Till-: BEE: OMAHA. FRIDA V. DECEMDKP. 23. 1021. 1 Society ! TIIl.f liiMmi' nard vl ClarUon hospital W an interesting yUce this time of jrar, a trct preparation lire being made for Chriatmat. Tit' Trinity lJuil J of Trinity Cathedral i in charge of the plan for tlicce little nu, many of whom are orthopedic ease and have to pend month at a time in tat. The guild nave a benefit last June for the chil dren's ward and raied $Mi, which, il bring expended on instruction and amusement for the children. The work i in eharge of Mr. William Kiuhie, jr.; Mrt. Walter Roberts, Mr. V., A. Rutlrdjfe, Mr. William J. Lister, Mis Mile MandUh and Mi Louise Diets. Tin year Santa tlau will come with ait overflowing pack, with red stocking to hang on the foot of each bed, and with a Christina tree hung with ball and light and Kii't. There will be clothe and candy and toys tor each child. The nurse at ClarUon will trim the tree. " After Christina the Trinity Guild il planning to sew for charity. . & Kappa fsl Delta. Raima l'si Delia sorority will en tertain at a formal daneing party at tic lllai-Kntonc Monday evening, JJeeember' 2'h "Miss Mary Killian. assisted by the Misses Knsannc weiton and Dor othy Jul wards, will give a Christmas party for , Kappa ISi Delta niemher ,;t Iter lioiiir Wednesday atternoon, December 28. , The Mi-scs OIr.i Jor ueiison, Margaret l'owell, Patricia Hender, Katlierine Reynolds and Jesse l'eniiant will be honor gueK Honoring Mrs. Ritter. Mr. Stella H. Ritter of Fairbury. who arrived Wednesday to be the mvt of Mr. and Mrs. DradW Roe. was honor guest at dinner Wednes day evening at the I'rettiest Mile tliil) given by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Welptou, Covers were laid for 16. N'rxt Wednesday Mrs. Harvey Mil liken will give a luncheon for Mrs. Kitter. Mrs. Kilter is well known in musical circles throughout the stale. Nebraskans at Music Convention. .Mrs. Florence fiasler Thomas will leave Monday night for Detroit to attend the music teachers national convention held there next week. Frederick Steckelbti g, violinist of 1 he University School of Music at Lincoln will also attend the conven tion and is on the program. The chief event of the meeting is to be a concert by the Detroit symphony, conducted by (iahrilowitscli. House Party Guests Arrive. Mrs. Anthony Rogers of Chicago, arrived this morning with her'daugh tcr, Miss Lillian Rogers, to visit h;:r daughter, Mrs. George Hrandeis. and Mr. Ilrandcis. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Carney of New York aj"c expected tomorrow to be guests at the liran deis house party. Dr. and Mrs. W. K.1 Harper and Eugene 1 Nolan of Chicago came earlier in the week. ' Home Coming Party. A. home-coming party was given for? Stephen O'Doniiell, jr.. Wednes day afternoon at the W. O.. W. hall. Mr. O'Donnell is here to spend the holidays from Wcntworth Military Academy. There were 15 couples at th party. ' Complimentary to Miss Acer. Mr. and Mrs. R. Beecher Howell will entertain at dinner at their home ort Thursday, December 29, in honor of Miss Charlotte Acer of New York, who is to be their !iou guest next week. New Years Tea. Mrs. G. W. Mcgea'th, Mrs. Wind sor Megeath and Mrs." Edward Me go'atli will entertain at one,.of the larger New Year's teas on Sunday atternoon from S to 7. 1 Miss Rich a Hostess. Miss Daisy Rich, daughter of Mrs. Charles O'Neill Rich, will entertain aCtea on Friday evening, December 30, for Miss Jean Palmer. Personals Mr. and Mr. A. T. Arend will spend Christmas in Philadelphia. Dr. anil Mr. Harvey Milliken will spend Monday in Lincoln with rela tive. Miss Kvrlyn Dudley bu gone to Leavenworth, Kan., to pend Chribt maj with her mother. Mr. and Mr. R. II. Hosie leave Friday for Lincoln to spend Christ mas with Mrs. Hosic's family. Mis Katharine Hilliard is in Mem phis. Tetin., where she is spending the holiday with her brother. Miss Caroline Miller arrived from Ames Thursday afternoon to spend 10 days with her parent, C. C. Miller. On account of his numerous con cert engagements in this locality, I'hilip Gordon ha returned to spend Christmas in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rummel, who reside at the Fontencllc, will have as their guest Mrs. Rummers brother, E. F. Campbell, of Chicago, for the holiday season. Walter M. Campbell of St. Louis arrived Saturday to spend the holi days with Mrs. Campbell, who is vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam H. Ostenberg. Mrs. Robert Smith, her daughter, Miss Katharine Smith, and her niece, Miss Donna McDonald, leave Fri day evening for Purdue, Ind.,' to spend Christmas with relatives. Miss Ruth Miller returns Friday from the LJniversity of Nebraska. Her brother, Bimey Miller, will ar rive the same day from the Univer sity of Wisconsin for Christmas. Miss Dorothy Norton, who is a student at Highland Hall, Hollidays burg, Ta., will divide her Christmas vacation between school friends in Jilount Pleasant, Pa., and Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kcsslcr will have as their guests during the Christmas holidays' Mr. and Mrs.. Ned Kesslcr'and small daughter, Mary Jane, of Minneapolis, and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sargent of Rockford, 111. . Miss Anna Tibbetts, who is con nected with Fargo college at Fargo, S. D., arrived the first of the week to be with Mrs. J. M. Metcalf until New Years. Miss Virginia Cornish arrives Friday to join her mother, Mrs. Albert Cornish, of Lincoln, who is "already a guest at Mrs. Mctcalf's home. Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Kirkcndall have gone to Sewieklcy, Pa.,' to tpend Christmas with Mrs. Kirk endall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam uel Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ! Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Is) Hasket Ball Injurious? . Dpar .Miss- Fairfax: I have been rrailingyour columns for sometime and thought a good deal of your splendid advice. -;.. . 1 am a yo$n girl"' 1 years old. The advke I jv)h to receive is not on love,' but -"atbleties.- My .parents (io not' approve of these, especially hasket ball. I am considered a good plaver, but my parents think It in iiirious for frills to play by getting hot and then taking cold; also the time. I want you to be fair and square, and give nie the good basket ball does or your reason if you do not approve.,' Ftease, print this with your advice. ! y . PAT. Basket ball a, strenuous game. No girl should' play it without ex amination by a physician or a com petent physical director to make sure h,cr heart is good. Also, no girl should play the game w ithout a director in charge who observes time , limits for: halves. The best physical educators in the country disagree about tlie- value of basket ball for girls, and T am much too modest to attempt the last word on the subject. My own opinion, how ever, is that moderately played it is wholesome sport and good exercise for a strong girl; that a glrlat all delicate should not play the game and that there are better forms of regular exercise for girls. One of its chief values is the game spirit it develops one of its drawbacks, aside from its severe physical tax, is that it engages only a few. dpstrov the countour of a well arched brow. 2. I am sorry you regard a pres- nf aa f.ifVii- rlpsirnr.iA nr phean. Some presents that don't cost much da look cheap, .out it isn c uie. price ti.af malrna thpm lonlf SO. TheV look cheap because they says "I am or poor quality, x wuu i. ue ul any service, but something, had to be given you, so here I am. You would be very rooiisn to Duy lor anyone a present you cannot afford. For a very small sum of money you can prepare an attractive box cKaala innllirHnfl' fifllffpd dat.PS and loose nuts, along with fudge and other kinds or canay you muse wuu. In the stores you pay irom s iu $5 for a hand-made silk handker chief. .Why not buy some of the handkerchief pongee, draw the threads, running in pretty colors of silk and embroidering an initial? The actual cost of one of these would bo about 50 cents, but you couldn't call a gilt or one or tnese a "cheap" present, could you? . 3. I might almost say that combs are the latest in hairdressing, for they are very much used regardless of the coiffure. The high head dress with the small angel curls is ho lnfpst-r the tall women will con tinue to wear the hair low. 4. Fortunately, good manners are always in style. From Eyebrows to Maimers. Dear Miss Fairfax: "We are writ ing to you for advice. We are pals of 19 years of age. We; read your ndviee to others and think it very good. 1. When a girl arches her eye brews and they grow in thick and uneven, what should they do when the stylo changes, as they look so shaggy? v - v 2. I have been-going with a real nice young man for some time, and in his last letter', -he hinted for a C hristmas present. Now I haven't had work of late and couldn't get him an expensive present, and wouldn't want to get him a cheap one. What can I do? My pal has gone with a boy for some time, then they broke up. But when she left they made up by mail, and should she get him a Christmas present; if so what? 3. What are the latest styles in hair dressing? . 4. When you live in a small town, and the girls and boys are behind times, should we act like they do or be vcrv mannerly, and dance the latest? Now these youne people ihink we are "stuck up" "hen, we do. Tlease advise us. Thanking you. BOOTS AND DOT. - 1. Have you a small trush for the evebrows? Tiny ones are sold for that purpose and even smaller ....... . ,i, i,ch One of their purposes is to brush the powder from the rirowm-tana ltus.- b.,.. daily trusting -Of a few strokes will in time tram your brows. I would advise you not to pluck them, but kt-vp a good pair of tweezers for iiullinjj out the straggly few that My Marriage Problems A del Ciarrtatui'a How Chaw ol 1 "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE1' town!, im m K Dicky Discovert Madgc'i Secret. With wift, practiced movement Dicky ulripped the wet clothing from Junior of course, man-fashion, leav ing the toaked garment in a heap on the floor and went into his bed room. My little chap'wa to adorable a he stood roguishly (milling up at me. hit face and body all roy. hi curls Wet and rumpled, that 1 forgot my gown and gave him a hearty hu even at I began rubbing him vigor ously with the bath towel I had brought' while Dicky was Gripping him. . "Let me do that," Lillian H.'iid, t Us ing the towel from me, "while you get hit clothing." I obeyed her sensible msficstion, and had no sooner laid pump-t, socks, underwear and romper on t!u; chair beside her than Dicky's voice sound ed from the next room in the im perative, querulous demand 1 bad feared: "Madge! Where arc tho.ii gray trousers? Have you been disturb ing my things? ies, sir, you have. Well, "by the left car of Adam's olf ox, if "this isn't the holy outride limit! Say, come across with those pants, pronto. What the dickens did you do with them?" I shot a dismayed though laugh ing glance at Lillian, for I knew her quick comprehension would sec the connection between my announce ment to hcr that I 'had been pack ing for the journey home, and this disappearance of part of Dicky's wardrobe. And I saw an answering smile on her face as I made evasive answer to Dicky's demand. Norton went with the Kirken dalls to Chicago. They go to Hor ncll, X. Y., to be with Mrs.: Norton's parents. Miss Willow O'Brien, who at tends the Manhattanville school in New York, will spend Christmas with Miss Esther McVann iu Wash ington. Miss McVann formerly lived in Omaha. Edward Chapuran of St. I'roca pin's college at Lisle, III., is spend ing the holidays in Omaha with his family, Mr. Chapuran is well known as the director of the college dra matic club. Reaching Omaha Thursday morn ing for the holidays were Miss Helen Bradley from Mt. Ilolyokc, Sidney Cullingham from Lafayette, Huylcr Downs from Union and Ed ward L. Burke, jr., from the Taft school. Miss Josephine Schurman will ar rive Friday morning from Bryn Mawr to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fegau. A dance is planned in her honor at tKe lilackstonc the even ing of December 29. v hy don t you put on your Knickerbocker. "l!ccau-e they're in no shape to wear after last night' crawling under barbed wire fence and over ttones." "I don't mean that pair." "You know 1 wouldn't weir those to a dug fight. Tailor made 'em about a mile too big. Look here, what are you trying to do, stall about tlioe gray trousers? What have you done with cm. traded em for a teakettle to the tin peddler?" Dicky Objects. 1 There wa a rising note of irrita tion in Dicky's voice which I recog nized. Hut I dreaded telling him the truth. Nut that I minded undoing the package into which I had packed them, but I knew that fastidious Dicky would not wear the trousers after being thus rumpled.- Lillian struck into the conversation, giving me lime to think. "You grossly overestimate the pur chasing power of pants in these later days, dear hoy, Mic called. Uvea if there were a . tin peddler left in the world, which 1 doubt, you would get no teakettle for the niftiest trousers in all the land. A coffee-strainer, perhaps, or a paring knife, or even a saucepan, if yon threw in a necktie, but a teakettle! It is to laugh!" "It is to murder!" Dicky growled, "as you two idiots will find out in about two seconds more. Here! What's this? Well! I'll be-" What he would be. though I well knew the familiar ending of his sen tence, was lost in the furious tearing of paper. I knew that Dicky had discovered one of my parcel post packages which I had put I had thought beyond discovery behind some books on the topmost shelf in Dicky's room. I waited nervously for the explosion I knew was com ing. "I might have known you'd begun your usual infernal packing stunt." To my surprise Dicky's voice was only mildly querulous,' and I de cided that by some miraculous streak of luck the gray trousers were not so rumpled but what they could be worn. 1 signalled my belief to Lil lian, and she rose, her eyes giving me a mischievous answering signal. "This is no place either for an in nocent chce-ild, a loving wife nor a faithful friend," slip said. "Come on, Madge, let's take Junior to dinner, leaving Dicky to follow when he's' trousered and in bis right mind again." A Telephone Call. I hesitated for a second or two, wondering whether Dicky would re-i sent my going. t But an answering bellow to Lillian's taunt reassured me. "Go on get and, laughing, obeying him. Despite my own annoyance and discomfort 1 was glad indeed of the out!" he thundered, we lost no time in NOTHING LIKE IT! Delicious Different Healthful The man who's never tasted red apples, maple syrup, walnuts or cider you know what he's been missing! CREAM OF RYE has just as original and delicioiu a flavor all its own. Learn what you've been missing! You can buy it only in clean, "air-tight" fibre cans never in bulk. Buy a package today. Treat your family to something new. "1 D)tTT70 nvTore tHan a T3re ate, fast T-'oott RAN AWAY Several of our customers have skipped, leav-' ing instruments that were not fully paid for. Some of these are nearly. new and cannot be told from brand new instruments. Player Pianos Pianos Phonographs These instruments will be sold at once for the balance due us. . 'V " Some of them are nearly paid foi 'and'the small bal ance may be paid in small weekly or .: monthly payments. Just a few of these instruments left. .Jv . You never had an opportunity like this before; better hurry. . ' ' " " ' THATCHER PIANO CO . 1824 Douglas Street Phone Jackson 3066 incident just at this juncture, tor the little kirmih with Dickv had brought back the color to Lillian's cheekt, and bad lessened the pain which 1 had seen in her eve. As I walked beside her to the dining room 1 felt that her nervous tension was relaxing. Ites Dean and Robert Savarin with the other guests were at the table when we entered, ami as Kidu-rt roc, with his ticvrr-uihng courtey, I saw that he kept his eyes carefully averted from Lilian. Hut Marion's entrance a few sec ens liter, with lu?r tmial impetuous ruh to his side, kept his demeanor from being' noticed, and 1 never talked so much nor so fa-t as I did in the few minutes preceding Dicky's ruiiaiice, I knew that t oon a Dicky came in be and lm Dean, in their usual laughing repartee, would bold the attention of the table. Hut lie had hardly bren seated be fore there was a feal of the telephone and in another minute Mrs, Cos. grove announced gravely; "Long distance, railing you, Miss Pean." m life' Headquarters for Christmas Poultry 212 No. 16th St. 4903 So. 24th St. 2408 Cuming "n ' for your. HI If ffllVS WW NOT THY Q. - FANCY FRESH KILLED FANCY FRESH KILLED FANCY FRESH KILLED FANCY FRESH KILLED NO. 1 GEESE ...24c NO. 1 TURKEYS 45c NO. 1 DUCKS 25c NO. 1 CHICKENS 25c PORK CUTS Small Lean Pork Loin,' 2 or whole . ... . . .15c Fresh Boston Butts ...... 16c Fresh Spareribs .13c Fresh Leaf Lard t.5. 10c Fresh Pig Tails 11c Pickled Pig Feet, 3 lbs . . . 25c Small Lean Pork Chops . . 16c VEAL CUTS Choice Veal Roast ,. . ... 15c Choice Veal Stew 122d Choice Veal Chops .... . 22c Choice Veal Legs .20c Choice Veal Loins ...... 20c SMOKED MEATS Sugar Cured Strip Bacon 17c Sugar Cured Blade Bacon at 15c Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, or whole. . . .21c Sugar Cured Picnic Ham 14c Sugar Cured Regular Ham at 20c Sugar Cured Skinned Ham at 20c BEEF CUTS Choice Rib Boil .......... .8c Choice Pot Roast ,9c Prime Rib Roast 18c Choice Round Steak. . .-. .15c Fresh Cut Hamburger. . . 15c Come Once and YouH Come Always 1J Wfyr Everything or iRtWyi Phone- DO. IfC r 1796 Douglas Dhonc AT.' r5490 Important Phone and Mail Orders Direct all mail orders and phone orders to our Order Department at the Sixteenth and Harney Streets Store. Phone Douglas 1796. Here we are equipped to give you instant service. Orders of $5.00 or over delivered free to any part of the city. Delicious, Appetizing Foods for the Christmas Dinner Our vast stocks can supply your every food want from the simplest to the rarest imported food. Be certain of the success of your Christmas dinner. Foods of quality are your assurance and the Greater Central Markets were never better prepared to serve you. Choice Fresh Dry Picked Turkeys, per lb. 470 Extra Fancy Dry Picked Turkeys, at, r....:....52V2c Extra Fancy Fresh Dressed Geese, ' at, T......::;25c Extra Fancy Fresh Dressed Ducks. at, r....,...29c Extra Fancy Soft Itoned Spring Chick- ir......27c Prime Rolled Rib Roast, per lb. 22 Steer Tot Roast, lb. 10 Best Cuts Steer Shoulder Roast, per lb 12'A Pig Pork Roast, lb...... 15 Fancy Young Veal Rdast, per lb ; 15 Friday and Saturday Specials in Quality Groceries 16-0z. Jar Lippincott's Assorted Pure Jams, per jar 10 lbs. Dest t'ane Sngar 54c 48-1 b. sack Pillsbury's Dest Flour $2.25 48-lb. sack Gooch's Dest Flour No. S Pineapple, Dpi Monte Brand 30tf No. J Pineapple, broken slices, in syrup 21 No. 3 cans Advo Pumpkin, can, 15i; 3 cans.. 42 Extra Sifted Advo Peas, per can 28tf Quart jars Oiives 40 Del Monte Asparagus Tips, per can 35 S cans for 50c jar Stulfed Olives, per jar. ....... No. 1 cans Libby's Ripe Olives Advo Maine Coin, can, 20; per doz. Karmhouse Corn, can, 10; per doz. Assorted Advo Jell. pkgs. for ...20c $1.75 ....81.00 35 '".'.822$ ...-81.15 25c ff if I i Our Central Market Special Coffee, lb., 30: 3 lbs.. SSt A JUJlll Wur Kx,ra Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb 25 Two Wonderful Holiday Cakes lour Christmas dinner will not be complete with out one of these delicious cakes. ORTMAN'S GENUINE FRUIT CAKE PER LB., 60c ORTMAN'S TUTTI ' FRUITI CAKE, EACH, 80c A Most Complete Line of Breads, Rolls Coffee Cakes and Cookies. BUTTER AND EGGS Limited amount fresh churned Country flutter, per lb ....37H Extra fancy Domestic Swiss Cheese, per lb.. 48 No. 1 Storage Eggs, per doz 33 CHRISTMAS FRUITS Cranberries, per lb. ...............30e Fancy Layer Figs, per lb. 25e Juicy Grapefruit, 5 for 25e Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. for 25 Bushel baskets Fancy Jonathan Apples. . .(2.98 Bulk Dale, per lb 20 Fancy Mixed Nuts, new crop, per lb.. ...... ..21 One Thousand Dozsn Bct Pacl Celery, per do, tiunch'-s 85 CIGAHS Jl ST 1SIIK THK IOOI CIGARS "Bl'V THKH BY Til 12 HOV Portina, 15c value, 8's; box of 00 $4.00 Portiua, 12"ic value, box of 50 83.00 Portina, 10c value, 2 rur 10; box of 5U..a.35 U1KARDS Just received an immense shipment direct from factory. These will be placed on sale Friday and Saturday at the following cut prices: An Introduction Olft-r on Tlieae Famous lK"ra l.ic straight size, 12'.i; box of 50 $6.00 15c straight size. 121; box of 2." ttii.UO ICXTHA M'KUAI, FOK .IFTS 15c straight size in box of 10 cigars only. SI. 10 12'4c size, IOC; box of 50 5.00 12',c size, box of 25 92. SO 10c size, 3 for 25; box of 60 I.U( 10c size, box of 25 W2.1B Mozart Imperial, 15c value, 11; box of 25 $2.45 Mozart Vinriston, 20c value, 15; box of 25 M3.5U El Paxo Ideals. for 50c; box of 25 113.50 Prince Albert Smoking Tubacco, full lb 81.34 Tuxedo, glass Jar, full ll .81.44 George Washington Smoking Tobacco, full lb S9 Georpe Washington Smoking Tobacco, half lb 45 Camel, Spur, Lucky strike Cigarettes, carton 81.75 pipes ami si(Ki:nv nrri.iL Wellington Pipes, French Uriar. Sterling Silver Hands, $1.50 values 75 Bakelite Cigar and Cigarette Holders 25 to 81 Uiilette Kazor and pkg. of Blades 89 New Gillette Razor. lo.OO value, now 84.00 Gem Le Luxe r.azor. 13.00 value, now 81.QO McComb's Famous Candies The real Chrislmns treat Supply jour needs at either Central on Friday or Saturday. McComb's Home Made Chocolates, per lb., 49c Delicious Italian Creams, 69c hriMim. Candle nt all kind Saltrd and I naKrd at all kin. I, tor ,anr t hrUttna dimrr aith wafers la flni-h that melt in yaar saaath. Useful , and Inexpensive Christmas Gifts PIANO and PLAYER BENCHES With muiic compartment in all finishes $7.00 to $25.00 Slightly Used and Refinished Benches at HALF PRICE SOMETHING NEW Velour Bench Cushions in all shades; just the thing to protect tha top of your bench; alio piano scarfs, all colors. It will pay to call and look over our stock before you purchase. Schmoller & Mueller 1514-16-18 D' - A Phone Dodge St. rlanO tO. D. 1623 A Sensational Xmas Sale of "PATHE" Phonographs Now On Union Outfitting Co. A Pathe Sent to Your Home On 10 Days' Free Trial; Easy-to-Pay Terms You can secure a beautiful Cabinet model Fathe Phonograph for as little as $75 in the great Christmas Sale of Pathe Phono graphs now in progress at the Union Outfitting Company. You can have a "Pathe" Phono graph sent to your home on ten days' free trial and if you de cide to keep it have the ad vantage of the LOW sale prices in addition to easy-to-pay terms. The "Pathe" plays any make of record and there are no needles to change. secuorx. nf ke Bee ' all ine news bout the-v For Thick Heavy Hair Use Cuticura Treatment: Touch spots of dandruff and itching with Cuticura Ointment on the end of the finger. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Rinse with tepid water. When you have made your scalp skin clean, sweet and healthy then will your hail become soft and thick. Simp!. Harh Frw bv Adrfre' "Cittovrmlab rtrlet,D.pt S 0. Hilda 4 1, Man. ' ' Kokl trhwrfl Sop 26c Oi ntment 25 and 6tie. Talcoro 2&e . JltTCubcnrB Soap ah.Tea without mas. ADVCRTISKMEMT. Kidney and Bladder Troubles HAVE TO GO Clogged up kiilney deposits are dissolved and the Toxins (poisons) completely driven out. "Your very life," says Dr. Carey, "depends upon the perfect functioning of your kid- neys." Don't neglect them. When your back aches, have darting pains, dizziness, headaches, bad stomach and tongue, annoying bladder . troubles, cloudy orine, rheumatism, puffy eyes, specks, or any other tendency to Bright's Disease. Dia betis or Gravel, Kidney Trouble m its worst form may be stealing upon you. Never mind the failures of thu past, insist upon having, at once, a bottle of guaranteed Dr. Carey's Marsh-Root Prescription Xo. 777. (Liquid or Tablet form). For sale ' by the 5 Sherman & McConnell ; Drug Stores or any other reliable -druggist, for Kidney and Bladder troubles don't wear away, they wi'l , grow tipon you slowly, stealthily and with unfailing certainty. Every- " good druggist ha been authorized ta refund purchase price on tw. bottle to all who state they ha. a had no benefit. ADYEKIISfc.Mt.Nr. 666 is a prescription for Colds, Fever and LaGrippe. It's the most speedy remedy we know. V