Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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THE Service club at Fort Crook it to be the srene of ooe of tlie largest
I danrrs of this season when a masquerade ball wn given Thursday
v0nina Itv tU nflirrra nf the noil. The ttartv xi' a th fart's rrlhra.
lion of New Year, and the club was decorated with flag and in red and
green, with wrcathi and red candle. A large Christina tree and a chim
ney, ued by Santa lat week when he viMted the children of the post,
were alo set up. tvery Rurn came inakra and m costume, Col. Carl
Harvey wa in charge of the affair.
Beside the officers and their wive from Fort Crook, there were the
officers and their wive from Fort Omaha, and about 75 guests from
Omaha. In this number were Mr. and Mrs. C harles Hamilton, Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Nracle, the Misses Eleanor Hurklrv. Emilv Keller. Erna
Reed, Peggy Reed, Elizabeth Barker, Marion Hamilton, Catherine Baum,
Jack reacot k. Allert Uarke, Sorter Allen, Ted Crofoot, Charles Matson,
rnta Koenig, Harry Nocn, Leonard Irestor.
: . i
The marriaKC of Mis Helen Car
rier and Roberf AV. Whitson of San
Diego took place last evening at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. D. Carrier.' The wedding
ceremony, which was performed by
the Rev( Edwin Hart Jenks, was
followed by a reception for the 70
guests. The house was decorated in
pink and white.- Miss Edith Jones
was maid of honor and the groom
was attended by Richard Young.
Miss Carrier wore ctiantilly lace over
white satin, with a long tulle veil
which fell from a coronet. She car
ried orchids and bride's roses. Miss
Jones wore salmon pink georgette
and carried pink roses and sweet
peas. Mr. and Mrs. Whitson have
left for the west and will spend their
honeymoon motoring through Cali
fornia until M,arch 1. when they will
be at home in San Diego.
O. L. Club.
Among the larger holiday parties
.will be the bridge and high five card
party given by the members of the
O. L. L. club of Our Lady of
Lourdes parish. The party will be
Kt the home of Mrs. Thomas Lynch,
2202 South Thirty-second street, on
Friday, December 30, games to bs
called at 2:30 p. m.
The feature of the afternoon will
be a group of Christmas carols sung
by Mrs. Leo Hoffmann, assisted at
the piano by Mrs. Ruth Flynn-Dun-
Twenty tables of players are ex
pected, proceeds of the party to be
uacu in iiciiug iu pay iui 111c new
altars recently installed in the new
church. -.
All members and friends of the
Alpha Xi Delta.
The Alumna Chapter of Alpha Xi
Dpltm irav' a Christmas narlv
(Thursday evening for the active
members at the home of Miss Olive
Means. Active members who will
be present are the Misses lone and
Glee Gardner, Helen - Conaway.
Elizabeth . Eastman. Jessie and
.Louise Tucker. Out-of-town guests
will be the Misses Mary Hengel and
Katherine Deacon of Pierre, S. D.;
, Mary. Sheldon of Wayside, Miss.;
Edna and Louise Schultz of Fort
Dodge, la.
Dinner for Miss Acer.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Beecher Howell
entertained at their home Thursday
evening at dinner in honor of Miss
f Charlotte Acer of New York, who
" is their house guest for the holidays!
New Officers for
;f Pan-Hellenic -
Oft'icers of Omaha- Pan-Hellenic
elected Wednesday at the annual
mid-winter . luncheon, held ' in the
Brandeis private dining" room, wen:
President, Mrs. William Ramsey,
Delta Gamma. Mrs. Ramsey was
-Miss Mary Cook of Beatrice before
her marriage. She was graduated
trom the University of Nebraska in
1910. .
Vice president. Miss s Florence
Rhodes, Gamma Phi Beta.
Secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Herbert
Potter, Alpha O micron Pi.
Mrs. George DeLacy presented the
Fan-Hellenic loving cup for schol
' arship to Chi Omega sorority.
Mrs., M. H. Dunham of Pi Beta
Phi was in charge of an interesting
program given by Miss Margaret
Howes, Kappa Alpha Theta, read
ing; Mrs. Zora Hamilton, Pi Beta
Phi, solo, accompanied by Mrs. Ruj
sell Burruss, of the same sorority;
Miss Melba Bradshaw, Pi Beta Phi,
reading; Miss Winfred Meryhew,
Kappa. Kappa Gamma of Lincoln,
readings. ; , :
Mrs. F. P. Mason of Sioux City is
the guest of Mrs. Q. M. Smith for a
few days.
Mrs. John CooJc of Scotts Bluff,
Nrh is a holiday guest of Mrs,
William Ramsey.
' Mis Irnia Gross, a member of the
faculty of Michigan Agricultural col
lege, leaves , Sunday evening for
Miss Lee Schurman of Fremont is
in Omaha making a short visit at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byrne
Holmqutst. ' .
Mr.- and Mrs. Martin J. O'Don-
ncll of Kansas City, who spent the
week-end with Mrs. O'Donnell's par
ents here, left Monday for their
Dance This Evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A.' Pegau enter
tained Thursday evening at a danc
ing party at the Blackstone for their
daughter, Miss Josephine Schurman.
and their son, Ernest Schurman
About 100 couples attended. The
ballroom was decorated with Christ
mas holly and greens A buffet sup
per was served.-
Miss Rich Gives Tea, .
Miss Daisy Rich will entertain
Friday afternoon from 4 to 6 at a
tea for about 80 guests. Mrs. Her
bert Davis and Mrs. Fred Daugh
erty will pour, and assisting will be
the Misses Helen Rogers, Katharine
Davis, Charlotte Smith, Betty Pax
ton, Dorothy Davidson, Miriam Alle
man, Mary Richardson, Marjorie
At Supper Dance.
Miss Mary Morsman entertained a
small party at the supper dance at
the Brandeis Wednesday evening.
Things You'll Love
' . To Make
Telephone DirectoryGver
My Marriage Problems
M UsnlM ium Kb of
How the Soul of Bess Dean Was! rods, and then ! saw the fust signs
Telcp'ioue directories as they are
prove more useful than ornamental in
the home. Yours can be 'an at
tractive' ornament to any room if
you make a telephone directory cover.
Cut an oblong of black oilcloth one
inch longer than the length of the
directory. Measure the width of one
cover; double that 'width.'. Measure
the thickness of the directory; add
that to the other measurement. Then
add six inches more. The resulting
dimension will be the width of the
oilcloth oblong. Turn in three
inches on each short end of the ob
long; ' Buttonhole the -edges to
gether. This forms the pockets into
which to slip the covers of the di
rectory. Crochet some gay worsted
flowers and stitch them to the cover;
To make ' this telephone directory
cover more handsome line it with a
silk that matches the color scheme
of the room in which it is-to be kept.
copyright, issi, oy ruonc Kdser Co.
Problems That Perplex
Ansnrrrd by
Disclosed. '
If there is anything more Insidious
in the world than the temptation to
pass a motorist who has 'crowded
your car to one side with a disregard
for safety and common courtesy, 1
do not know it And the eagerness
in Bess Dean's voice as the begged
me to pass the man who had called
to us so insultingly urged me to the
foltv she advocated. But I have a
horror of racinar. so I contented my
self with speeding up my car until
I was but a short distance behind
him, keeping pace with him, while
I mentally reviewed the road tor a
mile or two m trout ot me.
"Don't Try It."
I knew that there was a hairpin
curve at the end of the next half
mile, and then we came abruptly to
the longest and steepest hill of the
whole journey. It was a hill which
tested cruelly the climbing powers of
anv motor, because of the prenmi
nary slowing down which the curve
necessitated. " 1 had been compelled
to shift to second speed on it, and
had seen many a driver make it
only after slowing down almost to
the point ot shitting, mere were
manv cars, however, of which
Dickv's was one. which took the as
cent like a bird, seeming, indeed, to
srather speed and power as they as
cended. I did not think the car in
nf tne belonged to that fav
ored class, however, and, while I
knew its driver could beat me on
the level stretches or curves, sim
ply because he dared take the reck-
ess chances which J aDhorreo.. i
hoped much from the hill. 1 did not
;ih in make anv promises, how
ever, especially to Bess Dean, for if
I failed in an attempt to pass tne
man I knew the disgust she would
feel, and no doubt express.
"I wish I could pass turn, Bess. J
railed hack, "but I don't quite dare,
He's an ugly customer, and at the
first hint of it he would try to crowa
me oft: the road, if only in revenge
for my not letting him pass at the
curve. .
"Don t trv it." -
Lillian's voice held a peremptory
rinar which she never uses to me.
understood that she meant it to im-
n , . T '1 . 1 . .
press Hess Liean, ana i shchujt
thanVrri her tor ner timeiv aia.
Oh. vou two! Ihe girls voice
was netuiant. "You re about
thousand years old apiece, and your
blood has turned to water, oeei
wish I could drive!'.. Ill bet no
puf fed-up, poisoned pup like that in
front would pass me and get away
with it." . . . .
"f understand there's a perfectly
lovely morgiie in Kingston, Lillian
remarked irrelevantly.
"Well. T'd rather be dead tlian let
anybody beat me like that!" the girl
retorted, and I renectea mat tne re
mark was like a suddenly opened
window shutter upon her soul.
It was this characteristic of Btss
Dean's which had prompted her jour
ney to tjie Catskills, and her behavior
while with us. Just at present her
"whole being was absorbed in one de
sirethat the car she was in should
beat the car belonging to the arro
gant driver in front. That point set
tled she would return to the contem
plation Of the best method of getting
even with me.
' ' Madge Wins.
The offending driver ahead slack
ened speed slightly for the sharp
curve and went around it, while I
followed more slowly. And then at
the foot of the hill I put my foot on
the accelerator, not suddenly, but
with a gradual feeding of gas that. I
had learned acted best with this par
ticular car upon the stiff hills. I felt
the response of the engine and re
joiced, , knowing that the powerful,
reliable motor would bring us steadily
to the top at almost . any speed I
chose. ! '"
Ahead of us, the other car, having
rounded the corner at a much greater
speed than mine, had started up the
hill at a tremendous clip. The burst
of speed carried it along for several
'- An Vii worthy Iove. y
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am a single
woman and in love with a married
man, and I am sure he is in love
with mo his actions prove that he
is. .We have been deeply Interested
iu'each other for the last four years.
We see each other every day.
t His wife did not know tills affair
jwas going on, between us. but she
Knows it now and I fear mat mere
is terrible quarreling going on be
tween them.
Miss Fairfax, I am thinking that
this man is deceitful, noth to his
wife and to me. I feetthat he tells
his wife that he is not in love with
me, and I know that he is. Please
tell me what to do, as I want to
hold his friendship as Ions as I can.
S. A.
Oh. no. you don't want to b.old
his friendship. You want to rid
yourself of it aq soon as ever you
can. Tiou know he isn't worthy of
any woman's love. You are miser
able both because of the injustice
you ars doing the man's wife and
because of the injustice you are let
ting him do you. The only way for
you to be happy and at peace with
yourself is to 4o the fair and decent
thing and put him right out .of your
life. .
ft. C.i I seem to- be getting a lot
of queries lately about walking. I
fancy back of the queries is a de
sire to be urged to get out and walk.
Perhaps this little essay of Hins
dale's will give you the needed en
couragement: "The best medicine!
Two miles of oxygen three times a
day. Cheap and pleasant to take.
Suits all ages and constitutions. It
is patented by infinite wisdom, sealed
with a signet divine. It cares cold
feet, pale faces, feeble lungs and
bad tempers. It has been known to
reconcile enemies, settle matrimo
nial quarrels and brine reluctant
parties to a state of double blessed
ness. This medicine never fails." '
Feminine Cnriuoltj: I am sorry I
cannot tell you all the things you
would know about Rudolph Valen
tino. He resides In Hollywood. CaL.
here he works in the Famous Play-ers-Lasky
A Ctrl Who Wow Id Mke to Know:
It is Httls late to grre advice on
Christmas gifts, isn't it; but my an
swer to your questiwn would be that
it is neither appropriate nor neces
sary for a girl to remember her men
Query: Every little while somo
one projects that theory about two
meals a day being preferable to
three. If the same amount of food
is eaten, it is hard to see the advan
tage of two hearty meals over three
ordinary ones. The best physiologi
cal evidence implies that moderate
quantities of food taken at mod
erate intervals -are more easily and
completely digested by ordinary peo
ple than larger quantities taken at
longer intervals. Even with reduc
ing, it is easier for the ordinary per
son to partake three times a day of
the reduced amount of food, and is
quite as effective in result
Shea: I think you are a ridiculous
child wanting to reduce. I will not
be a party to it at all. I believe
fully in folk who - have eaten and
luzied themselves into rotundity go
ing on a strenuous diet and getting
back to health and beauty, but not a ,
young girl like you and ambitious to
be " painfully thin." lou win rum
your health If you do not eat good,
wholesome food. Tou could stand
some extra pounds. I'll wager, and
look better for them.
Two Bnhhies: I can think of no
reason w hy high school boj-s should
not accompany girl classmates home
from parties, and can think of one
very good reason why they Should.
It is safer for the girl if she has an
escort after night. Sitting in a dark
room with a boy is another matter.
It is not conducive to good conduct.
Electrolysis is the only sure method
for removing superfluous hair.
Matron: Persons unaccustomed to
exercise find their abdomen very
weak. In such cases this exercise
Is recommended until the abdomen
is strengthened: Lie at full length
on the floor with the hands under
the hips. Bend the knees, bring !
them up on the abdomen, return to;
starting position, and repeat. Do
this movement 19 times; then bring
the knees alternately up on the ab
domen IS or 20 times. For consti
pation snd fat and flabby abdomen
this is a fine exercise.
Friday Afternoon
December 30th
4 P. M.
A Return Engagement by
Popular Request
Phillip Gordon
I. (a) Pastoral)
(b) Gavotte. . . . Gluck-Brahras
(c) Country Dance
(The "Country Dance" will be repeated
by the Anptco from Mr. Gordon's
(d) Rondo Capricciosco. . .
II. (a) Ballad A Flat..)
(b) Nocturne F Sharp) .
(c) Etude C Minor.) Chopin
(d) Berceuse )
(e) Scherzo B Flat )
Minor )
III. Prelude G Minor.
(The "Prelude" will b repeated fcy the
Ampico from the Composer's
IV. (a) "March of the Dwarfs"
A part of the "Muxa of the Dwarfs"
will be ropeeted by the Ampiee
from Mr. Gordon's recording)
(b) Rhapsodie No. 12.. Liszt
Mr. Gordoa wa th Amako m the
CkJckcriag at Vra neHaL
Andim ! Dears Ope at SJO.
The public U invited to
- attend.
BarrM-rtak AWItoriaai fifth Floor
of flagging, and I knew that the vic
tory was mine. I wanted to wait
few seconds, however, until the pull
of the hill should give the driver o
much to do that he would have no
time to try to crowd tne off the road,
no I kept at a steady pace behind
him. but keot edging toward the cen
ter of the road. A a usual thing;, I
never pass any one on a hilt, but this
was so long a stretch, so easy a stunt,
that I was not afraid of colliding with
any car coming from the other direc
tion. '
"Good girl!" It was not Bess
Dean's voice, but Lillian's, and I
thrilled with the realization that she,
too, had resented the arrogance of
the driver, and was rejoicing in this
chance of revenge,
"Oh can you do it?" Bess shrilled
I did not answer her, but as the car
in front of mc slackened speed Still
more, I swung out, gave mine more
gas, and slowly, steadily, forged past
the other. I, of course, did not glance
toward him, but I heard Bess Dean's
voice in another clear gamin-like
"Can we tow you up?"
A string of "bad words" was the
ony answer, and then with gathering
speed we swept on to the top of the
hill. .
Entertained Before Departure.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Coffcen
leave Omaha Saturday to make their
home in Hastings. Mrs. Coffeen was
honor guest today at a bridge lunch
ton given by Mrs. Henry Maxwell,
and Friday Mrs. Clarence Rubendall
will give a bridge luncheon for Mrs.
Bridge Tea.
Mrs. William Marsh will enter
tain 20 guests at a bridge tea Fri
day afternoon at her home in honor
of her daughter. Flora. Mrs. A.
R. Knode and Miss Margaret Wil
liams will assist.
College Club Gives
Successful Party
The niot successful party given at
Fort Crook for long while was the
compliment of enlisted men for the
entertainment and dance given (or
them by the Women's Overseas
Service league Tuesday night at the
Service club in the post. More than
.500 attended.
A feature of the entertainment
was the music and dramatic numbers
fiven by the Omaha College club.
Irs. J. H. Wallace, the president,
sang three solos and gave a reading;
Miss ' Avis Roberts, leader of the
music section, led in community
singing, and thrse two and Mrs, A.
F. Leermakers sang a trio, which
wan heartily applauded by the men
in khaki.
Another group, including Miss
Anne Johnston and the Misses Em
ma and Marv Ellsworth, gave a
plavlet, "A Slitch of Bacon."
Candy, cigarets and ice cream and
cake were served. Mrs. F. A. Koylc,
hostess for the Seventh army area
corps and a former overseas worker,
and Misses Helen Cornell, I.iuile
Scott, Marie Matthews, Mary Mac
intosh and Patricia Naughtin of the
Overseas club were in charge.
Tea Dance for Miss Smith.
Mrs. O. M. Smith will entertain
Friday afternoon at a tea dance at
her home for her daughter, Miss
Izctta Smith. Assisting will be Mrs.
F. P. Mason, Mrs. Byrne llolmqtiist
and Miss Josephine Schurman.
For Former Omahan.
Miss Marie Kokanson entertained
Wednesday evening at her home in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. O. Hedrick
of Holmesville, Neb. Mrs. Hedrick
was formerly Miss Alsyne Mohrman
and made her home in Omaha.
Les Hiboux Dance.
The Les Hiboux give their annual
Christmas- party at the Fontenelle
ball room tonight.
For Mrs. Van Dorn.
The Misses Erna and Peggy Reed
entertained two tables' of bridge this
afternoon in honor of Mrs. William
Van Dorn of Chicago:
What to Wear
Entire Taislry costumes are being
Ocean green is a new shade for
Sets of silk undergarment folded
and packed i.i miniature patent
leather Suitcases ton overnight or
week -end uses are on display n I lie
The Coniniuniiy cM.'ill N I J the
first of a serirs of card parties this
Friday afternoon it i o'clock at
Crounse hall.
Jeweled combs and hair pint
seem to be preferred to the plain
Spanish tortoise shell hair ornament.
Koitage bandeaux, rather than the
rhinestone type are worn.
A daughter wa torn tj Ml n I
Mrs. Joseph Stuja. UeMnii-t .V,
at St. Joseph hospital.
The long white kid glor for eve
ning wear has returned to' favor.
Edward Crowley, who is a mid
shipman at the United Stales Naval
academy at Annapolis, is in Omaha
with his parents,, Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Crowley on a short leave. He
returns to Annapolis January 2.
Looks Good to All Children i ""J"
In fact the whole family ap- 5
' proves CREAM OF RYE. M
i There's nothing like it. It I
has a flavor all its own. 1 I "l
All the goodness of wonder- I LJ7
. ful rye specially -processed, Tjr i
i ; packed in "air-tight" fibre I ffflu,,
cans. Never sold in bulk. ' . . y JfBI tj
' Serve it some way every vrCT I '
day. Healthful - recipes on , , fitf sit
each package. L!2 JvXij fl
Include a package in your mammSkP
grocery order today. -rr -riH
fore tHan a Hreatcfast IFood
In order to reduce our stock before inventory time. These are
Phonographs that we have taken in exchange during our
Christmas Club Sale.
Superb a
Mahogany Cabinet
Large Size
10 Selections Music
Only $62
Every One Guaranteed
Terms $1.00 a Week
8 II I
Bargains That Cannot Be Duplicated
Was Now
Columbia Graf onola, Oak $ 50.00 $ 28.00
Columbia Grafonola, Oak 65.00 38.00
Victrola Phonograph, Oak 100.00 52.00
Columbia Grafonola, Fumed Oak. 140.00 , 68.00
Schmoller & Mueller Phono., Fumed Oak. . 125.00 68.00
Columbia Grafonola, Mahogany 125.00 71.00
Superba Phonograph, Mahogany ' 150.00 62.00
Columbia Grafonola, Mahogany .165.00 76.00
Schmoller & Mueller Phono.. Golden Oak. . 140.00 78.00
Columbia Grafonola, Mahogany 225.00 126.00
Ten selections of music free with every
Phonograph. Remember, only 2 days
of these prices, so you must act at once.
Schmoller & Mueller
1514-16-18 O C Phone
Dodge st. r iano company Doug. i623
Five Real Drug Stores
With the Three Essential
Stock Service Price
Such are the five Sherman & McConnell Stores
STOCK Complete as to assortment, and of unquestioned genuineness.
SERVICE Willing and intelligent. PRICES-Low enough to - protect
. fully the interests of our customers.
Big Sale Drugs and Toilet Articles Friday and Saturday
Friday and Saturday,
at 16th and Harnay.
16th and Dodga and
24th and Farnam.
Pure Sugar Ribbon
Candy, lb 23t
Peanut Brittle... 29
Besu Broadway Choco
lates, usually retail
ing at 11.00 per box,
at 59
The last ltm at all
5 Shsrman & McCon
nell Stores.
Prica Reducad on
Three Brands Pure
Olive Oil
1 pint can Ballardvale
Spanish Olive Oil
for 74
1 pint bottle Tuscan
Spanish Olive Oil
for 74
1 pint bottle Pure Cal
ifornia Olive Oil
for 74)
Full quart of any of
above for.... $1.39
at prices you'll like.
50c Pe-Be-Co for. . . .33
30c Kolynos for... 19
50c Sanitol Tooth
Paste for 290
Buy Soap enough at this
sale to last you for six
Big A-lb. cake R oi,
Glycerine, Buttermilk
and Almond Cocoa, per
cake ,.9
Williams English Process
Bath Soap, including
' Honey, . Glycerine and
Elder Flower,
per cake 9
per dozen $1.0C
at specially reduced
25c Mavis Talcum.. 17f
(The Red Box)
$1.25 Houbtgant'B, Ideal
or Quelques Fleur.39
25c Mennen's Talcum. All
kinds, Including Borat
ed, Violet, Flesh Tint,
and "For Men,"
each 17i
25c Lazell's Talcum, all
kinds 14$
25c Williams Talcum, all
kinds, for ff
Fairy, Ivory. Wool or
P. & G. White
Naphtha, 2 for. 15$
. Water
Made by
& Lanman
The kind
and grand-
used. De
1 i g htfully
$1.00 size
for ...84
35c sz.23
Friday and
We carry mere than 100
kinds in stock.
65c LaJeune (French)
for .44$
75c Lov'rae Powder. 540
$1.25 Coty L'Origan,
Jasmin or Chypre
Face Powder 69$
NOTE This is the same
article - advertised at
times as a $2.00 and $3
value item. Our price
Friday and Saturday,
for 690
50c size for 39$
$1.00 size for.... 84$
$3.75 Hospital size
for $2.89
10 lb., $6.50 size Sat
urday ......$.4.89
Non Better Than
Gail Borden, Eagle
Brand Condensed
Milk, can 19$
Importers Reduction
.on Azurea, LaTrefle
and FJoramye Pow
der. $1.25 size
for,-. ... 740
' This ia leas than
pre-war price.
at money saving prices,
5c Pluto Waterv..290
75o (I pt.) Parafflne Min
eral Oil (Internal
Cleanser) for.... 480
$1.00 Tanlac (Original)
for 840
11.10 Mastin's Vltamon
Tablets for.. 840
!6c Carter's Little Liver
Pills for 170
0c Riker'a Milk ot
Magnesia for 370
$1.00 Listerine (Lam
berts) (or 74$
iOc Rexall Rheumatic
Remedy for 390
$1.25 bottle of 100 5
graln Bayer's
Aspirin Tablets
for 890
Scott's Emulsion, former
$1.50 size, for 890
60c Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin 44$
$1.25 (lpt. size) Rexall
Cherry Bark Cough
Syrup : ..-940
60c Doan's Kidney Pillr
for 440
$1.00 Syrup Hypophos
Com p.. either Rexall or
S. & McD. Co.... 840
40c Fletcher's Genuine
Castoria for 240
$1.00' Enos Fruit Salt
Laxative (English)
$1.15 Swamp Root, laTge,
for ..940
30c Marshall's Catarrh
Snuff for...; 18$
25c 1-oz. Tube Rexall
Zinc Oxide Ointment
for 190
Iron Rust Soap, tube,
for -250
Ether for your auto
better be safe than
Mb. can for 600
4 -lb. can for.... 200
A plenty In small
and large bottles, juga
and cans, at right
25c pkg. for 19$
Friday and Saturday
60c Marinello Powder
for 440
60c Ely's Cream Balm
for 440
50c Blaud's Iron Tonic
Tablets for....... 33$
50e Phillip's or Rikers'
Milk of Magnesla.37$
$1.10 Nuxated iron.. 840
25c Jimpson Weed, Bella
donna and Capsicum
Backache Plasters
fr 190
Dobell's Solution
for .,..25 and -in
25c Honest John Corn
and Bunion Plasters
for ,...-170
Mb. Pkg. Snowhite
Hospital Cotton
'r 340
60c Kotex Napkins
for 39$
In this week-end
Sale, we shall offer
some wonderful val
ues . in high-grade
Toilet Papers. '
12c quality Council
Crepe, soft, strong and
clothlike, at, roll... 8$
Per dozen ..850
Per case of 100 rolls
for $7.00
15c quality Hospital Fin
est Silk Tissue, 1,000
Sheet Roll
Per roll .9$
Per dozen ..-95$
Per case ot 100 rolls ;
for $7.75
"Hoo-Hoo" or "Itex" roil
for .-x 50
Case of . 100 rolls
for .....$4.59
Wyoming (Flat package
1,000 sheets)
Per pkg 200
Per dozen ..... . $2.25
"A. P. W." 2500 sheet
roll for... --600
4 rolls for $2.25
Fountain Syringes
and Hot Water Bottle
"HALO" ;
Inhalant Price 50c
Thia is Prof. Dr. Von
Kapffa Quick Relief
for Colds, Catarrh,
Headache and Sore
Throat. You "smell"
it that's all.
Pure Food Friday and Saturday Specials
75c 24-oz. can Ballardvale Grape Jam for. . . .39$
tt-lb. can Symond's Inn Cocoa.... ig$
H-lb. cake Symond's Inn Bakine 'Chnroiat . .101
''4-Ib. pkg. Liggett's Opeko Tea, Ceylon, India
Blend, Orange, Pekoe or Green Blend (Japan
and China). Saturday, special, for 34$
l ib. pkg. Opeko Breakfast Coffee (ground).. 28$
35o Symond's Inn Vanilla Extract 240
40c Symond's Inn Lemon Extract.... 240
25c Cox's Soarkline Uelatine..
Box of 1 dozen Liggett's Bouillon Cubes..
I lb. Klim Poydered whole Milk ....$1 76
1 lb. Klim Powdered Skim Milk --650
Symond's Inn and Ballardvale Spices, Black, Red
and White Pepper, Allspice, Nutmeg, Cinnamon,
Ginger, Clove, etc.. pkg 15$ and 200
Burnett's Pure Food Paste Colore Green, Red,
Blue, Orange, Rose.
r fnnwv twin viMitihiimiikn mwam
Corner 16th and Dodge
Corner 24th and Farnam
Corner 19th and Farnam
Corner 49th and Dodge
Genera! Office, 2d Floor 19th and Farnam.
Comer 16th and Harney
Wareheuae. 509-11 S. 12th St
666 is a prescription for Colds,
Fever and LaGrippe. It's the
most speedy remedy we know.
of he Dee-
All Ihe neva
rl--A fe&
6 -VOU'
When You Say "The
Cleaner," You Want
Douglas 0963
1515 Jonei SL Dour. 0963
N.W.Cor. 24th u4 L
Market 1283
VA. I L,PM7 sva iwu
Hn.u ia md
ar ciifi
taw XMi StMhrmS 9
3Cr 4Aps
will break a Cold, Fever and
Grippe quicker than anything I
EtaM4 lie
' fee a nteOTfl tmtmitt for Rnptera
wfcot martins to painful end anecrtala
rtel pmtim. Mr tnotmmt hw am
IhM tvtntT.firt rar f nntm Krkta4 ft. M
I rlaln M t fct tfc beat. I 4o a Into
amfrn wu. ft 1 Ti.. mtt
for rtinary cmm. 1 4ara rat kar H aw. No War or a) n h
JaliwL Cofl or rlt for eartfcnlars. Or. Frank H- Wrn. Ha. SOT Narta Wtk
SIr Dlrartto-ai Tska a Utn ar IStk rtrort ear eotae aorta m4 (!
H at astk aa Cvatn Sta. Tnirt noUtaca eaata.
i kaow, prcTeatiag paeunoaia. j