Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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Man Twice Tried
For Slaying of
Grocer Is Freed
Second Jury Disagrees After
31 Hours in Rubens
Case, So Negro Is
John Laticr, colored, twice tried
oy two deadlocked juries in the di
trict court for the murder of Carl
lvubens, aged grocer, who was found
with his throat cut, in the rear of
his store at Seventeenth and Web
ster .streets March 26 last, was freed
yesterday by County Attorney A. V.
Latier had been in jail since April
10, charged with first degree murder.
The first jury impaneled to try La
ticr reached a deadlock after deliber
ating 26 hours. The second jury
was unable to reach an agreement
aiter 31 hours' deliberation,
Laticr's case was the first in the
history of the district court, in
which finger print evidence was used
in to effort to convict man.
A razor, believed to be the one
that slashed 'Rubens' throat was
found in a yard at 1717 Burt street,
near the scene of the murder. The
state sought to show that the thumb
print on the razor resembled
"We have no new evidence," said
Chief Deputy County Attorney Ray
Coffey, so it would be a waste of
the county's money to try Laticr
Ticket Office to Be Open
Until 5 O'Clock Saturday
The consolidated railroad ticket
office. Fifteenth and Dodge streets,
will remain open Saturday until S
to take care of the holiday call for
tickets. It will be closed Monday,
December 26, all day.
A. M. Pinto Critically 111.
Arthur M. Pinto, 70, widely known
resident of Omaha for 35 years, was
stricken with paralysis Tuesday
mornitiR, and is in a critical condi
tion at his home in the Mercer apartments.
War Victim Held
Insane When Wed
Judge Annuls Pinkard Mar.
riage, Finding Soldier Was
Dwight M. Tinkard, 25. world war
veteran, was insane when he married
Blondell Brown in St. Louis was
the decision of District Judgi Sears,
who gave a decree of divorce to
Pinkard yesterday afternoon and de
clared the marriage annulled.
In the petition Pinkard's father,
II. W. Pinkard, 1106 North
Eighteenth street, alleged that his
son, Dwight, became insane August
9, 1920, and was sent to the United
States hospital in St. Louis for treat
ment. "Miss Brown was attracted by'the
handsome $80 monthly compensa
tion Pinkard was receiving and that
gave her an inspiration to wed," saij
R. M. Switzler, counsel for the Pink
ards. Pinkard was later sent to the na
tional sanitarium for loldirri at Mi
rion, Ind,, for treatment, Jiwiuler
Mrs. Pinkard was not in court so
the decree went by default.
Bank Robbery at Ithaca
Believed Work of Rum Gang
According to information received
by Detective Danbauiu and Palm
tag, the Ithaca (Neb.) bank robbery
was perpetrated by bootleggers,
who, being strsmled in Omaha, pur
loined a car, robbed the bank and
then made off for the Canadian bor
der. It is believed that the, holdup men
changed cars with confederates near
Ithaca and headed north to buy con
traband liquor.
Move Made to Deprive Man
In Omaha of Citizenship
Hcrsyi 1'eldman, 1842 North
Twentieth street, will lose his Amer
ican citizenship if a motion made
yesterday by A. II. Bode, naturali
sation agent, before District Judge
belli is sustained.
According to Uode the man ob
tained a divorce from his wife in
Russia that he might be natural d.
He failed to bring her to this coun
try, but married another woman, it
it claimed.
oration Counsel GeU
Copy of Phone Rate Plea
Corporation Counsel W. C Lam
bert received from the State Railway
commission a copy of the application
of the Northwestern Bell Telephone
company for permanent rates and
extension of surcharge until a hear
ing on the application shall have
been held.
A hearing will be held before the
commission on December 24 to de
termine a date for the beginning of
the hearing on the application for
increased rates and also to past on
the proposed extension of the surcharge.
Trv The Bee Want Ad Columns.
Brief City News.
Munch IWtik on Job Petectlvs
Robert .Mum li, partner of the tenm
of Trnpii unit Munch, returned to
wurk ymterUay after an ttlnewi of
11 day.
No ti HiirvcKt Vet It will re
quire cull collier weather before tho
annual tee harvest, which will give
employment to many men In
Omaha, can Mart, It was muted by
experts yeaierday,
Kcbraxkft Itiir Convention The
ammul convention of the NcbrAxka
8tit Hr aiwoolatlrtn will bo held
at Hotel Fontenelle December i9.
Attorneys ami J mines from all parts
of the alato will attend.
Many lire Alarum The flrnl
thro wtrka of December, ending
Wednesday nUht at mldnlxht, broke
all record of the Omaha (Ire de
partment for the number of calls
answered, totaling 240.
Head of Ad Club Here Clmrlc
Henry Mackintosh, prrxMcnt of tho
Awoclated Advert lulng Club of the
World, will vlHit Omaha today. At
noon a luncheon will be held In hi
honor In the Chamber of Com
Fort ret I'roiiKiied IVnn P. Kod-
rea, former reHlent of the Adver-tlPlnf-HelllnK
lengua and counm'ted
with the Iten ItUeult company tor
some time, ha been appointed sales
promotion manager of tli Kulr
mount Creamery company,
Floral Aavnt lluxy Camel a
Vlncivera. until In hnva been In tl) In
country only four month, was ar
retted oy leucrm SKt'nm in nil uney
at KlKhth and William street
Wednenday night with two bhIIhiih
of whlaky In his poiisetiMlou.
Suit to Hocover Suit to require
Olu A. Hrlctaon to pay over all
money of tho Rrletnon Manufac
turing company alleged to have been
appropriated by him for hi own
line wa tiled yeaterday In federal
court by Ualph M. West, receiver of
the defunct company.
Most of Dead Returned Mont of
the caskets of aoldler deud have
been returned to America from
Franco, according to J. M. Kuck,
originator of the gold alar tribute
pinned to the colflna when they ar
rive In Omnhn. "There will be but
few more shipments," ho said.
Special Xmaj Tree
In Fontenelle Lobby
One of the most attractive ChrUt
mas trees observed in Omaha this
year is the balsam fir which towers
from the lobby floor to the mete
xanine ceiling at Hotel l'ontenclle.
A Michigan woodsman was com
missioned by U. C Eppley, owner of
the Fontenelle, to go into upper
Michigan and procure trees suitable
for the various Kppley hotels. The
Fontenelle tree is the handsomest of
the lot.
That most welcome parasitic plant
of Christmas-tide, the mistletoe, also
abounds in the Fontenelle decora
tions. Florida mos and needle pine
from Georgia contribute exotic at
mosphere. Then there are the Imi
tation icicles, poinsettia and other
brilliant effects, including the red
nosed "hootch tree," which is a com
and raisin fed hybrid "Burbanked"
since footrail and polished mirrors
went out of style.
Christmas Shopping Made Easy
In the Five Sherman & McConndl Drug Stores-
Perfumes Candies Ciga rs Stationery
Manicure SetsPerfume Sets
Thermos Bottles
Come to any one of our five good dm stores any reasonable burness hour
between nov and Christmas morning, and you will find pbnty of attractive
merchandise well displayed, priced very low and ample clerical service.
Jonteel Perfume Sets
' $3.25, $1, $4.75, $3.75
"avis Perfume Sets $2, $3.75
(These contain Talcum, Powder,
Soap Extract and Toilet Water)
jsr Ssts, containing Tal
cum, Toilet Powder, Sachet, Ex
tract and Toilet Water Priced
at, from $3.50 to $7.50
-ira Noma Perfume Sets, con
taining Toilet Articles bearing
the wonderful Cara Nome (Dear
Vanie) odor Priced at
$5.50 to $10.00
larinello Per.'ume Sets $3. CO
Violet Dulce Perfume Sets
$2.CO, $2.75, $3.25
"lichard Hudnut's Perfume Sets
In the following odors: Three
Flowers, Gardenia, Violet Sec
Priced from .......$2,75
.'lie d'Amour Perfume Sets
Each $5.CO and $3.25
CANDY cf Every Kind In bulk
and boxes.
Water Bottles
uade of Rubber,
Metal or Stone
make nice gifts for
both .old and. young
Hair Brushes
A'e have tb warranted kinds
nd can aurely please you.
Our stock of Hair Brushes is a
nost complete one, comprising
Hughes, Ideal, Prophylactic,
Sanitax Metah, Hygienic Metal
and beautiful white and black
bristle brushes in fox wood,
satin wood and ebony.
Standard Cigars
By the Box
Fcr Christine o
Our stock of cigars was
never so complete as at the
present time. Every item quot
ed will be found in prime con
ditionand our prices the low
est obtainable on these first
class brands. Buy them at the
cigar departments in any one
of our five good drug stores.
La Azora, box of 60 for $4.50
Black and White, Perf.
Box of 25 for $1.85
Little Bobbles, "box of
25 for $1.75
Little Corinas, box of
25 for $2.25
Cubanoid, box of 25 for $2.25
El Dallo, Straights, box
of 50 for $3.50
Mozart, Perfecto, box of
25 for $2.50
Mozart. 2 for 25c Fav
orites, box of 25 for $3.00
15c Murat, Frontenae,
Box of 25 for $3.50
El Paxo, box of 25 fcr $3.50
El Paxo, Decimo, box of
25 for $2.50
La Resta, box of 10 for 75
15c Royal Sovereign,
i Inv., box of 25 for . $3.50
15c size Sirena (Non
Plus Ultra) box of 50
for $4.5C
San Felice, box 25 for $1.85
Little Tom. box of 25. $1.75
Temporia Monarch, Ha
vana Filled, box of 25
for $2.00
Webster. Plaza, (2 for
25c), box of 25 for ..$3.00
White Owls, box of 25
for ..-$2.00
Ladies: The Cigars you buy of
Us will please Men Smokers.
8-oz. can Prince Al
bert Tobacco and
Jimmy Pipe, bothv
for $1.00
16-oz. glass Jar of
Prince Albert To
bacco for $1.75
Cuesta Rey 3 sizes
Robert Burns 3 sizes
Chancellors ...4 sizes
La Preferencia 3 sizes
La-Palina 4 sizes
Roi Tans 4 sizes
Tom Moores 3 sizes
Muriels 4 sizes
La Fendrlch 3 sizes
Robt, Bacons ..3 sizes
La Saramita ....2 sizes
LOS RAMOS (foil wrapped)
Media Perfecto size
usually retailing at 13c
Two for 25
Box of 25 for $2.25
cf us and save money
and get the best.
Beautiful Box
Cascade Linen 24 sheets of paper
and 24 envelopes in various up-to-date
shapes Per box
600, $1.15, $1.50
Symphony Lawn Linen Stationery
..... in handsome boxes and extra
good quality of linen paperAt.
per box
$1.25, $1.35, $2.25, $3.25
Lord Baltimore Linen Another
standard brand of fine station'
ery At, per box
. 85, $1.50, $1.75, $2J
Stationery for Gentlemen We
have a very attractive article in
this line made in the larger sizo
Paper and Envelopes, as usual
ly desired by men.
Carlton Club Parchment Bond
Per box ...$1.25 and $275
Gentlemen's Club . ;:
Per box ...$1.00 and $2.50
Special Stationery Bargain
75c Fensdale or Florein box
Papers at 340. ' This con
tains 24 sheets paper and en
velopes to match.
and Other
Vacuum Bottles
See us on Ther
mos Bottles and
Lunch Kits. We
have the assort
ment and the
At 20 Off
Regular Wholesale Price
See these at our 16th and
Harney Street Store.
All J5.00 Razors at $3.89
All J1.00 Razors at ......84
This includes Gillettes, Enders,
Keen Kutter Auto Strop, Gem,
Shaman offiG?imelldUm0
Comer 16th and Dodge.
Corner 19th and Farnam.
Corner 16th and Harney.
Corner 24th and Farnam.
And You Know We Have Sold Our Lease and Have But a Short
Time to Dispose of Our Stock Before We Vacate for New Tenant
This news will be welcomed by the Christmas shopper, for it affords vou the oppor
tunity of selecting your Men 's Gift- from a man s store at remarkably low prices.
that Men Appreciate
All Nationally
Known Brands
And your selection at this store can
be made from a wonderful assort
ment, including every conceivable
material in every wanted size.
The materials are very fine Per
cales, Repp Cloths, real woven Mad
ras, Silk Stripe Madras and those
genuine Russian Cords.
Values to $6.00 now grouped
in three great lots at
$J29 $89 $249
Including the world-renowned Stet
sons, Schobles and French Mossauts.
All colors and sizes. Values to $18.'
In Two Wonderful Lots
$585 and $565
GIVE "Him" a merchandise cer
tificate for Christmas calling for
one of these remarkable values at the
above prices.
Any Stetson stiff Hat, and also
imported Hobig Stiff Hats, in the
store, values to $15.00; go in two
great lots
$58 and S500
GIVE "Him" a merchandise cer
tificate for Christmas at the
above prices. You will certainly sur
prise him.
We're offering the largest assortment of
High Grade Union Suits in Omaha, Only
well known brands, as Lewis, Imperial,
American Hosiery Co., makes. From cot
ton garments to wool, from silk and
wool to lisle and wool. Union Suits that
on today's rising markets are retailing up
to $10.00 a suit.
Including silk, kid, wool, cape, Mocha,
etc.; values to $8.00 pair, vacate prices
$J39 $239 $289
In a wonderful assortment of warm Angora wool mater
ialspopular shades. Values to S in two lots
$149 $1
TIES All our Ties, the
values were origi
nally to $5.00.
They all go In
three groups
These are wonderful values
and priced for immediate
disposal. -
Very fine quality
Beacon Wool Blank
ets, values to $12.00;
all sizes and colors;
vacate price
What's Left
Values to $10
Silk lisle, 40c
values, 29 pr.
4 pairs for SI.
Silk and silk
fiber, 60c and
75c values, 43,
a pair.
3 Pair,
Pure Silk Phoenix, etc., value
to $1.50, 69? Pr.
2 Pair, $1.25
Worth $2, S3 and $4. Buy one now
at a price cheaper than ever of
fered before
$1.39 $1.89
With or without earbands; in
Tweeds and Herringbone patterns;
values to S5.00; vacate prices
50c and $1.00 Value
19C nd 29C
and 29c
All Stiff
All Soft
50c and 60c value
6 for $1.00
Store Qpen Evenings
Corner 49th and Dodge.
Store Open Evenings
303 South Sixteenth St
Securities BIdg.