THE' BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. DECEMBER SO, 1921. Big Savings Banks ( Invest Millions In Liberty Bonds Conditions of Financial Insti tutioni Far Better Today Than W Looked for ; ' La.t Year. By HOLLAND. The president of one of the savings lanki of New York city has bought SJJ.OW.OOO. face vulue. ol Liberty bonds and Victory notes. A consid erable part of these government se curities were purchased when the market quotation for them was 86. Today they are quoted at nearly par. The profit to the bank which has followed the appreciation in these se curities reaches high in the thousands of dollar. The president of the bank was asked this morning upon what he based his judgment for continuing the purchase of Ihpe bonds and notes although the niarRet quotation for them was steadily fall ing. He said in reply that he knew that the day would come when these notes would be redeemed by the gov ernment at par and that meanwhile the interest upon them would be paid ' upon the date designated in the se curities. ' Therefore, it was not a speculative transaction, but one based upon certainty and in the interest of the bank. Whether other saving banks In Nw Tork hav mutched or surpassed ths purrheees of these securities which ths president of one bank arknowledges is tint known. But the nresuniiuitin Is that nut any of theni hav surpassed, although! some of them msy haw matched, this purchase. This bank la not the largest although It Is numbered In the list of urn ciiy. it vnw in"" im of 180,000,000 in deposits, whereas the lesder baa somewhat In excess of 8200. 000,000 and one or two others have In excess of 1100,000,000. One of the smaller saving banks In New York recently de clared a dividend ot 4 per cent. The wonder was whether this established a permanent and substantially unprecedent ed policy, but the discovery was made that the dividend was a apodal one, pos sibly for the purpose of Tempting depos its. Four per cent Is the standard divi dend of the New York savings banks. Banks steadily Improve. Many persons have wondered why the steady Improvement .of the banks In their situation as compared witn a year ago has not. been reflected fully In menu- laciuro ana iraue, ji is irua met nuary of last year progress mucs limna Ul Ul inr nn uvtii Hiauo lit M .h n. .t.h t flnan. a fnnri tlnn. in bualnees. As, for Instance, the 12 feder al reserve banks have. In the aggregate. Increased their gold reserves by more than 40 per cent, while on the other and. discounts for member banks have dropped 60 per cent, and there are near ly JO per cent less federal reserve notes in circulation than waa toe case a year ago. And yet manufacture and trade seem not to have responded fully to the ex , cellent banking conditions. It la true that unemployment Is nnl so large as 'It was a year ago, hut there la apprehension that in the latter part of the' winter un employment may Increase. On ths other hand forecast was made In the spring of last year that many who at one time were earning goad wages would be In auoh. distressing condition - that It might be necessary to reea mem ana even ea tabllsb soup kitchen upon a large scale. No longer does this apprehension exist. On the whole, the statement made at the close of the year by the National ' Bank of Commerce in New York la re garded as accurate. It Is said In that statement that conditions In the United States today Justify the belief that ths year of It 11 win on the wnoie turnisn more satisfactory' results to American business and industry than were secured In the present year, or at least In the first half of the present year. Ilepew Speeches Published. Chauncey M. Depew has recently pub--iiahed a volume which contains the ad- dresses that he haB delivered since the nnhllpi I Inn. ef til. " .nMohM w.r. made, there being eight volume) of these This latter work, however, has entailed no more than careful editing and De pew Is a punctilious editor, of his ad dresses. But in February of this year there Is to be published a volume con taining some of the reminiscences of De. pew. This represents congenial work: which; has occupied him - In leisure mo ments for some months. It IS first hand work, not having involved the services or any secretary. Much- of. the manu script Is in Depew' handwriting, part of It was the result of dictation. It con tains some of ' the most Interesting of the reminiscences with which Depew has been accustomed to entertain friends who have called upon him. But perhaps the most remarkable feature associated with this publication Is the fact that the work waa written when he was 87 years or age. - t .Nevertheless, he must-recognise that an other than he deserves the tribute which ia paid to anyone who in venerable years naa written and published a book; Mrs. Candace Wheeler, who Is 95 years of age, naa written and recently published an elaborate work' Illustrating the art of lace making.' Not satisfied with this achievement, she Is now writing another book. Although -she will be 96 when her next book is published. Mrs. Wheelers advanced age may Perhaps be better rea lised when It Is known she is a grand mother of Honry L. Stimaon, who served in the cabinet of President Roosevelt and who later was the republican candi- date for governor of New York. , . THE GUMPS 8EC IT IN COLORS IN THS SUNDAY til LOSTAN UNCLE Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith Ovyriglt. I til. Cftleage tribune Compass JrW. i. BH.aU Xlta Otf CkH WC AtVT NOW. TCMPT.VTAD- NOO sVT 6vvt HIM cusvmce to nrr hi voot tn tvc movsh. too ravmE . OH HIM- S&VtE nOKt H0MVT- THAT MY TO 60 TO VM. HOU Ht60XIATLON- mm MOW- VOO COUtbNT HAVt OHC MO BE K. Hlfc T VOU tBt HVR tTT HlVtH- JUtT Ilk tUNNINU MOW HI HOVtt HM4l- ' JV9T UKfc VMsVLXlNCj TVttDOCM VhK iTt H POOH HOUVt- tmitttv. 1 OOfTT HAVE. TD STVN Hit NM.T8 - I'U. NIVE PW TO WUV sVOJOH- I MUCK XkMT TO Mt t-Arc- trt TU-m VKMt AS UH6 Uiwv we VC CAM! WtO OUK LIFE AH IU VrZT mm 1 JM i 1 --LM I w RBI I i i n i n i am li-a it a .11 .ELL OHOIMUA- NOVTlt ttt V)R NVH- JUtT U TXCHtNft THt U OH Y4 tOO. HOUUftATX- LAVTWI 1Wa. IM IYIAT3 ALL- M0T 0? Ottl; GOMfHt, T CO Art HATJ, THAT DVAM0H& WtM tVtN iHlJ YtOVWE. C AMI Ttg.OM WAA- rAK. 6ATTV0t AH 0) HCT HM- OH TNATt Au 16at- n 1 ma i Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Live Stock Hereluts were: Monday. Peo :6tll. Official Tuesdsy . . Official Wednesday, Kstlmate Thursday., Pour days th s wk. Heme last week ...12.011 Came t wks. ago ...1H,2fiS Heme 3 wka. aau . . 1 8ame year ago 21,478 Holiday. Omaha, December 29. Cattle Hotrs 8hep J. 774 l.llt 13.70V 4.S0O' n.ono 11.371 H6,564 3.4ti0 3.1,4:2 19.0DH 37,379 6. 7.714 ,50t) S0,0"0 4 1 .2-1 3 28, m 30,034 Receipts and dlsnoalllon of live stock a the ITnlon atock yards. OmahH, Neb., for 34 hours ending at 3 p. m. December 1S21. , RECEIPTS CARS, Horses si Cattle Hogs Sh'p Mul- Wabash R. R ; - 0- 1 ... Mo. Pairii! Ry...... 3 3 2 .., I'nlon I'aciflc R. R. 25 38 It , ... O, & N. W. Hy., east 6 , S . 1 ... C. N. W. Ry., west . 31 80 - 7 I C, 8t. P., M. & O.. It " 21 1 O., B. & Q. lty., east 4 3 ... C. B. & Q., west.. 4S 17 8 t., R. 1. & P., east. 14 4 ... C, R. I. & P., west. 2 1 1 Illinois Central Ry.. ... 1 ... Total receipts ... 177 173 44 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle 610 777 18 193 . .'91 ' Chicago Uve Stock. 1 Chicago, Deo. !. Cattle Reeeiots 12 000; good ateers and yearlings, steady; medium grades, slow to tie lower; top f yearlings, f 10.00; top heavy steers, M.8S; ' bulk beef steers. S8.60.10; she-stock, steady; light heifers, active; bulls mostly veal calves. 35 60c higher; bulk to pack ers.; atockers and feeders, steady. .4 Hogs Receipts S9.000; trade unevenly 2S40 cents lower than yesterday's aver age; mostly 40c lower on all classes st the close; top, IS. 16 for light weight; bulk ISO to 200 pound averaare. S7.S0O7.85: 220 to 260 pound weights, $7.1&tj7.25: pigs mna naCKlnc aradea zoe lower: bu m n as. s.o; snippera iook aoouc jf.vuu, noia- over liberal. Sheep Receipts 15,000; fat and feeder lambs, ateady; fat sheep 25c higher; fat lamp top, in. 05; bulk, S11.2S11.05; top yearlings. 110.25; fat ewe top, o.5; bulk S4.00A5.50; feeder lamb top, at noon, S10.60, some held higher. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City. De& 2S. (U. S. Bureau cf Markets.) Cattle Receipts. 4,800 head; beef steers, slow, mostly 1625o lower; some 25o higher; top, heavies, SS.25: ear ly sales, l5.86gf7.S0; bulls, mostly 10lSc higher; bulk. IS.604ji4.O0; some heavy butchers, 14.60; other classes uneven but mostly steady; cows, 13.76a. to- best cons, 14.7595.00: cutters. I2.!52 50; most cutters, 3.00g3.60; practical top on vealers, 14.50: medium to choice atock ateers. 16.5598.60. Hogs Receipts, 7,900 head; market, uneven but generally 2 be blither; shippers took all of the best ISO to 190-lb. hot, m 87J0J.7.SJ; bulk of sales, I7.25fli7.60: packer top, 87.56: packing sows, 15.606' 75; pigs, 55c lower: top, 7.5(i. Sheep Receipts. J.ese head: killing r'i generally steady; ewes. St. light fed yesrllng wethers, 11.60; let west ern lambs, 111. at. Sioux City TJt Stork. Stout City, la., Dec. 29. Cattle Re cetrts, 1.700 head; market steady, lc lower: warmed up. 14.60 f7. 00; fat cows ni nelfsrs, SJ.607.00: ranners. I!.00 3.00: vests, 13.600)8.25; feeders. I4.00A ": calves. I1.609S.2S; feeding cows and e'l-rs, I2.600J4.6O: atockere, It.e09e.s0. Hogs Receipts. T.S"0 head: lights mar e. lie lower; light and butchers. U SSfr ' mixed. t 50JS.76: heavy. 15.6094.50; bulk of sales. S.75e.a. Sheep Receipts. S0 . head; market ie4. St. Joseph IJve Stork. . Joseph. Dec. t. Cattle Receipts, eJ2 market. lSfSS lower; steers. "i.,M1,": cow "il heifers, 3.Se S; c'. Il.00e7.00. Hera Receipts. i:.e) bead: market. !f:o. lower; top, 17.2; balk. 7.10 PheepRipt,, 4 IS bead: jitsrket, adv; ,4rabi i.s8lLJj; ew Terk Try jeels. ew Terk. Dee. 29. Cettoa roods were a'-adirr today and. ;ims tended higher. . '"e dress rods are being opeaed. Some ess ef ererroatinra and so its were Knows r?e falL Raw silk waa qaiet and firot. laps wtrs steady.. Armour A Co Cudnhy Packing Co. Dold Packing Co.., Morris Packing Co.. Swift & Co J. W. Murphy Swartz & Co... Lincoln Parking Co.. 18 Wilson Packing Co... 28 Hlggina Packing Co.. 18 Hoffman Bros 31 Mayerowich A Vail... 13 Midwest Packing Co.. 1 P. O'Dea 2t Omaha Packing Co.... S So. Omaha Pkg. Co... 8 J H. Bulla 33 W. H. Cheek... ...... 8 E. a. Christie Son. 65 Dennis & Francis.... 11 John Harvey 435 Huntzlnger & Oliver.. 8 F. O. Kellogg. , , 41 - J. IT. Lawrence ,? 26 Mo.-Kan. C. & C. Co., 10 , J. B. Root & Co 17 Rosenstock Bros. .... 200 Sullivan Bros 36 Werthetmer & Degen. 29 St. Louie Ind. Pkg..... ... Ogden Packing Co.... 1015 Totals ...4044 Hogs Sheep . 24C7 3074 1091 1 Sii 851 B83 1150 Ma9 33S2 2924 . ... 693 16 t - ' e 1578 259 1417 13491 1090 Cattle Receipts ' 4,300. Receipt's were more liberal today and the quality of the offerings better 'than for some time past. Demand was not very urgent from either local packers or shipping buys and trade was slow with bids and sales around 25c lower than Wedneaday. Best of the beef steers sold around 7.60t 7.60 with medium to fair kinds at S6.00 8.50. Cow stuff was in limited supply and not far from steady and the same held true as to stockers feeders. On killing; stock prices today looked pretty much the lame as a week ago. Quotations on Cattle Good to choice beeves, l7.OOiS8.00; fair to good beeves, 16.00 6.90; common to fair beeves, 16.26 gj6.86: good to choice yearlings, S7.60 9.00; fair to good yearling, S6.00S7.?0: common to fair yearlings, sb.oowo.ou; good to choice heifers, S5.756.60; fair to good neuers, M.'.tffD.t; cnoice 10 prime cows. 14 605.00; good to choice cows. 4.OO4.60: fair to good cow? $3.60S4.00; common, to-fair cows, 11.50 (S3. 26: erood to choice feeders, $5.90136.85; fair to good feeders, 85.405.90; common to fair feeders, H.76ffi'5.36; good to choice stockers. J6.16S6.60; fair to good atock ers. $5.606.00; common to fair stockers, 4.756.60; stock heifers. 14.005,00: stock cows, I2.7693.S0; stock calves, 4.607.2S; veal calves, $4.508.60; bulls, stags, etc., S3. 9093.50. Hops Heceipts, I3,uu neaa.' une mar ket was very slow to . open today with early tradiutt confined to light lights and lightweights lor snipper oemana, tnese moved mostly st prices steady to 10c. lower. After these had been disposed of, the market had a tendency to weaken and most sales were reported at prlcea 10($ 15c lower. Light hogs sold from,i) 7.10. with a top price of S7.25 paid for one load of choice lights. Mixed loads. $8.(9Q6.70 and packing grades from $5.25 W6.26. Bulk of sales was 6.7iWi.uv-HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 0..Z24 ... I 6 70 ,80.. 270 ... I I 76 73. .227 ... 6 85 ' .66.. 230 ... 6 90 77. .217 40 6 95 "77. .211 ... 7 00 84. .208 ... 7 06 '77. .178 70 ,7 10 Sheep Receipts. .500 head. The mar ket opened today 15935c lower on fat lambs and trading was fairly active at the decline.' Bulk of sales came within the range- of t0. 36 10.76 with some medium quality selling around 110.00. There were no feeder lambs received today and quota. tions are unchanged at $9. 00$9 SO. One small lot of yearlings sold for SS.00. Sheep are ateady with quotations from 83.91! Q 4.60. ' ' Quotations on sheep and lambs: fat lambs, good to choice. $10.36 10.76: fat lambs, fair to good, S9.5010.2S; feeder lambs, rood to choice, 8.760.&: feeder lambs, fair to good, S7.508.&0; cull lambs, 15.2606.25; fat yearlings, 5.00J ss.60; tat wethers. S4.5oes.26: rat ewes. 83.004.60: feeder ewes, la. 60(93.60; cull ewes, 81.0093.60. BEEF STEERS. Omaha Produce Furnished by State of Nebraska, depart. mont of agriculture, bureau of markets and marketing: LIVB POULTRY, vVh'sale Buying Belling Price. Price, Stags 10.17910.18 0.189I0.:0 Springs ..' ! .23 .22(d) .24 Hens, light .161 ..17 .180 Hens, heavy 200 .23 .24 26 Cocka 100 .12 ,14j Ducks .109 .18 .209 .2 Oeese 14 .16 .200 .2 Turkey 309 .3 Stsgs . Springs Hena . Cocks , Duoks , Geese . Turkeys DRESSED POULTRY". ,. 19 ..21 .20 . .209 .l.Hii , .20(91 . .19W . .36 (09 EGtSS. . .16(8 . .43 . .51 .269 .23 .23 .14 .21 .22 .40 .21 0 .22if .22(1 ,11)1 .229 .22ft .460 .46 .44 ,33 .30 .509 .479 .35tf .300 .30 0 .43 9 .429 .289 .240 Select i . . . . No. 1 No. 2 Cracks Errs, case count, per case 11.00011.50 Storage BUTTER. Creamery, prints. Crsamery, tub... Country, beat 24 Country, common .210' , nunssw, Station price- .... .309 HAT. Prairie: No. 1 upland. 810.50011.00: No. 2 upland. 89.00010.00; No. 3 upland, S7.00 (as. 00: no. 1 midland. Jio.ouraiu.ou; ro. 2 midland. 18.5009.60; No 8 midland, 87.00 tt'S.ooi no. 1 owiana.; no. lowland. 87.0008.00. Alfalfa: cno ca. iis.uugpis.uu; jno. 1, I15.6016. 50; standard, 912.00916.00; No S10.50ES11.50: NO. 3. SSI.OOO 10.00. Straw: Oat. 18.0009.00; wheat. 17.000 s.uu. Frulta Bananas: Per pound. Sc. Oranrea: Sunklst and fancy. 200 and larger, se.ou; sb.uu: zoo, to. on; jss- 824, 85.00. - oranges: cnoice. 178 and larger, 85.50; 200-216, 86.00; 260-288-324 84.50. GraBe fruit: Dr. Phillips. 64-64-70- 80, 15.00; 46-36, 15.00: Gateway and others. 54-64-70-80. 14.60: 46-38-96. 14.00. APDI-S Delicious, extra fancy. 64-72.88-100. 85.00; choice. 100-113-126. 84.00: 136-150-163. 13.50: jenatunns. extra fancy. 160 and larger. 83.50: extra fancy, 163 and smaller. 83.25; old fashioned winesaps, extra fancy fall sizes). 83.50; choice (all sizes). 82.76; Staymen winesaps, extra fancy (all sizes), 83.25: fancy (all sizes), 83.00; choice (all sizes). 82.75: Ark Blacks. choice (all sizes), 12.75; Ben Davis, choice (all sizes). 82.76. Basket applea: Gano s, 50; staymen s. 83.60: o. winesaps. 75, Newtown Fippens: unoice an sizes 82.50: 25-box lnte.82.4C. Vere tables cabbage: crate lots, 40: smalt lota, rc. Onions: Sk. Red Gloves, 7c; Sm. Crat, 8psnish, 83.75; Lge. Crt Spsn- Isb, 88.00. Sweet potatoes: Crate., 83.25: basket. 82.00: lots of S. 10c less. Pota toes: Nebraska onlos, so: R. K. onios, plain, 2c;.R. R, Ohlos. branded, 2 Vic; bakers. Go. Celery: Crats., rough, 87.00: Med. Jumbo, 31.25: Lge Jumbo, 81. 50: Spec, 81.75. Lettuce: Brawleys. crats., 85.00; Fullerton, Crts., 84.00; dozen, 82 (: dozen leaf, 60c. Green Vegetables Cauliflower; Per Crt., 83.00. Cucumbers: Fancy, per dozen, 83.50. Roots: Parsnips-carrots, Sc. Ruta baraa: 2Uc. Beets-turnips: Hie. Wholesale prices of beef cut re a follow: No. 1 ribs, 2H4c; No. 2, are; No. 3, 17c; No. 1 loins, 24c; No. 3, 21cr No. 3. 18c; No. 1 rounds, 14c; No. 2, 13c: No. 3, 11c; No. 1 chucks, 9c: No. 2, 8c: No. 3, 6V4c; No. 1 plates. So; No. 2, 714c; No. 3. 6V,e. Miscellaneous Honey; Case. 24 frames. 86.00. Peanuts: No. 1 raw, 9Hc; roast, 12c: Jumbo, raw. 12c: roast. 16c: palL salted. 13c; carton, salted. 12c. Cocoa nuts: Sack lots. 16.60: dozen lots. 81.25. Pates: 36 packages, 86.7S. Cider; Michigan, Keg, si.ou. New York Prodore. New Tork, Dec. 29. Butter Easier; creamery, higher than extras, 4Hji42c; creamery, extras, 41c; creamery,, firsts, 3640c - Eggs unsettled: fresh rathered extras. firsts. 4950c; do firsts. 45048c. Cheese Irregular, unchanged. Poultry Live, firm: chickens, 26030c: foivls. 2530c; roosters, 17c; turkeys, 88 5c: dressed, weak; old roosters. 16021c; turkeys, 46 51c. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 7 654 I 6 00 22 1184 $ 6 15 23 1196 6 60 3 1030 75 20 .1336' 89 ' - S4.-....-.1226 - 7'0 19 1026 1 25 19 1252 7 35 18 141 7 60 18...:. .1438 7 CO COWS. T.....i 947 4 00 - 6......12CI -4 40 8 134S S 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 20 710 5 76 BULLS. 1......14SS 10 1 2050 ISO CALVES. 10 16J 7 00 3 213 8 SO Sew York Sugar. New York. Dec. 29. The local market for raw sugar was steady and unchanged at ISc for Cuban, cost and freight, equal to 93. 2s for centnrugai. wiin aaotuenai sales of about -70.000 bags of old crop Cubes to local and out-port reflnera re ported at that level for January shipment. mere waa also a sale of 19.009 bars of old crop Cubas for January shipment for Canada at l.ISf l.J2c. cost and freight. .-ew i or, wnils a local operator paid lc for 10.000 bars of new croD Cubas for February ehloment. Tha committee. made bo announcement, and their price was unchanged at S He for Cubaa, cost and freight, equal to 3. for centrifugal. The raw sugars futures market waa steadier and closing prices showed ad vances of 1 to 4 points on covering end trade buying, although there wss only moderate business. January closed at 1.7; March. 12.09; May. 13.24; July. New Vera Cerfre. New York. Dec. 29. The market for coffee futoree was very quiet tod sr. and irregular fluctuations resulted from tha execution of comparatively email ordera. 1 ns- market opened st an advance of 1 to POtnte en a little scattered corerlnr promoted by reperta of hlrh-r mil rets price la Samoa, but eased off In the late trading, owing te easier late rabies, with May relllns- down from 89. to 8156. The close was J to 7 point net lower. Sales were estimated at about 9.00 bags. Clcsing quotation? January .ec: Marrh. g.TZc; May. t, ic; July. I (r: September. S.62c; O-tober. S.vSc: Pf-ewhrr 8 a. Spot Coffee Wt: Ria Ta. KOiit: Santo 4a. 12U)i:vc. Chicago Produce. Chicago, Dec. 29. Butter Unsettled creamery extras, 40c; firsts, 33V4 039c; seconds, sogpazc: standards, sthc. Eggs Lower Receipts. 6.868 rases firsts. 41t4c: ordinary firsts. 36038c: miscellaneous, 39040c; refrigerator firsts. S5936C. ' Kansas City, Kansas City,' Dso, 29. Egg So lower firsts. 39c; Seconds, 30c. Butter Unchanged. Poultry Firm. No change In prices. Chicago Grain linseed Oil. Duluth." Dec 29. Linseed On 11.9902.02; arrive, 81.99. track, New York General. ' New York. Dec, 29. Wheat Spot, firm: No, 2 red. 81.27; No. 2 hard. 81.26; No. 1 Manitoba, I1.30H. and No. 2 mixed dur um. 81. lS'A c. i. t track. New York, to ar rive. Corn Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, 67c; No. 2 white, 674c and No. 2 mixed, 66 Sic e. 1. f.. New York, ail rail. Oats Spot, firm: No. 2 white. 48I4. -Lard Easy: middle west, $9.3009.40. - Other Articles Unchanged. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 29. Turpentine Firm; 75c; sales, 208 bbls. ; receipts, 280 bbls-; shipments, f bbls: stock. 13,767 bbls. -. Rosin Firm; sales. 295 casks: receipts, 3.306 casks; shipments, 1 cask; stock,. 88.626 casks. Quote; B. 83.95; D, E. F, G. $4.00; H, 84.02H: I, 84.(15: K, 84.R0; M. 15.20; N, $5.40; W. G, $5.60; W, W. $5.95. Foretga Exchange. New Tork, Dec. 29. Foreign Exchange Irregular. Great Britain Demand, $4.!9i; eable3, $4 20. France Demand. .0801; cables, .080114. Italy Demand, .0428: cables. .04214. Belgium Demand. .0766: cables. .0766 14. Germand Demand, .0054; cables, ,0064'A Holland Demand, .365. Norway Demand, .1690. Sweden Demand. .2495. Denmark Demand, .198S. Swltserland Demand. .195. Spain Demand. .1492. Greece Demand. .0420. Argentine Demand. .3569. -., Brasil Demand. .120. Montreal .94 "i. New Yerk Bonds. The following quotatjona are furnished by Logan Bryan. Peters Trust building: Atch. Gen. 4s 8S 85 P. O. Gold 4s..... 76J 76S Beth. StL Ref. ....'. 92 0 9s Cent. Par. 1st 4s 7 0 77 a M. 81. p. Gen. 4Hs I4 0 6?i C r N, w. Gen. 4s S3 9 8S L. N. U. 4e 874 8814 New York Ry. 4s 2Se 27 Nor. Pa-. T. I 4s 84 85H V. P. 1st 4s 844,9 87H C. S. Steel ts 99140 V. P. 1st Ref. 4s 82 0 S3H R P. Ct. Ss B 5 P. Cr. 4 St 0 864 Pen a. Con. 4Hs tzi 94 Penn. Gen. S fH C O. Con. 6 .844 0 S4 London Mewey Tendon. "Pec 2. Ber Silver. 3td p-r eunc-: nanr. 3H Per cent: discount short eillsv 4 per cent; three month bills. S per ce?t. , By CHARLES MICHAELS Chicago Tribune-Omabg) Bee Leased Wire. Chicago. Dec. 29. Prospects that the government report of winter wheat for the crop of 1922 would be bullish more than offset the effect of the bearish final returns for 1921 While there was a break of 3-4 1 l-2c early, offerings were readily absorbed and a bulge of 22' 3-4o from the low followed. The finish was at net stains of 3-8 1 S-8c, with July leading. Corn and oats showed a strong undertone, iney cioseu 3-8c lower to 5-8c higher on corn and l-2(5i7-8c higher on oats, while rye trained 7-8lc, Whi e the government s tinai re turns 011 the old crop led to general selling of May, there were strong supporting orders in the hands or commission houses at ana under. Those absorbed the surplus, Later reports from New York that 15,000,000 to , 18,000,000 bushels wheat would be bought for Russia were responsible for general buying and the bulge to the high point. X ne report was alternately denied and confirmed. At the last the traders still were in the dark as to what would be done. July Bought freely. . ! The traders expected that the govern ment report on the new crop, issued after the close, would be very Duinsn. iney bought July freely. Thero also wss free buying of July and selling of Jlay. A leading commission house did the reverse and also was a good buyer of Hay at Minneapolis. Southwestern markets showed relatively more strength than Chicago, especially in December wheat at Kansas City. That future gained 2 Vic. A moderate export business isis put through in wfreat a't the seaboard, but thero waa no snap to the demand from mills at the leading terminal markets. Liverpool closed li42d lower on the showing made by the government re port. Buenos Aires opened . c higher, presumably on reports of rains. Germany W8s credited with having bought 2,000. 000 bushels plato wheat for March-April shipment. I-fOcal milling sales were 8,000 bushels, with receipts 8 cars. No attention was paid to the partial moratorium declared 1 irr Italy or- to the reports of a run on a New York bank that acted aa. agent for an Italian tank that failed to open its doors. - Report Moderately Bullish. The traders construed the government report on corn and oats as moderately bullish and there was free buying of fu tures with commission houses heavy buy ers at times, apparently to remove hedges against shipping sales of cisl? grain to seaboard exporters. Around 850,000 bush els cash corn waa estimated to have been bought in the west, partly to fill the Russian relief order- for 2,100,000 bush els, which was accepted on Wednesday- offer The first cargo of corn will clear from Baltimore Immediately. Toward the last scattered selling found the December poorly supported and made a weak close, while the deferred dellv. erics .were firm. There waa some foreign demand other than the relief order, but sales were not given. Country offerings continue light on account of the reduc. tiou in freight rates, which will go Into effect after the turn of the year. Local shipping sales ot corn were 180,000 bush els, Including 100,000 , bushels to export ers. Receipts, 141 cars! A better commission house demand was n evidence for oata and the finish was firm. Winnipeg reported a keen demand, although no export, .business developed. Domestic shipping sales were 105,000 bushels, with receipts 61 cars. Rye market.- dull, somewhat firmer in sympathy with wheat. Export T)ids were out ot line. Receipts, 1 car. Tit Notes. . ': Most wheat traders construed toth the government's final crop report of 795. 000,000 bushels or 64,000,000 bushels more than previously estimated and that giv ing the condition for the area seeded for next year's harvest a bearish. The lat ter gives the condition as 76, the low est for December on record, and Suggests a crop of 637,000,000 bushels winter wheat, compared with 751,000.000 bush els indicated a year ago, estimated on a par basis of 19 bushels. Allowing for a toss 01 4.uvu,u'.i(i acres to next bar vest, it suggests 690,000,000 bushels, com pared with the revised returns of 687,. OoO.OOO bushels last year. Acreage ia 44.. 293,000, compared with 44.847.000 aeeded last year. The condition compares with 87.9 last year and a 10-year average of 6V. In discussing the final government fig. urea, B, W. Snow says: "One preliminary and four revised es timates of 1919 winter wbeat acreage with almost as many statement for 1920 and 1921, do not yet make clear tbe ba sis on whlcn the Department of Agri culture arrives at its present - firurea. The census acreage for winter wheat in 1919 waa 49,898,000, while the depart. ment a final estimate, up to the present revision, was 49,105,000 or only 893,000 less. The present revision places the de partment figurea for 1919 at 89,494,000, or nearly .600,000.000 acres above the census return. In 1920 the relatively small difference between the census and tha oepartment rigures lor 1919 la taken as a reason for increasing the previous de partment a final by a matter of 2.843.000 acre and for 1921 a similar revision upon the census difference is offered as tbe reason for an increase in the de partment 1921 estimate of 3.981,000 acres, or nearly five times the difference mat waa aeveiopea in 1919. The conclu sion is unavoidable that the cenaus re. vision ha been broadened to include someining more man census differences. Omaha Grain The market continued dull. Only SJ cars were reported in and ol these, J3 were corn, buyers and sellers were slow to get together on wheat and corn. All ot the earlier trading was in oats, which sold lree ly at jc advance. Wheat was strong, scoring a moderate advance. Corn was not much changed. Rye and Darley were nominal. Thesu cash ea tea were reported; WHEAT. No. 2 bard winter: 1 car, $1,07, Nu, il bald winter: 1 car, $1.06. -Nu. 4 iiarii winter: 1 car tsuiutty), 41. in; 1 car, ti.ui. ' No, 6 bard winter: I car, $1.01, No. 2 yellow, bard: i cars, $l.oi. Baiuvlu uark. uurtbera spring; I car, ItrostudJ, $1.07. CORN. No. 1 white: 2 vara, 40'c. No, 2 whits: 2 cars, 4UMu. No, 2 ysllow, vara, 40'ic, No, 2 mixed: 1 car, 49Vc. No. ii nuxeu: 1 cart dry), 89c. UAXS. No. 3 white: S cars, 20 'Ac. - No. 4 white: 1 car, IIUVsc; 1 car, SO lie; 3 acrs, too. VAiAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. tCAULOVSJ Week AKJ Is nu i Yi A0 4i Receipts, Today VV neat . . . 8 V'oru 3'4 uata Ill , KJ ,. . orley ., .. bmuments W neat 6 , 20 Curn .106 43 oata nyo .. iJurley Ji- fKlMARY RECEIPTS SlD SHIPMENTS, IBUsntw.i Receipt Today Week Ago iearAsu tvneat ..... 34i,uuo tttb.uuu oni.uvu corn l,4U9,uuu l.bVs.utiu 6110, uou tyats 1711,0110 4i4,ouu asu.uuu shipments Wheat 289,000 411,000 632,000 Corn 084, DUO blO.OOU 343.UUU Oat ....... DSU.OUU 471,000 a20,0V0 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Today year Ago Wheat and Flour ... bas.uuo J,376,uuu corn 39,ouu 65,ouo Oats 111,00(1 4,000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Today Wk. Abo Yr. Aso Wheat ............. 11 lu i7 Corn ..814 332 136 Oat , 94 . .14 ' . 46 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat 63 94 ' 129 Corn ,, , 17 it lt Oats 6 6 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Today Wk. Ago Yr. Aro Wheat ............. 25 411 'it Corn 48 68 'M Oats 9 - 26 . 24 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Today Wk, Ago Yr. Aao Minneapolis ....... en 266 HO uulutn 60 68 .1 Winnipeg. 386 524 562 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co. DO. 2627. Dec. 29, Art. I Open. High. Low. Close. Yeat. Foreign) Exchange Rates. Followine; are today a ratea of exchange as comparen witn me par valuation. Fur. nisnea oy ,tne raters National bank Austria ................ Belgium Canada Crecbo-Slovakia. ........ Denmark England France Germany ... Greece Italy JusrO'Slavia. Norwsy Poland Sweden Switzerland Par iuation. Todav. .20 .000, .198 .0775 1.00 .9476 .... .0146 .27 .2. 4.84 4 20 .193 .0l5 .238 .finA .195 .0425 .195 .0446 .0042 .27 .16 .ni04 .27 .2450 .195 .1958 ' Chicago) Mark. The following auotatlona are furnished by Logan A Bryan: Armour Co., pfd Armour Leather Co.. com.... Cudahy Packing Co.. com.... Continental Motors .......... Llbby. McNeil Moby Montgomery Ward Co. ....... National Leather ............ Swift A Co Swift International Inlon Carbide Carbon Co... .. 92 .. 12-4 .. H .. t - .. 14 .. m .. s .. 23 .. 44 C h teas rotate. Chicago. Dec. s. Potato Firm: rs eeipta. 27 cars; total V. 8. shipment. 37; Northern White, sacked, 92 a4j2.2t tt; Red Rivers. ea-k1. 9SSsl.9e rt: Idaho nmtn. sacked, $2.4 cwt.; Minne sota. 82 "9 cwt. Wht. Deo. May July Ry Dec. May Cora Dec Way July oat Dec. May July Pork Jus. Lard an. May Ribs Jan. May I I I I 1.13HI 1.111,1 1.121 1.1214 I I.. I 1.12'.4l 1.12 1.161,1 1.17541 l.l4?il 1.171,1 1.161, 1.141 1 1 1.17141 1.16VJ 1.047,1 l.OI 1.04 v 1 1.07, 1.00 1.011 I, I .83 .90 .48 54 .641, .64 66 li .341,1 .38 14 .884 .395, 14.95 8.72 9.12 8.00 8.10 ..I. .85541 .9141 .481 5641 r .3441 .39541 ...... I., .40 51 1 .83 I .8941 .481,! .6441 I .66 I .3414' .Vs'Y 1.0641 1.0614 L1.9S 8.75' 9.16 8.00 8.10 14.95 8.67 8.90 7.90 8.05 I -8S14( .8141 .48 541 .56 I .654j .5641 .3414 .391, .39 94 .4054 114.95 8.67 9.10 7.90 8.06 .8414 .904 .4814 .64 14 .641, .56 .3414 So 14 ' '.Vs-',' 14.95 - 8.77 . 9.17 8.02 8.16 ' Grata Export. (Reported by U. S. Burcsu of Markets.) (Wheat Inspected Out Under American Grades Only. Doe Not Include Flour.) Totals are In thousands ot bushels. Week ending December 24, 1921: Athletic Porta Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Portland, Me., and Newport New Wheat, 1,164; corn, 1,470; barley, 6; rye, 323. Qulf Ports New Orleans, Galveston, Texas City and Port Arthur, Tex. Wheat, 608; corn, 662; oats, 21. Pacific Porta Seattle, Tacoma, Astoria, Portland and San Franetaco Wheat, 1,333; barley, 70. Total Wheat, 3,007; corn, 2,032; oata, 21; barley, 75; rye, 823. Previous week: Wheat, 2,787; corn, 3446; oats, 16; barley, 33; rye, 278. Total July 1, 1930, to December 24, 1921: Wbeat, 132,153; corn, 18,365; oats, 535; barley, 17.019; rye. 6,211.. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Dec. 29. Flour Un changed. Bi an $22.00. Wheat. Receipts, 83 car, compared with 139 cars a year ago. Cash No. 1 northern, $1.284 0 1.334: December, $1.2614; May, $1.234; July. $1.194. Corn No. 3 yellow, 4040!4c. Oats No. 3 white, 31!4314c. Barley 3649c. Rye No. 2, 79 14 80c. " ' Flax .No. 1. $1.9i2.02ti. St. LouU.C.raln. Bt. Loui. Dec. 29. Wheat December, $1.1314; May, $1.U4. Corn December. 4814c; May, 6:14 ff 64c. oat December. 3t'.4c; Way. 4014c Kansas City Grain. Kansas City. Dec. 29 Wheel Decem ber. $1.074; May, $1.094; July. $1.104, Corn December, 42c; May, 4 14c; July, 4914c. w York Money. New York. Dec 29. Call Monv Firm: high, i per cent; low, I per. cent; ruling raie. per cent; closing bid, 4"4 per cert otiered at a per cent; last loan, i per cent Time Loins Firm: 60 days. 60 5'i per ceni; 19 aays. tes1, per cent; t months, 6'4 per cent, -nm ..Mercantile Paper 6 0 514 per cent. Financial By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Chicago Trlbune-Omsha Bee Leased Wire New York, Dec. 29. One matter of interest in today s financial news was the renewed advance in the re serve ratio of the federal reserve system., The change was less than one-half of 1 per cent, but it was the more noteworthy in that it occurred notwithstanding; decrease of more than $1,000,000. in the system's gold reserve. ... , Rediscounts, however, were re duced nearly $45,000,000, note cir culation, $4,000,000, and ' reserves field for member banks, $37,500,000. With the beginning of the new year we shall . have an interesting test of the', banking situation. A year ago the, rapid and continuous rise in the reserve ratio began promptly with January, reductioion the ' system's loan account during that month running to $350,000,000 and the note circulation beinar cut down by $253,000,000. t Stock Market Decline. The day's stock market declined, with numerous losses of one to two points and with, tne rise ot ' the day before pretty generally cancelled. The movement was merely an alternate Swing of price under the pressure of restless speculator. Prices ot bonds were generally firm, though with some irregularity. One curious meas ure of the Investment situation was the advance above par of the United Kingdom 6 54 per cents, due next November. sterling recovered 14 a cent, but francs and lire went lower, the weakness of Italian exchange probably being attribut able to the bank failure In Italy. Tne acope of financial trouble Indicated by that suspension was ' probably exaggerated In today's dispatches, but It undoubtedly reflects a strain on Italian credit, which has for Home time been indicated by the course of New York exchange on Rome. British Loan Decrease. Tn this week of 1920, preparing for ths year-end settlements, the Bank of Eng land Increased Its loans 37,800,000 pounds ana the ratio of reserves to deposits fell to 7 1-3 per cent, the lowest since the old time London panic of 1866. Today's weekly ' statement actually showed de crease ot 15,800,000 pounds In losns and 19,600,000 pounds 1n deposits, with a re sultant rise in the reserve percentage to the highest figure since the middle of November.' The percentage Is now. In fact,1 only 2 per cent below the maximum of 1921. That this came past week should havs brought Increase of 241,000.000 francs. the French bank note currency, following 440.000.000 reduction in the preceding fortnight, showed that in Frsnce the year-end requirements are still consider able. As for the German paper circula tion, today' dispatches from Berlin re ported Increase of 4,500,000.000 marks in the third week of December, the largest addition to the . currency made ' in any week on record. r t New York Quotations F.ange of prices of the leading storks furnished by Logan & Bryan, Fetor Trust vuimin . RA1L9. Wed. , L. . High. Low. Cloa. Close, 9"S 8114 824 m vino id 1 Canadian Pacific. .,121 N. Y. Central Che. A Ohio Kris R. R Ot. No., pfd Chi. Ot. Western. Illinois Central ,. Kan. City South. , Missouri Fsclflo N. Y., N. II. & No. I'aciflc Ry. Chi. & N. W.,.. Penn. R. R Reading Co O., R. I. & P... 80. Paclflo Co.. 80. Railway ... C. M. A Ht. P. Union Paclflo . Wabash ,, 76 6514 104 76 6 96 S 234 17 H. 12'4 ... 7S14 .. 624 .. 23 ... 73S .. 32i .. 79 l 184 194 S4 1:014 74 4 66I4 1014 T.a 96 14 2314 17 12s 784 62-4 8214 7214 314 781, 18'4 184 944, 130 74 654 10 ' 76 614, 9614 214 17 124 77 '4 614 3214 7214 81 i 78?4 18-4 1814 .126"4 1364 1264 136 i' J 67l Ji . 614 Am. Car A Fdry.,146 14614 146 146 Allls-Chalmers Mfg 88 .17 38 38U Am. Loco. Co 108'4 1064 1074 107 H Utd. Alloy Steel C. 25, 2514 25'4 264 J-aiuwill UVtO nit Beth Steel Corp.. 58 ',4 Colo Fuel. Iron Co 26 Crucible Steel Co. 66 Am Steel Fdrys... 3414 Lackawanna Steel. 4614 Midvale Steel, Ord 27 Pressed Steel Csr 64 Rep Iron, Steel Co 62 Ry Steel Spring 93U oiuw-cnet oil, iron I'td States Steel.. 841 83U veuauium oieei... ;z,4 32 COPPERS. Anaconda Cop Mln 4914 4914 Am smit, Krg Co 4514 Chile Copper Co... 16 Chino Copper Co.. 28 Insplrat Cons Cop 4014 Kennecott Copper. 27 Miami Copper Co. 2714 Nev Cons Cop Co. 16 Ray Cona Cop Co 15 '4 Utah Copper Co... 631 INDUSTRIALS. Am Beet Sug Co. 2914 2814 Atl, O & W I S 8 314 304 Am Internat Corp 4114 41 Am. Sum. Too...,. 34 ' 32 U Am. lotion I'll.... zj k'l 97 67 -25 . 6614 334 454 264 6314 61 14 93 4414 1614 2714 40 2614 27 , 144 : 144 624 974 57 23 634 Si 45 14 ' 204 6314 61 14 984 'iiii' 32 4914 41H 1514 37 14 40 26 'i 2714 -' 144 144 624 , 29 '4 304 '11 3314 21 36 12014 74 14 e 1014 76 6 96V4 234 17 '4 .1214 784 0314 3214 73 83 794 184 184 98 674 25 65 i 3 J '4 454 27 66 i 5314 93 394 84 3214 4Di 45 164 28 4 4014 27 3714 16 15i 61 28 14 33 42 4 32i 21 Am. Tel. & Tel.. .1144 1144 1144 1144 Bonds and Notes Short Term Note and Bonds. . ... Ap. Bid Asked Yield Am. T. & T. Co. 6s,. 1922. 100 10014 5.75 Am. T. & T, Co. 6s, 1924 994 100 6.00 Anaconda 7s, 1829 1004 1004 6.90 Armour 7s. 1930 .....10114 10. .14 6.75 Belgian Gov. 8. 1941..,. 106 10614 7.35 Belgian Gov. 7.VS, -14G..1044 11414. 7.06 Beth. Steel 7s, 1923 10014 1004 6.80 British 614s, 1922 -. 100 100'4 5.25 British 6Hs. 1029 98T4 9914 6.05 Can. No; 614s. 1946 10714 10814 6.85 C, B. & Q. Jt. 614s, 1936.108 1064 6.S5 Chile Ss. 1941 101 10P4 7.M Denmark Ss, 1945 10714 10S14 -7.27 Du Pont 714s. 19S1 ,....10354 104 6.90 French Gov. 8s, 1946 ... 9914 10014 7.97 French Gov. 714s, 1941 .. 944 94'4 S.t'S B. F. Goodrich 7, 1925.. 9614 964 8.10 Good. T. & R. 8s. 1941 ..110 11014 7.00 Great Northern 7s, 1936.107 107n 6 23 Jap. Gov. 1st 414s, 1925. 8614. 87 8.90 Jap. Gov. 4s, 1931 7314 1 8.15 Norway ss. 1940 109 109'A 7.0 N. W. B. T. Co. 7s. 1941.106 10714 6.30 N. Y. Cen. 7s, 1930 10514 106 6.12 Penn. R. R. Co.. 7s, 1930.105 10614 6.15 P. R. R. Co. 614s, 19S6..104 104 "4 6.05 S. W. B. T. Co. 7s. 1925.. 10014 1004 6.8S Swift & Co. 7s, 1925 100 lOOVi 6 95 Swift & Co. 7s, 1931 10114 102 6.75 Swiss Gov. 8s. 1940 11214 114 6.65 U. S. Rubber 714s. 1930.. 104 1044 6.79 Vacuum Oil 7b. 1936 1064 1064 6.84 Western Un. 6'4s. 1936. .10614 107 6.80 West. Elec. 7s, 1931 ....106 10614 6 23 Uruguay 6s. 1946 103 10314 7 69 Brazil 8s, 1941 103 104 . 7 60 Am. Ag. Chem. Pr. 304 2914 2914 Bosch Magneto ... 86 34 '4 344 Cont. Can 48 , 4714 4714 Amer. Can Co 34. 3314 334 Chandler Motor ., 4914 ,4814 494 Central Leather .. 804 30 304 Cuba Cane Sugar, 714 714 74 Cal. Packing 694 6914 69t4 Corn Prod. Rfg... 964 9514 954 Nat. Enam 354 3414 S4 Famous Players ., 78'4 774 774 Fisk Rubber Co... 124 12'4 124 Gen. Electric 1894 13914 1394 13914 roi inonn. vre.. ss aig 61, 33 lien. Motors . . . . 1 0 9 14 9 Goodrich Co. 36 S6 36 Int. aHrvest ..... 83 8214 8214 Am. Klde-Leath. , 69 69 . 69 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 40 384 .19 Int. Nickel 1314 114 111 Int. Paper 6214 5114 614 Island Oil ......... 24 214 24 AJax Rubber ..... 17i 16S 1614 Kelly-Sprlngfleld . 4314 424 434 161.154 16. 30 3614 48 34 4914 304 7 704 964 S5'4 7811 124 lot 824 69 V, 394 124 61 294 1714 42 1614 15 6514 Keystone Tire Int. M. M. com Internat M M pfd 654 66 65 Mexican Pet'leum. 1144 J13 11.114 H4i Middle State Oil. 13 1314 JH'A 13 uro kjii tu ..... js avq& iiVi Wlllys-Overland 6 614 614 Pacific Oil 47 46 4614 Pan-Am Pet, Tran 63 62 52 '4 Pierce-Arrow Mot. 1414 18 134 Royal Dutch Co.. 60 60 . 60 U S Rubber Co.. 65 63 63 Am Sug Rfg Co-:. 63 624 634 Sinclair Oil, Rfg. 214 21 214 Sears-Roebuck Co. 61 59 60 Strombsrg Carb Co 37 36 36 Studebaker Corp.. 834 81 814 Tob Pdcts Co .... 63 ' 62 63 Trana-Con'tal Oil.. 11 . 11 11 Texas Co 46 46 43 U S Food Pr Corp 10 10 10 Union Carbide ... 44 44 44 . W"hlte Motor Co.. 384 384 384 Wilson Co, Inc.. 284 28 28 West Alrbrske Wesfgh's El, Mfg 61 604 61 Am Woolen Co... 80 80 80 Total hare sold, 791,200, Money Close, 6 per cent; Wednesday's close. 5 per cent. Marks Close, ,0065; Wednesdsj" close. .00624. Sterling Close, 14.19; Wednesday' close, 84.2014. Chicago Poultry. Chicago. Dec. 28 Poultry Afive. lower; fowls. 1625c: springs, 231-2; turkeys, 40c; roosters, 16c. 38 6 47 63 14 60 64 1314 21 604 37 83 63 11 46 10 44 39 29 95 52 80 Winter Wheat Below Average Area Sown in grading Produc ing Sevtioni Krported Smaller Than Last Year. ' Washington, Dtc 29. While t wheat wax sown this (all on a smaller are by 500,000 acroi than a year ago, the Department of Agriculture re port today .howed. The condition of the crop on Drcemhfr 1 alio wa considerably below what it was a year ago and below the 10-year av erase by 13 point. The area town to rye is one-fifth larger this year than a year ago and the condition of the crop better than on December 1, lat year, and also better than the 10-year average. Kanta. largest grower of winter wheat, with one-fourth of the coun try's total area, has 100,0)0 acres lets than a year ago, while the condition of the crop in that state is only 60 per cent of normal, compared with a condition of 88 per cent a year ago. The winter wheat area and condi tion on December 1 by important producing states follow: - . - Pennsylvania, 1,405,000 acres; con dition, 95. Ohio, 2,327,000 and 93. . Indiana, 2,053,000 and 92. , Illinois, 2,775,000 and 93. Michigan, 923,000 and 92. Missouri. 3,058,000 and 87. Nebraska, 3.954,000 and 80. Kansas, 11,569,000 and 60. Oklahoma 3,550,000 and 54. Washington, 1,292,000 and 79. Oregon. 894,000 and 92. . Sears Roebuck Sell Part of Real Estate Chicago, Dec. 29. Scars Roebuck & Co. tonight reported the sale to Julius Rosenwald, president of the company, of certain of its Chicago real estate for $16,000,000 and the gift of 50,000 shares of stock from Mr. Rosenwald, thus permitting the company "to go through, this period of 'readjustment with its capital un impaired and with a small surplus." Mr. Rosenwald already has' made the first Davment of 25 per cent, or $4,000,000, on the real estate in cash and Liberty bonds. Mr. Rosen wald's gift to the com pany of 50,000 shares of its com mon capital sleek, having . a par value of $5,000,000, is on condition that the "said shares be not sold for less than par and that he be given the ootion. for a period of three years, to - purchase these shares from the company at par for cash. w York Cotton. - v l. 4ii Th pnllnn markA: OW luin. vsw " n,.i... .11.1 lul.v nrnnlli4a conditions prevailing. Thero wa little or no disposition to iilace new committ ment. ' iwl Trices were depressed nv ra 11 poims . K nnanlnw , tl l.llt hllV. ing power lster carried January to 18.90c up nine points. In mldsesslon tradlne was low. Throughout the afternoon )' . , .a mi . .n ..Int. Th. rlnA- Iiuciuaiea ii iw i ,,,.-. . generally was steady, seven points lowet on July 10 one miner vu i -,,. XjOCSI BpOv fOllUll IIUITL, II.. M.v,,..a vanca at 19.10a for middling upland.. South Side Brevitiet Burn Christopher. No ellnker) 'few ..h. Pivnnki Coal Co.. MA. 0511. Adv. ORIENT COAL? CERTAIKLT. MABKCT 0078. SOUTH OMAHA ICE COMPAIW. Advertisement. When in the market, call Market OWi n order a ton of our Market lump coal at 810.60. It's a good value. A. h. BEROQUIST & SON. Advertiaeniont, The Economy Chrlstma caving cmn makes It so easy to save. Tha tmtii .mount vou nay in weekly will fever on missed by you. Do not put off Join ng Live Stock .National , and N streets Advertisement. - : ' FREE Handsome photos and com plete map of Mexia Oil Field showing all operations loca tions1 of each company and actual producers sent free on request. We will also gladly give full information on what is really being done here. Mexia Business League 31-32 Rosi Green Bldf., Dept. U Mexia, Tzaa Protect Your Property with Iron wire and steel window and door guards, bars, bolts and locks. . Champion Iron ft Win Works 1505 Jackson St. Jackton ISM London Stork Exchange. London. Dec 19. The features in the stock exchange trading today were an ad vance in Russian speculative Issues and continued strength In gilt-edged stocks. The market otherwise waa quiet. New Ywk Pried Trait. New Tork. Dec, Si. ETacorated plee Xomlnal. rrunes Firm. Apricots and Peaches 4jaleL Raisins Easy. Ap- Br PAver. New Torkjeriec 59. Foreign kar diver. c; Mexican Jllars, Ic Liberty Bond Price. New Tork. Dec. 29. Liberty bonds at noon jm. 94.70: first 4s. 97.10 tid; sec nnd 4s. 90.80 bid; first 4Hs. 97.94; second 4s. 97.02: third 4s, 97.14: fourth 4Ks, 97.44; Victory 34, 100.04 bid; Victory 4s. 100.06. Liherty bonds closed: 3'4s, 94.20; first 4s, 97.10 bid; second 4s. 96.80; first 4 Vis, 97.06; second 444s, 96.44; third 4s, 97.46; fourth 44s, 97.16; Victory 3r, 100.06; Victory 4j, 100.08. New Yerk Carb Stock. Boston Montana 90 9 89 Boston Wyoming 77 79 Cresson Gold SU42 12-16 consolidated copper 10 IS Elk Basin 6V4 6H Fedetal Oil 17-16 14 Glenrock Oil 1 g i 1-16 Mldwcat Refining Co......... t& 94 Mapulpa Oil SH SH Slmma Petroleum 13'4 13 Tnnnpsh Divide 61 0 61 U. S. Steamship 19 0 14 U. 8. Retsil Candy 4 9 i London. pnt 66. S. Electric 74. Tin 170, 17, Lead 24. 2. Zinc 27. . London Metsd. Dec. 29. Standard Copper d. 64. Omaha Bond Market. Deo. 29, l;i. 170 Am. Smelt. Ttef. Ss S7Vie 7i 511 A. T. . F. 6s 91 H li 106 Armour 4 4 IT e S7H 6 B, A O. Ref. a T7H9 H B. O. CW 4Ss 1t9 74 149 Csl. Gs Unl. Ss HSi 9"H 16 C W. ft. P. Cv. 4s.. 61 2'4 nr. M. Pt. p. Ref. 4Ss. l O to 4 ti C. R. T. P. Ref. 4. 3 D. R. O. Cr. 4 47 Gt. Nor. 4 U SO III. Cent. Ret 4 It Mo. Par. Ref. Is, 1921.. I Mo. Par. Rf. Is. 1926.. IT Mo. Pse. 1st Ref. Se... 80 Rio Grand W 4 86 P'l. Sf. O-o. t 91 StL ft. PI. 4 86 Ml. h Sf. Adj. S4 FL PC Ine. 6 ST "tl. A Se. Term S 163 Wilson A Co. 6J K. C ran. s U C, O. W. 4a.... S S. A. L. Ref. SI Colo. fiou. 44 11 C n. O. ts 114 I. R. T. Rf. la 1J Mud. 4k ilea 1st Ref. is. Tl 0 75 S Jlta 7J 88 4(0 8 814,0 83 970 I7S l e ti 8440 86 7H T4'i 101 )1II ?140 T2, 84H0 US 72 0 72i .. 94 0 t4 .. Il'i 81 .. 1H ! .. JIS0 It .. I240 98 .. 140 84 HI Ilk 9 7ai I GRAIN WE solicit yoiu- consignments of all kinds of grain to the Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kansas City and Sioux City markets. W c Offer You tha Services of Our Offices Located at Omaha, Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska Hastings, Nebraska Chicago, Illinois Sioux City, Iowa Holdred&re, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska Des Moines, Iowa Milwaukee, Wis. Hamburg, Ia. Kansas City, Mo. Cet ia touch with om of Uiesa brnach office with 4r aezt frtUa hipaiBt. The Updike Grain Company ' "The Reliable Consignment Home'