Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1921, Image 11

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. New' Year's
lAn Authority on AH Matters Pertain
inf to Household Management.
t "Rave a goose for Ntw Year' ir.i
'you'll have- luck all year," mm an
,,M iuueratition. And whether we
hi lieve it or not, it i a delightful lur
;irie to have a. goose on the dinner
jtile on the, first holiday of the new
A'rar. ' '
i Buy the brt goose you can afford
buy. and then alter it u thorough
,y cleansed and the entrails, oil sac,
t in (rather and tendon of the leg)
Ihavf hren removed, acrub the goose,
rl pth niMiie and out, in water to which
iMida has bceu added. Some use soapy
water, but the soda water has always
seemed a little more satisfactory,
yersonally speaking. Rinse with
; plenty of boiling water. Dry and ruo
the outside with flour and bread
1 crumbs mixed in equal proportions.
treason with suit and pepper.
j Of course, you will want extraor
dinarily good stuffing. Then try the
-apple and prune stuffing, so popular
lit the better eating places. Mix thre
'tups of dried bread crumbs with two
, tablespoons ' of melted butter, half
.teaspoon of salt, a dash of paprika
and pepper, and one-half teaspoon of
J thyme. Then add one cup tart apples
itnt into cubes, half a cup stoned raw
', prunes and half a cup of English wal-
jmits broken into pieces,
t For an eight-pound goose allow
j four hours at a very low tompera
;ture,. Baste about three hours with
j t he fat as it melts from the goose.
The last hour pour off the fat and
use boiling water for basting.
pmcnu and serve with goose?
j, A Dixie shrimp cocktail, made of
i cclerj-, green pepper, shrimp and
mayonnaise, is good for a beginning.
A fruit cocktail might be substituted,
j Riced potatoes, boiled tiny white
onions -with white sauce and
; chopped parsley, currant jelly, and
(Waldorf salad served in bright red
; Jonathan apple shells will help round
jout the meal."
i Instead of pie or pudding or ice
J cream which are rather rich to serve
with goose, try serving snowballs
with strawberry sauce.
To make the snow balls cream onc-
'lialf cup of butter, add gradually one
cup of sugar and alternate one-half
,cup of milk with two and one-fourths
ctips pf flour sifted with three and
! one-half teaspoons baking powder.
'.Then cut and fold 'in the whites of
jfour eggs beaten stiff. Steam 35
'minutes in buttered cups. Turn on
i serving plates and serve with straw-
i berry sauce.
I To make the sauce, cream one'
'fourth" cup of butter, add one-half
clip of powdered sugar to the white
t.of one egg beaten stiff and one cup
'of preserved strawberries. Beat until
4al are blended and the, sauce light
jand foamy. Serve on the hot pud
ding. " - - -
Coffee . and . .mints or ' salted ali
nionds' and tiny bonbons will-give
, finish' to' a most satisfactory holiday
Will Represent Miss 1922
1 0 1 &
e A, U-5 . ?
.Twelfth Night
As the clock strikes 12 on N'cw
lears eve ueveny iMincr m a iwvt
Year's costume will appear on the
threshhold of the Brandeis restaurant
representing little 1922. She is a
pupil of Adelaide Fogg and this is
one of her first public appearances.
Women Who Are Doing
Things in Washington.
The 12th day from Chriitmas, now
January 6, it ont of the oldest "holy,
days." being first a church festival
commemorating the visit of lh
Magi (popularly supposed to re
lings) to the manger at Hethlehem.
Therefore, the day was first called
"The Feast of the Kings." Later
it became a universally popular and
domestic holiday, and was known
alwavi in England as "Twelfth Day"
or "Twelfth Night," as it U also
called in America.
Because of its first significance,
the, principal feature is always the
selection by lot of a king and qurcn.
This is usually jjone by cutting a
rake, the man finding the bean in
the cake being the king, the woman
finding the pea being queen. The
rule for the evening, ordering game',
distributing forfeits, choosing "court
Party caps should be provided for
all guests, with crowns for king and
Many customs of the old Twelfth
Xiglit revels may be successfully
carried out in modern home parties.
For instance, there was always a
supper, the choicest dish to be
served first or only to the one who
guessed its nature. Many of the
old games may be played, as Blind
man's Buff and' the old singing fjr
feit game beginning:
"On th flrat nlvht of ChrUtmma .
My tru lnv sent to nift
A partrlds In a par tret."
"On h i-conil night ot Chrlstmia
My tru lov it to m
Txta turtle tlovm and - ' '
A partridge in a pear trte."
There were also mummers, who
invariably acted the same tale of the
laing of the Turkish knight
M. tieorge. Modern parties may
substitute shadow pictures or char
ade; or the tinging of old carols 'jy
Rursti in costume as Kohm I loo
Friar Tuck, Father Christinas, lUp
py Jack, etc.
Dancing may follow and, as tra
dition lavs all Christmas green
must be burned on Twelfth Nighr,
the evening could end with the tak
ing down and burning of all Christ
mas decorations in an open fireplace
or nonlire then the toasting of
r.iarshmallowt over the embers and
general good fellowship.
Eg(i and Tomatoes,
Scrambled eggs with tomatoef
make 'an apelizing luncheon dish
Take two good-sied tomatoes, peel
cut them in pieces, and fry them in a
little hot tilive oil. When cooked
dram off the liquid and take foil
eggs well neaten, add some cream,
?ud scramble. Mix the tomatoes with
the eggs, seasoning with salt and
pepper to taste. Serve on thin slices
of toast.
Bee Want Ads Troduce Results.
11 Mnji3?Siii:
For Infanta
ft Invalid
Tho "Food-Drink" for All Ages.
Quick Lunch BtHome,Office1o4
Fountains. Ak for HORUCKS.
6r Avoid Imitations & Substitutes
, "Indoor Window Boxes ?
' To a real garden lover the' charm
V)j the garden ycajj Jhfi extended all
TtliroueiX thfrwttoter months, -for a
Window gH.rde'h, gives cheer to a room
"and is always a .source, of interest
'and delight. " "t - .-.;.
'' Window boxV-s carl be kept charm,
jug for the entire yearby filling
ithem with hardy Nbegonias and ferns.
Another interesting arrangements,
'all in green, is of stvnall palms and
ferns of the long-leaveNl Boston type,
und asparagus sprengento trail over
the edge. Primrose, the Chinese or
Icommou variety, and I)rfeh ivies
?make a window box with 5V delight
ful color note. For lite 4iuttumn, if
the room is kept cool, some Vf "c
idarling little , chrysanthemum ; in
1rown and yellow are eff ective and
ihey will last several weeks. Fort the
late winter or early spring flowering
'bulbs may be used among ferns.
: In olantine a winter garden 041c
jnust always remember that planthi
tlo not thrive near steam heat, and
it the radiator is under the window a
broad shelf should be placed six
inches or more above it and the box
'set back on the shelf, so that the
(force of hot air does not come too
pear the foliage. ; H
i The small expense jfnd the little
rffort required for a beautiful indoor
Window boxmakes it possilbe for
ievery home-loving woman to have
; : ' 7--
j A small handbag is a good gift fdr
!a child. These cpme in red and bhia
and green leather, with strap handle
!gni .catch all complete, .even yfitli
Miti trttr fnrcd wit bin rnemr
r- J
Monkey Skin FrckJcs--
Have vou a monkey skin frock?
No? Well, you really mqist get
one. For they are quite th new
est things. And in spite of the
name, the frock .is nothfng more
or less than a silk dress fashioned
pf the new cire- crepe- -but the
manufacturers of thet' material
-lare that it is "the nipst shim-
nUring. shiny. suorl?. ' sleek,
'vimp-like silk they jfave ever
sen." .Fans and Me York are
finding many hew use
evi'n evening gown
nov, that a cir$ :hs
duted that won't r
fudging from1--nseVl
by the silk h
hardly resist bein
motikey skin.
for cire
they say
been pro-adjectives
es one can
gowned in
(By International News Service.)
Mrs. Bessie P. Brueggeman, com-misioner-
of the Employes' Compen
sation Bureau, hails from St. Louis,
Mo., and is the. fifft womati to be ap
pointed : to ' ah .official position: 'hy
President; Harding.' Mrs'.? Bruegge
man was "formerly on- the. Missouri
State Republican Executive commit
tee and delegate-at-large- to the Chi
cago convention in 1920., During ;the
war she was captain of, the St. Louis
motor Dngaae. ;. . i . , . ......
Tea-Dance. ; . . V :
Miss Frances Patton will enter?
tain t the tea-dance at the Brandeisi
resaturant Saturdav afternoon. She
will have about SO guests. . ' -,
Social" Settlement Notes.
The S. B. U. chib of tha- Social
Settlement wil entcrtain' at a' watch
party and dance .Saturday evciiing at
the Settlement house. - v , :: ;
Temple of Israel Sisterhood. , '
The Sisterhood of, -Temple Israel
have postponed ' their, luncheon and
social afternoon from January 2 to 9;
Watch Party.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bergquist will
entertain at a New Years eve party
at their home.
2801-M 3emra2b
Sunshine Krispy Graham Crackers
freshly baked for this sale, 4-lb.
carton .56t
Baker's Chocolate, lb. , .'. .'. . .49
Argo Starch, 3 pkgs 25J
Very Best Creamery Butter,
per -lb. .43d
Strictly Fresh Country Eggs,
per. dozen ..49
Small Sweet Navel Oranges,
2 dozen for
Fancy Florida Grapefruit,
6 for . ,
Fresh Green Peas, quart. . . . .20
Fancy selected Ducks, Geese and
Chickens for your New x ear's
Choice Young Lamb Legs, lb. 272
Friday Order Mean Early
Delivery Saturday
tew Year's Special
New England
Tour Dealer Can
Supply You
The Fairmont Creamery Co.
P hone AT.
KVttF Evervthme for Dhonc- UU.
9i r 1796
Important Phone and Mail Orders .. " '
Direct all mail orders and phone orders to our Order Department at the Sixteenth and
Harney Streets Store. Phone Douglas 1796. Here we are equipped to give you instant
service. Orders of $5.00 or over delivered free to any part of the city.
Headquarters for finest New Year's Poultry. Fancy Fresh Dressed Turkeys,
Geese, Ducks and Chickens. Positively lowest prices.
Steer Pot Roast, per lb ...106
Best Cuts .Steer Shoulder Boast, per lb 12 '-2
Fancy Young Veal Boast, per lb .....15
Young: Veal Breast, per lb , 10c
Prime Boiled Kib Roast, per lb .22'2
Fancy Steer Rump Roast, per lb XlVit
PIS Pork Boast, per lb 15V&C
Leg Young: Mutton, per lb.......... ..17fei
Sugar Cured Bacon Backs, per lb lSVic
Narrow Lean Breakfast Bacon, per lb. . . .27'iii
Grocery Specials Which Emphasize the Central's Dominant Leadership.
100 lbs. Best Cane Sug-ar. .85.75
48-lb. saek Gooch's Flour. .81.75
4S-lb. sack Blue Bell Flour $1.75
Swansdown Flour 38
Quaker pats, per pkg 12 Vic
.4 pkgs. iGooch'a Macaroni or
Spaghetti 28c
I lb. Stellwreck Milk Cocoa.. 40c
i5 lb. 25c
Bulk Cocoamit, lb 30c
10 lbs. Wedding Breakfast.
Syrup .........38c
' 10 lbs.- Wedding White,
Syrup ........... .........45c
No. 3 Hominy, lOc
No. 3 Pumpkin (Advo), can.. 15c
Scans ..42c
Ad-vo Kxtra Sifted Peas, can 28c
Wisconsin Early Peas, can.. 15
l'i cans ................ .81.75
Monarch Corn, can ..........20c
12 cans 81.20
Advo Corn, can ....204
12 cans 81.20
Farm House Corn, can ......10c
12 cans 81.10
Good Standard Corn, 3 cans. 25c
- IS cans .......95
Del Monte Asparagus, can...35i
S cans $1.00
Elkhorn Millc;-can lOi
12 cans 81.15
Tall cans Fancy Pink
Salmon 12V4c
Tall cans Medium Red
Salmon .15c
Fancy Comb Honey 25c
Gallon cans Cane and Maple
Syrup $1.25
5 lbs. Sunsweet Prunes 75c
Tall cans Standard Tomato
Soup 10c
No. 3 Broken Sliced Pineapple 21c
No. 3 Del Monte Sliced Peaches
and Pineapple (halves)..,. 30e
No. 3 Peaches in syrup ....25c
14 ozs. Hawkeye Catchup.... 19c
8 ozs. Hawkeye Catchup 10c
Quart Queen Olives 40c '
iarge size vueen uiives
Welch's Grapelade ,
35c Assorted Lippincot's
Preserves, can
Fruits and Vegetables
Extra Large Grapefruit, 3 for .......
-'Medium' Siae Grapefruit, 5 tor
Head Lettuce, each
Large Fancy Celery each
5 lbs. Best Jonathan Cooking Apples
Choice Box Jonathan Apples
Medium size Sunkist Oranges, doz...
, Large size Sunkist Oranges, doa. ...
' 5 lbs. Sweet Potatoes
Fancy Early Ohio Potatoes., bushel. .
Fancy Black Walnuts, 4 lbs.
Extra Fancy English Walnuts, lb....
12 He
Butter and Eggs
Checked Eggs, in car- No. 1 Storage Eggj.
tons, doz. ....... 34t I per doz. ....... .35c
- Old Fashioned . Cottage ."
Cheese, like mother
used to make, per . ,
lb. .....17Hc
Milcon, Rex or Gem Nut Central Extra Quality
Margarine, lb.... 24c Creamery Butter, per
5 lbs ....$1.15 J ,1b. .. .....42c'
Fresh Country Butter,
in rolls, lb..;.... 36c
Cigars Just Inside the. Door
10c Portina,' 5c; box 0...$2.35
15c Portina, 3 for 25c
Box of 50 .......4.00
, Camel Cigarettes, carton ..$1.75
Candy Extra Special
McComb's Homemade 80c Butter
Cream Chocolates, lb 69c
Our 60c Chocolates, lb. 49
; Ortman's Bakery Products
Tutti Fruit! Cakes, each, 80c
Ortman's Genuine Fruit Cake,
per lb 60c
Pumpkin and Mince Pies,
each : 20c
Cookies, doz., 15c; 2 doz..,. 25c
r- . -' '" -
Free Delivery on Order
ot $5 or Over
rffit'GtTTU U2MT-- 9P.M
1814-16 Farnam Street ; Mail Orders Filled
A Happy New Year to Our Thousands of Friends and. Patrons
Omaha's Greatest Market Offers Wonderful Values for Saturday
Most complete lines of Fine Poultry Turkeys, Geese,
. Ducks, and Chickens at the lowest prices in the city.
Fresh Killed Spriiif? Chick
ens, special
per lb
26 k
Small Tiff Pork loins, half or whole,
special at, - wi
per U). 12C
Small Fresh Picnic Earns,
special, . 11.1,
per lb. ........ ll2C
Meat Specials
Fresh Skinned Hams, half or whole, lb.
Fresh Sliced Hams, per lb. .............
' Spring Lamb Legs, per lb .
I'rime Rib Koast, rolled, per lb. .......
n'.eer roi itoast, per ID. ...
Steer Shoulder Steak, per lb.
Steer Round Steak, per lb ,
pteer .forternouse steak, per lb.
Fancy Young; Veal Roast, per lb.
Fancy Young- Veal Steak, per lb.
Young- veai btew, per lb
Pure Rendered Lard, per lb. .
Puritan Skinned Hams, per lb.
Puritan Bacon, per lb
Sugar Cured Bacon, per lb.
Fresh Oyatera and Fish Received Dally
..-..2214c '
.25 Vit.
.32 lie
Grocery Specials
48-lb'. sack Pillsbury
Best Flour. per
sack 92.23
i-Va. sack Gooch'a
Best Flour, per
ack 1.75
yuan jars windmill Sweet Pickles ...... ...434
Imported Norwegian Sardines, In olive oil 12c
TaU cans of Red- Sockeye Salmon. 3 cans 1.00
32 oz.i. Kamo Mince Meat Vj"
1921 Crop Fancy Mixed Nuts, per lb I?!!?
Lxtra Fancy Sugar Corn, per dozen 1 35
3 lbs. Food Center Special Cottee 2
3 lbs. Breakfast Cupf Coffee .;!.!.". IsS
Premier Coffee, we guarantee it, per ib.'".'.2&
Tutti Fruti Cake, each ....SOc
Ortman's genuine Fruit Cake, 1
per lb. ...,. .60c
Pumpkin and Mince Pics, 20c
Cookies,' per dozen ........154
1 dozen for ........... ...25c '
Thompsen's Dairy UTaid Fancj
Creamery llntter, lb. ...43
Meadow Gold Creamery Butter,
P" lb. 45
Country Roll Butter, direct from
farm, per lb. 374 .
Danish Pioneer Creamery Butter,
" per lb. in
Creamed Cottage Cheese, lb. le
iancy New York State Cheese,
June make, per lb ..30
' Checked Eggs. In cartons. 33c
. Rex Nut. Gem Nut and Nuloia,
Per lb 24C
Cigars Just Inside Door
Mozart, loc size. . .11c
'Box of 23 for. 2.45
Meditation, 15c. . ..11c
Box of 23 for. $2.75
Camels, carton. .$1.75
Best Fancy Indian River Grape j
lYuit, 4 for 25.
Extra Fancy Hot-house Toma
tees, per lb 25
Italian Chestnuts, Ib. ,...25c
AD Kinds of Fancy Fruits and
Vegetables at AH Times.
lOBira ..45c
ttx 19 S3.55
the highest grade Macaroni:
Spaghetti, Egg Noodles and
other Macaroni Products.
?v " choicest selection of tender,
. Tt young meat which has been
; Jy . . .cured "just right" that's Puritan
v Ham. And when cooked "just right"
'.. f eager appetites are joyously satisfied.
ACudhy Product f) f
A"TKeTastem- Hams
v 111
We Deliver
to Any Part
of the City,
: The; Market Where Greatest Values Always Exist
We'll Help Make the New Year's Dinner a Real Success
Fanrr Young;
Fancy, Tonne
Fork Shoulder
11 '
Fresh Bam
Fork Lola
Yoancr Mnttoa
Faay ' Veal
Choice teep
Beef Roast
Omar Floar
48 lbs.
Bine Bell
Flonr, 4S lbs.
Saturday's Big Grocery Specials
SUGAR, Cane Granulated. . ... k .5 lbs. for 25c
Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. for
. 5t Size Grapefruit, 3 for
New Mixed Nuts, 1921 crop. 2 lbs. for
New Brazil Nuts, 1921 crop, 3 lbs. for.;..
Dromedary Dates, per package
Electric Spark Soap, 10 bars for ..
Reid and Murdock Corn, per can
. Held and Murdock Tomatoes, per can ....
Farrells W. B. White Corn Syrup..... I,
Lojt Cabin Syrup, small
Log Cabin Syrup, medium , ..53
Advo Jell, 3 for ...... 25
Ankola Coffee, 3V4- lbs. for 81 15
, Calumet Baking Powder, at 4t
ew York Cream Cheeie, per lb. 27
Meadow Gold or Seward Creamery Butter, lb ......46
Choice Couatry Butter, per lb.
Just Inside the Door
Mozart, 13c size 11
Box of 25 for S2.45
Meditation, 15c size H
Box of 25 for... $2.75
Camels, carton 51.75
Tutti rnitl Cake. ah ..M
Orlman's c.nuins Fruit Ck, lb., ne
Pumpkin and Mines Pies XOe
Cookies, per doun. 18c; I douo, ZSr
Ch ktfTMtt frwl Macaroni,
SpalMtti, E(? Noodlaa and
Othar Macaroni Products.