TUB TEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1921. Society BronduFtelL Uin !Nf ildrcl Jeu J'-trrc!!, tUiiiili ter of Mr. m4 Mr, V. ), 'rrell, and Tboma Jl, tiriiiuku will be mar ried thi cvcmnii it 5 o'clock t tlie home of the brulr't r'rcnK Dr. R. L. Whcdr of W'lirrlcr Memorial church clfiriiting. M Ruth Or chard and Robert llntm will be the attendants and lira Ic Eleanor Dinuxk will carry the ring. Jame Wrath will play the wrddmg march and Mr. Vera Lim:k, cousin of the bride, will ing. The couple will Iravr for a ihort wedding trip and will be at hnmc alter January 1 at 355J South Twen-ty-tliird Mrect. Mi I'arrrll i a graduate of (lit Iowa Slate Teachers qrdlrge and a tieuibcr of Alpha Beta Gamma or oritv. Minn Helen Tojsner of Lincoln came to Omaha for the wedding. NeUon-Leffler. The marruRe of Miss N'ell Leflcn, daughter of Mrs. Surah E. Leflrr, to Mr. Emery E. Neln wan qitietly solemniied Thursd.ry evening, De cember IS. at the Leflrr home. Only the immediate family were present. Rev. K. L. Wheeler T the Wlxeler Memorial Freshyteriaa church otfi ciated. Mr. Nelson, .who has al ways lived in Omaha, is well known as an accomplished musician. Mr. Nelson came to Omaha from Winni peg, Canada, where for several years he had been engaged in the grain business. Mr. Nelson is an en thusiastic student of art and col lector of antiques. WilburrvDella. The marriage of Miss Elsie Wil hurn, daughter of Mr. and Mm. T. A. Wiiburn of Hendley, Neb., and Francis E. Delia of this city will take plare this afternoon at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Wiiburn, who is a graduate of the Peru Normal school has made her home in Omaha for tli past four years. Mr. Delia and his bride will reside in Omaha. New Year'a Eve. Many parties are planning to spend New Year's eve at the Omaha club. Among those who have made reserva tions are Randall K. Brown, who will have 20 guests: W. Farnam Smiths 16 guests; Miss . Elizabeth Davis, 16 guests, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bohling of St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Casper OrTutt, 18 guests: D. M. Vinsonhaler, seven; lohn Caldwell, 8; D. C. Robertson, '10; E. S. Westbrook, eight; W. R. Wood, 12, and Stephen Cronk, 16. Mr. and Mrs. Albert , Sibbernsen have arranged a dutch treat party for 14 guests, George Shocking for a dutch treat party for 12, and Wallace Shepherd a similar party for 10 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Barton Millard will entertain at a buffet supper at 7:30 o'clock at their home New Year's eve in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Forgan of New York city, who are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Carpenter. Later in the evening the party will attend the dance at the Omaha club and the supper at Moshier Colpetzers. Fiftieth Anniversary. On Friday Mr. and Mrs. John R. Manchester' will celebrate their solden wedding. They will be at home to their friends all day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Metz ger with whom they live. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Manchester arrive from Texas Tuesday in honor of the an niversary, and Friday evening Mr. alid Mrs. Frank Manchester will en tertain at a family dinner. Mrs. Manchester came to Omaha 61 years ago from Canada and it was here that she met her future husband. They have three children, E. W. Manchester, Frank Manchester and Mrs. W. C. Metzger, and four grand children. - Before Vassar Dance. Several more parties are being planned to. precede the Vassar club dance Tuesday evening. On a Dutch treat party will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgess, the .Misses Geral cline and Gretchen Hess and Doug las and Clarence Peters. Another Dutch treat crowd will include Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dais, Miss Mary Fuller, Paul Shirley, Edward Fuller and H. Grant Cogsbill. Mr. and Mrs. George Prinz will entertain at dinner preceding the dance complimentary, to Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor: of Great Bar rington, Mass., who arc visiting Mrs. J. J. Brown at the Blackstone. Children's Theater. The Children's theater, under the direction of Miss Marguerite Beck man, will give a special performance Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Gardner building. A miracle play, "The White Christmas," will be presented. Children taking part will be: Ruth Mick, Margaret Waltz, Mary Bowles, Dorothy Waht, Fran ces Regan. Claire Regan, Helen Claire Snyder, Vivian Harsh and Blaine Wahl. "King Midas" will be presented at the same place Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. Tea for Schcool Set Miss Maurine Richardson and Miss Charlotte Smith gave a tea Saturday afternoon at the home of Miss Richardson for members of the school set. .Christmas decora tions were used, and assisting were the Misses Dorothy Davidson, Dor othy Guckert, Betty Paxton, Char lotte Denny, Elinor Kountze, Vir ginia Cotton, Eleanor Pickard. Eliz abeth McDonald. Marjorie Ribbcl, Ruth ' Sunderland and Barbara Burns. Chautauqua Notes. Loomis Chautauqua circle will have a social meeting Tuesday aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. R. B. Richardson, 346 Lafayette avenue. Mrs. W. B. Howard will speak on the "Mvthology of the Ancient Greeks.'' A song group will be given by Mrs. Gilbert Brown, ac companied by Mrs. Kay J. Abbott. Hellenic circle meets Wednesday at 12:30 n. m. with Mrs. M. E. Ral- sten, 2727 Ida street. Mrs. Chester Linn, leader. For School Set. Mrs. O. M. Smith will entertain at a tea at her home Friday after noon from 3 until 5 o'clock in honor of her dauehter. Izetta. and her house guest, Miss Dorothy Collier ot Hood Kiver. Ure. PmMceiv Thinner. A progressive dinner party will be given Monday evening, with the first course served at the home ot iuss Rid! Metcalfe,- The jpther mem- r California Visitor ! ' p pJ'V Hp) 1 Mrs. Roberta Eddy Kitchen and her son, Dick, are the guesjs of Mrs. Kitchen's mother, Mrs. George Ed dy, who was hostess at one of the large teas of the week in compliment bers of the party will be Mr. and Mrs. Edward Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Al Munger, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bax ter of Grand Rapids, Mich., Miss Kuth McCoy, Robert Connor and George Metcalfe. Return for Christmas. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sackett, Oma ha musicians, whd have been on a tour of the west coast with the Fisher Operatic company of Chi cago, have returned to Omaha to spend the holidays with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Mahaf fey and Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Sackett. They have been making their head quarters in Chicago and will return to that city about January 1. 6. L. L. Club. The O. L. L. club of Our Lady of Lourdes parish will give an afternoon card party on Friday, December 30, at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Thomas Lynch, 2202 South Thirty second street. . ' Mrs. Leo Hoffman, ' accompanied by Mrs. Ruth Flynn-Dunbar, will sing a group of Christmas carols. , ' L. O. E. Club. The L. O. E. club will entertain at a card party Tuesday afternoon, 2 o clock in the Jilks club rooms. Ou Thursday afternoon a com mittee of IS met at the home of Mrs. Charlotte Melchiors Jenkins to dec orate and fill 80 Christmas baskets for the disabled soldiers in local hos pitals. Attend Out-of-Town Party. The Misses Katharine and Eleanor Baxter went to Red Oak, la., for Friday and Saturday to at tend a dance given for the Misses Virginia and Alice Hays, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hayes. Miss Hays and her sister have been guests at the W. F. Baxter home in Omaha in the past. Luncheon at Omaha Club. Miss Zoc Shalek entertained 3t luncheon Saturday noon at the Omaha club when her guests were the Mcsdamcs Lester Klopp, Herbert Davis. E. D. Johnson, the Misses Mary Findley, Dorothy Col lier, Margaret Parish and Helen Rogers. - Series of Parties. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Archer have entertained this mnoth at a series ot parties at their home in Dundee. De cember 13 they gave a dmner tor 1U guests. Dec. 16 they gave a dinner for 14 and last week on Monday they gave; a dancing party for 16. Christmas Tea. Miss Dorothy Judson will be hos tess this afternoon at a tea in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allison and Mr. and Mrs. Harltness Kountze. Mrs. W. J. Hynes will pour, and as sisting will be the Misses. Dorothy Belt, 1 Gcraldine Hess and Gretchen Hess. , 1 -Alpha Sigma Lambda". One of the largest fraternity parties to be held Christmas week will be given Wednesday, evening at the Ho tel Fontenelle by the Chi Phi chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda National fraternity. P. E. O. Luncheon. Chapter M of the P. E. O. will be entertained Saturday, December 31, at a 1 o'clock luncheon by Mrs. J. O. Eastman'. Assisting her will be the Mesdames Anna "Bratton " and Verne Moore. Marquette Dance. The Marquette club will give its annual "Marquette Prom" next Wednesday evening. December 28. at the Hotel Rome ball room. The Georgia Five has been engaged to play- Evening Bridge. Dr. Earl Sage wiil entertain at a bridge party at his home the eve ning of December 30. There will be about 20 guests. Children's Party. T?, AtMf,i liK will cr,t- a flilt dren's party Monday from 2 to 5 p. m. Miss Grace Sorenson will tell stories. Qui Vive Club. The Qui Vive Dance club wiil have a party at the Blackstone the evening ,of December 28, to her daughter. Many informal parties are planned this week for Mrs. Kitchen, who is a former Omahan, although she makes her home in California at the present time. ' Xmas Dinners (Continued) The Caldwell family will be with Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell for din ner today. The party will include Mrs. Victor Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Caldwell, jr., David and Ja bin Caldwell, Judge D. M. Vinson haler and Ellison Vinsonhaler. Dining with Mr. and Mrs. John W. Towle this noon will be Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Rainbolt and their sons, Wynne and Duanne; Mrs. W. H. Bucholtz, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bucholtz and son, Fred, Miss Mad eline Jones of Bellevue, Pa., and Miss Marion Towle. At the Joseph Baldrige home will be Mr, and Mrs. Howard Baldrige, W: Farnam Smith. Miss Gwendolen Wolfes, Dudley Wolfe and Grafton Woifd : ' -:(r(; Mr, and Mrs. Charles Keller, Mrs. George Doanc, sr.; Mr. and Mrs. George Doane, jr.; Mrs. Charles Tarrotte, Miss Daisy Doane, Miss Emily Keller and Charlie Keller will have dinner together on Christmas day at the Keller home. With Mr. and Mrs." A. L. Undeland will be Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Ryan and sons, Robert and Edward; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Undeland and Miss Ag nes Undeland. ( Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harding wit! have with them at a quiet fainily din ner Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brinker, Frank Burkley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harding. Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Haney will entertain at Christmas dinner at their home today at 3 o'clock. Cov ers will be laid for Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Pe ters and the Haney family of six members. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Kappa Kappa Gamma will meet for luncheon Saturday, December 31, at 1 o'clock, Brandeis restaurant. Mrs. Roy Page is in charge. I Merry Xmas j ' John Henrickson, Jeweler Established 1S82 16th at Capitol , , , ,. . , ;. I i " Comfort Comfort to aching hearts in time of grief is our constant aim, actuated by a conscien tious desire to' be of the greatest service to the community. (ole-McKavG Residential Funeral Parlors! 2616 Farnam St Phone Harney 04-54 Personals Myrm I(uchtetler is spending 10 dayi in Minneapolis Janie Williamson will spent) the holiday with clamate in New York City. A nn on horn Friday at St. Joseph Itoiixtal to Mr. and M rs. Mri. Utto r. icatmuMen. Mm. R. R, Wallace is home after a visit with her daughter, Mm. W. J. Turnbull of Pittsburgh. Mrs. Clara Swobe left Friday eve ning for Chicago ! spend the Christ mas with her father and mother. John Beaver of Scribner, Neb, ar rived Saturday to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. E. Fay Beaver. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Thatcher of Kansas City, Mo., are spending the holidays at the Ed C. fcpstcn home. Frank A. Freeman, jr.. Is home from the Univrrsity of Wisconsin to spend the holiday season with his parents. Mrs. Harry Levy lift Thursday night for Chicago, where she will spend a month with relatives and friends. Mr. anil Mrs. C A. Emery of Douglas, Wyo., are the guests of Mrs. Emery's sister, Willametta Powers. Dr. Wm, O. McDermott of Stewart, Neb., is here for the holi days with his . mother, Mrs. P. O. McDermott. Wallace Spear left Friday to spend Christmas at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Spear at Genoa, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Baker of Chicago are here for the holidays with Mr. Baker's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Baker. Miss Helen Garvin arrived Satur day from Grand Rapids, Mich., to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Garvin. Miss Isabel Evans returned Satur day from the state university to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Evans. A daughter was born December 17 at the Methodist hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edwards. Mrs. Ed wards was formerly Miss Gertrude Porter. Mr, and Mrs. D. R. Donlen an nounce the birth of a daughter at St. Joseph hospital Thursday. Mrs. Donlen was formerly Miss Marie Lauten. Miss Mary Louise Mullen has re turned from St. Josephs academy in Des Moines to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Mullen. A daughter, Helen Marie, was born at St Joseph hospital Thursday to Mr. ' and Mrs. Magnus C. Smith. Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss May O'Connor. Edward Murphy is in Omaha from St. Joseph to spend the holidays with his mother, Mrs. T. J. Murphy. Soon after New Years he will leave for California. . Halleck Rose, jr., arrived Wednes day from Miss Munson's school, Se wickley, Pa., to spend the holidays with his parents. He will remain until January 10. Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor and Masters Jay and George Brown of Great Barrington arrived Wednes day and will be at the Blackstone for several weeks. Mrs. W. R. McKecn and her brother, Dr. Paul Ludington - left Omaha Saturday for a trip to the orient. They wilt also visit Australia and New Zealand. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dunkin and children, Jane Louise and John, are spending the holidays with Mrs. Dunkin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy of North Platte. Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor of Ureat tfanngton, Mass., are the guests of Mrs. J. J. Brown at the Blackstone. Mrs. Taylor was form erly tlla May Brown. Lena May Ellsworth will leave December 26 for Detroit to attend the meeting of the National Associa. tion of Music Teachers, which lasts tor three days, bhe is to write up 9 Mil y-"' .ITIliMUl"- the tiirrting for the Sute Musical aotMtion, which iiiri-u in Lincoln next pting. Mis KlUwortli will iiik' on New Yraii moriiing at Temple Belli El, one of the largest synagogues in the east. Ml Gertrude Doyle of Kanc.ii City will arrive Monday to be bridesmaid to Mi liduli Howe, whose wedding to John Kai-mmerleu of St. Louis takes place December 28. Lieut. Alfred M. Gruntliir arrived Saturday to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C M. Grunther. He is tationet! at "the Field Artillery school at Camp Knox. Mr, and Mrs. Paul E. Wadsworth of Moline, III., are spending the holi days with Xtr. and Mrs. O. A. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. F, U. Wadsworth and Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Reed of Counci Bluffs,. Gayle Stain -arrived this w eek from the Tobb School at Woodstock, III., to be with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stain for Christmas. V. v.. Purdy of Sioux City, a brother of Mrs. Stain, is also a guest at their home. Twlt.rir.l Fuller t,Ve rMiirni.rt frnm U 1 Ml,w " ...... Colorado Springs to spend Christ mas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C E. Fuller. II. Grant Cogsbill of rV!r,rar1n snrincra la akft A PlM'st at the Fuller home. They will be here until XMew xears. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Danks and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Schluctcr, all of Chicago, will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schmitt of Omaha, the parents of Mrs. Danks, who was formerly Miss Augusta Schmitt. Miss Betty Fairfield and Miss Wynne Fairfield who are at Vassar college are with their mother, Mrs. E. M. Fairfield in New York for Christmas. After Christmas Miss Betty Fairfield will go to Utica for a week to visit college friends. A cablegram received from Mr. and Mrs. Gould Dietz Saturday an nounces their safe arrival in Hono lulu, where they stop 24 hours before continuing their Pacific trip. Mr. Mrs. O. W. Dunn and Victor Dietz are with them. The party sailed De cember 14 from San Francisco. Duchesne college closed Friday for the Christmas vacation, and Miss Mary McQueeney and Miss Rika Murray returned Friday evening to Kansas City. Miss Adcle Knight left the same day for Philadelphia, and the Misses Helen and Madeline Lampkey went to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Adams re turned Friday from Cedar Rapids, la., where they attended the funeral of Mrs. B. H. Witwer, a former resident of Omaha, the' mother of Mrs. Adams and of Mrs. L. D. Pel- ton of New York City. Mrs. Pelton is in Omaha for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Adams. The new blouses are particularly attractive because they are so varied in style. Some of them slip over the head, others are made surplice style and still others fastened at the front, at the back or on the shoulder. ;. Calendar SuncUy, Christmas Day. Mis Dorothy Judson. tea for Mr. and Mrs, Charles Allison and Mr. und Mrs. lUrkuess Kountze, (our to Brondii-Farrell wrdtlina at home of Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Iarrcll, 8 P. in. Monday. Mrs. John U. McDonald, tea for Mis Elizabeth McDonald, J to 5 o clock. . Progressive dinner party, begins with Miss Rachel Metcalfe. T, K. dance at Blackstone. Tuesday. Vassar club dance and Style thov at Burgess-Nash tea room. Mrs. George I'rinz, diner for Mr. and Mrs. George iaylor. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Tukey, supper party at home. Mrs. E. A. Higgins, tea dansant at Oma ha club for Miss Dorothy Higgins. Miss Kathryn Anne Smith, bridge tea at home. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess, tea dansant at Burgess-Nash tea room for Miss Eleanor Kountze. Miss Edith Latta of Tckamah and Miss Frances Castcttcr, tea at Miss Cas tetter's. Miss Janet Cunningham, luncheon at rontencllc. Mrs. fc.ru man Brunner, bridge' luncheon for Miss Madeline Fowler. Mrs. George Ribbcl, tea for Miss Marjorie Ribbel. Miss Mary Richardson, bridge tea. Pan Hellenic luncheon at Brandeis restaurant, 12:15. Kacmmcrlcn-Howe wedding at home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. IIowc;- evening. Whitson-Car-rier wedding at home of Mr. and Mrs.' L. D. Carrier, evening. Mrs. Harvev Millikcn, luncheon for Mrs. Stella Rittcr. Thursday. Mrs. E. A. Pcgau, dance at Black stone for Miss Josephine Schurman. Masquerade dance at Service club. Fort Crook, by officers and ladies of corps area headquarters.. Mr. and Mrs. R. Beecher Howell, dinner at home for Miss Charlotte Acer of New York. Leo Hiboux, 'dance at Fontanelle. Miss Zerlina Brisbin, afternoon tea at home from 4 to 6. Friday. Mrs. O. M. Smith, tea for Miss Izctta Smith, 3 to 5 at home. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart 2d, Orpheum party for Miss Jane Stewart. Miss Daisy Rich, tea for Miss Jean Palmer. Saturday. Miss Frances Patton, tea-dance at Brandeis restaurant. Schafer-McMar- tin weding at home of Dr. and Mrs. Charles McMartin. Mr. and Mrs. J. E.' Davidson, Orpheum and sup per party. Mr. and Mrs. Mosncr Colpetzer, party at home. Mr. and Mrs. George Brandeis. party at bran deis restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. George De Lacy, party at Omaha club. Sunday, January 1. Mr. and Mrs. Windsor Megeath and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Megeath, tea at the G. W. Megeath home) 4 to 7 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Dana Brad ford, tea for Mrs. Charles Allison. O. T. Dance. The O. T. club of Central High school entertained 200 couples at a dancing party Saturday evening at the Blackstone hotel. Mr. 'and Mrs. F. E. Uehling and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Guckert chaperoned the party. il fKp f The trade-mark above has meant Good Flour to both buyers and sellers for over half a century. I Our new mill the Sunlit Building, where VICTOR FLOUR is made em bodies the policy of better flour that has governed the development of this company for over 50 years Your Grocer Sells Victor JAg CRETE MILLS CreteVeb. w w (t i' 11 111! New Year's Reception. Mm. Alexander Pollack, Mrs. Samuel K4U and Mr. Dollie Flut ter will be ut home to thrir frieiubt on Monday afternoon, January 2, from J until b o'clock, at J7UU Jones street. Reunion Luncheon. Mrs. Anna Rogers of Chicago, mother of Mrs. George Brandeis, had a reunion luucheou Saturday at 1 p. m Brandeis restaurant, with her live daughters: Mr. F. J. Camay, New York; Mrs. Harry Bokworth, Chicago; Mrs. Carl Lewis, Omaha; Miss Lillian Roger, Chicago, and Mrs. George Brandeis, Job Daughters, Under the direction of Dr. D. D. Clark the De Molay band will fur nisli the music for the Job Daugh ters' dance December 30 at Turpin hall. The Job Daughters is a Ma sonic organization, with a member ship of 130 girls. Mrs. W. II. Mick is their supreme guardian, Mrs. Mick has been very actively inter ested in this organization of girls and has assisted in founding similar groups out in the state. AVERAGE WEEKLY TEMPERATURES OF LEADING CALIFORNIA Roortl for Wk Endinr Saturday. December 17. 1BZ1 Mix. Mln. Mon Mux. Win. M-n Long Beach 72 68 66 Pasadena 11 89 61 MARYLAND HUNTINGTON GREEN Pasadena's Famous Hotels Announce that, in accord with the lower trend of prices generally, their rates have been reduced a total of more than 30 per cent from last year's schedules. Beginning December 12, Hotel Green will be open on both European and American Plans from $2.50 and $6.00 per day, respectively. Full Privileges of Celebrated Pasadena Golf Club to guests of all three hotels. Pasadena is the Golfer's Year-Round Paradise 20 Golf Clubs within an hour by motor. Conveniently accessible to old Missions and hundreds of points of historic interest. Only 10 miles from Los Angeles and 25 miles from California Beaches. For Information Address CALIFORNIA HOTEL COMPANY, PASADENA, CAL. J.B.COULSTON, Preiident I You Have Not Seen California Until You Have V lilted Superbly locator! on tb blue Pacific, Long Beach is not only the moat beautiful resort In America, hut high -claw residential anil Industrial city as wlL Only 20 miles from Los Angeles, the metropolis of Southern Cali fornia. Fastest growing city in the oountry population increased from 2,250 In 1900 to 75,001) in 1H21. Home of the world -famed Hotel "Virginia. Ample hotel and apartment accommodations at all prices. Write for Inter esting literature regarding this "City of Op portunity." L. W, BALLARD, Executive Secretary, Long Beach Chamber of Commerce, Long Beach, Calif, IUS1 )f ESTABLISHED I8G9 e.ii'1 53 tt, Household Hints Zinc houll be cleaned with otip- suds and salt, then polished with' kerosene. A little white' sugar Jif.olvcJ in hot water makes a good stiffening for delicate lace. Rub the nickel trimming on toe with keroteiie oil and whiting and thru polikh with a dry cloth. The most effective method of clean'ng an iron sink i to rub it well with a cloth wet with kerosene oil. A cloth inoUtened with camphor will remove white spots from furni ture. Watch Party. Mis Emily Keller is planning a New Year's eve bridge parly in hon or of Miss Gwendolen Wolfe, who re cently returned from a European trip. To Be Hostess This Week. Miss Kathcrine Reynolds will en tertain at a supper party Monday evening at her home, and is u1.v plan ning a party for next Friday evening. (tCEPJAL CHOCOLATES j INNER-CIRCLE CANDIES'