Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1921, Page 10, Image 10

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Society Holiday Visitor
Silver Wtdtling Surprite.
In honor ol the stiver wnjiimg in
HivrrMiy ol Judye ami Mr. Leigh
.!ir, a urpiie was givrn tlinn at
ttitrr liome Tlmi.ilay evening by
ilicir Uautfhlrr, Mi Mary, and
Judge and Mr. Charlet Leslie. One
luiiiclrcil and fifty Rii't attcmlnl
.iistiin were Med4m A. 1'
Striker, A. C. Coddcy, S. Rob.
nt and Mim Kate Mdltiuh. With
Mits Leslie in the dining room were
Misses Helen - and Ruth Godfrey,
hvelyn Kobcrts and Louise Gurncy.
Bridal Dinner.
Dr. and Mm, t harlc MeMartin
rutrrUtnnl .'4 kiicMs at a bridtl
ifiiincr U.t evtuinii at tlieir home,
Imnorinit their daughter. Miss Lonu
MeMartin mid Karl Schafer, whotc
wedding will take place Saturday
evening. A large bride cake wan
the centerpiece of the table, and
this was cut for the members of
the wedding party and of the family,
while another cake will te cut for
the wedding guests tonight.
Girls' Club Givei Pleasure.
.The A. K. club of Central High
rive a program at the House of
Hope Friday afternoon and will re
peat it in the near future at the Old
JVopIe'a home. The program in
cluded readings, piano selections
and solo dancing, and the club mem-l-crs
plan to make it an annual af
fair. They also furnished refresh
ments. ...
The club, of which Miss Thclma
Bttrke is the president, sent several
Christmas dinners to needy families
last week.
Entertain for Popular Couple.
Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Rohling of St. Louis, who arrive
Saturday morning. Miss Elizabeth
Davis, sister of Mrs. Bohling, will
entertain a party at the Omaha club
Mew icars eve. The guests will
include the members of the Bohling
Davis wedding party. Sunday even
mg Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hosford
w ill give a supper party for Mr. and
Mrs. Bohling. Mr. Bohling returns
to St. Louis the first of the week
and Mrs. Bohling will be her for
two weeks with her parents, Mr. and
.Mrs. J-rccl Davis. :
For Miss Jane Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. I. T Stewart. II
pave an Orphcum arty this ever
ning for their daughter, Miss Jane
Stewart, were followed by supper at
the Brandeis restaurant. The guests
were the MjiSses Barbara Burns
l'.lcanor Kountzc, Emma Nash
Dorothy JUggins. Jane Stewart, Hal
t.ifford, Bjbbby Hall, Ernest Pcjjau
J un Davidson. Gordon Stewart.
r ' League Calendars.
. Tire League of Women Voters'
calendar has been reduced in price
-io 50 cents.- It is a souvenir ca en-
tlar of Nebraska, vwth pictures and
quotations representing many of Ne
braska's best known citizens. This
. souvenir maybe obtained at Kil-
patrick'a, Burgess-Nash, 'Thompson-
Kelden, Matthews Book store, or
the Woman s exchange. - .
-Luncheon and Matinee.
Miss Winifred AlcMartm was
(hostess Thursday at a luncheon at
the Athletic club, followed by an
Orpheum party. Her guests were
the Misses Eleanor Kountzc Isobel
Evans, Frances Yeager, Verona De
Vore. ." - .. y,',,1;
Sunoer Dance for Daughters.,'
..' Mr, and Mrs. D. C. Bradford will
. entertain at a supper dance at the
Omaha club Friday - from 7 to !
o'clock for their twin daughters,
Martha Ri and Bertha May Brad
Miss Frances Nieman is spending
the holidays m New York City. ;
Miss Marian Risser of Lincoln is
visiting Miss Pauline Coad during.
the holidays,
Miss Viola Muldoon has gone . to
Hastings to spend a week with Miss
Florence Heath.
A son was, born December 30 at
the Stewart hospital to Mr. and Mrs.
Max M. Granat.
Mr. and Mrs. William - McNichols
and son, Weldott, of Lexington, Neb.,
are visiting Mr. and Mr?. William C.
Miss Kathleen Rines of Salt Lake
City is the holiday guest of Miss
Cecile Fox. The girls are classmates
at the University of Nebraska. v
Mr. and Mrs Mark- Hughes of
York, Neb., are spending the holi
days with Mr. Hughes' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Hughes, 3016 Ames
ft ,
'" ','
tV V i-"- iV. vV.
".' - -' '
Miss Peggy lfartman of Ran
dolph, Neb., and a student at the
University-c-f Nebraska, Lincoln, has
been a holiday visitor in Omaha at
the home of Miss Irma Wiltse. Miss
Hartman, who is a member of Kappa
Delta sorority. 'attended the annual
Fan-Hellenic Christmas, luncheon at
the Brandeis Wednesday.1 She re
turned to Lincoln Thursday.
Walking Club Has
Inviting Plans
for New Year
The Omaha Walking club will
have an all day outing New Yesrt
day leaving the Burlington depot in
- Council Bluffs at 9:35 a. m. for Fol
som, la. The walk will be from Fol-
wm to Council Blurts, through the
hills on the east side of the Missouri
liver, under the leadership of Jim
Baldwin and Bill Weint.
I The walks committee has inaugu
rated for this season a series of en
durance and non-stop hikes. Most of
these will be all day trips with no
stops except for lunch. The leaders
v. ill set a pace of three and one-half
to four miles ait hour and maintain
that pace during the entire hike. The
length of the walks will be about 20
to 25 miles, r
The first of these hikes will be
I taken - Monday, January 2, starting
' from the north end of the Florence
' Vac line at 10 a. m. This walk will
be on the Blair Ridge road, ending
in Blair. The walks committee, Leo
Bozell. chairman, , Miss Nell Duffy,
Miss Olive Frazcr, Leslie William)
and Charles Gadway will be the
Beginning January 1, the club
; house at Wiley Point will be open
on Sunday afternoons and evenings
after 3:30 o'clock, and an authorized
i host and hostess will be in charge
'to welcome visitors. Mr. and Mrs.
VV. I. Wood will receive on New
Years day.
The Saturday afternoon walks will
be continued during the season. The
start will be made as usual at the
terminus of the Albright car line con
tinuing through Fontcnelle Forest t
the cluo house which is located at
Wiley Toint about one-quarter of a
mile east of Caftip Gifford, near the
Missouri river. John C. Pollock will
lead the walk January 7.
I . Boil the mop in an old pail half
full of water into which you have
put a tablespoonfuf of concentrated
lye. Then rinse ' carefully and the
mop will be as good as new.
Problems That Perplex
Answered ' by
A Reserved Lover,
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 18 and
engaged to a man eight years my
stiuor. Ho is thinkins about get
ting: married within a year,' whereas
I hesitate, inasmuch as it seems to
me he does not show any love for
me. lie does not come to see rue
often, and when he does come he
leaves at the earliest possible hour
Recently I was kept in the office
evenings and was unable to see- him
for about a week. He was only too
glad. He works on Sunday, al
though he does not have to, there
fore having an excuse not to take
me out. , When he does go with nie
he acts merely as a friend, not at
all as if we were engaged. When
I mention anything to him about
love he simply says that it- is indi
cated by the diamond ring he gave
me. , .
Do you think that just because he
gave me a ring I should take it for
granted that he loves me? Shall
break the engagement? As I am all
alone in this world I am writing to
you for your kind advice in the
Perhaps the man to whom "you
are engaged is cold and without any
If r. and Mrs. C. Kremer Bain of
Bonterre, Mo., and small son are the
' guests for the holiday week of Mrs.
Bain's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
1. Woodard.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bradford are
leaving about January 15 for Coro
nado Beach, Cal., and other winter
resorts in southern California to
spend several weeks.
Miss Margery Rees of Upland, Cal.,
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Carson
for the holidays. Miss Rees is a
Kappa Gamma and has been attend
ing many of their Christmas festivi
ties. Omaha friends received holiday
greetings mailed from Paris by Miss
Laura Matthews, Council Bluffs girl,
who is in charge of a Methodist so
cial settlement at Toulon, France.
Miss Matthews was home on leave
last summer.
Leo Beveridge left Wednesday
evening for Chicago to attend the
national convention of Delta Theta
Phi. Ralph Swoboda, senior at
Creihton. has also gone to the con
vention as the - delegate of the
Crcighton chapter.
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Daniels for the holidays are Mr. and
Mrs. Meredith Daniels of Mison, la,
and the Rev. F. F. Sharpless and his
daughter, Miss Margaret Sharpless
of Norfolk. Mr. Sharpless is plan
ning a trip abroad in February.
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Rutledge re
turned Friday . morning from Chi
cago, where they stopped for a day
cr two on their way home from
spending Christmas with Mr. Rut
ledge's father in WiscoBsin. Mrs.
Rutledge was elected president of
the Omaha Woman's Press club this
Urges Observance
of Child Labor
Day, Jan. 28
Herbert Hoover, secretary of com
merce, urges a widespread observ
ance of Child Labor day. In a let
ter "just received by Owen R. Love-
joy, general secretary of the nation
al child labor committee, Mr. Hoover
says: v
"Child Labor day is important be
cause it reminds us to consider .the
question of child labor as a national
problem. Every child in the coun
try who labors to the prejudice ot
health and education is a liability
to the nation.
"It is infinitely better to prevent
child, labor and to-compel and sup
port the education of our children
today than to look after untrained,
inefficient and unhealthy citizens tomorrow."
Child Labor day will be observed
Saturday, January 28, in synagogues;
Sunday, January 29, in churches and
Sunday schools, and Monday, in
schools, colleges, clubs, etc.
Information about child labor con
ditions, and . suggestions for Child
Labor day programs, may be ob
tained by addressing the national
child labor committee,- 105- East
Twenty-second street, New York,
N. Y.
Dinner and Theater Party.
Miss Margaret Shaw entertained
at an Orpheum party, followed by
dinner at her home, Wednesday aft
ernoon for eight of her classmates
at Central High school.
true feeling. I'erhaps he works so
hard in Order to earn the money
with which tor make life easier for
you when you are married to him.
He may have ambitions and long
ings which you don't try to share.
He may treat you "coldly" because
ho respects and reverences your
youth. . Instead of reproaching him
for his ways and so driving the re
served type of man back on himself,
why don't you try to find out what
is in his heart? - -
D.: You did quite the right thing
to call up your boy friend to thank
him for the Christmas box of candy,
A note would have done just as well,
I am glad you are not in the habit
of calling. up "fellows," but in this
case early thanks were due and you
were right in extending them by
telephone. 'i. -
Mrs. K. A.: Silver gray hair
should never be dried before a hot
fire, as this tends to turn it yellow.
It is best whenever possible to
dry it in the sunshine, or fan or
rub it dry. Put a few drops of blu
ing in the last rinse water to keep
it silver wnite. ;
ulory: it is difficult to advise a
woman when her husband is unkind
to her and beats her,' difficult be is an awful situation for
a woman to subject herself to, and
yet the alternative of leaving him
is something I always hesitate to
suggest. - Why not take your baby
and go home to your mother for
a while? That will give you time
lor sober reflection, and your hus
band, too. Perhaps he will regret
his conduct and be ' better to you
wnen you return. -
Treat your beauty fairly!
No matter how lovely
your features are you
cannot betrulyatiractive
with a red btotchy
oily skin
Rcsinol Soap and Ointment
make bad complexions
smoother softer and
generally charming
5oothinq And HeaJinq
Can You Cook?
Red Top
Sturdy Folks
Absolutely no waste, eas
ily prepared. Recipe in
every package.
Ask ySur grocer for RED TOP
Downstairs Store
, Saturday
Large, Juicy
Omaha's Leading Cash Markets
Our Poultry U All Fresh Dressed and Our Stocks Are Complete.
212 N. 16th St
2408 Cuming St
4903 S. 24th St
one AND ALL i
i 1 ' I I I I
Choice Choice Choice Choicest Choicest Fancy Choicest Fancy
.Lef, Fresh r,0in Btn Cut .P?rk Beef Chuck Breakfast
Lard, ., Steak, Butts, Loins, Bacon
Sp.cuut aparerib Spui.t sPi.i t Kound Meak (, orwhoU) Roast (j, or whoU sUs)
10c WAc 1 15c J 12,2c 1 15c 1 17c, 11c 22c
Special Sale on Fresh Killed Poultry
Fancy Fresh Geese 28c ancy resft Dreed Spring Chickens, 27c
Fancy Fresh Dressed Ducks, O Kr Dry Picked Turkeys, Ar
special at per lb. OC
Sugar-Cured Picnic Hams ...15c
Sugar-Cured Regular Hams. , . . .20c
Sugar-Cured Breakfast Bacon. , -22c
Sugar-Cured Skinned Hams. 21c
Sugar-Cured Strip Bacon. 17c
Sugar-Cured Blade Bacon 1 5c
Choice Veal Roast .16c
Choice Veal Stew. 12V2c
Choice Veal Chops. .22c
Choice Veal Legs (l2 or whole) .22c
Choice Veal Loins iz or whole) 22c
Fancy Early June Peas, 3 cans. ............ 35c
Fancy Sweet Corn, 3 cans ........ 35c
Fancy Tomatoes, 3 cans 30c
Fancy Pork and Beans, 3 cans 30c
White Naptha Laundry Soap
1 -lb. bars, each.
t ..... .5c
Special demonstration and sale on Ed S. Vail &
Co. Evergood Butterines. Quality the highest
and prices the lowest
Evergcod Liberty Nut, per lb 21c
Evergood Liberty Nut 5 lbs $1.00
Evergood Buttenne, per lb. ,. . . . .23c
Evergood Butterine, 5-lb. carton .$1.15
Danish Pioneer Fresh Creamery Butter. . ... ,42c
Choice Beef Rib Boil 9c
Choice Beef Pot Roast 10c
Prime Rib Roast. 17c
Fresh Cut Hamburger .15c
Choice Corned Beef 11c
Fresh Beef Liver. ........................ 10c
Choice Wienies and Frankfurts i ... 16c
Choice Polish and Knoxwurst .............. 16c
Fresh Liver Sausage 15c
Fresh Bologna Sausage 15c
46 S
No. C. O. D.'s No Deliveries
No Telephone Orders
Downstair Stora
If wNatur takes -months to produce mimi tnoiTl I
jJl clients --which science turns into a delicious t
jStL, chtilu. food. Bread cfqu43U JB
Wealth, health and happiness for every
body and for all good holiday dinners a
generous supply of V
Combination Special
Ice Cream
What a gorgeously delicious treat it is ! So
richly flavored, so full of joyous holiday
goodness that its memory will linger for
many days to come. Combination Special
Ice Cream dessert of all desserts for your
dinner on New Years Day.
Better place an order for this deli
cious holiday treat now if you do
not want to be disappointed. An Ice
Cream dealer near your
home will sell it
Only one Combination Special Ice Cream. It's
)KjZ Cream
of oil