f 1 5 AMcrryXmai S 1 J Hnnnv Nw Ym 9 I W:- W fl Srf V 1 f Tobacco Co. I $ . 4 S 1404 Douglas St. g f. icverf as Honewlrom the Dee grew 19 ..: A' WW 7K V THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1921. T a .L01C1U1S Eater g .t When in Omaha Stop at the j3 13th and Douglas Streets Modem Rooms Reasonable Rates We Tvish our friends and patrons a Men Christmas and appj; New Year. as noneu from the Dee cfciaCitij& akmjs Pure food. LS "For S KIEL -, 9 Ifnfil Buy Your I S candies si 131 ' ur UICU AI 1 ll OUR FRIENDS & fl XMAS i AND HAPPY j 1 NEW YEAR & ! I Try Our 8r ill Luncheons 2r I IfL SILVER g fUs MOON & j 1910Farnam W DELIGHTFUL SEDUCTIVE M th trit.1 fruit wm t tb Lts Etttr, to will Fruit (mm Fniillan4. in a arttitia ba.ktt. Trrpr4 by Jmc fcim.rlf, ba equ.ll, charmlnc nd dflluhtfuL The., bukett art pt pared In all aim. Th. roit la low. W ara qwi Sunday ana MnT, Dm. 28 and 28, for tfca baatm mi a f.w lata camera. D. G. JAMES 1U1 Howard AT. tl CANTON TEA GARDEN 1408 Farnam St. Now Open Under New Management. Enjoy Your Christmas Dinner Here. Music, Dancing Refreshments including all American and Chines dishes, will be furnished. A CM f 10 Years' E periance will prepare all orders for every delicacy in season. Popular Prices maintained. will be &tf Tlt Pnhlic Ta Tnvited. fa Dm AN LIFE LOTUS CR,; with its i? endless j Tee f rom i cares, a land als have ched a high civilization. we vi live in & ere none is ihgers so idihuman e can- nce enter the f The Lotus 3ut: We should roper. provi V the needs of OHE J. H. Hansen Cadillac company is offering now the most remarkable re-built Cadillacs arid RE-NEW-ED used cars at an unequalled saving in prices, on ierms to suit. Better inspect these cars now on display. The best ones, as usual, will go first Buy now when quality cars are being sold at a real reduction. yy PoUVi tnnats sure I lorn from mrrg and protect fa fa & the ' , i : . I , i fSEfRASKA. i V - 9BB J - K d . e m Cadillac Type 57 Touring. In perfect condition. Has always had care of chauffeur. Newly painted. Top and upholstery re dressed. White wire wheels. Cord tires. The price on this car has been reduced $600.00. Cadillac Type 59 Phaeton. New Rolls Royce blue paint. White wheels. This car has been used only as a demonstrator. Price reduced $500.00. Cadillac Type 59 Suburban. New. This car has been used only 600 miles for demonstrating purposes. Practically brand new. Probably the greatest bargain ever offered in Omaha. Reduced in price $1300.00. Cadillac Type 53 Touring. New paintThoroughly RE-NEW-ED. In fine condition throughout. Good tires. Reduced $315.00 in price. and many other quality cars really reduced We have purposely delayed selling these cars un til we could substantially reduce their prices. Our losses, because of the reduction on new Cadillac cars, are naturally very heavy. OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN. These cars are in as perfect condition, if not even better, than the RE-NEWED cars we have previously offered, and are quoted at prices lower than you expected. No need to Tvail longer for a better price. COME QUICKLY. BRING YOUR FRIENDS. THIS IS THE GREATEST MONEY-SAVING SALE OF REAL HIGH-GRADE CARS EVER HELD BY A PROMINENT AND REPUTABLE AUTOMOBILE CONCERN. OFEN ALL DAY MONDAY, AND EVENINGS ' A Safe Place to Buy J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO. FARNAM AT 26TH AVENUE HARNEY 0710 Omaha's Biggest Attraction is at the Rialto today starting tomorrow. Omaha'i biggest attraction will be at our store when we inaugurate our pre-inventory sale. Our entire stock of Shoes, Furnishings, Full Dress Suits, etc., at YsOff JOHN FELDMAN 109 Soutk 16th Street , HT SEES" MERRY j ,MAS3 " it ' From Youth to Age Foot Insurance for the Future T , "The Lotus Eater's" Happiness Was Short Lived "Put your feet in Stryker's hands" I., 1 m , JSV And know real happiness for the first time in your life. I No man or woman can have a happy mind with unhappy feet ?4 1? I Our staff of careful shoe I i i nuera is reaay to i V I ,erTC yo11, W. S. STR YKER'i: DOUGLAS SHOE-STORE 117 N. 16th St. Opr "ost Offi- r. mm. am. TiiBTBHi r.-x mnmm 5-A