela thla week will be notable for ths rscord they bear on the face, of them as to tha aDortln manners and customs of this present day and eg. While many do not healtate to denounce boxing aa brutal and aavage, thousand believe that the day Is here for tne cnani- jdonlng of the art of elf-defenie. The vaudeville show at the Empress I on of varied entertainment. Tommy Gor don and Hark Germalne, have built up a splendid combination of comedy feats on the trampoline, singing, dancing and bright patter. Haunting melodies of the Hawaiian Islands on Instruments peculiar to Hawaii are offered by Kalama and Koa. Howard and Flelua have a moat amualng travesty bit with Juat enough singing and dancing Interpolated to make It entertain Ing, while Uelene Collne Co. present A vocal and piano, act which is most en. Joyable. The sower of Robert B. Mantel), coming to the Brandela theater next week, to alter hla peraonallty completely and Iden tify himself Intimately with the particular character he is portraying, haa for many years been the marvel of playgoers. Nearly all actors, even the greateat, have their mannerisms, which they cannot aiscsra end which gives a "family likeness" to everything they are doing. Mr. Mantel! la one of the few exceptions recorded in stage history. When he Is playing Rlche- 1 leu he la the cardinal tnrougn ana through, apparently mentally aa well aa physically. Mantell Is lost signt oi com pletely. And so it Is with Shylock, Mac beth, Jacques and the rest. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Acreage. TWO acres Florence, two blocks to car and pavement. Faces two streets. Ideal poultry, fruit and garden land. Pries 81.800; 150 cash, 20 a month or will take good second mortgage as part payment. Sunday and Monday call Harney 6805 or Webster 4038. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Realtor. 1614 Harney St. Atlantio 0060 Miscellaneous. New Bungalow, $350 Cash Balance - monthly, buys brand bungalow in south part of town. new Oak and enamel finish; built-in teaturs; fine basement; completely modern. Price 15,750. The Byron Reed Co., Douglas 0297. 1612 Farnam St. 6250 DOWN Five rooms, modern but heat, on a paved street. Price. 82,750. Owner will take 6250 cash and a cheap lot for equity. Call Walnut 6711 evenings. H. 8. MANVILLE. -Realtor. Atlantio 2403. 615 Peters Trust Bldg. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1606. Dodge 8t. Douglas 1841. FIVE rooms, garage, good location, priced right for quick aale. GLOVER & SPAIN, Jackson 2850. 1,'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I Are You too Proud 1 to Save? 1 Economical furniture buy- s s ers find in our auctions a won- derful opportunity to, buy goods at low prices. Convince yourself at our ' I ' AUCTION I Saturday, Dec. 31, - Starting 1 :30 P. M. AMONG THE PRINCIPAL ITEMS ? are Complete home from Fidelity 9 Storage Co., two homes from Omaha " Storage Co., and other consignments " of household goods, which include antique 'walnut dresaer and bed; ? American walnut duofold suite, up- holstered in leather; duofolds; par- lor suites in cane and mahogany i and overstuffed; American walnut bedroom suite; walnut dining suites; fumed and waxed oak dining suites; ; bird's-eye maple chiffonier and dresser; dressers; chiffoniers; rock- ers : settees ; rugs ; hall runner ; gas . stoves; heatins stoves: coal ranges; refrigerators ; electric heaters ; wick- T er table and rockers: Congoleum " rugs ; kitchen tables ; kitchen chairs : bedding; curtains; dishes; cooking ? utensils; electric washing machines; ? office safe; antique mahogany chair and many, many other articles. STEPHENSON, I 1809 Capitol Ave. Phone AT. 6265 f The downtown, ground floor, ateam- heated auction house 'k block east ? of the postoffice on Capitol avenue. " iiliiliiiiiiiiiiitMiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii'iini'HiiiinMiiiiiiiiiitia-- Value $10,000 $19,500 $10,000 $10,000 $ 8,000 $20,000 $10,000 $17,000 5 Years 5 Years 5 Years 5 Years 5 Year 5 Years 5 Years 5 Years water runs nature will be ever Omaha. Ja. 1150. , Today's Attractions. Sun "No Woman Know.M Strand Wallace Reid in "Rent Fr," Rialto John Barry more in The Lotuj Eater." Moon Tom Mix In Trailm'." Empress Nazimova in "Camillf." Brandeii Dempacy Carpentier Fight Ficiuret. Muse "The Road of Ambition." Grand Lon Chancy in "The Penalty." Hamilton Mary Milei Muiter in "Nuree Marjorie. Fanny Hurtt't odd ideal of mar riage and practicing what the preachet have Intpircd a photoplay in which Elaine Hammerttein will ttar under the title of "Why An nounce Your Marriage?" "The Eaeicst Way", having been revived by David Belatco for the Where to Eat NEW YEAR'S $1.00 PER PLATE Will buy the beat New Year dinaer to be obtained m umaaa , . . L . I A-l. f lor ins prrbv. " wwmw the hundred w fed (or the ft am price on Xmaa Day, A A UAPPV ft i-t, 11m a a NEW YEAR T everyone i my wish. Re- I? solve the llrat 01 in menu ef the New Year will find yau eur guest for the noonday lunch snd Sunday dinner. Open New Year' Ev and every night all night. Fred J. Wagoner Proprietor Excelsior Cafe 91 3 IS North 16th St. At. S07 S New Year's Greetings Rockholm's Cafe and short order house. Try our noon plate lunches. Quick service, pure foods, and low; your money's worth. Union help employed. Rockholm's Cafe 218 N. 16th St CHRIS ROCKHQLM, Prop The NEWEST Downtown Restaurant For your' New Year's din ner and your New Year's evening parties visit the Coney Island Cafe 115 South 16th St (Aero from tha New . Central Market) Our New Year's dinner at $1.00 per plate is worth the money. THE CANTON TE GARDEN MUSIC DANCING 9:30 p. m. to 12:30 a. m American and Chinese dishes. , Special New Year's v dinner. Celebrate New Year's eve with us. The Canton Tea Garden 1408 Farnam St A NEW .YEAR full of good fortune is the wish of the BUCKEYE CAFE 724 S. 16th St . A New Year resolution Try our noon-day lunch. BEST WISHES FOR A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Your New Year's dinner will be enjoyed at the AUDITORIUM CAFE 1510 Howard St. A New Year Brimful of Good Fortune and Happiness, is the wish of- B. B. Cafe 221 North 13th Street lit b .Uge tcrecn revival will be nude intdl picturet toon, Antonio Moreno, who icccn;! completed "A Guilty Cotitcinue," tory of India, will nuke an "OI4Y . Million" trip through southern Ciili' fornia before beginning hit next production. Mr. Moreno wat bors) and (pent hit boyhood days in Sitit and alwayt hat been intrreited in Minion, although he hat had but little time to ttudy them tince lit) came to this country and made name for hiintelf on the tcrecn, Corrinne Griffith it in Horiri looking over special location! lor her next picture. Mitt Griffith will leave for Havana, Cuba, from where, after a rctt of a few days, the will return to the l'lorida locations to start actual work, under; the direction of Webster Campbell. Manufacturer! of toilet soap find It necestary to change the perfumes in their product every once in while to suit the whimi of the pub lie. A HAPPY and PROSPEROUS - NEW YEAR to you and yours is the wish of the Woodrow Cafe. No. 2, 1811 Farnam street, for the year 1922. We appreciate the favors ex tended us and nope we have merited same, and shall en deavor at ill times to earn your commendation. Come and enjoy yourself on New Year's Eve, 1921-1922 Table d'Hote dinner served. Make your reservations now. Jackson 1360 Omaha's Popular Chop Suey Parlor Chinese and American dishes. The place to spend New Year's evening. The Fong 315 S. 16th St , (UptLirs) Your New Year's wants will be taken care of sat isfactorily at' the Woodrow No. 1 Special New Year's Dinner 00 per plate oodrow No. 1 214 So. 14th St. Enjoy New Year's Reserve your tables early the big New Years arty at the King Joy. mnese and American hes. Special New r's dinner. eat home at the ing Joy 1413 Farnam St Open 11 a. m. to tha wee. mall hours. The Frteo Quick Liufch wishes tou a New . Year' full happiness. Service is our watchword. If you are ir- nurry at nf.on, try our noon ljnch from 35c (up. Open ilLwiFht. ' Special New -FRISCO QjC LUNCH 314 South 15th Street (Across from Elks Club) EDWARDS CAFE 304 N. 16th St. wishes you and yours a New Year filled with prosperity. You will enjoy our specially prepared New Year's dinner at 75c per plate Open elay ntl aught. King I I tt.i 7' 7 r v for N v I I V NIS r